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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  March 2, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at all. >> i think for any parent, i can't even imagine what the family's going through. >> tonight at 5, a community is grieving tonight. the loss of a young student, a memorial is growing outside the north bay high school after a 16 year-old student was stabbed and killed. it's a fight started inside of a classroom during an art class yesterday morning. and tonight the community is demanding action to keep students safe. they're at school. thanks for joining us tonight on kron. 4 news at 5, everybody. i'm grant lotus. vicki liviakis, a student at montgomery high school in santa rosa is dead.
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>> after stepped on campus yesterday, the victim is 16 year-old jayden pm to and there's a growing memorial for him outside the school where he was killed. police say another student is responsible for the death kron four's. rob nesbitt has been outside the school all day talking with parents and students. he joins us live with what they had to say. rob, such a tragedy. it is grant and vicki classes were canceled here at montgomery high school. >> but still, students, teachers and others here in the community felt the need to come here today to memorialize jpn to in some way. >> pictures in tears. i was devastated that think like any other parent, this memorial for jayden pn to came with a lot of emotions thursday. 24 hours after he was stabbed to death inside a montgomery high school classroom. sirens went off the lockdown, sirens and i panicked for a little bit.
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>> and we learned later that it was with a knife. and then we just kept learning more and more police say pn to add another 6 year-old student entered a classroom and started arguing with a 15 year-old student. >> the 15 year-old pulled out a knife stabbed pm to 3 times and the other student wants. senior caleb gold describes the moments after the stabbing in school lockdown as chaotic. he joined other students thursday to grieve and offer free hugs. just being able to make a little difference. a difference to students, parents and even paid family members who gathered at his memorial as more of the lopez's daughter graduated from montgomery high school, anderson is supposed to come here for his freshman year. it's terrifying to think about the next year. so year she wants to see school resource officers back on campus, but says that that does not happen. she'll consider transferring her son to another school district worried that her son could fall victim to violence, thinking that you're going to drop her son off you're going to pick them up later and just.
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>> that parent is never going to pick them up again. that's really sad. that's heartbreaking. >> school has been canceled at montgomery high school for the rest of the week. police say the 15 year-old student was responsible for pm does debt is in custody, but they're not releasing his name at this time because of his age. reporting live in santa rosa. i'm rob nesbitt. kron. 4 news. all right, rob, appreciate that live report. just a such heartbreak for that community. you can understand how >> parents are scared to send their kids to school. thanks, rob. meantime, the stabbing a has reignited the conversation over whether there should be a police presence on campus. >> according to the santa rosa police officers association within just the past 2 weeks alone, police were called to schools for emergencies like stabbing battery robbery, criminal threats, public intoxication and our son. also the police officers association says just last year alone, the santa rosa
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police department responded to 945 emergency calls from schools. back in 2020. the school resource officer program at santa rosa schools came under scrutiny following the death of george floyd by that june, the school board had voted to paused the program. the board president says that they are not sure if an officer on campus would have made a difference in yesterday's stabbing. >> i believe that there are other options besides law enforcement being on our campuses that contribute to safety. i am not in favor of school resource officers on campus and the board has has stood pretty strong on this decision of ours. >> well, the board president also says the in the coming days will be helping students and staff feel safe on campus. the next steps include coordinating a community forum on safety in santa rosa schools. >> breaking news now. a jury has found alex murdaugh guilty of murdering his wife and son
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in 2021. in closing arguments, the defense painted but all as a loving father who only lied to police to do is opioid drug addiction. his attorney went on to accuse the police of fabricating a case against murdaugh. matt alt mitzi was there when his wife and son were shot. guns owned by his family. but he denies he's the killer. the prosecution claim t killed them because he was under financial pressure and about to be exposed for swindling money. murdaugh faces 30 years to life in prison without parole when he is sentenced, which will be tomorrow morning again, guilty on 2 counts of murder as well as weapons charges. developing news tonight, u.s. senator dianne feinstein from the bay area has been hospitalized in san francisco because of shingles. representative confirmed she was diagnosed during the february recess late last month. shingles not considered life-threatening,
