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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  February 14, 2023 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> and thank you so much for joining us on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm vicki liviakis today. california's senator dianne feinstein announced that she will not be running for reelection in 2024, she says that she will continue to serve out her current term in office. the 89 year-old has represented california in the senate ever since 1992 and is currently the oldest member of congress. there's also been widespread speculation over her political future for years now she filed the necessary paperwork to seek re-election back in 2021. and there have
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been several reports addressing her mental acuity and fitness to serve. last month. california representative katie porter and adam schiff both announced their candidacies for feinstein's senate seat east bay congresswoman barbara lee also rumored to be planning a campaign in her statement announcing her decision not to run. feinstein does not address any of the speculation or any campaign announcements. instead, she's focusing on her plans for the rest of her term saying in part, quote, even with a divided congress, we can still pass bills that will improve lives. each of us was sent here to solve problems. and that's what i've done for the last 30 years. and that's what i plan to do for the next 2 years. my thanks to the people of california for allowing me to serve them. today's amount announcement marks the end of a long political career for feinstein, which began, of course, right here in the bay area. she was elected to the
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san francisco board of supervisors in 1969. 8 years later, she became the board's first female president and was named san francisco's first female mayor following george moscone ease assassination. and today we spoke with political analyst michael yaki about the impact senator feinstein has had after spending more than 50 years in american politics. >> before there is nancy pelosi, there was dianne feinstein. she was face of san francisco weather was taking taking rain to the city in the wake of the tragic assassination czar mayor george moscone supervisor harvey milk. whether it was me or works again and healing the town after jonestown going to the united states senate. this for the year, the women and passing the desert protection act. they're particularly the mojave desert and the assault weapons ban. she was someone who is out there. her name was bandied about as as potential vice presidential candidate.
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and yet she has a long record of service to this city to the state and to this country that we should all be thankful for. >> and coming up on kron 4 news, our dan kerman is speaking with those who work closely with senator feinstein during her illustrious career to get their reaction on her announcement. that is coming up at 5 o'clock. we have developing news this afternoon. 3 students are dead. 5 others fighting for their lives today after a man went on a shooting rampage across michigan state university and now the community is left wondering why this happened and how to move forward. our correspondent kelli, the sun has the latest now on what we know about the victims. >> i was i was eating in the dining hall when the gunshots happened. was about 3 to 4 gunshots. and i was like everybody. out of the
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building. the first shots rang out at 8.18, at berkey hall. >> that's where to msu. students were shot and killed and several others were injured. police say the shooter, 43 year-old a gray, then walked over to the student union where a 3rd victim was shot and pronounced dead. it would be after 10:00pm when police would release a picture taken from campus security cameras. the grey is seen wearing a jacket, cap and red shoes. a photo leading to a tip from a citizen. the pointed police to mcrae once confronted by authorities. the suspect died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound and at least one gun was recovered. a neighbor telling newsnation he knew immediately when he saw the suspect's photo that it was the gray want to only go by ray. he tells our crews he another neighbors were upset that they would hear gunfire coming from the mcrae family yard, at least once a week makes me
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feel sick that someone like this is that close to you in the neighborhood? >> it really puts chills down your back to know when someone like that can live in your neighborhood and don't even know. >> mcrae was arrested on a loaded gun charge back in 2019 and given parole. his uncle painting the picture of depression and mental illness that worsen when mccray's mother died in 2020, the death of a mother is going to send kid into a spiral, especially if you're already to pressure the you say that. >> mccray's on goal apologizing for what happened wishing the 2019 gun arrest would have gotten his nephew help that his family was unsuccessful in securing mental health is a real issue. >> and gun control. >> is is really about kids. somebody with gun. needs to be evaluated, especially as kind that you do have a concealed permit at that point, that
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should be re-evaluated. as for students we spoke with, they say their resolve to get through this reach other. we can get through it. >> but it's going to be it. was very, very scary. i'm hoping can get through this together. stay safe. so you your to your friends, family. >> and that was kelly beeson reporting for us. a motive remains unclear. we know that a note was found written by mcrae, also threatening to schools in new jersey. police say that mcrae lived there several years ago. classes at those schools were canceled out of an abundance of caution. back home. a person has died in a fatal stabbing in the tenderloin neighborhood this is video from the citizen app. you're looking at their san francisco. police say that they were flagged down on the 500 block of ella street. about 1 o'clock this morning. they found a person suffering from a stab wound. officers rendered aid. but the victim died on the scene. no arrests have been made and the name of
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the victim has not been released. today. san francisco mayor loloon breed announced a proposal to allocate millions of dollars to help fund. the police department breed says she's asking for a total of 27.6 million dollars to help pay for officer overtime due to staffing shortages. in a statement, the mayor says the funding helps ensure work gets done to help keep san francisco safe. it will also prevent mandated service cuts and a hiring freeze. if the proposal does not pass, officials say that the city will be forced to implemented over time and hiring freeze through june. oakland, police chief leronne armstrong could be within hours of learning whether he'll be reinstated or fired as that city's top cop. there is a 30 day timeline set to expire on the mayor making that decision. representative of an oakland police accountability group tells kron four's haaziq mod-yoon. the decision may not solely belong to the mayor.
