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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  April 25, 2022 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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>>streaming now from kron 4, the bay area's local news station. >>now at noon, a deal between twitter and elon musk could be announced today. we've got the concerns over how twitter might change if the sale goes through. plus bay area, big city mayors in sacramento today asking the state for more money on to handle the homeless crisis. and thousands of stanford and lucile packard children's hospital. nurses on strike. why they're demanding change this afternoon. that's
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where we start. today's kron on news at noon. >>thanks for joining us. i'm noelle bellow kron on's charles clifford spoke with the chief nursing officer with the latest on how the agency plans to deal with the situation out there in stanford. charles is there live for u.s.. charles. >>other yes. so right now i'm a in palo alto on the stanford hospital campus. and as you can see behind me here, thousands of nurses out on strike. the nurses saying the hospital needs to step it up and increase their compensation and their benefits. the hospital says they believe they've offered a fair compensation package and they're hoping to resolve this as soon as possible. >>monday morning, about 5,000 nurses at stanford hospital in packard children's hospital in palo alto went on strike, demanding better benefits and wages. >>have to work live here because cost of living is so high and the wages love. they say that if nurses are well
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compensated, that will result in better care for patients if we cannot secure nurses to give us the support to give our great care that we're known for. you know, this is why we're here is for the safety of our patients. the nurses union contract with stanford expired on march 31st. despite 13 weeks of negotiations and the involvement of a federal mediator, they have been unable to reach an agreement. stanford hospital says they believe the nurses have been offered a reasonable package of wages and benefits. we value and respect all our nurses, our competitive proposal. >>has our nurses still at the top of the range even before this new contract? our nurses have been paid what extent outstanding benefits higher than the bay area. so we're hoping that the union will come to the table so that we can continue our conversations prior to the strike. the union did get the hospital a 10 day warning. so the administration was able to prepare. >>they say that patients will still receive care, but some appointments may need to be rescheduled while the strike is ongoing. but what i'm
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recommending is that they all call the offices to see if appointments are going to be our schedules or if they're going be rescheduled. i know that we've done. >>some cancellations of routine surgeries. so those will all have to be re of site. >>all right, back live. this strike is open ended. there's into it in sight. however, the hospital says they believe they are going to resume negotiations with the union tomorrow. but for now in palo alto, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >>charles, thank you for that report. we do have some breaking news, ed this afternoon. twitter has reportedly accepted elon musk's offer to buy the company. the offer stands at $54.20. per share. that would mean twitter would become a private company. critics of musk's efforts say it represents a threat to the company's accountability when it comes to misinformation.
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but again, twitter, it does seem has accepted. elon musk's offer to buy the social media platform are going to have more details on this story as they come into our newsroom. okay. happening today, oakland, unified students and teachers do not have to wear masks while on campus indoor masking strongly recommended now, but no longer mandatory. the school district will continue to provide covid testing and vaccines at the schools. the state did lift its indoor mask requirements for schools back on march, 12th. but due to concerns over a covid surge after spring break, usd did postpone lifting the mask mandate for another 6 weeks. but now it is lifted. down in the south bay. san jose. police say a 17 year-old girl was shot on snow drive this morning. it happened around 09:00am. the victim has been taken to a hospital and is expected to survive no information on a suspect at this time or what led to this shooting. we're
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going continue to follow this, though and bring you updates as we receive them. san jose police are also looking for a young man who allegedly sexually assaulted a woman in the area of summer side drive. police have released this sketch of the suspect. they say the incident happened back on april 13th. he's been described as being between 16 and 22 years old. approximately 5 foot, 6 inches tall with brown hair and brown eyes. anyone with information is asked to give police a call. new at noon bay area. mayors gathered today in sacramento to push for more funding to help deal with the homelessness crisis. members of the california city mayors, coalition like oakland, mayor libby schaaf and san jose mayor sam liccardo where there today they say the pandemic actually help significantly when it came to giving shelter to the unhoused. and it's critical to keep that funding in place for the future. >>we need flexibility. we need to be able to move more nimbly
