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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  August 8, 2017 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

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this is a bbc america. funding of this presentation is made possible by. the freemen foundation. and coal fuller foundation pursuing solutions for america's neglected me. planning a vacation escape that's relaxing inviting. and exciting. is a lot easier than you think. you can find it here in aruba. families couples and friends can all find their escape on the island with warm sunny
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days cooling trade. and the crystal blue caribbean sea. nonstop flights are available from most major airports. more information for your vacation planning is available at a real* dot com. and now abc world news. this is bbc world news america reporting from washington i'm no retro violence. reports that north korea has developed a minute tries nuclear warheads because alone covering a shop warning from president trump if the threads continue. they will be met. with fire and fury. like. the world has never seen. dramatic scenes in the south african parliament jacob zuma survives a confidence fight to stay on as the country's president. and up for election night one couple decided to trade in charleston south carolina for canada. and the journey north begin.
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the. welcome to out news america reports tonight that north korea has developed a miniaturized nuclear warheads which can fit inside one of its missiles have drawn a shot response from president trump. the assessment comes as tensions are already on the rise. kim jones regime as promised revenge for sanctions imposed by the un over the weekend. but in recent weeks they've stepped up a military tests. two intercontinental ballistic missiles launched in july. this was the us president at it today. we have a great career. best not. make anyone threats to the united state. they will be met. with fire and fury. life in the world has never seen. he has been very threatenin. beyond a normal state. and as i said they will be
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met with fire fury and frankly power. the likes of which this world has never seen before. thank you. and for more on this most recent developments i'm joined now by former u. s. congressman john tenney now executive director of the center for arms control and nonproliferation. so jon tenney followed arms control issues closely for a long time i think congress an outside how long do you buy these reports from us intelligence parry the north korea has developed this miniature nuclear warhead. i'm more concerned are more alarmed by the. president's comments and remarks irresponsibility of ratcheting up of the situation we've known for a long time the doctors on the trajectory to stat. putting intercontinental ballistic missile in play in miniaturizing. their weapon to put on tha. and they're still not a point with the perfected that we've known the been on that path. so that's not a big surprise of thing is why aren't we
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doing more. you know to try and stop that trajectory on that why aren't we at the table having a dialogue way aren't we putting the sanctions in working. with us like trying to get a sense well adjusted price that we can learn you endured it has economic sanctions you think that i was going to work because the horse bolted already i think they will work only i. we're clear that we're serious about having negotiations in a dialogue with north korea and can convince the chinese of that sincerity so that they help us enforce. those sanctions they're necessary party to implementing those sanctions which i think are encouragement to north korea to take seriously the fact that the gonna come to the table. a without that your options are very very bad about what you do what do you think that kim jong and really wants him. i mean does he wants his wife he wants to survive he doesn't want regime change threatened a horse country to be threatened on that basis he's. not the you know a fanatic in the sense of the suicidal and i think most experts will agree on that so this is a situation where. if he's provoked if this miscalculation if this mistake. then then maybe something could happen but if you is
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just to say what he gotta side is gonna off offensively take something firing off to be no sense in that. the immediate suicide while i'm way hearing from the trump administration clearly the military options are on the table let's talk about preventative strike what would you think of that. i think it's irresponsible i i think that there's no good military. and answer at this present time certainly should be one until you've tried everything else. and we haven't had a good effort at a diplomatic solution to this for. you know of some number of years until this administration hasn't done it. and the fact of the matter is that they don't even have you know the right people in place to take that path they don't have an ambassador to south korea they don't have people in the nonproliferation. area the state department and others to do the heavy diplomatic work that needs to be done to enforce sanctions or to get to the table. there is some talk that perhaps as a deterrent the us could move some of its own nuclear warheads closer to the korean peninsula will do you think about that as i think that would make the situation far more dangerou. than it already is. you don't have to move anything close to the at and have the kim jong one know
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that we can answer anything he does. in a devastating way he's already aware of that the whole world knows the devastation of united states could wreak as it now is. so putting more troops over there with more chance miscalculation mistake is ratcheting up the situation and irresponsible as is the loose talk. with the president today one how do you think can jonoon responds to that kind of rhetoric from president was on it i will be reported back to me. deal this is what he's already shown de his. put broccoli over his desire to ratchet up into to make statements to move on that basis why our president thinks he has to act kind. you know the one hand he's calling the other person's responsibility goes out and does the same thing. you know it's a situation where he should just get ready stop tweeting. get ready put your house in order to get people in place that can do the work and proceed to try and get this thing stop by getting to the table. and negotiating a freeze and eventually ratcheting down. antennae thank you very much bye joining us. now south africa's president jacob zuma has survived a vote of no confidence in parliament.
