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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  September 28, 2010 10:00pm-10:30pm PST

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. he says the state new, but never disclosed to the court that his last few doses of sodium thipentol expired, and a nationwide shortage means the -- without it, it's impossible to conduct a lawful, legal injection, becausethets the drug the prevents the inmate from feeling pain. california doesn't have enough of it to use for training, another fact he says the state never disclosed to the court. judge fogel says the drug shortage is hardly a reason to rush brown's execution and ordered it halted until he decides, otherwise. although he has albert brown hasn't proven there's a risk he'll suffer extreme pain
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during his death, it appears as he's raised substantial questions of fact. in the meantime, brown will remain alive. >> the plans brought protesters. this is just one of several demonstrations across the state. california has been in debate. the debate is whether it's humane. and now to decision 2010. and the first debate between the candidates for california governor. this was the scene from the uc davis campus as republican meg whitman and democrat jerry brown scare square -- squared off tonight. they traded blows on a range of issues.
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but mainly, the debate focused on the candidates' different stances on how to fix the state's economic woes. >> and i would start by example. i would say i will cut 15 to 20% out of the governor's office, and i'll say to the legislature it's your turn next. i'd like to see you get 15 or 20%. then we start with the agencies and go from them. i've done eight budgets. i know how to do it. i have the will power, i have the independence, and i know a lot of things like the energy commission being duplicating with other commissions. we can cut. don't believe when people say they haven't got to the bone. they're still fooling around. >> mr. brown's entire campaign has been funded by the public employees unions. i think that's in the best interest of the state of california. we have to do what's right for all the people. we are going to have to renegotiate public employee pension benefits. we're going to have to reform
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welfare and those two things i'll focus on first. >> meanwhile, new poll shows jerry brown is leading republican mig whetman, but only slightly. the l.a. times poll shows brown leading whitman 49-44%. the survey also shows while brown is favored by women and latinos, fewer younger voters are backing him. the economy remains the big issue for voters, with 86% saying it is on the wrong track. record-breaking heat out there today. a number of spots topping the triple digits. 104 in santa rosa, the warmest spot out there this afternoon. triple digits in oakland, new records in san rafael, mountain view, and san jose as well as san francisco at the airport and richmond. you'll notice closer to the coastline, temperatures more comfortable it's an indication of things to come. a big cooldown into tomorrow.
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we'll talk all about it. the fire season is really just hitting its peak in the bay area and san jose firefighters are on alert now as if we're in the middle of summer. all of this hot weather doesn't help matters. kron4 shows us what san jose fire is doing to get ready for brush fires. >> this brush control vehicle normally just sits here except july 4th weekend, but it will be out and about as necessary with two extra people manning the crew. >> when we go out on an event, the patrol comes with us. >> reporter: he says that patrol means two extra firefighters, ready to go. they don't have to do for patrol on fires they can do on july 4th weekend, but they're
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on patrol. >> i had to guess the height of the fields, and you guess 3 feet. how that we're up to it, it's a lot taller. this year, it's probably six to 5 feet tall. we're going to have a big problem if this gets going. it's a steep hill. we have houses on the top up there and to access those houses, we can't drive our fire engine up there. >> reporter: [ indiscernible ] the hope is to save these homes in the late fire season. >> a little girl sleeping in her own home shot by a stray bullet. tonight, kron4 looks at the east bay home where the shooting happened and finds out what investigators think is behind it all when kron4 returns. [ ruiz ] reliable tools started as a brick and mortar store.
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we sell lathes, mills, high-tech equipment. i had an idea to go ahead and put up a couple of items on ebay, and they brought more than our expectations. meg whitman gave me the tools to expand globally. we sell to australia, india... that big blue machine over there? it's going to malaysia on wednesday. with ebay, she created jobs for millions of people. with meg's creativity,
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she'll be able to create jobs here in california. i'm mariano ruiz and i'm a meg whitman success story. that's it. that one...right there. exactly how much did the other airlines make off with? ♪ it was like $25. was that one-way? or roundtrip? roundtrip. $50? did you have a second bag? yes. mm! it was $35. that's $120 roundtrip. [ gasps ] oh! ah!
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♪ [ ding ] an eighth person has now died as the result of a san bruno gas line explosion.