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more quickly, more cost effectively to really address this crisis. we're in the middle of a pandemic. so we have emergency orders all that we could move more quickly. we could move without a lot of red tape. well, that months and months of public hearings and debates, we can get housing debt. >>the next fiscal year starts july first 2023. the mayors want to make sure the funds are earmarked by then. san francisco supervisor matt haney is headed to sacramento as the assembly member elect for district 17 after a special election last week. the state assembly seat was once held by david chiu who is now city attorney now has district 6 supervisor haney represented. the tenderloin is going to continue to serve that area which struggles with homelessness and illegal drug use. and he says these issues, though, go far beyond one neighborhood and that's why he ran for state assembly. >>we need state leadership, state resources, every city and county doing their part on
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this. you can't expect to solve homelessness or fentanyl epidemic in one neighborhood as hard as we're trying. so we need to have consequences for affective consequences for people or selling fentanyl. we need to stop the flow of these drugs into our state and into our communities. >>it's expected to have a sizable budget surplus next year. some 23 billion dollars more than previously expected. and he believes the money should be put towards homelessness and mental health services. make sure the systems work better. we can't have people were just abandon our streets. we have to get them inside. >>but also people generally and in san francisco around the state, even though the state is doing well with our surpassed a lot of people still are not doing well themselves. they have debt. they're struggling. they lost a small businesses. so i'm also going to be looking at economic opportunity to lift everyone up. workers put money back in people's pockets. >>you can head to kron 4 dot com to watch that full interview with supervisor haney. it's under the inside california politics tab. all right. now to some other as we
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mentioned earlier, elon musk or twitter, the elon musk twitter has reportedly then other news for elon musk. his first deal in place to bring wi-fi to an airline space x is going to be providing wireless internet to hawaiian airlines flights as early as next year. service will come from starlink, which is space x's network of satellites that are designed to bring internet anywhere on the planet. the airline will start installing starlink and tennis next year. service will be offered to passengers for free. it's nice to hear. airline officials say meanwhile, there were trying to work with passengers who are afraid to fly with others who are not wearing face masks. this all comes after a federal judge in florida struck down the mask requirement in airports and during flights. some airlines like united and american say they're offering options now, including refunds in some cases for passengers who are worried about flying with
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maskless other passengers. doctor john swartzberg, professor of infectious diseases at uc berkeley says he thinks getting rid of the mandate was the wrong call says it will now be up to each person to weigh the risks of wearing a mask or not. >>if you're elderly, if you've got. conditions that would really predispose you to a outcome. what being immunocompromised or even things like diabetes or obesity or chronic lung or heart disease. those are some examples of people who, you know, need to really weigh the pros and cons more. >>sports berg still recommends wearing a mask. well-fitted one. if you're worried about covid while traveling, he also suggests being fully vaccinated and getting yourself who stood. covid cases driven by an omicron sub variant climbed 50% in the last 2 weeks. now white house officials are urging caution but not overreaction. >>infections are so important
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to keep those infection numbers low, but they need something different now than they did a year ago. right? they mean something different because people are vaccinated and boosted. it means something different because we have a lot more therapeutics available. so we are going to have to change our behavior and responded a different way as the pandemic evolves. and i think at this point responding with care and caution, but not overreacting. it's critical. >>ashish jha says he expects moderna to submit an application this week for emergency authorization of its vaccine for kids. 5 years old and younger. he's expecting the fda to make a decision on that by this summer. well, down in santa clara, more than 1400 customers are without power this afternoon after a goose took down multiple spans of power lines. silicon valley power says crews are working to make repairs to those downed wires. >>the outage has been going on since about 8.30, this morning. we have reached out for some photos and more information on how that's going to happen. but we're waiting to hear back on that
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without it's time to get you a check of your forecast. kron on meteorologist dave spahr is standing by with the details on a great afternoon for that goose. probably dave. it's a nice afternoon or afternoon to get outside. if you'd like, yeah, looks like a pretty nice day to day. noel. a good day, everybody. here's a live shot coming in from half moon bay with the blue skies in place might have a little passing cloud cover temporarily. just a touch today is going to probably be the warmest day in the bunch that we're looking for all week long. >>temperature check for us. we're at 74 for antioch, 72 for concord 60's cover most of the board, 70 for nevada with a chilly 55 going on at half moon bay. 71. meanwhile, 4 san jose just give you a comparison sake. we were 24 hours ago were couple degrees ahead of yesterday's progress with fairfield sticking out a little cooler. looking at the winds later on for today of this afternoon will be a little pop going on being generated by this front dropping south. now it's going to be with us tonight in in through your tuesday is you'll notice there. the winds still
