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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  February 27, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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wbbm in chicago. >> now it's your turn, sean shirtless. send us your photos. you can become our fan of the day. >> thanks for watching, everyone. well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched.
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and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. i'm just warm weather and beaches. but i'm so much more. i'm movie sets and studio tours. i'm family, museums, and world-class art. you'll see things here that you never expected. ♪ only be warned: there's so much to take in... it could leave your head spinning. los angeles. endlessly entertaining. plan your getaway at has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time...
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what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters, flakes, and o's. oh, ho ho... [ female announcer ] you can find it on sale now at your local safeway store. (male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. happening right now. an emotional vigil for the fallen santa cruz officers. and new at 8, we will hear the officers, before they plus, the disturbing remarks from the gunman's father problems. a vigil in santa cruz for the police officers gunned down. >> the community is suffering>> sad day
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>> their killer died in a gun battle caught on video. they said there was a body in my driveway. >> tonight new details about have led to the tragedy. >> we know he was despondent. distraught, upsent about his revent personal events. >> pam: cruz tonight. after a man guns down two veteran police officers. on tuesday, jeremy goulet shot and killed loren "butch" baker and elizabeth butler. one of their vehicles. and fled the scene. but not the neighborhood. when officers saw the suspect next, they say, he was wearing body armor. and dressed for battle. ("multiple gunshots from shootout.") (breaking glass) >> pam: goulet was killed in that gunfight. police say, he had several weapons on him. initially gone to the suspect's home. to investigate his role in a
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sexual assault. new at 8- we are learning about what moments before the two santa kron 4's j-r stone is live in santa cruz.he spoke with a man who may have been one of the last people to see the officers before they were shot. >> reporter: they have such critics things to say about this officer if you're if flowers come minos, candles in memory of those two officers. his >> i was the last person to speak with them. the detectives for four there were guns this down and killed outside this house. the officers thought that he could have been the suspect were somehow connected sphere to them always looking away and they say you, stop! and i was wearing a red shirt. >> for the next 10 minutes
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he was interrogated by the police. they were exchanging words that would prove to be some of his last. >> he was friendly he did not apologize for their intense interrogation but they did offer an explanation. saying that we are so touchy about this and we shook hands. they walked back into the direction of their house and i walked in the opposite direction. the last thing one of the officers said to me was that he hopes the my prospects for employment got better. >> reporter: moments later, there was an altercation outside of the home and goulet shot both officers >> a few moments later i heard a volley of gunfire going off. and that was when
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the officers were killed >> the thought of what happened still to essentials. >> if this happened just a few moments ago this entire outcome could have been different >> out here live sir rolled memorials. this has grown considerably in the last 24 hours reporting live, j.r. stone, kron 4 news. >> new at 8. chilling revelations about the cop killer. jeremy goulet's father is now speaking out. saying his son was like athe 64-year old ronald goulet father says his son: >> "he had contempt for the cops and hated our justice system, and had been in jail go back," ronald goulet went on to peeping in windows. i asked him, why don't youhe said he wants a good girl
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being spied on, and said he couldn't stop doing it." goulet's father also said jeremy texted his twin brother yesterday., the text read i'm in big trouble.i love you. his brother texted back - but no response. their father says the next thing we knew jeremy was shot and killed. evenat >> pam: also new tonight at 8. new video of goulet in an oregon court. back in 2007. he was arrested for peeping on a woman in portland, and then trying to kill the woman's boyfriend after he confronted goulet. dropped, and goulet was convicted of carrying a gun without a concealed weapon permit. and invasion of personal privacy. goulet got probation, but was sentenced to two years in jail, after a dispute with his probation officer. coming up at 8-30. you'll hear from the boyfriend of the woman goulet was spying on, who details the fight with goulet that nearly cost
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his life. the suspect lived in berkeley before moving to santa cruz. with goulet's former neighbor. who says she knew something about him. was not right. >> just a normal psychopath. >> reporter: alicia morrison is desribing jeremy gouletwho lived in the apartment upstairs from this brown shingled they both moved away a few months ago >> they were both creepybut jeremy was the creep. >> reporter: she says it was the way he looked at her and talked about women that made her seemed to be dating the same woman simulanously. >> we could hear them all together having intercourseit was distrubing she says she called the one occasion.the first time last september after hearing the brothers fighting. >> if this sounded like a
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somebody in is going to get killed. she and her husband googled jeremy and found out his tom.and were considering to >> we were so relieved when >> reporter: if five >> pam: also new tonight at 8. we are learning much more about the two officers who lost their lives during the shootout in santa cruz. as kron four's terisa colleagues describe both. as hard working and dedicated officers. who will be truly missed by many. >> reporter: santa cruz police officer loran baker seen here. was a veteran officer at the small department. known as butch by friends and other officers a visibly distraught police chief ken vogel talked about his former partner on the force. >> i had a special relationship with butch. partners in the early 90s. we worked well together, not only coworker but friend.
