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tv   KRON 4 News at 4  KRON  September 28, 2010 3:00pm-3:30pm PST

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will take a look of your extended forecast coming up a bit. >> another day of high temperatures around the back bay
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area as the heat wave continues. kron 4 went to livermore which is predicted to be the hottest place in the bay area. >> four straight days of temperatures in and around triple digits of livermore was today expected to be the hottest one yet. from this temperature gauge you could see its closing in on a hundred degrees. the national weather service forecast it could get a hundred and four today if it does it would break the previous record for this day of a hundred and two degrees. here in downtown livermore it's been so hot like businesses like this have both their air conditioners, and and they're selling fans on high moving the cool air around. at the height of the lunch rush or so restaurants like this one with the sidewalk tables and the wall inside the tell me they keep it a civilize 71 degrees. the place is busy with customers looking to keep cool while they refueled. there's been a slight breeze from time to time bringing a bit of relief those needing more than wind came to the waterfront at the downtown
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plaza of these kids' moms say it was too hot to let the little ones played the park. marin kelly kron 4 news. >> another scorcher of the day at the santa clara valley and it's not a pretty sight take a look of this view from the east foothills overlooking downtown san jose you can actually see this log induced bad air hanging over the valley. were being cast despair that air the last few days by avoiding certain smog creating activities. life goes on take a look at this a hot dirty job and any day paving crews like this gallons and gallons of water in the process. cal fire and other firefighters have the truck's gas up and ready to go. at the reservoir of long voter had it all to myself in a bid to beat the heat. many residents like this tried to get their morning walk in early i had of the heat of the day. the elderly and those with respiratory conditions are being advised to stay indoors and san
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jose if it reaches 96 degrees it will break a record set way back in 1966. in san jose kron 4 news. >> extreme fire danger prompted a temporary closure of the rob park in san jose today no public access our activities are allowed in the park during the closure. if the park is expected to reopen tomorrow carried off the decision is based on the weather and the availability of fire personnel. and now to our developing story of the san bruno gas line explosion the death toll has climbed you're a year-old james is now the eighth person to have died from the explosion. he lived down the block from the source of the blast meanwhile the mayor of san bruno and lawmakers were on capitol hill today testifying about the deadly blast and what changes need to be made to improve safety. kate thompson is here with this now with the latest on the investigation as well as testimony given today. >> desiccators are looking at
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equipment failure as a possible cause for the explosion. there was a power failure at the terminal here just a few hours before the blast in san bruno. milpitas is the beginning of the pipeline that runs to san bruno. experts say the power failure may have affected piccinni's ability to regulate pressure in the pipeline. they were the hot seat today tried answer questions about the response time to the explosion. >> barbara boxer hammered away at pg&e as to why it took one hour 46 minutes to turn off the gas to the san bruno gas line. >> i'm assuming that you're not in any way sing that's a good enough response to our. >> i believe they got there. >> i'm not asking you we all support everybody was on the team. you're not suggesting that that's inadequate situation for disaster to take two hours to shot off this fire.
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>> pg&e repeatedly said crews got to the scene as quickly as they could answer that didn't please the daniel who demanded to know why remote or automatic shutoff valves were installed. >> it 6:00 at night and your traffic don't you think we ought to have shut off all some place? >> what i believe it is we will work with the cpc to the court makes sense because shut off valves in that instance assuming the work would of turned off faster than what we've got there. >> assuming the work of course. >> pg&e said it admitted remote files would of set up response time to the disaster. >> if there were no automated shutoff valve or remote control of the gas flow if what've stop faster than by the time our people got there. >> >> female has denied sambar knows request for federal disaster funding they said the
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money was unnecessary because the responsible party were providing assistance. pg&e said about $100 million funds after the disaster. the san bruno mayor let the senators know how disappointed he was that the city did not get the funding. san bruno has 30 days to appeal. stay with kron 4 for continuing coverage of the san bruno gas plant explosion and is always the compound additional reformation on rugby in baseball just two of the sports being eliminated as uc-berkeley makes major cuts to its athletic department. in an effort to save money as a school struggles with the state budget cuts and that means then is rugby, baseball, men's and women's gymnastics and men's lacrosse teams will no longer represent the diversity in competition after this academic year. ec officials say this is been a difficult and painful day for them making this announcement. >> cal athletics is not immune
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to the effects of the recession and the financial realities facing this campus. financial imperatives dictate that our alliance on campus support must be reduced. >> lance rugby will become a varsity club sports that's the new status that will allow the team to become financially self sustaining. official saying reducing the amount of collegiate teams to 29 to 24 will save an estimated $4 million a year. the university said the move will affect 163 student-athletes and 13 full- time coaches. the stick a look outside of the traffic this is all wrong let creek camera the headlights' are northbound on the 680-24 exchange. traffic is moving at a median clip in all directions. we'll be right back. moving at a median clip in all directions. we'll be right back. perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs,
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fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton.