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>> the clock is ticking for mayor of oakland chain tao the oakland police commission and the federal compliance director robert warshaw to make their independent decisions on whether or not police chief leronne armstrong will keep his job or be terminated. this is stemming from his role in a pair of police misconduct investigations. >> what recourse does the mayor have compared the mayor over? i-4 shots decision to terminate the cheap. >> now his decision will supersede that of the mayor. and of the police commission. the coalition for police accountability wrote the vast majority of the legislation that established oakland's independent police commission says coalition president cathy litter. we've been at the forefront of this. we brought all of this to oakland. and so with that, a vested interest in making sure that. >> the charters complied with. letter. it says back in 2012, the oakland police department was facing the possibility of
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being placed in receivership by a federal court because of tactics used by opd during the occupy oakland protests. she talks about how the compliance director's role is to be a compromise. so the compliance director have the authority to discipline the chief up to include firing the chief. >> so the city in a sense. >> i want to say power but go to to to have the compliance director be the top dog. >> as it were so that the city when court would not order a receivership. the takeaway complete power of the city over the oakland police commission tao says she will make a decision regarding the chief soon. >> the police commission is also having a discipline committee special meeting on wednesday, but let it says ultimately the compliance director will have the final say more shots decision. trump's the mayor. >> correct. that is right.
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>> kron. 4 news. >> and new at 3 san jose police have made an arrest after a woman was struck and killed by a car last week. police say kim, my was the driver of the sedan traveling southbound on moral avenue when it struck an adult female pedestrian who was just walking across the street and vehicle then fled the scene. the victim was taken to a local hospital where she later died. i was booked the next day for one count of felony hit and run. she has since posted bail and is no longer in custody. this is san jose's, 4th fatal collision and the 5th traffic death of the year. the victim's identity has not yet been released. a 2 alarm fire in san jose badly damaged 2 homes this morning. our conference charles clifford has details. >> well, right now, i'm standing along madison avenue here in san jose where a mid-morning fired badly damaged one home and destroyed another just before 08:00am tuesday. the san jose fire
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department responded here to the 400 block of madison drive on reports of a structure fire. it became clear very quickly that additional resources would be needed. the first arriving unit fire between 2 houses. in called a second alarm. fortunately, the residents of both homes were able to get out without injury. it took fire crews about an hour ho bring the blaze under control. at least one home has suffered significant damage. i think the second house some moderate damage and there was major damage to the year. the house of origin. as for what caused the fire that is under investigation. that is the very latest here in san jose. charles clifford kron. 4 news. >> i'm for news at 3 officials now focusing on the living conditions of farm workers following last month's shooting in half moon bay. and what investigators are telling federal officials about the flying objects shot down over the weekend. plus, san francisco reinforcing barriers
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in hopes of curbing work on cap street. we have more on their plans to improve them. >> and i'm keeping an eye on the weather. we are going to get very cold tonight. a freeze warning in effect. i'll have details coming up. stay with us, everybody. kron. 4 news at 3. we'll be right back. "the doctor will see you now." but do they really? do they see that crick in your neck?