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but often very painful. find site is expected to make a full recovery and she hopes to return to the senate later this month. the 89 year-old senator recently announced she would not seek a new term in congress when her current term expires in 2024. >> a string of winter storms that made a mess of our roads and that took down some power lines here in the bay area. i have actually helped drought conditions, as you can imagine in the state. those storms of works. take a look. the latest drought monitor map released just today. >> it shows now more than half of the state is out of drought conditions entirely. that includes most of the bay area. this this light yellow does not indicate drought. only parts of solano, napa and sonoma counties. you see this little bit of 10 there indicate moderate drought and that could be gone after the rain that we have. it's expected very soon. now the question is, you know what lies ahead in terms of water restrictions. kron four's dan kerman reports. what a
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difference. a winter of rain and snow makes the u.s. drought monitor indicates more than half of california and most of the bay area. >> is now out of the drought. as you can see from this animation, the change since november has been dramatic with much of the state moving from exceptional, extreme and severe drought in burgundy, red and orange to more than half the state being in yellow and white, meaning abnormally dry or no drought at all. great news. and what a winter it's been here in california and the bay area and of course, in the sierra nevada, snowpack levels are the reservoir i've obviously got up to a close to historical averages, which is great news allocations have gone for water supplies to be delivered to santa clara county. that keller with santa clara county's valley water district says things are looking promising, but still no decision yet. >> as to whether to roll back 15% mandatory water conservation. it's like a roger says you never count your money when you sitting at
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the table. we need to wait until you know, the winner is over and the wet season is over. before we really evaluate what we have as far as our water supply. >> argueta looks like our reservoirs are going to refill andrea poke with east bay. mud says its reservoirs like party in the sierra. we're looking great precipitation in its watershed. he's already greater than average. and while the agency has already removed and 8% drought surcharge, no decision yet about rolling back its 10% mandatory water conservation. we'll see how the numbers look, it's possible that will start shifting maybe from a drought emergency to a conservation state of mind. decisions on mandatory conservation are expected to come sometime in april. and even if those water restrictions are lifted, it doesn't mean it's time to go get that green lawn again and start ripping out here. drop resilient plants. that's because despite our wintry weather this year. >> droughts have become more common than not in california. >> could be next year. the year after we could start seeing dry conditions again,
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you just never know. so why not make those changes term instead of, you know, reacting every time we get into a drought out of a drought for a year and back into it. >> dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> all right. so is it long term short term short term? pretty good. short-term, great. great news for us, right number. but the previous 2 years, i mean, we have won 8 inches of rain that we had 11 inches of rain. >> and all the water restrictions and allison water, water everywhere. so we've got to prepare for those driving on cecil deal. those dry years right now looks like things have improved quite a bit. this is last october. you see all the red extreme and exceptional drought even to the central valley. >> then we really afford to today. and here you go. we're looking at the above normal drought in parts of the bay area. parts of the state no longer to drought. all meteorologist lee, probably not a drop because we're seeing so much rain in there. so much water. still to come down the hills and so many more storms to come. here's where we rain. total wise. we're above the average for the entire year in san francisco. now over 25 inches of rain normal this time of
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year. it's 17 resource in 146% of normal. so have some work to do in san jose above the average and 110% over 10 inches of rain. oakland above the average for the entire years. well over, 24 inches of rain. but the average for the entire year in hayward in livermore. and that's what you're finding and go on top of that. we've had tremendous amounts of snow. some of us here snowpack over 200% of norma outside. we've goa much needed break in the weather again today. beautiful day. little breeze out there right now. but lots of sunshine around the bay area got enjoy it while we have it. i think we get back into some stormy weather again. we'll start out in the more storm totals. more snow, more rain in the bay area in the coming days. but look at all the snow up in the sierra nevada day on the white there. you can see boy, just a beautiful sight to see even our local hills. we're still seeing some snow continuing up there. it has been cool as well. and tomorrow, the another cool day, but it's going to stay dry. but that ridge of high pressure going to start to flatten out. and there you go. not too far away. another round of rain that will likely impact your weekend. we'll talk more about that coming up in a few minutes. all right.
