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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  December 4, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm PST

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(male announcer) live from the bay area news channel, this is the kron 4 news. at 11:00 p.m. >>rob: holiday shopping is interrupted with a armed robber with pepper spray looking to steal $10,000 and handbags. however, a good samaritan would not have it. da lin has more. >> he wanted these persons but instead this robber was using pepper spray on custer hers. at nordstrom's. -these customers caught his eye and witnesses say that he was grabbing them and
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try to make it to the door. >> one of the customers grabbed his arm. he used pepper spray. the suspect kept on running after spraying the good samaritan. however, those police officers tackled them -- these innocent bystanders tackled them. >> the man tried to peppers for the good samaritan. the good samaritan punched the robber several times. the getaway car got away. the good samaritan and a few others held this person down until officers who got on the scene in.
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>>reporter: while police say that this is the first time a good samaritan was actively involved in the successful detainee of a suspect, the police are still not recommending this type of behavior. for >>rob: there was an attempted robbery try to grab and runs a clothing store items. $1,000 worth of clothing this fifth suspect still remains, in the loose. >>rob: playoffs! since 2002, they clinched it, it dominated 26-nothing against the rams. bohr became the best rushing leader now, 10-2 for the season. it is a bit bitter sweet for the hard fans. also, the of
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clenched the new stadium in the santa clara. several have agreed to loan the $850 million loan of the $1 billion price tag. teens r fans react -- >> people are not happy to move the san francisco out of san francisco. >> is an insult to the city. clearly, they are part of san francisco. santa clara? it is not the santa clara 49ers. >> the new york giants play and do jersey. diehards watch as they cannot wait for a better stadium that is going to be better for them. >> silicone as were all the money is, the highways, i am all
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for it. it is for the better franchise, better for the fans. >>reporter: this person is not quite sure if she's going to commute to make the pilgrimage. >> it is a further way to go but perhaps i will go even further. this is historic maybe they should increa help with this improvements. >> however, others are ready for the snazzy, new improvements. >> the old one, the current one, is too old. you cannot even get to the bathroom there are some few. with a long wait. >>reporter: a new santa clara stadium is not about the amenities as more as the things it is about money. the and we all know that it is about money, and corporations in the silicon valley are not gorge with any problems selling these tickets to corporations. if they're not
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going to -- 70 of problems the average fan is gone. >>reporter: certainly, these fans are numbered the want to keep the san francisco 49ers in san francisco are hoping that there could be a hail mary plan. otherwise, they could be driving to the south bay as 2015. maureen kelly, kron 4 news. how >>rob: the raiders could not get things going against the miami dolphins. the rushing yards were inappropriate statistics. however, they were defeated by the dolphins, 34-14. cardinal will pave thlow-play january 2nl
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play january 2nd. in the fiesta bowl. others, check out our sports. ♪ >> we are looking at a gusty winds and they are making our way to the bay area tonight. strong to be in the east bay with a wind advisory until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow 15 m.p.h. even gusting up to the amount of 40 m.p.h. are run fairfield, solano county. the other thing is this huge diversion in this storm tracker. towards alaska, canada, this is keeping your stormy activity to the west. we will continue to see dry weather for the next trend. however, we will continue. >>rob: animal cruelty cases.
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these were found killed at this community park off of clinton road. last month this happened also at a nearby -- clayton road. at will pass. we have a video to show you it is not pretty. however, some of these injured in gis and mccoll spoke with paul police about this -- canadian geese. nicole. >> this is one of four different dead geese others were found shot him in the lake, women did. officers say that 22 birds have been found. ----wonded by some time of pellet gun. >> it makes me sad that the are
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birdds are wounded. >>caller: cross to assess this is the third time in six months. six different doctors, and three keys were found dead. also it will pass, six different -- ducks could be more. many people think that it is just children. cads, youth, seeing that this area at night with children-- youth. >>reporter: investigators are doing everything they can to find these investigators and even working with a neighborhood watch. this it for what is located across the park. additional put trolls are scheduled for at additional
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patrols -- are scheduled for at night. in concord. kron 4. >>rob: republican candidates in the absence of herman cain. in addition, who cleaned up after this weekend. and they're real life christmas grinch.
