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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  February 6, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. new information on our developing story. the recently released details about the suspect in the kevin collins kidnapping. more on his criminal past. why police think he is connected.and. new at 8. about how police are handling the case. i'm pam moore.
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>> tonight at eight.more on our developing story. as a cold case heats up. san francisco police release new details and pictures of the prime suspect in the 19- 84 disappearance of 10-year- old kevin collins. investigators are making a plea to the public for information about dan therrien. the man kron 4 first identified as a suspect in the kidnapping. he's the man who at one time. lived in a house just a block away from where collins was last seen. and police are sharing some about his history. grant lodes begins our team coverage with what we've learned so far. grant? >> reporter: dan therrien - has a history of kidnapping and sexual assault involving children. in 1981, therrien was arrested in the fisherman's wharf area for kidnapping and lewd acts on a child. he was bailed out, then did not show up for his court date. in 1982, he was arrested on that outstanding warrant, and pleaded giulty to felony lewd acts on a child. he was sentenced to 6 months in jail and 3 years probation. meanhiwle, therrien was also wanted in canada for a 1973 incident. police say he kidnapped and sexually assaulted 2 children. therrien was initially arrested and charged. but once he was released, he fled canada. police say he was never caught in part because he used many different names. and here are all the names he used.all with different birth years.between 19-47 and 19-56 he went by raymond william stewart. kelly lee dawson.
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wayne jackson. kelly sean stewart. and finally dan leonard therrien. contact them. if they ever knew anyone who went by one >> san francisco's police chief greg suhr says the kevin collins case has long haunted both him and his department. new tonight at eight. he spoke with kron-4's terisa estacio about the latest developments. toat a news conference just hours ago, police revealed why therrien refered to by authorities as jackson - an alias is the primary suspect in kevin collins disappearance. >> reporter: earlier, the police chief spoke about speaking with the mother. >> you know, initially, her initial response was that of a pause. because obviously, she lost her son. and once she could wrap her head around the fact and we
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were provided all of this information >> reporter: the father? >> it is my understanding that he is out of the country. >> pam: the police revealed why kevin collins is his residence. and his ownership of a large, black and dog. and his criminal history we are investigating him as a person of interest in this case. >> pam: joining us now to talk about developments in the case. missing child advocate marc klaas. they know that they lived close, and what went wrong? >> guest: he was also a
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registered sex offender. what went wrong? that is an excellent question. he seemingly fit the bill and was right there with,, near kevin, right during the disappearance. >> pam: are you surprised by the information that we're learning? >> what we know is that the child abduction was not considered that serious in those days. in fact, they often what a tribute to missing children to being a runaway. they did not have any phone calls or any history to work with. every time a child disappeared. they just reinvented the wheel so i'm not terribly surprised >> pam: so what do think is going on with the investigation right now? >> i think it is wonderful, thank goodness for the cold case files. all i know david collins. david collins helped us when he was
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missing. he helped me direct my life in the years after that. he was a haunted man. he was a haunted man then, and probably now. people were also pointing fingers. he had nothing to do with that. >> pam: he used a number of aliases and is that still happen today? >> we have dna but back then, they had fingerprints. they could have checked his social security. it seems to me there could of been a number of things. but to question him and to lend let him go was really dropping the ball. >> pam: what to do you think of family with the current developments. even though he is the prime suspect. >> i think that we could only determined that he took kevin. and whenever they will have a chance of finality, when he will be
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brought home. >> pam: to you think that the child still alive? >> no. >> pam: and do you think that the types of missing children and how we're dealing with it now. >> right now, there is a missing child every week. not every day. >> pam: practically. >> law enforcement and every state as a sex offender registration. if the neighbors knew if they would probably have received much more scrutiny at that time we have megan's law, amber alert and television shows that are constantly talking about these cases. i think that we need to look more towards technology. the government has pretty much been slow. they will take good ideas and screw them up. moving more towards technology is probably the answer.
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>> how do think this case will end? >> let us " there will find some trace of kevin. some small thing that will put him in that house. and item hoping there will be able to get some closure. and also, the roommate this guy needs to be talked to, interrogated. >> pam: he is not considered a suspect at this time. mark, thank you so much for your time tonight klass. mark... uncover new details and follow developments in the facebook and twitter pages. >> pam: developing tonight. new details released about the deadly triple shooting at a rural home in sonoma county.