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that ache in your heart? will they see that funny little thing that wasn't there last year? a new bounce in your step? the way your retinal scan connects to your blood sugar? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you. oh ms flores. you're the leader of many and pet wrangler, too. so becoming a student again might seem impossible. national university is here to support all of you. national university. supporting the whole you. when a truck hit my son, national university. i had so many questions about his case. supporting the whole you. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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>> in an effort to stop rampant prostitution, san francisco set up barricades over the weekend to stop workers and there potential
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clients from monopolizing cap street supporters of the program say it was a success, but some residents doubt the effectiveness. kron four's dan kerman has more. >> in an effort to reduce the number of john's cruising for workers along cap street barricades, turning each block between 18th and 22nd into a dead-end were put in place on friday. >> this is not something should be taking place in a residential it's incredibly disruptive to the residents said the bumper to bumper traffic talking. all hours of the night. but over the weekend, several of these lightweight barriers were damaged or destroyed. >> despite that, those backing the four-week pilot program say it's already working was a measurable decrease in the trade. those happening on the street, i myself drove by on cap on friday night and i was also very pleasantly surprised to see how few people i saw on
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the street. those damage barriers have already been replaced. and within a week, stronger ones will replace. what's their plan is to install either k rail, stills of the concrete barricades that you see on freeways are construction sites water barriers. and those are about 3 feet tall, the big orange tubs that are filled water and weigh about 1000 pounds once filled a new deployment of police officers on motorcycles also cited 12 cap street drivers over the weekend in 4 weeks. the program will be reviewed to determine what's next. >> in san francisco, dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> during tonight's city council meeting supervisor hillary ronen has says she plans to ask senator scott wiener and 2 other assembly members to introduce a bill to legalize work is she says legalizing work will make it easier to remove pimps and traffickers from the equation and make workers and neighborhoods safe. county is launching a new task force
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that focuses on improving the living conditions for farm workers and their families who live on employer provided housing officials say that the investigation into the mass shooting uncovered living conditions for the displaced farm workers that were deemed crowded and unsanitary. the goal of the task forces to crack down on any unpermitted farm labor housing site officials are still looking for a motive behind the shooting that killed 7 people according to reports, the suspect said he was mistreated and worked long hours on the farms. his arraignment is scheduled for this thursday. i twitching gears here. time to talk about this weather on valentines day is a live look at the golden gate bridge. >> and kailua. it is cold out there. what do you suggest people do about that? well, first of all, you better bundle up if you've got some kind of sassy dress you're wearing for valentine's day, bring the code breaking the code. yeah. for for a while. and yeah, exactly. tonight
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we're going to see some really chilly temperatures. but this isn't a wacky day, vicki, right? we've gone from blue skies to gray skies. >> a couple little spotty showers out there. some winds now we're going to get some blue skies back and then we're going to get very chilly temperatures overnight. so let's start with where we are right now. san francisco, as you can see, 49 degrees, oakland, we're sitting in the low 50's san jose. just 50 degrees livermore, not even 50 degrees. concord, low 50's and can see santa rosa 50 right now too. so it's been chilly, right? think about some of these spots yesterday were 60's and 70's even but here we are. and as you can see as we take a live look at storm tracker, we could see just little spotty showers that are rolling and noticed that mount hamilton, a little bit of snow even falling in spots. that snow level down to about 2000 feet. right now, the sierra getting a few flakes flying as well. not a lot of accumulation with any of this for rain or snow. this is what we're looking out for for totals, for rain, for the rest of the afternoon. so it's hundredths of an inch. it's not much no doubt about it. and it goes by very quickly and not everyone will see this right. so just a little bit,
