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tv   KRON 4 News at 5  KRON  July 14, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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live this is kron 4 news at 5:00 p.m.. 1000 people marched the streets of oakland after the bart shooting verdict. a portion of the protests turned violent windows smashed, doors busted out to commodore's looted and walls tag. 78 people were arrested. tonight kron 4 hears from some of those locked up during the riots. losel find out how the oakland police department has changed its goals against police. kron 4 kate thompson begins our coverage with reaction from one city council member who is coming under scrutiny for roll during last week's protest in riot. >> youtube video shows rebecca capt. and jean-claude forming a human chain between the police and protesters in downtown
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oakland. they say there were there as peacekeepers. >> don't throw things. as >> others say there were prevented police from making arrest so the council members were both running for mayor are part of a police investigation of all with more than a thousand people who attended the protests to see if anyone was breaking the law. >> they're not people were engaged in illegal. they say this is dirty politics. there's >> standing there without honor in protecting the place. she is been the subject of a attack by the police officers' union for the past month and now this i day after 80 officers are laid off. >> it doesn't have to do where actually stand it has to do with i'm not their candidate. >> reporting in oakland kron 4 news. >> the bay area lawyers guild is investigating the actions of oakland police last thursday night they monitored please
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contact as the rights unfolded. today the group with one man who was arrested told us police responded he responsibly. >> please were violent, they violated their own policy, they violated state law, they violated people's over rights. the assaultive nonviolent protesters and generally acted unprofessionally and carelessly. the sad fact that they is demonstration why they want to promote violence. >> was already an incredibly intimidating atmosphere overwhelming force and we know that there were incidents that have could've been prevented in the place did not prevent them while they took a piece of action against citizens who were trying to help. >> the lawyers guild claims legal observers journalists and
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nonviolent members of the trinity were mistakenly swept up in the arrest appeared authorities say they will look closely at every complaint that comes in. >> with the oakland police department take any complaints against our officers very seriously. and so if someone has a complaint or rudeness complete asking them to come forward because we investigate every one of those complaints to the fullest. to this day we only had one complaint out of that entire incident. >> most of those arrested or cited for failure to disperse which is a misdemeanor. sentencing in connection with the bart shooting trial has now been scheduled for friday november the fifth. former bart police officer johannes mehserle was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the shooting death of oscar grant. cordially sentencing was scheduled for august 6th. and that did has been pushed back to november the fifth. if the economy will 80 police officers have been cut from the roster in oakland. leaving a lot of
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questions about the kind of impact the layoffs will have a public safety. kron 4 takes a look at how zero p d will keep the city say from this >> point >> there is still over 300 officers at zero p the patrol division out there working the streets. lycee even with a less crops if the public will not notice any change there. however hear the change. no more specialized units that these officers you see here on what was the crime reduction team. these cops to the pro up to police the work beating the bushes for wanted parolees and other violent criminals. now those parolees will have a little less heat on them because o pd specialist units have been dissolved into the patrol division. this will now primarily a response to violent crimes as well as in progress crimes. for example you cable for work and find your house is being burglarized and the suspect is still inside. oakland
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police say you dial 91 and the cops will rise. however 0 said don't not expect a squad car come out if a burglar is gone. oakland police say don't even bother calling 91 in that case because police officers will no longer come out and take the report on nonviolent crimes like burglary. if that is of less the suspect is still on the scene. in oakland kron 4 news. no police officers will be laid off the city of san jose at least for now by a margin of three to one police there have approved a new one-year contract that agrees to pay cut of roughly 5%. that means 70 officers that were to be laid off as part of budget will be keeping their jobs. >> it took a look to the big picture including the fact we had a bunch of officers looking at layoffs and the fact that everybody else was making concessions and a wise decision. we could be back in the same boat next year but cautiously
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optimistic that any year a lot of things can change and there are a whole lot of other things we need to look at down the road. i'm hoping and we can avoid the same situation next year. the new contract calls for please >> to contribute more toward their retirement fund more of their health-care costs. who >> i speed chase in the heart of sales and tuesday cost a life of the 15 year-old who died today in the hospital. the chase started here as you see on the not at the 28011 street ended a mile away attendance sanford and go. that's where police say 24 year-old brandy no slammed her honda civic into this mitsubishi after the highway patrol chased and refuse to stop after a traffic violation. the mitsubishi was almost cut into and the 15 year-old girl was thrown from the car. several others were injured as well across the street from her second-floor window she saw what
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happened is still in shock. back >> i heard the impact looked out the window and i saw the impact and then all sudden i saw her through out the window on to the ground. when i saw it i kind of cry did have a little scream. when she fell out of the car and she ran into the ground she wasn't even moving. i went downstairs to see i hope it gets what he deserves. why couldn't he have to stopped. and face the officers all of these people who plus the girl 15 years old. i wish to some ways i never looked out the window. >> faces felony hit-and-run charges now with the girl died from injuries police say more serious charges are likely to be pending. authorities are conducting rescue off point reyes coast after a boat capsized in heavy weights there.