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>> reporter: baker during his tenure was also a training officer. he 1997 and went into investigations. the chief added that in addition to making a significant impact on the department. professional, personally he wasy also proud about the fact his son entered law enforcment. >> he leaves behind kelly his wife, his son adam who is a community officer in department plus daughters gillian and ashley. >> reporter: this is a picture of worked for the santa cruz police department for 10 years, this after attending university of santa cruz while majoring in community services. she grew up in torrence california. on facebook, friends spoke glowingly of her. one wrote, beth was so wonderful. she did so much good fro her community. such a truly great person. 5 also consider her to be a friend behalf and if we are
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pace small family and of the santa cruz police apartment if purify >> reporter: butler leaves behind her partner peter and their two young sons, ages 5 and one. terisa estacio, kron four news. >> pam: this was the scene this evening in santa cruz, as the community came out. to hold a vigil to grieve the deaths of the officers killed in the line of duty. many sat down and wrote notes of condolences. santa officer in the line of dutya community activist talked with kron four, about the idea to put this gathering together tonight. >> reporter: we hear from the activists. even though we heard from everybody from and wheat got together with the city council and organized this event to bring people and and have them interact. notice,
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there's nobody speaking or talking in fact this is all just people being here for each other in making each other fill part of this community that is suffering so badly right now. >> pam: all of the sympathy notes will be gathered up after families of both fallen officers, butler and baker. continue to track the latest in this developing story. the next scheduled press conference with the santa cruz police department is set for tomorrow morning kron4 24/7 news channel. comcast 193 starting at 11- >> ahead at eight. if couple missing in peru. have been spotted. an update from family members. plus: cars damaged and homes flooded in san francisco. crews work to clean up this huge mess. after a water main break. and: federal immigration authorities release hundreds
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of detainees. ahead of the forced budget cuts. that could take effect this week. next.
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>> new information tonight about a livermore mother. convicted of having sex with when love and move two teenage boys. to to withpolice have arrested three juveniles in a cyber-bullying attack. against one of her victims. this is video of christine hubbs at an earlier court date. hubbs was arrested last friday for a parole violation. the next day, police say, threatening messages about one of the victims appeared
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online. hubbs was questioned about the incident. but police now say, there is no evidence to suggest she was involved. the names of those three juveniles are not being released. a huge mess in a san francisco neighborhood. nearly two dozen homes and a number of cars. were all damaged by flooding -- after a water main ruptured in san francisco's inner parkside neighborhood early this morning. this is new video of the clean up--- you are looking at the new section of the watermain pipe now in place. however, earlier today. the force of the water caused a sinkhole in one backyard. while lifting another home off its foundation. ".all of it" although the watermain pipe has been repaired..san francisco public works officials say, the work on the 15th avenue sink hole.will not be complete until tomorrow. >> the water was covering the bottle of the back seat
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inside of my garage. covering the back of the b bottom,,, of my back seat. >> pam: in national news-- we're now only two days away from the forced spending cuts just about everyone wants to avoid. and nobody seems able to stop. the president did ask congressional leaders to the white house to discuss forced spending cuts.for their first face to face meeting about averting cuts the democrats call devastating. but the invitation is for friday, the same day those cuts kick in. democrats came to the presidents defense: >> why wait so long? >> well, look it is entirely within the purview of and send it to the president. so, actually the real question is why isn't john boehner reaching out to harry reid, sitting down with nancy pelosi, and mitch mcconnell and hammering out a compromise? but house gop leadership aides wasted no time hitting the white house on the
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timing. one asking why the president scheduled the meeting friday. >> "when the sequester hits or this is just a - belated - farce. they ought to at least pretend to try" with financial impact on 'ice'... >> jacqueline: a bit cooler close to the coast. as we take a look outside that satellite and radar. you will notice that it is picking up the returns to the north of us. no rainfall over the bay area. right now, temperatures are in the 50s for the most part. 57 in concord, antioch. that is what we can expect overnight. warmer temperatures for the workweek widespread fifties
