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tv   Kron 4 News at 10  KRON  July 19, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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of violent weekend in oakland. kron 4 looks at several incidents that kept police busy. including of murder of a man who just arrived in town for an interview at google. it >> they have a right to protest that's the bottom line. >> i have a right to protest that's why i'm here. >> as protesters in support of oscar grand met face-to-face in support of john as mehserle. >> emotional, confrontational,
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the rally in support of former bart officers john as mehserle quickly escalated into a screaming match. >> had you not know the difference between the taser and again. >> police in full riot gear and wound up in rows. protesters spilled into the street. police and sheriff's department kept a close eye on the crowd of several hundred people. >> why is crimes on white never reported. i never hear about it.
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>> there was no arrests no property damage and no violence. >> and an anti mehserle protesters got to walnut creek on bart. mehserle was a police officer who shot and killed oscar grant. >> protestors serve very close it watched by bart police. >> committees getting off the train in walnut creek were surprised to see a protest under way here. he was closed for six minutes. most departing passengers to the emergency exits. people getting on the train were allowed in one by one. the gates for reopened and the protesters paid their fares under the watch law as the bart police. when the the protesters got on the train officers followed. estrange mixture of hot protesters baseball fans and bart police. the protesters told us they had no problem today
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with bart police. they're upset with the off-duty police his for at them. ignoring the very laws that officers are sworn to enforce. >> they're supposed to be the professionals. >> if you're put in place to uphold the law and then it you go against a lot of tikrit. >> the protesters took several trains to run back to oakland. they said they had no trouble with any of the protesters. there were no incidents to report. >> still is kron 4 for continuing coverage on the mehserle rally and the bart shooting predict. with a special section on kron 4 doc, were you can read videos and watch stories. >> a father sri from out of town
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died. he was in the bay area looking for work at a well known to search >> engine >> and happened here at 19th street and was centered around 11:30 p.m. sunday night. oakland police say 45 year-old was here at this dental office for what appears to be a late- night appointment. after words cane a female hygiene as the works here were leaving anniversary approached on the street. investigators say he was shot and killed by one of the two suspects. his female friend was not injured. >> one of the questions surrounding the investigation is why was he here getting his teeth cleaned so late on monday night. >> oakland police say came was in town to apply for a job on the google and a friend was doing his last minute work on his teeth so you show up looking good for his interview. there
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appears to be no connection between the victim the suspect and the location of the crime. >> this is very unusual that this type of or robbery will move on to the other side. >> google officials are responding to the murders. they release the statement this evening. we're saddened to hear the news our hearts go out to add to his family in this difficult time. >> fog is when be the big story for the next few days taking a look at tomorrow. dense fog expected along the coast her tomorrow. and will be scaling back at this point but it will remain tense along the coastline. at 3:00 we will see mostly sunny conditions elsewhere. another five degrees cooler only reaching 88 in our warmest inland spots.
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>> and as we take a quick break here at kron 4 news attend a look from the golden gate bridge. fog moving in once again the traffic weavings mobley. we will be back with more news, weather and traffic in a few moments. >> of giving details tonight in
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the violent shoot out and oakland i'll left westbound 580 closed for 20 hours and the suspect put hospital with several gunshot wounds. his picture of by ron williams from a prior arrest. the 45 year-old has extensive criminal history. williams is not talking the homicide detectives. his mother has reportedly said that williams was upset because he couldn't get a job because he was next felon. and we have new video of the shooting it on the 580. listen you can hear the gunshots. several of 60 that one off. in your police storming towards the vehicle. kron force
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trees are reports on the shoot out and hollow police believe williams survived the violent confrontation. >> with this toyota with bullets. and here of the windows shut out. . officers tell kron 4 news that more than 60 shots were fired at by ron williams. after he opened fire. the violent confrontation all started saturday evening at midnight when officer saw williams driving e radically in weaving through traffic. officers attempted to pull him over several times. the six finally when he did that's when he pulled out a gun and started to shoot. listen as he can hear gunfire on this video. officers say that they hail of gunfire loss of around 10 minutes was more than 10 chp officers involves. they say that williams finally surrendered
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after suffering many wounds. this is him being taken to hospital. police say that he survived due to the fact that he was wearing heavy body armor. for williams, they found three guns. in additional the bomb squad a mechanical robot was called in. when a suspicious package was found inside the track. he reconsider the robot pull up this binder. it says california. offices are now analyzing the binder. they believe that he was heavily armed and heading to some unknown location. the belief that the traffic stop prevented a deadbeat situation from occurring. >> fog is when be a big story in our forecast of the next several days. drizzle as well. of a full forecast coming up in just few minutes. >> we will be back with more news, weather and traffic in a few moments. >> and tragic day for families
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of the northern california
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families from pennsylvania. the afternoon when he fell about 400 ft.. his father climbed down given cpr. he was pronounced dead by emergency responders at the scene. and a pair of dogs that attack three people at golden gate park last week has been euthanize. they did a middle-aged man and a 71 year- old woman. the tour another person's clothes. police and animal control captured one of the dog shooting one of them. and no one came forward to claim the animals. animal control book and down because they were considered dangerous. devastating arson fire that practically burned a san jose school to the ground. prevented or at least been put out earlier is the school had ceded the art alarms and sprinklers. most
