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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  May 2, 2022 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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bridge. one southbound, those 2 headlights making their way into san francisco moving without any problem and the northbound direction. also moving without incident. no worries on one-on-one throughout. well, any part are in or napa counties this morning, i can vouch for that. >> they go. and at 5 o'clock new this morning, more than 5,000 stanford nurses on strike could be back on the job this week. yeah. so the nurses reached apparently a tentative deal over the weekend and are now voting on the terms of that new contract. that's good news for sarah stinson is live in the newsroom with the details. hi, sarah. good morning. that's right. the strike lasted one week in seems to be over now that the nurses union and stanford hospital system have reached a tentative agreement. now, this is a huge relief for both parties involved, but also. >> for all of the patients is a lot of the non-emergency appointments and the surgeries were put on hold because of this strike 5,000 nurses hit the picket line last week last monday, rather. they've been going for a whole week saying
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they're overworked and underpaid. i mean, look at the turnout in that video. there's so many nurses out there many saying they're burned out from the last 2 years of the pandemic during the strike. other nurses have filled in to help the hospital get by. and, you know, do some of the more emergency appointments. stanford health says after extensive discussions, they reached a tentative agreement on a 3 year contract that supports their nurses, health and ongoing professional development. a federal mediator was used at the bargaining table on thursday and friday to help with negotiations and to gain some success. and it looks like it worked today. the union should be voting on to explore whether to accept the contract. and if all goes well, the plan is for those nurses that were on strike to go back to work tomorrow. so that is something we'll stand by on if they do sign it. if they do, they'll head back to work tomorrow. darya james, huge relief for everybody. i mean, we're doing a 5,000
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nurses. it was definitely a destructive one. but one that these nurses said needed to some of that relief and a new contract. for now back to you and we'll see how that vote goes. thank you very much, sara. >> time is 5, 0 one in the south bay, san jose. police say that a woman was crossing the street outside of a crosswalk when she was struck and killed by a car in the crash happened at the interchange at capital avenue. a second vehicle also and of hitting the woman. both of the driver stayed on the scene and cooperated with the police. we don't have the name of the victim at this point, but it's san jose's 20th traffic fatality of the year and the 17th time a pedestrian has been struck and killed this year. >> and you can definitely obviously the sounds of the tires burning on the sidewalk.
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also, some sirens in the background. this is new video this morning from the citizens app showing one of several sideshows that took place early yesterday morning in san francisco. police say they responded to at least 3 separate sideshows between midnight and 02:00am. this particular one wasn't harrison and main streets. they and we know that there was one as well at geneva avenue and allegheny and then one at 13th street and south van ness avenue. police say that's where a marked squad car was vandalized by vehicles as they sped away from the sideshow. no arrests been made just yet. in the north. a suspected carjacker was caught in the nation with more than 60 pounds of marijuana in his possession and automated license plate reader alerted benicia police to the stolen vehicle. officers say that's where they found the car at a convenience store parking lot. and it was during a search of that vehicle that officers found you see on your screen, 2 large trash bags in the back seat with 67 pounds of marijuana inside the driver refused to come out of the store for a short time, but
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was eventually arrested. he had warrants out of alameda and solano counties for crimes ranging from robbery to felony assaults. it's 5, 0, 3, and happening now, the city of pleasanton is in a stage. 2 drought alert. yes, so that a declaration by the city means that new water restrictions and higher rates will likely go into effect ground force. will tran has the details live this morning. i will. >> good morning, james and area not likely will go into effect is in effect, actually started yesterday. city of pleasanton asked people back in october to conserve 15% of their water. and that's is facing many people did many people did not end. the drought is still ongoing, which is why they decided as of yesterday they will in axed h 2. so it is that mean for you. if you use the same amount of water, brace yourself because that means your water bill could possibly go up more than 3 times. what you currently pay and they use
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basically this jumping off point james and area. so they use 748 gallons as a reference point. so before this 748 gallons of water with cost you about 17 or $0.18 per gallon with stage 2 now of john sepsis. 65 per 748 gallons. so that's more than triple the amount that you would pay. and if the drought continues there, stage 3 and stage for in their back pockets for them to slap on to the customers as well. so let me give you that jumping off points. so right now we are about $0.65 for every 748 gallons. if this is ongoing, they could jump to stage 3 and that means it will be a $1.39. for every 748 gallons that you use. and then if it goes the stage for james and ari, a >> $2 and $0.91 748 gallons. well, that seems a lot. but if you think about how much you use around the house
