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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  March 6, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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>> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron 4 news at 8. >> nowadays we are learning more about that open ransomware attack. what private information is being released to the public. hundreds of anti-abortion protesters marched to the steps of california's state capitol. the changes they're demanding and a school community in crisis after a fatal stabbing. hundreds of students and parents say they do not feel safe on the school
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grounds. what they are demanding from the school district. >> and that is our top story tonight at 8. thank you for joining us. i'm pam moore. i'm ken wayne. classes resumed at montgomery high school in santa rosa today. but just a few hours into the day, hundreds of students walked out. now a public forum will take center stage on for some isis. u.s. who has been covering this story from the beginning. she joins us from santa rosa tonight with the latest theresa. >> well, pam and ken, so many students are telling me that they don't feel safe here that they want more security and they want justice for j. >> at 11, 15 monday morning, hundreds walked out of montgomery high school in santa rosa demanding the district step up. safety. >> are there a lot of fights? really because i try to stay away from like i'm not into all that. if i was, that would be a different story. >> it was last wednesday when
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police rushed on to campus after jane pm to was staffed. investigators say pm to. and another 16 year-old confronted a freshman in an art class. and that's when police say the freshman pulled a knife and stabbed the 2.16 year-olds eventually killing pm to and injuring the other. the freshman is now facing multiple charges, including manslaughter. family members say pn to and the freshman had been fighting for weeks in the district. didn't take any action. >> and i hope they do something because it's not it's not right for there's fights every single. >> very important. when i go to work every morning, i feel like and dropping off my kids and they're going to be safe for 7 hours. and last week that wasn't the case. and it's really a frightening feeling. as a parent. the district brought in counselors and extra staff monday as well as chaplains to help students. >> the district will also hold a public forum to address
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concerns. we are hearing from our community and >> they're right to feel what they're feeling. this tragedy has rocked entire community. and so what we're decided to do is conducted community listening session tomorrow because we need to hear we need to hear of the people that are at the heart of this. the students, the staff, their families, everyone in the community has been touched. so we are inviting the community to us for this listening session. it's it's open to the public. >> that's right. open to the public. it takes place at 4.30, at the friedman event center. that is here in santa rosa. and we will be there for you reporting live here in santa rosa theresa stasi. back to you guys. thank you. theresa. >> a popular hiking trail in the south bay is close tonight after a tree fell on a woman and killed her over the weekend. the victim has been identified as 44 year-old the duet not to yell of san jose. it happened yesterday morning
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at the rancho san antonio county park in cupertino. first responders say the victim was on a boy scout excursion with her son when that tree fell and landed on her park. officials say fallen trees on this trail are rare. >> have in the foothills area. it's not so has it been that big of an issue which is where we are now? it's a tragedy. it's super rare. you know, we do have cardiac events in art actually casing for people hiking the trail system here. trees falling down. that's super super rare. >> rangers and that the tree could have fallen because of the saturated soil. no additional injuries were reported. >> police are looking for somebody involved in a shooting in the parking lot of top golf in san jose on saturday. police say a woman was shot at least once before she was taken to the hospital. she will be ok, but the shooter is still on the loose. kron 4 sarah stinson is working on this story and coming up tonight on kron, 4 news at 9 o'clock. she'll explain how topped off has
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beefed up security in response to that shooting. >> public works. crews in san francisco have been very busy filling in potholes. the agency says crews patch nearly 3,000 potholes since january, more than 200 of them or from this month alone. and there may be more potholes to come. let's check on our 4 zone weather forecasts. a live look outside osan francisco, which is dry right now. yeah, but lawrence, that's going to change real fast. as you know. good spring is going to feel this year. i he's going to feel phenomenal after the wintry weather we've had in there. so much more to come out there tonight. we've got more showers popping up around the bay area. again. and we're going to see that continue back to some cells just off the coastline to get things going out there. the rain coming down around the bay area on and off throughout the day today. lot of sunshine in between a couple thunderstorms popping up. also. that snow really coming down across the sierra nevada. but now we're seeing some pop-up showers continuing around the bay area. see some of those cells just off the coastline. now
