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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  January 13, 2017 5:00pm-7:01pm PST

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when a >> reporter: pulled to the intersection at colder the cartel in the driver. including other evidence. >> reporter: train was unable to stop and avoid. the move the
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body in the middle of the effort in. and other trends approach. and crawl. investigators still needs to look at the on camera trained video the looks straight out and will be reviewing that. in addition at this quite amtrak note was on the train was injured. >> reporter: after 1130 this morning and download the kron 4 news application to get the latest breaking news
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garibaldi is one of the original members of the group - which has been active since 1968. marc van wagen-ingen reportedly came through surgery pwell.according the bandleader. he ys his internal bleeding was stopped and doctors were waiting for him to stabilize before doing more testing. he was filling in for what was to be a show last night at yoshi's. an amtrak spokesman says the men were not in the designated crosswalk when they were hit around 7:40 pm. they were rushed to highland hospital. ' there's an ongoing investigation by amtrak, oakland police and union pacific railroad.
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>> grant:another big story we are following tonight. a father in marin - suddenly dies from a case of menigitis. and now health officials fear that man may have exposed hundreds of people. as kron four's terisa estacio reports, meningitis can effect all ages. some of you may be wondering what causes bacterial
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meningitis.and what symptoms to look for if you think you have come in contact with someone who has it. according to the c-d-c.germs are spread from person to person.usually through kissing, sneezing, or coughing. symptoms include.nausea or vomiting.increased sensitivity to light.also confusion.fever and nect stiffness. they typically are felt within 3 to 7-days of exposure. like we saw in marin.the illness can be deadly.they can also cause seizures or a coma. fortunately meningitis is *not as contagious as the common cold or flu.
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so casual contact or simply breathing the same air as an infected person will not get you sick. can you just make a fullscreen--- and talk about what meningitis is maybe some of the symptoms. a nice break from the rain today - but temperatures are expected to drop to near freezing tonight. increasing the chance for dangerous traveling conditions.
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kron four's brittney shipp joins us now with more on where we could see some spots of black ice. brit? >> britteny: diminished form up in the afternoon it will happen once again forced by a lot of heart temperatures drop on close to freezing or below freezing we is still a monster on the roads the combination isn't great but here's a closer look for it not the area we're focusing on mainly for north is on like guys freezing temperatures left over moisture of the concerns for us which areas are expected to see at the cooler temperatures looks like right now we're checking out some rosa we have a close
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eye here on that hot and potentially nevada out. and again no. as zonds contain the see the call their situated rid of our region with a closer look at our flash flood concerns and more active weather pattern next week as details about 10 minutes. back to san benito county tonight where kron 4 news has learned that the storm-spawned folood that swamped dozens of homes on wenesday was at least partly due to a suspected break in a levee along pacheco creek. kron four's rob flaeboe is live in holliser to bring us up to date on the story. rob? >> reporter: we learn there is indeed a broken levee a half
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mile upstream from here. a company called stat attack as out here floss' couple days volunteering and not on like or drown flying over the river here and is discovering a break in the levee about halfway between our i am standing right now and san felipe road. the pilot of the drowned tells me the break is not 72 ft. long and a hundred feet wide extends well out into a field and looks like this break occurred just upstream from a sharp bend in the creek. from there it was by the door floodwater streamed down stream and to low-lying areas like a lovers' lane san felipe road and fry light among
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many others creating a huge mass for folks here. the county office of emergency services confirming there is indeed a break and here's more on all this. >>: earlier today there was a levee break. 50 ft. deep hundred ft. wide levy that is missing now. hardesty because there's so trees growing. and we're able to do 3 d imaging really cool stuff to see f. you hours ago is when we identified this and got back from setting of the people down there to look at it in person to see what was needed officials
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are as we speak calling because as another storm as it is the one i came in last wednesday due in the middle of next week. an awful lot of for to be done here. begetting resources together to applaud this week. part of which is on private property a lot of my very difficult to get to. this next storm system coming in the last thing anyone wants is for this to happen all over again. there is a fact elite here and a half a mile upstream toward san felipe road.
