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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  January 24, 2017 2:30pm-3:01pm PST

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>> this is bbc "world news." >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation. newman's own foundation, giving all profits from newman's own to charity and pursuing the common good. kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs. and aruba tourism authority. >> planning a vacation escape that is relaxing, inviting, and exciting is a lot easier than you think. you can find it here in aruba. families, couples, and friends can all find their escape on the
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island with warm sunny days, cooling trade winds, and the crystal blue caribbean sea. nonstop flights are available from most major airports. more information for your vacation planning is available at >> and now bbc "world news america." katty: this is bbc "world news america." reporting from washington, i am katty kay. the president and the pipeline. donald trump signs legislation to restart 2 controversial energy projects. adding to the uncertainty of a brexit, a major british court ruling won't stop the process, but raises questions over how the divorce will proceed. and strike up the music. "la la land" ties the record for most nominations ever. ♪
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katty: welcome to our viewers on public television in america and around the globe. donald trump is wasting no time flexing the powers of the presidency, using executive orders to move forward on policy items. today, he moved to relaunch some controversial oil pipelines that had been held up because of environmental concerns. but mr. trump says the projects will create jobs, including in america's steel industry. our north america editor, jon sopel has more. , mr. trump: i am, to a large extent, an environmentalist, but it's out of control. jon: the keyword seems to be "but." another day brings another set of executive actions that are not exactly music to the ears of the green lobby. pres. trump: from now on, we are going to start making pipelines in the united states. we build it in the united
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states. we want to build the pipe. it will put a lot of steel workers back to work. jon: and for former vice presidential candidate sarah palin, this tweet, drill, baby, drill. these two pipelines will stretch over 1000 miles. one goes from canada in the north down to the gulf coast in the south. the other would stretch across four states to illinois and would create thousands of jobs along the way, a major boon for the oil industry. when barack obama was president, there was a huge amount of handwringing over what to do about the keystone xl pipeline. the president trying to balance is green credentials with the power to provide jobs. with donald trump on his second day in office, no such qualms. for him, everything is about putting americans back to work. criticism has been swift. >> president trump's decision today to green line the dirty
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oil pipelines proves one thing. over the next four years he will side with the oil and gas industry over public health, the environment, and everyday americans. jon: and the move is certain to upset native americans, whose opposition to the dakota pipeline was strenuous and ultimately successful last year. they object to it, saying it will contaminate water supplies and disturb ancient burial grounds. although this executive action has been signed, this is probably going to end up in the courts. in the short term, this move is likely to create more jobs for lawyers then construction workers. jon sopel, bbc news. katty: republican senator john barrasso of wyoming sits on both the energy and environment committees. i spoke to him a short time ago on our newly launched program 100 days. , it looks like with these signings on the pipeline this morning and that endless
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struggle between jobs and the environment in the trump administration, jobs are going to win. >> i am the chairman of the environment and public works committee in the senate. i believe it is not one or the other. i believe we can have clean air, water, land, and still a healthy economy. the obama administration had so many expensive regulations were the costs were real and the benefits were unproven, that i think donald trump will strike the right balance. he has done that with his epa administrator choice. to be a member of his cabinet. i think you can do it all. katty: but you need regulations, too. would you ever support environmental regulations? >> i believe the whole purpose of the epa is important, but they have lost their way and actually caused two of the biggest problems we have had in the last number of years. it is time for us to really modernize and improve the epa so that we can protect the land in
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-- the land and the water, but at the same time make sure we have a strong, healthy economy, which is what people want. jobs are such a critical part of building an economy and the country. in terms of general well-being of the people, the quality of life of the people in this country is clearly focused on having a good paying job. katty: while i have you, i also want to ask you about the tpp and america's withdrawal. we have had reaction from other countries around the world saying they are going to do their own trade deals. mexico, chile, china, they have all weighed in on this. is this the moment for america to be pulling back from global alliances like this? >> donald trump campaigned on this, so it should not be a surprise that he took this action with regard to trade. i am not surprised. he is a world class traitor. -- he is a world-class trader.