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members of the ruling african national congress erupted into singing and dancing is the results from the secret ballot came through. it is a man who's been in office for eight years is accused of corruption and mismanagemen. all south africa correspondent milton mckenzie reports from cape town. president jacob zuma leaves to fight another day he's monies to him on nafta and aids motion of no confidence in his leadership. certainly on he's life life now. here in a pet national assembly opposition mps began listing a litany of corruption scandals against the president. and edging them. cost and vote for the good of the country. i am no what nelson mandela would have done in this house today. won't with fuel crunch sinc.
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and believe me this because. and broken present dan from all. could you. let us food dead people are offsite buffeted cup best then bowed to remove ten club zubov today i think yo. for the first time it was a secret ballot specifically requested by the opposition with the aim of protecting anc mps who wanted to vote against their own parties we she's. they s.. one hundred and seventy seven. moon moon. one hundred and ninety. in melbourne victory for prison suma the party leaders was relieved. we have. had defeated ted to this motion. and to us that this is their most important aspect.
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are the initials of close within the african national congress then amended is so that we need to do. instead of collective. this was the most recent attempt to oust the seventy five year old. he's been accused of spending public funds in controversial security upgrades to he's private residence. this vote was perhaps the biggest sign of mr zuma's fading support. being his own party. it's believed around forty anc mps voted against him. leaving opposition leaders encouraged. it was a close vote and i believe that the unity of the opposition. she holds today that we can collaborate and so the people of this country. that who willing to work together this is not the last bethel. we're going to continue this fight. prisons rumor has been in power for close to a decade now. but the country remains divided and the country is at another crossroads.
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he plans to step down as leader of the anc in december. but with political tensions running high. it's unclear whether he can remain president of the country. until the twenty eight nineteen elections. well tonight because it out a brief time ago i spoke with gendai fraser who formally sub is us ambassador to south africa. did i phrase it was your reaction to jacob zuma surviving this no confidence vote albeit somewhat narrowly. well he is this political survivor. and so i think that. the expectation that a secret ballot would actually allow more in the anc to vote against him giving. so many charges of corruption and scandal of his administration. but it just goes to show that he continues to have strong support within the anc. and perhaps anc did not want to get rid of him. since by december of this year i'm he will step down as its president in any case buddy sarah wide a problem half of that and see you
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identify those corruption allegations off to so long in power. they've failing to deliver the south africa's well they are having challenges certainly a service delivery is a problem but even more. important is addressing the issues of the economy. addressing unemployment there so many young people on who are unemployed in south africa over forty percent. and so really addressing job creation and strong and faster growth of the economy is a major challenge and in fact the vote. led to the market of downgrading south africa again. and so that speaks to the business sense of lack of confidence in his leadershi. and also the corruption allegations which he really seems to be in mashed and how can he break free of those things remaining time in power. well he's going to. not be the anc president from after december but he'll be the president of the country and tell. twenty nineteen may twenty nineteen so there probably is an opportunity.
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to set up a better record but there isn't necessarily a past tradition of doing s. so i don't think anyone is expecting him really to change that. our problem within this administration you why the us ambassador to south africa did you see how the nation's politicians trying grapple with people's hopes for a better future. after apartheid in that disappointment when it is not quite within reach it's true n. but again it's problem structurally i think within the economy that have to be addressed. and then you want the president to have the confidence of the people. on the agency continues to have the confidence of the people but they're losing more more ground. a former members of the anc you're breaking away setting up new parties so the opposition also have to home. a message that will speak to people who a party liberated. you know those anc is considered that liberation party it's hard to. i get people to. abandoned it but certainly if their livelihood. isn't
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are being increased they are likely to leave the anc over time. former us ambassador to south africa gendai fraser speaking to me at it. and candies on the bank kenya off to today's general election. president of hurricane nasa is running against his long time rival run a dinga. president kenyatta called for unity saying it except the result nash's rivals to do the sam. amid fears of violence warning the following report by the b. b. c.'s honestly had does contain flash photography. it's one of africa's biggest elections in one of its most important democracies. millions to adapt to elect a new president. with more riding on how it's one rather than who actually wins it. opposition leader royler dinga has used the glare of publicity to question the whole process. claiming he's been robbed of the presidency before that he worked at it happen agai. incumbent president uhuru kenyatta is chasing a second
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and final term. he's sort of the country's first president and has the resources of the state behind him. my competitors because i have always said. in the event that they lose that is except the will of the people. i am willing myself to the will of the people so to them to. except the one of the people that us come together let us pull this country together. this is what he's talking about. ten years ago kenya tore itself apart as elections turns to ethnic violence. at least twelve hundred people died. the wounds are still open. is to whom we guy can yet that he screwed responsible it led kenyatta and his deputy to the hague. on international criminal court charges of inciting violence which only recently dropped. nobody wants a repeat of that violence. but that's up to the man in charge in order for this to make. excessive. school people have to have trust in the system to consider to have been free and fair.