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this is video of the scene from yesterday afternoon, courtesy of our helicopter partnership with a-b-c-7- news. tonight. we are hearing from someone who knew one of the but first. kron-4's dan kerman explains what may have been behind the killings. >> there was some marijuana left back at the scene. and based on interviews, people that were associated with these three victim's that today. marijuana, and to dry goods gone bad. >> sheriff's officials believe that these victims were purchasing marijuana from an unknown number of suspects. these bodies were found in a bedroom with no struggle. >> i can describe the scene. a lot of blood at the scene. with the three blood shot victim's. >> reporter: 46 year-old,
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now, suspect that is dead was from petaluma and also fro new york >> the resident of of the house was out of state will this occurred. new tonight at eight. the brother became concerned after four hours-six hours and they did not hear from butler. most of these violent crimes is because of marijuana. authorities are following up on any suspects with autopsies scheduled for thursday. that should give us some indication if they died at the hand of one concord several guns. dan kerman,
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kron 4. tonight at eight.more on our victims. but first. kron-4's dan new tonight at 8. we are getting our first images of the youngest victim who was killed in sonoma county. continues our team coverage. and has more with friends who are left in shock. butler did not deserve what he got. >> you would never think
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that something would result in something like this as tragic as something as mundane as marijuana. last >> reporter: the memories, he loved going to burning ban every year with his girlfriend. >> he was loving, and love going to the festival 'burning man'.. with his girlfriend. >> reporter: of these people spoke about nothing out of the ordinary in the recent days or weeks. j. r. stone, kron 4 news. >> pam: ahead at eight. police continue to search for answers in the murder of a teenager. whose body was found in a fairfield park. why the boy scouts of decision on whether to lift its ban on gay members. but first, the new push from san francisco mayor ed lee. to get thousands of property owners to retrofit "soft- story" buidings. ahead of a major earthquake.
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>> pam: earlier today. investigators in fairfield updated the public on the investigation into the death of a teen girl from suisun city. she fairfield park. kron 4's charles clifford >> reporter: speaking to the press thursday afternoon, the fairfield police department declined to say whether or not they had identified a suspect in genelle conway-allen's murder. police chief walter tibbet said that they wanted to be very carefull about what information was released publicly while police didn't release any signifigant new details about this week old case
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they did say they were analyzing surviellance video from the area near where genelle was last seen. they believe this picture taken last thurday afternoon is the last known image of the girl. here body was found the following morning. >> we are asking anybody who has seen the body or her... before it happened, to contact the police. >> reporter: whit park, a small memorial continues to grow and neighbors remain sadened by what happened. >> she was just a girl, she was just starting her life. >> reporter: the family of genelle conway-allen also released a statement today saying, "this has been a devastating tragedy for our family and our community. we need to thank everyone for the outpouring of support at the memorial site." >> reporter: anybody with the information is asked to call the fairfield police department. charles
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clifford, kron 4 news. major earthquake. new tonight at eight. san francisco mayor ed lee is calling on thousands of property owners in the city. to retrofit so- called "soft story structures" . that are exceptionally vulnerable to earthquakes. the city has identified more than 45- hundred buildings which need the retrofitting. the seismic upgrades would run proptery owners between 60 -and 130-thousand dollars. kron-4's alecia reid is in san francisco with more. >> reporter: these are considered that it needs to be restructured if to have a woul--a wood frame retrofitting needs to be the central for the safety of
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the future of these structures. >> the probability of a large earthquake 7 or 8 magnitude and the next 30 years is greater than 30%. so, we are looking at significant chances. >> reporter: 3000-4000 homes are in danger. and the entire city could be impacted. >> the risk that we are speaking of impacting the city that could have a very difficult time recovering. this is what is prompting this mandate. >> reporter: this mandate is expected to pass. it will reach out to property owners. and it will be over $100,000. they're helping the bank with financing. alecia reed, kron 4.
