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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  March 4, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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>> from the bay area's news station. you're watching kron. 4 news news at 6. >> now it's 6 oakland community members continuing their push to reinstate former police chief leronne armstrong among the group today families of recent homicide victims. thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 6. i'm noelle bellow and i'm dan thorn, the group which also included clergy and community activists met today. >> demanding mayor sheng town reverse her decision to fire armstrong as kron four's philippe djegal reports. the group says the community needs the former police chiefs
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leadership. >> former oakland are strong support families. he has developed relationships with over the years as he climbed the ranks of the police department. he needs to be rehired. >> and we're not going to shut up. we're not going to be quiet. we're going to make our voices be may know nearly a dozen nonprofits and a family members of homicide victims addressed armstrong spy ring saturday at the lighthouse community school in oakland. chief armstrong is not my partner. he's not my boy. not my folks. >> he is a highly respected. at any given time would be out at a murder. see 1 o'clock in the morning. he get out his big and go and console the families of homicide victims. armstrong is appealing the decision by mayor sheng tao to terminate him. >> he was fired without cause
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following the federal monitors investigation into the former chief's handling of to police misconduct investigations. he's family. >> we found we had a chief from oak lane that supported the community that friction and tension that we had throughout the years with the opd. we finally had a face in a become speak to theroup, also voicing their frustrations with mayor tao who they say has ignored their requests to meet in person to discuss how the former chief's dismissal was handled. this case isn't has. >> re traumatized community at this point. what the mayor has did is put as in a fight flight freeze mall at this point. we don't know what's next. we reached out to the mayor's office for comment this story and have not heard back in oakland, philippe djegal all kron. 4 news year. also in oakland, a hacker group has released people's personal information. >> stolen last month from the city of oakland's online network. this according to the san francisco chronicle. the
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group reportedly making good on their threat to release the personal information last night. the ongoing attack has affected everything in oakland from the city's non-emergency phone line to help parking tickets are handled. city officials promised last week to contact anyone whose personal information was affected. there's no word yet on if that has happened. for now, if you have any data on file with you should freeze your credit and check your bank accounts regularly. >> happening tonight, additional patrols out in oakland to tackle illegal sideshows. several sideshows broke out across the city last weekend. one of them, this one that you're seeing video of it included a big rig. the department issuing a reminder that sideshows are illegal and any participating car can be towed and seized with a 30 day. hold. >> developing now, california nurses are protesting the state's latest decision. roll back covid-19 guidelines specifically in healthcare settings. state officials say masks will no longer be required indoors in healthcare
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settings, beginning march 13th, t covid vaccine requirement for healthcare workers. we'll also be dropped starting april 3rd, the california near nurses association calling this a failure, a public health leadership. in a statement, the california nurses association says this decision endangers the health and safety of nurses and other health care workers. it hurts their ability to access personal protective equipment from employers. the state public health department says it is relaxing guidelines because covid hospitalizations and deaths are down in response to the vaccination and public health efforts. >> and national news tonight, one person is dead. several homes are burned after a tanker truck exploded in maryland happened in frederick about an hour west of baltimore. officers say the tanker was carrying gas when it overturned hit a tree and then exploded. the driver was killed. officers say several cars and homes were also damaged. but no one else was
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hurt. >> take a look at this residence in southern california in the town of crestline writing helpless in the the extraordinary snowfall burying homes and businesses there. snow plowing equipment geared toward tackling ordinary storms are being overwhelmed. crestline is in san bernardino county, which is one of 13 counties where governor newsom has declared a state of emergency because of this severe weather is quite an incredible >> so much snow in places that have not seen snow. and i don't know how long, especially here even as well. dpmeteorologist mabrisa rodriguez has more what we're dealing with. got some watches and warnings going on. yes, specially a winter weather advisory once again, far north bay mountains, the east bay hills and eastern santa clara county for our interior north bay mountains. we could actually get up to a foot of snow for elevations above 4,000 feet, snow levels could drop to as low as 2100 feet from now through sunday afternoon. but most of our
