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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  February 7, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters.
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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. pat of >> new tonight at eight. residents in san francisco's mission district are on high alert. that's after a pair of brutal attacks on women. police say, the victims were not robbed or raped. just punched and beaten. the first incident happened street near san jose avenue. the second happened february 2nd. on bartlett near 22nd. injuries. new tonight at eight. kron- 4's reggie kumar shows us the scene. where the incidents took place. developing tonight at eight. >> this was where the most recent attack to a place. this area are is a dark and there are a lot of people walking around. the woman
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was assaulted at 1:00 a.m. probably not that many people on the street at that hour. residents say that this area needs more lighting. the female victim was beaten right outside of per complex. she called the city and demanded that they prove to this tree. it is very dark. >> i guess the neighbor heard her. and she had bruises. the tree, it was a dark right there. >> reporter: it said francisco, reggie kumar, kron 4. >>pam: many people marching against alleged police brutality. this is with our partnership with abc seven,
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helicopter irreal shot from abc seven he'd ph.d.high- definition video. and to they provided a rally. >> developing tonight at 8:00 p.m.,the search for an alleged cop- killer. law enforcement agencies fan out across southern california. searching for a former l-a-p-d officer. he is suspected of killing three people. in what's being described as a violent revenge vendetta against authorities. the suspect's name is christopher dorner. a former military man - a navy reservist. he was fired from the los angeles police department. tonight. police are searching high and low to flush him out. and to try and stop him from killing again. grant lodes joins us now. with the latest developments grant? >> reporter: right now swat team members have rifles drawn.they're walking the san bernardino mountains near big bear ski resport. more than 100 other officers are going door to door in the area.searching for christopher dorner. the search is focused there
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because dorner's burnt pick-up truck was found in the area earlier today. kron four's charles clifford continues our team coverage with a look at the difficult task of searching for a dangerous man in the snowy san bernardino mountians. >> reporter: big bear is about 100 miles east of downtown los angeles, in the san bernardino mountains. this is a view looking north across the area, big bear city sits here and just to the south of town is the bear mountain ski resort. now christopher dorner's burned out truck was found along a dirt road roughly a couple milesto the southwest of the ski area. this is a very remote location. there are a lot of pine trees and ravines. the terrain here is steep and rocky, also in the recent past there are have been forest fires in this area that have left a lot of debrie on the ground, that could make it tough for search teams on foot. also, there are apparently about 400 homes nearby. a lot of these residences are vacation homes and probably empty. search teams have been going door to door
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checking theses residences now, a command post has been set up in big bear city and swat team members have been carried via helicopter from a golf course to the area where dorner is believed to be hiding. now, one other curious thing, the video your watching is from kabc in los angeles and they spotted a fire burning about a mile away from the truck. we don't know if this has anything to do with the search for christopher dorner, but the flames seemed very out of place and there didn't appear to be anyone in the area. in the newsroom, charles clifford kron 4 news. >> in addition to multiple shootouts with officers earlier today.dorner is also accused of killing two people on sunday. here now a look at the deadly past few days in southern california. on sunday two people are found shot to death in their car.while sitting in a parking structure in irvine - just south of anaheim. police say christopher dorner killed monica quan and keith lawrence. quan is the daughter of a former los angeles police captain. fast forward now to 1:30 this the riverside county community of corona. that's where dorner allegedly gets into a shootout with two l-a-p-d officers who followed him after seeing his truck. one bullet grazes an officer
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in the head. and dorner takes off. a short time later, about 2- am today in riverside. two riverside officers are ambushed. police say dorner shot the officers while they waited at a stop light while on routine patrol. one officer dies, the other critically injured. >> they admit that they have no idea where he is. they will continue to search this area. in this area, there is snow and 20's forecast. we are now hearing from someone white this killing spree it is shocking. it's expected to drop to 23 degrees.and snow is in the overnight forecast.