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kron4's maureen kelly was in that area today and talked to commuters and businesses affected by the now three day closure. nats
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two pumps sucked floodwaters from the shoulder of hwy 37.and pumped it into the wetlands just north of that stretch of roadway. by noon they'd made quite a bit of progress.the railroad tracks that were underwater thursday are exposed today. at that time the water only inches deep on the asphalt.instead of feet. this video our quadcopter four gives you an idea of how much rain and bay water covered the area. traffic was diverted at atherton avenue in novato.and you can see the backup which has been clogging up streets in town. i talked to a san rafael resident who was stuck in it.she says it added 25 miinutes to her trip yeah it uprooted my morning. but she's glad her appointment was early in the day.rather than close to commute time. i might have had to cancel my appointment because i won't want to be stuck for an hour because you know it could be the bay club stonetree golf course says the mess on the highway and the rain has caused them to loss business. their entire course was closed for three days because of flooding and saturated soil on the course.thursday they reopened 9 holes.all 18 holes are expected to be in operation by tomororw but the backed up freeway has caused golfers to cancel their tee times rather than sit in traffic. bite standup >> reporter:i talked to golf course employee who lives in novato he says the hwy 37 closure and the detours around it have tripled his commute time. maureen kelly kron4 news
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bthe recent storms are producing perfect conditions for skiers and snowboarders in tahoe. coming up after the break, what you can expect if you head to the sierra for the holiday weekend. >> catherine:then, a newborn baby abucted - nearly 18 years ago - is found alive. how police were able to make a break in this case - and locate the missing girl. >> grant:and next, the recent storms may have passed - for the time being - but there's still many lingering problems. that story - coming up next.
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>> grant:check out this video. it shows the lexington reservoir in santa clara county - the video on the left was taken on tuesday and the video of the right was taken today. it is full. and water is rushing over the spill way there. the lexington reservoir is one of the largest reservoirs in the south bay. fallen trees continue to be a big problem in the east bay. kron four's philippe djegal reports from lafayette. >> reporter:where the soil remains soft after the recent storms. >>:sot- "it's an impending danger." >> reporter:on the ground -- nothing out of the ordinary. but look up. and, there's a problem. >>:sot- "it's actually perilously hanging over the powerlines." jeff ammerman owns this property in lafayetee, and says an arborist checked this pine tree out last year and deemed it safe before removing another dangerous tree near ammerman's home. but it turns out -- the recent storms were stronger than
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expected. and, that resulted in the pine tree collapsing. sot- "and, its now propped up against a 100 foot tall eucalyptus tree." >> reporter:ammerman says the tree fell down at around eleven
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o'clock thursday night. and says he's fortunate that the tree fell into this eucalyptus tree and didn't cause any more damage. >>:sot- "we heard a bunch of rustling noises and though it was an intruder, but it turns out it was the big tree that fell down." >> reporter:pg-and-e turned the power off on panorama drive while a tree company works to remove the damage. >>:sot- "that could have been really bad -- glad no one was injured." dog walkers passing by, didn't even notice anything was wrong until they were warned. tina rundel says, on wednesday night, a tree fell on her street in orinda, which knocked the power out for a full day. >>:sot- "i think the storms been a little too much for these trees here." >> reporter:these days -- tree companies are responding to calls all over the east bay. early wednesday morning a tree landed on this home in lafayete. and, crews were busy in walnut creek thursday, removing potentially hazardous dead trees. >>:sot- "lucky that eucalyptus is there, huh? yeah, it is. in fact, my neighbor was talking about taking it down. so, we were joking and glad he didn't" >> reporter:in lafayette, philippe djegal, kron four news. >> grant:all the ski resorts are back open today after the storm brought fresh powder to the sierra. you're looking at new pictures of the slopes earlier today at northstar. in the last 24 hours they got one inch of snow. that's nothing compared to the five feet of snow that fell from wednesday to thursday. eleven of the 20 lifts are open.