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dishwasher showers and all the other things that probably will quickly add up. they first told us to say 15% of the water usage back in october. >> like i said, many people did many people didn't. but the bottom line is the drought is ongoing and that is why they're trying to stop people, not by just telling them, but by in essence, hurting them through their wallets. back to you. i guess if you can get them to do it voluntarily, then you're going to compel them with these higher rates. well, i wonder how many people watching notice that in their bills >> and change what they're doing because you're right. we need to do something to get out of this drought. >> well, i people probably don't, james, but i'm sure once the bill comes and then the like, what is this? they have a call center at the pleasanton civic center right behind me. and they will quickly answer those questions. plus, they already said they will send out flyers by mail or by email to alert. you that brace yourself because it will go up and you have the power. they say just take a quick or showers. and
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my neighbor used to say take are the showers, do it as fast as you can, because only have so much water. >> maybe take cold showers that will motivate with 5, 0, 6, is a tie right now. >> millions of people took to the streets around the world on sunday for may day. you can see that we've got a quad box for different shots from different spots around the world to show you the rallies that included people from all walks of life coming together in most places. the may day marches were the first that they've done in 2 years because of the pandemic this year, many of the rallies included a desperate call as well for world peace with protesters demanding an end to russia's war on ukraine. and bay area. college students joined in the may day march in san francisco. their message for the biden administration calling for cancellation of student debt kron four's gayle ong has the story.
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>> college students along with union members and activists marched through san francisco's mission district sunday afternoon. coming together in a show of solidarity pushing for higher wages. students are urging the biden administration to any student debt. students are essential workers. a lot of times they end up having to take a lot of jobs. >> to fulfill the tuition that is rising right now. san francisco state university student vanessa torres plans to get a second job to cover tuition. everyone is honestly impact when it comes to even though it seemed as an individualized issue. it's your peers yourself, the economy and your community as well. according to the education data initiative, more than 43 million people are burdened by student loan debt nationwide. >> in total that accounts for more than 1.0, 7 trillion dollars in unpaid student loans. president joe biden is considering student loan forgiveness with income caps in to can him too far long. and we are tired and we did. we demand for full student cancellation because it's
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necessary. and it's the bare minimum. other sf. state students showed up to have their voices heard that that that i've taken on. it's not just my friends have also taken on that for me, my >> my taken my for my youngest sister who just attended semester of college. he's actually taking out loans for her. first that i have already in crude. a lot of that. >> and it's made it very also, the first person in my family to go to college and that as a result of it being so costly and expensive, the students say they will continue to push president biden and local leaders to bring attention to student debt cancellation. >> in san francisco, gayle ong kron, 4 news. >> okay. it is 5, 0, 9, let's talk the fun time last night sent a golden gate golden gate, golden state warriors won against memphis. let u.s. start one that protect the second. yeah. they have to get through this second level of playoff semifinals. >> the worry is we're on the road and there was a watch
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party in san francisco conference either. second has peak. hundreds of fans gathered out here at thrive city to watch the jets take on and beat the grizzlies. san say the game was a little too close for comfort, but it definitely added to the excitement for this crowd. >> warriors fans fired up after the win against the memphis grizzlies in game one of the semifinal showdown going great. >> yes, you can hear my voice is cranky. mean, it came down to the last second. it a lot of bad calls by the refs today. but, you know, we pulled it out. and i think before that was a game, they did everything they could to take the game and we pulled it hold it out. i am just the latest right now. hundreds of people watch the worriers. take the w at the chase center. thrive city on sunday to watch the boys game one in my family because we want not year and see the of the some bear me and we want some grisly me today.
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>> you know, we're out here with fans, man. we just want to see the wind come back home so we can finish the deal for michelle hernandez. >> the wind felt extra special. my birthday the warriors won on the first number one gold blooded fans bought a baby now feeling more confident heading into game number 2. >> the warriors are back at it again on tuesday at memphis for game number 2 against the grizzlies in the semifinalist in san francisco, taylor fox. 4 news. >> awesome. 5.11. is the time. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. >> schools in several bay area counties are seeing a rise in covid cases. we'll tell you what they're doing to try to protect the students and the gilroy. garlic festival is apparently back. how one group is stepping up to try to help host the garlic festival this year. and lawmakers and the biden administration are feeling the pressure as title. 42 expires later this month.
