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tv   KRON 4 News at 6  KRON  August 8, 2019 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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>>the san jose police department says it's going to deploy officers to be prepared for an active shooter situation welcome to kron 4 news at 6, i'm ken wayne and i'm justine waldman pam moore has the night off it is being called the guardian program and kron four's dan kerman has details on this new safety effort. we want to do our best if a tragedy strikes. and the threat as quickly as possible. >>in reaction to a string of mass shootings both here in the bay area and across the nation, san jose police chief eddie garcia has announced the creation of the guardian school program. we're 9 pairs of police officers will be on the streets each school day dedicated to stopping violence at schools. we divided the city into different zones and we will have the 2 person guardian car which we've named
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it. >>that whose main responsibility will be they'll d will be trained will be to respond to violence on the school campus in their particular sector, many are crediting the quick response of officers in both the gilroy and ohio shootings with reducing the number of lives lost that's the goal here as well the quicker we have our men and women engaging the shooter. the more lives are going to be saved in the were trying to maximize i think it's a great planned that the chief garcia has offered chris fogg is the superintendent of the east side union high school district. any opportunity that we can bolster the security of our schools. >>is a positive thing i think this is a positive step in the right direction. >>police are also launching events guardian program for large community events like summer fest which means they will have increased police presence with an active shooter mitigation plan in place. it seems as if these plans are on the fast track.
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they are. police say they can't afford to wait, especially given the fact that school begins next week. at police headquarters in san jose dan kerman kron 4 news. we have more information tonight about the gunman in the deadly gilroy garlic festival shooting court documents show he had a passport. >>a clown mask, a wilderness survival guide. and bottle rockets in his car authorities say cent he know william mcgahn's motive isn't known. but he had been interested in conflicting violent ideologies. the fbi says it's treating the shooting as an act of domestic terrorism. >>surprisingly domestic terrorism is not a federal offense. our washington correspondent alexander limo tells us there is now push to make domestic terrorism across but some fear it will hurt communities of color. >>i'm very glad that department of justice and the fbi are treating this as domestic terrorism, the texas
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senator ted cruz is talking about the el paso shooting. >>but right now federal prosecutors cannot actually charge someone with domestic terrorism. the fbi agents association wants congress to make domestic terrorism. a federal crime when you did. >>make sure we can do all we can to deter individuals and hold accountable any individuals in the united states, sinking to bring terror against our fellow. >>citizens california congressman eric swalwell supports the effort, i'm concerned that right now minorities are being targeted by white nationalist but some civil rights groups worry that a federal domestic terrorism law could actually hurt. >>communities of color not iea sees from the lawyers committee for civil rights under the law says the criminal justice system is inherently biased and points to drug laws as an example there's no evidence that black communities and communities of color use drugs any more frequently than other communities yet they are always the ones that are targeted to seize argues, we don't need a new domestic
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terrorism law. there's over 50 east 50 charges i think maybe even 57 charges that can be used. >>and acts of mass violence that meet the definition of terrorism. she says hate crime laws cover acts of domestic terror and the el paso shooting is already being investigated as a hate crime. in washington. alexandra, mound. >>here at home flames are now threatening some homes and forcing people to run in lake county fire crews say the fire burning in clear lake is 0% contained and is certainly about 40 structures for us dan thorn is watching all the developments right now he's in our newsroom with an update and. >>that's justine fire crews are calling this the gulf fire and at last check it's grown up to 15 acres northwest of clear lake the flames first breaking out off of soda lake road in gulf drive around 2 50 this afternoon, cal fire says evacuation orders are in place right now for the riviera subdivision that's the west
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subdivision crews are working on the ground and from the air to stop this fire and at the request of crews pg any telling us tonight that they have shut off some power in the area affecting more than 250 customers and it's unclear when that power will be restored. state senator mike mcguire says that he's been monitoring this fire very closely and he spoke with us about it on kron on take a listen. >>there has enhanced air support right into the fire. because of the brush. they located within the ravines it at a low to moderate credit. it with about 20 miles per hour got there in the region. >>emergency crews have been urging people to leave the area by heading south towards kits corner. an evacuation shelter has been set up at kelsey ville high school on main street, reporting live in the newsroom. dan thorn. kron 4 news stan. thank you right now we are joined by liam a
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clinton who lives near the fire scene the in the south part of clear lake liam thanks for joining us tell us exactly where you are and what you see. >>i can and i just thought they about 2 miles from with us. the fire started close to and type the back side of mt cannot tie. i was enjoying a quiet lunch on the deck at one 30 this within minutes and now luke the sound of sirens and it wouldn't the that park on plane circling overhead attacking this fire and they've been going nonstop for the last 6 hours back and forth. it's been area that in the air at the top of street you come to write better side of a road sold track of the speed of her kids to the left to learn. luckily, i can anyone to the right of me or you want close to riviere the riviera states and then cannot say been evacuated and compare to the times right now. >>are you prepared to evacuate if it comes to that.