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kirkwood mountain resort got a total of seven inches of snow in the last 24 hours. a bit more than northstar today but basically just a dusting compared to the blizzard earlier this week. nearly six feet of fresh snow fell from wednesday to thursday. five of the 15 lifts at kirkwood are open. and in squaw valley. a good amount of new snow today. 10 inches of fresh powder fell in the last 24 hours. squaw got a little over four feet of snow on wednesday and thursday. 28 of the 42 lifts there are open. skiers and snow-boarders - have been taking full advantage of the huge amounts of new snow. >> catherine:once they get up to the mountains. in some cases though - it's too much. boreal mountain resort in soda springs had to close part of this week because they were socked in with so much snow. but they're open again - and ready for the holiday weekend. from our partners at cnn --- max resnik talked to some skiiers. >> reporter:after days of unrelenting snow, things are looking up at boreal mountain resort. mos: >>:"i'm having a sick time. this is the best mountain in tahoe." >> reporter:this mountain - the recipient of 110 inches of snow since monday. >>:tanner kuch/snowboarder: "i guess it's just mother nature agreeing with us." >> reporter:tanner kuch is no ordinary 10-year-old. in addition to having mother nature's ear, he's capable of backside 360s. >>:tanner kuch/snowboarder: "just follow your dreams and keep your chin turned." where's there's room for veterans like tanner, there's
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space for beginners like katerina guseva. katerina guseva/skier: "it's great, it's beautiful and i love it." >> reporter:katerina joins her husband eugene for a day on the slopes. the couple arrived at boreal early this morning after a drive from san jose. >>:eugene shoikgt/san jose visitor: "to me, it feels great. honestly, when you're a parent of a 20-month-old, just to get away and get some of the snow done it's awesome. like, i don't even care. i just sit on the lift. it's fun." >> reporter:that fun will carry over to an extended holiday weekend. >>:trucker norred/boreal spokesman: "it's just going to turn into a postcard weekend up here, where the hills are going to painted white with this fresh, awesome snow and i think people are going to be super excited to come up here for this holiday weekend." mos: "oh my g-d. this is - i think this is heaven on earth." checking conditions in the sierra right now. you're looking live at ??? >> grant: but be careful if you want to hit the roads this weekend - as there's a chance for some black ice. at least we saw some sunshine today. chief meteorologist brittney ship joins us now.what's the latest?
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a shooting this morning just a short distance from an elementary school leaves a san jose man dead tonight. this happened at about 6-30. right before kids showed up for class. police say shots were fired on mount-pleasant road in san jose's clayton south neighborhood. homicide investigators are searching for any evidence. right now they have no leads or information on the shooter. this is the city's third homicide this year.just two
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weeks into january. just up the road.two men were shot at a taqueria last thursday. police are asking anyone with information on today's shooting to come forward. we're learning more about why an alaska airline flight was met by haz-mat crews last night at the san jose airport. >> britteny: delius high tides and everything and its maximum. flooding is a possibility near some of our double islands and our future cast shows into said saturday sunday everything stays dry trekking previously on sunday off the coast and then we see another round starting to
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develop and the monday tuesday and wednesday thursday friday we will bring another round of range. as far as my concern cool air continues over our region over san rose but not by experienced like ice close the bay and the coasts we stay in the '40's. over the next three hours temperatures drop in the low forties for inland locations and drop in the mid- 40s redolent coast. a closer look at our week and forecast.
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an out-of-control car jumps the curb and hits a 13-year-old girl waiting to go to school. tonight - the girls father says her backpack full of books saved her life. >> grant: it happened early yesterday morning in brooklyn - street surveillance video caught the incident. the teenager was standing - waiting for a school bus - when suddenly she saw the car barrleing towards her. she tried to get out of the way - but the car hit her. the impact threw her on the hood - before rolling off onto a grassy area. her father says the accident could have been a lot worse - if she hadn't landed on her backpack. officers say the driver of the out-of-control vechile suffered a heart attack. causing him to crash. he remains hospitalized tonight
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in critical condition. and the young the girl suffered a broken leg but will be ok. and catherine, police say had that accident happened just a few minutes later - there would have been at least seven young girls at that same street corner - waiting for the bus. >> grant:that would be the happiest thing in the world to hold my baby. nat july tenth, 1998. >> catherine: again that is all because of flooding we tell you what areas to avoid this weekend. newborn baby abducted in 1998 reunited with her family 18 years later her kidnapper behind bars remarkable story after the break.
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>> catherine:police on the grounds of the jacksonville, florida, hospital, where kamiyah mobley was born to a 15 year old mother at 6:55 a=m. eight hours later, a woman in blue hospital scrubs took the little girl from her mother's arms and disappeared, the only clues: the baby's d=n=a. a pair of tiny footprints and a composite drawing of a woman seen roaming the halls.