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we're going to have a look and why lawmakers are so concerned. we'll be right back. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis under control? hide my skin? not me. because dupixent targets a root cause of eczema, it helps heal your skin from within, keeping you one step ahead of it. hide my skin? not me. and for kids ages 6 and up that means clearer skin, and noticeably less itch. with dupixent, you can change how their skin looks and feels. and that's the kind of change you notice. hide my skin? not me. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe.
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>> it's 5.14, and an aspiring story. now, a young california cancer survivors spending the last 9 months walking across america, raising money and awareness about pediatric cancer. we've got christine a >> gucci. with the more on the story. >> 246 days is how long it took for cody o'connor to cross america. and the amazing feat for anyone let alone someone who is told he would never walk normally ever again. >> the feeling is isn't saying. >> 26 year-old cancer survivor cody o'connor's. 3800 mile cross-country track finish here on santa monica pier. my knees are buckling a little bit from rush right now. yeah, it's. >> we made it huge feat for anyone, but especially for someone who is told this is not possible the doctors took my phone out of my leg, they woke me up after anna sesion said i'd never play sports again. >> not never walk normally again in my life. cody had his
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best friend, connor at his side, rooting him along the way. he was as much of a part of this is i was i could have done it without him for it being for such a great might couldn't really say no. >> think it's important just to know what the stands for. primarily that is >> well, the walk for hope. this video day. one of the walk for hope 10 months ago, june 17th 2021 for those that don't know the bone cancer survivor walking batter my to 30, a walking across america crossing into nevada. this is our 16th state. cody was challenge. she lived through southern pennsylvania, heard nearby gunfire in arizona was chased by farmers, got covid midway and did everything to save to maximize donations. we stayed in the car for majority of the last 70 days in order to conserve budget. there it is. our final state boundary as we enter the state of california and there were cool moments like the oklahoma thunder invited cody do again.
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he met ufc president dana white and got noticed by some pretty big names. >> you know, cody dj here, the most impactful part his journey meeting. that's a surprise. how low will have tail end of a little bit it is an amazing journey and it was all done raise awareness and it's a pretty incredible that kind of you know. okay. so now we're back here in the studio. let's talk a little bit about the weather and rain is standing by with that. and actually that look too bad outside a little breezy, though. yeah, if you notice that come, you know, you know, we're doing the kind of same thing that people are doing right now to, you know, you get ready, your print and stuff. you get your for jewelry on. get your makeup thought were human as well. rain. completely feel you have got half my just threw the latches to the finals where those but it is a gusty wind. >> outside, we're looking at sfo, clear skies. no rain in the forecast. that's the good news for us today. so for us
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to do like the rain, though, not great news, but again, dry conditions all throughout the week. now we have an onshore wind that's going to be here today. it's not until really start to warm up. and that sticks around for the next few days. our current temperatures in the mid to lower 40's, but our highs for today. look at this from a lay low 70's up there. napa. you're at 72 mid 60's in oakland hayward fremont south bay. 68 down there. morgan hill, you're at about 67 along the coast and half moon bay mid 50's for use of 56 in san francisco about 60. you also have to factor in those onshore winds. so it's going to be warmer conditions. but with a breeze to it. now, tuesday, wednesday, that's when we start to see warming trends. 80 degrees on tuesday for inland areas and then 90's into wednesday. so definitely a warm week for us thursday. we cool off just a bit. we call a tease. cool. it's better. the 90's along the bay