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>>i mentioned at the back i and she had to do than to be the top of the winery and and and he was my backpack and at the winery eye on that because mom of 8 they went and they went back to the city the temperatures go. i can tell you is locals here. use of the badly it is. it is the normal activity here in 5 2. right and friends are percent in just carrying on doing what they do here like ers on that but just hoping that our friends and neighbors who are in that part. counting counted on particular we'll be ok but it is a they're great in the country 5 feet and you have to be prepared to get up and there that's what people do their. yeah people unfortunately have had some bad in lake county a worse in most parts of california. >>liam so you've been watching this fire for 4 and a half 5 hours now. how has it changed in that time does it look like firefighters are getting a handle on things or do you
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think it's getting worse. >>well, you know that the marketing of watching him and watch your head, i'm seeing the flurry your activity that makes me feel great political u% wind and the the wind that was blowing pretty hard or not directional one point the and her up a little we couldn't smell of smoke that was a great sign then the wind picked now. and we could of smoke in the air again that's my got to go a little concerned so he packed a bag. we get a quick lead of the house like it coming never done before and to the quick video of all the stuff that we have in our house. that's just what people do here. so in a way can the entered and left the that man cannot side and in the last hour it seems that the smoke here. it seems to have taken flight. too i think we're. real candidates containment which i think the best is a small part compared to ones that they've injured up here. >>ma'am thank you so much for
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joining us here. we hope that you are safe and you'll continue to keep us updated on the situation. >>that's you think you so much thank you. >>you know one of the things about the video is set for insurance purposes document what is there. in case you do have to believe in there's nothing there when you get back so something to think about even before a fire ap and it's a lesson so many learned the hard way to all right, let's a take a look outside to see what the weather looks like right here in san francisco, some 7000 miles away from clear lake and it is beautiful out there clear blue skies, let's check in with our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow lawrence you have the information on the fire weather. yeah, certainly we've got those winds blowing in and around the lake right now right where that fire is that of course this comes right at the peak of the gusty winds for the day and hear the very latest when you see that. >>in and the lake right now and right near kelso bill we got into observation point there. and you see the winds kicking around pretty good. so not huge not they were extremely gusty, but just enough to get 1520 mile anc hour winds certainly that can
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push that fire along. now you'll notice the fire located mormon mountainous parts of that area that makes a little bit more difficult for the firefighters to get in there and get work put out the fire there are also a lot of homes right in that location. so a very scary situation right now and i think these winds are going to keep up here for least the next couple of hours before beginning to subside tonight so a scary night out there right now his latest forecast to see the winds. 15 plus miles per hour. the watch as we take you through the night and then all of a sudden as we head toward the midnight hour, winds really begin to calm down so the sea breeze kind of coming to an end overnight tonight. but it will once again pick up again by tomorrow afternoon. so that certainly this is something they want to try to get a handle on right now before those winds company kick up again by tomorrow afternoon. as far as the humidity, here's the good news. we are getting more of a westerly component to the wind so that is a more of a moist wind coming off the ocean waters overnight tonight, we'll see those humidity is on the rise, maybe 60 maybe even 70% that will slow down the creep of that
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fire shouldn't still continue but by tomorrow afternoon again. you start to watch this community levels drop down about 30% and start to see those winds picking up to about 20 miles per hour. and certainly that could spread the fire more rapidly that guys. a lawrence captain sully sullenberger and a nice pay congressman are teaming up to unveil legislation to prevent air travel incidents such as the recent close call by and air canada plane that almost landed on a crowded taxiway at sfo kron four's charles clifford has more on what this means for travelers. well here at sfo on a thursday representative mark to >>and now she's going to introduce new legislation into the house of representatives to try to improve the airline safety specifically safety when aircraft are trying to land you know, it's called the safe landings act and it was inspired my a near miss incident here at sfo 2 years ago in that case air canada flight 7, 5, 9, i was improperly lined up to land on a taxiway were multiple aircraft. i were waiting to
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take off. fortunately disaster was averted in that case and since then the song has worked with airline safety experts and pilots to try to find ways to keep this from happening again. now the proposed legislation would require the f a a to implement safe systems requiring air traffic controllers and pilots to be alerted when a plane is improperly aligned to land and create a task force to improve quite pilot training and safety of the bay area's only captain sully sullenberger was here us being at sfo. he supports this bill and says that air travel is safe, but there's always room for improvement you i that the biggest threats. runway related runway incursions. surface takeoffs and landings are still a great concern. and so we give. pilots and crews. the technology they need the information they need. now the f a a responded today saying that they take taxiway and