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in 18 years the cold case unit followed thousands of tips. >>:"late last year we received two informational leads that took us to walterboro south carolina. we found an 18 year old woman with the same date of birth but a different name. further investigation revealed that fraudulent documents had been used to establish that woman's identity + jso investigators obtained a dna sample from her earler this week and last night we obtained conformation that the young woman we contacted in south carolina is in fact kamiyah mobley. "i just thank god because i prayed for this day. " >> pam:kamiyah's grandmother says her daughter has talked to the young woman on facetime and says she looks just like her father. "i'm just so happy and i'll be glad when she gets here so we can celebrate. there's nothing that i can do for her at a young age, but i can take it and move on from today."
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a popular east bay park remains closed to the public today. the public areas of the park were flooded this week during the storm. earlier today park >> catherine: overlooking the golden gate bridge did see some sunshine. and get more this weekend.
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>> britteny: 87 in livermore low 50s and pacific cod temperatures close to 60 in san jose that is a nice start to the weekend. it today platter shows mostly sunny skies saturday and sunday he saw much monday it to buttress the close amid high fifties for inland locations and the coast
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coming up we take a closer look better chance for another storm system all the details and that for you in 10 minutes. >> reporter:that is the sound of the east lawn picnic area here at lake de valle in livermore. this huge section of the park remains flooded following this week's storm >>:"straight out here we have our oak point bathroom" >> reporter:east bay regional park rangers paula odrain and tony clark gave me a tour of the flooded area. ranger odrain is pointing out the top of what was the public restroom facilities >>:"and it use to be surrounded by picnic tables and shoreline for fishing and now we have a flood that comes up to our lawn area" the water level is so high you can't even see the picnic tables >>:"we have garbage cans and then picnic tables below them,
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that's how high the water is" >> reporter:we took a drive over to the lake de valle marina.which as you can see is also flooded >>:"yeah that's about two feet of water" "de valle boat docks, it's a private doc, we rent our boats from here, we have 50 or 60 boats we rent daily we are open year round" but not today! in fact she says the park is closed until further notice "we are expecting more rain next week, so it can be anywhere from a week to a month" once it drys out the clean up effort can begin "yeah we're going to wait for the water to recede, which will be nature and then we''' start cleaning up, we will probably call a lot of crews in, start cleaning up the lawn, rebuilding our buildings, fixing picnic tables and barbque pits, looking for our garbage cans which are probably floating down lake"
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normally this time of year there would be over 200 boats on the lake with folks doing some recreational fishing. that scene will be put on hold at least for livermore
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retired general james mattis is one step closer to becoming the next secretary of state. congress is sending the white house a bill that would allow mattis run the pentagon in the trump administration. president obama has agreed to sign it -- if it's passed before he leaves office. u-s law says any military official has to wait seven years to run for the position. mattis left the military in 20- he needs the special exemption. this waiver has only been approved once before. to george marshall - back when harry truman was president. the house of representatives has started the process of dismantling the affordable care act. otherwise known as
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obamacare. lawmakers passed a special budget resolution today.and the senate passed the measure earlier this week. it sets the stage for republicans on capitol hill to roll back major parts of the health care law. the 'real' work lies ahead. republicans must decide what to throw out -- and what a new
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version should look like. roughly 20-million people are getting health care under the 2010 law. democratic leaders are blasting republicans for not having a clear replacement plan ready to go.. three former takata executives have been indicted. over the company's infamous exploding airbags. nearly a dozen deaths in the u.s and 180 injuries are blamed on the shrapnel throwing airbags. the issue led to a 42-million
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vehicle recall.the largest in the industry's history. the justice department said today. takata pleaded guilty to corporate criminal charges and agreed to pay a one-billion- dollar fine. most of the cash will go to automakers who bought the airbags from the company. and have had to pay to repair them. new problems for wells fargo. the banking giant is planning to shut down more than 4-hundred of it's branches nationwide by the end of 20-18.
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>> pam: resident drang. most of their order protected wells the beach and its contents and datedwe will explain how that could happen on kron 4 news at six. + >> pam:catherine, back to you. >> catherine: >> grant:after running a restaurant for more than three decades.a 92-year-old woman says this morning's fire that destroyed the inside of the building. will not stop her from reopening again. reporter jeff peirce was there today to capture the emotional moments when she came to see the damage for the first time.