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shore mid 60's today with that onshore wind it's upper 70's there tuesday. 83 on your wednesday and then you gradually cool off into tuesday and fight along the coast. upper 50's there and then mid to lower 60's for the rest of the week. so again, that's a look at your forecast. a lot of planning hopefully get some outside things done. darya james, back to you. all right, ray, now let's take a peek at our bridges around the bay area. and they are just an easy ride. that's why i get up so early the house with for everybody else because you get while the getting is good, a bridge, good. santo bridge. i mean, there you have more company. there is so good. alright, richard sanibel, read you. what is it? good? just a few cars and you can see the commute is just starting. so it's really not any trouble. and i went over the golden gate bridge. it was pretty much like that. me in about 03:00am i the prince 5.19, right now, speaker of the house nancy pelosi becomes the highest ranking u.s. official to visit ukraine. she led a
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delegation of house lawmakers vowing that americans will support ukraine. our dc correspondent raquel martin has more. during her visit. speaker of the house nancy pelosi told the president of ukraine that the u.s.. >> we'll stand beside ukraine until the end of this war. and despite typical division on capitol hill, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle say they're ready to lend more support to ukraine. >> mean, it sunday speaker nancy pelosi and a delegation of lawmakers made a surprise visit to the capital of ukraine where they renewed america's promise to being there. when want go time during a sit-down meeting. pelosi, thank the president of ukraine for continuing his fight for democracy. the visit comes as russian aggression continues to escalate in parts of the countries on abc's this week, ukraine's ambassador to the u.s. said pelosi's visit speaks volumes as ukraine
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continues its battle on the ground. we need all the assistance we can get at the request of the president. members of congress are bowing to move swiftly to get more weapons and humanitarian aid to ukraine. this week, president biden asked congress to pass a massive 33 billion dollar aid package. time is of the essence. texas republican congressman michael mccall says it's critical. congress act now. >> to ensure ukraine has the tools to fight back as russia tries to advance the next 2 to 3 weeks. are you going to be very pivotal and very decisive in this war. and i don't think we have a lot of time to waste, but it's unclear just how quickly congress can move to pass president biden's 33 billion dollar request. congressman mccaul putting all the time that house lawmakers will not be in session this week. for now in washington, raquel martin, back to you. 5.21. and political pressure is mounting on the biden administration to address immigration concerns. yeah.
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ongoing fight now over the end of a policy known as title. 42 is dominating that conversation. >> we have washington correspondent hannah brandt standing by live in d c with the latest. good morning, anna. >> daria james, good morning title. 42 is a public health policy that's been blocking migrants from coming across our southern border with mexico and the controversy is that later this month it's set to expire. >> the department of homeland security is on the defensive were intensifying. our efforts were adding resources to it. secretary alejandro mayorkas has been touting his agency's plan to tackle the anticipated surge of migrants wants title. 42 ends. he told nbc's meet the press. they've been preparing for months. the infusion of additional resources to the border, the surge of personnel, the surge of transportation capabilities, medical support. but some lawmakers say we aren't prepared to including senator john boozman. this is going to be a crisis.
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>> but a biden administration manufactured crisis. others are supportive of lifting title. 42 senator tim kaine tell cbs news face the nation. the policy wasn't meant to be used as a long-term immigration fix and the right answer for the border is not an emergency. short-term regulation, right? answers permanent fixes that will help and the biden administration agrees they've been calling on congress to address what they see as a broken immigration system. secretary mayorkas said on fox news sunday, there's a need for legislation that streamlines the process for migrants building the orderly legal pathways for people to obtain relief under our laws. >> out title, 42 is supposed to expire on may 23rd, but it is sort of in some sort of legal limbo because there are lawsuits that are aiming to keep it in place and those are still working their way through the courts live in washington, i'm hannah brandt. thanks, hannah.
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>> we'll take a break here at 5.23. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. a train like a celebrity? well, there's an app that can help you do that. we'll tell you about it. coming up next.
