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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  April 27, 2022 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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>>now from 4, the bay area's local news station. >>now at noon, the jfk drive in golden gate park is closed to cars permanently. we spoke with some san francisco residents for their immediate reactions. and not everyone is happy about dropping the mask mandate. some east bay commuters are asking to bring the mask mandate back for public transportation. why they're calling this a major public health issue. plus, san jose police just announced more details on the suspects involved in kidnapping the 3 month-old baby. how they are
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related to the baby's family. thanks so much for joining us on kron on news at noon. i'm stephanie land. >>just into our newsroom, there's new information from san jose police on the kidnapping case of that 3 month-old baby. we're learning more about the 3 suspects. police say took the child kron on's. charles clifford is live in san jose with the latest word from investigators. charles? >>yeah, well, we just wrapped up a press conference with the san jose police department a short time ago where they're shooting some more light on what happened. we still have some very a big unanswered questions here. let's start by talking about the people that they have in custody, accused of taking 3 month-old brandon quay are. let's go and take a look at their mug shots here. now the san jose police department says that they are jose por there on the left. use ramirez and sandoval. now, this all started on monday when the police department the grandmother of the 3 month-old baby was at home. she went outside to get some groceries and a man took the child from
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the home. police say that the man who took the child was por they're also now saying that the female who is currently in custody is saying it was actually with the grandmother earlier in the day and was in contact with and they were coordinating. the other person was taken into custody. sandoval, we don't know his connection to this case overall so far. but he is in custody as well. now the baby was found yesterday about 5 miles from where he was taken. he was okay. they also at least a rest, at least one suspect there are at that location. now, the big question here that i have, everyone has is why did they take this child now today at the press conference with the police department, we asked that question and the police department that this was their response. >>there are some parts of the investigation that cannot be revealed that we're not ready to share them with the public because we do not want to compromise investigation. very, very important to maintain the integrity of this investigation because we want these 3 people to be held
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fully accountable. yes, so not a lot of details there. as far as the motive for this crime. so far, all 3 suspects are facing charges for kidnapping. >>conspiracy to commit kidnapping, child abduction and home invasion. those charges could change as the investigation progresses. but that's where things stand as of today. but for now in the south bay, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >>lots of unanswered questions in this case, but certainly glad that the baby is safe. thank you so much for that live report. now to the north bay, the sonoma county sheriff's office says officers are dealing with a suspected bomb threat that's happening right now at a safeway store in guerneville the store and parking lot on highway one. 16 are closed. authorities are urging people to please stay away from this area. also new at noon mountain view. police say they have resolved a standoff with a barricaded burglary suspect at the city's community service agency. police say the person first
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barricaded themselves inside the building on steer lynn road around. 8 o'clock this morning. crisis negotiators and health partners from the county were called in and police announced the standoff was over shortly before 11:00am more details are expected to be released later today. in oakland, another business owner is sweeping up broken glass after his juice bar was vandalized and broken into for the 3rd time since first opening last year. it happened at got juice on macarthur boulevard near laurel elementary school suspects broke in through the window and stole the cash register, which the owner says didn't even have much in it. the store was hit the first time around this time last year he was hit again 6 months later. the owner says that as an oakland native, he's feeling very frustrated about this. they say the shop no lnger accepts credit or rather will be accepting cash will no longer accept cash in an attempt to further prevent
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these break. ins. oakland teachers are getting ready to strike on friday. they gathered for a news conference tuesday at the port of oakland. the strike is in response to the oakland unified school district's plan to merge and close schools. the district has said the move is necessary to avoid budget short falls and improve the quality of education. but the teachers union says the district illegally backed out of a 2019 agreement which gives teachers a chance to provide input before schools are closed. >>decision some we welcome to stand. the community. and on the good lie. >>the oakland school district superintendent called the strike a violation of the current collective bargaining agreement between the district and the teachers union. friday strike is scheduled to start at 6.30 in the morning. a