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the kamakura japanese restaurant in alameda appears intact but the sign in the
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window tells a different tale. early firday morning it was completely gutted by fire. wayne yamato has been running the popular sushi bar with his ninety two year old mother, he didn't want her to see the damage. everybody i talked to recommends that she doesn't come and see the destruction. but faith yamato could not keep away from the restaurant where she spent every day for the last thirty five years. fashionably attired she came to see what was remaining. so shocked, unbelievable, never happened before. - loyal customers came to mourn the loss. it's amazing that she has set such a high bar for all of us by working every single night,
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elegantly dressed and treating all of her customers with respect. i'm broken hearted that this has happened to them. this has been her passion, a project of love. even after seeing the serious damage to her project of love she thought first of her customers and her employees. customers are very good, the employees, all the employees are very sweet so you know i'm disappointed. wayne yamoto and his mother faith will not be deterred in resurrecting what many said was an alameda institution. we'll be like brand new when we reopen, so that's good the customers will just have to wait. i will do it again. in alameda jeff pierce kron four news. good news about the beaver that was found on an elementary school campus in benicia yesterday. wildlife officials say he has
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been examined and is doing quite well. they found the 40 pound beaver at joe henderson elementary school thursday morning he was immediately taken to an animal hospital where he was treated for a few dings on his >> britteny: earning an effect for parcel the river here. and all the rain fall and on top of that high tides. combination and on saturday a delta islands could see flooding continued to buy into a smile. and with a drive friday night dry saturday. and then on dry sunday argillite watching the weather disturbance well off the coast and that will affect us. monday tuesday 56
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degrees in san a rose up. into tonight. it collects like nap by close of freezing and we could see temperatures around those locations. and by 9:00 a.m. a sunshine by name. lots of locations. around 58 degrees concord sorrows of 55 >> britteny: today forecast shows it is the next three days. will not be to next week that we track the best track of rain at wednesday more details coming up at 6:00.
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>> grant:medical staff say he was most likely tossed around by the recent storm they expect him to make a quick recovery and will release him back into the wild soon.
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coming up, we are unmasking the latest celebrity beauty trend. why celebs are now turning to laser and facial beauty masks. that story - next.
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the stars have a new go-to beauty secret for awards season: the mask! p but it seems hollywood has taken it up a notch. the insider's louis aguirre joins us from hollywood with more on this story. has stars matt at asking for more. and we're looking at our couch. and this looks even more for modern space than you for.
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>> reporter: this exact before and the day of.
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most impacted by the flood at san felipe their road to get their drinking water for
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>> reporter:amid worries the muddy water that flooded dozens of homes and fields might contain fecal matter and other potentially toxic substances, residents of the flood zone are being advised not to drink, cook or bathe with their tap water. residents like sheila cordova are taking advantage of free bottled water here at a command center on shore road. sot sheila cordova/worried about her water most of the residents impacted by the flood, here on lovers lane, frye lane and san felipe road, get their drinking water from wells. because those wells, about 90 in all, might be contaminated by septic systems, animal waste or even gasolne from submerged cars, ther wells will be tested. sot kevin o'niel/office of emergency services possible chemical contamination is also a concern as the area between low lyng lovers lane and pacheco creek, which spilled over a levee, is farmland. water wells should be sealed and therefore protected from potential contamination but this area is somewhat unique in that regard.