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local and highest peaks going to get the little bit more than half a foot of snow when it's all said and done so radar for tracking rain and snow showers. we are starting to see some light scattered snow flurries throughout our east bay hills and mount hamilton over there near the south bay. but also for north bay mountains as well. tracking that fresh powder and the return of rain along our north bay coastline. but it's this storm out in the pacific northwest that is going to give us pop-up thunderstorms. rain totals within the last 24 hours about a 3rd of an inch of rain or less highest amounts for those of you in santa rosa. but we're going to get another round of storms shortly before midnight in the north bay overnight. so we could see pop-up thunderstorms, hail and gusty winds 60 miles per hour. less for the highest peaks. most of our valley seeing 40 to 50 mile per hour wind speeds with sca tered showers for your sunday afternoon and then drying out by sunday night where we could pick up about 3 quarters of an inch of rain
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from now. until then, more on the wet weather. that's going to impact your work week monday in just a few minutes. back to you, dan and well thank you on the peninsula. new express lanes have opened on highway 101 between south san francisco and sunnyvale. and some people are getting sticker shock. the tolls adjust depending on real time traffic levels, but they can get as high as $12 to drive just that handful of miles. >> the new toll lanes are active on weekdays from 05:00am to 08:00pm between i 3.80, in south san francisco and north mathilda avenue in sunnyvale carpoolers with 2 people in their car or an approved clean air energy vehicles only have to pay half the total amount. still a bit pricey for folks in those lanes. coming up, how the family of tyre nichols is using his life and legacy to help others. >> plus, passing it on a local children's hospital. volunteer awarded for his acts of kindness. why his colleagues say he was more than deserving of this recognition.
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>> and some big changes could be coming to social security in the next few years. it may impact millions of americans how lawmakers are trying to stop it from happening, stop it from happening, though, after the break. ♪♪ for skin as alive as you are... don't settle for silver. harness the power of 7 moisturizers & 3 vitamins to smooth, heal, and moisturize your dry skin. gold bond. champion your skin.
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>> for your money, the federal government says by the year 2032 and won't be able to pay social security recipients, their full benefits unless congress acts. washington
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correspondent alexandra limon reports on the efforts on capitol hill to save the program. >> government projections say that in just 9 years, the social security fund won't have enough money. if congress doesn't do anything, we would have. the media. 23 1% cut benefits for everybody. michael peterson is ceo of the nonpartisan nonprofit peter g peterson foundation. he says those cuts would result in a $7,000 a year laws for current social security recipients. and he says part of the problem is about 10,000 baby boomers are retiring every day. every time someone retires. >> it's a double whammy because they stopping and then they start taking out right now. social security taxes are only deducted from income below $160,000 a year. but democrats are rallying behind a bill they say would fully fund social security for the next 75 years by making income above $250,000. subject to that tax, the social security
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expansion act was introduced by senator bernie sanders and his co sponsored by senator kirsten gillibrand. millionaires pay in much lower percentage of their income than everybody else. democrats say their bill would make the system fair. i think we can agree if you earn a million dollars a year, you should be paying your fair share of the bill is unlikely to become law anytime soon because so far it has no republican co-sponsors. but separately, a bipartisan group of senators has also been meeting to try to come up with a solution before it's too late in washington. alexandra limon. >> coming up, more than a dozen popular parks across california are shut down california are shut down because of severe weather. jack, we think you're going to love this. ♪ "pop muzik" by m ♪ corn chicken... ♪ ...corn chicken... ♪ ...corn chicken... so... get out. right. okay. mhm. my $6.99 popcorn chicken is back. only at jack in the box. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail.