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>> pam: the boy scouts of america. has decided to delay a vote on whether to lift the organization's ban on gay members. the organization's executive board says, it needs more time and more input. the decision will now be made at the board's annual meeting in may. gay rights groups and other critics want the organization to lift the ban. some religious groups and conservatives say. allowing gay members would destroy the organization. by diluting the boy scout message of morality. >> jacqueline: oftemperatures are going to drop several degrees. dry, warm weather however this weekend will return. n.y. the clouds are approaching and as we see the tail end of this system. the showers will be near the coast. through the north
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bay, by seven. we will see areas of more moderate rainfall. as you can see, through the golden gate bridge. and san francisco, through the east bay. and it started at 7:00 a.m. in the north bay. it is a very fast-moving system. we will see showers by one but dry conditions in the afternoon. the afternoon could see a round of rainfall by 6. with hitting the peninsula by 11 and check out this pattern. snow levels are going to be dropping. over the diablo range with projected snowfall. 25 ft. it might not be the only place where we could see the flurries. by friday, notice drier conditions expected. and as for the afternoon highs?
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cooler today. 50s and concord. the sierras, are also going to possibly see some snowfall out of this system. with even fresh powder. not a bad weekend to go up to the mountains. with your seven day forecast, improvements. chilly mornings, but mild afternoons. >> google has a new and maps feature. coming up in my tech report. >> gary: coming up the giants' relief pitcher with a beard he has been re- signed. the raiders, and the warriors got beat up in oklahoma city.
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itunes has reached a huge milestone. the number of songs downloaded has surpassed the amount of people on our planet. it is 15,000 songs downloading per minute. that was 12 million by two years ago. we thought other music services would slow down the apple of dominance. however, that is not the case. it and other apple news, the super sized ipad is officially on the market. this will have a huge hard drive. 128 gb. closer to the specs of a gigabyte laptop. the same as the same as a fourth generation but this larger storage = $800, why fight. wifin
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and google has a great version for their maps it is a detailed map of ski resorts. and not any more worries of paper maps. that blue, green, black diamond are shown as solid. add this feature lets are dotted. lake tahoe is also on the features with the chair lifts. you can check it out on your browser and preview before you had on the slopes. and just before this phenomenon seemed to be ended, this wireless video is bringing this back. this baby wakes up to dance to her favorite song. (laughing and bass of gangham style)
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gabe slate tech report -base music.. well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows.
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>> pam: coming up saturday delivery of the u.s. postal service is going to be a thing of the past. >> jacqueline: with the clouds coming in and details, coming up.
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brigh >> pam: now for a look at our top stories at eight- thirty. we're learning more about the 1984 kidnapping of 10 year old kevin collins. police released -- new pictures of the suspect -- dan therrien. we now know therrien went by as many as 5 different aliases. had a history of kidnapping and sexually assaulting children in the bay area and in canada. >> and -- the investigation continues into a triple murder in sonoma county. this is a photo of the youngest victim -- raleigh butler. butler and two other men were found dead inside a home in sebastapol. this is video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. investigators now say. the incident was a marijuana drug deal gone bad. in fairfield -- police are *not saying whether they have identified a suspect. in the murder case of the 13-year-old genelle conway-
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allen but they are analyzing surveillance video near the area where genelle was last seen. police believe this is the last photo of genelle before she went missing. her nude body was found the next day at alan witt park. tragic news for the 49ers >> reporter: tight end delanie walker has lost his aunt and uncle, after they were killed by a drunk driver near new orleans. walker recently tweeted this picture, which was taken the day before the super bowl. it shows walker with his aunt and uncle, alice and bryan young, of pomona california. the couple was leaving the new orleans after watching the super bowl. the two were stopped on the shoulder of interstate 10
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when a 26-year old woman veered off the highway and hit them. walker tweeted: "we lost some good people.they will be missed. i love y'all so much." gary radnich will offer his condolences. >> pam: seven people hurt after one of san francisco's iconic cable cars makes a hard. and abrupt stop. it happened after 10-this morning at powel and washington steets. muni says, the car suddenly stopped, after hitting a nearly two-inch screw that got wedged down inside the trackway. a muni spokesperson says, an incident such as this. is rare. because there are systems in place to prevent them from happening. >> there are sensors in there and it is very sensitive if something falls in there. if something penetrates that it will set off an alarm. and for example sometimes we have