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hanging together. nothing is going to be advisory strengthen. they are going to be on shore, which is you see a climate control, keep temperatures down just a little bit and that will be with us. it looks like all the way through tuesday on the wake of all of that may potentially given all that offshore flow. but temperatures will be a bit cooler with all of that. now for this afternoon, let's to 74 by 4 o'clock by 7. 65 with a few scattered clouds thrown in there for good measure. 67 san francisco, 71 for oakland. meanwhile, 77 san jose across the wider real estate for high temperatures today. still looking at about an 80 going on for antioch with the upper 70's in the far east bay santa rosa. 79 67. meanwhile, for san francisco from this point going forward, it's a little bit of cooling. it looks like, however, it looks like by this weekend we're going to be warming back up again to numbers like this. if not bettering it. we're going to look at that in the extended forecast coming up in a bit. well. >>dave, thank you very much. coming up here on kron on a
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driver in pittsburgh shot at multiple times in a possible road rage and road rage incident. we've got the latest on the investigation. plus, the supreme court dipping into the culture war 2 day hearing. opening arguments. the case of a football coach who wants to pray with his. players on the field. you're watching kron on.
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>>i just was a busy weekend for police investigating multiple shootings across the
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city. police say the first involved an argument at a memorial service. one man was shot near harry and howard streets. that happened saturday night. then there was another man who was shot in the tenderloin. investigators say the victim and the shooter fought each other near the hnl march on geary street. this is video from the citizen app. they say this was a possible gang-related shooting. the conditions of both victims have not yet been released. police on the peninsula, meanwhile, are investigating 2 separate but incredibly similar robberies. the first happened just after midnight sunday in redwood city. police say the victim was returning home when he was targeted. then 30 minutes in foster city. another robbery, the gunman in this one reportedly got into the victim's garage as the victim was parking his car. the robber then fired a shot into the driver's side window after demanding the victim's wallet. police say the person wanted in both robberies as a woman who was driving an suv. a santa cruz
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couple be come. the became the victims of a hate crime while out walking their dogs. police say this happened around 11, 30. saturday night on blackburn's street. police say the couple was walking their dog when they passed a man and a woman also walking a dog. the 2 dogs got into it before the suspect now identified as 28 year-old richard wood called the couple a homophobic slur and then began hitting one of the men, the woman, victoria vance, and reportedly then joined in on the assault before running off into a nearby apartment complex. the duo was arrested. they're now facing assault conspiracy and hate crime charges. 13 victims of former usa gymnastics doctor larry nassar are suing the fbi now for mishandling the assault investigation. attorneys for the survivors are using the federal tort claims act which allows people to be compensated for injury or loss caused by government negligence or wrongdoing after
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a federal investigation concluded last september on capitol hill, senators called the fbi's negligence, quote, an epic failure. >>there are reports and to know that they had those sitting at 3rd and they refused to or did act and just left us at the disposal of a predator is. so frustrating for me. >>the fbi has not responded to the lawsuit publicly. they're being asked to pay a total of 130 million dollars to the women involved. happening today, the supreme court's going to begin hearing the case of a former seattle area. high school football coach was fired because he refused to stop praying on the field. the americans united for separation of church and state is concerned of kennedy wins the case. it would allow teachers and coaches across the country to pressure students to join them and their prayer reporter basil, john has that story. >>it's a showdown at the supreme court over school.
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prayer versus the first amendment at the center of this case is is really the right of coach kennedy and really the right of all americans. the case focuses on joe kennedy, a former high school football coach in washington state who would prey on the 50 yard line after games. just give a a a personal prayer of thanksgiving for the opportunity to be a coach. >>and for that. >>he lost his job. one of coach kennedy's attorneys, mike berry says the school wrongfully fired coach kennedy over his personal private faith. kennedy sued back in 2015 and the federal district court ruled in favor of the school. kennedy and his attorneys argue that this ruling could impact anyone who wants to visibly express their faith no matter what religion we as americans should be able to enjoy the right. >>to live out our faith, our faith freely and openly, regardless of who our employer happens to be. rachel has organization. americans united is defending the school district.