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♪ "pop muzik" by m ♪ ♪
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♪ my $6.99 popcorn chicken is back. only at jack in the box. >> welcome back. the family of tyre nichols is working to keep his legacy alive after he was killed by police officers during a traffic stop in memphis. they're now in the process of creating a foundation to help young men just like him. janine shows us how they're >> using his creativity to help start this organization. >> over the past 2 months, talking with tyre, nichols is siblings. it became clear that he loved photography. >> and sunsets. you just love the simple things in life. and he likes to capture things. he's always love like captured camera in those 2 months following the traffic stop that ended his life in memphis, tennessee. his sister's kiyana dixon and la
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toya eyes or you're making sure his death contributes to positivity in the community. he loved so much. we'll have a foundation that will be the tyre nichols foundation has a sacramento native, a young father and a creative person. >> tyrese sisters say they want to help young men just like him to start. they've launched this website. the picture you said of tie with the fun in the background. tha 's one of our favorite photos of selling shirts and sweaters. the money earned will go towards the foundation. we want to do creative arts scholarships. we want to do creative arts fares when 2 young fathers that may cause my brother was the young father focusing on helping young single fathers. when you're in your 20's or even early your father, you know? >> mostly women get the resources now alike, provide young males with those resources as well. all of this is something his sisters say he was passionate about when he was alive. he loved to help people. i mean, you can meet a person that would say that
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they have some type of way. if you could help you, he would help the and even though he's no longer here, his sisters say this is one way to make sure he's never forgotten. >> all while benefiting the future generations. it wraps around his whole life. he was a young father. he was a creative arts person. you know. >> he was. that is was the creator. >> that was jeannie nguyen reporting for us tonight. >> happening now, 14 national parks across california are still closed after the power winter. powerful winter storms swept through leaving the several feet of snow behind. this is a look at yosemite. >> park right now, parks are closed so roads can be cleared and damage repaired all 14 parks are closed until further notice. lots and lots of snow taking a live look back here at home. we've got a nice night there along the embarcadero, which i know the rain is coming back. some of the folks are getting a little walk. we saw some morning and then the sun came out. it was
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really nice. but, you know, the big talker for a lot of people, we saw a lot of chaos and videos of it. >> is this no around riggins? joining us now with more on that in a recent. yeah. hey, dan and noelle. yeah, we're tracking sierra snow also impacting yosemite national park. >> several feet of snow expected by the time monday morning comes around and radar for. we're tracking very dry conditions. light scattered hit or miss showers along our north bay coastline. starting to inch closer towards santa rosa with this stray shower out there, we actually saw not only thunder and lightning but even hail storms throughout parts of the bay area as well. so let's take a look at radar for our next storm out in the pacific and this winter storm going to give us another round of rain showers and mountain snow for our highest peaks where we could see snow levels drop to as low as 2100 feet. so pop-up thunderstorms will be in the forecast even through the 2nd half of the weekend. don't be surprised if you wake up to the sound of thunder and if you see lightning as well during the
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overnight hours, that's when it's really going to peak. and as you can see, scattered hit or miss showers continuing through wednesday in the bay area. so we could pick up anywhere from about half an inch tempers of an inch of rain from now through wednesday. but right now, certainly the calm before our next storm set to arrive shortly before midnight. temperatures out there right now, widespread mid to upper 40's along the coast and for our coolest inland valleys. check out those widespread low 50's from oakland into hayward mile the citys there with fairfax already cooling down to 42 degrees overnight lows slightly above that freezing threshold for those of you in santa rosa at 34 degrees a little bit milder for downtown san francisco and oakland at 42 degrees. but temperatures tomorrow, 5 to 10 degrees below average low to mid 50's when we should be averaging low to mid 60's. in fact are going to stay in the 50's for the next several days. possible chance of an atmospheric river next friday. warming up temperatures a week from today in the low 60's bring a seasonable highs back
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to dan and well. >> number, he said, thank you. now to a story about celebrating kindness in the bay area, staff and families at ucsf benioff children's hospital in oakland gathered to recognize one of their volunteers. this is bernie payton. he spends every thursday volunteering with the kids and teaching them oregon me he supplies all the paper and even makes our economy hats for all the patients and staff members as well. looks like for his kindness. the nonprofit chris kindness award presented payton with the $1000. check. we heard from the woman who nominated him for the award. >> when i would talk to him and this is going back many years, at least 10 years ago, he would come down here and volunteer to make our economy not only with the children, but with the siblings in the family. and he told me that was one of the best days of the week for him. and that always stayed with me. >> payton says he plans to donate the prize money back to the children's program at the hospital. if you know someone
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doing a good kindness and good work in the community and you'd like them to be recognized, maybe for them to win $1000. you can submitted nomination today at chris kindness. award dot org. >> coming up, stanford up in oregon looking to get a key win on the road against the docks. next in sports, kate rooney, well have the highlights and let us know if highlights and let us know if if you think you have dupuytren's contracture, there's a simple test you can take—from anywhere. try to lay your hand flat against a surface. if you can't, you may have dupuytren's contracture. talk to a hand specialist about your options, including nonsurgical treatments.