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along the immediate coast. for the evening, if you have plans. temperatures in the 50s. '60s and '70s in palo alto. for the east bay, some low 70's. walnut creek, antioch but temperatures in the 60s. closer to the 60s, some sea breezes. temperatures in the '50s with a mixture of 50s and 60s for the north bay. a look at your extended forecast. for the weekend cooler temperatures will return. sea breezes and we are not sure if we are going
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to see much wind. morning or at night. in national news tonight-- shock and sorrow in santa
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new tonight at eight the family of an oakland couple who had been reported missing. is now speaking out. this, after the two travelers were both found safe in peru yesterday with the family's emotional reaction to the good news. released. in national news-- >> gary: of alex smith now, >> gary: of you can't move, the tv there.
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traded officially. yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. ♪ i want a weed free season, that's how i roll ♪ ♪ so i reach for roundup extended control ♪ ♪ with the all-new, no pump, one-touch wand ♪ ♪ it kills weeds dead and keeps weeds gone ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ i just spray them weeds, then spray them cracks ♪
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(male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. this is an iphone sitting in plain view plane view in the front seat of the car with no one in site, it's basically saying glass this is chards of glass on the ground at pier 40 in san francisco glass that came from auto windows getting smashed in by thieves nats: ambiance according to a source in the san francisco police department there has been a over a dozen auto burgleries and one arrest all in the mission bay section of the city just since january area that use to experience metal thefts now has a different problem nats: ambiance in fact if you look around the area, you see signs everywhere alerting people not to leave valuables
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visible since thieve are opportunist leaving valuables in plane view gives them the opportunity to behaving remember the phone in plain view, well this is the owner, alex and he forget to >> i was actually thinking about it walking over here like where's my phone/even though its and old phone it dosent work very well still >> now i'm embarrassed >> i got caught behavingbut he was not alone i fould over a half a dozen electronic devicin plain view more cell phones and other items like in this xerox van a gps in the window. same with this car the gps in the center console in one parking lot there were 4 separate breakins on the same day. did you know that even a garage door opener in plane view could be a problem because not only do they have the opener but they could also find you address like lets say on your registration and bam now you ho [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. at&t u-verse high speed internet offers more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hotspots than ever. call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hotspot
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that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. so call now to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hotspot network, with over 30,000 hotspots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪
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>> pam: story at eight- thirty. new details on the murder of in santa cruz. two veteran police officers were investigating a sex crime -- when gunfire broke out. the suspect took their guns and stole their car. the suspect was then later killed by other officers. he had three guns and was wearing body armor. the suspected killer -- jeremy goulet was a coffee shop worker. his father says, he had had numerous run-ins with the law. and swore he would never go back to jail. he says, his son was a quote - "ticking time bomb". the murdered officers are seargant loren baker -- and detective elizabeth butler. baker. a 28-year veteran of the department. went by the nickname 'butch' he leaves behined his wife, two daughters and a son. butler was a 10-year veteran of the force who specialized in investigating sexual assault cases. she leaves behind her
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partner named peter and two young children we are getting a better idea of how events unfolded in santa cruz. kron 4's charles clifford gives us a google earth view of what happened. >> reporter: tuesday's shootings occurred in central santa cruz, a little more than a mile north of the beach. around 3:30 tuesday afternoon, two santa cruz police officers visited a home here at 822 north bran-ca-forty drive. this is where were both officers were apparently shot and killed by the suspect, jeremy goulet. after the shooting, goulet stole a police car and fled the scene. a short time later, as first responders tended to the fallen officers, goulet returned to the scene. he spotted here, behind 822 bran-ca-forty, on the other side of a fence. officers ordered goulet to submit, but he fled south down this alley. when he