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>>she argues there was nothing private about how the coach prayed. this is the coach and he's praying holding up a football helmet encircled by students. you are not allowed to pray in your public official capacity. >>and such that students would feel pressured to join you. laster says if the supreme court should rule in the former coaches favor, it puts at risk the religious freedom of students and their families in every k through 12 class from across the country. the court will hear from the lawyers on monday with a decision likely this summer reporting in washington. i'm basil, john. >>you're watching kron on. we'll have more news after the break.
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>>30 veterans are back in the bay area after taking an honor flight to washington, d.c., over the weekend they travel to the nation's capital to celebrate their accomplishments. take a look at video from friday. you can see all the veterans getting ready to take off for their trip. this is all thanks to a nonprofit called honor flight. it gives war veterans a chance to see memorials for american wars and honor their fallen comrades. we spoke with some of veterans before their flight. they say they still remember the days when they were on the battlefield. >>at graduating high school. free my friend 3 of us decided
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one in same try to stick to get after the basic training found doing that. stick together. that was a land mine exploded underneath the armored personnel carrier and threw me into the air. when i come down, a colorado might. >>but and shattered 3 vertebrae. >>this is only the second honor flight trip in 2 years because of the pandemic. the group was in washington, d.c., for 3 days. our kron, 4 anchor and navy veteran ken wayne was with them to. he's going to have some wonderful stories for on memorial day. so be sure to stick tune in for those. turning now to the very latest on the invasion of ukraine after failing to overtake ukraine's capital of kiev, there's been heavy russian shelling in the east over the weekend. rudabeh shahbazi has more. >>a solemn day in ukraine. worshippers attended services today to celebrate orthodox easter as russian forces
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continue to bear down on eastern ukraine. ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky released an orthodox easter message saying he believes in a new victory for ukraine. the umbilical 90 you. >>enable could move today's great holiday gives us the hope and believe the light will win over darkness. rule good win over evil. is it just might win over or just there for ukraine will win an evident and water. >>hope on a much lesser scale did come today with a visit from secretary of state antony blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin. the trip marking the highest ranking american officials to touch down in ukraine since russia launched its invasion 2 months ago. the purpose of the visit reportedly to focus on logistics of funneling more military assistance to the country's embattled troops to fight off russian forces. on thursday, the biden administration announced an additional 800 million dollars military aid package for ukraine. and while the west has provided a lot of military equipment to ukraine. so once
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he has stressed repeatedly that his country needs more heavy weapons, including long-range air defense systems, as well as warplanes. residents in kiev echoing that same see if it show. i think everyone wants more support you want heavy on so that at last we can manage to carry out a counter offensive overnight the russian military reported hitting 423 ukrainian targets including fortified positions and troop concentrations. russia also saying its warplanes destroyed. 26 ukrainian military sites. >>including an explosives factory and several artillery depots. most of today's fighting focused on the donbass region in the east. that is where ukrainian forces are concentrated and where moscow backed separatists controlled some territory before the war since failing to capture kyiv. the russians are aiming to gain full control over the eastern industrial heartland.
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>>a somber day of remembrance for the armenian american community over the weekend honoring the victims of the armenian genocide. sunday marked the 100th year since the beginning of mass killings of armenians by the ottoman empire during world war. one. >>and san francisco memorial was held at the mount davidson cross supervisor rafael mandelman and former mayor willie brown were also in attendance. representative jackie spears spoke out as well memorializing the, quote, cold-blooded murder of one and a half million armenians. she says our truth is the strongest tool against sure and oppression. this was the 25th anniversary since the san francisco armenian community purchase the land there at the mount davidson cross. >>you're watching kron on. we'll have more news after the break.