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tonight the san francisco school board votes on the details of the controversial issue had to assign students to public schools. the looking at new attendance boundaries around
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elementary schools in the city. christine conley explains how these will mean to parents. >> the boundaries didn't play a big role in the past about the new assignment system slated to begin next year they will. parents will get to choose what school their kid goes to but for high demand elementary schools where there are more students applying the spots available, though be placed using certain tiebreakers. here's the order first they have a sibling enrolled in this school, if they live in the attendance area and would appreciate, if they live in the area in the city with the lowest score averages, forth if they live in the attendance area, 50 live in the attendance area that doesn't have enough space for all its students. but how many attendance area is mentioned it's a big factor. some parents may find their blocks away from school but not
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the attendance area boundary just depends on where the district drew the line. parents will get a choice of where to send their skids but there's a high demand elementary school if you're not in the attendance area he may not get been carried out christine conley kron 4 news. >> live look inside at lake merritt has surprised people are running in this heat at 96 degrees. it will cool down dramatically this evening as sea breezes kick and a cool down in store for tomorrow just 80 degrees tomorrow afternoon. it will talk more about the cool down coming up a bit.
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what were the facts? fact: march 7, 2000. brown asks voters for new mayoral power to appoint school board members. he gets it, and promises better schools. but the drop out rate increases...50%. the school budget goes into a 100 million dollar deficit. the schools become so bad...the state has to take them over. it was "largely a bust," he admitted. jerry brown. failure as governor. failure as mayor. failure we can't afford now.
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or at least that's what my mom thinks. with high speed internet from at&t, i get my homework done fast, leaving me time to download movies and music and chat with my friends. [ mom ] how's your studying? it's coming along! [ female announcer ] work faster, play more with the fastest internet for the price. call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. please, i know what he's up to. high speed internet from at&t is so fast that we get more done in less time, leaving me time to chat... watch movies... without teenage distractions. and it's affordable for our family. [ female announcer ] call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network on the go. cookies? [ boy ] sure! tell your friends hi for me. ♪ [ female announcer ] high speed internet from at&t.
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scheduled execution of convicted killer edward brown. the execution is now slated for 9:00 p.m. thursday evening the next decision is now the hands of a federal judge. >> the fate of convicted rapist held with the green and brown is in the hands of u.s. district court judge jeremy fogel. after
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refusing to block the execution the court of appeals ordered full gulf to reconsider its decision to determine whether san quickens new lethal injection regulations prevent " an unnecessary risk of lung constitutional pain " carried off like this afternoon attorneys for both sides submitted arguments on that issue to judge fogel. if attorney general jerry brown argued the new preserve jolt meets constitutional standards because it " requires confirmation with the inmate is on call just before the injection of the heather to drugs ". he concludes because the inmate has " failed to show the new procedure creates a demonstrated risk of severe pain, his motion for a stay of execution must be denied " ". in this 23 page brief filed in behalf of the emit and eight attorneys say they take issue with the new procedures on all our concerns they say they no longer include a provision for checking the expiration date on drugs. they say they no longer have doctors are trained medical
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personnel in observing the inmate and recording respiration observation. did take issue with the training of those involved. the judge for a few arguments on both sides he is expected to make a determination before 9:00 p.m. thursday evening that is when the inmate is scheduled to die. dan curve in kron 4 news. >> >> extreme heat across the bay area this afternoon a lot of triple digits temperatures all in our inland spots. 100 degrees in fremont, one of three santa rosa and for which 90 everywhere else. the only place for its somewhat comfortable is along the coastline at 68 1/2 with a in that's because fog is sitting off shore and sea breeze is starting to return. that's take a look at our satellite picture completely clear skies this will change as the fog reforms tonight in our sea breeze winds return. this will close off