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and we've just uncovered a friend of the the search for dorner has led to some cases of mistaken identity and injuries. two women were shot and wounded in torrance this morning, when los angeles police fired shots at a truck which they mistakenly police say one woman suffered minor injuries. the other woman was shot twice. but is in stable condition. in torrance were involved in a second shooting. also involving a vehicle mistakenly believed to be dorner's. no one was hurt in that incident. and in san diego. police mistakenly arrest a man who looks similar to christopher dorner. the man says, someone at a hotel called police. after seeing him sitting in a parking lot. fift officers eventually realized they had the wrong man. and let him go. police say, dorner was in san diego. he had checked into a hotel on a naval base. and allegedly tried to steal a yacht. in an attempt to escape into mexico. christopher dorner apparently considered himself a whistle- blower on the police force -- and feels he was wrongly fired because of it. he was furious about losing his job back in 2008. and it is believed he finally decided to take revenge - after writing what he called his 'manifesto'. catherine heenan has details on that.
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>>catherine: despite all the photos showing a smiling christopher dorner. he has apparently been a very angry man. february 4th around 9 in the morning.he sat down to write his so-called manifesto on facebook. addressing it to "america". subject matter - "last resort" saying he wants to 'reclaim his name'. dorner says in part that he was targeted by the los angeles police department because he reported a fellow officer for kicking a suspect and using excessive force. in another incident.he says he squeezed an officer's neck after hearing him use offensive and racist terms. he says he now wishes he had simply shot the man. now, dorner writes "i will bring unconventional and asymmetrical warfare to those in l-ap-d uniform whether on or off duty." dorner is angry about the people behind his firing. and angry about fellow officers he accuses of things like beating up a transient.pocketing drug money.
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and then lying about it. perhaps not expecting to come out of the drama alive. dorner wrote "unfortunately, i will not be alive to see my name cleared.a man is nothing without his name" dorner bragged that he was an expert in shooting. with the highest scores. he also taunted his targets -- saying- quote - "i never had the opportunity to have a family of my own. i'm terminating yours." officers quickly spread out to try to protect the people, he said he would target. stay with kron-4 as we follow the latest developments in the manhunt for triple murder suspect. christopher dorner. we'll have constant updates on our web site kron-4 dot com. as well as on our facebook page and twitter feed. new at 8 oclock. one of kevin collins brothers.
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speaks out about the recent developments in the case. police say, this man, dan therrien is a suspect in kevin's disappearance. tonight, kron four's terisa estacio sat down with stephen collins - who shared his feelings about the new information, and what he says his family might do. if they do finally find his brother's remains. >> reporter: for stephen collins. dealing with the latest developments in his brother's case - has been an emotional roller coaster. >> at first digging, can't commit, then the findings. it is hard not to imagine what happened. steven was 15 years old when kevin disappeared. he says it is difficult to deal with the fact, he worked at the kevin collins foundation, located so close to where this man dan
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therrian who has been identified as a person of interest lived. but steven says he is not upset at police, he realizes tools availble now where not around back then. he also says, finding kevin's remains would bring such closure to himself, his siblings and mother. he really hopes it happens for everyone's sake. terisa estacio, kron4news.
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they never had a chance to grieve. to be able to bury the remains in a casket. and that would be the end of it there would be not any more unnown.. >> the rainfall is returning. >>jacqueline: some areas of more moderate rainfall. and towards the east bay, oakland, alameda and san leandro. it is right or the 580 in the 880. ocean beach has also seen some heavier rainfall. redwood city and palo alto. closer to the coast at this hour, it is
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going down a bit. we will time it out on futurecast. >>pam: the mayor of san jose time it out on futurecast. >>[ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation, so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot, even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely... looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply.