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had even pieces of paper. that would set off the alarm that would stop the cable car and investigate. >> pam: one person suffered a life threatening head injury. four others onboard, were taken to hospitals with minor injuries. three other passengers were treated at the scene muni says. it will be looking into why the sensors didn't alert them to the blockage. r >> a home in the berkely hills suffers major damage. after catching fire late this morning. the berkeley fire department declared it a two alarm blaze. and dispatched as many as five engines to fight the fire on keith avenue. the location that made it hard to fight the blaze. >> this fire is difficult up here in the hills, you can see there is a lot of trees, road access is narrow, you can see they had to extend the hose lines quite a ways to get up to the building so that made access a little bit challenging but they got a pretty good stop on the fire. >> pam: no residents or fire fighters were injured in the fire. the berkeley fire department remianed on the scene well into the
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afternoon. >> a bomb scare at a bio- research facility today. prompted the evacuation of an east bay business district. this is video from our helicopter partnership with abc7 news -- over the scene in emeryvillle. kron 4's haaziq madyun shows us how it all unfolded. >> reporter: a bomb suit clad uc berkeley police officer moving in to search for an explosive deviceafter an early morning threat was called in from the joint bio energy institutea research arm of lawrence berkeley on 59th street and hollis in emeryville >> "it was credible enough for us obviously for us to take it serious and search the building and make sure everyone was safe" >> reporter: 8-uc police bomb sniffing canine units were on the scene evacuating the building before the bomb search began went smoothlyit being 7am when the threat came in most of the employees were not schedule to be at workfor those employees who did show up they found emeryville police set up a perimeterblocking access to the building for several blocks >> "i was coming in and i
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noticed this was all blocked off with police and everything" >> "because of the large amount of glass in the corner of the building, we moved back just as a precaution" >> reporter: after several hours of searching an explosive devicethe all clear was given >> reporter: in emeryville haaziq madyun kron4news >> jacqueline: right now, the satellite and radar. that rainfall is pressing through eureka. the storm is pushing up to the north. and down the west coast. well offshore this will press into the bay area, overnight. a look at futurecast. the rain is starting offshore. and did you the coast by 5. 7, it looks like this will impact your morning commute.
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>> pam: saturday mail delivery will soon be a thing of the past. the cash-strapped postal service says it will start cutting back services in an effort to save money. sandra endo has a look at the changes. and how they'll americans. >> reporter: letter carriers will have a lighter load on saturdays. the us postal service is cutting first- class mail deliveries that day as part of a plan to help save two- >> since 2009 we've seen a steady decline in people sending first-class mail, that was our most profitable, but people pay their bills online, it's simple and free, we cannot be free. >> reporter: the change would start in the begining of august. mail order prescriptions, express mail and packages will still be delivered on saturdays. the proposal to scale back service to a five-day schedule has been in the works for the last few years as a way to help the cash-strapped postal service.
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it's been borrowing money from the federal government since 2006 to stay afloat and exhausted a 15-billion dollar line of credit from >> ifin the past year the postal service cut hours at thousands of post offices. merged plants and 28,000 people were cut from its workforce. the postal workers union issued a statement saying. usps executives cannont save the postal service by tearing it apart. there's some question about whether the postal service has the authority to scale back service-- in the past it said it needed congressional approval. but in this case it has announced the measure without consent from lawmakers. sandra endo kron 4 news. >> sampras's " public housing is crawling with service--coming up.
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>> pam: stocks end the day almost break-even. after recovering from an early loss. on wall street. the dow ended the day up 7-points to once again close just shy of 14-thousand. the nasdaq lost three. and the s-and-p-500 picked up a fraction of a point. if you think you're already paying through the nose for your smartphone data plan. just's expected to get worse. a new report, released by cisco, predicts monthly bills will be about 40- dollars higher by 2017. thanks to 4-g. that's because americans are expected to use more than six gigabytes of data per month by then. that would be eight times more than they today. the report also predicts
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connection speeds will be three times faster in 2017. coming up next, gary radnich wi[ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation, coming up next, gary radnich with sports and the so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot, even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely... looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply.