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the crew flew to people just north of 10 mi. beach umbrella has been seen but rough waves and shallow water are hindering help rescue efforts of the fourth victim is still missing at this hour. >> look at our current editions upside is warmer out there today in the spots in the '90s eighties from the bay more weather is to continue all the details coming up. j
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with speeds up to 24 megabits per second. call, visit or click today. now for only $24.95 or less per month for 12 months with select bundles. justin to the kron 4 news room woman found dead in a parking, occurred yesterday morning died from a blunt force head injuries according to the contra costa corners of the spirit 31 year- old john alisha this is a video shot yesterday of the scene. so far there been nor arrests in the case. live in the newsgroup and carmen kron 4 news. >> several former nummi employees have filed a federal lawsuit against the company. they claimed the plan
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discriminated against them by refusing to give them a full severance when it closed because they were either injured or disabled. as kron 4 reports workers say they are not asking for a special benefits just what is fair. >> these are former new the toyota workers who are part of a lawsuit claiming the company discriminated against them by denying them thousands of dollars. >> you tell us for family and it's a family first. we got injured didn't dislike family. >> this is a look inside the company during its peak periods of years ago. on april 1, 2010 new we shut down. lawyers for the former workers say a base pay out of 21,001 under $75 was given to haul all employees with an additional bonus. offer depending on the years of service. the bonus averaged out to about 32,000 per employee. the lawyer explained the employee had not worked in the
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last six months the plan was an operation due to an injury or was disabled employes were only given the base pay out. regardless of how many years service. >> 25 years of service and has offered a package at least because i was out on leaf. lawyers for the workers in near mint toyota violated federal and state law toyota and we did not return calls for comment about the lawsuit. in oakland to reset kron 4 news. >> it to warmer today and going to be warmer tomorrow. the coast expecting tempters here '70s all the way to the mid-90s in our inland spots. all of a full forecast of what you can expect to coming up in a few minutes. x?
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our transportation reporter mark jones is live tonight at the bay bridge toll plaza with the latest for us. mark.
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>> and that the toll plaza the mtc learned bay bridge for the entire year raising the legs of the bay bridge tower will take place next place probably tuesday when stay appeared take a look of the video if this is a section of the legs for the tower its huge looks like a spaceship the ways for 200 t and is for peace is just like it. here's some renovation bill explain what will happen. >> there's the tower we put in place you see this area is where were going to put the korean we can't use the lifter for this because the control is very tight and it will be on the inside of the scaffolding. this grain will do all the work. and that sets. that's the tower like beckett's lifted and put in place. stepped up on these barges lifted by began to paint it rolled and sit down and placed on top of over 400 rods
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that are sticking out. the control has to be very precise if we set down on top of the foundation. >> so precise it will take at least 12 hours to do this. i get i believe next tuesday wednesday morning will let jan know each not have any impact on traffic. the bay bridge toll plaza mark jones kron 4 news. >> new data provided by muni suggested service has hit an all-time record high news he said during the first three months of the year all vehicles were on time 75 percent of the time. that's the best performance in the history. he credits the performance to the service changes made last december. those changes reduced or eliminated some rides off the boat or drivers on the heavily used route. we spoke to a muni riders will some say they have noticed that our service others disagree. >> night after wheat prices long for boss and if you do it during trading hours you're really in trouble because it takes a lot longer to get to work. >> 48 minutes, 50 minutes
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sometimes are walking home. it's a waste of my money. >> i take the f line bridge i stood in line havana's a market for almost 45 minutes. it never came by. >> never comes there some people it's so crowded so hard for me to get to school. >> getting out of my neighborhood is really hard what 33 comes every 30 minutes. went to be at work on time. >> nearly impossible love going to be five it's like today as usual. >> i don't think they're doing a good job. a >> in the villages this record was reached before it had to make cuts to the service and they they expect on-time performance to get better for half of those cuts are rolled back this coming september. >> a live look inside from the golden gate bridge it's a great day out there today. the skies are sunny warmer out there especially their inland spots over 10 degrees into the low 90s this afternoon. 70 and san
