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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  April 9, 2021 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ narrator: funding for presentation of this program is provided by.. the freeman foundation. by judy and peter blum-kovler foundation. pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs. and by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you, thank you. woman: and now, "bbc world news". ♪
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>> the lon and eveful life of prince philip has drawn to a close at the age of 99. he was by some distance the longest serving royal consort in british history. a role that he'd made very much his own. >> there was no precedent. if i asked somebody you what expect me to do, they all looked blank. they had no idea. nobody had much idea. anchor: from the day of his marriage to the future queen and throughout her long reign, he was at her side. in good times and bad. >> he has quite simply been my strength and stay all these years and i and his whole family and this and many other countries owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim or we shall ever know. anchor: we'll take a look at the duke's influence as a father, a grandfather, and great-grandfather over several decades. >> if you are having problems,
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you could always go to him. and know that he would listen and try to help. anchor: we'll mark the success of the duke's award scheme for young people. just one of the achievements being praised by political leaders today. reporter: like the eert carriage driver that was, he helped to steer the royal family and the monarchy so it remains an institution indisputably vital to the balance and happiness of our national life. anchor: and we'll reflect on his 70 years of public service and the hundreds of charities and causes that he embraced. good evening. prince philip, the duke of edinburgh, the longest serving consort in british history, a man of strong views and a strong sense of duty, has died at the age of 99. since the announcement by
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buckingham palace at midday, there's been a streesmtrblets recoizing his decades of public service and his constant support for the queen during her long reign. the statement from the palace was brief. it is with deep sorrow that her imaginesty the queen announces the death of her beloved husband, his royal highness, the prince philip duke of edinburgh. his royal highness passed away peacefully this morning at windsor castle. further announcements will be made in due course. theoyal family join with people around the world in mourning his loss. prince philip at the queen's side for over 70 years has played a prominent role in public life. here in the united kingdom and in the commonwealth. tributes have come from around the world, led in britain by the prime minister, boris johnson. we will have the story for you of the duke's remarkable life, all the causes that he backed, all the interesting features about his thinking and his modernizing instincts, all of that is to come. but before that, a word with our
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royal correspondent. because we'll come to those themes, but it's surely the right time to pause for a moment an think about her majesty the queen, who's lost her husband of 73 years. reporter: yes. an immense loss for her. they were absolutely -- [indiscernible] -- and he came so very close to that 100th birthday milestone that he wanted to achieve. eight weeks and six days away. but we saw how very frail he was when he left hospital on the 16th of march to return to windsor. his death therefore cannot be considered a surprise, but it is a moment of great sadness of course for the family and in particular for the queen. hers is a lonely role as it is, as head of state. the one person who has been there in her support always has
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been her husband, the duke of edinburgh. her path will be a more solitary one now, though she will have her faith and her family to support her. the prince of wales i understand drove across from high grove to windsor to see his mother this afternoon. and she will have so many memories of 73 years as husband and wife, with nearly 70 years as monarch and consort. people who know them say that you know he has been the unsung hero of this reign. he's made an incalculable and in some ways unrecognized contribution to its success and its stability. as one person who has known them for many years put it, she could not have done it without him. and you know, we recall what she has said about him at the time of the diamond jubilee. she described him as my constant strength and guide. let's just consider those words carefully. she's very particular about the language she uses. my constant strength and guide.
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that's what he was to her year after year, decade after decade. anchor: thank you. and we'll join you once again a little later in the program. our ral correspondent. you're watching this extended edition of "bbc news" at 10:00. we'll be marking this significant milestone in british public life by reporting on today's tributes and all the reaction by looking at the areas in which the duke was most influential. the legacy he leaves, but we'll start with this account of the duke's eventful and sometimes tesh lent life and this is the report -- turbulent life. and this is the report. reporter: her husband, philip, duke of edinburgh, with his hands between the hands of the queen, becomes her liege man of life and limb and of earthly worship. reporter: at the queen's coronation he was the first person after the bishops to pay homage to her. phillip knelt before his wife and pledged his loyalty.