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schools do not have them. the district is doing only what state code requires for safety because of a tight budget. >> the early morning fire on june 7th. to blame an old fire alarm system. half the schools in the districts don't have updated fire alarms or sprinkler systems. and a portion of the building you see behind me built just a couple years ago has an automated fire alarm system. not have these modern systems and burned up before it could be salvaged. eaton have to install them under existing codes. we will put sprinklers in one code requires it and it makes sense. >> law the district cassette in
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esquirinstall modern automatic m systems. >> people said that the money should be found some help. >> i think that we can afford not to do it because we need to do what we can to raise that money to make sure that our children are safe. >> there will have systems after being rebuilt. but many schools have to rely on older alarms. >> and teachers and parents are raising money to help replace supplies that burned up in the trees fire. about 16 teachers lost all their supplies. and enough has been raised for two of those teachers through bake sales. they see that there have recovering and the $1,000 deductible. the money is being donated to the silicon valley it >> foundation> if you're on ac transit be prepared for possible this blaze. an unusually high
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number of drivers have been calling in sick. 209 bus drivers called in sick today. that's almost 20 percent of all operators. over 225,000 people ride ec transit each day. >> temperatures on the mild side out there right now. fog is already starting to push in coast to coast. this is pretty much going to be our overnight lows. the cool air hasn't quite made it here yet. and get a little thicker out there overnight tonight. we'll be looking and dense fog tomorrow morning. towards the afternoon we will see mostly sunny skies in most locations. but will be about five degrees cooler with that air infiltrating the bay. it's gonna be close to the
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weekend into the weekend. . it's gonna reach all the way into the inland valley. lucia north the east bay shore. it will then pushed to the coastline and later in the morning. it's possible let some breaks could occur but it looks like near san francisco we're gonna see overcast for most of the day tomorrow. again are gonna be on the cooler side expects a closer to the coast. brown the bay shore is temperatures will be about 66. a little warmer as you make your way down the bay. it will be pretty comfortable tomorrow. a look at your kron 47 day air around the bay. again forecasfog dominating the forecs we make our way to the weekend
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the fog will start to let up a little bit. >> we're watching wildfire is and fire fighters get the upper hand on lightening sparked fires that have been occurring. this blaze in kern county is now 90 percent contained. its turnover 600 a.. a dozen other wildfires are burning. another fire and new to macula was fully contained saturday morning. bills of those fires caused by lightning strikes as well by last thursday. and a wildfire in central washington state that has destroyed almost three homes and threatened lots of others. the fire started-day afternoon about 10 mi. west. more than 10,000 a. have burned so far. and were watching the latest
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from a mile undersea in the blown out well in the gulf. the cap is holding for now however there is a small amount of oil that is leaking. pretty good news here. pressure has been building on the cap. eventually good news. did drop in pressure repormeans of the summer else. >> the collective opinion on the folks that are talking about this. the small leakages that we find right now and not represent that there is this threat to the well bore. if we thought it was a threat would taking the action. >> the crews have been able to skim oil from the site. some have been sent out to look for a while elsewhere. >> of whooping cough breakout could be th50th of the biggest f the seers. >> california has reported
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almost 1500 cases of whooping cough. five times as many cases this last year. and unionize. those over 64 it specially grandparents caring for infants should also get the vaccine. and so should anyone else in contact with infants or pregnant women. infants because of the delicate airways have more difficulty surviving in the infection. whooping cough used to beat one of the major it killings of children in america. now hoping cost is one more on on the rise. a new spike in 2004 and five. and in even bigger one expected this year. a whopping cough may appear similar to the common cold for up to to three weeks. but that can be followed by either weeks or months of our rapid cough with the whooping
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sound. >> will be right back with kron 4 news at 10. alive look at the bridge here. a bit of a back up. we will be back with more news, weather and traffic in a few moments. >> >> and go adults watch out
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there's a new online dating web site that lets relatives play cupid. >> date my single kid. >> well mark in the way this site combines the old with the new. the old-fashioned concept of parental matchmaking with the new technology. now all f o f match is confined people for their daughters and sons grandchildren. >> i want her to find a man that will love her as much as her
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father has love me for over 40 years. >> to check out the my single kid visit our what's on the web section at kron 4 doc,. >> traffic light right now in and out of san francisco. we will be back with more news, weather and traffic in a few moments. >> thought no arrests made and
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no property damage in a rally and counter rally in walnut creek today. it originally started as groups showing their support from mehserle. is the officer found guilty of manslaughter to officer durant. the bush shutting their opinions of mehserle supporters. there were heated arguments but never turned violent. >> i'm for the family oscar
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brand icahn side for him but i'm also for mr. mehserle. it was a horrendous tremendous mistake. does he have to be but it was a mistake. what we wanna do is make a point. >> only want people to know that your badge number does not give you the right to shoot people and the back. to date response to certain protections not eliminate. >> officer showed kennedy sure road for about 45 minutes till about some of the crowd began to disperse. >> investigators following up on another major incident that happened over the weekend. this incident involved a sniper shooting at police officers. >> this is the scene around 1130 last night after someone opened fire on police officers.