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francisco pretty well there as well. '80s around the bay shores, 84 services g84 san josg still background we will see a return to a late tonight. clear in while this evening by here is a look at your 7 day around the bay al see middle of fog but close to the coast line. it will scale back quickly 3:00 p.m. the afternoon sun skies and even warmer temperatures coastline warming up to 60 degrees and 95 other one is in response. look at fog tracker for tomorrow or you notice a didn't expect nearly as far over night as we see it in mornings pass. 6:00 a.m. just hitting the shoreline sakuntalwy a sunshine out there tomorrow and temperatures will warrant as a result. i expect 60 along the coast 70 in san francisco, '80s from the bay, '80s and '90s down
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in the south bay and loaded mid- 90s in our inland spots. if the war may continues on thursday and friday and will see temperatures war because the marine layer is going to be eliminated to. as we head in the week and the fog will be back it will come back sunday into next week and that will mean cooler temperatures as a result. >> national news the teenager known as the barefoot band is back in the united states if your looking at his arrival in miami. 19 year-old colt and here's more appeared in court today he told the judge needs more time to confirm the as an attorney terry said in east talk to his mother only have hired one pier the teenager is expected about 70 burglaries and staffs in eight different states and in british columbia. he's been on the run for the law for nearly two years until he was arrested this past weekend in the bahamas. an explosion today at a steel plant near pittsburg injured 15 workers three of them critically. the blasts caused the fire that burned for hours
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and this was a scene later today when the fire was out. neighbors say they heard alarms if they did not first of this was real or if it was a drill. it's believed the gas used to heat one of the obviously have caused the blast. maintenance worker died in explosion in 2009 at the same plant. >> a controversial billboard that compares president rocco, if with adolf hitler and vladimir lenin has been removed appeared our web producer kimberly shows us that contentious sign. >> paid for by the north eye with t party this billboard was put up last week take a look it runs the three leaders under the banner of socialism appeared out of the pictures a says radical leaders prey on the fearful and not leave live free or die. even though the sign-was supposed to stand for month last night the billboard company was told to remove the message and today was tabret over with a public-service announcement. many state and national to party critics and says the image
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between hitler and lyndon was offensive and the images overwhelm their attended >> a live look good cited traffic on this one state this is will the creek the 680 the headlights' our northbound traffic bad in both directions there appeared san jose 101 much better north and southbound the guadalupe parkway of its luggage. will be right back.
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55,000 marijuana plants were $3 million removed. state and local authorities on the plants growing in several gardens earlier this week. police believe drug trafficking and organizations in mexico funded the mass of growing operation there. oakland may soon be the first city in the nation to allow wholesale marijuana growing appeared last night in oakland city council approved a measure that would allow for
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large-scale medical marijuana growing operations in the city. city council members that support the bill will lower fire dangers and nonregulated grow operations around the of this city. if reporters say the city of oakland has a lot to gain by approving the bill. >> will provide jobs, union jobs and income and tax revenue. we need more than ever facing lay off police officers that's the last thing anybody wants. >> the bill has been criticized by small sale growers the say the amount of business. the measure still disapproval by the entire city council. a programming note to tell you about this friday nbc will air the giants game so kron 4 will air on nbc programming. e p m. we will air the nbc movie of the week. 10:00 a special edition of kron 4 news w.w. least mcdowell can be seen on saturday at 7:00 p.m. and dr. phil will air can be seen on saturday at 7:00 p.m. and dr. phil will air friday at 3:00
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