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sot willie ortner/flood victim ortner says oil and other toxics no doubt got into the floodwaters but says that right now he's still focused on clearing the mud and ruined belongings from his home here on lovers lane and there are still trouble spots in the north bay, like highway 37. this is video shot by our quadcopter 4 drone shows how much water was covering the freeway yesterday. both directions are still closed although there is a possibility that caltrans will be able to reopen eastbound lanes this evening. here's a live traffic map which shows the conditions ight now. this is the third day that popular commute artery has been underwater. kron4's maureen kelly shows us other areas nearby that have also been impacted by flooding. the bay club stonetree golf course has lakes on the
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grounds.but not as many as they do right now. the entire 18 holes were shut down sunday because of flooding and saturted soil. half the course reopened thursday.but these 9 holes are still closed.and you can see why.some of the cart trails are still hard to navigate because of the big puddles covering them.and the impromptu pools are still all over the green. but the grounds crew were hard at work on friday getting the water of our the sand pits.they expect the rest to drain back
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into the bay. by tomorrow it should all drain and be ready to go the closures have obviously cost the club business.but the three day closure of hwy 37 didn't help either. that's because the traffic and detours has made getting here worker who lives in town told me even his commute time has been tripled. and golfers have been cancelling their tee times rather than sit in traffic it's been a big impact to us that traffic has also been a hassle for those who live in the area.the caltrans spokesperson couldn't remember the last time that this area flooded.but those who were stuck in the backup around town today are hoping that this doesn't happen again. maybe this will spur people to come up with a better solution standup i asked the caltrains spokesman for this area if there is any plan to permanently fix this section of roadway to keep it from flooding he says he doesn' t know of any but says it's something they might have to consider going forward. maureen kelly kron4 news a popular east bay park remains closed to the public today. the public areas of the park were flooded this week during the storm. earlier today park rangers gave kron4's haaziq madyun a tour of the flooded areas p >> reporter:this is what it was like driving through the lake del valle marina in livermore. the public areas were flooded during this week's storm.and the park remains closed says east bay park ranger paula odrain >>:"del valle is currently closed until further notice, we're estimating two weeks, this includes hikers, bikers, fishermen, campers"
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i followed the rangers through the park, getting a good look at the damage caused by the storm. the ride came to a stop here when we saw this "this is the road that goes to the other half of our campground" a little smething in the way? "there is a nice big tree that fell down and got washed down the creek and landed right across the road crossing" add this to the big clean up job down the road when the weather inally cleans u, until then.? "closed for the next two weeks, it's all going to depend on the weather, if the weather keeps raining , we can't do anything" >> reporter:in livermore haaziq madyun kron4news we did make some calls on the other parks in the east bay that closed yesterday because of storm damage and have an update tonight. mount diablo state park finished its cleanup and is open.
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black diamond park in antioch also has reopened tonight. and sunol regional tells us it is all cleaned up and back open too. but as haaziq mentioned. it could be a while before del valle reopens. a marin county man is believed to have died. possibly from a fatal case of meningitis. testing is underway, but the health department is now conducting an investigation, as well as reaching out to residents who may have had contact with him. >> britteny: wednesday thursday and friday of next week. that will not be great for all the rivers that still need to come down from the flooding stages right now still a flash flood watch and warning in effect.
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>> pam: marin county man believed to of died after a fatal case of meningitis under way and not conducting an investigation as well as reaching out to others and who the man had contact with the man. is an indoor group cycling
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gym. now, the marin county health department is reaching out to those who may have come in contact with the 48- year old san rafael resident. philips was a marriage and family therapist - according to his website. friends and neighbors say, he was a very healthy man. and they are in shock about his suddent death. health officials say, meningitis is a rare infectious disease. they discussed some of the symtoms. a spokesperson for soul cycle emailed other riders about the death. they said, they were taking measures. including throughly cleaning the facility. lab tests areexpected to take several weeks. train service has resumed along the capitol corridor, this after an amtrak train struck a vehicle in santa clara thi morning, killing the car's driver >> pam:the collision happened
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just south of levi's stadium at agnew and lafayette. that's where kron 4's dan kerman is tonight.
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any word dan on what might have caused the crash. now to a story we first told you about last night. the two members of the bay area 'tower of power' band are in serious condition after being hit by a train in jack london square. the bandleader posted on facebook saying that they are optomistic of the two members making recoveries. the drummer.david garibaldi and marc van wagen-ingen were reportedly the two that were hit. an amtrak spokesman says the men were not in the designated
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crosswalk when they were struck. the band was set to play a few shows in oakland.seattle and las vegas. they have not announced if that tour will continue. this about as strong as a sign there is that california is coming out of the drought. more of this dramatic video as well as where the flood gates are being opened tonight.
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and he is one of the most notorious criminals to terrorize the bay area. why the man dubbed the "pillowcase rapist" has lost his freedom. again. fallen trees are still a big problem in the east bay.
