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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  January 13, 2017 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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young man" tower of power becamee an east bay music legend. tonight two members of the soul band fighting for their lives after being hit by a train. we have an update on their condition. whoosh if you are heading to the sierra this weekend, there is plenty of snow waiting for you the impressive result of the week's storms. and why skiers are being warned of avalanches.+ nat whoosh spiral meningitis takes the life of a north bay man. prompting health concerns among patrons of the gym where he worked out. whoosh and imagine learning that the woman who raised you as her daughter. is accused of stealing you from the hospital hours after you were born. the emotional jailhouse scene as an 18=year cold case comes to an end. you'rewatching kron four news in prime time.
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we are tracking breaking news tonight out of the east bay. thank you for joining us i'm pam moore. and i'm steve aveson that breaking news.another train accident. the third one in 24 hours in the bay area. let's get straight to kron-4's grant lodes with where this happened. p>> grant: amtrak's capital that crashes between richmond in berkeley and east bay. the train 545 delayed more than an hour because of this incident. just happened and then we do know about the condition about anyone who may of been in a vehicle that was hit we will keep you posted but we also just heard of or issue as this calms down not stopping at the record station in the east bay because police activity there. or info on these incidents as we get them.
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>> pam:you're looking at the two other train accidents in the bay area. today a woman was killed in the south bay after her car war slammed by an amtrak train. this, after two musicins from a popular r-and b band were hit by a train that band --tower of power - has been an east bay icon for decades. kron-4's lydia pantazes joins us live in oakland's jack london square where the accident happenedlydia? today a second train accident involving pedestrians within 24 hours. this time in santa clara where an amtrak train slammed into a car. killing a woman inside now as kron-4's dan kerman tells us police are now lauching an investigation - into exactly what happened. this is all that's left of a vehicle after an amtrak capitol corridor train slammed into it
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friday morning in santa clara killing the driver. sot norm josephson/saw aftermath of crash 8-18 about 10 am union pacific railroad says the car was heading eastbound on agnew and was the second car in line waiting to make a left turn onto lafayette. unfortunately authorities say the car had not pulled far enough forward and the back end was still on the tracks when the southbound train approached causing it to hit the car. those who drive across the intersection aren't surprised sot christina formosa/lives nearby 43-53 union pacific says it appears
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the trains conductor did everything properly, sounding his horn, activating the gates and lights, and applying the emergency brake, though it was not fast enough to stop the collission. crime scene investigators were on scene much of the day getting measurements and collecting other evidence. the coroner removed the body later in the day. eventually train service resumed, however, trains approaching the intersection stopped for a time, and then crawled through the
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intersection slowly. much of the bay area is still dealing with the aftermath of the recent storm. lots of damage from flooding and even concerns about contaminated water. starting in marin county where one lane of highway - 37 is now open. that highway has been shut down since wednesday. you can see in this video how much water covered the road. drivers say the road closure added traffic to surrounding areas and in some cases hours to their commute. moving to the east bay. lake del valle in livermore remains closed east bay parks district says it could take weeks to re-open. the water level is still so high you can't even see the picnic tables. they have to wait until the water subsides then the cleaning process can begin. now to san benito county where there are growig concerns of water being contaminated. >>: been pacific says that the train's conductor did everything properly. sunning his horn and activating the gates and lights. though the fast enough to stop the collision the corner remove the body later today train service resumed cover trades
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approaching the intersection stop for a time and crawled through the intersection very slowly. >> steve: water level still so high kansu ticket tables get a little water subsides then and only then will the cleaning process beginning and out to san
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benito county grand concerns water being contaminated residence in flood zones being warned not to drink not a cook or brave with their tap water. >> pam:many in those flooding areas drink from wells which may have been contaminated with matter during the storm. those wells will be tested. fallen trees continue to be a big problem. especially in the east bay. kron four's philippe djegal reports from lafayette. where the soil is still saturated from the recent storms. sot- "it's an impending danger." on the ground -- nothing out of the ordinary. but look up. and, there's a problem. sot- "it's actually perilously hanging over the powerlines."