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runway safety very seriously and that they have multiple initiatives in the works to try to prevent wrong surface landings, including changes to radar systems that would indicate if an aircraft is improperly lined up to land at sfo charles clifford kron 4 news. >>you have released the following statement in response to today's news conference runway and taxiway safety is one of phase core priorities. the agency's deploying several groundbreaking initiatives to help prevent wrong service landings we're modifying existing ground radar systems to issue an alert when aircraft is lined up for a taxiway rather than a runway. coming up a vaping ban goes into effect in an east bay city. >>and we'll tell you how a beverage company is getting into the marijuana business plus we'll tell you how a bay
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>>sandra fell has now ordered the american flag to remain at half-staff in order to urge congress to take action on gun control kron four's when kelly talk to the mayor about the message that he's trying to send. >>flags ordered by the president to be flown at half-staff after last weekend's back to back mass shootings are due to go back up to full staff at sundown today. but the american flag flying here outside san rafael city hall will remain at half staff. that's because the
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mayor here is trying to send a message to congress to take action on gun reform for me it's simple. >>completely fed up with congress not taking action that resulted so tragedies throughout our country 250 mass thus far this year. and i and i've been asked a number of times to lower the flag in honor which i've always done. but in this case on that and put the flags back up until i see some action by congress i think it's way past time for them to get off her diamond and do something about this matter. >>mayor philips is not specify exactly what action he thinks congress should take saying that's their job to decide at least one city resident, thanks. this is a great idea and hopes other cities follow
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the mayor says the flags will remain flying here at half-staff until congress takes action on gun reform. >>at least until september 16th. that's when he'll let city council members weigh in on whether or not old glory should be raised back up will remain lower. reporting from sandra fell i'm maureen kelly kron 4 news. >>the san francisco, public charter school is the first in california to offer free housing for students. the school is life learning academy, it's located on treasure island here are some pictures of the dorms while they were under construction. the dorms are now complete and 24 students we it will be able to live in them at no cost. i turn ing academy specializes in educating at risk children and teens. many who have been in foster care and the juvenile justice system. the new dorms aim to provide a stable living and learning environment for those students. >>the paradise police
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department lost 7 officers because of the devastating camp fire last year and now the chief eric ribald wants to add. for patrol officers and to do that he's offering a $20,000 sign on bonus. any new additions the chief says must have the right mindset. >>having the understanding that you're not going to be called a call and very and people work every day it's going to be proactive community-oriented. >>so far chief brian ball has drawn interest from 3 people if they're hired they will get a $10,000 up front bonus and then $10,000 after their first year. >>looks like this year's hurricane season may be stronger than first predicted seasonal. forecasters was no was climate prediction center say conditions have changed now that el nino has ended on average the atlantic hurricane season produces 12 named storms 6 of which become hurricanes including 3 major hurricanes with the peak months of the atlantic
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hurricane season being august through october. >>now to talk about this current hurricane is our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow the winds are really picking up and the storms looking pretty bank. >>well, you know the season is going to be really interesting because as we see the only new fade away. the winds start to the crease in the atmosphere that allows really these powerful storms to blossom they need a very calm environment to do that they're going to likely see that happen here so here's the very latest on the forecast, here's we're going to see the peak of hurricane season come over this next month we're going to watch a rise in the amount of hurricanes all we're going to see if you already but yeah they're going to really get going here and topping out about september 11th and then things will begin to subside between now and then could be pretty impressive special they only know fading away could be a very active season, maybe 12 maybe 14 named storms 5 to 7 of those could become major hurricanes and approached the united got to keep an eye out for that as we head in the next month or so outside right now we've got some patchy fog
