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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  August 19, 2019 2:30pm-3:00pm PDT

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woman: this is "bbc world news america." the freeman foundation; by judy and peteron blum-kovler founda pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs; and by contributions to this pbs stationut from viewers like you. thank you.
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sophie: this is "bbc world news america." reporting from washington, i am sophie long. a series of coordinated explosions targeafghanistan,av g at least 19 people injured. after a deadly weekend, will the surge in violence threen any ace plan? five years after eric garner's death sparked outrage, the new york city police officer who put him in a deadly chokehold has been fired. >> today is a day of reckoning , but can also be a dayf reconciliation. sophie: these cows are on board with a new experiment to cut tdownhere carbon footprint. which were rotterdam -- we tour rotterdam's floating farm. sophie: for those watching on pbs and around the globe, welcome to "world news america." there has been a new of
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violence in afghanistan, with 10 coordinated explosions in the east of the country. at least 19 people were injured. no gup has claimed responsibility, but the islamic state has frequently targeted the area.s. i.aid it carried out an attack on a wedding party in w kabul over thekend that killed 63 people. this sweet of -- this sweep of violence comes amid ongoing pene talks between the tali and and the united states which aim to bring the nearly 18-year conflict to an end. president trump address the situation on sunday. pres. trump: we are there for one reason, we don't want that to be a laboratory. it cannot be a laboratory for terror. we have stopped that, and we have a very, very good view -- announced over the next couple of weeks as to what happened and who has been taken out. a lot of people have been taken out that were very bad, both isis and al qaeda. sophie: for more on the situation in afghanistan, i spoke earlier with seth jones, a senior advisthe center for
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strategic and international studies. seth with us.thanks for being despite ongoing peace talks, civilians suffer a tremendous toll. how do you assess the situation on the ground at the moment? seth: well, what i think is impoant to knois that there continues to be significant violence in afghanistan. overhe past three weeks we -- we have had this terribleides wedding attack, we have had ther her of the taliban leader killed in pakistan several days ago. have also had the former head of afghan intelligence killed. people from all sides have been killed in assassination attempts, showing that despite peace negotiations, violence continues actually unain the country. sophie: the groom at the wedding celebration targeted said he has lost all hope. how much would you say there is
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at this stage for peace and -- peace in afghanistan? seth: i would sadly give low expectations for peace in afghanistan. i think there certainly is interest in the gotiations. i think at this point all of this indicates that the taliba the united states gove, and afghan government arvery far apart in the specific context of the negotiations and clearly after these kinds of attacks in trust levels as wellv sophie: u.s. involved in the talks says that e peace talks should be accelerated. in your opinion, what should the u.s. do? seth: i think the u.s. needs to continue to support these peace negotiations. i don't think it is likely that any of the sides of this conflict are going to win militarily. the challenge fo not to put time limits on this. the u.s. continues to be trying to push some kind of peace settlement in the timeframe,or particularly bthe 2020 elections. that kind of timeframe should be coitions-based, not time-limited. sophie: i would imagine failure
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this stage -- there have been many attempts at getting peace in afghanistan that have failed -- the consequences would be pretty dire certainly for civilians. seth: i think the consequences of failure would be absolutely catastrophic. the afghan population has ffered a war that has taken place since the late 1970's. it would be nice to get some kind of resolution. i just don't think we're going to get it soon. sophie: both the talnd the u.s. have talked about progress being made in these talks. what kind of shape would any peace that we saw take? seth: i think what is ear is that the taliban has been willing to sit down and willing to conduct some negotiations with the united states the shape of that would include a much more limited u.s. presence in the countr possibly the taliban willing to at least publicly break relations with al qaeda and some other terrorist groups.