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growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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in the >>pam: in the wake of a soaring crime rate, san jose mayor chuck reed says, he wants to put 200 more police officers on the streets in the next two years. kron 4's j.r. stone is live in san jose this evening. the my priority will be public safety. we must not and could not accept higher crime. >> brebeuf must be more
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precise. we are able to expand. -- be more dutch precise. they took 10 percent pay cuts to avoid layoffs in the police officers association saying that police salaries are 20% below worse than other departments. 140 officers has left san jose including 30 in the last two months. the city cannot afford to restore those cuts. >> it would take at least 20 of million. >> the mayor has a plan to keep all the officers. with targeted and longevity bonuses. where the mayor just held his state of the city address. >> whether or not we ask for additional revenue from taxpayers continues to be an
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issue. as soon as we get that pension reform implemented. it is important to note that the police officers association are still skeptical. that there with a face ago fifthj.r. there are two big hymnal police are rest a suspect a very high hit-and- run. carrying at least five elementary smitstood in secured this student and driver were not seriously hurt. the driverless found 04 8:00 p.m. with injuries and was taken into custody. >> the faa is clearing some boeing fourth test flights.
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this will allow it to look at its and flights performance battery. it grounded the dream lighter because of issues with its lithium ion battery. the dream liner is hoping to be back into the air, staring. >>pam: the north east braces for a major storm. how its affecting air travel around the country. boeing gets permission to before five when the driver the suspect was found driver or the elementary passenger jets. the company says this will allow it to look at the in- flight performance of the airplane's batteries. the f-a-a grounded the dreamliner fleet last month malfunctioning. one of them caught fire. around the clock to fix the get back in the air. what could be a historic storm. blizzard. cities are getting huge stockpiles of sand for the and in places like new york city - the mayor is begging people to stay home when
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people are rushing to buy things like snow shovels. and the anticipated mess has2900 flights were canceled in the region today. impact at bay area airports. the technology in our life. >>jacqueline: heavy weather systems that will move up the east coast. this will strengthen as a result. with a blizzard conditions through the east coast and even through new england. let us take a look at issues towards massachusetts. there is winter weather advisories and warnings. the purple is indicating the blizzard warnings. with nearly 2 ft. of snowfall on a saturday. 1 in. per hour and gusting winds. 25 m.p.h., it is treacherous. taking a look
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at local conditions the pavement is wet over the golden gate. showers and stormtracker 4 radar showing that activity south of the golden gate. the peninsula, and as we take a look at the satellite and radar with plenty of showers coming in behind these. there rain for overnight and all of this as this quarter drops towards the coast. plenty of shower activity. ken ford to get, near petaluma, hayward, and the peninsula. as we head towards the early morning hours at take a look the snowfall. that is the blue on your screen. 2,500 ft.. a light probable dustin. for
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the higher peaks and by 3:00 still some shower activity near the coast largely however, going to dry out but a very unstable air mass. that could happen pretty much anywhere. the futurecast never really pinpointing that but keeping your umbrella handle your going to notice breaks of sunshine with that we word shower could pop up in your neighborhood. conditions could improve for tomorrow afternoon and chilly conditionssmart-phones and tablets are being blamed for a newphone face". she >> the latest body art from:kaepernick.
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>>jacqueline: and rich people >>jacqueline: she >> for over 60,000 california foster children,
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nights can feel long and lonely. i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent,
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but anyone can help a foster child. >>pam: smart phone and tablets are being blamed for facial skin sagging, or drooping, quicker then nature intended. it's caused by people spending hours with their head bent down looking at their gadget. kron 4's tech reporter gabe slate shares the warning doctors want all gadget users to hear. a in a game of the american society of plastic surgery ishowing an increase with sudden increase the popularity of these treatments that could be related to technology.
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people spending and increased the amount of times with their head down. it is gravity working against us. the more our faces are leaned over. and it promotes jowels and marienette is being called smart phone face. and just look around. and everybody has their hhad stoned. these three strangers. they have their -- head down. and there is an easy solution. you could hold it at the highest level but i do not see this happening. and i am afraid that people will find it strange. dorky. if you saw
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somebody doing this you may not think that they are partaking preventative measures. there are worse things. this plastic surgeon has seen a surge. also, this physical therapist. >> notice if you use this smart phone tablet, is ideal to take a break open up your chest. and a step away from your technology. gabe slate tech report.
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. >>pam: the big party being planned for the eastern span of the bay bridge. >>jacqueline: continuing the rainfall predictions. >>jacqueline: continuing the rainfall predictions. save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get a sealy queen set for just $399. >>jacqueline: continuing the rainfall predictions. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now.