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>> in the car stop the investigation and found that there was a large amount of crack cocaine inside of the vehicle. they're investigating someone from the apartment complex started to fire a weapon at the officers. >> police backed off and called in additional officers. they ended up searching the office part of building only to find nothing. >> any to any have someone is willing to shoot at the police and they're very dangerous to society in very dangerous to the public and officers. and hopefully to tips coming in we will be able to locate these individuals. >> oakland police say that they will now take a look at surveillance video from the various locations in the area to see if the contract and the sniper. >>. after bart and oakland officer shot and killed the man who charged at them with knives
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on saturday morning. officers are promising as sorrel investigation. officers tried unsuccessfully to tays the man. he died at the scene. >> and at least 13 people has been arrested for on-line distribution of child pornography. >> these pictures of the suspects who have been arrested after the 6 ft. long investigation by the internet crimes against children task force. it is comprised of 13 law enforcement agencies. including the fbi. >> we searched the public internet sites and the public internet wave frequencies to be able to identify digital fingerprints and photographs of preadolescent children who are engaged in some type of horrible
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sexual exploitation. and it went this way we can identify who is who is exchanging that pictures and information. we can track them down to the local home computer and find out what they're doing. >> the chief said that the arrests have been made are only a small example of the crime. but the to be trees anywhere. >> this is the tip of the iceberg. we focused on what we're looking for locally. that does not mean that we can turn any given area woke for the technology. >> fog designed to the big story for the next several days. the grants up tomorrow. starting the day was dense fog along the coast and around the bay. temperatures and still little more mild overnight because of a cloud cover. beginning to clear tomorrow with the sea breeze win. and in the fog will push to
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the coastline. it will be overcast the day. but around 3:00 it should be some sunny conditions. it's to be about five degrees cooler and inland spots. antioch will be the warmest of 80 degrees. the school weather is gonna stick around for several days. >> sometimes for firefighters. tumor fire stations close their doors today. by the bankruptcy and make the move. >> this fire station closes stores after 8:00 a.m.. and station 21 reduced its equipment and stopping level. the department moved the equipment over to station 22 which has been close but has been reopened as part of the shuffle. the closures are an attempt to save money. the overall stock thing in will go
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down from 18 to 15 firefighters per shift. there will be no layoffs as results of the shuffle. in 2006 and the department had south of 122 firefighters. today it is down to 67. this has changed the number of people on duty from 5 to 4. >> will be right back on kron 4 news. alive look kith and san jose. right now in trouble moving slowly. the headlines are southbound. coming up after the raid gruel pulls the plug on a small bone. >> cool pulling the plug on the
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next smart phone. mrs. kugels first attempt to the break into cellphone world. the device did not catch on. and the last of
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the phones inventory is now being sold off. meanwhile motorola is having great success with their droid phones. the new droid x has just hit the market and it's getting a new buzz. >> if you want a new droid x. google and dried smart phone for brides and. you better act quit because most stores are sold out. i think this is an be of very hot phone the summer. and this is the first phone to be a iphone competitor. it uses this side out keyboard of the first tried but you get a huge touchscreen that's bigger than the cellphone thought the iphone. most ghoul phones die quickly because they do so much. this fall and has a good solid battery. it hasn't a mega pics
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camera up which is more than iphone. and has a nifty new typing system that is called 2a@rtmñhmss)3 cool but once the easter it's a fast with the tide. the upgrade price or the price for a new customer is $200 was a two-year contract. if you have horizon anyone and i phoned like device. it doesn't have physical side out keyboard which most people seem to like. >> fog is indeed the weather story for the next few days. of the fitful forecast in a few minutes. we will be back with more news, weather and traffic in a few moments. >> now here stanley roberts who
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found some people behaving badly. >> alright pull over to the right place.