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you know, blocks on the radar and then that's it. by the time we get to about 6 o'clock tonight, that's the end of that. and then this is the overnight tonight. we're going to have such clear skies that allow that heat of the day to escape very quickly with no cloud cover. and then the temperatures are set to plunge. so we're looking out for a freeze warning in the areas in dark purple. some mostly are in syria to interior areas of the north bay, the east bay and also down in santa clara county. and then those areas in light blue. that's where we could see kind of a little bit of freezing or above. that's what we're going to see. frost advisory. so temperatures tonight are going to be chilly. get ready for watch out for those pets and pipes in your house could get down to the 20's in the north bay. i think east bay can get awfully close to it, too. and you can see just, you know, mid to upper 30's, even just around the bay itself. we do get a little bit warmer tomorrow, but we are going to some sunshine with us and then chance of showers on friday. and then next weekend, i like the look of that's looking pretty good. 60's and sunshine, vicki uptick that i think we all well. all right. thanks, kyla that in national news that residents in eastern
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ohio say they're getting sick. >> and the animals are dying after a train derailment spilled toxic chemicals into the environment. local authorities previously told those residents it was safe to go home after the february 3rd derailment and subsequent to explosion. as you can see there, even though the epa warned that the soil may not have been disposed of properly will. now residents reporting multiple symptoms including headaches and coughs. others say livestock is dying. yesterday, wildlife officials reported dead fish in the water within a seven-mile radius of that spill. today senators got a briefing on the objects that were shot down after flying over the u.s. and they say the first balloon it was actually different from the other 3 objects. washington correspondent alexandra limon has the latest. >> u.s. senators say 3 of the 4 flying objects recently shot down by the u.s. remain
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unidentified very they can't find the the remnants. are in very difficult terrain. both republican and democratic senators received a classified briefing about the objects and say they learned the phenomenon is at noon. these objects have been flying over rush. for years. we've known about those objects for many years. senator marco rubio says what is new is the u.s. response that they were shot down, which is extraordinary because not one, but we never shot down anything 65 years. and at the biden administration says it shot down the latest 3 objects faster than the first because they were in commercial airspace. if you're going to function in commercial airspace. >> you have to have the is you have to have lights and new york senator kirsten gillibrand says those objects weren't following protocols and they were different than the first which the government says was a chinese spy balloon. i was very different in nature than the other 3
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objects that were shot down and it was different and how it moves. now, many republicans want president biden to personally brief the public on the unidentified flying objects in washington. alexandra limon. why utah's governor is urging californians not to move to his state. >> plus, members of the senate say it's time to get tough with social media companies and the personal information they collect on us. details on the hearing today from capitol the hearing today from capitol hill.
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tech world's biggest companies on capitol hill today to answer questions about the effects of social media on kids. lawmakers in the senate commerce committee say parents don't know what information is being collected from their kids over how it's being used. some senators are pushing for a ban on social media before, you know, the age of 16, there's also growing agreements to restrict tiktok or ban it altogether over concerns about privacy from the chinese company that owns it. and if you're planning to move to utah, well, here's something you might want to look into. the governor of that state wants californians to actually stay away at the national governors association meeting last week. governor spencer says, well, his state's biggest problem, our growth related me wants people to stay in california instead of quote, coming as refugees
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to utah when asked for clarification. said that he would love to see california cut taxes and regulations implying that californians with ben not have to move out a june 2021. report from the university of utah found california accounts for the largest influx of people into utah from across the country. next on kron. 4 news at 3, 30 bicyclists in the east bay. they're being targeted. well, how writing and some coming out with some serious injuries. the latest on the investigation into that and >> what's the best time to exercise? well, new research is pinpointing a time today to work out to lose the most calories or burn the most calories. plus, the new inflation report shows prices going up more than expected. we're live
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you didn't choose cat allergies. your hairline.
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or that thing where your knee just gives out for no reason. but... you can choose your doctor who will care for all the things you didn't choose. kaiser permanente for all that is you.
