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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  November 30, 2020 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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appreciated, and i wouldn't have been able to do it without your help, so thank you very much. i look forward to meeting you one day and shaking your hand. ♪ >>we see these trends continue intentional for stay at home order for those regions in purple. >>because of hospitalizations and icu says. >>now at 5 governor newsome warning of the potential for a new year statewide stay at home order as covid cases and related hospitalizations spike across the state good evening. everybody, i'm pam moore and i'm tahernia ken wayne has the night off. >>99% of the state could be
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under a strict or stay at home order soon state leaders are set to decide in the coming days, and it would be for regions with concerning hospitalizations and icu capacity our capitol bureau reporter ashley zavala is live in sacramento tonight with the latest official update ashleigh. >>pam in sanaa's covid-19 numbers across california are exploding now averaging more than 14,000 per day that's a new peak for california. state officials have serious concerns for hospital systems across the state. >>but if these trends continue we're going to have to take much more dramatic. arguably drastic action governor gavin newsome says he's waving the red flag as california sees a surge in covid-19 cases and hospitalizations he warned monday a stay at home order could be coming to make determinations of deep purple in those purple tier status. >>that is equipment more in line with the stay at home
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order. >>that folks were familiar with in the beginning of this year purple tier counties make up more than 99% of the state's population, the warning comes as state leaders released concerning projections for the state's health care system without any change of behavior state leaders say hospital bed capacity could be filled up to 78% statewide by christmas eve, intensive care units could be overfilled to 112% statewide by early january. we don't anticipate. >>this this is in the absence of. >>making better decisions over the last week the state's positivity rate climbed to 6.2% with an average daily case count at more than 14,000 high case numbers that we've seen in the last week and 10 days have not even hospitals yet we know that it takes about 2 weeks. >>now the governor says he and other state leaders are still working out the details of what a possible stay at home
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order might look like going forward. he says will be taking the next couple of days to decide reporting live in sacramento, ashley zavala kron 4 news. thank you actually san francisco and san mateo counties have joined 6 other bay area counties in the state's most restrictive reopening tier that's the purple tier. >>right now the only bay area county not in the purple tier is marine county under the purple tier gyms churches and movie theaters will have to operate outdoors or close down capacity at retail stores is now limited to 25%. >>restaurants can continue to operate outdoors however counties in the purple tier must follow the state's limited stay at home order that stay at home order goes into effect tonight at 10:00pm until 5 the next morning. >>and over in the south bay with covid cases spiraling out of control. santa clara county has announced new restrictions that that will affect all areas of daily life from prison business to travel to sports santa clara county will
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not allow contact sports of any kind for the next 3 the 49 ers have had to find a new home ground for sports putting kate rooney joins us now with details on this they anyone even with that base did proud yesterday they did they manage to get away and in spite of stress about where they will be playing but it's been a lot of speculation they finally have something figured out it is official the 49 ers are headed to the desert the team announced today that it's reached an agreement with the arizona cardinals to play the next 2 home games at state >>in glendale now as of now the 49 ers will be there for their next 2 games the week 13 monday night football contest with the bills and then week 14 against the washington football team. there are still a lot of logistics to consider the main one being practice today team owner jed york tweeted some thanks to the mayor of san diego who has offered to work with the team as a possible practice destination. the forty-niners said today that information about practice arrangements would be shared quote at an
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appropriate time now the 49 ers have one other home game on the schedule that's a january 3rd matchup with the seahawks which would end of the regular season and as of now that one is outside the window of the health orders restrictions so it still had to be some help set to be held at levi stadium. all right kate, thank you for that well it is not just the forty-niners a south bay covid health order affects all professional and collegiate contact sports and that is teams are scrambling to find practice and game day facilities outside the county to resume play. >>kron four's rob fladeboe has more on that part of the story now live from san jose rob. >>and this write-in as you know the national hockey league is not expected it's a new season until probably january at the earliest so this health orders not going to affect san jose sharks at least not immediately, although its practice facility could be impacted. but meantime as you said 3 south bay collegiate sports programs