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and some of we could actually see some lightning strikes and some of those cells that are just off the coast right there. you might see some of the cells come on shore, bringing repairs the heavy rainfall, maybe even some thunderstorms and some hail to go along with that. this pattern looks cold and it looks like on and off wet here. not what the entire time but staying on settled through. i think wednesday morning. that's when the last band i think of cold air is going to come through. so the cold showers likely to continue with some isolated thunderstorms behind that. we start to talk about some warm subtropical moisture heading to bay area and the atmospheric river. we'll talk more about that coming up in a few minutes. thank you, lawrence. governor newsom is slamming walgreens over news of the company will no longer distribute abortion pills to 20 states. the governor took to twitter promising that california will no longer do business with the chain or any other company that, quote. >> put women's lives at risk last week the pharmacy chain announced it will not sell abortion pills by mail to 20 conservative lead states. the
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company is, however, in the process of getting fda certification, allowing it to dispense the drug wherever it is, legal. >> i think is taking a very kind of litigation stance here in saying we're not going to take a political stand. we're not going to take a stand in favor of women being able to have access to these pills. instead, what we're going to try and do is make sure that we're not sued and that we don't face any legal challenge. ultimately, legal experts say the conflict will likely be resolved in the courts, possibly the same u.s. supreme court that overturned roe versus wade. >> the governor has promised to make california a safe haven for women seeking an abortion following the u.s. supreme court's overturning action last year. and new tonight at a walgreens just tweeted this about 30 minutes ago saying in part, we want to be very clear about what our position has always been. walgreens plans to dispense
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the abortion pill in jurisdiction where it is legally permissible to do so providing legally approved medications to patients is what pharmacies do, unquote. today, hundreds of people turned out at the state capital, sacramento to take part in the annual march for life rally. it all comes less than a year after the supreme court overturned. >> roe v wade, that decision left abortion rights to the states out for grant lodes is here now with reaction from rally organizers about their message and reaction from the pro-choice advocates as well. obviously always a divisive issue, but more so now given with the supreme court. >> did last year and you had bunch of people here. yeah. turning out to. make their voices known at the state capitol, people of all ages. they're taking part in the annual march for life rally today. demonstrators say they came to fight for life and send up against abortion. the march comes less than a year after the u.s. supreme court
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overturned roe v wade leaving it up to the states now to decide abortion law. and this comes just months after california voters overwhelmingly approved proposition one, which guarantees the right to abortion and contraception as part of the state constitution. >> we want to make abortion not only illegal the unthinkable. we want women understand that their child's life has value and that we're here to bring love and support to every woman typically vulnerable woman in need. >> pro-choice activists who demonstrated against today's march shared why they believe californians voted on prop on the way they did. >> it is my body, my choice. it is the woman's individual right abort the fetus. if need be, it is a matter of reproductive health. it is a matter of health care. really. >> organizers say they hope people left the rally energized and ready to talk to their legislators. 2 get more
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action taken. meanwhile, senate president pro tem toni atkins says california will continue to defend the right to have abortion and look to expand reproductive health care. ken, pam, back to you. and thank you. new tonight at 8 oakland city councilmember dan called says that he's running for state senate. he hopes to take the seat currently held by nancy skinner, who will be termed out next year called says that skinner has long been an advocate for the environment and that he, too. >> can be a longtime leader on environmental issues. as an oakland council member called says that he has written legislation that requires all new buildings be electric and he led the effort to ban the handling and storage of coal in oakland. >> former san francisco supervisor thomas shea has died at the age of 91. she served as a city supervisor from 1986 to 1997. he was san francisco's first chinese american elected in citywide
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elections. his family says she died peacefully yesterday at ucsf hospital. show you a live look at the bay bridge tonight from our camera along the embarcadero in might notice or something different. the bridge is no longer twinkling with those lights on the cables ii led lights on the bay bridge were turned off last night after 10 years that they first lit up there, the nonprofit in charge of the installation says the lights need repairs. but the cost for the upgrades are expected to be around 11 million dollars. the project's founders launched a fundraising effort to try to cover that cost. so far. it's about 4 million dollars short. officials say if the money is not raise soon, the bay lights could state park forever. >> a ransomware attack is now affecting thousands of east bay residents. still ahead, we speak to an expert about steps to keep your information safe. >> and a frightening into a concert in new york after a
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stampede leaves a woman dead and several other people injured. plus, there's more snow in the sierra help people there are dealing with the aftermath the snow just keeps piling on.