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or creates another laptop bag, or hires another employee, it's not just good for business. it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $13.2 billion to small businesses across the country so far this year. because the more we help them, the more we help make opportunity possible.
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>>rob: and use are wrong to the bay there are two people behind bars accused of the murder of . this happened there santa rosa ave. 23 year-old, and the other suspect was 17 year-old. the 17 year-old as an accessory to murder. >>rob: a discarded cigarette is blamed for an apartment fire left dozens without homes thrown
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down of the light well of a six- story building. smoke inhalation was reported by one resident and a firefighter. both were taken to a local church. >> gusting winds coming up. your full forecast, after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days,
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it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at
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>>rob: and national news police are going after occupy d.c. protesters. this structure was built around the protesters to keep warm. however, city officials requested the dismantling of this structure. they did not comply. when they did not? the move and. also, the occupy movement in
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portland oregon were told to leave and when they did not? more arrests, followed. >>rob: hurricane force winds on wednesday are leaving several out power. downed trees and downed power lines are still the case. however, there is no fire alert. powerful winds pounding the region with fast-moving winds could fuel both ingredients for a terrible fire possibility. >> a beautiful look at holiday square san francisco. a bit cool. yet we are looking at temperatures at 50's and even 30's in some spots. this is looking at downtown, and the sea of san francisco, bobbing around a little bit. a bit chilly at
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menlo park. staithe same 50 dege range this afternoon but currently, we see it 38 in santa rosa. we will see lower 40's and even areas below freezing tonight. livermore, concord, 30's. even though it is a bit mild right now with that wind potentially picking up, it will keep the temperatures consistent. future cast by midnight. these are the wind speeds. currently, fairfield, 22 mph. they will however increase. some of them gusting between a 10 m.p.h.-20 m.p.h. some of the strongest will be through the delta, the fairfield and the east bay. lake tahoe in the
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upper 30's. sunny skies and the wind will also increased to borrow for that area. in addition, the high sierra will be combined with a high fire danger. there are no snow storms in sight. plenty of sunshine with plenty of 60s. the wind will beginning to have calm nautres with 60s inland. calmed winds -- and even a few degrees a bit cooler tomorrow upper 50s, low 60s. after a cool start in the north bay. we will end up eventually nice with mid-'60s by 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. a look at your 7 day around the bay a lot
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of sunshine on this forecast. perhaps, there could be a storm on sunday. no rain. a bit of cloud activity but they still beautiful o'clock. ♪ >>rob: decision 2012 is one less candid it. with one year to go with one less kids -- candid it. barbara hall is taking a look at the candid it les decahs the candi- >> many people are looking at herman cain as an outsider however, many are perhaps going somewhere and now, they're looking at the michele bachmann
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she says this is a crucial time for voters. 70 percent of the people are not decided. we are treating this very seriously and we are hoping that each one of the will see our way. we need a strong presidential candidate. >> scheme is hoping fo-cain,, ie latin vote will be a major game changer for this upcoming election. the specially through the southern-western region of united states. >>rob: in behren, no injuries,
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no damage with a the embassy was a target of this bombing bomb squads successfully defused the explosives and a third were found safe. however, not so the case in germany when world war two bombs were found and successfully detonated, safely. who giant panda bears in edinburgh -- to different giant panda on to quote of the panda express. there are two that are going to currently call scotland
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home. >> what movies made the top spot.
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at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call the bay area home. from funding that helped a local entrepreneur start a business... to providing grants to a nonprofit which offers job training and placement... and supporting an organization working to help the environment. because the more we do in the bay area, the more we help make opportunity possible.
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>>rob: the box office this weekend. the family of adventure " hugo " and the total was $7.6 million. totaling 23 million the, the total. disney " the muppets " took 11 million bringing the domestic total to over $20 million. in addition, the twilight saw gaga topped the blo-- the saga topped the box office police $70 million for this weekend. $500 million is their grand total!
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>> holiday items if we have a couple items some of north carolina residents saw something moving and it was not an ornament it was a snake! the doctor wanted to keep this corn snake this -- daughter however, not the case according to parents. >> this woman in st. louis, driving this same terrain ---duo his second, third year in a row where she is consistently stealing christmas trees from the boy scouts.
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>> the cooler night tonight. >>rob: will see you tomorrow, have a beautiful evening. ♪
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