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>>bringing you back this half hour with the breaking news this afternoon. billionaire elon musk has reached an agreement to acquire twitter of the nearly 44 billion dollar offer stands at $54.20 per share. once the sale closes, twitter would become a private company. twitter ceo is reportedly set to address
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employees at 2 o'clock this afternoon. musk said he wanted to buy the platform because he felt it wasn't living up to its potential as a platform for free speech. however, critics of musk say the move represents a threat to the company's accountability when it comes to the spread of misinformation, we're going continue to follow this big story for you. we've got updates scheduled during our 03:00pm newscast. in the north bay today. one person dead after a 2 car crash on highway one. it happened last night around 10, 15, just west of estero lane in bodega bay. one driver was dead at the scene. the other taken to a hospital with some serious injuries. chp says one of the cars was traveling northbound and then crossed over the double yellow lines into the southbound lanes, causing the 2 cars to collide. the incident is still under investigation. authorities have not released any information on the victim. in the east bay. police in pittsburgh are looking for a shooter who opened fire on a
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man inside a truck incident appeared to be linked to road rage. but police are still investigating. it happened last night near the intersection of thomas way in crestview drive. that's why los madonna's elementary school video shows 2 bullet holes in the driver's side door of that truck with the window shattered. a sergeant tells kron 4 the man was sitting in his car when the shooter just drove up and shot him multiple times. no one is in custody right now. so far the victim remains in the hospital in critical but stable condition. people living in danville, meanwhile, found antisemitic flyers in their driveways. danville police posting on facebook saying they're aware of the flyers left in different neighborhoods sunday morning. they say the leaflets go against the town's values and they do not condone violence or hate in any form. they say they're committed to inclusivity, welcoming families and people of all backgrounds to danvlle. police say this is being investigated as a hate incident. kron 4 is your local
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elections headquarters this year. voters in alameda county are going to decide on their next sheriff. one of the candidates held a meet and greet in hayward over the weekend is any assange has has a long career in law enforcement and she's hoping to unseat incumbent sheriff greg ahern. she joined the alameda county sheriff's office as a technician in 1997. has and has moved up the ranks. she's currently division commander overseeing the santa rita jail in dublin. sanchez says her will focus on rehabilitation and job training for incarcerated people, racial justice and law enforcement holding the sheriff's office accountable and connecting with the community. >>number one priority is to be president and accessible to our community members. that's what's needed to build trust and for them to be able to give me some critiques on how the sheriff's office is providing service. >>the primary election is set for june 7th. a judge in new york has found former
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president donald trump in contempt of court hits for failing to comply with the subpoena for documents and the state attorneys general civil probe into trump's business practices. the judge says former president will be fined $10,000 a day until he complies new york attorney general letitia james office has been investigating the trump for more than 2 years. james said her office found multiple misleading or fraudulent misstatements and omissions in the trump organization's financial statements which were provided to lenders, insurers and others. meanwhile, the white house says it's planning to lift the title. 42 pandemic restrictions at the southern border at the end of next month. opponents fear without a clear plan in place. so chaos will erupt at the border. anna wiernicki has the latest from dc. >>good morning. there's growing concern among lawmakers who oppose president biden's plan to end title. 42.