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trying to form a c one passcode by right there otherwise you get some sunshine out toward the golden gate bridge, a little haze little breeze too. these temperatures today, taking a quite a bit of a hit after that stronger sea breeze overnight a high today of only 76 degrees today that is 12 degrees below the average in oakland 66 in san francisco, 72. in oakland 77 degrees in san jose before in santa rosa navy degrees below the average in the car occurred. well big changes coming our way now we've got to the monsoon continuing over the sierra nevada once again that also show that ridge of high pressure that is now moving eastward, but look it's off the coast. we've got our low pressure out there spin around i'm not a huge storm system but certainly enough that it's going to a few more clouds our way ce of showers as we get into saturday, so here we are we've got the winds blow around the bay area, the sea breeze kicking up and some of those winds almost 2030 mile an hour gusts outside so little blustery into the evening hours tonight. temperature wise numbers are bad at all very comfortable inside the bay 71 redwood city
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71 also in san mateo 69 in oakland 64 degrees in san francisco, 76 in concord and 70 degrees in the bottle tonight going to see some patchy low clouds and fog and also mid to high level clouds then this weekend. yeah there's a chance we could see a few showers will show you why. this low is going to slowly. creep toward the going see the showers maybe north of the golden gate bridge. i think that will be the best chance the only be a few hunters will watch what happens as we take you through the night tonight, the clouds on the way to kind of thickening up to tomorrow we've got a few passing clouds and then as we get into saturday. there you go slight chance of showers right into saturday morning. >>at 06:45pm tonight, we'll tell you why some people are calling for a boycott of soulcycle. >>and up next what a new study says about who is more likely to die from drug overdoses. ♪ you know when you're at ross and that cute dress gets even cuter? yes. or when you can say yes... to both?
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(smiling) sure. or when you find that brand at that price? are you kidding me? yeah. that's yes for less. and that's what ross always has in store. whoa. (sighs) yes... oh, yeah. it feels even better when you find it for less. get your yes for less at the new stores in west livermore and in union city. ♪
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♪ ♪ the next american chinese original is here. new sichuan hot chicken. for a heart breaking limited time only at panda express. ok i'll admit. i didn't keep my place as clean as i would like 'cuz i'm way too busy. who's got the time to chase around down dirt, dust and hair? so now, i use heavy duty swiffer sweeper and dusters. for hard-to-reach places, duster makes it easy to clean. it captures dust in one swipe. ha! gotcha! and sweeper heavy duty cloths lock away twice as much dirt and dust. it gets stuff deep in the grooves other tools can miss. y'know what? my place... is a lot cleaner now. stop cleaning. start swiffering.
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starting today all flavored tobacco park products and vaping materials are banned in livermore as sarah stinson reports the ban will not be enforced right away. >>on the cigarettes and flavored tobacco officially starts today in livermore business owners like the one here of a berlin use have until january 2020 to prepare for it to be enforced each of the 71 tobacco retailers in livermore were sent an e-mail about the enforcement not starting until january first
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2020, this gives them time to get out of leases eliminate in the tory and for law enforcement to learn the new rules customers already know the ban is on the horizon. the city and supporters of the ordinance believe the ban will stop underage kids from using e cigarettes but it could be over turned there's a petition going around. but it needs more than 5,000 signatures to qualify for the november ballot. in the to do so is today as well is verified the ordinance can go before voters but business owners say they can't wait to see if that happens this is going to impact them now that would take a lot a long time turn it into something because i do have a family. >>i got 4 kids i have i need and come right out with parents i spoke to in the livermore area tell me that they've seen an uptick in children using e cigarettes and they're hoping this will put that to an end. >>vaping in the backs of schools are in classrooms or
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in the bathroom is is now the new norm, so i think it's a good idea they >>as tobacco retailers. brace for the band to be in force that petition is still circling around we'll see if he gets enough signatures to stop this band in livermore sarah stinson kron 4 news. >>a new study shows urban residents are more likely than those out said cities to die of an overdose. >>next at 6.30 how police in southern california believe that a raft law i may hold some clues to finding a missing woman. >>and all that talk of a latino fading away what does latino fading away what does it mea oh thaphenomenal!, that's unfair. that's so unfair. c'mon jay-bo. let's go. let's go. woahh! try my $4.99 bbq bacon double cheeseburger combo. only at jack in the box.
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♪ try my $4.99 barbeque bacon double cheeseburger combo. >>after what federal officials say was a yearlong criminal investigation. authorities arrested about 680 undocumented immigrants in 6 different cities in mississippi on wednesday and while some of those arrested have already been released. the arrests have left some local officials scrambling to take care of the children of those who are arrested kristen holmes has the story. >>to see their after immigration officials around for the undocumented workers crossing sweep of 7 food calling the


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