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♪♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at save on gifts for mom during now you know. kohl's friends and family sale! take an extra 25% off. and get dresses starting at $18.74. pajamas for $20.99. and 65% off jewelry. plus, kohl's rewards members get $20 off! more style. more savings. kohl's. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected
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to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. >> so there's a workout app that is making your workout with with a personal trainer more affordable. yes waiver for double parent lee. >> and that the celebrities use that's pretty expensive at the moment. but that plus, do
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how would you like to be able to scan a baseball card and basically no instantly. >> what it's i know a lot of people are like, yeah, rich, you are. how much money are sitting on? yes in the garage in boxes that need to be moved. rich demuro has a look at the tech smart report. >> personal training once reserved for the rich and famous now affordable and available to everyone through an app called hip train. one of the advantages you've got professional was trained on how the human body works. helping you accomplish your goals. the price tag. just $7 for a 30 minute session. $14 for a full hour of one-on-one instruction. get world class personal trainer may on the that put together your workout plan based on your goals. don't come to rest on director for me and right on site. the first week is free and you always get the same trainer. you hold your phone. really close your present. while
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looking at a text, you start pulling it it becomes readable icu's. my reader number app helps you figure out which reading glasses to get all of us notices problem. i'm at a restaurant. it's called presbyopia and mostly starts after age 40, the telltale sign menus get tougher to read in low light. the $3 app does a quick vision test using augmented-reality this really solve the problem of do you need it and what power do you need? that works best for you. finally collects is an app that lets you scan sports cards to see how much they're worth. we were like really struggling to find the prices for developed by a new jersey father and son. the app reveals average prices in seconds on baseball, football and basketball cards. people a lot of faces from we kindly doesn't the so that average is usually based on the 10 transactions within the last 6 months come not included. i really like i'm going through the pack and then finding that good player. and you're like,
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oh, my god, that's so cool. >> the gilroy garlic festival was set to be canceled indefinitely. but an organizer of another festival has offered to step in and m [ indistinct conversations ] ♪ hey, class. this is lily. ♪ when you see things differently, you can be the difference. welcome. capella university looks at education differently.
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our flexpath learning format helps you control the pace and cost of your master's degree. make your difference with capella university. sure, feels good when you get it right. and with the number one powered toothbrush brand recommended by dental professionals. philips sonicare makes it easy for you to always get brushing right.
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>> 31 now we're checking out the weather before you head looks like it's going to be pretty nice day. yeah. a little overhead. and i know the winds are picking up 2. we've got rain is standing by
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with that. good morning, rain. good morning. yes. so today we're going to see some winds out there and now it looks quiet right now but expect some onshore wind still cool us down into the rest of the day. a live look outside at the berkeley hills. you can see clear conditions. all right. we're talking about those winds. you can see up in fairfield conquered, really getting them. >> situated here in oakland at 20 miles per hour are also picking up along the coast as well. so those onshore winds stick around today. tomorrow is when we start to warm up. we gradually continue that warming trend into the middle of the week and then we get it right towards the end of the week. current temperatures outside right now mid to lower 50's in the east bay south. a 51 49 at half moon bay up here in the north bay petaluma napa all in the mid to lower 40's. we're tracking your 7 day. that's coming up next. are you james, back to you. >> all right. thank you very much. rain. a quick check of the roads for you this morning. traffic still nice and light here on westbound 80. no issues as you make your way across the bay bridge into san francisco. there is one problem spot in oakland. that's a traffic accident on a
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southbound 8.80, just north of 9.80. so it's not really affecting the flow to the bay bridge. just know that there's the center divide there that might slow you down if you're heading southbound 80 way into oakland. all right. here's the san mateo bridge. no problems to report here. volume, as you can see, picking up with a few more head tail lights in the commute direction. but all in all, it's not bad as you make your way from hayward out towards foster city. let's jump to the north. the richmond, sandra fell bridge where we've got just a trickle of a traffic there heading from richmond out towards marin county. so far, so good. no problems on the span. keep your hands on the wheel. obviously, we've got some winds out there that are causing at least a wind advisory for the san mateo bridge. haven't heard of one for the richmond, sandra fell, but you never know. it's just be careful. you're one. 0, one southbound. right across the golden gate bridge moving well, no problems to report the chp showing all clear for one through marin county. >> a new covid variant is starting to show up in california. yes, bay area. doctors say that it could make up half of all new cases in just a matter of days. that's