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now even some democrats warning what could happen if the policy is revoked. >>texas democratic congressman henry clay or says lifting the pandemic asylum restrictions known as title. 42 will cause an immediate surge of migrants. the border patrol is unprepared to handle. the messages are going out to the smuggler said to into the migrants. is that on may 23rd you can go ahead and come and quay are who represents a south texas border district says his constituents are very concerned. who's listening to the border community says my question, the department of homeland security estimates that when title 42 expires 18,000 additional migrants will cross the u.s. mexico border each day, 500,000 over the next 5 weeks. my state of texas. we just simply can't absorb this. texas republican congressman michael mccall says a surge of migrants in the midst of a pandemic puts a
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border patrol and the border communities at risk. this is the absolute worst i've ever seen. but massachusetts democratic senator elizabeth warren said on cnn's state of the union that she supports getting rid of title. 42 because she says it's not consistent with american values. the biden administration is putting plans in place to deal with people who are asking >>amnesty and humanitarian relief at the border. the biden administration says they're working on a plan to ramp up security at the southern border. >>that includes relocating agents and adding more processing centers, staffed with medical officials. >>today president biden will meet with members of the congressional hispanic caucus about his immigration plan. also happening today, a group of republican lawmakers are scheduled to take a trip down to the southern border where meet with local leaders in eagle pass for now in washington. i'm anna wiernicki. back to you. >>now to the very latest in
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ukraine this afternoon, russia unleashing a string of attacks on critical infrastructure in central ukraine this morning. missiles hit 5 train facilities. 5 people were killed, 18 others wounded in towns near the train stations. russia also destroyed a ukrainian oil refinery. meanwhile, 2 fires were reported at oil facilities in russia. the large fires tore through oil depots in. sic a russian city less than 100 miles from the ukrainian border and a key logistical hub in moscow's war effort. russian officials say they're investigating what caused those fires. ukraine is also calling on the united nations to step in and oversee the evacuation of civilians from the besieged port city of mariupol. new satellite images show the destruction at a steel plant where about 2000 ukrainian fighters are keeping russian troops at bay. an estimated 1000 civilians are sheltering underground bunkers at the plant with them. russia
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said it would allow humnitarian corridor to operate out of the facility today. but ukraine says it does not appear to be trustworthy. all right. time to bring it back here at home. get you a check of your weather forecast. we have nice warm days over the weekend. meteorologist dave spahr standing by with a look ahead. heyday. okay. no. well, yes, sunny weather. we're looking at 2 along the east bay shoreline. lots of blue skies. as you can see. let's check in what's going on in tahoe. >>looks like temperatures are retreating. a touch going forward. by the time we get to thursday down to about 49, this initial front will help bring temperatures down a little bit for us after today. looks like there's the collection of cloud cover up towards the north. not much happening on the home front. just scooting a few clouds, 74 by 4, 7 o'clock. 64, again, a couple scattered clouds. what's going on? the long-range forecast models. we were looking at a chance of rain. late in the week there yet staying up towards the north and then there was more hopeful activities you can see
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by monday might get grazed by something here that laid out. we're hoping least some mountain snows in the upstream into next week. maybe a couple more possibilities as well. 4 zone forecast for today. 67 san francisco. well to the lower 60's at the coast, upper 60's along the bay side peninsula. 74 foster city, 74 palo alto in the south bay. 76 santa clara, 77, san jose. 76 for cupertino. lower 70's along the east bay shoreline, tri valley, mid 70's. 76 walnut creek, 78 for concord, 70 for berkeley. looks like what 74 78 fairfield will coming in about 80 again, we might do that again by this weekend. 76 santa rosa. let's check out that 7 day forecast will be kind of lower 70's just about all week. here comes the warm-up friday, saturday. importantly, there. there you see about an 80 and after this week as we showed you, maybe a couple opportunities for some showers. no. >>alright 80's getting a little warm there. thanks, dave. >>in the east bay, the closure
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of community foods market in west oakland this year left a void for residents who want access to healthy food. >>and fresh produce. but the community has rallied to fill that vacant space with alternative option. the organization community ready corps or crc. mets are teamed up with city council member carol 5 to turn the old markets parking lot into an outdoor event. they're calling it mosaic world market. the event provides enough free space for up to 25 vendors to showcase and sell their products. >>well, as the west opened this, not a lot of it's a food desert for healthy food. and so we know that in most black and brown communities and we don't have access healthy, fresh produce. >>the hope is the market will fill that gap and equal access to nutrition for disenfranchised communities. starting this week, crc says the mosaic world market will operate every saturday from noon until 05:00pm. some relief available for
