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tv   Kron 4 News at 10  KRON  July 16, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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live this is a special edition of kron4 news. >> apples c e l fesses up about the i phone at 4 as a reception at problem. what they say about the issue and how apple plans to make customers happy. but first it is a mystery and indicate how odd bay area plumber who wishes to remain an ominous has a new fix for the oil spill. >> still live picture of the gulf of mexico and engineers are keeping a close look at the blown out while to make sure that the cap is strong enough to hold back the oil and make sure there are no leaks. as you see no oil is gushing at this error. there is no oil became i'm the ground and tonight we are learning that of local plumber
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may play a part in stopping the league. panchromatic joins us with details. dan? >> with all seen how the cap was placed, at the design is ultimately eat used is very similar to some ideas that plummer had told about. >> christian science monitor reports that six weeks ago engineering professor got a call from an unknown on the nest, or who had an idea how to stop the leak. he provided the professor with sketches of the containment cap that has been proved and it stops the design flow. they passed the sketches on to the coast guard into a group that is evaluating repairing the leak. this is video from earlier in the week from the new cap being installed. the christian science monitor reports that he saw the new cabin operation he thought looked quite similar to the designs he had received from the
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anonymous plummer. bp officials say there is no way to find out if any of the plumbers ideas were actually used or if the same ideas were already >> in consideration> now that we do not know the identity of the plumber however professor does not there but it is pretty amazing of his ideas did play a part in this fix. >> apple ceo steve jobs in, he is sorry that the apology came in to arrest complaints about bad reception and dropped calls,, or jonathan blum has more. >> we are not perfect says steve. he took on what he called and had a gate. the fire form of criticism that singleton to last for weeks. >> we have been working abuts offer last 32 days to understand the real issues are here.
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>> those issues have been widely eat harassed by critics. they do not recommend the phone until they've have a free fax for the reception problem that come up when you touch the rim. the magazine suggested it cover it with that tape that case was the better place in. >> let's give everybody a case. you have a bumper case here i want to give everybody a free case. a >> it back if you already bought one of the cases, the company will give you a refund. they expect to run out of them said they'd made offer third-party cases to. >> we are to decide whether to keep going or maybe we will have a better idea. >> jonathan howe or the customers would be able to handle that. while apple is still working at the detail and a lot of it will take place on line. for example if you got one of these numbers that you are likely going to go on the apple website and put in your seat number. save the receipt and
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you'll get a check and mail for $30. and what we do not know yet if you deal to pick up on of these in the store when you buy and i phoned. net after order we may have to buy it with cash you get a refund >> might run out of those bumpers'? >> exactly, they told me today that they will run out of that at some point and that awful will start buying third-party cases like this one which is made of rubber which is good because some people are going to want a third party cases and it is the bumpers are cool but they do not cover the back of the foam. >> either one works >> exactly. >> both of these work equally well. the problem is when your skin patches metal. the spot right here, that is the problem and these cases, whether it covers the back toward the edges, even see it doesn't even cover the back of what this does is cover all of the metal and
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that includes little but take. >> were steps away from whether apple to recall and up but is not quite happened. >> this closes the door on a recall but it does not and the tiny crop after the case and will cost of one and a half billion dollars in bumpers that only cost them about. this is a much cheaper way out for them. >> for apple customers is a relief that a low tech answer to this problem of the phone. anything that is going to dust off what they already have and use those and said. >> please a case in the days of my phone because they cost too much, if you drop one, >> and by these anywhere? >> everybody has some kind of cover some kind of case. as in case you drop it is more protection. this is all it takes. great solution as far as i'm concerned. >> they weighed the mathematics for months or so and there's nothing wrong with it.
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>> many of the people who went into the apple store it found that there were no phone cases available yet and they do not know when those cases will be in stock. for more information on how to get a free i phone boats were website periods (music) >> the sea breeze picked up and we had some relief from the heat today, not quite as bad as it was yesterday it is still low 60s in san francisco, a lot of 70's around the bay, some of those eight and a low 80s. the mid-90s here and if not checked in with a high of 100 this afternoon. all of these temperatures with the exception of antioch was down about 5 degrees over yesterday. definitely some relief is in store for today. it is same as and restore for tomorrow. still on the hot side inland but cooler weather is on the way next week and i want you to know more about that coming up next.