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not good for us. amanda harry has the details. >> it's related to omicron. it's kind of becoming more dominant. so it's estimated to be about 80% of cases on the u.s. a few weeks ago. you could only find the omicron variant ba 12002.1. >> in the northeast. now it's all over the country. it's about 25%. >> more transmissible, then even be a 2, which is itself anywhere from 30 to 80% more transmissible than ba one ucsf infectious disease specialist doctor peter chin. hong says he's not too concerned for people with healthy immune systems because so many of them have built-up antibodies to the original strain of omicron definitely helped us because from the body's perspective, it all kind of looks omicron to the body and the body's immune system. he says all these subvariants popping up one after another is actually the best case
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scenario. they coming one after the other very, very quickly. if there was a pause of even a few months, it it could mean that people's immunity might have leaned a little bit before that. second, a new subvariant, but he says everyone should be in a state of readiness for the next major variant californians over the age of 50 are now able to get a 4th shot. but the public health department says only 15% of eligible people have done it. doctor chin-hong says not everyone needs to run out and get it but it may be beneficial for those with weaker immune systems or older. if you were above 65, i think it would probably be a good idea. >> well, in the east bay covid-19 cases have more than tripled at berkeley unified schools in just a week's time. as of thursday, there were 91 cases the week prior. there were just 29 berkeley unified says that they're also seeing more cases among their sports teams. and they're pointed factors, including the
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loosening of mask restrictions as to why the district plans to pass out more home covid tests going forward. >> it's 05:35am. gilroy. garlic festival is back. yeah, a new organizer has stepped in to help with kron 4 sarah stinson joining us. >> from the newsroom with the good news, sarah. >> a little over the week ago, we were telling you that it was no more organizers, though, of the asparagus festival in the san joaquin county. they couldn't bear to see the gilroy. garlic festival be canceled. so the ceo said not so fast, we can help put it on this year. the gilroy garlic festival has been around for 42 years. the board announced the cancellation of the annual festival a little over a week ago citing lingering financial issues from the pandemic, along with insurance requirements by the city costing 1 million dollars. the asparagus festival is run by the u.s. any group. the ceo says we heard the extremely sad news about the going garlic festival and we couldn't let that happen. the
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study group says they are to announce they will be hosting the garlic festival this year. more details are to come. but news of this is already circulating a lot of garlic festival goers are excited to hear. the event will be happening this year. thousands of people travel from all over the world to experience various dishes with garlic, of course, in it see famous chefs cook it up the gore ago. a festival association has not commented on these various festivals offer to hosted this year. however, on facebook, the association recently did want to clarify that while they aren't planning a large scale festival, they are still planning to host smaller events because they like to give back to local charities. that's what it's all about this morning will reach out to both the asparagus and garlic festival organizers to see we can learn more about this because there's a lot more to learn about this year's festivities if they're happening, where they happening. you know, we want to know it all as much as you do. so stay tuned. we'll follow right here from the newsroom for now. back to you in the studio. thanks a lot.
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sarah. >> it is 5.37. and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. no dream on and no problem as the warriors take game one of their series against the grizzlies will get kylen mills with the highlights and reaction coming up. and women participating in the 27th annual swim a mile for women with cancer for charity will tell you why people want to bring awareness through bring awareness through big tobacco's cigarette butts filter practically nothing and are made of microplastic fibers that are toxic and cunning. they may seep into water and food, and air, too. and the smaller microplastics get, the more damage they do. could they end up in you, your bodies, their prey? new studies indicate possible links to mutations in dna. an evil lie with a future's worth of harm. to the world, now you know. so sound the alarm.
5:39 am
you really can't get much for 5 bucks these days... unless... ♪ you got that bag ♪ ♪ you got that biggie bag ♪ ♪ you got that bag ♪ is that a real song? i think she liked it. your choice of sandwich plus all this for just 5 bucks is worth celebrating. choose wisely. choose wendy's biggie bag. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. ♪ 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities.
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>> it's 5.40, right now over the weekend at mills college in oakland, swimmers participated in the 27th annual swim a mile move a mile for women with cancer and some of the participants have experienced cancer themselves. they jumped into the pool and celebrated their own recoveries. others use this event as a way to honor the memory of family and friends who have passed away about 500 people participated. it raises money for the women's cancer resource center which provides free programs and services to people impacted by a cancer diagnosis. >> well, singer naomi judd was inducted into the country music hall of fame last night. the honor came just one day after her death. naomi was one half of the judge singing alongside her daughter winona for many years. the duo was set to go on tour later this year. the judge had 14 number one hits in a career that spanned nearly 3 decades. you
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know, these daughters, wynonna and ashley judd accepted the hall of fame honor in their mother's place. the country music star was 76 years old. we'll be right back.
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panera chefs have crafted a masterpiece... succulent, seared chicken... a secret aioli... clean ingredients... in a buttery brioche roll. made fresh, to leave you... speechless. panera's new chef's chicken sandwiches. $1 delivery fee on our app.