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are now weighing their options about finding some place else to play. here's more. >>the strict new santa clara county covid health order means not practice and no home games for now here at san jose state university. the spartans have already seen 2 highly anticipated games with boise state and fresno state canceled due to covid-19 related issues. the team is now looking at his options said a disappointed athletic director mary in the same position my colleagues at santa clara and stanford and friends at the 49 >>and that we're getting our arms around those options. we're looking at a number of options. hopefully next couple days. we'll have some decisions health order comes amid record levels of people sickened hospitalized with covid-19 in santa clara county. >>officials on saturday announced that all professional and collegiate sports involving physical contact. >>must be suspended. clara county council james williams so that means that for those
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teams. they will not be able to play games. >>or have practices where they have direct contact with in the county other santa clara county sports programs impacted by the health order includes stanford university and santa clara university. >>men's and women's basketball at both schools are also impacted. both schools are now weighing their options about how and where to safely hold practices and games. san jose state and for now is off to its best start in decades. the team on monday ruled out hawaii is a possible destination. but said humboldt state word practiced earlier this season remains an option. >>was just sleeves up we're going to look to solve problems we're excited very excited for the next few weeks. we look to have an additional next couple days the 49 ers are off to arizona to practice and play well the san jose sharks remain in
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temporary limbo. >>in a statement, the team said until we have more information it would be premature to speculate about how the health order might affect the upcoming season. but we will stay in contact with health officials and the nhl as more details become available. now this new health order is in effect until december 21st. >>so that means these teams if on the coronavirus along with the new bay area kron 4 dot com and the kron 4 app there you can track the latest numbers of tears and restrictions county by county. >>this just into our newsroom
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doctor scott atlas has resigned from the white house coronavirus task force at list has been a highly controversial member of that task force often expressing skepticism about measures to control the covid outbreak. he had no formal experience in public health nor in infectious diseases, stanford university even distance itself from him after atlas urged residents to quote rise up against the new public health measures this month. the white house has not released an official statement yet. and at least 2 pleasanton high school students tested positive for coronavirus after attending parties with other teens over the thanksgiving break now the school district is investigating how many young people may have been exposed and as a result the district has shut down after school in person sports and music camps for the rest of the semester. well for maureen kelly reports. the district says they cannot confirm how many students were talking
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about here, but they say they have heard reports of multiple parties. >>happening during the thanksgiving break and that students from 3 high schools, or valley, which you see behind me foothill high and village high were involved at least 2 students has since tested positive and it's unknown at this time. >>how many students could have been exposed but some of them attended in person after school sports and music camps and so in an abundance of caution, they've shut them down likely until the end of the semester which is 3 weeks from now while they try and investigate which students were at these parties. they also have a very small number of students in inperson cohorts here at the schools, mostly special ed students and those who have been struggling to access remote learning those programs have also been
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temporarily pause for a few days while they double check that those students we're not exposed the spokesperson for the district says they hope this is a sobering reminder to the community that we need to take this virus seriously our student athletes are student those programs anchor some of those kids to school. >>that's how learn and grow and thrive that our ability to provide these opportunities. continues to depend on the choices that our community our families and our students make the district says they are asking those students who did attend those parties to isolate for 14 days and watch for symptoms. maureen kelly kron 4 news. >>news continues with the covid-19 vaccines. still ahead, how it will get distributed here in the bay
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area and a live report millions of americans travel for thanksgiving despite health warnings, how one bay area county plans to enforce the quarantine policy when people returned from traveling. >>and there's a rise in hospitalizations statewide how bay-area hospitals are preparing. >>i'm meteorologist lawrence karnow clear skies out there very mild temperatures get ready for another cold night tonight, we'll talk about that. coming up next.