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>> like check on traffic, this is the golden gate fridge on the friday night and is moving very well, a few blocks away there are some major traffic changes coming and what you expect just ahead on kron4 news. (music)
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>> approach to the golden gate bridge to be one lane in each direction setting at 10:00 saturday night and lasting 10 hours. getting ready for the weekend project through staff trough check out the one way for an hour. it is backed up for miles on to bombard and other san francisco's streets. it will not be as bad but transportation say they will be delays. >> they want to place everything in the newly built planes on the north side of won a one in high one. they be to start working on this far right side to they can carry out. it is part of the
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new billion dollar presidio parkway. that mean sunday morning and during the monday morning commute people drive themselves in the new pattern for the first time. both directions north and south will all shift to the north. it will stay that way for the next 12 months. traffic is backed up to one lane and that is part of the prep work. officials think that traffic will be much later saturday night. as a precaution your advice to injure the ride late saturday night. in san francisco and mark jones first kron4 news >> there's fog moved into the bay, all the know how long it will stick around for the morning hours coming upcoming (music)
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this just then an 21 year-old soldier from now the has been killed in afghanistan and specialist jason's family was assigned to the 27 italian and station it out of california. he
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died wednesday when the sergeant had improvised explosive device. live in the news anchorman for kron4 news. secure >> a operations the former bart police officer was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and reggie kumar is live at the court, to make sure to make the >> peace> even see the bear case have already been placed a it is in anticipation of that is to support the rally. city officials but to the organizer of the event to his remaining anonymous. they were told by all of the demonstrators have to stay in this parking lot. this is a superior court parking lot. i spoke to several walnut creek residents who have mixed
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feelings about this place and they do not understand why the city was chosen. >> we have an individual who is convicted and found guilty by jurors. here we are going to raleigh by him? we're a country of laws and the law has spoken. i will hope it's not individuals that are coming in to create disorderly conduct like what happened and oakland. as long as it is people who are here and respect the law then they should be >> i thought it would be relatively peaceful and people it cited the area have different opinions and i thought it was a good thing >> why is that? >> you know is a nice, isolated place and you know we do not lot of crime here and, um, i think people and their awareness it should be happy. >> i'm a little surprised to see out here. i'm not sure why will the creek has anything to do it
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is. i thought it as such did oakland a budget the training of the park talk and i know that part is here. we do not have that kind of stuff coming on in walnut creek and it seems like an inappropriate place to have a protest on either side. >> i hope both sides are represented. >> walnut creek police said that they are preparing for the worse and they do not anticipate violence during the rally and they are expected to get like this and oakland with the bart shooting verdict that was announced just a couple of weeks ago and the rally is encouraging people to remain peaceful on monday, more than 100 people are planning to attend the rally. the sheriff's department has also been called in to assess what the greek police officers during the rally just in case things get a pan to help keep the peace. they spoke to some of rage oscar grant's reporters in here is that they had to say. >> these oscar grant's shooting
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protesters are here at the bart station and spreading word about the support early on 2:00 p.m. here outside the toll increase superior court as. the rally said that the code justice of >> we're supporting the movement for oscar grant's. we're not animals appear to show that we do care. for a >> legislators said they will be there as well. we >> offer spiritual support and support for oscar grant's family. >> this support rally was announced on the page by some anonymous person. the objective here is grated white support protest for johannes. one other and 23 people confirmed they will be attending. police are calling for backups from outside agencies. the protesters reacted badly to the verdict and they
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say will likely coz nothing to fear. >> no violence here. barnabases is for the people and by the people. >> y el the bart police oversight bill signed into law will take effect on general worry first 2011. in the draw independent >> the idea is to never, ever, ala our police department, they are still going to have ruled that the affair is what it was back on january 1st and last happen like that. that is the rule and is the rule of the psych ward. >> they also review bart police policy issues in contingency with possible misconduct incidents. >> we have a nice day on the way