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i think the question, though, is will the taliban be willing and able and interested in some kind of negotiations with the afghan government, including a power-sharing one?ea that is unat this point because the afghan government and taliban have not negotiated publicly in any way and certainly formally. sophie: seth jones, thank you very much indeed for your time. seth: thank you. sophie: the new york police department has sacked the officer who used an illega chokehold that contributed to the death of eric garner, an unarmed black man, in 2015. garner's pleas that he could out breathe t attention to the case and lives matter movement. here was police commissioner james o'neill making the announcement. >> in this case, the unintended consequence of mr. garner's death must have a consequence of its ore, i agree with the deputy commissioner recommendations. it is clear that daniel pantaleo
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can no longer effectively serve as a new york city police ofcer. sophie: a brief time ago i spoke to the bbc's nick bryant about the case. bring us up-to-date. some time has passed between the sad passing and today's decision. s ilck: fimers have passed, and the garner fhas been pressing for a long time for the oncking of daniel pantaleo. one of the reasons it ok so long was the criminal justicepl system had t out. there was a grand jury that decided not to bring charges agnst him in staten island which is where eric garner died. and then the justice department, rafe prosecutors decided they would not seek criminal prosecution, because they thought there was insufficient evidence. an internal disciplinary procedure started within the nypd. earlier this month a judge thin the new york police department said he was guilty of the recommendation was that he
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should be fired and that is with oat that -- and that is what commissioner ja'neill announced today, the daniel pantaleo would be sacked. sophie: there is been such a huge amount of focus on the case. what was the reaction? nick: huge amount of focus. this is one of the landmark cases in the black lives matter those words "i ca't breathe," which he uttered 11 times,e whil was being held in that chokehold, became a rallying cry against police bruty.aigners the family has welcomed this. they would like to see disciplinary procedures taken on the scene when eric garnere was taken into custody. they would also to see what they are calling the eric garner law, which would be to make thid kind of chokehold illegal across the country. sophie: the decision has come, but this case is not yet over. there could be more to come. nick: pantaleo's laer says they will challenge it and the tpolice unions have expressed support for that. james o'neill, the police commissioner, in that press conference showed how nflicted
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oo was about it. he said he underthe anger within his apparent from uniformed officers that this had taken place. he even said that in a similar situation he could imagine taking similar action if somebody resisted arrest, but he said his decision was that daniel pantaleo cotld effectively perform the duties of a new york police officer and should therefore be fired. sophie: how significant has this case been in terms of the black lives matter movemen nick: it was hug five years ago that cry "i can't breathe" became a rallying cry for so many people in so many cities, not just new york city, but across the country, as theyh took tstreets to protest police brutality. it was a huge landmark case, and for a lot of people, they don't believe it is over. they want to see an eric garner law that makes these k
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chokehold illegal across the country. sophie: thanks very much thiseekend the city of portland was on edge as members of neo- w fascist ate supremacist groups marched through the city. i-ey ended up being heavily outnumbered by ascist demonstrators, and it is that group which president trump condemned on social media. r r north america correspondent aleem maqbool was at the rally and has been looking into the state of white nationalism in the u.s. >> usa! usa! aleem: these daymembers of neofascist groups in the u.s. are definitively on the marc as we accompanied them during th show of strength on the streets of portland, they flashed white por symbols at us. they said they were there to protest the militancy of the far-left. >> i want people to understand running around ting acts of violence and criminal activity, these are coming to an anti-fascist activ out to
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confront wte supremacists when they march. the two sides were mostly part in portland. -- mostly kept apart in portland. but it i ideogies were resible forht the most deadly violence of the most recent being the murders of 22 people in el paso in a majority latino city killed by a white gunman who told officers he wanted to shoot as many mexicans as possible. one of the numerous groups that depouses white supremacist is the league of the south, who allowed me to attend one ofr ththerings but not film inside. what is their retion to the el paso attack? >> i really am surprisn' it d't happen more often, because you look at these young white guys and they are being displaced, they are told that they are part of the patriar y, this white priviled theyhave are looking around and they are
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saying, where is my white privilege? i can't get a job. aleem: why should there be white privilege? >> because we created this country. aleem: and they claim they are not racist, just as they claim they don't want what happened in el paso. the people inside that room say they are against vlence, but the rhetoric they use is certainly hateful and could been s something that inspires others who violence. use and their own history in thist group suggey are not entirely peaceful. it was a member of this group that was jailed for the brutal beating of an african-american man after the notoous rally in charlottesville. why the apparent rise in white supracy now? in the 1990's, christian was a prominent leader and recruiter in the white power movement.
