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tv   KRON 4 News at 9  KRON  July 17, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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a lot of this is kron4 news at 9:00 p.m.. >> the fatal shooting near the bart station happened this morning. a man was charged and they opened fire. they are mentally more happened >> the fatal shooting involving oakland and bart police officers brought back some bad memories. q. remember the oscar grant's was shot and these two shootings are very, very different. they shot the man because apparently he was charging that an officer with knives and the shooting did not happen at the bart station in said happened right here on 33rd avenue on east 16th street. that is five blocks away from
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the bart station. we have a team coverage and it reports the man was apparently walking to the bart station with knives in hand and when the bart police officers tried to stop and he took off. >> gun shooting. >> and he shall like that and the police were saying stop, stop, stop! >> he was paced by 2 different o pd officers and that proved disaffected. >> that turned deadly. the man
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>> turn towards the officer with a knife in hand and charge the officer. >> officer killed him. at the >> at. other officers who were on scene they it discharge their firearms striking bus subject to then fell to the ground and did not survive his words. >> an officer involved shooting by bart police and has made the nation and easy. >> i am really scared right now. all of the time. i am scared that the bart station situation. a >> this is this third oscar in vault shooting. the third which resulted in the fatality. >> again police say he had to now is on hand, they have not yet identified the man and they believe he is hispanic and either in his 30's or '40's. because that shooting and all the bart police officer and the
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civil unrest, city officials are taking this matter very seriously. there are four separate investigations into this case at into the conduct of the police officers. the city is being very proactive and how they're handling this case. >> oakland police are treating this with extra care. we have >> one witness so far that is reporting deal to the officers saying it should be! should the! >> how is this different? it apparently he is a public information officer that talks to reporters, especially on saturday. our officials are also speaking out quickly. they like how they responded to the oscar grant's shooting in this time they went to address any public concerns right away. the goal is to be proactive and transparent. >> we all which not only to the oscar grant's family but we owe it to to the family of the young man who witnessed the death of
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oscar grant's. we also owe it to all of oakland. we are really trying to improve. we cannot make part of a better or oakland better if we do not work in concert. every effort that has been made to try and coordinate and communicate. the >> even the mayor has issued a statement. here is part of it. it " is extremely important that we as a community continue to work together in order to provide a safe and secure environment. therefore, at a thorough investigation of the circumstances surrounding the death has begun " they say toxicology report will come back into weeks. the want to know if there was any type of drugs in the man's system. lives in oakland and don for kron4 news. >> they're looking for witnesses to a fatal shooting that happened friday afternoon and you are looking at a makeshift memorial that was set up by a man that was shot and killed on the 28th block of vilnius street. the body of the man was
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founded he had been shot several times. he was long over a driver's seat of the car and people have been writing messages on the sidewalk and leaving flowers and pictures of the man. his identity has not been publicly released. (music) >> well fantastic day around the bay area today pureed nice temperature is raising from the made 60s and 70's to the mid- 90s. an unfortunate this is a bit and comfortable for the east coast. san jose is in the low 80s. these temperatures are down a couple of degrees from yesterday. we enter some more summer time sheets as we get used to the day. otherwise, it has been of very large and broad area of hot weather over the entire western united states and that is what bringing the '90s in the heat. sometimes it is triple digits heat for the east
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bay inland spots. by next week this bill going to change and in the meantime it is another hot day. next week starting monday the fog will really begin to thicken and fog will take longer to burn away. we will see increased winds coming off the ocean and that means cooler temperatures for everybody. i will surely this 7 day at around the bay coming up. >> coming up, no strike at least not yet when the judge told the transit and union leaders. and less than an hour a delaine closure that could affect you get in or get out of san francisco for the next 10 hours. and dropped calls is a thing of the past with this new device. those stories coming up. hal
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+ and alameda county judge has
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entered that to the union is in talks to try and reach an agreement on a new contract. true the contract they are not allowed to strike. reggie to martel's us if they're willing to go along with it. the