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>> this just in to the kron 4 news room a friend of the suspect is shocked. the man is believed to be on this killing spree.
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>> he was articulate and a perfectly rational human being. somebody who you would have a respect for. among i thought he was an outstanding person. nothing that i would experience in a million years would lead me to conclude that this horrendous activity. would be any type of concern. >> there is new insight as swat teams and hundreds of officers are executing a huge in tens search in san bernadine no. he is accused of killing officers posting his resentment of lying. we
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will continue to bring you developments. >>pam: where were telling you earlier about a blizzard of with cancellation of flights. that is actually already happening. news tonight, scott is live at sfo with the local impact. city's soaring crime rate. scott rich -- is said s f o s f o. so far, 19 of the departures and 10 are arriving flights have been cancelled. this includes new worker, boston, jfk. i just spoke with the spokesperson.
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you are going to want to check with your airline carrier. they are expecting delays. reporting live, was cut rates, kron 4. >> new details about the 13 year-old that was found in a park in fairfield last friday. surveillance video caught a picture last thursday. and 3 mi. from ellen wood park in fairfield. where her body was discovered. they are releasing this information in hopes of finding and the clues and a potential connection between a murder of another 13 year-old that was found dead in rosemont 50 mi. away last year. tonight, there were two male suspects kicked it down the
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front door of a home near this intersection a mother, and daughter were in and the home there all shot and are expected to survive >> before the noon eastern span opens this bay area is invited to try it out on foot. september 3rd is the official opening day but before that there will be a huge party. it is allowing people to walk, and even bicycle. with a fireworks show. at the bay bridge toll plaza. and that is not going to the cheek. with $5.6 million from revenue and part of the funding available for the bridge. that will cover the
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transportation. the operation and public safety is a non-profit group trying to raise an additional money for the entertainment at its plant. >>jacqueline: this live look outside. with showers over that area. also it is confined south of the golden gate. moderate as we take a look at san francisco heavy through daly city. and pacifica. through the east bay, it is still moderate to the inland valleys a word also seeing some moderate rain showers. the peninsula, redwood city. we do have more rain fall for tonight i will tell you all about it coming up.
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>> if your sweet tooth is taking because cupcakes are kind of yesterday? bread puddigng parlor.. >> i like custard goo and delicious and she is not the only one. she bakes the bread and makes it went illiberal of bonds of love. because i make it. >> this bread pudding parlor is when you can relive your childhood. it is comfort food. ooie gooey goodness and gluten free and chilled or warm and classic it is
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good! homemade bread pudding and it is really, really good. shuotices code to our website my fvorite was the early grey.. coming up the bay of viewer district crackdown in people behaving badly. .
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now for today's market update. stocks end the day down. falling on weaker earnings reports and worries about the european economy. on wall street the dow lost 42-points. after being down as much as 134 at one point. the nasdaq fell three. the s-and-p-500 lost two. new applications for unemployment benefits fell last week. the number of people filing first-time jobless claims according to the labor department. that's five thousand people filing first-time jobless claims *less than the week before. reserve website. the fed released a statement saying the the security breach was brief. and did not affect critical operations. not say what information was exposed. but a twitter account claiming to be affiliated with hacker group "anonymous" says it's behind the attack -- and lifted
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and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable high-speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv, you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse tv starts at $19 a month with our triple-play bundle, with the same great price for two years. plus now get two times the internet speed than before. it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat -- same great price, two whole years, price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪
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(male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. all they are doing is parking their cars yall act like yall making a bust. >> it's going to be an uphill battle in the bayview district of san francisco as the city is trying to break people out of the habit of parking on the public sidewalks. >> sot: when a handicapped person has to take his wheelchair and go around in the streets becuae he cant go across the sidewalk because of the car it creats an issue. beginning in march the san francisco department of traffic and parking and the san francisco police department will begin handing out tickets. so for the second week in a row written and verbal warnings are being handed out to anyone in violation of the law nats: this is a warning just letting you know to stop parking on the sidewalk