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he has a great reputation for building deals. for wyoming, my home state, it is important for us to export products. we have beef and natural gas. when i headed to the pacific rim and visited with president abe, he wants to import liquefied natural gas. i think it is important. katty: and you supported the tpp. if this conservative doctrine of free trade is going to be thrown out the window by republicans like yourself in order to satisfy the new president? >> the president gets to make these decisions. we all want fair trade, but i think he will be able to put forward trade agreements that are going to be favorable to the united states, that are going to be good for the american taxpayers, and he is going to continue to work on trade. my concern is, in terms of china, they are going to try to
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go into any void that exists. when i have been to that part of the world, what i know about china is that people in the countries related to tpp want to be friends of the united states, but they don't want to be enemies to china. katty: would you have preferred had not withdrawn from the tpp? >> i think president obama failed to make the case. you have all three presidential candidates in the sense of , hillary, bernie sanders, and donald trump, all came out against the tpp. issued in -- it should be no surprise to anyone this is where we are now. but i am a believer in free trade and free markets, and i want to be able to use overseas markets for wyoming products. katty: thank you for joining us. you heard the senator's fears about china's role in global
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trade. during the campaign, donald trump threatened massive tariffs on chinese products. that has raised concerns about a possible trade war. the question now is, how will beijing respond? reporter: china was once isolated behind its great wall, but it was here too that its emergence onto the world stage began. in 1972, another controversial u.s. republican president stood on this wall and used it as a metaphor. richard nixon's speech that day looked to a future in which there are no walls between people, laying the foundations for one of the most important bilateral trading relationships the world has ever seen. the benefits of that relationship have been celebrated by every president since, until now. >> america threatens china with
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45% import duties area went to -- duties on imports products. what will the chinese do? they are not going to take it, they are going to respond. reporter: what are the potential dangers in donald trump strategy? >> very dangerous. the consequences for the international system and the health of the global economy could be enormous. reporter: at a briefing by senior chinese diplomats, i put it to them that mr. trump is not so much attacking free trade as unfair trade. shouldn't china be putting its money where its mouth is, removing the subsidies to state owned enterprises, removing the restrictions and denial of market access that still hinders so many foreign companies trying to do business here? >> i understand what you mean, but in general, the direction is there. the effort is there.
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i have very strong belief and confidence in improved environment for foreign companies. reporter: these days, tourists can gaze into a period of chinese history when it's reluctant rulers were forced to trade by occupying foreign armies. the few u.s. companies that do business in china today would dispute the significant barriers to trade remain. the question, though, is whether -- conjol or coerce or coerce. mr. trump, it seems, and out to embark on his own form of dumbo diplomacy. i asked about mr. trump's threat to challenge china's territorial claims unless it makes concessions on trade. >> he plays with fire.
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mr. trump plays with fire, but china also has fire, and it is going to burn him. reporter: it is trade, of course, that has made china a wealthy superpower, and the stakes could not be higher. john sudworth, bbc news. beijing. katty: getting a bit of chinese tough talk. it is going to be interesting to watch that relationship and see exactly how the trade dispute shapes up between donald trump and the chinese. two british politics. ministers will introduce a bill within days to start the process of getting out of the european union, known as brexit. that's after a major ruling by the british supreme court today. the judges determined the government cannot trigger the formal negotiations for leaving without approval of parliament. reporter: democracy, said abraham lincoln, is the government of the people, by the
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people, for the people. beneath this statue outside the supreme court today, they were debating that very issue. the ruling, when it came, made clear that the court was not trying to frustrate the vote to leaving the european union. the judgment with only determine whether the government could start brexit process without parliamentary consent. >> today, by a majority of 8-3, the supreme court rules that the government cannot trigger article 50 without an act of parliament authorizing it. the government, defeated. but, 11 judges also have to decide whether westminster can take this decision alone, or whether the governments of wales, scotland, and northern ireland should also have a say. the court unanimously rules that u.k. ministers are not legally
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compelled to consult the dissolve legislatures before triggering article reporter: the 50. verdict was welcomed by the former attorney general, who told me irrespective of how people voted last june, this was a good day for parliamentary democracy. >> that's the idea, that you could trigger article without a 50 vote of parliament. i was not surprised with the decision of the high court, and not with the decision of the supreme court, which seems to stand up for historical liberties. reporter: having promised to trigger article 50 by the end of march, the ideal resolution would be to just put a single line of draft resistance before parliament. except government lawyers have been advising the prime minister that if she skimps on the detail now, she could be exposing herself to legal challenges further down the line.
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>> the secretary of state -- reporter: the government is going to take the risk, 's will supportmp the timetable they set out. >> the decision has already been made by the people of the united kingdom. reporter: in exchange for their support, the opposition will want guarantees of a meaningful vote at the end of the process. scottish nationalists do not rule out a second referendum. >> the decision is looming for scotland. are we prepared to allow our future to be dictated by a westminster government? i think the majority of people in scotland do not want that. reporter: the westminster parliament is sovereign of the court, and only parliament can change the law. they underscored the foundation
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of britain's unwritten constitution. able to say these important principles are inflexible. reporting on brexit from london. other news from around the world , russia, tehran, and turkey will monitor the fragile cease-fire in syria. they issued a joint declaration. -- israel has approved plans to build homes in the occupied west bank's. this is the second announcement of new construction since president trump took office. a spokesperson says the move would promote terrorism and extremism. says 8000 gambians have returned since the former yahya jammeh went into
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exile. a state of emergency was revoked. yahya jammeh' is democratically elected replacer has not returned. come, six years on, the egyptian uprising, we hear one story of abuse and torture at the hands of people in charge. unaccompanied children as young as 8 are among the migrant sleeping rough in the serbian capital. reportsr responded that that serbia is not a member of the european union, where most of the migrants want to go. reporter: this is how migrants are living in belgrade. sleeping rough with temperatures dropping as low as -13. the people have a choice. the serbian government says want and food is available in official shelters.