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the victim, 58-year-old james franco. he lived down the street from the source of the blast. the san bruno explosion was front and center at a u.s. senate hearing today on capitol hill. senator fine stein calling for more federal inspectors. >> first, it doubles the number of pipeline safety inspectors from the current number of 100 responsible for 217,000 miles of interstate pipeline to 200. each inspector is responsible for over 2,000 miles of pipeline. that's the distance from san francisco to chicago. >> the gasline accident has already prompted several legislative proposals aimed at beefing up pipeline safety, including a plan that increases the maximum fine for the most serious violations involving deaths, injuries or major environmental harm related to oil and gas pipelines.
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meanwhile, the federal emergency management agency is turning down california's request for millions in federal disaster aid tied to the explosion. the urgency says it believes state and local governments and the utility which owns the ruptured pipeline can cover the cost of recovery on their own. however, fema will reimburse california for up to 75% of the pyrophotting expenses. and there was a brief gas leak scare in the east bay today. a shelter in place -- [ indiscernible ] you can see the location indicated on our map. investigators say a construction crew caused the leak about 3:30 this afternoon. pg and e responded, no roads were closed, and the shelter order was lifted. record-breaking heat today, but a cooldown is coming for our extended forecast. how cool it's going to get and
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when it's going to hit, coming up in a few minutes.
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n speaking, we are fourteenth in line for take off. beep, beep, beep. looks like its bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! should have skipped that second soda. remove your belt, your watch, your shoes.
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i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! (train child) the train is now arriving. (announcer) the train has arrived indeed. amtrack. enjoy the journey.
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san francisco police are trying to track down a rape suspect tonight. this is his picture, damir shalako, a white male, 25 years old, 5'8", 170 pounds, black hair and brown eyes with dist inkive tattoos on his face and grandmother. when the grandmother heard scream, she went to investigate and reportedly saw her grandson attack the victim. police say the victim was beaten and raped and shalako stole $1,000. >> i want this man thrown back in jail immediately. he does have some distinctive tattoo. he's a predator that needs to go back to prison. >> it happened in the housing development noon time today. the suspect is a parolee and
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considered dangerous. he may be using public transportation to get around. a 6-year-old girl is recovering from a gunshot wound. she is in the hospital tonight, she was hit while asleep in bed. we went to the home where the shooting occurred and describe what happens. >> reporter: take a look at the outside of this oakland house in seminary, riddled with bullet holes. but a closer look at the inside shows exactly where the gunshots entered this back bedroom where 6-year-old leslie ramirez was sleeping with her mom and dad. a family member points to where one of the bullets struck lesley's pillow. one bullet did hit her little sister. >> she was hit in the arm. i was talking to her, and she seems to be okay. >> reporter: she doesn't think the gunmen were looking for her
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little sister. instead, she believes her brother was the target, and that is not the first-time someone tried to hurt him. >> all these guys hating on him. >> reporter: he says reports about the shooting being gang related are not accurate. >> not accurate. i'm not a gang banger. >> reporter: he told me the subject is very sensitive in his neighborhood. police say they have no motive at this time for the shooting and that investigators need witnesses to come forward to help them find the person responsible for this crime. kron4 news. earlier today at children's hospital, police chief anthony bats took a teddy bear to the 6-year-old shooting victim. the chief talks about why he wanted to visit the wounded child. >> just stopping by for this little baby and tell her that she gets to awake to another day. part of my drive, my call is to save the innocence of these babies in our community. the five years old, the six years old. it's sad that any lass of --
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when the babies are impacted, it's really tough. kids should be able to grow up in our communities without being afraid of some gang member shooting up their community. >> police have no suspects in custody. record-high heat today, but cooler temperatures on tap for tomorrow. fog's already filling in along the coastline. the sea breeze winds are going to return tomorrow afternoon, having an influence on our bay shores for the most part. so temperatures five to 15 degrees cooler into the afternoon. of course, the biggest cooling will be closer to the coastline, those sea breeze winds not making it inland tomorrow. temperatures inland will be in the 90s. we'll talk more about neighborhood by neighborhood. let's get the general picture here. 7:00 tomorrow morning, kind of a mixture of temperatures. 50s, 60s, even some 70s for our inland spots and down to
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the south. the early afternoon, it becomes a little more uniform. the coastline staying quite cool in the 60s, and the immediate bay shores in the 70s, but we have quite a bit of 80s, that's the orange. more 90s as we head into 3:00 hour for our inland locations down in the south bay and also in the north bay. that's take a look neighborhood by neighborhood. 90 degrees in santa rosa, hot, but cooler than today. 94 in concord, 67 in san francisco, 62 along the coast. our bay shores seeing a temperature drop. 88 in san jose. the cooling trend will continue for our inland locations. so it will still be warm out there tomorrow but thursday, much more seasonable for this time of year. temperatures will stay about the same through the weekend, 80s for our inland spots, 60s close to the coast.