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♪ at usaa we've been called too exclusive because we were created for officers. but as we've evolved with the military we've grown to serve all, who've honorably served. no matter their rank or when they were in. a marine just out of boot camp or a petty officer from '73 and even his kids and their kids. usaa is made for all who've honorably served and their eligible family members. are we still exclusive? absolutely. and that's exactly -
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why, you should join. >> it's 5.44. and the oakland police department congratulating 26 new graduates. this is the 100 87th recruiting class. the city actually had to cancel a lot of a police academy classes for the past couple years because of covid. but in wake of recently highly publicized crimes, local leaders demanded that opd reinstate the academy classes and they got it done. now, still, despite the new officers, the oakland police say they are still severely short-staffed and still actively >> it is 5.45. let's get a check of the forecast as we wake up on this monday morning and welcome the month of may, lest we forget, and i'm hoping some may flowers still working on that watering the plants just a little bit would like, you know, the dog water to conserve morning home and for all those things as well. but for now, you are going to have
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to use some water that you already have. the house. >> because there's no rain in the forecast. at least not for the next week or so. a live look outside right now at sfo, clear skies for today into tomorrow. now, today is a much cooler day than we're anticipating to see over the next few days because we start to warm up on tuesday into wednesday. those are going to be some of the warmest days of the week. current conditions outside to see pretty quiet right now. highs for today. if you are stepping out, we haven't on a coastal wind is going to move throughout the bay area today. so we do have some high wind gust scattered across the bay area. cooling us down. if you're along the coast about 56 and half moon bay, san francisco, 60 and the north bay up in santa rosa. 69 in napa at around 72 oakland, hayward, conquer mid to upper 60's for you. there out antioch. but 68 in the south bay, morgan hill, 67 68 down in san jose. now it's 7 day talked about that win. it's going to give us cooler temperatures into today. that
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doesn't last very long. come tuesday wednesday. look at that 80's into 90's. and then we cool down just a bit thursday into friday and over the weekend, much cooler temperatures in the mid to lower 70's along the bay shore mid 60's today, mid 70's tomorrow 80's into wednesday, 70's throughout the rest of the week, upper 60 saturday into sunday along the coast there, upper 50's and 60's into friday. so we've got cooler temperatures today. much warmer temperatures for the rest of the week. darya. james, back to you. all right. we'll be ready for wednesday. 90 plus degrees in its looking gorgeous in clear here at the bay bridge. but like randy said, it's not going to be as hot today. so enjoy that. enjoy the easy ride. approach to the toll plaza there, san mateo bridge. let's check that one out. it was getting a little bit more busy and now you can see actually both directions. you've got company, but no traffic backups, richmond, sandra fell bridge. probably still quiet. all. yeah, no problem for you at all there at the bridge. but you can see that more cars are starting to stream over at
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same thing with the golden gate, a few more cars, but still nothing anyway. alright is 5.47. let's talk more the warriors. they clinch game one against the grizzlies and not a great weekend for bay area. >> baseball for trump kylen mills has some highlights. >> the warriors hit the road for game one of the western conference semifinals up against the memphis grizzly scene that took a 3 out of their 4 regular season meetings. however, the dubs were rocking and rolling as elvis would say. i'm all shook up after watching this one. let's head out to beale street to see what went down. a highly anticipated matchup between 2 of the nba's most electric point guards in steph curry and the young star john morant early in the first words guard gary payton. the second got his first career playoff. start. that's how you make the most of it. how about that dunk puts desmond bane to bed words go up to one minute to go in the second. the worst. looking for a stop. draymond green gets a scuffle down low. he is called for a fall not just any fall. brandon clarke, it was ruled a
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flagrant 2. he catches clark's face and gets a handful of his jersey. green is ejected before halftime of a one point game. a lot of fans, analysts and other players questioning this call. greene doesn't exit quietly either. it appears he's trying to get the guys going on his way to the locker room and the worse have to move on from their final moments of the half. memphis gets out in transition. will rant flies in for the alley-oop. his pops there get height. they kept showing shots of him. grizzlies up 6 of the break. more aunt says don't mess with me. early in the 3rd curry gets the ball back from jordan pulled from the corner splash and fall worst. take a three-point lead. curry finished with 24 in the game later in the 3rd was a pool party. check this out following download the kick out to j p 3. another splash. the slash cousin or the 3rd splash brother. it's looking like the up-tick, a five-point lead. call it a career playoff-high. 31 points off the bench. this game came down to the final minute,