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restaurants who were hit hard by the pandemic restaurant owners across our state can now apply for money from the california restaurant foundation. that foundation is offering $3,000 grants to mom and pop shops. grants can be used for equipment upgrades and employee bonuses. applications are being accepted until april. 30th. they can only be submitted online. we do have a link for all about on our website. kron 4 dot com. in new york city. another effort underway to unionize. a group of amazon workers. hundreds of employees at an amazon sorting facility in staten island began voting today to decide whether to form a union. the workers want a dramatically higher hourly wage from the current 18 to 20 18 to $30 an hour workers at a bigger facility nearby created the first union amazon's 27 year history. just a few weeks ago, the effort is viewed as key to the union movement in the united states as amazon is the nation's second largest private employer just behind wal-mart. well, the happiest
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place on earth has officially dropped its last covid-19 mask requirement. meaning they can see a smile all day long. now guests will no longer have to wear masks on shuttle buses, running to and from the toy story parking lot. this follows orange county's decision to end masking on public transportation. disneyland dropped most mask requirements back in february except for passengers on those shuttle buses. visitors can still request or wear a mask once they arrive. the national prescription drug take back day. is this coming saturday? it's a day where people with unused prescription drugs can safely dispose of them. the u.s. drug enforcement agency organizes the event say it helps keep harmful chemicals out of local water systems and out of the hands of anyone who might accidentally or intentionally take someone else's medicine. you can drop off any of your unused prescriptions at your local police department starting at 10:00am on saturday until 02:00pm that afternoon. you
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can also get rid of your e-cigarettes and vape pens this way as well. all right. coming up here on kron on some tips to help offset that grocery bill inflation. you're watching kron on. we'll have more news right after the
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>>a new study from ucsf shows covid-19 vaccines have prevented tens of thousands of deaths in california alone. according to the study, vaccines prevented about one
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and a half million infections. nearly 73,000 hospitalizations and almost 20,000 deaths in the state. right now, more than 70% of californians are fully. for your money today. if you want to save money on groceries, you might consider growing your own. nearly 20 million americans started gardening during the pandemic. >>and now with rising costs and limited options in some produce aisles, more and more people are looking into growing their own food, both seed companies and community gardens say they've seen steady increases in demand. in fact, community gardens across the nation saw a 40% increase i people coming in last year alone. >>there is nothing better than a homegrown to meet. the satisfaction of planting a seed and seeing this crowd within a couple of days, the magic nature. >>one new study also found just being around green space or plants for as little as 40 seconds can help improve your mental health. leaders in
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washington are arguing about how to solve the big inflation problem. hannah brandt takes a look. >>prices are up pretty much everywhere from the grocery store to the gas pump. and it's quickly become a major focus here on capitol hill. republicans and democrats agree rising prices are a problem. obviously affecting every family's budget. we have all got to be completely focused on lowering costs for working people every day. what they don't agree on is how to tackle america's high inflation. >>president biden and democrats point to the war in ukraine as the primary force behind higher prices was going to be hard for a while getting through the cost of gasoline and energy because of >>the war. but republicans accuse democrats of pumping too much easy money into the economy. ohio senator rob portman says it's hurting all of us. people's wages are going up. some. but inflation is going up higher. democrats have a range of legislative proposals aimed at bringing down prices, including legislation to make prescription drugs cheaper.
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>>everyone has less money in their pocket. they because the high cost of health care. >>and senator patty murray is pushing to pass a bill that would help families pay for child care. we can help working families by putting money back in their pockets and taking a little stress off their shoulders. many republicans say more government spending will only make inflation worse, cost americans more in the long run and drive the federal government deeper into debt. but president biden wants to pay for the proposals by raising taxes on the ultra wealthy. all they got to do pay a fair share. >>and we can do all this and so much more as lawmakers return to the capitol on monday after their 2 week long spring break. the pressure is on for them to find solutions. >>in washington, i'm hannah brandt. it was a great turn out for the 10th annual run for education. this happening in pleasanton over the weekend. thousands of people showing up in support. the event supports 15 public schools, 14 and a half 1000 students and over 9,000 school families with supplemental