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>> driver to this white card claims to have a medical emergency. his mother has a dental appointment. he was rushing to pick up his mother for the appointment. >> from time to time and the california highway patrol conduct speed enforcement in public areas. and said the tunnel here is job one of those problem areas. >> drivers on highway 24 often get caught in traffic waiting to come through the tunnel. so when they find the exit tunnel they try to make up for lost time. now at a glance you might think that the officer writing the ticket is the very same one issuing a ticket. but it's not. it is this officer standing on the shoulder using the speed detection device who gets the credit. with a light are he can
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target individual cars and call in air speed to a waiting officer who then rates the tickets. this degree driver was caught doing 63 mi. per hour. the maximum for trucks is 55. even as the normal speed is 65. plus the trailer was not registered. >> for this day every driver ticketed were driving at least 15 mi. over the speed limit. this driver argued he was only doing 68. he was issued a ticket driving 81 in a 65. this driver had no idea how fast she was going. and this driver in the black mercedes speeding ticket from another officer and was about to back up on the freeway. which would have been a totally different ticket. in just two hours and 30 drivers for issued
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speeding tickets. the highest speed and 92 mi. per hour. on highway 24 in oakland at stanley roberts kron 4 news. >> did you have a comment our story idea for stanley you can e-mail us at people behaving badly at kron 4 telecom. >> let's look outside that are occurring conditions. temperatures running mostly in the '50s. this is where the temperatures are going to stay overnight. area the fog will keep the kool-aid coolidge during the day. it's going to lose and well england. and a dense fog tomorrow morning. temperatures will cool down during the day as the cool marine air makes its way in. this week it's going to stay foggy in schools throughout the week. very similar from day-to- day. also along the delta at 5:00. and by a clock in the
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morning the fog was so be lingering over the east bay and the coastline. pushing back to the coast later on in the morning by 11. most of the coast is clear in the silver castanets the day but it is possible see some son later on in the afternoon. a look at temperatures tomorrow again they're going to be a little cooler. expecting the low 80s tomorrow. we're in the upper 80s and 90s today. cool along the coast. 60 in san francisco. 70's and 80's mixed into the south bay. i can fog is when the the big story. the storm passing us to the north is gonna ramp up our sea breeze wind which will contribute to cooler temperatures and drizzle along the coast. the fog was fought off a bit during the end of the week but it'll still be there. >> today net six a announces
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that they're expanding outside the united states. >> let canada our neighbors to the north will soon be able to experience that flicks in simply watching service. this is met flexes first expansion outside of the u.s.. all of the subscription packages in the u.s. combined streaming. its plan for previously scrap in order to a focus on a core market in the u.s.. that success than that slicks canada will only be available in english but it expects add french support over time. >> sports is coming up next. and giants and take on the dodgers.
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>> here we go the a's get the
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sweeping prompters. the telegram to starting to go crazy mark gannon left his seat and ran over. major union violation. f to be siding on the unionize. the microphone actually broke. the kind of exciting. what's funny about this as everyone has the same highlights. but when you see a man working with a microphone that is burt broken and then he has a presence of mind to call on as fan of 31 years. 29. all ok he would go. you see what a professional does. and normally see the guy
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what women in the do. to sit here and what happens. we're a team here. >> annexing the novell hand good camera until you go and shoot your story. >> oakland swept kansas city. now their home tonight. boston red sox though they have been full of injuries and fluffing a little bit. they leave the game so down the road. it's 21 red sox in the office. two to one when. forget the holdout for one of the nfl's best running backs.
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the titans have it agreed on a revised deal. supposedly selling given 2.5 million. michael jordan speaking out. >> i would never have called up larry and said let's get together and play on one team. but it does sizings are different. i can't say that's a bad thing. that's not what these kids have today. in all honesty have a shine to beat those guys. i don't know if it would of been on my team. i'm a competitive guy and i like to play against competitive players. and >> i would run 10 mi. to hear him talk. now i can't play anymore and like everyone else. allred this is common time.
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>> course there is gonna be times will we might lose two games in a row and pier event for a dozen semi the world is crashing down. y'all gonna make it seem like the world trade has just gone down again. all right now let's be fair the internet to the story to the san house. and ran with it he apologized today. miami lost a couple games in a row it be like the world trade center tragedy. as the do it is needed in the butt and get rid of it. the internet is great for finding information and everything else but it has made of media group. guys make one
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slip and the tide in the media. the athletes now feel why am i the middle man. i just give out the message that i wanna give up. he is to be that an interviewer could make a guy look good. i like just a one- sided conversation. d u tweet jackie? >> this you'd be the type to get followers. can imagine the old guys that watch kron. and then have been funny but can you imagine the kron or the news demographic. old and recent not home. demand that weather girl as a really good reporter. when your name comes up in the lower third it has treated dress.
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jesus and his directors said wise your mailbox always fall. i said because it's been there since 1994. duodenal why get along with people? because i don't know them. we're gonna continue this conversation. we'll be right back as kron 4 news continues. >>
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