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tv   KRON 4 News at 430am  KRON  March 3, 2023 4:30am-5:01am PST

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well, welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. you're probably already planning. >> what you're going to do for the weekend. so whether you want to go up to the snow like or maybe you just want to get outside, you're going to be in for a really wet conditions, right, john? and yeah, i mean tomorrow, not going to be the best route there for sure. today, though, a good chance to venture outside. >> enjoy a little sunshine before we do eventually get our way back into a cooler and wetter pattern right in the middle of the weekend, saturday and sunday quite hour for now. looks good. it's dry out there. not quite as cold as we have been the past few mornings right now. it's upper 30's to low 40's for current temp san francisco. munger, more mild areas. 46 well petaluma and santa rosa among our cooler spots in the upper 30's right now. as far as winds go breezier at the coastline, fairly common when
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this morning and skies. nice and clear crystal clear conditions out there. now, as far as we go the rest of the day, temperatures will rise pretty swiftly this morning under that sunshine, we will be looking at some upper 50's to low 60's for today's daytime highs. and if you want to get outside today is your best chance to do so. i'm talking about the cool down in the increased rain for the rest of the weekend. still to come rain. all right, john, thanks. so that make >> by an umbrella for this weekend traveling into the city this morning. 7 minutes maze to that fremont street exit, your san mateo bridge about 12 minutes. 81 to one richmond, sandra fell bridge 7 minute drive and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 20 minutes on this friday. we're actually learning that minutes before a student was fatally stabbed inside of santa rosa high school. police were actually called to another i school in santa rosa after a student brought a gun to campus. this is a photo of that gun recovered at a real korea high school officers say when they tried to question
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that student with a gun that student ran away, tried to hide in nearby trailer park. police say they are trace the path of that student ran. they found gun in a nearby dre. 16 year-old student was actually booked into a county juvenile justice center. so we'll be following this story. santa rosa community is remembering the life of a student at montgomery high school who was stabbed and killed on campus wednesday. kron four's rob nesbitt talked with some parents and students about the growing memorial for the victims. >> pictures and tears. i was devastated that think like any other parent, this memorial for jayden pn to came with a lot of emotions thursday. 24 hours after he was stabbed to death inside a montgomery high school classroom. sirens went off. >> the lockdown sirens and i panicked for a little bit and we learned later that it was with a knife. and then we just kept learning more and more
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police say pn to add another 6 year-old student entered a classroom and started arguing with a 15 year-old student. >> the 15 year-old pulled out a knife stabbed pm to 3 times and the other student wants. senior caleb gold describes the moments after the stabbing in school lockdown as chaotic. he joined other students thursday to grieve and offer free hugs. just being able to make a little difference. a difference to students, parents and even paid family members who gathered at his memorial as more of the lopez's daughter graduated from montgomery high school, anderson is supposed to come here for his freshman year. it's terrifying to think about them next year. she'll be here. she wants to see school resource officers back on campus but says that that does not happen. she'll consider transferring her son to another school district worried that her son could fall victim to violence. thinking that you're going to drop their son off and you're going to pick them up later and just. >> that parent is never going to pick them up again.