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>> our top story at 3.30, the federal government says prices continue to slow today's consumer price index shows that inflation has fallen for 7 straight months, but it's still not where the federal reserve wants it to be. our washington correspondent jessi tenure joins us now live with more on what this means for your wallet. jesse? vicki, more expensive gas, food and clothing really drove these latest figures. but >> the biden administration is saying that this new report is overall a positive sign. >> the good news is that inflation americans continue
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to come down. president joe biden reported tuesday. americans are slowly but surely paying less for goods has fallen 7 straight months of more to go. the president celebrated improvements but said the latest consumer price index shows costs are still too high. the report reveals even though goods prices across the economy have come down. services costs from housing to car insurance remain high. still more work to do. treasury secretary janet yellen said that should include more financial support for families with children. administration is fighting very hard to restore it. this enhanced child tax credit economists like michael gapen with bank of america securities argue policies to make it easier for workers to participate would help the labor force meet the current high demand things like universal pre k or an expansion of the affordable care act when it comes to the economy, republicans like senate gop leader mitch mcconnell said they are prioritizing the debt ceiling negotiations. >> mcconnell reiterated his
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support to protect safety net programs amid his party's push to significantly cut government spending. there is no agenda on the part of senate republicans. >> to revisit medicare or social security. >> and the congressional budget office plans to release an update on when exactly it believes that the u.s. will be running out of money to pay for its bills. live in washington, i'm jessi tenure. so yeah, you did get the debt ceiling. everybody seems to be pretty stuck in their own corners. that word of those negotiations stand. >> yeah, we're just like you put it, mike. you can visualize that. i think those corners are still very much there from what it sounds like this. >> in past that they haven't been able to get over really comes down to the fact that republicans are trying to take advantage of this moment, too, negotiate more spending cuts for the government. but what they've been proposing, democrats just still can't support. and so that's when the government the last time we heard that potentially for
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a timeline was probably around june that will be running out of money will have to wait and see what the cbo ends up saying about it tomorrow. boy, let's hope they don't take it right up to the deadline racking. thank you so much. jessi tenure reporting live for us from washington. >> meantime, a former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, nikki is running for president in 2024. she made that announcement in a video this morning. >> the socialist left sees an opportunity to rewrite history. >> china and russia are on the march. they all think we can be pulling kicked her out. we should know this about me. i don't put up with bullies. and when you kick back, it hurts them. or if you're wearing >> i'm that it nikki haley, the first to challenge former president trump for the republican nomination. the 51 year-old has served as south carolina's governor for 6 years before she was tapped to be in trump's cabinet. all
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right. whether time now is get a look at our forecast. this live from our mount tam cam. a whole bunch of cloud cover out there. kron 4 meteorologist kyla grogan here with us to explain what all this means for us going for. yeah, it's kind of a mixed bag of weather, but i think the end result of all of that as we get into this evening is it's going to get very chilly. and already we felt some of that cold air rushing in. >> notice right now, santa barbara, just 59 degrees. big bear is just 30. and as you look, sacramento, about 55 here in the bay. we're also very chilly. san francisco sitting at 47 right now, 50 in santa rosa, 60. just 48 in vallejo. 48 at half moon bay and just 50 down in mountain view. this is the difference in temperatures between now and 24 hours ago. so, you know, if you're in spots like santa rosa are conquered, even fairfield livermore, you know, we're talking anywhere between 10 and 16 degrees cooler. a little bit less dramatic around the bay. but nonetheless, it's chilly out there. and we're going to add to that the wind that's still kicking, even though we don't have our wind advisory anymore. you can see these are
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sustained winds. 23 miles per hour, half moon bay. 24 in san francisco, san jose. 21 napa. 23 miles per hour. so we're quite breezy out there and you can see that as we look at the flag flying over by the golden gate bridge. it's just chilly. chilly out there, everybody. so tonight we're going to see that interior valley temperatures profile, take a dive. basically what we have a freeze warning there for many of our inland spots tomorrow. we'll see the winds start to calm down a little bit warmer but still cool. and then as we look ahead, we've got a late week shower chance. and then the weekend is actually looking much better. here's where we are right now, though, as we look at stormtracker 4, you can see a little bit of the showers kind of rolling through. it's not a lot but scattered showers. just a tiny bit here and there and it's rolling very quickly notice we govern by mount hamilton snow levels about 2000 feet. so we're seeing a few flakes fly there and some of the peaks as well. that will head out of here very quickly. but tonight, if you're headed out for valentine's evening, it's going to be chilly. 30's and 40's around the bay. so make sure you take your coat. i'll be back in a bit. we'll talk more about the extended