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or they are going to stop towing cars nats so we can't park like this, no you cnat block the sidewalk at all. but it's not just about getting the vehicles off the side walk. if you look up there is another problem causing blight. people have tossed sneakers on the powerlines. lots of sneakers and even with all the urban legends as to what shoes on power lines means. what it all boils down to is blight, it looks bad just like a couch left abandoned on a corner. shoes on power lines and vehicles left parked on sidewalks makes the neighbor hood look bad. >> it's a quality of life issue quality of life? on person that was parked on the sidewalk said he could care less about someone in a wheelchair. so it would appears that ticket and the threat of tickets is the only thing that seems to motivate drivers to move. in march not only will it be tickets handed out .but tow trucks will be arriving as well. in the bayview section of san francisco, stanley roberts-kron 4 news if you have a comment or
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story idea for stanley, e- mail us at 'people behaving badly' at kron- four- >>jacqueline: the rate has continued. we will state gowe will-stay dry near some areas but some have the conditions here san leandro. moderate toward san ramon at this hour. the satellite and radar showing that this is more rainfall. we can see factor showers to the north and riding the coast. let us take a look at futurecast. i think we will still see a fair amount. even through the east bay through
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livermore, oakland. take a look to the el diablo range. the computer model is showing snowfall levels at higher elevations. as for take a look at higher elevations, the rain will still be along the coast. isolated storms chances for the afternoon. we will see some we word shower by 1:00 p.m.-2 the number clearing skies by 5:00 p.m. temperatures will still be chilly. in the low 50s. 54 degrees in half moon bay, concord, fremont, san jose and upper 50s in santa rosa. and as for the sierras, that ongoing snowfall with additional snowfall at the core of this storm. with
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another couple of inches tomorrow. drier conditions and a slightly warmer temperatures. the rainfall tomorrow and drier conditions for next week. we will be dealing with some cold mornings. saturday, sunday and it is leaving cold air. we will take a look at your local reports expect one half of feet of snowfall at most resorts. with an additional couple of inches in other areas. check it out >>catherinede >>catherine >>jacqueline
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>> let us take a look at sports with giglitle tid bits from the super bowl are leaking out. the final play of the super bowl was the free kick in which ted ginn was tackled to end the game but what if he broke it? mvp joe flacco had a contingency plan in place, as captured by nfl films the ruling is that if there is a clear cut it could be ruled a touchdown. and maybe he knew that he was just playing around. andjys in from the tatoee polar. colin kaepernick new tattoo here is what kaepernick looked like before the super bowl lots of tattoo's, but none
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on his shoulders or chest well kaepernick took care of that over the last few days jose kaepernick's chest is now totally covered as well as his shoulders. the new tats represent his "family, inner strength, spiritual growth and humility" kap posting the photos on instagram bat must hurt >>pam: i do not know-and i heard that it hurts near the bone. >> and he is serious about this. that is right at the super bowl. >> i do not know what you are hoping for. >> i do not have the courage
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to do that. >> is just too permanent. and what if you are dating someone. and if you have someone's name on there? and college hoops. arizona state. aireal view of pebble beach investment. and have for the fifth straight week the no. 1 team
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in america goes it down. champaign, illinois. nine seconds. they stormed the floor. and in one day they are not going to get out. the no. 1 team goes down. it is easy to say who need to tiger woods? but they need tiger woods. bill murray is a great celebrity. and not that bad of a golfer. just
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good enough when you do not turn off the television when he is on. bill murray, phil mickelson. just sfelix hernandez is the highest paid pitcher. and of seattle has that much money for a pitcher, god bless them. what it does a baseball card worth. we will have this in
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a moment. but the 80s, it is kind of funny. they are promoting june the 29th. from the weekend at bernie's movie and cocoa cres--crisp.. and june 29th.... what is a baseball card worth? $92,000. 18225 baseball card of the brooklyn athletics the winner bidder was jason leblanc of massachusettes who said he bought the 148 year old card as an investment for his young son.
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>> gary spring training starts next week or you ready? >> the world class giants there are expectin $50,000 fans...on fan fest... 50,000 fans are expected to attend fan fest. >>pam: see you at 11
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