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tv   BBC World News  PBS  September 21, 2010 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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by kcet, los angeles. funding for this presentation is made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, union bank, and siemens. >> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you?
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>> somewhere in america, there's a doctor who can peer into the future. there's a nurse who can access in an instant every patient's past. and because the whole hospital is working together, there's a family who can breathe easy right now. somewhere in america we've already answered some of the nation's toughest health-care questions. and the over 60,000 people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. >> and now, "bbc world news." >> north korea's ruling elite announced it will consider future leadership. the un secretary general warns leaders not to blame the economic downturn for missing targets on attacking poverty. the millennium development goals making a difference to the
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poorest? president obama acknowledges many feel the effects of the global financial crisis. welcome to "bbc world news." coming up later, and glanced players threatened legal action over pakistan's match fixing allegations. -- england's players threatened legal action. >> the ruling party in north korea announced a crucial conference on its leadership for next tuesday. the meeting is expected to put the third son of kim jong-il in line for succession. he believed to have suffered a stroke two years ago.
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i asked how much was known about kim jong il's successor. >> truth be told, very little. we are not even sure how old he is. he is thought to be 26-years old, so he is very inexperienced. we know a few brief details. he is reported to have spent some time studying at a private school in switzerland. beyond that, very little is known. we don't know for sure that he is his father's chosen successor, but reading between the lines, north korea calling this a party gathering a turning point in recent weeks. that is believed to be its normal cryptic language.
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something significant is afoot. most agree that if a succession process is to begin, kim jong- il's son is the likely candidate to take over. >> should we expect any change in politics no matter who takes over? >> if we do see the beginnings of a succession process, and i don't think it's likely to come in dramatic form, we may see kim jong il elevated to a senior party position just as his father was in 1980. if we see the beginnings of that process, then we can assume he will begin to assume more authority and take more power from his ailing father. is it is unlikely we will see anything dramatic. this will be a managed process.
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it will need the consensus of the other ruling elite, the military will be very important. we may see small hints of subtle changes. the fact that we know very little means we don't know what direction they may be in. some are concerned it may mean north korea is beginning a time of new hostility to its neighbors. we will have to wait and see. >> ban ki-moon has warned leaders not to use the economic downturn as an excuse for missing targets on reducing poverty. at a summit in new york he says it could still be [unintelligible] progress is fragile. our u.n. correspondent reports. >> the powerful and the glamorous have descended upon manhattan to talk about ending poverty and spur action to meet
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the blueprint for doing so. the millennium development goals have made a difference. >> this is an achievement we can be proud of. but we must protect these advances, many of which are fragile. the clock is ticking with much more to do. >> which of the goals are on target to meet the deadline? they plan to cut extreme poverty by half looks within reach because of economic growth in china and india. there has been much progress into getting children into schools and reducing the spread of aids. cutting the deaths of children and women who died in childbirth is off target. these farmers are among those who benefit it. they now get the latest market prices from mobile phones.
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the extra income and aid helps improve the village services. school attendance has more than doubled. delegates are debating the best way to expand successes like this one. already there are shortfalls. rich countries were warned not to use the downturn as a pretext to ignore poverty. >> while the crisis is severe in the rich countries, its consequences are much harsher in poor countries. we don't have the right to do less. >> a summitt is looking for new approaches such as raising development money by taxing plane tickets. some say it is time to focus more on the underlying causes of poverty rather than only on humanitarian issues.