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judge will hear the unions complaints on may 20th. in san francisco. the city's board of supervisors has voted to keep jfk drive closed to cars for good kron. 4 sarah stinson brings us the reaction from neighbors in the area. >>people out here biking walking and running on jfk, drive in golden gate park are so excited to hear that it will remain car free for >>very exciting. i mean, we're just biking up from the beach and, you know, we don't have to worry about cars. you be my 8 year-old. he can run through. can bike. >>it just makes the most sense. the san francisco board of supervisors voted and approved a car free jfk after meeting for 12 hours with. >>hundreds of people voicing their opinions didn't think i would ever see this. it's just it's just wonderful. and i called in and get public comment yesterday. several organizations have been working tirelessly for months. efforting this, including
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walk, has sent its going to be generations of people who get to enjoy this for ever. it's so it's like i might cry because it is still still hitting the i'm so happy. there are some people against this, though, someone jfk open to cars on weekdays for more accessibility jfk first became 100% car free back in april of 2020 by mayor london breed. and people in the city fell in love with this. now 300,000 people use it per month every single day commute on recreate on it right by before it was closed to traffic. the organization walk, sfa says it was on the city's list of most dangerous streets. crashes are happening here frequently enough very occasionally fatal. there was a bicyclist got killed jfk. mayor london breed tweeted this out saying today is a historic day. the board just voted to make jfk drive permanently car free. we still have work to do but passing this legislation is where we begin to make real
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change. she's talking about is like right now, the street is still designed for cars in terms of the lanes and everything. so being able to re pages so that there's a fast lane in the slow lane. and so this could be really the dreamy space. we wanted to be walk. sf is holding a big celebration for this vote. it's going to be tomorrow from 4 to 7 right here at the conservatory. you can join if you'd like to celebrate. for now, i'm sarah stinson reporting in san francisco. back to a lot of joy being expelled being felt out there and it's nice to see on a skateboard, too. it's a lot of fun. >>well, starting now, if you're an east bay mud customer, the agency wants you to start conserving water or you could be fined. >>people are being asked to reduce water usage by 10%. east bay mud is allocating a total of 1600 gallons of water per household each day. if you go over that amount, you will be fine based on how much water you use. all right. let's get a quick check on our forecast. we have kron on meteorologist john shrable here with the details.
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>>well, good wednesday. we are definitely seeing some nice weather as we work our way through the middle of this week. we've seen consistently dry skies. but after a warm we cool down yesterda and today we're keeping that same feel around. you can see outside from your east bay hills camera, the sunshine that we've held onto for much of the day, a few passing clouds here and there. but overall today is just bringing more cool sunshine. definitely long sleeve shirt, light jacket, kind of stuff out there. temperatures in the 70's for a few of our inland areas, 60's for much of the rest of the bay. and importantly, so in san francisco where later on tonight, we are going to see the giants and the a's going at it again. 06:45pm tonight, his first pitch and temperatures around that time will be in the upper 50's. now here's the catch to it. we are going to start to see the sun growing a little higher in the horizon. so you're going to be in the shade for a lot of the game. and you're also going to be seeing winds at 10 to 30 miles per hour. so make sure to bundle up for this game. it's definitely going to be cool. much like last night was
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of more in your forecast. still to come on the show. >>all right. now to international news, a u.s. marine veteran is back on american soil after a prisoner exchange with russia. russia traded trevor reed for a convicted russian drug trafficker reid was arrested in 2019 after russian authorities say he assaulted an officer while they drove him to a police station following a night of drinking. he was sentenced to 9 years in prison. the russian drug trafficker was serving a 20 year prison sentence for conspiracy to smuggle cocaine in the u.s. the prisoner swap marks the highest profile release during the biden administration. new today russian president vladimir putin says he wants to achieve his goals of winning the invasion of ukraine. russia also announcing its withdrawal from the united nations world tourism organization just hours before its membership was temporarily suspend suspended. russia also shut off the gas supplies to poland and bulgaria. this last move
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comes after the 2 countries refused to pay for gas and russian currency. russia now warning it will reduce gas supplies for other european nations trying to share it supplies with the cut-off countries, both poland and bulgaria are members of nato. the house committee investigating the u.s. capitol insurrection is stepping up efforts to have gop leader kevin mccarthy appear for an interview. the push comes after audio tapes in the days after the riot caught mccarthy telling fellow republicans that he would ask president donald trump to resign the tapes also reveal mccarthy worried some of trump's house gop allies. we're putting people in jeopardy with their rhetoric. committee chairman bennie thompson says the panel may issue a second request to mccarthy who has declined to voluntarily appear. presidents past and present gathered to honor the life of the late secretary of state madeleine albright today, her funeral