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jeff ammerman owns this property in lafayetee, and says an arborist checked this pine tree out last year and deemed it safe before removing another dangerous tree near ammerman's home. but it turns out -- the recent storms were stronger than expected. and, that resulted in the pine tree collapsing. >>:sot- "and, its now propped up against a 100 foot tall eucalyptus tree." >> reporter:ammerman says the tree fell down at around eleven o'clock thursday night. and says he's fortunate that the tree fell into this eucalyptus tree and didn't cause any more damage. >>:sot- "we heard a bunch of rustling noises and though it was an intruder, but it turns out it was the big tree that fell down." pg-and-e turned the power off on panorama drive while a tree company works to remove the damage. >>:sot- "that could have been really bad -- glad no one was injured." dog walkers passing by, didn't even notice anything was wrong until they were warned. tina rundel says, on wednesday night, a tree fell on her street in orinda, which knocked the power out for a full day. sot- "i think the storms been a
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little too much for these trees here." these days -- tree companies are responding to calls all over the east bay. early wednesday morning a tree landed on this home in lafayete. and, crews were busy in walnut creek thursday, removing potentially hazardous dead trees. sot- "lucky that eucalyptus is there, huh? yeah, it is. in fact, my neighbor was talking about taking it down. so, we were joking and glad he didn't" in lafayette, philippe djegal, kron four news. well the bay area storms packed a punch not just here but in the sierra. bringing fresh snow to the mountains. and with the holiday weekend it's sure to be busy in tahoe. kron-4's chief meteorologist brittney shipp is here now tracking what could be some dangerous conditions on the road >> britteny: both in the north is down and as you're approaching you will find beautiful conditions 39 degrees on sunday 36 degrees and then on monday 40 degrees. below freezing as you're traveling was here in yorba careful. and leftover moisture. same thing
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like as a possibility. and also forming this decreases visibility + a temperature is really close. and then they continue for us. all for the weather system moved through. and the 17 river over nine hours tonight and saturday sunday the high tech as contributing for especially dawn the islands coming up with a closer look at what you expect closer to the weekend. we're staring down a long monday.
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whirrrrr. click.... the ski and snowboard rental business is booming here at sportsbasement in san francisco. nats peter eckart is the director of rentals. he says that're seeing an unprecedented number of people coming in to pick up gear. sot we've had 1700 ski rentals just today at our 7 stores. pthe reason for the excitement? huge amounts of snow and amazing skiing conditions at tahoe. this girl is headed to sugarbowl with her family. sot i've heard it's really good. ha. i've heardthe snow is really good, like seven feet of snow in the past few days. >> grant: they got 5 ft. and the thursday opening more more laughs so many people heading us here this weekend relief fund * with the holiday weekend. check out this video. don in the valley area. good grief. just the kitchen. and then you can
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really say on enormous amount of smell. pummeling kitchen after it crashed through the glass for homes hit by the avalanche wednesday night. now the troubled house and a board adopted a for repairs to be made.
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kids.. simon and sophia.. to
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kirkwood for the mlk holiday. they're excited but the bad news is that highway 88 to kirkwood is still closed as of friday evening. they're going anyway. sot we're going to brave the traffic and the storms and all that. hopefully they can open up the roads everyone headed to tahoe this weekend should have prety good weather. next week, new storms are predicted to bring more rain and snow to california. that's ok with peter. sot atmospheric river? let' it keep flowing! a flight scare in the south bay. when flight attendants get sickened and a hazmat team is called in. head at 8. what caused the illness. pacifica still reeling from the aftermath of recent storms. as the damage toll grows and next. a north bay man dies from a rare disease. now investigators are trying to find out if others were exposed at a popular gym.
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the the guy from redwood city blocked in tulane and he may of
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been under the influence near auburn avenue regardless car hit the guy and kept going right now this is a hit-and-run police are searching for a white toyota that may involve the discretion given the info police would like to hear from you. that's not helping 101 traffic tonight we're also told you about public transit issues a capital quarter amtrak train that hit a vehicle we do know that the person the vehicle did not die. we're out of a specific condition but the person that was hit in the east bay is not dead and all so that updated art story earlier today and that there was a closure of that the rockfor station. the police activity has stopped
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residual delays on part will continue to track all those stories. >> steve: another big story we are following tonight. a father in marin is dead tonight after contracting menigitis. now, health officials fear. that man may have exposed hundreds of other people. as kron four's terisa estacio reports, meningitis can affect people of all ages. we are now learning that alaska airlines has confirmed a white powder that made three flight
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attendants sick. was a non- toxic plane de-icer. the airline says, three crew members fell ill on tuhrsday night. as their flight landed in san jose. this video of the plane after it landed from our helicopter partnership with a-b-c 7. the de-icer had fallen into vents in the airplane. making them sick. one was taken to the hospital for evaluation. none of the passengers on that plane felt any symptoms. airport officials say, the plane has been removed and is being thoroughly cleaned before returning to service. the heavy rainstorm brought a lot of damage to many highways in the bay area. we got so much rain so quickly.