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>> developing now, a tae kwon do instructor in sausalito is arrested and charged with sexually assaulting one of his 10 year-old students. and police say there could be
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additional victims on 4th as but tells us what led up to the arrest. >> sausalito police say the 10 year-old victim came forward friday saying that during her taekwondo classes here at the sausalito rec center, it was her instructor who was having inappropriate relationships with students, according to police. it was during wednesday's tae kwon do class at the sausalito rec center. that instructor joshua boys sexually assaulted a 10 year-old female student. the girl reported the assault to police 2 days later during an interview she disclosed additional related the crimes that the rest it. mister for the 35 year-old martial arts instructor now sits at the marin county jail. >> charged with having lewd acts with a minor and oral copulation with a minor. yesterday, team and willingly spoke to him. >> during the interview we are able to communication from him. opened in.
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>> sergeant after with the sausalito police department says assault allegations are always taken seriously, especially when it's a child. you have structured its self-defense and you have somebody you trust with the children. there's female. and it's always disturbing. boys worked as a private contractor that was hired by the city of sausalito to teach taekwondo at the facility. >> i reached out to the city manager for comment but have not heard back. police are concerned that there might be more young victims and are urging families to come forward if they believe their child had inappropriate contact with boys, make sure that people are with this team than this. boys. first court date is scheduled for tuesday at 09:00am reporting in sausalito. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> westbound lanes on interstate 80 in truckee are back open tonight. the highway patrol held traffic there
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around 6.30 because a number of spinouts involving big rigs. the chp says the traffic is extremely backed up at this hour and they're warning all drivers to slow down because the roads are extremely. i see, as you might expect, kron four's chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is here with the conditions and telling us what to expect up there. yes, so much snow, but just so hard to get up there, it's going to be a rough go here over the next couple days. in fact, as we get toward the latter part of this week, we've got a whole different type of weather system coming in. that's going to change. everything as well too out there tonight that cold air sits overhead. we're seeing snow drop way down in the sierra. nevada may be down below 2000 but you see the 80 here snow just piled up on the roads, been seeing some snow plows trying to buy to keep it open with the snow continues. more scattered snow showers up there. now we're going to see more on the way the next couple of days. and when it gets the mountaintops, you can really see some brief period, some heavy downpours. you can see some white out conditions up there temporarily. and but
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that's going to be in place. stm warnings until 10:00am on wednesday. and then we get ready for some higher level snow. but for tonight, periods of heavy snow right through thursday are right to wednesday. and then you'll be talking about one to 3 feet above 2500 feet. that very, very low. maybe upwards of 10 inches, 2000 feet. so the snow level getting very low with all that cold air trapped here. expect major traffic delays on and off throughout that period as you're going to see a lot of issues with traffic traveling up and down the sierra nevada temperature wise or those there's going to be a big jump here is we're going to see those temperatures hovering in the 20's, even mid 20's on wednesday. all of a sudden you jump to the upper 30's. that's a sign of a different air mass. begin to move in. you'll see it right here. cold showers moving in right now. again, as we head into our wednesday, another round of cold showers. there you go. then we get some tropical moisture coming in. that is going to lift the snow line originally, maybe 5, 6,000 feet, then all the way up to 8,000 feet as we head into the next couple days. expect some flooding along the sierra. you
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a lot of folks in nevada county are still without power tonight, more than 2 weeks after the initial storms. reporter karma dickerson talked with residents about the struggles they've been facing. >> well, they said 2 days he's been back in 2 days. >> 7 days later, thousands in nevada county are still without power, including sharon who says she tried to be patient. we heard and no one for like 5 days. >> but finally made her first complaint called the pg monday morning. >> the dow was very nice. i wasn't real nice. >> because time is running out. i think we have maybe a 15 to 20% left. >> many people who live in the foothills are prepared for some level of extreme weather. for example, the pierce family, they have generator. they have propane, but those are short-term fixes. and as we're now on day 7 of no power there, fuel is running low now they did think ahead they parked their car in a way that
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they're able to go get more gas for the generator. however, the propane has to be delivered. i up this driveway and they say the truck simply can't make it. so they fear they're on their last of their propane the last day of heat. >> and without the propane unit, yes. so this needs to get fixed today yet. >> pierce's shortly after calling pg a crew showed up and started working yards from her home. they talked us through the challenges they face with restoring power to the pierce is about 6500. other customers still in the dark. >> to restore power. we first need to reach the area and assess the damage. the genie said they found more than 1000 points of damage to their equipment in the nevada county area and have a shortage of the heavy equipment necessary to access the areas to fix it. then crews go out and make those repairs. and in both cases, snow is deep. >> roads are often blocked by snow. when we spoke to piers, she was optimistic because she could see a crew working just outside of her home. if i didn't see them, yes, i would
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be very wary. it's just warning about. the propane. so hopefully today. >> unfortunately, it turned out to be too early for missus peers to get her hopes that pg and e crews are actually moving out of the area right now. i talked to the foreman who said there's simply too much damage back in the foot hills behind the homes who said that they're working with the shortage of crews and heavy equipment that could get into that area. so he does not expect her power to be on tonight and couldn't estimate when it will be restored. >> rail company, norfolk southern agreed to pay millions to cover cleanup costs from the 2 train wrecks in ohio. it will pay 5 million to reimburse government agencies which responded to the crash is another 1 million the residents and local businesses as they recover from the disasters. another 1.4 million will go towards setting up a health clinic for residents. norfolk southern says it is, quote, committed to coordinating the cleanup project and pain for its associated costs. still to
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come tonight, police officers dodge bottles and rocks. protesters storm a training center under construction. the serious charges the protesters are facing. >> plus, the search is on for 4 americans who are assaulted and kidnapped by gunmen in mexico after they cross the mexico after they cross the border to buy medicine.