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service began this morning and it's happening right now at the washington national cathedral with more than 1400 people in attendance as the first female u.s. secretary of state. alright champion the expansion of nato such a reduce the spread of nuclear weapons and promoted human rights and democracy across the globe. president biden described her as a force of nature and a champion of democracy. >>may her memory continue? be a blessing to our nation. a neighbor remember. her words into deeds? they should always be a light. >>all those in the darkest places. reminder. we're obligation to one another. >>alright served as the nation's top diplomat and late 90's during the clinton administration. former president obama awarded her the presidential medal of freedom in 2012. she died of last month of cancer at age. 84. coming up on kron on some
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east bay commuters are calling the ac transit to bring back the mask mandate. >>what the board with the parts for president has to say about it. plus, parents are up in arms after a middle school. it was beaten up in class. but where was the teacher? you're watching kron on more news
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>>the east bay where new video shows a fight erupting inside a 6th grade classroom in
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antioch kron on's taylor bisacky describes what exactly led up to that brawl. when the parents say the students were left unsupervised. >>exclusive cell phone video shared with kron. 4 news apparently shows a 6th grade student being tossed around by another student inside a classroom at park middle school in antioch on monday. the fact that there was no teacher there. >>and that's the whole problem with all of this. you know, like that's the most on a capital thing about this a concerned parent who didn't want to share their identity out of fear of retaliation against their child, says. >>the teacher of that class room didn't show up for school monday morning and no substitute was provided me this all the time for coming from her school that this time there's there was no one there. >>to break up the fight, it was no adult supervision. it was a staff member running across a you know, from a mean, sometimes happens at lunch and they don't have anyone direct the supervising them at
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>>you know, it will be seen from a distance system was somewhere. we'll break it up. but there nothing. nothing being done at all. she says. >>this behavior shouldn't be tolerated at the school you get. it happens repeatedly and often times it's the same students allegedly starting the flights. the parents says she's now worried about what is and isn't being taught at the middle school. my concerns are that my child is not getting an education. >>not an academic education ad and education and how to fight. and taylor bisacky reporting kron. 4 news. >>drought in california is forcing some bay area cities to make some big changes. most recently, the east bay water board voted to put new limits on water usage. kron on's theresa stasi was more on the warning for homeowners who could face tougher penalties. >>we're going into a stage 2 drought. that means that customers are going to be required, not asked to conserve water effective immediately. east bay
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municipal utility district customers must. >>start conserving water or else face penalties. the board approved the move into stage 2 drought at its tuesday meeting. district spokesperson andrea polk breaks down. what happens next? >>we're asking them to conserve water at a level of temper and that is district-wide not individually. some people can save more. and some people have already taken, you know, significant measures. polk says that the board stopped short of putting in a drought surcharge or rate hike to help pay for extra water supplies due to the drought, tabling that tell a meeting in may. >>but the board will start an excessive water use penalty ordinance. that puts a limit of slightly more than 1600 gallons per household. and if you go over that daily rate, it is $2 per unit. it's definitely time to take that seriously. so it was tempting
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back in october and december to think that we were out of the are dry january a march. certainly polk says all of this is not to punish households, but >>face a reality. a 3 year statewide drought. i would say the most important thing for people is that what they do really matters what they do counts collectively, we really can make a difference. and we must make a difference in case next year is dry to recess. stasio kron. 4 news. >>dublin, unified teachers, family and community members are demanding more support and better resources for students. the dublin teachers association says that it feels the district is not doing all it can to better retain and recruit educators for dublin schools. the association president telling kron 4 right now have a number of special education teacher, vacancies along with math and science vacancies district wide. >>that was last in alameda county with 30 years of service credit that come when people join our district. we
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only take 5 years with districts around our county take anywhere from 9 to all years of service. and that's a huge contention when you're recruiting educators and then obviously we are also working toward salary enhancements for the retention of our current in place and the recruitment process. >>the teachers association also says they are looking forward to their next negotiation meeting with the district that's planned for mid may. you're watching kron on. we'll have more news after this.