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kron four's philippe djegal reports from lafayette. where the soil remains soft from the recent storms. >> reporter:a brisk walk in the lafayette hills. and, a startling discovery. sot- "as we were walking up here, they kept telling us to move over. we didn't really notice it until they told us that." and, that is an 80-foot aleppo pine tree on panorama drive, now nestled into an 100-foot eucalyptus tree. sot- "i'm really grateful that the eucalyptus caught it and that could have been really bad." mostly because a length of powerlines run directly underneath. sot- "did you expect something like this to happen? um, no, but you know, it happens when the ground gets saturated. things like, things like this unfortunately occur, so you know, thats, that's life." jeff ammerman is the property owner and says he heard the tree
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snap at around eleven o'clock thursday night. not long ago -- he says the now fallen tree was evaluated. sot- "we had one of the, this neighbor, a sister tree taken down last year, and we thought this one was stable and so did the arborist, but you just never know in these types of situations. so, try to be proactive, i guess is the key take away." certified arborist dustin waraner echoing that advice. his company waraner tree experts spent all of thursday removing a modesto ash tree that fell onto another lafayette home. during the clean-up, he stated the east bay igoing to keep him busy for a while. sot- "i'd say lafayette, orinda. the big trees, the big pine trees, the steep hillsides, um, have to do with a lot of the drainage, the water issues and the excess moisture into the root zone and then the trees topple over."
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ammerman hopes *his trees are done falling. sot- "this is probably the only one that i think was in question, but you never know. we'll see what happens." in lafayette, philippe djegal, kron four news. >> pam:we hav a good idea where some trees are winding up. in the water. take a look at this video from this morning over in martinez. if you didn't know any better, you would think they were running a logging operation in the pacific northwest. all that junk in the water. logs, tree limbs and other debris that washed away in the recent storm.
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this video comes to us from our helicopter partners at a-b-c 7. a massive sinkhole in pacifica that started about five months ago. really opened up after our recent series of bay area storms. take a look at the size of it today. it is about 40 -feet across. and more than 15 -feet deep. the heavy rain over the weekend. expanded the hole. making it three times larger. this is in the parking lot behind the manor fire department in pacifica. a creek nearby might have contributed to the creation of the sinkhole. a runoff pipe from that creek, runs underneath where it developed. a firefighter there told kron 4. the department thinks a leak
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in that pipe. may have made the ground wet and compromised the area. they have taped off the area. and closed off edgemar avenue to traffic. to ensure no one gets hurt before repairs can resume. i'll feed in camera video soon. giant sinkhole in pacifica behind the manor fire department. it's in their parking lot. 616 edgemar ave. just off highway 1. * * * this sinkhole started about five months ago but it was small, a quarter of the size it is now. the recent storm dramatically expanded it. it's about 40 x 30'. it's really big. this is affecting the fire department because it is where they pull their trucks in and out. so they're anxious to have it fixed but the storms keep making it worse. >> britteny: and we're the best features a long time all ahead for us tonight. cold conditions for forest lots of sunshine. dry
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and sunny conditions. a beautiful set up for us tonight. and in our region. i from the region tomorrow mid-'50s. another cold start. for morning.
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been destroyed underneath. a creek that flows about 30 feet away is leaking into the area and caused it. hey run off pipe from the creek that went under their parking lot was leaking made the ground wet. sinkhole. the pio here has the day off and no one else will talk on camera so no sound. it's been hard to think about the drought in recent days. with large chunks of california soggy with heavy rain. catherine heenan is here with an example of how some of the flood waters are being released.
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it's a very visual reminder of the fact we suddenly have lots and lots of water. this is drone video showing the proverbial flood gates being opened at the nimbus dam.near folsom. because of high water and flooding.the overflow had to be released. all of this as the u.s. drought monitor is confirming again today that 42 percent of california is now drought-free. that does 'not' include most of southern california.and areas in the central part of the state, which are still bone dry. we also have video of flood gates being opened in sacramento.this is the "sacramento weir." the last time they had to open it was in december of 2005.pam and steve? california is close to getting a new attorney general tonight. the state assembly confirmed congressman xavier becerra as the state's top law enforcement official today. governor jerry brown needs to find a replacement since kamala harris was elected to the u-s senate. he settled on the los angeles area congressman. who is also a democrat. becerra faces a confirmation hearing in the state senate next week. a big story tonight: with one week before president obama leaves the white house. congress has already started its first steps of dismantling his health care law. republicans are pushing for the changes. the first move: a budget that will prevent democrats from using a filibuster to stop a bill that would wipeout and replace the law. and that's a critical move.because to end filibuster you need 60-votes in the senate.and republicans have a majority. republicans now must decide what parts of obamacare to erase.and what a new verison will look like to protect the 20-million people currently getting health coverage under the law. ap-right now
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this includes hikers bikers outside relief lauder to receive. and then we start cleaning up. we will call accrues and and clear up lawns and rebuild our buildings and fix the details and look for garbage can footing doglike. >> reporter: and the drive says he is grateful of the eucalyptus caught it. carl lines would of collapsed as well as the recent storms and soil are to blame no one was injured. and even though it's expected be dry for a few
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days they say more trees may come down. dozens of homes downstream of lovers' lane and low-lying neighborhoods. and is scrambling to fix the brakes before the next storm as to hit the area.