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>> union local are saying they are happy that the judge ruled in their favor and they are ruling them to negotiate. claudia had some say the judge did not decide whether transit was allowed to impose a contract on its employees. >> we at history. the union wanted to go to get this arbitration. they want to make a decision that they are accorded to go to arbitration. it has nothing to do with the confessions. has everything to do with the district having the majority of the operators working a 13 hour day for 14 hours straight. we're going to get a restraining order against them >> see chances as they want to reach agreement on the changing work rules relating to over time. they also want union workers to contribute to their medical coverage. the judge has ordered all three sides to agree by july 23rd and if they can't
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both sides will have to select a list of potential candidates for the judge to decide. >> a new contract imposed on all of its union workers goes in effect on sunday. they say the traveling public does not to worry about bus service and all workers will be on the job. in oakland reggie, margaret kron4 news. >> explosion in afghanistan has killed the 20 year-old chase, this is his picture he was killed on wednesday. he died in an attack in a bomb exploded on his military vehicle. three other soldiers were killed in the same attack in california so far so good on the new cap and a broken oil leak that is still ahead. why this testing area has been expensive. >> so flawed that the coast a record to see some improving conditions at the beaches. i will have the forecast coming up. vulcanism night the chinese
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government says that in the mine accident happened saturday after an electrical table caught fire and senate hole shaft. workers are now trying to find and bring out the body. in national news they say nobody was trapped under the rubble from collapsed parking growth. police had been digging since the degree in concede the area where it came down. they were afraid that people might been trapped in some of the guitars. the building collapsed after a glass company from other high rise building fell. after 24 hours the crews determine known was there. it eastern kansas nine children have been injured after a school bus accident today. one child had to be airlifted out in critical condition. the buses coming back from church camp. it rolled off the highway. is not clear yet what went wrong. and so far so
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bad, the new cap is still holding strong in the gulf of mexico and as you concede because these are live pictures of the well there was the third day with no oil leaking bp is still monitoring and unofficial did decide to expand testing till fried it because there has been some turnover of high pressure reading. after the testing is complete it will be hooked up to well collecting ships. >> things looked very good. the last images that we've seen since this side. there has not been anything. an oil moving, over the next 30 hours. they're also not just monitoring by a vision but they're also using seismographs to see if there's any type of shaking. they may it indicator rupture and they're also using a variety of sensors to see if there could be any changes plus a robot that circles around itself. but it also been doing is monitoring
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the psi. exerting from the force of the well coming up from the it well and has been roughly around 6700 maybe a little bit above it has been increasing over the last several hours they hope will stay in the range a little bit above 8000. anything that drops means that of a rupture is weighed down in the well below the seafloor if that happens that could be catastrophic event so far so good. >> let's take a look at some of the oil skimming ships. the mix has been collected. there are hopes the really big ships was going to collect a lot of oil, there is. they say it is too big to maneuver around oil. >> we have seen persistent fog
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at the bridge. here is a live via from the bay bridge toll plaza it is going to spread into the bay from tonight. the '50s or we have the cool ocean air coming in right around the bay. it cleared out. the fog is stubborn here at the coast and has been showing some signs of lire possibly afford to my afternoon. the fog once again comes into the bay for tonight on it needed to the east bay but the fault is social that really has a tough time making over the east bay hills. fog for the
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areas in sight of the bay it is keeping things clear for santa rosa but i think we will see some clouds early on in the north it. today by 12:00 p.m. you could notice the clubs are beginning to clear and eventually the in their clothes before the afternoon so perhaps some sunshine of the beaches for a change. that means warmer temperatures possibly into the mid-60s but not too much warmer than that. but for a lot of 80s, of fairfield and vallejo mid- 60's cosi, san francisco up to 66, a few clouds and then sunshine late morning into the afternoon for the east shore, a lot of 70's the warmest place is our up with you degrees by tomorrow and it is still pretty hot in the '90s here. antioch is all the way up to 90 degrees in close to 100. as to gorgeous day for the south bay. hi is very it
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could and to low 80s. it is still a lot inland for tomorrow and that the place begins to change through we'll see the fall, will become more extensive the sea breeze will pick up and all bring temperatures down into the 80s upper 60s and low 70's and i believe that is where we're going to say for the entire coming week. not much changed on the way through friday into next weekend. kathryn >> thank you brian. will not believe that what some able to a debate toll plaza the coming up with cecile lot of them seem confused by the changes. and authorities promise of a thorough investigation into the shooting death of a man in oakland today.