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>> that's really sad. that's heartbreaking. the santa rosa school board held a special meeting all day thursday closed to the public. but many in the community, especially students, are demanding change. this would be the adults and the and the stuff coming up with solutions and fixing this school because just there's a lot of problems. classes at montgomery high school have been canceled for the rest of the week. police say the 15 year-old student who they believed to be responsible for p interest debt. >> is in custody. but they're not releasing his name because of his age reporting in santa rosa. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> well, the stabbing is reignited conversations about police presence on campuses. santa rosa police officers association says that within just the past 2 weeks, police say were called to schools for emergencies, including stabbings, battery robbery, criminal threat, public intoxication, even arson. and last year alone, santa rosa police responded to 945 emergency calls from schools. napa police say they found that stolen van that was carrying 16 cats. that's a
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u.s. citizen. call them saying it was parked near harris6n and cornwall avenues. police say the cats are all accounted for and they appear to be okay. van was stolen sunday by a man who road of on a bicycle and just took it. the van belongs to an animal shelter called whiskers tails and farrell's. it's not clear yet if there's a suspect being detained, but an area businessman named john bentz offered a reward. if the cats are returned safely, no questions asked. we have 2 texas republicans at odds over how to pass a border and immigration bill. congressman chip roy introduced a bill aimed at giving homeland security the power to shut down border crossings until the u.s. is able to detain everyone crossing illegally. fellow republican and tax and tony gonzalez argues that bills anti immigrant. >> these bills need to realistic and they need to be tangible things that are ultimately going to securing the border, a messaging bill that is anti immigrant or
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anti christian. >> and allah says he's working with both parties on a series of new border bills and texas senator john cornyn argues that republicans need to be united on a single bill. it's going to have a chance of passing. >> well, a survey by 20 pack university revealed 7 in 10 californians. >> would not like governor gavin newsom to make a bid for the white house. the poll did not ask registered voters to explain why. meantime, president biden stock is up following his state of the union address. a poll shows his approval ratings has bounced up about 46%. >> we talked about implementing the great accomplishments of the president of the last 2 years. we are building unity, optimism and optimism about 2024. >> well, his decision about whether to run for a second term is expected soon. we have some developing news because u.s. senator dianne feinstein has been hospitalized in san francisco after getting shingles. a representative
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confirms that she was diagnosed late last month during the february, says doctors say feinstein is expected to make a full recovery and she says in a statement she hopes to return to work in the senate later this month. 89 year-old senator recently announced she would not run for re-election in 2024. yesterday when that news broke, we sat down with infectious disease expert doctor peter chin-hong about what we need to know about shingles. >> and joining us now to talk more about shingles is doctor peter chin, hong professor and infectious disease specialist at ucsf doctor chin-hong. thank you for your time. full disclosure here shingles is personal to me. i've not had it, but my dad had a horrible case 3 years ago. he still is in pain with the showers and does rand thing. so i know it can be really painful. but for folks out there, what is shingles and what can i do to you? >> so shingles is caused by a virus and it's the same virus that causes chicken pox. maybe people might know about
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chickenpox. but once you get chickenpox and number really goes away, it stays in your new year's. and as you get older or if you get compromised immune system, it can come back out. i'm not coming is watching events and goes away. the russia, it is. but the reason why we think it's so important is because people can be left with debilitating new being that can last the years after. >> and what does it do to typical person who get shingles? what happens to their body? >> once a person gets shingles, which is again the same virus that causes chicken pox in the same person in childhood. it comes back on maybe a joe stress you notice a pins and needles like a tingling. and then you get a rise in. the rush is very u.s. specific distribution. almost like you're wearing a depending on where you are on the flank and the rash looks
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like, you some blisters. that's how they look like the ross eventually gets better and falls off. but in some people they left with these kinds of pins and needles pain because it is coming out of the nerve. after all. >> senator feinstein's 89, i know this is more common in older folks. can young people get it? >> yes, young people can definitely get it. it's much rarer. but justin bieber, you might remember had a few months ago what people called ramsay hunt syndrome. it was like hearing loss facial paralysis. it was caused by the same virus coming the same virus that causes chicken pox coming back as auster so young people can definitely get it as well. >> would you expect a full recovery from the senator? >> yes, 100% full recovery. shingles isn't something that kills you. but again, we want to identify, prevented or treated soon because we don't want to be left with that
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debilitating pain that can linger for months or years after. >> people might know shingles by watching tv here. commercials for the vaccine. what you know about the vaccine who should get it at what age. >> everyone over the age of 50 should get the shingles vaccine. the most common vaccine is called shingrix. >> it's a highly effective vaccine. like in the studies more than 97% of people had benefit. it's a 2 shot series. you get it once and you got it. the second one in about 6 months you know, not very well tolerated in general, and it's not a live vaccine. so it's safe. even of people with compromised immune systems. >> well, the fda they're cracking down on illegal imports of the animal tranquilizer xylazine commonly known as tranq on tuesday. the agency issued an import alert for the drug. it will now suspect shipments to be
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detained without inspection or even sampling. the drug is used in veterinary medicine to sedate an animal, but it's not approved for human use because officials say it can be lethal because it slows down your breathing. drug cartels are using it because it's cheap. and when they mix with opioids that can increase profit. we showed you websites that use artificial intelligence to generate artwork on the fly. now working artists to i uses their work in an ethical way. >> in tech smart.