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staff. that also includes counselors reading and math specialists, librarians and tech school special us. >>a new app is making it easier for firefighters to respond to emergency situations. it's free for anyone to use. and the creators say it's more reliable, then dropping a pin. rich demuro has more in today's tech smart. >>many people just drop a pin when they want to send someone there location. but what if you don't have a data connection or what if you want to speak your location now, 3 words can help. >>knowing where you are is pretty easy these days. thanks to gps, cell phones and map apps. >>but what if you had to tell someone your exact location fast when they remember the address or gps coordinates called, send up and dropped to 9-1-1. so this is where the system works. the system is called what 3 words, a free app that lets you pinpoint your location using a cmbination of 3 unique words. we've divided the into
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57 trillion. 10 foot by 10 foot square dance. >>and then we've allocated each one of those squares. a unique 3. what identify. so instead of a broad street address, you can direct someone to the exact entrance to a large building. >>or the purse, ice place your tailgating in a giant parking lot. if you have 40,000 was an english 40,000 times, 40,000 times, 40,000, give you 64 trillion and gives you enough to give every single 10 foot by 10 foot square in the world. the unique 3, what identifier importantly, what 3 words, ios and android apps work offline without a cellular connection. so, for instance, let's say, i want to me someone at this specific rock. i would give them the 3 words best name round. but if i want to meet someone at this rock, the 3 words are splice earth. >>feed, they'll take you right here. voice navigation systems, delivery companies, and even emergency services are starting to incorporate
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what 3 words being able to get the location quickly is as precious because, you know, time is everything when especially a medical emergency. the los angeles fire department is partnering with what, 3 words to help locate everything from emerging fires to lost hikers faster and with more precision. this app. >>has reduced our response time significantly and easier way to speak or location. just say the words you can use descend. >>incredibly remote parts of the world and it will still work such an easy way to relay your location. my advice, download the what 3 words app now-you can get familiar with it. and even if you send your location of someone who doesn't have the app, they can still navigate right to you using their preferred maps app. all right. got the link our website. just go to rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >>you're watching kron on. we'll have more news after the break.
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>>well, a coyote caught
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roaming the streets of south san francisco looking for a little brunch. take a look at this video sent to us by one of our producers, family members that squirrel totally faking out this coyote. thousands taken near valley view way. the coyote chasing that poor squirrel. but luckily that squirrels got hops and hopped up a couple of fences and was able to scurry away so sorry, coyote got a look for something else to feast on today. well, if you're feeling lucky, the powerball lottery is up to 421 million dollars. there were no jackpot winners on saturday night's 400 million dollar drawing. so you can head out and get yourself a powerball ticket today. the next drawing is later tonight. maybe on your lunch break had out there and try and win some money. the golden state warriors missed their chance to sweep the denver nuggets in game 4 over the weekend. the warriors were in denver yesterday playing the nuggets, but fans were at home cheering
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for their team kronon sailor. but sackey has more. let me tell you, the energy was extremely hot, especially in those last few minutes when the game got really close. >>fans, of course, we're hoping for a sweep but are still confident heading into game 5. >>deadly very alleging a mine is deadly. nice to see the whole bay area and they get there deadly. very excited fans from the bay area and beyond. packed in to thrive city. at the chase center on sunday to watch the warriors take on the nuggets in game 4. >>as part of the playoffs, the warriors hosted watch parties this week while the team was on the road in denver. buys good first year that city and give came to support the team. now the dubs will return to the chase center on wednesday
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after missing their chance to sweep the nuggets on sunday. i don't care a because they in that and we will win stuff. you know, we could put him away. but i mean, they had to win one, right. so what will come back here? >>when back in the city and on round 2. >>the warriors will take on the nuggets here at the chase center for game 5 on wednesday night in san francisco. taylor >>thanks for watching. kron on at noon. i'm noelle bellow. we'll see you right back here at 3 o'clock. >>the news continues on kron on grab your phone and scanned the qr code on your screen to download the kron on app. also available on roku. amazon fire stick and apple tv.
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>> judge patricia: the truth is you don't want the dog. >> yeah. >> judge patricia: you just want the money at this point. >> i feel bad for the dog. the dog is too old. >> judge patricia: i think the dog's mad at you. look. >> [ laughs ] >> ♪ let's go ♪ >> announcer: "hot bench." judge tanya acker. judge patricia dimango. judge michael corriero. three judges. three opinions. three judges. three opinions. one verdict. captions paid for by cbs television distribution >> sonia: your honor, this is case number 135, cotter vs. wood. >> judge patricia: thank you, sonia. mr. cotter, you were selling a litter of french bulldogs. they're pedigree puppies. you're selling them for $3,700. you came to learn that the defendant was looking to purchase one. she made an agreement that she


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