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man: i'm not slowing down anytime soon. that's why i take osteo bi-flex every day. it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, and continues to improve over time. kinda like us. osteo bi-flex. because i'm made to move.
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>> and now kron 4 sports.
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>> college hoops heating up. but unfortunately, some local teams seems like they haven't gotten the message. ucla knocked off stanford, the pac, 12 women's tournament in las vegas yesterday and today the cardinal men squad well didn't fare much better in their final regular season contest. half and his stanford squad looking to get a much needed road win in oregon against the jermaine cousin ard. oh, sweet dribble drive. and then al you pass. and if ali puts down the jam, dante had 15 points for the ducks for the cardinal hung in there spencer jones. some touch play underneath gets the offensive rebound and put that to get the cardinal within 61. 58 jones had 18 points for stanford, but dana, altman and company had other plans. will richardson drives to the whole puts in the lefty laying he's fouled and it's good. the ducks go up 5 and never looked back. oregon wins. 73 to 68. stanford will
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be the 10 seat in the pac. 12 men's tournament begins next wednesday. so that h l young sharks fans looking to get a win against the caps in their last game of the homestand looked great early on sharks on the power play. it smashed hurdle. gets behind alex ovechkin and the defense finds the net his 16th goal of the season and the sharks jumped out to a 2, nothing lead. but just like they did against the blues, they gave up second-period goals that former shark matt erwin with the one timer that the caps up 3 to 2 and the sharks had a 2 goal lead into game in a row. couldn't get when they finished the homestand one and 5, 1, out using this one to 8, 3, to the well in the nfl, a good kicker is worth his weight in gold. unfortunately, robbie gold has kicked for the forty-niners for the last time after 6 seasons in san francisco. the veteran confirmed today he plans to test the waters in free agency
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and says he thinks a land with another team. the 40 year-old gold is one of the best kickers in nfl history. he's made 29 postseason field goals without a that's the best tally of any kicker ever. and his mark of 86.0. 46% field goals made. it's it's best all time in the nfl. let's go to the desert for some spring training giants hosting guy that got still today, get their second great pitching outing in a row yesterday was anthony today. alex, what he went 2 innings gave up no hits or runs struck out 5 d backs. a nice start for the staff and a giant is hope to see more of this on michael conforto with blast to left center. it is still just spring and the giants lost 9 to meanwhile, in mesa a's hosting the guardians, a starter adam oller had a nice long spring outing. he went 3, 2, 0rd innings gave up only one run on 3 hits and had 3 strikeouts. the 5th inning.
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stay wary, resist sends a homer deep to left center field. a three-run homer. the game ended up. >> and for 4. >> ty, that's always fun in spring. that's it for sports. noel. dan, back to you. okay. thank you. that's what all the time we've got for. kron. 4 news at 6 but will be back in just a little see in primetime at 8.
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