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>> few weeks ago we introduced you i generated images now our own rich demuro takes a look at the ethics involved in train a i to generate these type of images. recently, i told you about web sites that use artificial intelligence to generate artwork on the fly. but there's another side to this story. >> artist who say their work is being used unfairly to train these ai ssstems. >> this is harley quinn from birds of great hopwood is a costume concept artist aggressive creativity for making 1000 decisions every second with every part of your creed of fiber. he creates the initial look and feel of characters and places in
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movies, tv shows and video games. we create artwork visualizes things like the costumes, props environments. now he's worried his work could be replaced by artificial intelligence to say i've been keeping a close eye on. it would be an understatement. ai software tools can now generate artwork with just a few key words. the issue how these ai programs are trained, finding out that all of our work has been scraped into these data sets of ai programs has been. terrifying. it no one was asked commission for images and the 71 compensate me rachel miner doing is co-founder of concept art association. a group created to defend working artists. it essentially have cost just be a voice at the table in these kind of conversations are being had about like how we move forward with these technologies and asked to call way they i websites don't necessarily disclose. we're training images come from often. it's from whatever is
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posted online that the focus should be for people to in. all out brawl for tech innovation, but it can't come at the cost of the working class hardest. you know, while the legality and ethics of this brave new ai generated world are worked out. hopwood has a simple suggestion to show your support. if that's something that not comfortable doing supporting artists, go online. >> find a etsy shop, find an artist commission, some hard work. >> i still a very dynamic and growing part of the tech industry. >> there's no doubt that guidelines rules and regulations will have some catching up to do. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >> all right. rich, thanks for that. well, if you are saying hannah, want to be inside playing i want to get outdoors this weekend. we need to know what the weather is going to be like. john trade has been tracking that for us sunshine, john, or rain that sunshine today and a little peek of it tomorrow and sunday, too. but
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tomorrow and sunday overall, definitely looking at a lot grayer and a lot wetter, too. >> the slow the zooming camera downtown san francisco. now zooming back out for dramatic effect showing the bexar right. there was a really clear skies up above. we're off to a clear morning. easy one for your last morning. commute of the workweek in an easy drive up to tahoe or southern california today. the big question mark there is. how's your drive back to looking in? well, that's not going to be as easy because we see our next system on our doorstep and rainfall set to arrive as we move into tomorrow morning snowfall. also with that same time frame up in the sierra nevada. futurecast shows today's dry conditions, a few clouds towards the mid to late afternoon today and then rainfall arriving to the north bay starting around 6, 07:00am, to 08:00am tomorrow. and then just after that for the rest of us, heavy rush of rain pushes through comes along with some pretty good intensity rainfall throughout your morning hours by noontime. we're actually catching a break from it, getting a little bit of sunshine tomorrow afternoon, followed up by more rain into
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your evening hours. saturday night leading into sunday morning with even more those showers notice. we do have- that upper elevation snowfall here in the bay area. so you can see more snow pack building on areas like mount diablo, as well as mount hamilton, mount saint helene, that up in the north bay sunday morning. we'll see our best chance of rain followed by some clearing conditions that afternoon. and as for the sierra nevada, it's a winter storm warning starting tomorrow through monday morning. we're going to be looking at snow piling up again. a couple feet of it, not near as much as what we saw earlier this week, but still adding to that significant snow pack that continues to just pile up up there at those upper elevations. temps today will be in the mid 50's for the most part, although a few of us rising into the upper 50's and even low 60's redwood city in palo alto at 58 degrees. san jose as well as campbell and santa clara, that 60 degrees for your daytime highs. pretty similar range of numbers for the east bay with the oakland at 57 walnut creek and concord, 59 for your
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daytime highs, fairfield in napa as well as santa rosa. all at 60 degrees. tomorrow's temperatures slide downward. our inland areas down from the low 60's to the low 50's. well, bayside cities from the upper 50's to the low 50's saturday sunday and monday all bringing chances of rainfall with tuesday. looking like we take our foot off the gas pedal a little bit. chances of rainfall on and off through next week. rain. john, thank you. the ballots can look at your drive into the city this morning. 7 minute ride maze to that fremont street exit. >> how about that? san mateo bridge could take you 12 minutes. 80 to 101. a richmond center fell bridge about 7 minutes there. and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls and take you about 90 minutes on this friday. well, a san francisco man who was one of the first transgender bishops in a major christian church is suing reverend megan role. her is filed a lawsuit claiming he was forced out of the job after months of discrimination and harassment. he resigned