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>> faith and proof, live and die -- >> and so, rising, touches the crown upon her head and kisses her upon the left cheek. reporter: as male consort to a female sovereign, philip had no constitutional significance. yet no one was closer to the monarchy or of greater importance to the monarch than he was. by instinct he was a leader yet philip had always to take second place. by nature he spoke his mind and that sometimes got him into trouble. yet for decade after decade, his was the support that mattered most to the throne. philip was born in 1921. his family was part of european royalty. he was a prince of greece, but his ancestors were largely danish, german and russian. philip had a rootless childhood. his family was banished from greece, his parents separated and he was sent to school this
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northern scotland. a spartan atmosphere there suited him. as the second world war loomed, philip was an 18-year-old royal navy cadet at dartmouth. and when the king and queen visited the college, they brought with them their 13-year-old daughter, princess elizabeth. according to witnesses, philip showed off a great deal. but the meeting had made a deep impression on the prip else is. -- princess. philip served in the royal navy with distinction during the war. when the fighting ended, he started to escort elizabeth to family gatherings. he changed his name to philip mount baton and became a british citizen. the public realized there was a romance. yet within buckingham palace, philip was regarded with suspicion. one courtier wrote privately he was rough, uneducated and would probably not be faithful. but elizabeth was deeply in love and in the summer of 1947 the palace announce their engagement. >> it is with the greatest pleasure that the king and queen
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announced the betrothal of their dearly beloved daughter to lieutenant philip. reporter: on the 20th of november, 1947, the newly created philip duke of edinburgh stood within westminster abbey and exchanged marriage vows with the heir to the british throne. >> i philip take thee elizabeth alexandra mary for my wedded wife. >> again and again the people called for elizabeth and philip. again and again they joyfully responded. reporter: in 1952 the couple set off on a tour of the commonwealth. the king came with them to the airport. it was the last time they would see king george vi who unknown to his daughter was in the final stages of lung cancer. >> it was a farewell, it was also, as events turned out, good-bye. reporter: it was at a hunting lodge in kenya that philip told
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his wife of her father's death. someone who was there said philip looked as though half the world had dropped on him. they returned to london to lead the national mourning. >> now here is the queen. reporter: his wife was now queen. philip was there in support but he was never given the title prince consort and his role was undefined. he channeled some of his restless energy into a boisterous social life. he and a group of male friends met a every week in rooms above a restaurant in london soho. there were long lunches, visits to night clubs and glamorous companions. by the 1960's, philip's life was morissetteled. he and the queen had completed their family with two more children, andrew and edward, who joined charles and ann, and he had found a new role for himself. >> frohis office in the palace, he promoted issue in which he had a personal interest.
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>> 40 nutes to get around the world. it's going to be a bit of a rush. it may leave you a little bit muddled. reporter: diplomacy seemed alien to him. he urged the british industry to pull its finger out and complained on american television that the royal fily didn't ha enough money. >> inevitably, if nothing happens, we shall either have to move into smaller premises. reporter: he blundered on a state visit to china with the queen, he made what he thought was a private remark about slitty eyes. it was a diplomatic gaffe which dominated the headlines and added to his reputation for making misjudged remarks. philip had a sharp, inquiring mind and was determined to make a contribution of his own. the groundbreaking 1960's film "royal family was qugs "was made largely at his instigation because he felt it was time for the family to give a more human face to the world. for many year he's he toured the -- years he toured the globe as president of the world wildlife
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fund. speaking out about the need to conserve nature. >> we depend on being part of the web of life. we depend on every other living thing on this planet. just as much as they depend on us. reporter: he promoted technology, helped underprivileged children, and had a life long interest in spiritual issues. but his most lasting creation was the scheme named after him. the duke of edinburgh's award which encurrented young people to realize their potential -- encouraged young people to realize their potential. >> give young people a chance to discover their own abilities for themselves as an introduction to the responsibilities and interests of the grownup world. and incidentally, to make new friends and have a great dole of fun and satisfaction in the process. reporter: no decade was more difficult for the royal family than the 1990's. the death of diana, princess of wales, was both a family tragedy and aoment of tension for the monarchy. it was the queen to whom the country looked for public comfort, it was philip to whom the queen turned for private
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support. >> still prince william with his head hung, walking next to his grandfather. reporter: it was philip whose gentle encouragement had persuaded william andujarry to walk behind their mother's can coffin to the funeral it. had been philip who had taken the lead in try tonged the domestic problems of his children, prompted perhaps by his own memories of what it's like to marry into the royal family. philip remained physically active at an age when most men would have relished retirement. he went carriage driving and he was still carrying out morin gaugements than many younger members of the family. some he did alone such as this visit to british troops in iraq. >> how did you get into this? reporter: but most he did with his wife. he was the figure a few paces behind the queen, always okg out for her and often guiding children through the barriers to present their flowers to her.