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thanks. alerts a bay area. state senator has resigned from his post. he was on a newly formed. >> senate select committee on public transit. yes, our kron four's philippe reports. first tonight, senator steve glazer cites a failure of bay area leaders to hobart financially responsible as his reason for stepping down. >> the state senate select committee on bay area public transit was created to advocate for state funding for all be aired in public transportation. but it's a lack of transparency from bart. >> that state senator steve glazer says has led to step down what concerns me is is fraud is conflict of interest. look, just a few weeks ago, the office of inspector general pointed out that part set aside $250,000 to deal with the issue of homelessness. and they've only helped one. her son, senator glazer sites in alameda county. grand jury's findings last year. that bart's leadership has repeatedly blocked parts. inspector general's authority and independence. >> an office senator glazer
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helped create in 2017. >> this week he sent a letter of resignation to committee chair scott wiener. we need too. so fill their promises. the office of inspector general needs to be funded. it needs to have the staffing and the powers to do their work on behalf of the traveling public and the taxpayers. that's what's holding me back from being enthusiastic about giving them more money in this bailout request that they we reached out to bar for comment. a spokesperson deferred to bevan dufty a member of the bart board of directors of says he and bart board president janice lee met with senator glazer last to address his concerns. we. >> are working towards a consensus and are very committed to trying to work through the issues that that are on the table. i would like to point out that in terms of the recommendations that are inspector general has made close to 90% of them have either been implemented are in the process of being
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implemented. so as a parent, i guess i would say i'm always happy when i see a 90% for my son. bart is asking for hundreds of millions of dollars to balance the dramatic drop in ridership during and after the pandemic. >> philippe djegal all kron 4 innings. >> still to come on kron, 4 news at 5. the wife of a beloved san francisco radio host says there has been most likely will not be coming home after his disappearance. more on the heartbreaking update. and the justice department rejecting former president trump's claims that he is immune from being sued over his actions related to the january 6th attack on the u.s. capitol. >> but first, governor newsom declares a state of emergency for areas hit hardest by winter storms. the extra help this should bring to people this should bring to people across t
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o'clock, a man has died. heavenly mountain ski resort. he was found in a tree. well, yesterday near the 46 year-old was found by the resort's ski patrol. >> near roundabout trail that i'm an expert trail on the mountain. he was given emergency care and evaluation on the mountain but was later pronounced dead at the california lodge base area. vice president of heavenly issuing a statement saying, quote, heavenly mountain resort, heavenly ski patrol, the entire fail resorts family extend our deepest sympathy and support to our guest's family and france where the severe winter weather really he's left us several california mountain community seeking help as they reel from
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the recent onslaught of the snow storms. now fewer than 24 hours after governor newsom proclaimed a state of emergency for affected counties. officials say help is on the way for us. capitol correspondent eytan wallace takes us through the state's response. well, you can see here at the california office of emergency services headquarters. they are in full response mode that as those who live in impacted communities say help cannot come soon enough. >> this is that my son the window and this is the snow level off with the with this is the view outside sadie albers, wrightwood home. this is absolutely the most snow i've seen in a long time. however, sent us these pictures and recordings of all the snow piled up outside her home in along the streets in the small san bernardino mountain community with the snow conditions in the street, you get 4 feet of snow. plus, the plowed coming by now as your berm in front of your driveway. it 6 plus the so people are trying to dig through 6 feet of snow and you just you can't. so the elderly, the disabled, they just haven't left their house
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in 7 days. and that's concerning for me. that's why alberts who is an elected board member on the right would community services district says she has urgently requested more county and state resources. i sent out a plea for food and water. people are contacting me saying they don't have food for their children because usually their children get that and school breakfast and lunch every single day. they haven't been able to leave for work for 7 days. they can't afford their heater bill. so they're not turning on the heat. they're out of firework. i asked for all of these resources yesterday at last night, i was told that it was sent to big bear, which is 40 miles away from us here in wrightwood. so we're still without the essential supplies. but she's hopeful that will change after her county supervisors approved 10 million dollars in assistance. and after the governor proclaimed an emergency declaration for 13 counties, including kern to larry sierra l a. >> and hard-hit san bernardino. it's all about giving them more tools, more resources, more firefighters, more law enforcement. >> to help bring people to safety. brian ferguson with cal oes says the emergency
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declaration has allowed the state to quickly deploy resources, including the california guard. >> caltrans road crews and private companies to accelerate snow removal. this will be able to get first responders in quickly to get residents out who need help. hopefully the goal that we're saving lives. state senator rosalee co ciobo represent several san bernardino county mountain communities. she sent the governor this letter earlier this week asking him to proclaim an emergency. well, now that he did, and no, it's not fast enough for the people that are in need. >> but i can tell you that we didn't all hands on deck. >> and there have been questions why some impacted counties in the lake tahoe region and other parts of the state were not added to this declaration? well, i'm told that is because they did not specifically ask for assistance, but that could always change. and that could be added to the declaration in the future reporting from cal oes headquarters near sacramento. eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> all right. to take a look at this this year covered in snow, prompting many road closures. we've been talking
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about that. but as you can from this video, this is in didn't deter friends from meandering their way through a labyrinth of snow. they wanted to go to a sushi restaurant. so nothing was going to stop. there is so much snow in that area. just, you know, piled feet above, though. us over the last 48 hours over 52 inches of snow has fallen on the northern and central sears point. we sure hope so she was worth it, right. that a 4 hour drive south of that. more snow. look at these images. just beautiful. this is yosemite. the winter storms printing. >> a ton of snow to that part of the sierra park. officials say they've recorded up to 15 feet of snow in some areas. the park has been closed since saturday because of the weather. it's a great tunnel shot there. they say crews are working to restore critical services so visitors can safely return. but there is no estimated time for when the park will reopen.