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>> reporter: close people had to get to the course and canceling. it a big impact for us. >> reporter: the all week you can see here some of the pretty beautiful video. locals did emergency because of flooding.
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this is a and time. and closer look piquancy the road is flooded. the park along a waterfront also partially swamped. >> grant: a familiar contest is exceptionally high tide and often produces flooding it is not unusual here in the bay area but when you factor in all the recent rain it certainly does not help matters. >> grant: appear there a street closures right in this specific area. that video information like to share with us on the kron 4 mobile location available for free on apple and red devices.
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>> britteny: 87 and not in view. coming up at the end of the show we will take another look is 70 forecast tracking the return of a chance of rain one in just a bit. >> catherine: was confidential it says they got a look at this.
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some critics and finished seven years. and another delay. and also suggesting bigger costs over and made public.
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>> steve: and here's video from the fire. zephyr cove going some repairs i had to the three decks but the burden to workers also
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suffering and 144 crews have been going through gary will join us close the war years takes a trip down memory lane.
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>> gary: and in cleveland. steve kerr curt goering and cremona to dennis. and remember with the
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addition and thereby getting a lot of shots. and saying hey one of the great defenders of lawyers monday against cleveland.
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>> gary: i note they first have to get the guys in place to pick the players. and we'll now of first things first i still think they'll wait till the end. . >> gary: this comes up and since have been he airplanes the 49ers
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so when the super bowl before you use the exercise track. " and don't close up from worrying about the war years.
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and now our chief meteorologist is here to tell us what to expect us friday night. dry with lots of sunshine and then is here to stay as we go into saturday as well. a few more clouds move and moving into sunday and monday a slight
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chance of showers really wednesday that we have the best chance to see rain and then apart from that like tahoe will be a great place to be this weekend. over 1,000,000 californians have gotten something that's been out of reach for far too long: health insurance. how? they enrolled through covered california. it's the health insurance marketplace where you'll find a range of plans from leading health insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates, and benefits. and, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. to get covered, you've got to get going.
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open enrollment ends january 31st. visit today.
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"the insider," tracking the biggest stories making news today. number one, kelly ripa versus megyn kelly? >> yeah. >> what a way to start your morning. >> it is a nice way to start. >> why two of tv's fiercest females could be heading for a daytime showdown. >> it's been a turbulent hour. then paula patton accuses robin thicke of child abuse. >> we're both doing everything we can to be the best parents we can be. >> how their custody battle parallels brad and angelina's. and number three, why jessica biel is calling out husband justin timberlake. >> if i remember correctly, he cried multiple times. >> and why is she quoting kanye? >> show me the way. >> because the devil wants to break me down. >> plus your insider bonus, our beauty confidential is
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unmasking the stars' secrets for award-worthy skin. do these high-tech masks actually work? >> inside the making of "patriots' day" with mark wahlberg and his emotional family reunion brought him to tears. >> all of our lives could have been different. >> now "the insider" tracking hollywood from the inside out. hello, everyone. welcome to "the insider." we're tracking the biggest stories in hollywood today. >> we start with the number one story everyone's talking about. >> megyn kelly's new nbc daytime show could pit her up against "live with kelly," the 9:00 a.m. hour is a constant trouble spot for the network, as we go inside kelly versus kelly, the new morning show war? >> this is very nice! >> yeah! >> what a way to start your morning. >> my co-host today is megyn kelly. >> moving from one-time co-host to long-term competitors?


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