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>>company moderna is asking for emergency use authorization from the fda for his covid vaccine. the company says it is 100% effective in preventing severe forms of the disease moderna will be the second vaccine maker to request authorization from the federal government. the company's latest findings show and effectiveness rate above 94%. the company is also asking european officials for the same authorization, one researcher at u c san francisco called the results stunning and a game changer this follows similar positive results from pfizer and inspecting the fda's public hearing on the pfizer drug is set for december 10th. and the governor announced today california anticipates receiving 327,000 doses. >>pfizer's a covid-19 vaccine in the next few weeks that would be the first batch of doses, california risi and both pfizer and moderna have
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asked regulators to allow emergency use of their covid-19 vaccines and it is likely that some could start getting the vaccine by the end of the year, but who gets priority kron four's dan kerman has been talking to medical experts about just joins us live from ucsf dan. >>well you know 330 million americans senate first the u.s. is expected to get somewhere between 12 million doses or 20 million doses so there's going to be a shortage at least at first until they continue to ramp up the dosage until moderna comes online so who gets it first likely experts say it will be health care providers. medical experts say it's likely the first group of people will begin getting the first covid-19 vaccine during the 3rd week of december. >>the first group will probably be health care workers and people older people in nursing homes. second group may be essential workers and and people over 65 with other illnesses doctor robert wachter chairs you see
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san francisco's department of medicine. >>he says those first 2 groups constituting about a 150 to 200 million americans will be vaccinated by april that leaves about a 130 million younger healthier people who he thinks can be vaccinated by the end of summer when you hit about 70 or 75% of people having received both doses of vaccines that are 95% effective you reach herd immunity in the right way wachter says that means enough people will have been vaccinated to be immune from getting covid-19 meaning the virus begins to die out. it's not unrealistic to think that we reach that in the summer and when we reach that that's when life starts getting back to normal. >>so all eyes are on september right now now that's taking into account that we're looking at 2 vaccines if we're looking at 4 or 5 that timeline could be moved up now where would you get it. doctor says very likely health care workers will get it at hospitals like isis f the rest
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of us likely will get that pharmacies but will have to be some system put in this pharmacies will know who fits into what group in who gets it when. also need to be a tracking system. so we'll be alerted when we have to come in for our second dose and so they know which vaccine we need to get for that second as wachter says the devil is in the details and they still have to work out. many of those details but and right now it looks like good news and possible. back to normal by september but we'll just have to wait and see live in san francisco. dan kerman kron 4 news so many moving parts, thank you for that dan. >>now the tsa says nearly 1.2 million people went through us airports on sunday and that's the highest number since the pandemic gripped the country back in march and of course despite pleas from health officials asking people to stay at home over thanksgiving to limit the spread of covid-19 and santa clara county, a new health order requires people to quarantine
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for 14 days after traveling around 4 says it monday on has the latest details for holiday travelers who are returning to that county. >>the santa clara county public health department has issued a directive to local transit hubs including but at a san jose international airport which requires returning travelers from a distance of a 150 miles or more to self quarantine for 14 days, details of that directive are available upon arrival to all travelers the deputy director of the san jose airport scott whitner describes what to expect when you disembark the plane it's a normal rival process out with the exception of the signage and receiving a copy or you know that there's nothing different about the experience, although officials from the santa clara county sheriff's office say they expect above terri compliance with the health orders. deputies will respond to complaints the santa clara county public health department took it a step further in a statement reading in part quote, although the
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county has enforcement teams and will be standing up additional enforcement resources. we will necessarily rely on every individual to comply with orders and protect the health of the community unquote so just you know when i travel. >>i'm traveling with the face mask and a shield. >>bay area resident mary john explains why there will be no need to enforce the quarantine on her when she arise from visiting her 92 year-old mom in ohio later this week. >>not only willing i've already made plans to do that iverson just picking up i'm sitting in the back of her car and then she is delivering home with groceries and i expect not to leave my house for at least the to care about your health care about the health of the people that you can direct list. you were so isolated make sure that they're ok santa clara county health officials say the quarantine health order is a legal mandate. >>failure to observe it could result in a financial fine. >>haaziq kron 4 news.