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>>the los angeles times is firing back against the la sheriff or targeting one of its journalists. this comes after that report are uncovered possible misconduct inside the sheriff's office. kareen wynter has that story. >>la county sheriff alex up on the defensive >>entirely orchestrated for political purposes only and taking aim at those accusing him and his department of a cover up in the case involving one of his deputies seen on video last march using excessive force after placing his knee on an inmate's head for 3 minutes inside a detention center. >>commander ali castillo know is seen here in a photo. the sheriff included in his lengthy news conference, just an alleged bn 11 and other high ranking leaders as detailed in his legal claim against the county obstructed
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justice and retaliated against him for a temp stabbed. the incident investigated because claims both the sheriff undersheriff and assistant chief or view the controversial recording days after the incident and that the an a-level fought to keep the case from the headlines to avoid bad press for his department. the sheriff slammed those reports saying he didn't see the video until last november and that custody for his part failed to follow proper protocols and reporting the incident. the foundation of this entire lawsuit is false. >>everything in this lawsuit is false. the question is when i see it. the claimant in march is false. i know where they got the from us not run for click bait. go to the 3rd one. the sheriff also blasted the la times and showed a series of stories he shredded asphalt reporting even going as far as saying he's investigating this la times. reporters a lean chick many and in connection with leaked information. there's a lot of people working in concert in coordination that includes the la times. that includes people that. >>obviously want to defeat me
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electorally. that includes the the board appointed inspector general and the civilian oversight commission. the sheriff said he and other officials within his department are ready to testify under oath in federal court on all the accusations being leveled against the county. stay on as attorney challenge the sheriff's handling of this case and said he's filing a lawsuit against the sheriff's department within the next 45 days lying and saying that conducting a criminal investigation into. >>whistleblowers themselves. it's a complete waste of taxpayer payers dollars in certain ways to the county's money for him to be spending time basically covering up is actually center following the law following proper procedure. and it's a cover up as responses to cover it up more. >>that was kareen wynter reporting. the la times issued a statement saying the sheriff's attack on the reporter is outrageous and that his attempt to
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criminalize news reporting goes against constitutional law. florida is creating its own police force to target allegations of voter fraud, creating the dedicated office of election crimes and security, the bill embrace is a top priority of republicans after former president trump falsely claimed his re election was stolen. voter fraud is rare. an associated press investigation found fewer than 475 potential cases out of more than 25 million ballots cast in 2020 desantis is currently running for reelection in florida. some also say he is considering a run for president college. students across the u.s. are looking for housing for the next school year and that search has not been easy for everyone. students right now face a massive housing shortage and surging rents. the lack of housing both on campus and off has been a longstanding problem that many schools, including here in california, uc berkeley has limited dorm space and competition is pretty fierce
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for nearby off campus units we can which can start at $1600 a month for a studio, but certainly more than what i paid for back in the day. most students say they had no idea of the housing situation when they chose to attend uc berkeley. >>feel like most students go into this process blind and i'm not knowing how bad and how difficult it is to find grateful for your head in berkeley. i definitely was not prepared. >>to be distressed about housing every year and about it can in march. the university said it would have to cap student enrollment numbers because of a lawsuit. >>rob, by upset neighbors, i'm angry over the school's continuing growth. however, state lawmakers fast track to fix to allow the campus to enroll as many students as planned for the 2022 fall semester. you're watching kron on. we'll have more news after this.