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rubin them claus realize look at the great
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british and tisane francisco, all the council this is, this is the traffic coming into this city. it is really backed up. it's unusual for a saturday
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night and we are not sure why. the ride is over, has been over for a few weeks now but starting monday carpoolers must have a fast track pass it to pay their toll at the golden gate bridge. that means you're no longer able to pay with cash. on >> monday you how fast track for your charge kohl told. if you have fast track because you three bucks. so, and you have to have that passed on your car. >> carpoolers stop they will confirm that there are three or more people in the car. >> now here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly.. >> everything i am about to show you, actually happened within a 45 minute time span. starting at 2:00 p.m.. >> this driver is stopped about 2 ft. from the toll lot because he was confused about where to go. >> ever since july 1st there has
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been a major change with the bay bridge or car pool lanes. drivers still need that three people to qualify for carpool however if there is no longer free. it is now costing $2.50. in that being said there is a catch so listen carefully. drivers cannot pay cash unless you have the fast track transponder. waving cash out the window at me will not get your toll paid. or getting out of your part to pay cash will also not work. if you just determined you are in the wrong lane and if he backed up, you may get flagged down and given better instruction. this driver and his driver were also caught backing up on the freeway. they're all ticketed. check out this model it cycle ride. he does cut to the of gladiators to get to the carpool lane. only to stop at the pulpits to pay his $2.50 in
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cash. he too was laid over for a little chat and a ticket. this drive our originally pulled into one is told it and then backed out and drove into another where she paid to pay catch. the bay area toll authority announced the changes of very long time ago. it appears that drivers have not been paying attention because driver after driver after driver went up to the fast track plane waiting to pay cash. one driver went to pay any tolls he went to the totally different direction. the chp has received so many complaints about driver habits that they are handing out reminders. in the form of tickets. oh, and one more thing, you absolutely cannot pull over to the shoulder to ask me how to use the fast track transponder. my advice, is read the instructions. at the bay
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bridge toll plaza i am stanley roberts for kron4 news. >> police officers said they had no choice but to open fire, we will have the latest on the man in oakland today. also you might want to avoid driving on the golden gate bridge tonight and the latest on antenna days after the problem with the phone.
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thistles are, saying an elf thorough investigation and oakland police say they shot a man who charged at them with knives this morning. that man that ran when approached by to bar officers and oakland police joined the chase and they use the taser on that man at least twice before five officers opened fire as he charged that the amount and they say he had a knife in each hand. witnesses say they heard him saying shoot me! is shoot me! before the
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shots were fired. ma'am >> pastor and they are definitely at is responding much quickly they're treating the kind of shooting with extra care and an extreme sensitivity. the geese and examples. the man that did the case. his deputy police chief. he is a public information officer who talks to the reporters. the top cops were of artificial were also speaking out very quickly today. the board of directors say they mike how they've responded this time they wanted so address any public concerns run away. they say that the goal is to be proactive and transparent. they owe that to the public and oscar grant's family. i hope >> what the public sees as we have been proactive and we have really wanted to immediately find out what are all the
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facts, investigated in more than anything give accurate information. not just a camera and that we think. >> even the mayor, released a short statement here. he was asking for patience in telling the public that investigations are under way. in fact there are four investigations into this case and into the conduct of the police officers. i can tell you at this hour, the oakland police department has not yet released the density of the man who shot or killed. there were looking at him earlier today and he appears to be in his '30's or '40's. live and oakland and carol. >> thank you very much, the shooting comes two days after the new oversight bill for bart that was signed into law to increase independent. it will investigate public complaints of our police and examine the department's policy. >> the idea is to never ever, all our police department to police itself again. the
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turnovers are great and they will still have that role. the internal affairs as they were back on general refers will not happen like that anymore. the auditors will feel that way too. this will take the effect january 1st and it will create anything she mentioned in this city commission to make disciplinary recommendations. 80 oakland police officers are at of a job now because of a budget problems. that fact is causing safety issues in the city. let's see how the layoffs affect the police department and the city. >> there are still over 300 officers and o p d control decisions that are out there on the streets. even without any less cops the public will not notice any changes where. however, here is a change. no more specialized units like what you see here. what was the crime reduction team. these sculpsit
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the pro-active police work beating the bushes for wanted parolees. the wanted partly as will not all little debt of less than hand on them because the patrol division has dissolved. they will not primarily a response to violent crimes as well as in progress crimes. for example, say you come home from work and you see that your has been burglarized and that the suspect was still inside. oakland police say you dial 911 and cops will arrive. do not expect squad cards to come out if a burglar is gone. do not even bother to call my mind one in that case because police officers will no longer come out to take a report on nonviolent reports like burglary, that is a minus the burglar is not on the scene. (music) >> pretty nice evening for tonight, we have 60s around the day and 70's in the inland spot. it is great weather aside for
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saturday night. fairfield into that have really been the hot spots. a different story in san francisco is cloudy and damp and cool and readings right now are in the '50s. here's the fog over the city, about 40 minutes ago, for tonight we are going to see the fog moved into the bay and it is going to have it in tomorrow morning on bayside. a little bit of fallout that should clear up very quickly for tomorrow, and liked it did today which means warmer temperatures in the north bay. there's a lot of sunshine and temperatures are going up the few degrees, may be getting closer to 100 and hot spots. it should be a better day at the beaches tomorrow with more sunshine and temperatures warming up a little bit, still cool, a breeze coming over the temperatures in that lifted 60s and more details on the forecast as well as a look into next week coming up later on.