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(male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> service animals have a job, it is to help the disabled with things they normally can't do on their own, unless it's not really a service animal, but there is no real way of knowing because everyone in san francisco claims their pet is a service animal i'm at westside courts in the western addition its public housing that's run by the san francsico housing authority all around they have these signs that read, no dogs allowed in sfha property, dogs will be removed by animal control and the san francisco police department not the intresting part the ---now the interesting part
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housing authorty has a no pet policy, unless your are in need of a service animal however in reading the entire policy, you don't have to have a trained service animal you have to say it's a service animal so im assuming this is in fact a service cat, it has to be other wise this would be a blatant disregard for the no pet policy and this dog barking at me his name is sanatra, maybe just maybe sanatra trained to bark at total strangers and this honey who is wandering around with no leash, and even does what dogs do best . maybe we can call it a honey boo boo that no one cleaned up >> i got to find out what that there are so many service animals runing around this complex like this one this one must be a self cleaning dog because no one was around to clean up after it oh what this may be the owner, setting upi the barbeque grill you know san francisco housing authority why even have a pet policy if its going tho have a loop hole
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the size of cleveland oh and one final note, apparenty this is the only stretch of grass in the area so homeowners are also bring their dog to do what dogs do and you are not cleaning it up how is that even fair to anyone? in san francisco stanley roberts kron 4 news >> jacqueline: much-needed rainfall. the rain tomorrow. and cooler temperatures. with the low 50s tomorrow in the same on friday. we will start to rebound into this weekend. more on that in a moment but let us speak about the rain fall. the tail end of the northern portion of california. to the bay area as, overnight and here is a look at futurecast. by 5:00 p.m., there is. the north bay,
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santa rosa and petaluma heavier rainfall is going to move quickly through san francisco. oakland, concord, and a san mateo coast and san jose where we will see showers. later in the afternoon, drier conditions for more rain fall heavier showers for the peninsula by 11 check this out. the el diablo range showing skill levels that are going to be dropping locally. not only along the el diablo range we can see this body shower activity. where that precipitation is gone. by the time it is down at 2,500 ft., not much snowfall left.
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lingering in clear conditions for the afternoon. with one half at 2-4 on friday. drier conditions if you do want to go to the sierras, fresh powder. with the next storm for the next several days. with a look at your extended forecast. and next week with mild afternoon temperatures but chilly morning lows. there is no new snow to talk about but we are expecting to see more. sierra fast- talking whole. hefts the food like to keep up to date and even discount lift tickets >> gary: could evening, everybody. the warriors on the road, with some of the best players. they cannot
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match up currie. barnes had 19 points. but only five and 20, shooting. oklahoma city this guy was dynamite. he goes off his own way but nobody even masses with him. and there he is the warriors lose tonight to the founder of a blowout. still trying to figure out last night for mark jackson did not want houston to set an all-time record 43. field goal. the warriors just started falling. and the rockets were thought to be over exuberant here is the coach.
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>> i am an old school basketball player and i am an old school coach. >> briefing that all of that is cool. anti-blapam just sent out--we -- just sent out a tweet. >> that is not cool. >> jacqueline: i do not think there were trying but it was definitely a possibility. >> just yelling at people and then they do not get hurt. i have yet to hurt anybody. >> pam: if you do not get your way? >> gary: and bad news for
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the lakers. just now, kobe bryant. san francisco just lost to arizona. and some highlights it was difficult to figure 02 but arizona, the seventh foray into and you can forget about brian olsen but sergio romo of 14 arbitration. it turns out that he is worth for a record 5 million and the word is that he has settled around $3.5 million. the
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giants did not want to hope that he was going to come back from his second surgery so sergio romo is now the man. the 49ers franchise has been hit with a terrible tragedy. there were killed it just shortly after the super bowl by a drunk driver. a 26 rolled swerved and hit them. the 49ers franchise hit with a tragedy.. whose franchise
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tax is that he needs to get one a year but only $6 million. this is one of those deals that we can just put our hands together. >> he plays every game and you know that he is out there. tackles and does everything that you would want a safety to do. you rewards those types of people. we all stayed together, we are all spiritual people let us hope that he gets it. perhaps six years, 25-30 million. we can all say a little prayer. >> he is not gotten it yet.
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>> pam: thank you. [laughter] la jolland what did you think. s is the first time that i have held pam's hand. >> jacqueline: it looks as if she is a little bit uncomfortable! [laughter] >> gary: we will be back.
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>> gary: the raiders are going to try to sell out as many games as they can. the
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oakland coliseum, the east side third deck $25. all of this will hopefully draw a sellout crowd to get on tv. for football, 64,000, and high school football this was exciting. high-school forkbalplayers high school football-players put a wish list. however, his mother wanted him to go to the university of miami. she has misplaced the letter of intent. ... >> pam: good night, everybody [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t.
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[ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on for two whole years. from at&t. call to get u-verse tv starting at just $19 a month with our triple-play bundle. get the same great price for two years. plus now two times the internet speed than before. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable high-speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv, you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse tv starts at $19 a month with our triple-play bundle, with the same great price for two years. plus now get two times the internet speed than before. it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat -- same great price, two whole years, price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪


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