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he has since denounced neo-nazism and works to de-radicalize supremacists. >> for so many in the 1980's and 1990's, they were on the90 as a large organization, deadly organization, but it was not part of e mainstream by y means. and now today when we are seeing the rhetoric that i used to say pr years ago almost verbatim coming out of thident's mouth, they are tired of waiting. they see it as an opportunity to act. aleem: at the far-right rally in portland, the uniform of choice for many was trump camnaign paraph c you may say he -- he may say opposes white supremacy, but it is clear they think they have a president on their side. aleem mbool, bbc news, portland, oregon. sophie: a look at some other news now. turkey says the syrian
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government has hit one of its convoys insideyria, killing three civilians. vi happened in t region of idlib, one of the few areas not under government control. the two u.s. congresswomen who ore barred from traveling israel have hit out at the decision. rashida tlaib and ilhan omar spoke to reporters this afternoon, calling the ban nothing less than an attempt to suppress "our ability to do ourf jobs as electecials." president trump last week said that israel would show greate weakness if untry allowed them to visit. both lawmakers have been highly critical of the israeli ogovernment. 9000 people have now been evacuated from their homes on a spanish island because of a wildfire which is burning out of control. in some places, the flames have been so high that water dropping planes have been unable to operate. s e head of emergency services for the island srts of the wildfire are already beyond their ability to put out.ou a frenche faces of to six years in jail after 40 kilos of
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surging in sand and bottles were their car it is considered a public good and is for bid and to removet from the island. -- it is for bid and remove it from the island. sudan's ousted president omar al-bashir was in court today fot tht of a corruption trial that many in the country thought they would never see. sitting in a mlial cage, he ened to the testimony against him. mr. bashir was overthrown in april after months of protests, bringing an end to h nearly 30 years in power. the bbc's sally nabil wasbb ouiside the court and filed report. sally: in a heavily secured convoy, the former sudanese president arrived at court. video cameras were not allowed inside. we barely managed to get a glimpse of omar al-bashir, serving longes president. this, his first session, is quite a procedural one. he is being tried on corruption charges.
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after nearly an hour, mr. bashir was driv back to prison in exactly the same convoy. the former president has left e ago, and youwh can see a heated discussion behind me between the lawyers, some of those who are against him and others who support him. of seeing bashir in the dock, but some of them tell me this man should be accused of far more serious crimes, not just corruption charges. l,a few days before the tr met an activist who was detained for three months during the revolution. he was released on the day mr. upshir stepped down. >> charges of coon are only a drop in the sea. his crimes included genocide and ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity in darfur, the blue ni. sally: but supporters of the foer president believe otherwise.
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>> this trial is politicized. the rrent military council wants to win over protesters by those military rulld be tried with him, too. they were part of his politicaln urage to the very last hours until they gave up on him. sally: protesters say remnants of his regime are still there in the judiciary, and wonder if he can receive a fair trial. sally nal, bbc news, cphie: you are watching " world news america." still to come on tonight's rmprogram, could floating be part of the future? a project in the netherlands isr leading the way. sophie: how would you feel about receiving money for reporting a
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stranger who leaves their engine running while idle? that is the result of a report from a think tank, who say they should be filmed in return for a cut of the offender's binding. reporter: we have all seen it -- cars sitting stationary outside our schools, hospitals, and roadsides, but with the engine on. idling ile veh is more -- one group has a plan to limit the damage to our environment anhealth. >> if you see somebody idling, you can take a photo and video of the offense and reported to the council. reporter: isn't it slightly thoritarian to ask citizens to inform on one another to the state? >> well, iscis a voluntary me, so if you feel uncomfortable doing it, you don't have to. sophie: but what in -- reporter: what what impact do
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health?es have on our >> if you are wal ong past a liidling vehicles, it can be quite a significant amount of pollution you are breathing in. that is especially worrying if you are a young child or patient with t disease. >> he is idling. i will do what i need to do. reporter: in new york, citizens can report trucks that have been idling for three minutes, or one minute if they are outside the school. in return, they get 25% of the u.s. fines are substantially bigger than in the., u.k starting at $350,8quivalent to pounds, for the first offense, up to an eye watering $2000 if you a a repeat offender. for some, it is proving to be lucrative.