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>> lawrence is snow country is really a couple ansel. adams would be going crazy right now. would he be payton up a storm of i mean, what an amazing view even in the bay area driving in today, you can see some snow on peaks, but i mean, it's epic in the sierra nevada. it is just and some kind of a series of storms just leading to all that snow. look at the mounds of snow piled up along the side of the road. 18, 50 are open and clear. now you can get up there. watch out for some icy conditions to some very cold temperatures as you head through the evening hours and early tomorrow morning, you see all the snow piled up over the mountain tops. that's all the white stuff up there right now with our visible satellite image. but there's more storms coming. in fact, a winter storm warning has been issued starting at 10:00am on saturday. that's going continue all the way until monday. we're talking another 2, maybe 4 feet of snow across the sierra nevada. so we're going to be adding to some press of totals and there are more storms lining up likely behind that as well. alright,
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temperature wise. here's your break. tomorrow you'll see some sunshine. you'll see mostly sunny skies and numbers warming up after overnight lows. low 20's. you're probably almost double that up in the low 40's and then the snow comes rocketed again on saturday. those storms are coming in some strong storms, kind of a one-two punch on saturday into sunday. expect a blowing snow, maybe periods a white out conditions over the weekend. >> lauren. still ahead, a bill restricting drag performances on in tennessee to become law. we're going to reaction from the lgbtq community who say it unfairly targets them.
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>> tennessee governor bill lee signed 2 bills into law which critics say target the lgbtq+ community. one effect of lee bands drag shows in that state restricting don't cabaret or male and female impersonators. that's a quote. it goes into effect. april first. well, the legislation to regulate drag shows it garnered little extra attention yesterday after a picture from franklin highs. 1977, your book, which shows the republican governor. in a dress. adam minter reports. >> activists in memphis protesting outside of one of the governor's hunter lee
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called the protests a distraction of sanity for children something should happen in this state. he was asked again about this photo from his 1977 franklin high yearbook appearing to show him in a dress ridiculous to try complaint some high school. >> to something that is as serious as >> potentially really harming children. but the photo doesn't appear to be going away. nearly $40,000 has been raised from around the country to put that photo on billboards across the state. some tenders calling the governor a hypocrite for you. where specific ce terms i think the the concern is what's right there in that class. in that children, the bill would ban adult cabaret, male or female impersonators and or topless dancers from performing in a private venue where children are or in public. have been wondering how far will this go? family
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oriented, lgbtq pride events. wwe says tyler thank mom. this bill would allow me is a district attorney about a plain language of this bill. >> 2 arrests, beyonce. the bill sponsors didn't answer directly if these would be banned instead pointing to the state's definition of obscenity. this language is pretty clear what we're trying to get at. >> and it is blatantly sexually explicit entertainment that any reasonable person could look at and see and deem that to be inappropriate. but he says what is inappropriate will ultimately be up to judges, juries and law enforcement. that was adam ensor reporting for us tonight. the governor lee also signed a bill requiring any minor currently receiving hormone therapy for gender dysphoria to come off that treatment by april of next year. next, top diplomats from 2 of the biggest american adversaries meet for the first time since russia invaded ukraine. >> what was discussed on the sidelines during that meeting?
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plus, the local warning about what's been happening to kia and hyundai vehicles. >> and remember all those san francisco public school employees weren't getting paid right because the district changed its payroll system. >> that's been happening for more than a year now. how the district is trying to defend the ineptitude and what a teacher is telling us tonight.
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>> we have a sad update tonight to share on the popular wild 94.9 radio


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