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forecast for now. send it back to vicki. alright island to the east bay. now police says still looking for the driver or drivers. >> who hid several bicyclist on friday. this is a story we first brought you yesterday morning. the incidents they happen in oakland, berkeley and emeryville. our first sarah stinson has the latest. now. >> i spoke with a bicyclist who lives in oakland. he was on his way home friday night from the east bay bike party when he was struck by a car and now he has to get surgery of nowhere came this car. talked >> brooke, by much. but yeah, super russell heller was struck by a car on grand avenue in oakland around 11, 30 friday night after attending the east bay bike party. a monthly gathering for bicyclists all over the east. bay heller says this is the car that hit him. cell phone video and launch road driving very close to cyclists and then opening its door onto
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bikers nearly hitting them. you could even see someone's head popping out of the car. in one part of the video, this is one of the 2 cars that cyclists described being hit with and targeted by on friday night. they had people behind me. they have people in front of me according to the group that runs the east bay bike party. more than 2 dozen of their bicyclists were targeted. more than 7 of them were we need is one of the cyclists hit and she says by the car seen in that video you can see i am. >> my left eyebrow. that was just like. >> covering me in blood need ended up missing the bike event to head to the er. meanwhile, heller says he's still not sure if he was either hit by the car o. the car door happened very quickly. this kind of talk of from they were kind of getting people at the door. the car. >> so it's like tenants and the u.s. intentional. he's grateful he was wearing a helmet and then he wasn't more badly injured. they want talk to him coming up. so i'm
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feeling pretty fortunate that it wasn't a lot worse. heller says he went to the er and filed a police report with the oakland police department and haven't heard back yet. we contacted opd. they didn't mention heller's case, but they did confirm a similar one that happened on the same night. a bicyclist was hit by a car door on boyd street and forest avenue around 8 friday night department says it's still under investigation. >> heller now has to leave the bike at home while he heals. and once he is, he says this incident may make him think twice about biking in the future. definitely good thing about this. >> i get my bike. talks not to get on the city. >> the group that puts on the east bay bike parties. they're working with law enforcement and victims to try and find those responsible. while oakland police responded to me, i also reached out to emeryville and berkeley police because there was also some people who are hit by cars there. but they did not respond. i'm sara stinson
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reporting in the newsroom. back to you. >> they are self-driving robotaxi making his debut here in the bay area where it's going to be running in, who's able to hop on. plus, taylor swift not done yet. the new accolade she's just earned after dominating the charts in 2022. but first, a new study finds the rate of pancreatic cancer. he's going up who's most vulnerable and what can be done to reduce the risk.
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for your health this afternoon, the rate of pancreatic cancer is rising rapidly among younger women. researchers say in the study of cancer patients between 2001 in 2018, they found the rate of pancreatic cancer among young women. well, younger than 55. it rose 2.4% higher. the rate among men of the same age. well, the cancer rate was even higher among young black women. pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all major cancers. experts say that lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, drinking less alcohol and eating healthy can all help decrease your risk. if you need some help burning off those extra calories. a new study recommends hitting the gym in the morning. researchers with the university of copenhagen say breaking a sweat in the early hours between 08:00am and 11:00am can actually boost your metabolism by breaking
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down fat tissue. it also lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke. still ahead, a local black firefighters are inspiring kids to aim high how they're kids to aim high how they're ♪♪ this is how it feels to du more with less asthma... ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing
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african-american firefighters and their achievements were highlighted during a recent presentation in emeryville. the program chief is my belief sets to motivate young people to push for the best of themselves and show that becoming a fire. chief is possible for all races shapes and sizes. and as copper sleep to god reports for us, that would not be the case without the black trailblazers who light the path. give it up to your cells, don't. he's bright eyed youngsters standing face-to-face with are you?