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>> thank you brian, there is a lynching to want to tell you about on doyle drive. it starts at 10 tomorrow and it affects 10 lanes to one lane in each direction on the golden gate bridge. last 10 hours until 8 in the morning and a section a southbound to the whale will be toward out. traffic will shift into the 19th street and it will be in place for 12 months and drivers are being advised to avoid the oil drive tonight. a portion of highway 580 and oakland will be closed overnight, caltrans is replacing old and damaged barriers. they start at the 30 p.m. and 8 is closed as well as the land of traffic that goes east down on the beach, west of macarthur boulevard to 580, it will also remain closed during the period it driving east on another section of 580 should be easier now because caltrans has opened
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an additional 2.9 each of the plain from airport boulevard to livermore. the full 11 mi. lane is unpleasant tent to the greenville road and a is a full year at the schedule shoe began in next year. coming up steve jobs announces at tena that everyone will get free. and what ever happened to san francisco's plan to get homeless campers out of golden gate park? ñéáá('q'qry y y y eáe
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see >> jobs is tried hard to put antenna cases to rest. consumer jobs are not recommending a problem and jonathan lynn has the latest on what he is doing to make things right. >> we are not perfect >> steve jobs as apple wants to make your right. it belonged
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conference he took on the he called a anti e and n a t a t e. we have been working our butts off for the last 20 days to understand what the real issues are here. those issues have been widely publicized from critics including consumer reports that say that they will not recommend the form bound problems crop up when you touch the metal rim in the lower corner. the magazine suggested covering it with duck tape but a case was a better solution >> let us give everybody a case. we have a bumper case here and we want to give everybody a free case. a >> in fact if you have already bought i knew case the company will give you a refund. the offer is through the end of september at apple expects to run at a bumpers said they may offer third-party cases too. >> we will be example or this and as september or mid you will have a better idea. >> it may not be perfect but a
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lot of apple customers will go along with that we got some reactions >> people buy these things anyways, everybody has some type of cover or case in case you drop it is a little bit more protection. it is a great solution as far as i'm concerned. >> i do not think that there's any other way to do it. they keep trying to make it better and are but they need to just make it sturdier. >> more details about the free cases will be on apple's website next weekend for people who have already bought an i phone bumper or another case, apple will refund your money. say >> francisco's mayor once pledged to move them out the golden gate park but on people being badly they wonder whether the choice was are still comes out there. if >> it is a nice day for today, we have nice weather on the coast, '90s inland and even warmer tomorrow. our summer forecast coming up prepared including a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty.
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that's 40,000 more miles than ford. chevy silverado half-ton. a consumers digest best buy and the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pickups on the road. now get 0% apr for 72 months on 2010 silverado half-ton models with an average finance savings around $5,800.
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a big cleanup project in san francisco, volunteers joined
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public works on the embarcadero the project is called sweep up, it's to clean up the to rest area for the summer season. they're working on fisherman's wharf and they swept up debris and painted over graffiti, they cut down trees and branches and this is the 10th year of this program that is around to different areas of the city each month. >> the goal of public works and the city is to clean up the areas of this city that need it most and to try it into what they need those. we do a holiday sweep and they are on time market, this is the big sweep for the summer to make sure that to this whole big area is cleaned up for the two worst season and that everyone that comes to visit the city can see that it is a beautiful city. >> lot of the volunteers were students that came to school like the academy of art and college. three years ago, a san
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francisco's mayor announced that he was going to clean up golden gate park by evicting the homeless who camped there, they lived there basically. now stanley roberts has revisited the park to check on progress. this is another edition of people behaving badly.. >> golden gate park is the gem of sanford says the were you may find children playing into our sitting reading maps. you'll also find some of san francisco's homeless population camped out or hiding in the bushes. despite the fact that back in july 2007 the mayor made a pledge that homeless should leave the golden gate park. on this day i paid another visit to the park looking for any progress. i searched from stanley street to ocean beach. near stanley street i notice personal belongings and empty beer bottles. under the highway and the way to build there is hamas per cent like a poetry and
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a shopping cart filled with all types of things. i found this person and a sleeping bag hidden in the bay bridge. over here near the horseshoe pit sites found this man can't buy a lot working on something. and the pit that was used for a bonfire. i have not found this dog, a head of least a touch walking inside the park but no owner insight. and get this, on four separate locations i was elicited for drugs. not to buy drugs, they wanted me to sell them some. including this white- haired lady in the blue sweater. she asked me if i had any week. in golden gate park, kron4 news. >> it to a comment or a story idea e-mail us at people behaving badly. @ kron4 news. san francisco's housing authorities are threatening to evict hundreds of tenants who have not paid renton years. the amount owed has been piling up
