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tv   Teen Kids News  KRON  September 4, 2010 1:30pm-2:00pm PST

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♪ join us next for "teen kids news." here's a look at what we're reporting on this week. they had their own fight for civil rights. we'll tell you how japanese americans heroically overcame their darkest hour. i'll have a story on kids helping to heal injured birds. i'll tell you with a website that will raise your iq and feed the hungry. an amazing athlete works to inspire u.s. soldiers who have been injured in the iraq war. i'll have the story.
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and there's more, just ahead on "teen kids news." ♪ hi, i'm mwanzaa. >> and i'm jessica. we're going to take you back now to the early 1940s. world war ii was raging abroad. here at home, the u.s. government put into play a drastic policy. as felipe tells us, it was a policy that our nation would regret. felipe? >> jessica, it's a sad chapter in u.s. history. people of japanese ancestry, many of them u.s. citizens, suddenly found themselves the victims of fear and discrimination. although guilty of no crime, they were rounded up and sent far away to what were basically prison camps. >> so this is my grandfather's
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yearbook from 1944, and here's this great shot of gila river, the camp he was at. >> reporter: jenny uchida's grandfather spent his high school years behind barbed wire. he and his family were locked away at a camp in the hot arizona desert. that's because he was of japanese descent and the united states was at war with imperial japan. >> that is why the commanding general of the western defense command determined that all japanese within the coastal areas should move inland. notices were posted. all persons of japanese descent were required to register. and the japanese themselves cheerfully handled the enormous paperwork involved in the migration. >> i think that it's important for people to know about what
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happened to the japanese-americans during world war ii. >> reporter: japan's devastating surprise attack on hawaii's pearl harbor fanned the flames of national hysteria, particularly on the west coast. more than 100,000 japanese-americans were ordered to pack their things. the uchidas were forced to leave their home in pasadena, california. >> they were first actually put in the santa anita racetrack, where they lived for about six months in actual horse stables, and they actually had to clean out the stables and make it livable. and then after that period, they were moved to gila river, which is in arizona. >> reporter: like so many other families, the uchidas were relocated to detention camps in remote areas of the country. >> they lived in barracks that really didn't have any
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insulation. it was hot, it was dry, it was windy and it was very cold in the wintertime, as well. >> reporter: with the end of the war, the japanese americans were finally released. but the shame stung. that's why jenny's father, craig, helped raise money for this memorial in washington, d.c. its official name is the national japanese american memorial for patriotism during world war ii. on the walls are the names of the ten relocation camps, along with the numbers of those forced to live at each camp. a statue of two cranes entangled in barbed wire towers overhead. >> they're a very honorable bird, and to have them entwined in barbed wire really sends the message that they're not free. >> reporter: the memorial also honors the thousands of japanese americans who, despite the prejudice they faced, fought for the united states in wld war ii.
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>> they felt that they wanted to show their patriotism. they wanted to show that they were american. and so they volunteered and served. and while their families were in camp, they were fighting battles and dying and getting wounded. >> reporter: in fact, the units formed by the japanese americans became some of the most decorated fighting groups in u.s. military history. >> i was really concerned that my daughters would not know about any of this and other japanese americans and americans across the country would not know about it. >> reporter: craig sits at a fountain in the center of the memorial, dotted with five stones. they represent the five generations of japanese americans that have lived in the u.s. since the late 1800s. jenny is generation four, called yonsei in japanese. she's dedicated to her job as a graphic artist. jenny says her grandfather's story encourages her to work
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hard and succeed. she hopes it persuades others to be tolerant. after the september 11th terrorist attacks, jenny and her father feared arab americans would also suffer. >> and we don't want to go and take away civil liberties that we hold very dear, even if there are attacks on our country and things like that. it's important to hold on to the freedoms and rights that are very important to our american culture and society. >> reporter: it took more than 40 years for the u.s. government to say it was sorry for the mistreatment of the japanese american community. in 1988 president ronald reagan gave a formal apology. to learn more, visit our website, mwanzaa? >> thanks, felipe. if you live in a city, you know it can be stressful. crowding, the cost of living, pollution, unemployment -- they all take a toll. now "forbes" magazine has ranked american cities accordinto
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stress factors. topping the list, the windy city. chicago is followed by new york, detroit, los angeles and san francisco. i think "forbes" missed the biggest stress factor of them all -- the s.a.t.s. >> isn't that the truth? coming up next, a look at the healing powers of nature. >> don't stress, we'll be right back. new revlon just bitten. it's the first two-in-one lipstain and balm. the lipstain gives me a light flush of color while the moisturizing balm softens my lips. have you ever been bitten? new revlon just bitten lipstain and balm. ies who need assistance getting around their homes. there is a medicare benefit that may qualify you for a new power chair or scooter at little or no cost to you. imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your mobility and your life. one medicare benefit that, with private insurance, may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all hpen ...