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>>welcome back. the fight over face masks continues. some east bay commuters now demanding the mandate be brought back for those taking public transit kron. 4 s camila barco. he's here with more on the matter. advocates are calling a public health issue. >>barr and the east bay transit riders union want to bring back mask on public transportation. union leaders say that this will help reduce the spread of covid-19. the bar right trains. we're buses
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the union as a group of riders who use public transportation daily. they want the ac transit's board of directors. >>to bring back mask on buses that run in the east bay. in a letter to the board of directors, the union says they owe it to the people who ride these buses that are high-risk and vulnerable because by not wearing them, it could lead to serious health problems. they also argue that taking no ation is likely to drive people away from taking the buses parts for president rebecca saltzman also wants to see people wearing mask on bart trains at all times. >>she sent a letter to 5 bay area counties where bart operates urging them to make masks requirement on public transportation sussman says she's not trying to make mask a permanent thing, but they would like to have a mask requirement, at least until july bart's board of directors will consider this mask requirement at a meeting tomorrow. tonight, the ac
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transit board of directors will be meeting. they will be discussing whether mask should be mandatory on public transportation. ys. >>that meeting is scheduled for 5 this afternoon. for now. back to you. thanks, camila for your report. >>a booster shot for kids ages 5 to 11 could be on the way. pfizer and biontech submitted applications to have the fda athough authorized the move. the company say the 3rd vaccine dose raises the number of omicron fighting antibodies in the body by 36 times. studies have shown 2 doses of the booster shot in kids provided protection against more severe illness. it's not clear when the fda's advisory committee will meet to discuss the data and make a recommendation. the white house is warning what could happen if congress does not pass another round of covid funding soon. democrats say they are ready to move forward. but right now republicans say they don't support it. our correspondent anna wiernicki is in washington with more.
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>>good morning. the white house is putting the pressure on congress this week to act. they say that without additional funding the u.s. will lose out on covid treatments. >>good afternoon, everybody. white house covid-19 response she's john says the u.s. is at an inflection point. deaths are continuing to fall. >>we're down about 300 deaths today. >>still to many, but john says the u.s. needs to ready itself for new mutations and variants congress has not stepped up to provide the funds that are needed for our most urgent needs earlier this month, congress announced they reached a bipartisan deal on a 10 billion dollar covid-19 relief bill. less than half of the 22.5 billion. the white house requested. but lawmakers that for recess without a vote, the holdup republicans will need to have. >>title 42 vote. at some point here in all likelihood on the covid package.
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>>senate minority leader mitch mcconnell says republicans won't support it unless it includes an amendment that targets president biden's plans to let the pandemic asylum policy known as title. 42, this is extremely important. >>the border is already entirely to open. it shouldn't be used to hold up important things like covid aid. but democrats say the need for funding is critical. >>the white house says it's already exhausted funds to purchase a 4th round of covid-19. vaccine doses and they've already started to cut back shipments of anybody, treatments to states to make supplies last longer. it's very risky for the health of the american people for them to be playing political games with it. senate democrats need at least 10 republicans on board in order to pass the bill. >>and schumer says that he'll be meeting with members throughout the week to try to reach some sort of agreement as quickly as possible. for nowin washington, i'm anna wiernicki. back to you. >>the u.s. is now out of the pandemic phase. that's according to doctor anthony
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fauci. the nation's top infectious disease experts saying the country is no longer reporting tens of thousands of new infections hospitalizations and deaths per day. doctor fauci did say that. well, that what's happening in the u.s. does not necessarily reflect what's happening in the rest of the world and that we are still in a global pandemic. he also warned that the virus cannot be wiped away completely and long-term vaccination programs may still need to continue on a yearly basis. all right. let's talk. let's check in on our forecasts. current count on meteorologist john travel is here with the john. >>well, another nice one today. we've got consistent weather this weekend by consistent. i mean, dry and sunny, because temperatures did definitely cool down yesterday. we're keeping that cool feel around as we work our way to your wednesday to this dip in the jet stream that we're currently in the midst of will only be heightened by that next cold front sweeping through later on. going to keep things cool and breezy for yet another day