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>>kawhi has launched a new campaign to attract former residents and anyone for a remote office with a view. officials and community leaders are hoping they can provide an to their short-term vacation rentals. the first of the get approved will receive a free round-trip ticket to honolulu but it comes at a price. applicants are expected to volunteer several hours a week to local nonprofits hawaii is one of the states with the lowest rates per capita for covid-19 infection course we're all hawaii dreaming check on our weather i can imagine have a little place of they're doing the weather for you guys from hawaii that would that would be ok matter stay right got a lot of things do here that's for sure hey. >>it's not going to feel like a y tonight around here it is going to get cold out there again and that's what we've seen we've had some very dry air kind of settling in across the entire states are you not worried about any clouds just about how cold is getting in 00:00pm tonight, some places
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getting below freezing up toward the coastline, beautiful look out toward half moon bay. it is nice and clear it's going to be chilly there again for tonight, some of those temperatures dropping well down into the 40's lot of sparkling lights out there over the city of san francisco and across the bay to 9 the stay nice and clears high pressure in control few showers well to the north and you see that big dome trying to build into the bexar is weak cold front actually sneak in through tonight. unfortunately not going to do anything for us it is just going to bring with some cooler temperatures in some drier air as it moves on by numbers outside right now 53 in san francisco, 60 berkeley 59 in the bottle 52 degrees in petaluma and 57 degrees in santa rosa, but overnight lows here we go starting to get a little bit on the chilly side 33 degrees. santa rosa, 35 in the napa valley, 34 in the bottle in around the bay are looking at 30's and some 40's. then you get really cold place like concord live more probably down below freezing tonight, maybe an antioch to and well that will be the trend here is we're going to see high pressure taken over
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you're going to see some nice sunshine and some very mild days ahead, tell you what these temperatures at can remind you that we're still in that season right now the looks like we've got a great chance of rain coming our way in the next few days but certainly things could change. after that me too alright, thank all the searching for tickets to >>san francisco has launched a new crisis response team how that team plans to help police. >>with 911 calls ahead and as we get closer to getting a vaccine homeland security is warning people about potential vaccine. scams how many scams the department has already caught that.
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>>as we get closer to having a vaccine distributed in the united states homeland security investigators are warning people about potential vaccine scams. the agency is working with drug companies to prevent fraud. the food and drug administration says deceptive and misleading products might cause americans to delay or even stop their treatment. >>has analyzed over 60,000 websites that or were suspected to be involved in some sort of covid-19 related fraud. >>can you imagine that 60,000 the department says millions of fake or an approved a personal protective equipment products, an antiviral medications had already been seized and in the united
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states alone more than 1000 fake web sites a day have been removed during the pandemic. >>next on kron 4 news at 5.30 of cases and hospitalizations continue to rise the governor warns we could see a stricter stay at home order. how the area hospitals are preparing for the surge. a rapper was shot and killed over the weekend what we know in the investigation. plus the u.s. supreme court heard arguments about the census count, make your holidays happen... at ross! surprise! ahhh! yes! i love it! you don't have to spend a lot to give a lot to the ones who mean the most. you've got the holidays, and we've got you, with the best bargains ever... ross. yes for less!
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yep! get the gifts you love... yesss! ... for everyone on your list. you've got the holidays, and we've got you... with all the gift for less. at ross. yes for less!
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>>welcome back the governor nearly statewide stay at home order because of the rising cases and hospitalizations due to covid there were more than 7400 covid patients in california hospitals on saturday that's according to the latest data provided by state health officials and that is the highest number during the pandemic here's a look at the latest numbers tonight nearly 8,000 people are hospitalized due to covid complications in the last 24 hours. >>the state has recorded more than 14,000 new cases and 20 new covid related deaths on boards noelle bellow checked in on bay area hospitals to see what they are dealing with now and how they're preparing for the future. >>bay area hospital system say they're starting to see an uptick in covid-19 hospitalizations and governor newsome says without any changes in the way we coct


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