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>> reporter: most of the animals and kids that come to green chimneys have something in common. they need special attention. the kids are here because they have social or learning issues that make it difficult for them to attend regular school. many of the animals here were rescued from bad situations. at green chimneys they help each other through what's called animal-assisted therapy. >> when you work with anims or you work in gardens, you work within nature. these are normalizing kinds of activities for anyone. and they're relaxing. and they put kids who are probably under a lot of stress in a position where they can learn and they can achieve much better results. >> reporter: in the school's wildlife program students learn how to care for injured birds, like this owl with a bad eye. >> the difference between a hawk and a falcon and an owl is that owls are nocturnal.
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they come out at night, and the hawks and falcons come out during the day. >> i've always been an animal lover. and i've learned a lot since i worked with them. the most important thing i've learned is that when you're around an animal you have to be slow, calm, and don't shout or run. >> reporter: one of david's responsibilities has been helping to nurture this hurt hawk back to health. >> i feel better when i'm around the birds because altogether, the birds are a whole lot more important to me than any other animal at the farm. >> i want you to feel the ridge of the wing. this is the part of the wing that was sprained when she was hit by a car. >> reporter: after weeks of being cared for, the bird is set free as part of a rather special occasion. >> when we've got an opportunity to send a bird back out into the wild, one that's healed here at green chimneys, we have a little ceremony. we give the kids an opportunity to talk to the bird, wish it good luck, and all of the things that they'd like for that bird
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to have in its life after leaving green chimneys. >> today is a real special day. we get a chance to discharge this bird that's healed here at green chimneys in a very, very big part because of all that you've done for it. how do you feel today? >> i feel very good. i feel that i've really helped it in ways that i probably don't fully know. >> what do you want to wish h f the bird? >> that it will be able to continue living its life as it normally would have if it didn't get hit. >> on the count of three, let's send her right up on top of that willow tree there. one, two three! ♪ >> we've heard the kids talk about reuniting with their families.
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we've heard the kids talk about having a good life, and staying out of trouble. and deep down inside, we really know that the kids are kind of talking about themselves. >> it's a very touching, wonderful moment. >> i really wish that when i leave i'll be able to soar like they do. >> reporter: and that's the whole point of green chimneys. i'm hannah for "teen kids news."
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his dreams were almost destroyed by a truck accident when he was a teen. today scott rigsby is standing tall and even running -- on artificial legs. tyler tells us how scott hopes his story will inspire others. >> so i went from zero to an ironman in a year and eight months. >> reporter: scott wows two teenage girls in central park
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just by walking around. >> i'm an ironman triathlete, and i'm also a double amputee. >> reporter: so walking is nothing. you should see him swim, bike and run. this is scott competing in the ironman triathlon world championship. the competition in hawaii is one of the toughest races on the planet. >> it consists of a 2.4-mile swim in either the ocean or a lake. and then you have to jump on a bike and ride 112 miles. and then the third portion of the race consists of a marathon, 26.2 miles. and you have to do all three of those disciplines in 17 hours, or you're disqualified. scott completed the race with the help of these special legs. >> this material right here, this curved foot, just allows me to cushion from the running that i do, and it's made out of carbon fiber also, space shuttle material. >> reporter: that's right. scott's running legs are made from the same material that helps keep the space shuttle flying high. they cost more than $50,000.