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>> later on we will have a special report on how well african countries are doing on implementing the millennium goals. officials in somalia say a suicide bomber has blown himself up in front of the presidential palace. the attack took place as a convoy of peacekeepers was entering the convoy. it is not clear if the president was at the palace. officials say the bombing was taken by insurgents. anti-democrat sweden democrats won more than 5% of the vote. several thousand people gathered in front of government buildings to express their disgust as a racist political party. president obama has
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acknowledged the time is still hard for many americans in the wake of the financial crisis. he says it will take more time than expected to solve an economic problem. >> even though economists may say the recession ended last year, obviously for the millions of people out of work, people who have seen their home values decline, people who are struggling to pay the bills, it is still real for them. everything we have been doing has been designed to make sure that continues for future generations. the challenge now is i am thinking about the next generation. a lot of folks are thinking about the next election. if i were making decisions based on things in november i would not have made certain decisions. >> england and wales cricket board is considering legal
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action against the chairman of the pakistan cricket board. this comes after he alleged there was talk among book players -- bookmakers said england players took money to throw the last game. the captain said they refute the allegations and will be working closely with decd -- with the ecb. >> furious that the finger of suspicion had been pointed at them, england's players insisted the show should go on today. the reason for their anger, allegations from the most senior official in cricket. >> currently there is a lot of thought in the bookie circle that some of the england players were involved in throwing the match to pakistan. >> his comments prompted a long
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night of deliberations at the england team hotel. the game went ahead but only after the players issued a statement strongly denying the allegations. tonight, the chief executive told me they want a full apology. >> we have made our point clear that we are not happy with the statements made yesterday. we are looking for a full apology. we are looking for -- if an apology does not come, we will have to look at other options. >> 3 pakistani players have already been interviewed by police and charged over claims relating to their delivery throwing of the game. then a fresh investigation was launched into suspicious run- scoring. >> it has been a difficult 24
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hours. the back end of it to lose a game of cricket, when we are in a good position to win this [unintelligible] >> regardless, at these fans will be hoping abubble that they can trust what they have just seen. the icc will seek talks and clarify comments. they have the power to charge him with is -- with misconduct. >> an all party delegation in india is on a fact-finding mission in kashmir. more than 100 people have been killed during street protests. most of the victims were shot dead by police.
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the delegation arrived under the tightest of security on the eighth day of the curfew. >> in a city shutdown where there are checkpoints at almost every corner. a delegation of politicians came to hear the views. there are many voices they won't hear. most residents are confined to their homes. there has been a strict curfew in force for a week, but some members have tried to reach out to the main separatist leaders, visiting them under house arrest, but the main moderate separatist leader said the security forces and political masters turned the entire exercise into a joke. >> people are not being allowed to come out into the streets. what kind of a message are you sending that you want to talk to the people with the point of a
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gun? >> these separatist parties have been calling for the demilitarization of the valley. india has more than half a million men at arms. they also want emergency laws to be repealed and political prisoners to be released. after three of the most volatile i'll months in recent memory, the indian government has a long way to go before a can reestablish any sense of trust in kashmir. >> preparing for the worse, mexico city holds a massive earthquake drill. the deputy prime minister and it clegg has told his liberal democratic party to hold -- the deputy prime minister nick clegg. he said the next few years will
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not be easy, but the liberal democrats should focus on the future as the british economy gets back on track. >> nick clegg came here knowing not everyone is happy with a decision to share power with the conservatives. the last few days have been about offering reassurance. >> the liberal democrats and conservatives always will be a separate parties with distinctive histories and different futures, but for this parliament we work together to fix the problems we face and put the country on a better path. this is the right government for right now. >> many worry about what will happen next month when the government unveils its plans to cut the deficit. some liberal democrats are concerned the poorest will bear the brunt of the cuts. nick clegg told supporters that
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sometimes in politics you have to play the long game. >> the years ahead will not be easy but they will make a difference our country needs. stick with us as we restore our civil liberties, protect our environment and repair our broken policies. stick with us and we will change great britain for good. [applause] >> nick clegg will leave his conference and head to new york where he will address the un. that is a sign of how far his party has come. there are players in politics. >> here are the headlines, north korea's announces it will gather to consider it features leadership.
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at a summit to review the millennium goals, at the un secretary general warned leaders not to use the economic downturn for an excuse as missing the -- most of these goals are aimed at helping the countries of africa, but how are they doing a decade later? we have a closer look. >> on this farm the fight against poverty is going slowly. this man is lucky if he earns 2 pounds a day. economy may be stable, but it is not booming like china or india. it is not creating jobs. >> i think [unintelligible]
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most of those people are not working, so the poverty is there. it is causing a lot of problems. jobs is the key. >> but it is not all bad news. this woman is finally getting access to hiv treatment. new infection rates have dropped sharply. >> [unintelligible] i will be healthier because i am taking medication. >> that is a big change. this continent is making progress. economies are growing, but not that at -- not fast enough to make a dent in poverty. you can't blame broken promises on foreign aid, but it is african government which is failing to deliver. that is the point the international community is keen to make.
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foreign aid is only part of the answer. >> it will always be about economic development and jobs. the question is whether aid can support that to make it happen. in the long term we don't want to have eight. -- we don't want to have aid. >> babies and mothers are still dying in huge numbers, but here at least no one expects help from abroad. they blame their own corrupt government. >> i think the craziness of the people in power is the cause of this delay of providing people with [unintelligible] the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. >> africa needs to grow much faster and to share its wealth more fairly.