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>> looks african-american firefighters with more than a collective century's worth of experience safe in the bay area and beyond to inspire to dream big t. >> following 2 years of pandemic protocols. back in first, the 10th annual chief is my belief program returning to elementary school in emeryville during black history is on the meaning behind. she does not believe it's just i'm at. >> people know that you can do you want in life, no matter if you want to be a firefighter police officer, a or share just believe in your dreams and you will get their alameda county fire department division. chief randall west produces and hosts the hour-long video presentation and assembly. >> documenting the countless contributions african americans have been made in
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the fire history. king of came before risk. those who are with us and those who current and former fire highlighted in the all-star lineup and gifted sort rates for their service has been an inspirational leader and probably legacy. that's well to retired fire chief robert overcoming overt acts of hate in firehouses and at fire scenes, the late earl gage junior. >> was the first black firefighter for the san francisco fire department and continuing to blaze the trail. robert demon's, he's retired now, but from 1996 to 2000 served as the first black fire chief in the city on 4th and 7th assist with >> we have life and look forward more alameda county fire chief willie mcdonald among the dignitaries. he was the first black chief for the foster city, san mateo and fremont fire departments. i was raised to believe that we
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could achieve. >> my parents were very supportive and very encouraging in my childhood in my entire family has been that something that i strove for and wanted to achieve and help these leaders say the road to the top was not without so several times. >> the glee when i was president life. and a lot threats made my life. racism comes with the territory and the job requires strength, determination. >> and a belief you belong as chief. and i won't forget those who are behind because i was once on the so important that we use. and now don't think it's a great step. for the people who helped to cross. >> in emeryville, philippe djegal all kron, 4 news kron 4 is honoring black history all month long. we continue to share stories that feature the rich diversity of the bay area and tune in this month as our own pam moore hosts, our special report honoring black history sharing our stories.
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it airs thursday, february 23rd at 06:30pm. >> whether time giving you a live look right now at a san francisco's embarcadero. >> some mighty fine restaurants out there. if you're thinking of hitting him tonight, credit for ala just kind of broken. wearing a lady in red. yeah. want to put a coat on let me tell you, i am that person. that doesn't hesitate to get out the big coat because when you get some of the yeah, i'm i'm zip it up and i put the hood up sometimes a little ridiculous like that. >> you think i would be a little more thicker skin being an east coast girl, but no, here we are tonight, though. these are the lows tonight, everybody and listen to to be just, you know, frank, about it on house population. this is dangerous cold tonight. so please make sure that you're looking out for people, for pets, for your plants and for the pipes in your house because if you're in spots like the north bay, we could see some 20's out there tonight in and around that freezing mark and even below it. and if you're in the east bay inner east bay livermore,
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antioch, to concord, even the late show, you too, and even frankly around the bay itself, we're talking about mid to upper 30's. that's going very chilly sets night. that is why our interior portions of the north bay east bay and even down in santa clara county are looking out for this freeze warning that is up tonight from 02:00am till 09:00am. and we're expecting potentially have those subfreezing temperatures. those the areas in the dark purple now in the light blue. that's where we have a frost advisory expecting temperatures there between, you know about 32 36 degrees. so just to say, be careful if you're going heading out tonight. bundle up. no doubt about it live. look outside. those shows that some of those blue skies already starting to return. now, as we've had, you know, this very quick system roll through. nonetheless, even though we see blue skies, we still have very chilly temperatures. cold air coming in with this system. so we've got low 50's and 40's upper 40's and that is a big difference from yesterday. right? take a look at stormtracker 4 and you can see just how quickly the systems rolling notice the sierra getting a little bit of snow here. it won't be any big totals. just like with the rain for us. but as we zoom
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in, you can see this kind of line of showers that's rolling just to the east of valais other than that, just some spotty showers rolling on the peninsula right now. and that will kind of wrap up. we don't have a whole lot left in this. you see one to 107 inch. so if you look at futurecast, i'm going make one click and it disappears. and that's where we get the clear skies tonight, which helps us to get cooler faster in the overnight hours. not just tonight, by the way, but tomorrow night will also be another chilly evening for us. we'll have some sunshine tomorrow. temperatures in the 50's are going to a little bit warmer than that as we get into thursday with some clouds rolling in a sher chance on friday and then a pretty good looking sunny weekend with l% some warmer temperatures and some sunshine, not just saturday and sunday. you can see even into monday and tuesday, staying more into those 60's for highs. so they could be just got to hang on to the cold here for 2 days and then we should be seeing things improve a bit. all right. thank you. kyla amazon taking its self-driving robotaxi to the street. >> xu acts. i think that's how we pronounce that. amazon's driverless transportation company testing out its autonomous vehicle with
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passengers at its headquarters in foster city. kind of goofy looking ex employees could be transported on a one-mile route to the company headquarters. the vehicle can drive up to 30 miles an hour and does not have any manual controls. love him or hate him. prepare yourselves. barney. believe it or not, is making a comeback. the big purple dinosaur also getting a makeover. barney is going to appear in music, tv, film books and you, too, as hesser ease and apparel. also in the worksksksor adults. the first episode of the series barney and friends. it aired back in 1992 and those kids have grown up. well, taylor swift topping the list for the highest paid female entertainer in 2022, according to forbes magazine, the pop star earned 92 million dollars last year. thanks in large part to her newest album, midnight swift was the only woman to make the top 10 overall entertainer rankings at number 9, the rock band
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genesis took the top spot 230 million dollars in earnings. next up, a budding friendship at the oakland zoo is melting hearts. why these 2 mountain lion cubs perfecly mountain lion cubs perfecly matched. you go by lots of titles veteran, son, dad. -it's time to get up. -no. hair stylist and cheerleader. so adding a “student” title might feel overwhelming. what if a school could be there for all of you?