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but scott didn't finish the race just because he had expensive equipment. >> so many things have to go right for an amputee to be able to run. and so the legs really, they compensate for something that's really not there instead of enhancing something that was there. >> reporter: that something is will and determination. but scott wasn't always so optimistic. he lost his legs in a horrible accident that left him depressed and suicidal. >> the way i lost my legs was i was in -- i was an 18-year-old kid sitting on the back of a truck and working for a landscaping job, and i got knocked off by an 18-wheeler when he tried to pass us. and as a result, i lost both legs. >> reporter: after years of operations, scott had just about given up all hope, until he spotted another amputee in a magazine. it was sarah reinertsen. she was the first single amputee woman to enter the hawaii
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ironman competition. >> i was very inspired by her story, that she was able to use her life to really do extraordinary things and impact young women. >> reporter: scott thought maybe he could become an inspiration to others. >> and i saw a lot of our military men and women that were coming back from the war, and they were missing limbs. and i felt like if i could do an ironman, then i could help inspire those men and women who, in service, who have put themselves in harm's way for our freedom. >> reporter: not only did scott finish the ironman race, he came in under the required 17 hours. in addition to wounded soldiers, scott hopes his determination also inspires teens. >> my story is about doing the unthinkable, and encouraging people to do the unthinkable. everybody out there has a finish line. and everybody needs to cross their finish line. >> reporter: scott plans to do the unthinkable twice. he's training for the 2009 ironman.
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for more information on scott, head to our website, it easy to choose the services that fit your life. [ spokesman ] who doesn't want more choices? i like choices... you can even choose wireless voice service. not with my cable company. well, it's time to switch. check this out. [ female announcer ] call to choose your double bundle, including u-verse tv, starting under 69 a month. switch now and get a 30-day money-back guarantee -- plus dvr is included. with u-verse tv you can record up to four shows at once from any room on a single dvr... and play them back... on any tv. nice. my cable can't do that! internet at home includes access to our entire national wi-fi network. that's awesome.
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scientists in australia have a surprising report. it turns out that bees can count, at least up to four. when it comes to math, i guess we should give those bees an "a." this report is brought to you by polo ralph lauren, the official apparel sponsor of the u.s. open tennis championships. >> please welcome venus williams. >> reporter: just before slamming serves at this year's u.s. open, venus williams held a unique event for fans around the world.
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a virtual tennis clinic that was live and interactive. >> this racket face should lead on your volley. so it really goes straight forward like so. >> reporter: the tennis superstar fielded questions from south dakota to south korea. >> etimira in japan says, which of your matches against your sister is the most memorable one for you? >> whoa. there's only been like 25. probably all the ones that i've won. so -- >> reporter: venus is also famous for her style, on and off the court. for this event she's wearing a limited edition dress designed by ralph lauren in partnership with eleven. i'm with "teen kids news," and i understand that the outfit you're wearing is going to support a good cause. so could you tell us more about that? >> yes. the outfit that i'm wearing is going to support women's sports foundation, which was started by billie jean king, who coincidentally started the women's tennis tour. >> reporter: in fact, 15% of the
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sales of this dress will be donated to the foundation, which advances the lives of girls and women through sport and physical activity. one of the most common questions from e-mailers around the world is what does it take to be great? >> 50% is learning the strokes and being fit enough, and the other 50% is how well you can control your mind in a match. and that even starts off of the court, thinking about what you'd like to do and conquering it mentally. >> reporter: and that's good advice for any worthwhile endeavor. i'm carina for "teen kids news." they've led the country. how much do you know about them? here's this week's chance for you to guess the president. he was a football star at the university of michigan. he led the country after the first ever resignation by a president, nixon, who left office because of a scandal. he forged a nuclear weapons agreement with our cold war rival, the soviet union.