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i was injured in a car crash. mexico after they cross the border to buy medicine. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insurance offers. call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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>> that is behind bars on suspicion of 2 separate hate
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crime attacks in palo alto in the first incident, police say ambrose, a chula approached a man sitting in his car, banged on the side window with brass knuckles and yelled racist slurs. when the victim rolled down the window, the allegedly suspects in the man's face in the second case, polico say the toll attempted to punch a man and broke the side view mirror of his car. suspect faces 5 misdemeanors and one felony, including hate crime and possession of an illegal weapon. police in atlanta have detained at least 35 people after protests turned violent outside of a proposed police training facility. police say protesters threw large rocks, bricks, molotov cocktails and fireworks officers yesterday. activists say those detained were concertgoers attending a music festival nearby and were not part of the protest. activists say they're concerned about potential police militarization. >> at least 2 people have now died from a concert stampede
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in western new york. it happened sunday night during a concert for rappers glow and fun. asked 2 times in rochester as concertgoers were exiting the show just after 11 o'clock, the crowd began to surge toward the exits because of at the concert said was gunshots. people police, however, have not confirmed that any gunshots were fired at all. 2 people died. 8 others were injured in that stampede. we're learning more about the kidnapping of 4 americans in mexico. the fbi says that they were traveling in a white minivan with north carolina license plates when they entered mexico from the texas border on friday. mexico's president says the americans were on their way to buy medicine when they were caught in the crossfire between 2 armed groups. in fact, shoot out there on friday was so bad. the u.s. consulate had issued an alert and local authorities warned people to shelter in place. >> we're standing ready to provide all appropriate
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consular assistance. we do also remind americans about the existing travel guidance when it comes to this particular part of mexico. the travel advisory for some state remains at level 4. do not we encourage americans to heed that. heed that advice. >> the fbi is offering a $50,000 reward for the americans for information leading to the arrest of those involved in their kidnapping. >> still ahead tonight, a rescue caught on camera. 2 surfers pasted to safety after getting caught in some rough ways. plus, an engagement that was once called off has a happy ending. how romance was recaptured 60 years later. and we're learning more about that. oakland ransomware attack. what private information was released to
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ate. >> now at 8.30, an update on the recent ransomware attack in oakland, hackers with a group called play ransomware reportedly released confidential data of city employee as a cyber attack affected everything in oakland city government from the city's non-emergency phone line to help parking tickets are handled. the city is now working with third-party specialists and law enforcement to determine the content of the involved files. in the meantime, the city says if you have any data on file with the city of oakland, you should freeze your credit. >> and check your bank accounts regularly. the city also said if they determine
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that anyone's personal information is involved, they will notify those who are affected. a learn more about how these attacks happened and what needs to be done to try to prevent them were joined by cybersecurity expert in san jose state professor. >> ahmad banafa professor, thanks for joining us by now at this after all of these stories over the last few years about these attacks, it's it's kind of discouraging to think think still keep happening. is that because we're still not aware enough to protect our systems better or hackers getting better at getting in or a combination of both. i mean, it's a good that the key thing here is the weakest link in any computer is that human. >> and most of the whereas most of them, 90% of them is that they happen through something called phishing email. you on the link download an attachment basically a code that will have access to the network until we educate the users and understand how significant in this one, the the hackers will have that, you know, an
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opening. >> so talk about some of the other ways that they get. and you mentioned the fission, but there's they use advertisements and other things. just give us a laundry list of what things we need to be careful about. >> i think before click. that's the rule that we have in the cybersecurity. number 2 is if you receive any kind of you know, at that highs, mentor or a link to a website, a fuel bank, which is not the normal way for you to get there. that could be a possible one. i know that the city is they did a lot of good stand by, for example, imposing the 2 factor authentication. now to prevent the past but the thing about it is, again, it's coming to the human factor. that training is very important, right? don't bring any usb drives from outside. you know, the organization and tried get in without checking all of these thing that would open the network to any kind of out site, you know, axes, that's going to be a source for