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particularly in the opposition stronghold of the biggest slums in nairobi. and it's really close how people react will depend on how gracious the loser is a defeat. and so to technology. fingerprints matching voters to the electoral roll. it's slowed the process down and leads to long lines but was largely a success. tom servo is also managemen. before the poll election commissions headed technology appeared on tv reassuring people his system could not be rigged while lying of the seed to mature. but when his tortured and strangled body was found a week ago it put the whole country on edge. the polling stations closed. it was with relief that things have gone well. i appreciated his they've with really make sure. is not like that they live there that though i. yeah it is the goods. that the north's fights. that's his them this time i was being.
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much better than last time. the voting is very fat that's a cutscene. but the big test will come if the result is close. the counting is question. the opposition has threatened to call it supporters out on the streets. and that could lead to violence. i was deleted bbc news nairobi. can your wife that election results in other news now the un human rights office is under the government of venezuela. and the use of excessive force against opposition protest as. the un human rights team also found evidence of all that she detentions. it comes as the supreme court in venezuela ordered the arrest of them arab district in caracas. now that i was a staggering in each day more american deaths and link to ipo would use. today president trump held a briefing with his top health official a commission has been formed to address the crisis. the bbc's rajini vaidyanathan reports. taking a break from the golf course freshened he's
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working holiday in new jersey. president trump held forty described as a major briefings. on what his advisers say is a national emergency appeal addiction nobody is safe from this epidemic that threatens young. and old. rich and poor urban and rural. communities everybody is threat. description drug abuse is a growing epidemic in the united states and a growing concern for all politicians across the country. for the matter of nashville it's personal. i saw max died from an apparent overdose just ten days ago. he was twenty two max will continue to inspire me and bruce for the rest of our lives. our hearts will always. be sad and empty. because. we can never replace our child. tens of thousands of americans die from opioid overdoses actually. in twenty fifteen alone yet the debit claims more than thirteen thousand life's.
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but only one in four of those addicted is actually treated for it. a commission set up by the president has called for better access to treatment through the government's medicaid program. for others it's about overcoming the stigma around addiction my hope is that. it may inspire and encourag. other parents out there to have frank conversations with their own children. about this and and if that saves one life and what a blessing. a hundred people die every day from an opioid overdose in america. the pressure is now on the president to deliver in a policy area that's ravage so many communities. which invited often bbc news washington. the devastating academic you watching bbc world news america still to come on tonight's program. shocking video of a job seeming to push a woman into traffic. i'm vested ages and looking for the man and.
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three brazilian football those who survived a plane crash that killed the rest of that teammates have played in an emotional friendly match against barcelona. nineteen if trouble comes his plans died when that plane crashed in colombia last year. the fixture was played at the historic new camp stadium the b. b. c.'s greg dorsen a sent this report. barcelona maybe a team of global superstars. but on this night they were humbled by three men. their reappearance on a football pitch out weighing any sporting a cheap. before this starts a moment to remember that friends who didn't make kids. okay projects in foam and lost part of his leg in the crash. but he was the last to kick off this match before being uploaded off the field. nineteen of shampoo ends
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these plays were killed along with more than fifty the others. plane crash in colombia. the team flew to play in a cup final. one of those pulled alive from the wreckage was defender alan rachelle. after months of recovery from a spinal injury he captained the side freeze comeback game. who's able to complete more than half an hour for people before getting a standing ovation as he was substituted on. was it was a large asking for one though and the most exciting thing for me was when i into the field and everything went through my head like a movie. about how would struggle to get here today. there were tough times. it's left a big scar. i think my teammates who no longer with us. strength again. during the match itself the gulf in class was evidence. barcelona dominance in possession. little messy ruthless in front of goal. the final score five nil. but this was an occasion when the sporting cliche it's not the winning but the taking part that counts. has never been more true.