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into tomorrow. futurecast shows that we do remain dry. a little bit of cloud cover here and there into tomorrow morning. a spot of fog is possible, but into the afternoon, even clear skies than what today has brought us now as we work into friday, there's your warm-up temperatures start to climb. setting us up for a weekend that could even bring a couple of 80's come saturday. 50's will be your daytime highs near the coastline today and 60's for your bayshore cities. burlingame, 62 redwood city saying carlos among spots at 64 south bay, temperatures just shy of the 70's comfortable. as long as you've got that light jacket, maybe a sweater, long sleeve t-shirt temperatures in the 70's starting in concord, on over towards antioch. and then on up into much of solano, sonoma and napa counties. santa rosa today, you'll be at 71. definitely jackets needed towards the coast of some 50's out that way. breezy conditions continue bill today and tomorrow as deuce does this cooler trend of weather temperatures this weekend, though, really start to climb,
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will be well back into the 70's already by friday and saturday nearing 80 degrees sunday. we're kicking off a brand new month may with some sunshine and 70's and monday may second, our only chance of showers in this forecast. we'll be looking at a chance of just a few light sprinkles to start off your next week. >>a week to have our light jackets handy in contra costa county. the oakland police department is expected to announce a reward for information in the disappearance of a lexus game that's happening tomorrow. the 24 year-old was last seen on january. 26 in antioch. police say they've been pursuing leads in this case and are now turning to the public for help. more details on the reward will be announced tomorrow. police will also be sharing their updates on the investigation. we'll be streaming the news conference live thursday at 11 right here on kron on. alameda. police are investigating a suspicious death after a body was discovered in a parking lot. police say a customer spotted the body and called 9-1-1.
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this was last thursday near the knob hill parking lot and blanding and broadway on blanding and broadway. i should say anyone with information is asked to please contact alameda police. allay business is vandalized and their surveillance video to prove it. you can see the suspect arriving on a bike there. and then he just starts throwing objects at the windows. this happened on broadway street. the owners told us the man appeared to be intoxicated and that he harassed them. the business owners also say that they tried to get the man to leave. they recorded encounter on their cell phones. they also gave us a photo of the man the business owners have reported the incident to police. a bill that would prevent police from using the dna of assault survivors to investigate. unrelated crimes has passed a state senate committee. san francisco da chesa boudin and state senator scott wiener wrote the bill earlier this
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month. judy, in condemned the san francisco police department for using rape victim's dna to arrest them for future crimes. not long after police chief bill scott vow to stop the practice and it is now banned in san francisco. however, it is still allowable throughout other parts of the state and the country. a controversial plan to get the homeless and severely mentally ill into court ordered care passed unanimously. the plan known as care court was proposed by governor gavin newsome, california health and human services secretary doctor mark galli says it's expected to help between 7,000 to 12,000 people. but the measures face opposition from some disability, mental health and civil liberty groups. >>that's forced care works well for people with mental health disabilities. and we don't feel that there's a good evidence base to support it. >>how much care court could cost is still to be determined. while twitter and
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musk work to finalize the new 44 billion dollar deal. the world's richest man explained his definition of free speech giving us some insight into his future plans for twitter in a tweet this week, musk started off by acknowledging his critics writing, quote, the extreme antibody reaction from those who fear free speech says it all by free speech. i simply mean that which matches the law i am against censorship that goes far beyond the law. musk has been a vocal critic of twitter's current policies, which include restricting and blocking some users. the most notable than being the ban of former president donald trump. elon musk has a history of taking his companies out of california and bringing them to texas. just last year he moved part of tesla's headquarters to texas and with his acquisition of twitter. the question now is will the social media company's soon leave san francisco markie martin talked with some experts in the tech industry.
