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tv   KRON 4 News at 430pm  KRON  July 23, 2010 3:30pm-4:00pm PST

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near 57th avenue were kaiser hospital employee was gunned down last night. kron 4 >> this is what happened to christo rate according to several of his oakland neighbors after finishing his shift early friday morning at kaiser hospital he parked his car in front of this east 15th street residence around 148 m. after exiting the vehicle he reached this point someone shot on right here where you see this yellow evidence square marked on the ground. after being shot he struggled his way up the top of the stairs. >> i was in the shower i heard gunshots. >> his landlord describes what happened next. >> all sudden i heard him laying on the gate screening and saying help. >> time you get to the date he was already.
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>> dead. he was laying down here. >> this neighbor across the street asked not to reveal her identity. she picks of the story from there. >> his a the bottom of the stairs of the pleas were coming he was dead. investigator >> is hearsay at this time they do not have a motive for this homicide. however his brother called me he thinks he knows what happened. >> monday in the neighborhood he had an argument with before that's why and this is why he's slated to move out of fear this is a bad thing. he is possible but this coming weekend but he did make it. >> serve in the u.s. navy for 20 years and leaves behind a wife, seven year-old daughter in the philippines. in oakland kron 4 news. >> kron 4 spoke with kaiser where he worked there released a statement, " we extend our
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heartfelt sympathies to the employee's family and friends, and we're providing support to the employes at the oakland medical. " federal >> help may soon be on the way to help oakland deal with the recent rash of violence as kron 4 to join thursday oakland police chief is reaching out to several federal agencies for assistance. kron 4 christine conley found out what that help will mean for oakland residents. >> the oakland police department plans to draw federal agencies to town with a today violent summit. they say it's in the works now set for late august and will bring in agencies like the fbi, dea and atf. the u.s. attorney's office said the first time it will meet with community leaders to discuss what's needed here the second day with only with the police department to hammer out the details. the oakland police department said this doesn't mean he'll see agents patrolling oakland streets instead go be used to assist with long-term
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investigations. with the layoffs of 80 police officers the oakland police department has had to share some people from the criminal investigations unit to the streets. >> obviously were not what it 80 bodies from the federal government we do need it to focus in on our top priorities the gains, and drugs. they can do surveillances, wiretaps and that's what we're looking at. hopefully will be removed to a more active phase in the future. >> this just in to kron 4 major bart delays for train headed to the east bay due to a faulty axle on a train headed to richmond of the delays were here if about 20 minutes for trains going from san francisco to the east bay. the equipment problem reported around 3:35 p.m. it was a rich in bound train was rate near the montgomery station in san francisco the passengers had to be taken off the train at the montgomery station. crews are in the process of getting the train at of the way as soon as we get
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an update will bring it to hero kron 4. golden gate park has been hit again by a serial vandal please looking for the person responsible for vandalizing trees over the next two months. jeff bush shows us today. >> the damage was discovered thursday morning 14 and has sycamore tree were severed between the museum an academy of sciences. lincoln park officials say the trees were cut sometime wednesday night. the trees are about 3 in. in diameter and are cut just below the protective wire that surrounded them. looks like a power saw was used. you can tell because the cut is very clean and very eve and also with the power saw when take very long for someone to do all this damage in a short amount of time. this is the latest in a series of attacks on trees in the park. a total of 45 trees have either been damaged or destroyed from since monday. park officials have been investigating five separate incidents were trees or damage. the trees and work on wednesday