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and he fought rising prices with a program called "whip inflation now," w.i.n. our 38th president, gerald r. ford, made an unpopular decision to pardon president nixon. but though he lost his campaign to stay in office, his successor praised him for healing the country. you can probably tell the difference between a sad song and a happy song without hearing the words. now, researchers have found that ability starts very early, as early as five months. without any cues but the music itself, babies were found to react differently to joyful music and gloomy tunes. so, babysitters? take "note." is a site where you can do two good things at the same time -- help feed the hungry and increase your vocabulary. freerice gives you a word and multiple choice definitions. for every correct answer, 20 grains of rice are donated to the needy.
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if that doesn't sound like a lot, listen to this. so far, players have helped get more than 40 billion grains donated. you can play for as long as you want and win more rice, but be warned. the words keep getting harder. think of this as s.a.t. training that also makes the world a better place. i'm imani for "teen kids news." [ man ] he's got nothing but open field ahead of him! ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing tv... you can take with you. u-verse now lets you download, watch hit tv shows and schedule recordings on your mobile phone. order u-verse tv today. plans starting at just $29 a month for six months, with dvr included. plus upgrade to u-verse u300 and get the u-verse mobile app free. take the u-verse tv experience with you. and record up to four shows at once from any room on a single dvr
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to you, it might be a toy. but as sam reports, to one artist it's a serious tool for creating. hmm. not working. screen's frozen. >> reporter: in nathan sawaya's computer bricks replace chips. that's because it's made entirely out of legos. >> the method is one brick at the time. i start at the bottom and i work my way up. >> reporter: nathan knows lego. about 1.5 million of the famous bumpy bricks fill a room in his apartment.
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separated by color, shape and size, they sit beside some curious creations. ♪ >> well, my latest project is a form of a human heart all out of lego. and it's a large-scale replica of the human heart that's going to be used at a children's hospital in san diego. >> reporter: like many of us, nathan started playing with legos as a kid. >> when i was 10 years old, i wanted a dog, and so i built one out of lego. [ dog barking ] >> reporter: but for nathan, playtime never stopped. >> i was allowed to have a 36-square-foot lego city in our living room. >> reporter: nathan's love of lego became his life's work. a few years ago, he actually quit his job as a lawyer to be a full-time artist. >> i realized this is what i
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wanted to do in life, so i followed my passion and i just took the leap, you know, had a little faith and took the leap, and it's worked out ever since. >> reporter: now people all over the world pay him big money to build. >> one of the toughest pieces i've ever put together was a replica of the iwo jima flag raising. i wanted to do it justice, and it took a long time to make sure it looked correct. >> reporter: a creation can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to build. and even though lego makes bricks in various shapes and sizes, nathan prefers to use just the standard rectangles. >> i like building curves out of these right angles. it tricks the eye to see that there's an actual curve there, but it's just made out of rectangles. so, there's something magical about that. >> reporter: but the magic isn't always easy to see right away. >> sometimes i'll be working on a project and i'll get halfway through it and i'll realize it
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looks proportionally incorrect and i will take days of work and have to strip it away and start over. and it -- it is part of the process. you have to be patient as a lego artist. >> reporter: to aspiring lego artists, nathan has one crucial piece of advice. >> practice. practice, practice, practice. just build and have fun and be creative and use your imagination. >> reporter: nathan's incredible creations have been on tour across the country. to find out if the tour's coming to an area near you, or just to check out photos of his amazing work, follow the link at for "teen kids news," i'm sam. that's a wrap for this edition of "teen kids news." >> thanks for watching and have edition of "teen kids news." >> thanks for watching and have a great week. -- captions by vitac --


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