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>>i would send them motivated by curiosity more than anything. >>justice twitter's board moved to accept elon musk's. 44 billion dollar offer for the social media giant. texas governor greg abbott took to the platform saying this at elon musk bring twitter to texas to join tesla. spacex and the boring company. 21 was the busiest year in the history of the state for corporate location. that's a fact at curtis is ceo of why texas, a company that helps businesses move to the lone star state. he says while musk tesla transition from california to austin certainly open the floodgates for other businesses to relocate, it doesn't mean twitter is guaranteed to follow my crystal ball on anything that elon musk does. >>is it we have no idea. >>while opening tesla's massive gigafactory earlier this month. looks like he's made himself right at home here, donning a cowboy hat and
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hosting a cyber rodeo to celebrate the milestone. we need a place where we can be really bad. >>and there's no place like texas. so here we are, where we're 10 minutes from the airport. 15 minutes from downtown central got access to awesome talent. thank you, austin. thank you. travis county, tesla built the factory after receiving about 64 million dollars in tax breaks and guarantees from state county and local school districts taxing authorities. but when you combine the regulatory environment and the tax environment for a company to supply chain and being very close to your customers and to your vendors and suppliers. at the end of the day, it's a huge savings for that company. >>that was markie. martin reporting for us. coming up on kron on from the bay to outer space. one bay area native is making history by shooting for the
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>>a former secret service agent is one of the first people to be pardoned by president biden since he took office. abraham bolden was the first african american secret service agent assigned to the presidential protective division. reporter julian cruz has reaction from the community in chicago now that this agent's name has been cleared. >>but julie, the very much so joe nathan hand and so many others you talk to here and
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abraham bolden, southside neighborhood, thrilled to get news of the presidential part. >>he's outstanding a so a whole lot. a lot of kids without, you know, let anybody for to go in a new bolden for decades, a mentor to kids pictured here in a 2010, chicago's very own. >>with micah materre talking about the racism he encountered in the early 60's during his years with the secret service. but golden. >>and i'm sitting right next to it. you know? and and it it was all i could do. you my first reflex one was to give this guy a shot and break is joe tapped by president john f kennedy to join the secret service. bolden made history. the first african-american to serve on a white house detail. but his efforts to uncover rampant racism and misconduct in the service. bolden maintains leading to retaliation and false charges. the tragically landed him in
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prison for nearly 4 years. i love america. america is my country. you understand. and so when america makes a mistake like they did, in my case. >>the new stand up and you tell them air. it made a mistake for many here in bolden's neighborhood near 76 and halsted. he's a profile in courage. never letting racism and questionable accusations defeat him. >>i'm really happy is devoted to get pardoned. i believe more people should be pardoned. that's deserving of it. that was julian crews reporting for us. bolden was originally appointed by john f kennedy in 1961. >>and was convicted in 1964. on bribery charges. now, the bay area baseball, the giants and a's kicked off the bay bridge series in san francisco. let's go to the 3rd inning with the giants up by a run. and wilmer flores sends this one deep to left field. that is a three-run home run.
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it gives the giants a four-run lead. then in the bottom of the 7th austin slater drives on the right field. that's another three-run home run for the giants. san francisco goes on to win by a final of 8 to 2 game. 2 of the bay bridge series is tonight. first pitch is set for 6.45, at oracle park. happening today, the golden state warriors will try to finish off the denver nuggets in advance to the next round of the nba playoffs. the big question tonight is will steph curry start in game 5 he's not said whether staff will come off the bench. us steve kerr, i should say, steph has not started a game since returning from a foot injury. but kerr says that there is no longer a minutes restriction on steph. the warriors lost game 4 in denver. and coach kerr says there were a lot of lessons to learn from that loss. >>i think there are a lot of lessons from that you know, you never want to lose. you
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don't, you know, want to make you know, the a lesson for what we need to do better. and it's good for good for us to feel that that kind of pressure on the road. good for us to feel, you know, what happens when we get away from the game plan only kind of get outside ourselves a little bit. >>tipoff for tonight's game is set for 7 at the chase center. turning to our money segment, a large majority of americans say personal finance should be taught in high school and tesla. investors are worried that ceo elon musk is getting distracted by all the twitter buzz. jane king is in new york with those stories and more. >>shares of yesterday as ceo elon musk is in the process by twitter. of course, despite being the world's richest person, he's wealth is tied up in tesla stock. so he'd have to borrow against and maybe celso shares to fund the deal. now, assuming that it does
