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tv   ET Entertainment Tonight  KRON  April 10, 2018 1:30am-2:00am PDT

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. tonight, j-rod on the record. >> i went up to him, tapped him on the shoulder will. >> how to power couple really met and engagement news? >> plus, inside george and a mall's date night in new york. then. >> 2, 3 -- >> she has been wanting a girl forever. >> kate's news, cardy b.'s reveal and khloe's. plus, william and kate's baby on the way. >> i'm very attracted to my husband. >> what jessica simpson is
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telling us about her husband and makeup trick. >> you want a lip stain, cool-aid works. jennifer lopez and alex rodriguez say i do before the year is over? we have new details as many point to yes. >> before they get to the altar, there seems to be controversy about how j-rod began. >> i describe it as the luckiest day of my life. someone taps me on the shoulder and i turn around and it's jennifer. >> that's a totally different story. he says you went up to her. >> ellen calls out a-rod today, questioning his version of how he and j-lo met. >> he said you approached her. >> they even face timed her to clear things up. >> he just told a totally different story. >> we'll look at the tape and see. >> for someone reason i just felt like tapping him on the shoulder and saying hi, and i
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said, hi alex. >> there's no questioning this -- j-rod is getting serious. a source tells et j-lo and a-rod have talked about their future together and marriage. >> the couple reportedly bought this $15.3 million apartment together. with stunning views. the amenities include an indoor pool. amidst rumors of house hunting, j-lo put her apartment up for sale for $27 million. our source tells us j-rod works as a couple because, quote, they complement each other well. they are both driven businesspeople with the same background. >> listen, we just had our little one-year moment, and we're really happy with that right now. >> our source also points out, quote, their families are now blended. last month, j-lo instagrammed this adorable morning school run with her twins and alex's
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daughters. >> that's a lot of kids there. >> that's a modern family. >> it's working. >> there may be one couple that draws more engs. that would be jrj george and amal. >> hi george. >> how are you today mr. c.? >> not bad. >> this is why george is the ultimate gentleman. he's both polite to the sea of paparazzi and chivelrous to wife amal. and when george asks for space? he gets it. >> guys, come on. i can't see at all. >> yes, sir, yes, sir. back up, guys. >> an eyewitness tells "e.t." the couple enjoyed an upbeat dinner inside the french restaurant le coucou. amal wore an eye-popping canary yellow jacket over thigh-high boots. earlier in the day she donned a chic cheetah print dress under a blue coat. >> who uh-uh doing? >> good thanks. >> the clooney's have been
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expanding their big apple roots. this morning she was spotted heading to work at columbia university where she is teaching law. and on may 7th, she will co-host the costme institute's famed m.e.t. gala. this year's theme? heavenly bodies -- fashion and the catholic imagination. yesterday evening george left town and was greeted by radioman. a former homeless new yorker known for being in films. in 2012 george, meryl streep, and tom hanks all appeared in a documentary about his life. >> nobody shoots in new york and doesn't know who radioman is. >> before leaving, george took a moment to make sure he's been doing all right. >> we have been checking in on you. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> that's really who george is, he's one of the nicest guys you will ever meet, ever. back to george and amal's date night. as busy as they are, it's nice too see they take time for themselves. >> yes, and moving on, clearly kate hudson took as much time as she could to announce her pregnancy with that amazing gender reveal on instagram last
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friday. i just watched it on a loop all day long. it was so sweet. and i got new details about it. topping tonight's know and tell, kate's baby joy. >> she did not know until the balloons popped and pink came out, and it was just -- it was just too much. >> erin foster and her sister sara were there for kate hudson's gender reveal. both foster siblings will now actually be aunts to their bestie kate and boyfriend danny fujikawa's baby girl on the way. >> our step brother and kate getting together after 20 years of friendship has been such a beautiful thing. she's been wanting a girl forever. >> next, khloe kardashian's baby countdown. so i said if kris comes tonight we don't have a baby yet. so you came. so we're waiting still. >> yeah, no baby yet. >> last night, grandma-to-be-again kris jenner hit up the fashion los angeles awards, a sign that her daughter's due-any-minute little girl with tristan thompson had not yet arrived. are you ready? do you feel ready? >> the question is, is she re y
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ready. >> is she ready? >> i think so. khloe's expected to give birth in cleveland. she appears to be there tonight, but her basketball player man? he just flew to new york for tonight's clears versus knicks game, so for now, the whole family is just waiting. >> finally, mom-to-be cardi b's new outing after debuting her baby bump. the 25-year-old rapper hit new york today just hours after officially confirming she is pregnant with her first child on "snl." ♪ you know what you're doing >> i was hoping. i knew it. she's the best. >> jimmy was watching. tonight fallon welcomes cardi b. as his co-host. their first wild "tonight show" interview in december went viral. >> thank you for being here. >> thank you. oh! >> how excited are you? >> it's going to be so exciting.