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>> colombian armed forces say they killed a senior commander of farc. they said sixto cabana was among 27 rebels killed. he was wanted in the u.s. for alleged cocaine trafficking and was thought to be a member of the ruling general staff. president farc -- president fernand note of eurouraguay. last month he announced he was suffering from pancreatic cancer and his popularity has fallen. his opponents have pressured him to quit. the american football player kenny mckinley has been found dead in an apparent suicide.
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his body was found on monday afternoon. the denver broncos' coach described his death as a tragic loss. he is the third team player to die in the past three years. the 2010 commonwealth games will begin in delhi in less than two weeks. the city is being spruced up for international visitors. authorities are starting to round up beckers and are prosecuting them under tough laws. -- round of beggars. .> india's bustling capital this is what greets you at any intersection. beggers pleading for your money and tugging at your heart strings, hoping to get spare change unita's their way. delhi is about -- hoping to get spare change you may toss their
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way. they are vanishing tribe. >> betting here is kind of rampant. -- begging here is rampant. i don't think you will see the kind of [unintelligible] >> the anti-begging [unintelligible] looking to catch someone in the act, they swooped down on one. a man dressed up as a monkey. putting on a show for some cash, but under the new law that is an offense. the next catch this a begger masquerading as a holy man. a common tactic. this van is a fully functional court room. it is the reason why cameras are not allowed in sight.
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their statements are not -- they are being recorded. if he finds them guilty he can pronounced a sentence. justice is swift here. stern words from the magistrate. this is where they end up. this detention center outside the city where they are sentenced. most of the inmates will stay here for a year. some lager. they are given a bit of training in and skills to help them, but many doubt they will actually get employed. >> who knows what will happen when we leave? i try to find work, but god knows if i will get any. >> most end up back on the streets. life can be unforgiving and tired colonies forced to live
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out in the open. now they also face the fear of the eviction. many are worried about the health of a three-day old baby. police have warned everyone to leave before they return. >> they beat us up and said get out. where am i supposed to go? it is causing many to question the government's priorities. >> the money being used to construct buildings and roadsides, stadiums, but not even one person has been spent on people who need assistance. >> these are the people dearly wants to hide from its visitors. -- delhi wants to hide from its visitors. so there is no place for them.
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>> millions of people in the mexico city have been taking part in the massive earthquake drill. the memory of the worst earthquake is still fresh in people's minds. it killed tens of thousands of people. mexico is one of the most active parts of the world for earthquakes. the rat race in one of the largest cities slowed to a crawl as the streets filled with sharply dressed people. 6 million people took part in the drill, the biggest and mexico city. emergency services tested how fast they could respond. small earthquakes are in almost daily occurrence in mexico, with most barely felt. this summer many people rushed out of their homes in the middle
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of the night as the ground shook beneath them. the earthquake caused no damage, but no one is taking anything for granted. >> this is the sort of thing we have to do. we do these exercises regularly. this is part of the integration of new staff to make sure they understand the importance of these drills. it is a very important exercise. >> on sunday there was a reminder of why such massive drills are necessary. the 25th anniversary of one of the worst earthquakes in the history was commemorated with a monument erected in memory of the victims. the 8.1 magnitude earthquake in 1985 killed more than 10,000 people. it changed the look of the capital forever as it destroyed entire neighborhoods. much stricter building regulations have lessened the chance of devastation should such a catastrophic earthquake
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strike again. >> just before we go a final update, north korea announced a key conference on its leadership will open next tuesday. the meeting is expected to put the third son of kim jong-il in line for succession. the un secretary general warned leaders not to use the economic downturn as an excuse for missing targets on reducing poverty. that is all our world news for this hour. thanks for being with us. >> funding was made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, and union bank.
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>> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> i'm julia stiles. >> i'm kevin bacon. >> i'm kim cattrall. >> hi, i'm ken burns. >> i'm lili taylor. >> i'm henry louis gates, jr., and public broadcasting is my source for news about the world. >> for intelligent conversation. >> for election coverage you can count on. >> for conversations beyond the sound bites. >> a commitment to journalism. >> for deciding who to vote for. >> i'm kerry washington, and public broadcasting is my source for intelligent connections to my community. >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles. presented by kcet, los angeles.
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