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close, most could then be in charge of tesla, twitter and space x, well, u.s. home prices rose by nearly 20% year over year finn february. this is the s and p corelogic kaye scholer national home price index. it says phoenix, tampa and miami had the highest year-over-year gains among the 20 cities that they tracked. in fact, the knicks led the way for the 33rd consecutive month with home prices rising 30 through percent from the year before san francisco's top home prices of 23%. and chipotle staffing is back at pre-pandemic levels. the ceo says the company is exploring even more automation like robotic chefs and most american adults to think the u.s. should do a better job of financial education in schools. the national endowment for financial education found 88% said their state should require a semester or year long financial education course for high school graduation, 75% said spending and budgeting is the most important topic, the kitchen learn. and then second was managing credit while some
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some people may be penny pinching to make it through the and inflation period. >>it turns out lots of more people will be spending big for mother's day. the national retail federation says that people will shell out a record amount of cash this year. total spending could reach about 31.7 billion for gifts. that's up 3.6 billion from last year. the average person is expected to spend about $246 on mother's day purchases. higher ticket items like jewelry and special. i outings will help drive spending. you're watching kron on. we'll have more news after this.
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>>now for some more tech news. fidelity has a new option for retirement plans. and we have we got a preview of the next iphone model. rich demuro has the latest in today's tech smart. >>here's what's happening in the tech world. fidelity will become the first major retirement plan to offer bitcoin as an investment. this will allow employees to invest in bitcoin to there for one case, fidelity is one of the biggest retirement plan. providers with 23,000 companies that use it, each company will decide if their employees get the big point option for their portfolios. then it's up to individual employees to actually invest in it. this is a major move that pushes cryptocurrency even further into the mainstream at a time when the government still doesn't have many crypto rules in place. the new iphone models are just
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under 6 months away. so what can we expect? well, for starters, the iphone many might be going away. this according to a new bloomberg report. but there will be a small and big screen size for both the regular iphone and the iphone. 14 pro models. this means you'll be able to get a big screen phone for about $200 less than last year. also this time around, only the pro models might get apple's latest processor. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart happening right now. history is being made. >>astronaut and stanford graduate jessica watkins is on her way to the international space station. >>she'll be the 3. >>should be the first black woman to work on the space station. >>spacex launched the astronauts in the early morning hours from kennedy
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space station. this is also the first nasa crew comprised equally of men and women. the crew will spend 5 months in space. spacex has now launched 5 crews for nasa and 2 private trips in just under 2 years. and arkansas high school student took a magical approach when designing her prom dress this year. haley scotch is a senior at prairie grove high school, a lover of art and the harry potter series. and she made her entire dress out of 2 of the books from that series. haley says the idea came from being a fan and finding comfort in the books. wheneve my parents got divorced, that was my main escape and comfort was sir harry potter. >>and i thought, well, this has to be magical. haley and her mom made the dress in 4 days. she plans to use it in the future to inspire others to be creative and to encourage people to wear more wearable art. thank you so much for watching. kron on at noon. i'm stephanie lynn,
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we'll see you back here at 3. >>the news continues on kron on grab your phone and scanned the qr code on your screen to download the kron on app. also available on roku. amazon fire stick and apple tv.
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>> i was texting him and asking him what the problem was. if there was any disease, he should've been the person to tell me that. he wouldn't respond anymore after that. >> judge tanya: i think you've got some responsibility there. >> announcer: "hot bench." judge tanya acker. judge patricia dimango. judge michael corriero. three judges. three opinions. three judges. three opinions. one verdict. captions paid for by cbs television distribution >> sonia: your honor, this is case number 134, scales vs. avendano. >> judge michael: thank you, officer montejano. all right, so this case really involves a dispute over landscaping services the defendant, mr. avendano, rendered. >> that's correct. >> judge michael: and you are suing because you claim that you


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