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by the time of his 90th birthday in june, 2011, celebrated at his insist wednesday little fanfare, he'd accepted that it was time to slow down a little. >> i reckon i've done my bit. i want to enjoy myself for a bit now. with less responsibility, less frantic rushing about. less preparation. less trying to think of something to say. on top of that, memory's going. can't remember names. i'm just sort of winding down. reporter: there was little immediate evidence though of any winding down. despite a serious health scare at christmas, 2011, when he had to be taken to hospital with a blocked coronary artery, he remained at the queen's side for most of her diamond jubilee program which took them the length and breadth of the country.
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it wasn't until 2017 that the duke, then aged 96, carried out his final solo engagement. it was a parade for the royal marines on the forecourt of buckingh palace. was pouring with rain, but as ever, duty took priority. he took his time meeting those on parade and taking the salute as the marines marched past to bid h farewell. his life after thatas muc quieter. spent mostly at the queen's estate. it was there in january, 2019, while he was driving himself from the estate, that he survived a serious road accident. his vehicle overturned, he was badly shaken, and he surdered his driving license shortly afteards. by now he was rarely seen in public. there were occasional appearances at family occasions such as weddings, yet he remained a supportiveigure to
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the queen and his family. the last sight of him was last month. leaving hospital in london after a month-long stay. he'd undergone treatment for an unspecified heart condition and he looked frail. while he'd been in hospital, the queen had had to deal with the aftermath of the sussex's u.s. television interview without her husband at her side. tonight his two eldest children paid tribute to him. >> i think he probably would want to be remembered as an individual in his own right really. reporter: princess anne spoke of the support he'd given to the queen. >> his appreciation of how he could help the queen always seemed to be present. in terms of supporting her. because she was very -- [indiscernible] -- when she became queen. it needed to be a double act for a lot of that time. in order to allow her to take on that role.
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reporter: throughout his adult life, despite the formality of his position, philip retained his own style of doing things. he made his own uncompromising mark on national life. he once summed up his approach in characteristically forth right fashion. >> i've just done what i think is my best. i can't suddenly change my whole way of doing things. i can't change my interests. i can't change my way in which i react to things. it's part of -- it's somebody's style and it's too bad. reporter: throughout all the monarchy's many ups and downs since the second world war, philip, duke of edinburgh, the longest serving consort in british history, was the restless outsider who put his wife and duty first. in doing so, he fulfilled his coronation oath of allegiance to elizabeth his queen. their marriage and his support with the essential foundations which underpinned the success of
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her reign. in a speech to celebrate their goldenedding anniversary, the queen spoke of the debt that she and the country owed him. >> he is someone who doesn't take easily to compliments. but he has quite simply been my strength and stay all these years. and i and his whole family and this and many other countries owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim or we shall ever know. anchor: words of her majesty the queen ending that report on the story of philip's life by our correspondt. flags flying at half mast on government and buildings, including of course buckingham palace. in a moment we'll speak to sara campbell who is there. first let's join our correspondent, helena, at windsor castle. you've been there all day. what would you say about the atmosphere there? reporter: this royal town has seen many royal events over the years. both sad and happy ones.