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for tomorrow. in fact is going to be a beautiful weekend we have temperatures that are a little bit cooler than we had there are really nice conditions with a little bit of fog in the morning. the fog will spread and san francisco is seeing a little bit of clout. is expected to push into midnight tonight issue clear way very quickly tonight below clods back out to san francisco and to the beaches and that's where the class should say. much cleared up the coast not. temperatures getting up into the 80s and 90s in places like fairfield. look for a low to mid '60's on the coast and san francisco is 68 clearing it
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tan or 11:00 and then sunshine. union city is upper 70's and the warmest place is once again is the '90s in the east bay. antioch is 97 degrees and is down by 100 degrees, beautiful weather instead of jose and morgan hill. sunday perhaps a little bit warmer and then cooler for everybody next week. pam? >> computer giant hewlett- packard is there will be some loss for tax revenue is a quick traffic for local business. >> the duke of edinburgh publishes right across the street from this campus. it is
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one of h-p's favor watering holes. >> whenever you have a celebration we wish to come here. we seem to come here. we do a lot of business with h-p. there will be not a lot of layoffs this time, but these workers are to be transferred to hq headquarters in palo alto. the facility will be closed. there will be a significant hit to the tax bases near chris lang. the impact >> will be gradual> i think some of the cities that corporate our business will shut down overnight. we are in good shape, two years and we work together and we paid the road to make sure. >> h-p says closing the 100 a. campus on to the executive briefing center will create a more productive environment for people like rich jones. >> i'm actually pretty mobile person i can do for many office.
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to >> they're optimistic they can do it it in another office and the mayor says they've already expressed an interest in coming to town. >> a live look out side of traffic this is the bay bridge toll plaza, barely any traffic, west bound for san francisco. you'll be right back.
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might expect on a couple unsolved dangers most of the seats were empty. >> even though all lots of the research is preliminary send people spend prolonged time spending time sit on the bottoms ardmore easily overweight, it decreases circulation and the body starts shutting down on a metabolic levels. there is evidence suggesting that
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prolonged sitting is beneficial with frequent breaks. they contended the event and there are encouraged to get up on their chairs, for all the details on the event code for website. >> another look at friday night traffic, things are moving very well. the traffic is moving towards the bay bridge and on the bottom of your screen and is holding to 1211. everything is moving well. we'll be right back with a lot more news ahead.
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live from the bay area this is of special edition kron4 news. >> and our big story @ 10:38 p.m. violent crime has dropped 10 percent compared to the same time last year and hamas sounds
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are down 4%, the police say a prayer for partially these are the lowest homicide levels of they have seen since the 1960's. christine connolly it shows us behind the streets on >> san > crime has dropped off every category in san francisco according to the police chief. the credit this drop with a new strategy that allows them to target hot spots. officers saturating the key areas like in this matter. the saturating areas have been building more community support. recently saw this strategy at work plan officers were at deployed after a high-profile attacks like the one you heat here and elderly and the asian community. >> we went out and we saw 32 people from around the city in this area for a period of two
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months city came up with the most sustainable solution. >> even urged the police department the reward that you see the merit holding from the department of justice. another program they say that is pulling off its concept. it was modeled after a program in new york quenelle laws you to look at trends and see where crime patterns are developing. >> looking at trendlines anticipating those trends even before the crimes are occurring. >> we wanted to know personal experiences in sampras's go if they reflect experiences. we want to find out. >> i talked a lot of people who lived in different parts of san francisco and many of them say they do agree with what the mayor and the police chief claim. it is not necessarily safer compared to last year >> i cannot say that experience a thing different.