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reached nearby doyle street, he was met by multiple police officers. gunfire erupted as the suspect and police exchanged dozens of shots. goulet was eventually killed here near 140 doyle street. in the newsroom, charles clifford kron 4 news. >> pam: and new video tonight of goulet in an oregon court. back in 2007. as we mentioned earlier, goulet has had run-ins with the law in the past. as amy frazier reports, he was arrested for peeping on a woman in portland, then trying to kill the woman's boyfriend after he confronted goulet. here's that report from 2007. >> i remember. that he was lurking outside of this apartment for the third time in one month. >> he had to be screened off of the window with the stick through it and he was watching my girlfriend taking a shower. >> it was horrible for a
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while i could not go to the bathroom by myself. >> i realized that he had a gun in his pocket. >> reporter: on the sidewalk they started fighting. >> it was on the movies. we were close on the ground and add to the first shot fired i was happy that it did not hit me. the second shot was pointing right at me. >> i was screaming for help. >> we were rustling against this car. we were talking and i passed that please. >> the struggle continued but nobody would help. >> he would not let go of the gun. and i started to bite his ear off >> he finally was able to get him to get rid of the gun.
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>> i is cheaper place mess. and wondering why no one helped. >> hundreds of people are remembering the officers that were killed with condolences guest book. samsaying butch, you were a friend to me and my children for over 25 years. my heart broke as they read your name last night. thank you for your 28 years of service and sacrifice. rest in peace my friend. we're so sorry for the tremendous loss you are suffering. -sue sonkayou will not be forgotten. may your family find peace knowing you sacrificed your life protecting our community. they both leave beef kind families. >> pam: the gun control debate took center stage in washington today, with the issue -- they both leave behind families. the house, and to the vice president. there are new proposals for new laws. but they are highlighting old political differences that could to be
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a big hurdle to overcome. the senate judiciary committee could begin considering gun control bills as soon as tomorrow. they include measures to improve school security, beef up background checks on gun sales, and that assault weapons ban.
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in a senate committee hearing on gun control, >> "i'm jesse lewis' dad. jesse was brutally murdered at sandy hook." >> reporter: neil heslin supports ban that expired in 2004. senator dianne feinstein sponsored that ban and is the prime force behind the new legislation. she says there is a common factor in too many of the mass killings. >> "the gunman used a military style semiautomatic assault weapon, or a large capacity ammunition magazine, to commit unspeakable terror." feinstein's bill is from the nra and some democrats from conservative districts. republican senator lindsey graham questioned focusing on gun control instead of >> "in the real world we do absolutely nothing to enforce the law on the books." in an heated exchange, milwaukee's police chief took issue with graham. >> "i want to stop 76,000 illegally, that's what a you think we're going do paperwork prosecutions, you're wrong." >> "the public mood has
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changed." vice president biden spoke about the white house's gun policy proposals to the national association of attorneys general. on the same day school safety experts testified in theand back in the senate--victims of gun violence stood before lawmakers. it's a lot of talk about the issue, though still unclear whether it will lead to any real action least pretend to try"
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>> now rosa parks has a permanent place in the u-s ("applause") president obama and congressional leaders unveiled a nine-foot tall bronze statue of the civil rights pioneer today. parks died in 2005 at the age of 92. she was the first woman to lie in honor in the rotunda of the u-s capitol. after her death, then- president george w. bush directed congress to commission a statue in her honor.
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now for today's market update.
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it's another "up" day for wall street. stocks closed sharply higher for a second day as evidence mounts that the housing market is making a comeback. the dow jumped 175 points to close at 14- thousand- 75, its highest close of the year. it's up nearly 300 points over the past two days, putting it within 100 points of its record high reached the nasdaq rose nearly 33 points to close at 3- thousand-162. and the s&p gained 19 points to close at one-thousand- 515. once again. identity theft tops the annual list of consumer complaints to the federal trade commission. karin caifa has the full list, and tips to avoid becoming a victim of any of the top scams. the federal trade commission received more than 2 million consumer complaints in 20- 12. about half of them were related to some type of fraud and those complaints cost americans more than one-point-four-billion dollars.