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today i think it's bun one of quiet reflection here at windsor and understandably a somber mood here as the news spreads through this town that the duke of edinburgh had died. many people came here to the castle, some laid flowers, some paused, shared memories, reflected on the duke's remarkable life. we spoke to a young boy called oscar who came with his mother and he left a card, on that card he wrote, your majesty, so sorry about hearing about your amazing husband. another lady we spoke to said, it's so sad, i just wanted him to get to 100. of course the duke was a couple of months away from his 100th birthday. but the duke spent his last days here at windsor castle. after being discharged from hospital three weeks ago. he and the queen spent the last year here isolating together. they quietly celebrated the duke's 99th birthday last year an they also quietly celebrated
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their 73rd wedding anniversary. tonight he, at castle behind us, the queen, now a widow, is in mourning for her husband, a husband who was by her side for so many years. hugh: thank you. that's helena for us there at windsor. let's go from windsor to central london, talk to our royal correspondent, sara campbl, who is at buck ham palace -- buckingham palace. we are of course at a very difficult period in terms of public health with all of these restrictions. one can assume then that the kinds of crowds that we might have expected at the gates today clearly are not there. and of course it will effect as well the way the palac is planning the next few days. reporter: that's right. the deaths of many thousands of people over the past year haven't been marked in a way that their friends and their families would have liked. due to the pandemic and prince philip's will be no different. the notice of his death in line with tradition was brought out to the railings at buckingham
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palace on an easel but it didn't stay there. it was taken down after an hour for fear of attracting crowds. and as you say, people have been coming here all afternoon. they've been coming to lay flowers, to write messages or simply just to spend some time re at what was of course the duke's london home. and in small numbers they do continue to come this evening. but going forward, thedvice really is that due to covid people are being asked not to gather at royal residences. they're abouting -- being asked to donate to charity rather than bring flowers and in terms of writing messages of thanks to the duke for his years of public service and meanings -- messages of support for the queen at this difficult time, they're being asked to write them at the online book of condolence which is now live on the royal website. going forward the arrangements for the duke's funeral areeing finalized at the moment and will be made public as soon as they ha been approved by the queen. hugh: once again, many thanks.
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our royal correspondent at buckingham palace tonight. politicians will deliver their own tributes when parliamen is recorded. westminster on monday. all campaigning for may's elections has been suspended. the government is asking people not to gather or to leave flowers at royal residences. because of the current restrictions and indeed to minimize travel. our royal correspondent reports now on the reaction to the news of the death. reporter: the union flag at half mast above the palace where he spent so much of his working life. and placed on the gates, the officialouncement of the duke of edinburgh's death. for the royal family, this is a deeplyersonal loss. earlier today the prince of wales left his home to visit his mother at windsor castle. >> it is to her majesty and her family that our nation's thoughts must turn today.
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because they have lost not just a much-loved and highly respected public figure, but a devoted husband and a proud and loving father, grandfather and in recent years, great-grandfatr. reporter: his presence and significance in british national life recognized in the tributes. >> the u.k. has lost an extraordinary public servant in prince philip. he dedicated his life to our country. and above all, i think he'll be remember noirsd support and devotion to the queen. reporter: memories of an extraordinary man, a note amongst the flowers left at windsor where he died this morning. for the remembrance has gone way beyond this royal town. >> on behalf of the welsh government, and people in all parts of wales, i offer our deepest condolences to her majesty the queen, her majesty's
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children, and their families. >> it is with deep sadness that i've learned of the death of his royal highness, the duke of edinburgh. it is a sadness that i know will be shared by countless others in northern ireland and right across the world. >> when any family los a loved one it's really difficult. while they may be public figures they're also a family that is hurting. i wanted to extend my condolences to them. reporter: the queen's official residence in scotland, the formal announcement and personal memories -- >> he had a close association of course with scotland. he went to sool in scotland. i know that he enjoyed all of the time he spent there. he had a long association as chancellor with the university of edinburgh. reporter: at westminster abbey this evening and elsewhere around the u.k., the bells were rung 99 times as a narrator: funding for presentation of this program is provided by.. the freeman foundation.
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by judy and peter blum-kovler foundation. pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs. and by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you, thank you. ♪ ♪ man: you're watching pbs. hilty: where do i begin about my love for pbs? having both of my children, two very young children, "daniel tiger" is on because they learn so much from it. every major emotional thing that young children have to go through, daniel has a song associated with that. ♪ daniel: take a deep breath ♪ (inhales deeply) ♪ and count to four. ♪ ♪ hilty: pbs is the jewel of television and i feel like we're all better off for having it in our lives.
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> wdruff: good evening. >> woodruff: good evening. i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight: death of the duke. the united kingdom mourns as prince philip, husband of queen elizabeth ii, passes away at the age of 99. then, the trial continues. medical officials testify about the cause of george floyd's death in the murder trial of former police officer derek chauvin. plus, getting the vaccine. despite an intensifying inoculation effort for high-risk meatpacking plant workers, many remain reluctant to receive a shot. and, it's friday. david brooks and jonathan capehart examine senator manchin's critical resistance to senate rule ces


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