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tomorrow 5 to 15 degrees cooler. the coast in the bay shores and inland spots will stay on the hot side even though will be quite as miserable as it is today. through the rest the week of cooling temperatures and it will be average this weekend. fog tracker for tomorrow. at 5:00 a.m. it may not look all that extensive but believe the this is going to help cool sauce. the sea breeze winds filtered into the bay shore. at 8:00 a.m. sitting on the coastline it will push back off store and will see seven skies tomorrow. 9 degrees in santa rosa tomorrow, 94 concord, 96 fairfield, 67 san francisco, 72 in richmond, 62 in half moon bay, '80s for a bay shore compared to 90s today. 88 in san jose, 91 loss got those, 96 in livermore. it will see cooling
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inland by thursday. tomorrow mainly the coastline in bay shore will see the release. it will be more comfortable in our inland spots about five to seven degrees cooler but there still will be a lot in the low 80's and will stay there as we head into the weekend. weekend temperatures close to average for this time of year and it will fluctuate back up and down in the '80s inland and '70s on the bay shore. >> day 9 deep in california's budget and today governor arnold scored snigger canceled their scheduled budget talks. early in the day the governor's press secretary said the union's forestalling budget negotiations by attempting to block a rollback of pension benefits. it is one of the reforms that the governor has demanded in exchange for his signature on a budget bill. last thursday, the governor's office are in key lawmakers said they reached a framework for agreement. >> in national news, police say
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was a 19 year-old student acting alone who walked on to this university campus in texas and opened fire with an ak-47. it made for free morning at the university of and august texas allottein austin. and theh the ski mask arm with an assault rifle fired shots. >> i started to rot and saw the guy he was across the street running towards me any a large assault rifle. he had a white shirt, dark tie and i got really scared at that is one issue in the back. >> by the time the students got the clear the man had shot and killed himself in the campus library no one else was injured. the man had fired the shots before turning the gun on himself. >> we know of that least four shots that he fired out on the streets that's one of the crime
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scenes, we know he discharged one other rounded himself. >> well swat teams are called police say they did not wait for him and move quickly to wrap things up. they give a lot of credit to students. >> along the way the students showed the way to where they spotted to have near the library and chased him into the library. >> please tonights to the gunman's name was called in he was a sophomore math major his motive still not clear. this is the same campus were back in 1966 as sniper began shooting from the clock tower killing 16 people. >> in boston five people are dead including a toddler after an early morning shooting spree the victims were discovered lying in the streets three of them naked. police have no suspects bubbly the victims were shot by someone who knew them. investigators believe a great or silver ford explorer see leaving the scene is key in the case. please do not have a vote of. take a look at these pictures of
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the midwest this is where the wisconsin governor has declared a state of emergency with the columbia county after the wisconsin river reached of record high level. the heavy rainfall asper filled the region as some is that many evacuees returned to the flood damaged home health officials are advising people to use boots and gloves will cleaning their home because of possible contamination. more evacuations are underway in southern wisconsin following a levee failure along a portion of the wisconsin river as much as 11 in. of rain in parts of the state. former president jimmy carter is defined after a health scare this morning he developed an upset stomach on a flight to cleveland and had to be rushed to the hospital once that flight landed. he is traveling to promote his new book. the former president plans to stick the hospital over night based on recommendations from the doctor. he will resume his book tour tomorrow in washington d.c.. as
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to the lower deck of side of the tuesday traffic on the golden gate bridge. traffic moving find in both directions and no sign of fog. we'll be right back. 3! 16 minutes could save you 16%! come on... isn't it time an auto insurer gave it to you straight? that's why you should talk to state farm. but not yet. first, talk to any one of the 40 million drivers who already have state farm. 40 million. yeah, that's more than geico and progressive combined. by a lot. 40 million drivers. more savings.
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decision 2010, in 90 minutes democrat jerry brown and republican meg whitman if they softened their debate that will be held at uc-davis. according to the latest polls brown is leading whitman 46 to 41 percent among likely voters. about a fifth of california voters are still undecided on the candidate for governor. this survey found brown it is favored by women and latinos few younger voters are backing him. the economy is a big issue for voters with 86 percent is on the wrong track. >> a look at our current condition several triple digit temperatures out there today. mostly in the also in santa rosa in fremont. we've likely broke
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more records all the details of the wave will lanand coming up n just a few minutes [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp, carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself.
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