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though. 39 seconds left. klay thompson knocks down the trade for the dubs up by one next warriors possession. >> was critical. 6.7 left thompson could have iced the game with 2 free throws misses both. the ball gets deflected out of bounds. ref's call it a jump ball, meaning grizzlies possession. 3.6 left. memphis could win it there. but no incredible different offense from none other than klay thompson who shuts down rant. the worst take game one in dream on the street. clothes, sunglasses, devon up his teammates as they exit the he is just an absolute by their warriors win one, 17, one, 16 game 2 is tuesday in memphis. head coach steve kerr was asked if the team played angry after the green ejection i don't know that we are angry. i just thought we were determined you know, we we knew that was a tough break. that didn't go our way. and >> we're all kind of shocked by the we were confident and
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determined and the guys stayed with it and i thought the way we started, the 3rd quarter was really important. >> on to some baseball, dan thorn, big baseball guy. giants hosting the nationals in a sunday matinee at oracle park. washington jumps jumped out to big lead off the bat suit. i did there. nats outfielder yonny hernandez want to line that up. the middle 2 runs score a 5 run first inning for washington. hernandez had 3 hits and 5 rbi on the day. giants fall 11 5, they lose 2 of 3 to the nationals. san francisco heads to la for a two-game set against the dodgers starting on tuesday. the a's trying to salvage a game in their series against the guardian's top of 3rd bases loaded for cleveland. friend mill rate as goes the other way to right. 2 runs come into score part of a four-run 3rd for the guardians a's lose 7, 3, they get swept in 3 games by cleveland. it's
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>> we are back at 5.54. check this out. ok, to cut the tail end video here that here's it replayed again. yeah, this was in arizona mountain lion.
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caught off guard by the 8 automatic door. but here's the thing is a good thing. when he walks by that he doesn't realize. >> you can go in now see are high. so instead he went away. if you knew how much food was in no shelves. and that's bit different question. but luckily, well, he he ran off and wildlife officials say that they, you know, based on the size of the cap and we acted when the doors open, they think he was just sort of. >> browsing. he wasn't really on the hunt for a hanging. yeah. just sort of per. taking a walk and evening stroll through the neighborhood. >> 5.55. right now and check out disneyland news there. giving a one of their hotels, a pixar themed it's the paradise pier hotel. it's currently themed around california beach front. boardwalks but soon it's going to be more from emeryville based pixar in that vein. disney says this plan is to weave the elements from the pixar universe into this setting. and in addition, they'll have a this new same
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and then paradise pier is going to get a new walkway to disney california adventure park as well. happening to all these years, i think with what that means, we're going probably see toy story characters. they're reminding the mall because kids are like credible a right. they won. you know, the kids like the character. yes. so they got a love letter that to look forward to is another attraction there. california adventure. all right. we'll take a quick break. it is 5.56. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. we've got stanford nurses. >> who are on strike last week turns out they could go back to work this week. we'll have details on why and the ongoing sideshow problem continues here in the bay are in fact, we have video of one of 3 that broke out in san francisco over the weekend. more on that to come. plus, the city of pleasanton now announcing a stage 2 drought alert. kron four's will tran will have a live report with the more on what we can expect. what's going to now things are going to get more expensive. that's the long and short. we'll be right back.
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>> from the bay area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> good morning. and thanks
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for waking up with us on a monday. and it's the start of may. may second that i'm daria and i'm james and we're going to start this month of may with kind of a roller coaster forecast for you in terms of some days are going to be nice and cool. some days are going to be downright hot. >> and then back again, i which is a little something for everybody, i guess. a little something for everybody. i do like that. a good way to start the month of may. and we have clear conditions. so no rain in the forecast. clear skies. you're looking at the east bay hills right now. so if you leave your house right now, i would say bring a jacket because we've got some onshore winds across the bay area seat. san francisco. 25 miles per hour. pretty gusty in the east bay. you're seeing those pockets of wind as well. and so that's what's cooling us down today. we will stay cool for very long, though. come tomorrow. when we start to heat up again. current temperatures outside right now mid to lower 40's here as you're in san francisco, timber on in the east bay low 50's. we'll have a look at your full forecast coming up. darya james, back


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