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cost the city $500 apiece. police are investigating the vandalism and park officials are saying the will be increased patrols by s&p and rangers. in san francisco jeff bush kron 4 news. >> want a developing story that we've been following concord please continue to investigate the case of a two year-old was mauled to death by his family's three peoples yesterday. we've now learned the to year-old died from skull fractures, a severe blood loss as well do the more than 50 dog bites found on his body. already the boy's stepfather steven has been arrested and will be charged with child endangerment. today kron 4 f spoke to him and a jailhouse interview. >> did it ever occur to usurp that some people are saying having won big bowl much less five peoples could be a danger to young children? >> bar hoppini came home to pols
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that they were at my house and i one of the front walkway and i was met by several officers and they told me my grandson jacob was small by one of my dogs. it took to the hospital. he went to
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the grosz that they can never does that. i love my grandson and never thought this would ever happen to children. >> the case is being brought to the d.a.'s office for review on monday. to see the gel is their view was steven in its entirety or website at >> the fog has cleared from every location accept for rate along the coast line. take a look at our roof cam over downtown san francisco pure crystal clear skies this afternoon temperatures are little bit warmer this afternoon as well. she even along the coast where the fog of stock on this afternoon is to a few degrees wallet have long day pureed 59-day, 62 and san
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francisco are in the spots of or quite a bit as well 92 antioch, 71 k words you. to and here's what we can expect to life through the weekend the fog cut in the coast line rate l it's going to be very slow to push back and over night tonight. by tomorrow morning will be looking at will fall mainly just along the coast and around the bay. really not going to make a tour inland spots by the afternoon rush will be sunny and warmer toro certainly the longest day of the week and the war is give the weekend. as we push into sunday the fog will edge back and it will bring cooler tablatures along with it. we'll have a cooling trend into next week will have details in your extended forecast coming up a bit. >> there was a 3.5 earthquake hit just off the coast here's a map of where happened about 3 mi. offshore between daily city in pacifica. about 9 mi. from six francisco city appeared headed people in the bay area felt a bit of a jolt to but no reports of any damage or injuries. if there were two
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large earthquakes near the philippines as 7.4 earthquake hitting the moral gulf and a 7.2 aftershock hit shortly after. we are awaiting word of any damage or injuries from those large quakes. and a live look in a developing story were following of call courage three explosive devices have been found in the last three days and you will parking concord. today the water creep bomb squad detonated the most recent discovery as you can see with a lot of police on the scene the park is now close. if police and bomb sniffing dogs continue to search the park. police are warning people if they go into the park or see anything suspicious don't touch, right tell police are waiting for more bomb sniffing dogs to shore up on the scene by new hall park in concord remains closed.
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surveillance video setting a recycling bin on fire in front of the market and telegraph market tuesday morning. pish travis faces arson charges in the looking whether churchill is involved in the other suspicious fires in the area. the wireless industry is suing the city of san francisco they want to stop a lot if that requires selfless stores to oppose how much radiation or radio energy each phone and its. kron 4 vicki looks at what this all means to you. >> yourself will harmful to your brain? the jury's still out but the courts are involved. san francisco has the first of the thai law set to take a vote effective february would require cell phone stores balata consumers just a much radiation each model phone events. an industry trade group is suing the city to stop it. the wireless association claims san francisco is going to far. it sets limits for phone radiation
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it's called star. that's an average of 1.6 w per kg. if the group said the local law would mislead consumers into thinking one phone might be safer than another on the basis of radiation measurement. studies have been conclusively found itself on radiation as a health risk and research on brain tumors continues. coming up but five of the city attorney's reaction puritan san francisco vicki kron 4 news. >> quite break on the conference is set for a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza on the right-hand side no real delays is to make your way into the maze. on the left a bit of a back up for those paying cash heading to the toll plaza into san francisco. what this droid does will change how you do movies.
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with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same.