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last june as bishop of the sierra pacific synod of the in evangelical lutheran church in america amid accusations of racism. that is after you remove the pastor of a predominantly latino congo ration right in the central valley on a religious holiday. but he says he was actually a scapegoat. and the lawsuit says he endured and overly hostile environment. it was mocked for his gender identity. >> i'm i'm speaking up now because of the large number of lgbtq and especially trans people who have come to me and said that sense, my being pushed out of the church, their lives have become harder and their service in the church has become. >> more difficult to move forward and i believe that by speaking up now, i can be a witness to the fact that trans people. can keep marching, keep fighting. keep advocating. even in the midst
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of pushback and the world growing more difficult. >> well, the church's base in clued about 200 congregations across northern california and nevada. church officials declined to comment on that lawsuit. >> tennessee governor bill lee signed 2 bills into law which critics say target to lgbt community. one of the last bands public track shows. >> adam ensor has that story for us. activists in memphis protesting outside of one of the governor's events. >> governor lee called the protests a distraction of sanity for children something should happen in this state. he was asked again about this photo from his 1977 franklin high yearbook appearing to show him in a dress ridiculous to try complaint some high school. >> to something that is as serious as
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>> potentially really harming children. but the photo doesn't appear to be going away. nearly $40,000 has been raised from around the country to put that photo on billboards across the state. some tenders calling the governor a hypocrite or you wear a specific ce terms i think the the concern is what's right there in that class. in that children, the bill would ban adult cabaret, male or female impersonators and or topless dancers from performing in a private venue where children are or in public. have been wondering how far will this go? family oriented, lgbtq pride events wwe says atala thank mom. this bill would allow me is a district attorney about a plain language of this bill. >> 2 arrests, beyonce. the bill sponsors didn't answer directly if these would be banned instead pointing to the state's definition of obscenity. this language is pretty clear at what we're trying to get at. >> and it is blatantly sexually explicit
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entertainment that any reasonable person you could look at and see and deem that to be inappropriate. but he says what is inappropriate will ultimately be up to judge its dirty. all right. well, that was adam ensor reporting. well, governor lee also sign a bill requiring any minor. >> getting hormone therapy for a gender change to stop the treatment by april of next year. so we'll be following that story. we'll be right that story. we'll be right back after the break. jack, we think you're going to love this. ♪ "pop muzik" by m ♪ corn chicken... ♪ ...corn chicken... ♪ ...corn chicken... so... get out. right. okay. mhm. my $6.99 popcorn chicken is back. only at jack in the box.
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♪ "pop muzik" by m ♪ ♪ ♪ my $6.99 popcorn chicken is back. only at jack in the box.
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>> welcome back. 4.56. we're almost to 05:00am and doing good. this morning. we've got another easy commute. last commute to the weekend. always nice when it's a friday and you don't have to worry about stepping outside on the slick roads. we've got a nice view of san francisco right there. some of the boats sitting in the bay overall, a pretty fog free morning in a fog free day ahead of us. if you want to head out to the coastline, do bring your jackets. we're only going to be in the low 50's out that way elsewhere in the bay. it's upper 50's to even a few low 60's. really nice. want to stay here locally. the sierra nevada, i know a lot of us, including myself, had plans on getting up there this weekend. but those plans becoming a little dicey here with saturday sunday and even monday, bringing snow along with it. so your drive up there today are easy peasy after this. it starts to get a little bit rocky. so might want to reconsider those travels. >> rain. all right, john, thanks for that. coming up in the next hour. vice president kamala harris
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>> is coming to san francisco live report after the break. an explosive materials were found at a home run across from a high school. we're live at the scene coming up. and the alleged jewish shooter is due in court today. we have the details on that after the break.
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at >> friday to you. i'm sorry and on james and we're waking up this morning with the weekend head of us. a beautiful day today. >> the weaken. >> well, let's enjoy today. then what happens, back to the winter weather we go. but yet today, looking like a really nice one. definitely want to capitalize on this weekend. we see the return of rainfall saturday morning sunday morning again and we also do see the return of snowfall to the sierra nevada. so that might throw a little bit of a wrench your plans getting up there. as for what we have right now, nice clear skies across the east bay this morning. a few passing clouds, but that's not resulting in any visibility issues. 30's 40's for current temps, not as cold as we were earlier this week. oakland, you're at 41 livermore. napa, the lay home in santa rosa. some of our spots in the upper 30's, san francisco and pittsburgh. our


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