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greg olsen bbc news. police in london of appeal for information after a jogger is seen on cctv and apparently pushing a woman into the path of a bus. the footage shows the man running on putney bridge in the southwest of the city. likely the woman is i can't i don't know ralph reports. seven forty one in the morning. the man joking on putney bridge. and then this. the quick thinking of the bus driver save the woman's life. the police believe the joke at deliberately pushed her. when you look closely you see him raise his hand to make contact. the woman's head and shoulders than on the road in the path of the bus. fifteen minutes later the joke i came back across the
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bridge hey running straight possible many previously not tell you that. she tried to talk to him. he. ignored her. pauses by as well as those who got off the bus help the injured woman. the police say she was shocked and upset but was not seriously hurt is very small margins. if it hadn't been for very good reflexes on the part of the bus driver. or. . the level of force was such a pusher even further into the vital most certainly this could have ended in a fight talents. the investigation is focused on finding this man the mysterious jawga. detectives say they have received a number of useful cools. including other people reporting similar incidents elsewhere in london. there is leading the investigation stress they believe this was an isolated incident. but is struggling to understand why anyone would deliver the push someone into the road. during the morning rush hour. daniela ralph bbc news putney.
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she okay now every election night no matter which party wins many disappointed by the result vow to move to canada. well what started as a joke for heather and robin vargas is becoming a reality. i months after the votes were counted that quit their jobs filled out the paperwork. and i swapping now lives in charleston south carolina for artifacts nova scotia. is that story. we're starting radio were quitting jobs were leaving friends and we are starting a new life over in canada. the decision is the halifax shame about. election night. we saw the numbers come in much better noise. the dome of trump and his campaign team that any of the pollsters have predicted it was shock and then it was just it's heartening. jokingly said well. the summer movie can't. heather. got a line. she went to the official website canada's immigration website
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has crashed. i just love people have the same idea. obviously a lot of family and friends then i think we were serious but as a joint news letters as i became more to keep it on. of immigration they did start to realize slowly but surely that we're removing. and we started doing research buckenham and we found that the ideal just aligned. more greatly with with ours we started in january we hit the ground running with background checks with employment history with you have to have a certain amount of savings. n't. at the end of april we went up and visited halifax nova scotia you want to see how low. for the character measured up. in real life as opposed to through. screen and that we've picked out apartments we had over four hours businesses for job. cities. it it really solidified our decision to move there and the people. are incredible.
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i. i love blue sky. right and i do know that it is a little bit more overcast. they're so that will also. klayman adjustment is called one of my biggest sorry. for the biggest concerns was jobs i work as a termite technician. and canada has termites. i am currently an office manager i've done admin for. sears now plus and i am getting my mba so i would like to kind of combine that experience and maybe seek out any profession. will still retain our american. ship while being canadian from a resident i mean we can partake in. i'm excited just. dive into what it is. we like. so we'll just have to play by ear and you know i would love to. say if there's almost a dozen. maybe one day become a canadian.
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how about robben bogus move to canada you can find more nowadays news atoll website simon or a trip and thanks for watching wild news america? with the bbc news out. of vertical videos designed to look around your lifestyle. so you can swipe your way. to the news of the day. and stay up to date with the latest headlines. trust. download now from selected apps does. funding of this presentation is made possible by. the freemen foundation. and coal fuller foundation pursuing solutions for america's neglected me. planning a vacation escape that's relaxing inviting. and exciting. is a lot easier than you think. you can find it here in aruba. families couples and friends
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can all find their escape on the island with warm sunny days cooling trade. and the crystal blue caribbean sea. nonstop flights are available from most major airports. more information for your vacation planning is available at a real* dot com. bbc world news was presented by casey team loss and
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening, i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight... >> they will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. >> woodruff: ...president trump ramps up the rhetoric after new reports north korea is making missile-ready nuclear weapons. then, a clear and present danger. we examine a comprehensive new report on how climate change is already affecting the u.s., and why scientists fear suppression from the trump administration. plus, in kenya, voters pick their next president. what's at stake as concerns of violence and vote-rigging dominate the election. >> the way i see it now, if things change and raila becomes president, i don't see people


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