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many fear deportation and keep trying to cross illegally into countries.other eu this is the alternative. 6000 migrants in official centers across the country waiting for a chance to be among 20 people a day granted asylum by hungry. on the streets, the 8-year-old is a load. his other brother to attain on the croatian border. is he ok? >> he is ok. he has a little flu and chest problems. >> he will at least be safe and warm. reporter: extremely ill, aid workers try to convince him to leave. >> that is not uncommon. 10.ave seen children 8, 9, i was speaking to a 12-year-old afghan boy in the warehouse that months.efore three
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he is waiting for a call from a smuggler, because he believes that is his best option. isorter: two days on, aziz still sleeping rough in the warehouse where there are other of the company children. gavin,, bbc news, belgrade. this week marks six years since the popular uprising in egypt with ousted the president after decades in power. a critical moment in the air of spring. was electedleader president 10 months later. he is fighting against an islamic insurgency. he has been at accused of crushing dissent. eastern: a middle
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whoer of the old school soared to power with the help of the military. president trump already seems to view him as a brother in arms. he says he is raging war on terrorism here. critics say he is also waging war on dissent. we met one of the casualties of that conflict. he was 21. he says every step is a reminder of dark days he hind bars. -- behind bars. here is what can happen to those who opposed the president. police firing on unarmed rounds.ators with live this is the anniversary of the revolution three years ago, the day of the former president's arrest. he was on the street to
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celebrate the revolution. his crime was wearing this t-shirt with the slogan "a nation without torture. transferred to the police station. i was electrocuted on my private parts. they kicked me with military boots and hit me with sticks.
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every one of them knew i was there for the t-shirt. they believed it was a personal insult to them. reporter: they made sure to beat his leg, which was already injured hear this, combined with medical neglect, left him needing a crutch. he was charged with meeting with the terrorist group, which he denies. he was held without trial for two years. since his release he has received death threats, but refuses to be silenced. >> my rights and the rights of thousands like me are violated for dreaming of freedom. prison oriny is death. that is not going to stop me for speaking out or caring for thousands like me. reporter: he seeks refuge in drawing. the authorities deny their systematic torture, but say there may be individual cases. he says he and others keep trying to craft a better future for egypt. orla guerin, bbc news, cairo. times in egypt. in washington it is all about politics. in hollywood, they have opted for escapism. the feel-good musical "lala land" tying a record for the most nominations ever. 14 nods,received ryan gosling and
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emma stone. other films include "moonlight", "arrival." ♪ there's nothing hollywood likes more than a film that puts it centerstage. no great surprise "la la land" the musical about 2 wannabes making their way in tinseltown has 14 nominations. including best director, best actor, best actress. it will get a run for its money from "moonlight." a coming of age drama with 8 nominations. getting a nomination for best supporting actor and naomi harris getting best supporting actress.
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she will be up against the viola it in a powerful performance in "fences," denzeld and starring washington, nominated in the best actor category. along with andrew garfield as the conscientious objector in "hacksaw ridge." you are the times film critic, pick winners starting with test picture. land."it to be "lala is glorious, romantic, dancing on air. also the cinema. reporter: best actor? acf like in "manchester by the sea." hacksaw ridge is not our thing. reporter: best actor? >> i would like to see natalie portman win for. "jackie"
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reporter: best supporting actor? i would like to see mahershala ali. dealer, but against all odds is tenderly and fatherly. i would like naomi harris to win for "moonlight." she's usually mrs. moneypenny. here she is playing a crack addicted mother. it is a great surprise. reporter: best director? >> he deserves it for pulling out all the stops in "la la land". reporter: last year the oscars were nominated by oscars so wide. we can still expect speeches with the name donald trump likely to crop up. katty: mr. traub has been keeping me so busy i have not had a chance to see -- mr. trump
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has been keeping me so busy i have not had a chance to see all of the nominees. watching the show. i will see you back here tomorrow. >> make sense of international news at >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation. newman's own foundation, giving all profits from newman's own to charity and pursuing the common good. kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs. and aruba tourism authority. >> planning a vacation escape that is relaxing, inviting, and exciting is a lot easier than you think. you can find it here in aruba. families, couples, and friends can all find their escape on the
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island with warm sunny days, cooling trade winds, and the crystal blue caribbean sea. nonstop flights are available from most major airports. more information for your vacation planning is available at >> bbc world news was presented by kcet los angeles.
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> yang: good evening. i'm john yang. judy woodruff is away. on the newshour tonight, while president trump signs another flurry of executive actions, the senate grills his picks to run the nation's budget and healthcare. then, life after the presidency. a look at the second acts of mid-life former presidents after leaving the highest office. and, jeffrey brown sits down with the director of "la la land," to talk how the unconventional musical is ushering the past into the modern age. >> if you want to actually help an art form, or sort of contribute to it in some ways, you have to find a way to add something new. you have to update it. >> yang: all that and more, on


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