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>> something's in the water in hollywood. you know who else i can't wait to have babies -- prince harry and meghan markle. >> meanwhile harry's big brother william and kate are about to welcome their third, and it may happen sooner than we think. the clues start off tonight's royal report. today workers started putting up media barricades on the street outside the lindo wing of st. mary's hospital in london where kate is scheduled to give birth. and royal watchers, beware of being towed. there are new temporary parking restrictions at the hospital, lasting from now until april 30th. william and kate reportedly do not know the gender of the new baby. the palace has never confirmed kate's official due date, only saying the baby will arrive this month. kate made her final scheduled public appearance on march 22nd. after the birth, the couple will introduce their child at a photo op on the steps of the lindo wing, just like they first did in 2013 with little prince george. >> he's got a good pair of lungs on him, that's for sure. he's a big boy. he's quite heavy.
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>> less than two years later in 2015, they posed again with newborn princess charlotte as they were bringing her home to kensington palace. if the newest royal arrives on april 21st, he or she will share a birthday with their great grandmother, the queen. and with prince harry and meghan markle's wedding fast approaching, the couple has requested no wedding presents. in lieu of gifts, the couple is asking for donations to seven charities instead. the charities represent a range of issues the two are passionate about, including the environment, hiv, and the armed forces. each of the charities was selected personally by harry and meghan. so instead of china, toasters, and blenders, the two want as many people as possible to benefit from their joyous occasion. >> great idea. >> just another reason to love them. back to the impending royal baby. the hospital where he or she will be born is the same one where princess diana gave birth
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to william and harry. >> still ahead, anna faris stripped down and revealing all. what she says about he split and chris and plastic surgery. and is jessica simpleson ready for more kids? plus, "mean girls" the musical ♪ we're at opening night with the exclusively announcing the biggest film of the year
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i just got out of a quiet place. you have to go see this movie. cancel your plans. stop what you are doing and go to the movie theater. >> now that's an endorsement. >> by the way, america agrees with you, chris, the movie has a 97% rating on rotten tomatoes. it's got everyone at "e.t." buzzing. topped the box office this evening. which is the second best opening of the year domestically so, look out. >> anna faris has a lot to say as well. only we have it. she's sounding off about her life after chris and what she
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has learned about love. my mom always told me to be selfish in love, and i didn't understand what that meant until i got a little older. but i think what she meant was, i guess, the idea of valuing one's self, especially as a woman. >> only a few months after their split, anna tells "women's health" magazine she and chris work hard to communicate openly as they co-parent 5-year-old son, jack, saying, quote, we reiterate that there aren't rules to this. we have a lot of love and friendship, and our big goal is to protect jack. after the breakup, anna was the first to find new love, with cinematographer michael barrett, who she met on the set of her upcoming movie "overboard." sa say,ing, quote, i need a sense of human connection and intimacy. i want to be with someone i can confess to and who can confess to me. super fit at 41, anna's full of confessions. >> my ultimate guilty pleasure is an amazing bacon cheeseburger. >> and she's secure enough to admit having breast augmentation 11 years ago. she says as a staunch feminist, she's still floored that she did it.
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quote i always thought plastic surgery was caving in to the man, she says. but i wanted to fill out a bikini. i kept thinking, am i betraying my own gender by doing this? >> i spent my 20s feeling incredibly insecure, but now i don't anymore. >> seems like she's feeling good. cbs just renewed anna's show for a sixth season. congratulations. still ahead -- >> she was out of her mind. >> andy coen on jennifer lawrence, his message to rihanna and who's his celebrity wingman? >> we have our eyes out for each other. then, mean girls opening night. who turned out in pink and who was a no show? jess a simpica on her look daughter. closed captioning provided by --
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justin timberlake getting a hug from his woman of the woods, wife jessica biel. justin posted this shot over the weekend with the caption, she's got my back. >> that's so sweet. well, another jessica, ms. jessica simpson, is showing her love for military families in nashville. only our brooke anderson was with the mommy mogul whose empire may be expanding in more ways than one. >> you were holding one of the tiny babies earlier so you said -- >> don't give me baby fever. >> well, my daughter is about to turn 6. may 1st is her birthday. and my son is going to turn 5 on june 30th. >> so is it time for another one? >> i mean, i don't really know. we always practice but -- we always practice, but it would definitely have to be a miracle.
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>> she's 37 years old. worth a reported $150 million. and jessica's giving back with this adorable "military moms and kids as models" fashion show. >> my best friend is a military wife, and there is no better sacrifice than what these men and women do for us. >> your daughter walked in a runway show for you about a year ago in texas. >> she doesn't really know that i'm here doing this because she would be very sad that she is not the star of the show, and she definitely would have been guiding people and telling them how to did the hip stance. she has it down better than her mama. >> next up, the woman who still looks good in those daisy dukes is launching new music. and her jessica simpson collection is expanding into beauty. >> i'm definitely a makeup junkie from everything from brushes to perfumes to all kinds of stuff. fun contour. i mean, i'm a texas girl at heart, so everything is always about makeup. >> the higher the hair, the closer to god. >> to god. >> speed round, jessica simpson must haves. must have first thing in the morning? >> hug from my kids. >> must-have item in your closet this spring? >> anything denim.