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the most common complaint to the f-t-c - identity theft - which accounted for about one in every five complaints. next, debt collection, followed by complaints regarding banks and lenders, shop-at-home and catalog sales, and rounding out the top five, prizes, sweepstakes and lotteries. when it comes to identity theft, remember scammers aren't above digging through dumpsters for personal information, so shred sensitive documents, especially now, during tax season. and to avoid falling prey to most other scams that involve fraud, heed the oft-repeated warning to never reply to emails, phone calls, or text messages that ask for personal or financial information. these often come disguised as an account alert - so if you're really worried, follow up with a credit or debit card company yourself. and research any company before doing business with them a quick online search for the company name plus a search term like "scam," "complaint," or "fraud," can save trouble later on. karen caifa kron 4
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gabe slate tech report >> pam: is he >> garygary radnich is coming up next with sports with alex smith and curry
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gabe slate tech report,,, netflix preble to vote on their individual awards.
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what is so unique are the categories these are hilarious, the categories. this can the mirror new streaming technology. perhaps on one weekend, sometimes people will even watch one, two, three seasons. they have a marathon, a category. other categories include electronic babysitting, pms, hang over movie, romance-- bromance. you are able to vote until march 10. gabe slate tech
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report >> jacqueline: we have been enjoying springlike weather. as we go towards march. temperatures will be in the '70s. cooler temperatures expected and the clouds will be returning. first, the cloud coverage. we could see 40's and a number of locations. definitely, more mild. 60s nearly everywhere. 60's and 70's with the exception of the coast. temperatures will just be along the immediate coast. another mild one in store with temperatures in the '50s again. here is a look at the afternoon highs. 60s
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in los gatos. for the east bay, walnut creek with a 70 degrees. close to the coast 60s in san francisco and a mixture of 60s and 70's for the north bay. as for the sierras? what we can expect locally it is going to stay mild. still in the fifties! clouds will be increasing and the possibility of snowfall. a bit of a cool down. there is a slight chance of rainfall. sierra at
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tahoe, still >> gary: this was inside madison square garden, stephen curry, mark jackson. he was an outstanding player for the new york knicks but all of that the second, third, fourth billing. curry court, just went off. the fourth quarter, and just within one. curry was in transition. the warriors take the lead. just one away from the nba record. he would finish the night at 54
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points. the third most in the history of the new madison square behind jordan and kobe bryant. a couple of turnovers, and they ran out of gas. karmal and does he have 35. and 109-105. ash 55 points. that is the most from a warrior. in 1984 let me double check that. 55 or 54? it is 54. the most from a warrior. wilt chamberlain had 73. tremendous, from steven curry. alex smith,
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his days as a 49 there are over. kansas city and the 49ers have both agreed on a deal. that would send smith to the kansas city chiefs. by now, everybody has this memorized. jim harbaugh turned into a round. alex smith will get a fresh start in kansas city. looking at
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the first five years. and won the jim harbaugh took over, all of the numbers jumped up for alex smith. with the salary off the books. names like bery it seems that he is always on happy with off-season. you always wants more money. now, he wants 16 million. we of the baltimore ravens on the radio this morning.
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he was promoting a movie that is going to go right to deviate de charett and it is did and eight twitter wa 8 twitter of war i was quite proud and surprised that some of the younger people were aware that i was on twitter. and
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on the radio, you have to to make a way for the younger viewers. ryan vogelson was the final giants performance and angel pagan with an 8-8 tie and this is still exhibition baseball... when we return, a stolen sausage
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>> gary: of the few fault milwaukee baseball they have a sausage race this is a fund-raiser, a $3,000 kostroma. and it is 7 ft. long. all of a sudden, they look up and they see that it is gone! i know that this is out of state. but if you haven't to seek a 7 ft. long
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sausage you know that people are distraught in milwaukee. if you follow milwaukee- based wahl? [laughter] >> the night you can't move the tv there. yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet.


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