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sophie: prince andrew has attempted to distance himself from his former friend jeffrey epstein, as further questions are raised about his association with the convicted ple. buckingham palace says theed prince is appay new allegations epstein faced of sexual abuse and trafficking in young girls. thstatement was issued after a new video emerged of the prince etein's home, shortly after the financier served a prison sentence forex offense of a child. our royals correspondent nicho witchell has the latest. nicholas: they are iges which will haunt him, prince andrew at pedophile, as younn come and go, despite andrew's apparent efforts to be as discreet as possible. the video was taken outside the new york home of andrew's friend 01jeffrey epstein in 2 years after epstein's conviction. there at the door amid the
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comings and goings, the queen's second son. epstein was an associate of andrew for a number of. it is even suggested andrew took him once to balmoral. this photograph was taken in 2001. andrew at one of epstein' parties, with a then-17-year-old girl called virginia roberts. her claim to have had sex with andrew was dismissed by u.s. court. y epstein faced court in the united states, charged with having sex with a minor and procuring an underage girl for prostution. he was sentenced to 18s in in december 2010, fter epstein's release, andrew was photographed with him walking in central park, new york. the video of andrew at epstein's home was taken the following day. last month, epstein was arrested on federal charges of sex trafficking minors.he as found dead in his prison cell on the 10th of august.
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prince andrew has always denied he has been involved in any impropriety wi underage girls. last night, buckingham palace added this -- "the duke of york has been appalled by recent reports of jeffrey epstein'ess alleged cr his royal highness deplores the exploitation of any human being and the suggestion he would condone, participate in, or or encourage any such behavior is abhorrent." the denials of propriety are emphatic, but what the palace andrew chose to co hishy prince friendship with epstein or why he was at his home in new york. it all raises questions about the judgment demonstrated by the que's second son. nicholas witchell, bbc news, buckingham palace. sophie: there have been a lot of ideas floated on how to reduce the carbon footprint of farming. t this next experiment is really pushing the lims.
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a herd of cows in the dutch city of rotterdam are being loaded up on to a floating farm. anna holigan reports. anna: fresh milk within touching distance of the city.e these cattle have been recruited tas part of an experimentshow rapidly growing urban cepopulations how to produ ourcl meals er to home. peter believes this is the igture of milk and cheese. >> you see, hugetion from the countryside towards cities, and the other thing is that we have a climate chae going on. we were looking for what we call a climate-adaptive location. no matter how much rain falls, no matter how high sea level goes, we can always produce our life-esstial healthy food. anna: the floating pontoon is t built ee levels.
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in the basement they are growing fruit to flavor the dairy products which are processed in the middle. and on top, 32 cows. aside from the copus amounts hay, these cows are also fed on grass trimmings from local football pitches, golf courses, and parks. plus, commercial food waste. we are told the brewers grain is a pabricular favorite. these leftovers would rwise be thrown away. the cows are milked by robot machines. their manure is collected by pooper scooping robots. they are fed by robots, too, although they are still rfecting this technologyrm the lives nearby, but he can keep an eye on his herd remotely via apps on his mobile phone. the cows seem to be adjusting to this hands-free approach.
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modern methods, the owners hope, will help to convince younger r people to consider a car what is sometimes seen as an old-fashioned industry. and on the question of animal welfare? on floating farm t aem happier regular stable. anel: this living lab will h to determine whether floating farms make enough environmental and commercial sense to expand and export them. anna holligan, bbc news, rotterdam. sophie: remember, you can get more of all the day's news on our website i'm sophie long. thank you for watching "bbc world news america." anuncer: funding for this presentation is made possible by...
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by judy and peter blum-kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs; and by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. just up here. that's where. man: she took me out to those weapons. i think we're off to areat start.
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> brangham: good evening. i'm william brangham. judy woodruff is away. on the newshour tonight, power in numbers-- what's next after more than a million demonstrators march through hong kong amid threats of a military crackdown. then, our politics monday team breaks down the white house's take on fears of a recession, gun safety legislation, and the latest moves from the democratic primary trail. plus, community healing takes center stage-- how a work ofli theater is p back the curtain dividing police officers and people of color. ne we had one, you know, story on one side, andtory on another: the police story and the story of people of color, d


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