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caltrans crews say it caused even more potholes on major freeways. today many crews were out trying to fix all the potholes and highways. as much as they can. while there was a break in the rain. caltrans spokesperson bob haus explains what this amount of rain does to the roads. since last saturday. caltrans crews have been working two-12 hour shifts. crews will be back on their normal schedules this weekend. but they will have crews on stand by if any serious problems pop up. on wednesday we showed you this house in pacifica. off zamora drive. an 80- foot eucalyptus tree fell on the home nearly missing the people inside. amazingly no one was hurt. now, most of the tree has been removed. today the owners went in their house to gather some items. and they invited kron4's gabe slate to see first- hand. the damage it caused. they also showed him just how close that tree came to landing on them. >> gabe: and bigotry of covered
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it up.
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special >> britteny: close and dry and warmer conditions. and the storm system wednesday thursday possibly friday. until we get there closer look at the
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radar quiet conditions. and even really any clouds. cold conditions called air and the jet stream is well to the south lost allows a lot of the cold air to move on through. that's why we have black eyes the possibility. >> britteny: those of breezy temperatures and no. as sound especially in the north bay valleys. saturday stays sunny. a few little raindrops. and then the start to see unsell whether developing. tuesday wednesday thursday friday it could see the return of range chances. less than that the closer to the bay area high from the region tomorrow amid high fifties. and closer closer to the 70 degrees witches in years and to forecast all the changes coming up at about 10 more minutes.
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new ahead at 8. a high school math question stirring controversy. the eyebrow-raising topic some are saying is downright inappropriate. here's what we're tracking tonight at ten. a 31 year-old woman is in jail tonight. accused of burglarizing an east bay home on new year's eve. and it was all caught on camera. the unusual items taken from the home. and how police managed to recover all of it. that's tonight on kron 4 news at ten.
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>> pam:a former east bay teacher faces life behind bars. after a jury convicted him of child molestation and kidnapping charges. ronald guinto was convited of molesting over a dozen victims for several years. guinto worked as a sixth grade science and math teacher at making waves academy in richmond. police say he took boys between the ages of 11 and 13 on camping trips. where he sexually molested them. investigators say, guinto was planning another trip. and even made fake permission slips to give to parents. all before he was arrested. guinto faces life in prison with the possibility of parole. he will be sentenced in march in martinez.
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ahead at eight. picked by trump. but openly disagreeing with his positions. what the president - elect told his cabinet picks to say at their confirmation hearings. plus. irritation at inauguration planners. the message being covered on porta potties for the event. and next. taken from the hospital as a newborn nearly 20 years ago. now, found alive and safe. how the missing baby was tracked down.
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the storm aftermath still being felt around the bay area. from sinkholes to closed roads. and flooding. and while we are getting a break now the rain will return. kron-4's chief meteorologist brittney shipp is here now with when can expect the next round. 60 of the aquino >> grant: woman
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in the south bay hill was in her car was hit and killed in santa clara by stadium earlier today. and not to them but peninsula where a man was just and along highway 101 an hour-and-a-half ago and this is a hit and run at the chp a 45 year-old guy from redwood city and the fourth lane of southbound 101 and san carlos investigators are looking for a white toyota curious mate been intoxicated regardless the vehicle it struck him to cough and anyone who may know anything
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about that as fast the call ogilvy's to buy as people try home on friday. >> pam: the rate will return a chief meteorologist is here so it see what expect the next round of ready weather. still feeling the effects of the storm system that moves through. high tides along with their running high. flooding is a possibility near-death islands. >> britteny: careful if you live in that area. stay alert settler in art shot shows very quiet conditions. the kick off the
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weekend. pushes per close on sunday. unsettled weather dry monday tuesday. and thursday friday and temperatures at 43 degrees. and then 49 and vallejo possibly for some locations. >> britteny: 84 the high end up. and then the '30's and vallejo. really close to the freezing mark. 42 have been bay 48 and saturday. and you can expect to
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see very comfortable condition sunday.
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"a lot of times, you pray and pray and thinking things aren't going to happen, but god made it happen. "this is what we strive for. justice for victims no matter how long it takes." the emotional end to a very cold case in south carolina tonight. a young woman says goodbye to the woman she thought was her biological mother. that woman is now facing charges of kidnapping her as a newborn, 18 years ago. 51=year old gloria williams is facing extradition to florida. that's where police say, she stole a baby girl from the mother's arms. just hours after the child was born in a jacksonville hospital. that would be the happiest thing in the world to hold my baby. nat july tenth, 1998. police on the grounds of the jacksonville, florida, hospital, where kamiyah mobley was born to a 15 year old mother at 6:55 a=m. eight hours later, a woman in blue hospital scrubs took the little girl from her mother's arms and disappeared, the only clues: the baby's d=n=a. a pair of tiny footprints and a composite drawing of a woman seen roaming the halls.