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>> your biggest mom hack? >> i would say my husband. >> your biggest mom fail? >> hmm. i let my daughter wear mascara. she's not even 6 yet. >> well, you posted this really fun picture of yourself with that gold hydragel mask. what is like the craziest beauty trick that you ever tried? >> if you always want a lip stain, kool-aid works. >> what? >> yes, you just use the kool-aid powder and a little bit of aquafor. >> stop. >> but i do notice it on my kids and i'm like, wait, let's not do the blue. >> popsicles work too. >> they do. >> jess also told us she looks to her mom for approve especially when it comes to her own outfits. she says i still center pictures even at 37. >> my mom just says, wear lipsti lipstick. >> well, now you know. cool aid or popsicles. >> let's talk andy coen.
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andy revealed to me that j-law is still not over her housewives moment. >> can we talk about jennifer lawrence that night? was she really that surprised? >> she was out of her mind. since i make dreams come true, here is your housewives dinner party. >> wouldncouldn't believe it. she was shaking. >> does it still blow your mind that people we consider a-list hollywood stars are that in tune to the franchise you created? >> rihanna posting about vanderpump rules. rihanna, come to the play house. >> reporter: milo and anna will be his guest at the historic
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wiltern. it's a slightly bigger venue than he's used to. >> i think we've got over 1,000 people coming to the show every night. and to make you understand, we had to make 32 audience members in our clubhouse in new york, so this is -- this is big. >> sarah jessica parker he'll accompany to the meth gala and john mayer. >> i think john mayer and i are each others' wingmen to tell you the truth. we go out, and we're we have our eyes out for each other. >> can you imagine them on the hunt? trouble with a capital "t." while andy is in l.a. he missed the opening night of the mean girls on broadway. >> opening night! >> pink as the thing tonight.
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>> the theme was no doubt inspired by the line from the film. >> on wednesdays, we wear pink >> but show creator tina hit the pale pink carpet in a white hot blazer minidress. >> i feel a little bit like it's our wedding again because like we're like, okay, who's got grandma? like, who's driving? >> tina's husband jeff richmond wrote the music for the two and a half hour show. and while none of the film's o.g. stars attended, tina says they have an open invite. >> i wrote a letter to all of them and sort of said, door's open whenever you want to come, so hopefully, yeah, we'll see them. >> love you. >> can i have each of you recite your favorite line from the movie as the character? >> i'm the fun mom. or the cool mom. which is it? >> i'm the cool mom! >> that is so fetch. >> stop trying to make fetch happen. it's not going to happen >> a lot of the "30 rock" alum are here tonight. is there any talk of a reboot?
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>> we would no by may. if there was a great idea for a reboot, we would find out in may? >> what? >> may is when nbc will announce its upcoming lineup. >> that was as much of a tease as i could possibly think of. >> you're excited. >> i'm way too excited. >> our exclusive look at dirks cholula hot sauce is teaming up with jack in the box for the cholula buttery jack. a little hot sauce there... woah. what's happening? jack i'm trying to film this commercial! oh my gosh, sorry. with delicious cholula hot sauce and crispy jalapenos on a signature bun. the new cholula buttery jack. part of the buttery jack family. what does life look like during your period? it's up to you, with tampax pearl. you get ultimate protection on your heaviest days and smooth removal for your lightest. tampax pearl and pearl active. for up-to 100% leak-free work outs. touch is how we communicate with those we love, but does psoriasis ever get in the way?
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ask your doctor about taltz. made with delicious cholula hot sauce,ack. crispy jalapenos and pepper jack cheese on a signature bun. yep, this is my third one today. the new cholula buttery jack. part of the buttery jack family. only at jack in the box.
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travel consideration provided by -- tomorrow on "e.t." -- >> i'm kind of a bag of nuts. man.onfessions from the rocket our elusive with elton john. inside his all-star tribute and his royal wedding revelation.
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>> i know they're so happy. >> tomorrow on "e.t." >> i was really hoping maybe i could entice you guys to be part of the music ro for this song. >> uh, yeah. >> how cute is special is that? >> he asked a real life mother and daughter duo to be in his video because of the work they're doing to help the homeless. we have your first look at the finishes product. >> you can wap the entire video tomorrow, but here's a little taste as we say good night ♪ i should be on my knees ♪ lord knows how lucky i am ♪ i'll never say near enough thank god for this woman, amen ♪ ♪ this world has a way of
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