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introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does. and opened a restaurant or robbed at gunpoint in a takeover robbery thursday just before 112 men wearing masks green bubble rest brought the men to purses, wallets as well as electronic devices
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soulfulness of customers. the decline from the cash register is while they were last seen running away from the restaurant is about a tent also reward for permission leading to the rest of the robbers. oakland police are investigating this early morning fire where pot plants were found in this apartment. here's the scene as crews finished mopping up. a call came in 530 this morning about a fire in this building at telegraph avenue after the fire was put out cruz water and to the units to check on residents that's when the plants were discovered. peers the residents have the proper papers to have the marijuana plants but the case will still be turned over to the d.a. for further investigation. police are warning residents that use an atm at a local bank their credit-card information may have been compromised. police say about 60 people may have been the victim of the card skimmer used at the bank of america located at harvest and drive. card skimmers are devices attached to atms that record dated during transactions pier
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the data can be used to steal a person's identity in a car if counterfeit cards. this was june 22nd, 24 and 25th. >> skies of the golden gate bridge this afternoon piercing or sunshine here but more cloud cover down in the san mateo coastline where was sunny yesterday. a little trade off appeared our current conditions are little warmer out there a special interest in the spots. 92 antioch is our war is location. tablatures in the '60s and '70s around the bay shore. we can expect warmer conditions into tomorrow as well. this evening the fog is only going to be hugging the coast line will be slow to move backing in by tomorrow morning if limited fog to the coastline in the bay shores. it will scale back fairly quickly leaving us with any skies and temperatures will warm just a little bit as a result mainly around the bay shores and our inland spots. fog
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tracker for tomorrow morning let's take a look. not very extensive fish by 5:00 a.m. this is the extent of bed this of the nuclear inland valleys cleared, delta partly clear antioch not seen any fog there appeared the later morning hours 8:00 were still singly or in fog off over oakland, they were the peninsula and the coast line. fog tractor pulls the coast all the way offshore by 10:00 a.m. i think it will help run the coastal little bit lower than that to diffuse sunbreaks possible similar to today. a look your kron 47 day around the bay forecast this weekend will tomorrow will be the good day he want to get out and do something it will be nice, sunny and warmer. sunday will see more fog push back and and cooler temperatures a special into next week. by monday the coolest day of the upcoming week temperatures along the coast or in the mid '50s and '60s run the bay in the '80s and are inland. >> beautiful weather in gilroy this weekend and a big weekend
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and it's the annual garlic festival getting underway. kron 4 rod shows as what to expect if you're going to attend. >> this 32nd annual garlic festival under relatively cool weather the mid to upper 80s. last sunday evening more than a hundred thousand people follow their noses here in gilroy. they tasted it just about anything you imagine in all of glazed with a heavy dose of garlic. passible proceeds more than half a million dollars will go to charity. or that a hundred 50 not profits from high school sports to american cancer society will benefit all of it made possible through the efforts of hundreds and hundreds of volunteers. in gilroy and rob kron 4 news. seven >> inches of rain in two hours you can see the results in milwaukee hundreds of homes are flooded, thousands of air travelers have been stranded and it's still raining. >> water in the rain we'll cut milwaukee's airport closed
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unless they till this afternoon pure the downpour's flooded several places. least a half- dozen homes are held up by just a few cinderblocks after the basement walls were washed away. this may be the day's most dramatic picture cadillac escalade is swallowed up by a huge sinkhole. the driver trapped inside as water poured down periods >> were needed to do something otherwise the water kept flowing in. bystanders >> to poland to safety. >> i keep rappahannock looked at me like he was himself you said get of here. >> he suffered cuts and bruises but was well enough to shake the hand the man who may have saved his life. >> and south of milwaukee check this out a storm chasers capturing a fun of cloud at least seven tornadoes touched down in the area yesterday afternoon and two sisters were struck by lightning. they are hospitalized. and a live look
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for just a short time ago from southern california they've now got the upper hand on this brush fire north of los angeles and it's what the traffic. i five in the background the fire broke out just a few hours ago rig near the city of santa clara it threatened about 30 lows but as of right now there are no active flames that are showing up here about 200 firefighters and half a dozen aircraft or working in the blaze appeared the cause of the fire under investigation will be right back as the kron 4 news @ 4 continues.
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is in critical condition this comes after the 93 year-old underwent surgery to replace her head. justice back weekend she brokers said on saturday when she tumbled out of bed watching television try to answer the telephone in her bel-air home. the hungarian-born actress was partially paralyzed in a 2002 car accident. one of south africa's beloved figures desmond tutu said he is retiring from
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public life later this year we turned 79. he wants to spend more time with his family. you receive the nobel peace prize in 1984 and used as a new international stature to set up the campaign against apartheid. >> satellite pictures showing fog clinging to the coast line this afternoon. not over the golden gate bridge it's clear skies there. the fog will be a lot slower to push back and we'll talk about that in a minute. current conditions a little warmer specially or inland spots in the north bay 79 napa, 77 set rosa, 92 in antioch. here's what we can expect tonight into tomorrow fog clinging just to the coast line out there this evening. it will be limited if there tomorrow morning really only along the coastline and the bay shores. it will scale back very quickly as well. will see plenty of sunshine conditions a little warmer tomorrow afternoon while the complete forecast coming up in just a bit stay with us the
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