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since 2003 and nearly a million dollars and recent reports say 1300 it tenants did not pay the rent on time and there are a lot of good people who do make an effort to pay. \ (music) >> lots of low fog and cool temperatures. breezy wins over the city. readings right now are in the '50s pleasant hill and dublin are currently checking in the '70s, the 60s in santa clara, daly city is in the mid- 50s. tomorrow we're still like to see a hot day, 96 popping up over the bay, possibly some temperatures getting over it 100 degrees. it remains over the west feared by monday things change. that will move off to the east and in its place we will notice the fog deck began to thicken. double wall of fog to move inland starting monday appeared deal also have some healthy seabury's that will make it into the and then carried it all adds up to cooler
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temperatures. in the meantime for sunday is planned to be pretty nice and i think that wins will be coming down from the north. it will push up temperatures and i would not be surprised to see a lot of nineties in some places like the north bay. right now we're shooting for upper 80s. still ocean air and sea breeze, it is 66 in tomorrow and for the short we're looking for meetings like today. in the '70s and 79 in fremont. the oddest places are mid-90s. it's about couple of days, pittsburgh and antioch is moving into the mid to upper 90s and the south bay was once a delightful day but it's in the upper 70's said 80s, if only someone could go on forever. the seventh day around the bay, monday, tuesday and wednesday we see clear whether it and it will drop into the mid to upper 80s. is up to average for this time of year. but this time of debate
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upper 60s the more 70's and still sat in the low '60's at the close. i think this is where we are born to stay. forecast model is really not showing any more of a change, it is really the same with onshore winds and some comfortable temperatures. catherine? >> wildfires are still running across southern california and firefighters are battling this grass fire, it was set off by lightning strike and the fire began pirated night it is rugged terrain. this is around the time that the bart station shooting happened 40 mi. north of bakersfield. the tallest building in san francisco was the site of the charity events where firefighters and police were full gear and had to climb 48 floors to the top of the pyramid building. they collected pledges and were offered money to charities. as you can imagine
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this was really a tough lot, even for officers in really good shape. >> most climbers say they took an average of 13 minutes to make the 48 story walk which sounds pretty amazing >> imagine having a manager cellphone power in your living room. this is possible now with something called the at&t microscope.
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a popular video store in berkeley had to shut their doors for a day they have been struggling and they filed for bankruptcy. customers are surprised to see the signs on the door ended store is no longer in business. this particular spot has been there since 1997 and it had 80,000 movies. a lot of rare hard to find felt that you cannot get work. owners try to reach is
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opened by the company that owns that it filed bankruptcy an employee is to say movers to shut up very suddenly to take the inventory more than a dozen people here lost their jobs. >> time now for tech talk with clips light. >> one of the most common complaints i hear is they have trouble getting paid cellphone reception for there are phones inside their homes or apartments. there is now a solution for that. this is the at&t microscope. it is a new device that sits in your house and works as a miniature tower. a boost at&t's telephone service to give you a better reception. it works, here's the proof. here is an i phone not let's not registered and it shows barely one our signal. on the right is an i phone adding with them and you concede that all bars are showing. it has a false signal. >> i move to this, a few months ago and i have one bar in the
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house side picked up an at&t micro sell at the local store and i have had an amazing experience so far. as you can see i have for akbar's throw my home. >> they it used up to 5000 across the house. its use outside your home and drive like dirty and used up to 10 different cellphone such your family or friends that are over often you can boost their signal as well. the microsoft works by connecting to your home broadband internet. the senate is easy and it's a few minutes. the device costs $150 and there is no monthly charge. to get more information look at the tax late >> that is pretty good. we need that in the newsroom. i >> was going to say it would be perfect here in the studio. >> some more hot weather coming? he >> yes, more hot weather coming, maybe close to 100 degrees in antioch. we're
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starting off in the '50s and '50s inside the day, the fog will even clear away off the beaches all little bit tomorrow. 60s on the coach and '90s inland. santa rosa is up to 87 degrees and every body cools back down for next week. the fog will be a bit more extensive. to this nice weather should last for the next seven days. looking pretty good. >> into the '90s mark? i could use to that that is nice. yeah >> us, i love summer time. >> day he so much for joining us everybody will be back at 11:00 and i hope to see that. how good evening. (music)
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