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in tonight's headlines, the threats of a terrorist attack at the eiffel tower leads to an interception of the icon. the overall threat warning still stands at severe. a loan gunman opened fire with with an k47 in austin today. he fired shots in multiple locations, leading police to fear that there were two gunman. the suspect who was a student, eventually killed himself. no one else was injured, no heard on his motive. former president jimmy carter is spending the night in the hospital for observation. he became ill with an upset stomach on a flight from atlanta to cleveland. the 85-year-old carter was traveling to promote his book, and plans to resume the book tour on wednesday in washington, d.c. president obama called to wish him well. not one, not two, but three major league teams clinch
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playoff races tonight. that's straight ahead. and the giants haven't clinched yet, but they took a huge step forward tonight against the diamondbacks. gary has all the sports. he's coming up next. promise me low prices.
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and stick to it. like seriously low prices. [ male announcer ] at safeway, we made a promise of low prices. and we're keeping it. [ female announcer ] with club card specials like beef cross rib roast, just $1.99 a pound and crystal geyser water only $3.99.
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i need to know that when i'm here, the low prices will be too. monday, tuesday, everyday. i'm a big fan of everyday. [ male announcer ] and with thousands of everyday low prices, you'll save all over the store. [ female announcer ] low prices you can count on. at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life.
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all right. good evening everybody. everything broke right for the giants tonight. jonathan sanchez, i think he solidified his position as the number 3 starter. the giants follow through. kelly johns -- johnson takes sanchez deep. a couple of batters later, sanchez settling down and goodbye to -- six innings, three hits, a couple of runs. 2-1, arizona, in the 4th and juan uribe , when he hits them, they go. the game is tied at 2. san diego, everybody's scoreboard watching, the padres throughout the game, trailing chicago, oh, look at this. from his knees.
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from his knees! great play against buster posey at 1st. tied 2-2, and you see this, watch this guy. called the lefty, boom, boom. notice no help from the giants fans. and he dropped the ball and fortunately, a great effort, but did not come up with the effort. in the same inning, with the score tied, schierholtz delivered the biggest hit of his career, giants go on for a 4-2 win, the giants hoping that the cubs can finish off the padres. that would put san francisco up two games with five remaining. marlin burke, cubs have gone into san diego, and won the first two games of this series. sor yano, first home-run in 57 at bats, cubs win 5-2, padres two back with five to go. rockies lost to the dodgers, officially eliminated, but a big, big time at the ballpark tonight.
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the giants actually if things break their way, could wrap up the division before the padres hit town on friday. baker shoring champagne tonight. the cincinnati reds, dusty after a so-so run in chicago, rejuvenated in cincinnati, bruce, there it goes, first playoff in 15 years, walkoff home-run in the 9th. dusty breaker doused with champagne, and he's going to be a free agents at the end of this year. we'll see what happens there. but indeed, the cincinnati reds are in the postseason. the yankees and tampa bay clinch playoff spots tonight. yankees, 15th postseason run -- tampa bay headed back to the postseason, and you see, wait a minute aren't they in the same division? one will win the division, the other team that doesn't finish on top will be the american league wildcard, a big night then for the reds, the yankees, and the tampa bay rays.
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the azstill playing -- a's still playing, lose 4-2 to the angels. shocking news out of berkeley. cal athletics announced today that the school will be eliminating five of its inner collegiate sports programs. here's the shocker: college baseball is going, you know. every school has baseball don't they? and rugby is going to remain a varsity club sport, but it's the most successful program in the history of the school, and the high level that it's played at has been eliminated, also men's and women's gymnastics, women's lacrosse and rugby and baseball gone. the cuts will save the school $4 million annually and boy pam, listen, everything is tight, no question about it. but you just wonder if there's somebody out there, like there's a guy named john ariaga that
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helped stanford keep going. cal needs someone to step up. good night, everybody.
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