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>> i can proudly say that i got kicked by a homeless person. >> i don't think i really noticed it but to be honest i just moved here a couple of months ago and i feel like i'm pretty safe walking around. >> is not a block from my apartment. i am encouraged to hear that the numbers are low. for me, i can really feel that is when i walking around certain areas at night. >> the body carefully go and what you do the yes it is a very safe neighborhood if you're smart to get it. >> it is all community organization, community activists to take part in it to. i got homicides are down. >> brothers against guns. this
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is actually taking place in is going on and we in the middle of the and reread 26 homicides. >> are you community activists, the crime continues to go down. even more money and it is a job training program and other types of communities today as organization. san francisco i'm here for kron4 news. >> the county sheriff's office counted four bodies after a fish chang boat capsized. the last i'd miss st. a 62 year-old jack taylor. this is the site on wednesday and taylor and three other fishermen, among those with them or on a fishing trip. large waves caused their boat to capsize and the more wearing life jackets at the time. (music) >> the frog in the sea breeze heavily cooled things off this evening and night at
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temperatures in the '50s and '60s around the bay area of the one exception is antioch. 86 degrees of very warm, once the it closer to the central valley, at 56 san francisco, those but clouds are pushing the bay this night and some are night we will see a lot of clouds bayside and from the north bay not too much to the south but the east bay. there with those clause early on and said the clouds, we will share those temperatures coming up. >> new details tonight about the deal between tesla motors and toyota. they have struck a deal and it is to install an electric engine in one of way it is was popular motors. >> appear in palo alto has already has at car ready to be sent to toyota by the end of the month. the paula although the
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headquarters are board to build the car with a plate of people that prototypes right now, we are moving existing cars and we're using some of our existing technology with regard to mary that and look for the best 80s that the future for a long term cost. i >> when it is already committing $60 million into the tesla electric car program. it is not sure if it's going to go into canada. >> it hoped to sell the route for 2012. in palo alto are chris for kron4 news >> another check them crawfish is very light for friday night and more are these ahead.
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live pictures from the gulf of mexico tell a story for the second night now and no new oil is flowing into the water there. british petroleum and government
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officials are saying the readings are not as good as they hope that they are optimistic. the new cap is good news. either we will be able to use it to stop the flow or we will deal to use it to capture almost all of the oil until the relief well is that. we're not went to know for certain which approach makes sense until all of the data is in. >> it may be monday and tell all of that data has been analyzed. 5,000 ft. down in the gulf, the cap is in place and it rests where the original blowout prevention. yesterday three balls were eventually close to shut off the oil flow. if they're not able to contain the oil there are connection points for them to be sized at to the filter. while the oil has stock to bp is still losing money. payments to gulf coast residents have topped 200 million. 32,000
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have received one or more payments over the last 10 weeks. twice as many have been withheld for lack of proper documentation. the wife of one oil worker says she is glad that the oil leak has been stopped >> the truth of the matter is it is not over because i don't want one drop of oil, not one drop >> government officials say that the pressures fall short of their expectations bp says the readings are climbing at the low pressure may be because the wall itself is becoming depleted. >> we have had temperatures that pretty one today. and it's a lot cooler near the bay, 60 70's and 80's and i will let you notice like during the week and next.
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how here stanley roberts with people behaving badly.. >> everything i about to show you actually happened within a 45 minute time span at the bay
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bridge toll plaza. this driver has stopped about 200 ft. from the toll block and he knows exactly where to go. ever since july 1st there has been a major change with the bay bridge carpool lane. driver still need to have three people to qualify for carpool however is no longer free. it now costs $2.50. that being said there is a chance, said listen carefully. drivers cannot pay cash, you must have a fast track transponder. we being cashed out side the window at me is not want to get your toll paid and getting out of your car will also not work. if you just pretend like you are in the wrong lane and he backed up you might get flagged down and give been better instruction. this driver and his driver were also backing up on
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the freeway. there were all ticketed. check out this motorcycle. he just cut through the linear to get into the carpool lane and then he stopped at the toll booths to pay his money in cash. he too was like over for a little chat and a ticket. this driver was originally told there is one toll birth then he backed out and drove into another where he waited to pay cash. the bay area toll authorities announced some changes a very long time ago i did appears drivers have not been paying attention. because driver after driver after driver, pulled up to the facts track planes waiting to pay cash. one driver it did not want to pay any tools and goes in a totally different direction. they have received so many complaints at the toll plaza they're handing out reminders. in the form of tickets. oh, and