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in 18 years the cold case unit followed thousands of tips. "late last year we received two informational leads that took us to walterboro south carolina. we found an 18 year old woman with the same date of birth but a different name. further investigation revealed that fraudulent documents had been used to establish that woman's identity jso investigators obtained a dna sample from her earler this week and last night we obtained conformation that the young woman we contacted in south carolina is in fact kamiyah mobley. "i just thank god because i prayed for this day. "
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kamiyah's grandmother says her daughter has talked to the young woman on facetime and says she looks just like her father. "i'm just so happy and i'll be glad when she gets here so we can celebrate." president- elect donald trump says, he is not concerned that some of his cabinet picks have contradicted him at their confirmation hearings. he says he told them quote- " be yourself and say what you want to say. don't worry about me." he said potential disagreements would "all get worked out." trump's plans to build a mexican border wall, reintroduce torture and to ignore the impact of climate change. all were disputed by his picks on capitol hill this week. republicans have taken the first step toward repealing the president's health care law. congress pushed through a budget that provides an early but crucial victory in that effort. the budget stops democrats from using a filibuster to derail a bill annulling and relacing the law. the real wrk lies ahead. republicans must decide which part of the law to erase.what a new version would look like.and how to protect 20 million people getting health care coverage under the law.
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>> pam:so often we hear stories about package thieves, internet thieves and yes even mail thieves. but in one east bay community the problem with mail thieves has residents having to make multiple trips to the post office and this has been going on for months with no end in sight. stanley roberts explains people have been a victim of on tickets for next month'stake a
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look at the problem. the students were required to use a math formula to decide which family member sexually assaulted angelou. the teacher reportedly got the assignment from a website that allows teachers around the world to share resources. the district says they are making sure nothing like this happens again. for those of us who want to buy the pricey tickets to this year's super website says.they can help you get some money back.but only if the game is a total blowout. game-hedge is a ticket resale site that has set up the deal. this says it will repay half the cost of every super bowl ticket it sells.but only if the game ends with one team winning by more than 28-points. the last time that happened was in 20-14 when the seahawks beat the broncos 43 to 8. game-hedge has a similar policy with other sports games. it's founder saying simply.customers shouldn't have to pay the same price.for a less than nail-biting experience. --vo script-- if the super bowl is a blowout- you may be able to get some of your money back!
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game-hedge.a ticket resale site says it will repay half the cost of every super bowl ticket it sells, provided if the game ends with one team winning by more than 28 points. such a blowout hasn't happened since 20-14, and only six times in the last 33 super bowls. game-hedge has a similar policy for pro football, basketball and hockey tickets it sells, as long s it's the home team that loses big. game-hedge says it's offered refunds on about 10 percent of all tickets sold. why the refund? the company's founder says customers should not have to pay the same price depending on the experience they get. florida highway patrol says a man now has a felony chargefor avoiding a less-than two dollar toll fee a trooper driving right behind the man on wednesday - saw this-- a black cover come down over the license plate. just before the car went through the toll plaza. then like a scene from james bondthe screen raised. after crossing the toll. troopers confiscated the
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device.and say they've never seen anything quite like this in real life.
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>> reporter: will raise prices with an average of 6% so 3 lbs. of coffee now spends nearly a dollar more. if elected by dunkin donuts coffee at the registry see the pricing and the company says it's raising prices to increase. add ice beverages
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went up. and the good news the smarter coffee brands like folders would not go up at least not now. hopper >> reporter: cover the logos of the masking tape and its own
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people appeal the tape right off with the inauguration and the crews have their work cut out for them. holes >> gary: arizona cardinals the terry madonna and reviewed with it jed with the vacant seat general manager job and 49ers only team of the head coach in with better general manager the skies father was a great football writer, and rather sean is a play-by-play man on monday night football. coat once upon a
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time he was a backup 49er quarterback don the coaching thing and stop here stopped their most recently two years ago but coordinator when derrick's but and the championship in 2008 and now the
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war years >> gary: it's one thing to do it intelligence and other.
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and they have fun with that it makes you question something of the same kahlo are here tonight to go three to two we've been doing this a long time you go to
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a bent. >> gary: there's a good we wait-
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and-see an annual championship and second the following year they are waiting for the end of april. i think you'll see the best of monday night. offer
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and it will be drawn in this
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-there are no teams, no uniforms. just man or woman against an unforgiving steel gauntlet. -oh! -so close. -but success breeds success. -yes! -and individual triumphs can inspire collective achievements. -history has been made! -kacy and michelle, i will see you on top of that warped wall. -and in the quest for individual glory, rivalries emerge. -drew drechsel with the fastest time. -me and flip, it's a rivalry. we try to push each other to get the fastest time. -the road to mount midoriyama goes through me, flip rodriguez. -new voices scream out to be heard. -i'm ready to step up and take it to that course. -i told myself, when i'm old enough, i'm gonna do this. -this is my year. this is my moment. -one singular goal remains -- conquer the course. -anything you want to do, you can do,


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