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career, family, finances and mental health. it's coming along. well, it can. national university. supporting the whole you.
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>> tonight on america's fastest growing cable news network. where politics to blame for san francisco. ca being charged with murder. the
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new district attorney wants the charges dropped here from the police officer whose life hangs in the balance on dan abrams live and exclusive new details in the idaho murders. just who discover 2 of the roommates bodies after their horrifying murders. we now know it wasn't the police, but someone else entirely see another banfield exclusive tonight. see why more people are turning to news nation to find newsnation. go to news nation now dot com and click channel finder. >> alright, out about a very expensive box of chocolates for valentine's day. the most famous chocolate box in the world has just been sold at auction because, you know, life is like a box of chocolates and access. not that good. but the iconic box of chocolates from forrest gump. which actually doesn't have any chocolate inside has been purchased by ripley's, believe it or not. for $25,000, the prop from the 1993 film actually has over 4 pounds of sand inside. not very tasty. so that to tom hanks could keep it on his lap properly during filming the
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front of the boxes also signed by hakes ripley's has not said which of its 29 museums is going to house the product. a pair of rescued mountain lion cubs are quickly becoming b f f's at the oakland zoo. >> holly in hazle arrived just a few weeks apart. both suffering from severe hydration, malnutrition, muscle loss, anemia, you name it. but the zoo is calling their recovery miraculous. and as you can see here, they're growing quite fond of one another cuddling up there as you keep or subscribe. holly has a little shy, but very spicy and not afraid to use her voice to show who's boss hazel very laid back. she's being described as so. you can probably tell who typically instigate play time. holly in hazle will eventually be transferred to the big bear out pine zoo. >> all i think pretty there's a i tell you, you know what, to watch 2 things i could do that all day all day yeah,
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indeed. hey, we've got some clouds out. there were some clearing as we get into tonight. get ready for the chilly temperatures, everybody because spots in the interior in our valleys could get down into the 20's and low 30's. so just be ready for that. tonight. we are under a freeze warning for those places. and again, that's mostly the interior valleys. as you can see in the dark purple light blue. that's your frost warning. so, you know, it's a frost advisory rather. so that's going to be also a chilly spot. we will see another cold night tomorrow night. but as you take a look here, you can see some warming temperatures on the way not too far away the weekend picking. >> all right. thank you. kyla that if a property is at 3, but all see you later on. kron. 4 news at 05:00pm with grant lotus. have a good afternoon. everybody. ♪ ♪ [ cat purrs ] [ phone vibrates ] introducing astepro allergy. steroid-free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes,
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we're vital of hyaluronic acid serum imagine spending $25 grand on a wedding-- i had a guest list of 100. --marrying yourself. were you a bridezilla? only at the rehearsal. were you afraid you weren't going to show up? dr. phil: saying i do to yourself-- if you want to celebrate yourself, that's great. i just think there are other ways to do it. that's not your business. this will lead to people marrying multiple people, marrying animals. when i listen to you, i just feel like, really tense. dr. phil: let's do it. producer: have a good show, everybody. here we go. dr. phil: this is a safe place to talk about hard things. producer: stand by, we'll count you down. dr. phil: today is going to be a changing day for a life. producer: 5, 4-- dr. phil: get ready to take care of you. audience: dr. phil, dr. phil. [cheering]


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