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one more thing. you absolutely cannot pull over to the shoulder to ask me, the workings of the fast track transponder. my advice, is read the instructions. stanley roberts for kron4 news. >> a look at the golden gate here for tonight, we have some fog over there but you cannot really see it here in the shop. right now it is 81 degrees in french lick it, we're off to a hundred into raised earlier this afternoon, '50s and '60s elsewhere. we're going to start off with temperatures in the '50s at 6:00 a.m. and up to 60 is in the warmer places, through the day it warms up but the big key, the really hot stuff is going to be the east of the bay, triple digits out here and in the east bay and in lancelot's
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you see made to possibly upper 90s. otherwise look for a nice mild weather near the bay. '60s and '70s and '80s. the forecast highs look like this, at south bay is low 60s and morning fog is cleared by like warning giving a way to sunshine, 68 in san francisco, oakland is 64 degrees. here is a seven day around the bay. it is looking nice for the weekend and very beautiful, it is a little bit on the hot spot and the '70s near the bay, things to change by next week, monday, tuesday and wednesday this seabury's and clouds, are going to ramp up. this is going to make the temperatures go down. but for these numbers to settle down for the inland locations with upper 60s and low 70's by the bay. >> the british open champion is taking tweets from his fans straight to the golf course where kimberly soccer model tells us how. the
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>> well pam with over one. million twitter, they think that is the most engaging personality, you have to take a look at this because in the video we're going to roll this is how he takes his fans with into the grade. that is actually writing on the band. the nike sponsor had an idea to have his fans on for their creped motivational messages. a few of this tweets were selected to be right in on the golf bag provided by the company. it shows as messages like just do it " and " do for the kitchen sink " and one more motivational message that is not there just yet because they just treated it is one of his favorites today " write yourself with grace and glory and great as will come " you get this to be covered bake for yourself. >> the open high winds wreaked
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havoc and we have more on that coming up with gary. and the giants seem to be all of famer, he is next.
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even everybody, of the giants are off to a great second half. here we are, 48,00859 and we have john as a broadcaster. vita really had a good night. he worked a evening, two hits, 10 strikeouts and a metropolitan cannot test the giants last night. ground ball here. he is in there. brian wilson the all- star and that is it. the giants beat the mets. the fund is in
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kansas city. i used to be like a big deal. look we are in kansas city and now they have thousands. kevin cushman all had a couple hits here and he made a onetime head, and the other one's going for 501. worked seven innings and giants. doing their business in the right way, steinbrenner and chef man, george steinbrenner, the longtime key eighth announcer, will cast away within the last week mariel rivera took them on home plate and the key fans with signs for libor and laced with is the shepherd 91 years of age. the yankees won their game tonight by five to four. there
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is high winds. this baby was baling tonight and they have to take a break for more than an hour because of too much wind entire group looks went to work, not too bad, shut 73, he is eight strokes back. all kidding aside as, you have winds entire is still strong, you feel you as an outside chance of a weekend, five time winner of this event. , kissing something and standing at top of it. yes, >> discuss the wall. i thought >> it is significant. he is worth 21 million and has sat for and he's kissing the wall. this are that nothing of his is the wall. yucas the wall and you have everything you need. i think oh god, i am so emotional. >> were still live by. (laughter)
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>> next time get him a prompter. excellent time tiger woods. >> he now like this guy because he's real. this guy is real, in fact give a list of places he worked. >> read in california, >> hartford conn. and >> what quickie joe stock >> love is markets russell, a partly it is part of the team will hot night hawks. + we talked about him
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using gauge with drinks. so i said try and get back into football with the minor leagues and the nighthawks, worse as we when they first came out earlier in the week. let brought it james had this beautiful pendant that out young lady apparently bought further $8 and handed it to art and it is worth $10,000. when he put it on the bay. now they are claiming, liberal and people say that the great mass of robinson may have sold it and said the authorities now have in their hands and again, it is a key change, it is something about purple drink and drive that throws me off. but lubrani and his agent said wait a minute. i had at my has. maybe
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it came in and again right now we have stanley roberts looking into it. the last heartwarming story delays in judgment at this late may have stolen this thing. that would certainly put lot on the business. never feel sorry for anybody that case is the wall in the of money. you know that right? when you are stumbling of the lucky locker in chico, it's the man with a bike, watching rodriguez and his first victory, " levi got sixth place, 46 of the lead and sunday the event will end. >> kron4 news at 11:00 is coming up.
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