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things like this. and that's something that is going to be an ongoing issue. and there's no >> security that can vent that from taking place. and we get these fedex ups e-mail saying that, hey, your packages here. but we need this information for you to get it. that kind of stuff. it seems legit. everything looks good but it's always going to be that opening. there's no security that can prevent that from happening. well, several security is a race between the good people and bad people. so every time we find something to protect one of but abilities are over security holes, they find something else to go and try to access it. the key thing is that common sense, which is it safe text messages saying that is a shipment is late, can click and just want to track it. i understand that the best thing i can do is just go to side that the official one and check it and the same thing going on with any kind of of messages that coming to you just go to the original website and check of this is true or not. so, you know,
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governments are affected and then there are individuals who have. >> seemingly fewer protections. you just said that it seems like a race between the good guys and the bad guys. it's a feeling that the government, our governments are always playing catch up on this. why is it? why isn't our government farther ahead of further ahead in protecting us from these kinds of things? >> that's point that it is. that is the point about it is the government, the any any kind of organization like this, they call them soft targets because it is not that the highest priority when it comes to budget was spending. it's there are other things that has to be done before we can get to the list of the latest technology or the practices or the training for the users and the hackers. they know that. i mean, we have stories about a lot of that. a school district being hacked. why? because they don't have enough staff understaffed or didn't have any budget so they can buy the best of the it could have been done and stop to it to protect
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himself. and this is what we have and this group play the call didn't play crypto. they did the same thing with to the court system in argentina at they're really targeting latin america to go after places like this with, you know, the protection is less. so the bottom line is the people who have been compromised with their personal information out there. >> what should they do? another one is if you have any business with the with that with that city, just change your password. make sure that the past what it is is because it's already there and their hands. number 2 is monitor your financial accounts. see anything suspicious callan, to freeze your your your your credit. make sure that you watch it, at least for the for the rest of this year to make sure that nothing happened because what they have done is face to a friend. some attacked. but the city did not pay them. and now they say they're going to leak this information to show you that we have information. we're going to force you to pay us. and that's that's how the rest of my works. well, professors, very frightening for all of us. not just who are dealing with a government level, but
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certainly as individuals, but we appreciate your recommendations and advice and, >> you know, we'll probably have you back again to talk more about how we can protect ourselves. thank you. thank you. back. time now for our 4 zone forecast says we'll give you a live look at the bucky ball at the embarcadero in the exploratorium were. >> we're waiting for the turn in the weather our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow standing by. with the weather warning. yeah, here we go. we've got more showers out there right now. another band of rain about to push on shore. these might contain some thunderstorms. see there is in yellow and orange there. so don't be surprised to see some lightning out there tonight. maybe some hail out there, some brief periods, some downpours that cold air continuing to rotate on shore. you can just see it really nothing to stop and not really well those stronger band. >> is likely to move in tuesday night into wednesday. and that will keep things going to have this cold air in place last 3 weeks or so. and now we're going to see a looks like it and to the least the cold air. but all of a sudden we start to latch onto little subtropical moisture. watch
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what happens here. here's that cold, massive. they're rotating off our coastline. watch the south. now you'll see suddenly the subtropical moisture here comes begin to merge right out of the hawaiian islands. all of a sudden he gets caught up in the circulation. here comes racing toward the bay area. there you go. all of a sudden we get back in the atmospheric river event and we're talking about some excessive rainfall as we head into thursday, very heavy rainfall into friday morning. i think tapering off by friday afternoon, but a couple more posters come by in the saturday into sunday and then another strong atmospheric and then possibly coming in late monday into tuesday, keeping very wet throughout the bay area. we've got a very stormy period ahead coming our way. but that's what more flooding around the bay area looks like to list lift the snow level to about 8,000 feet. so we could be talking about a snow melt, causing flooding issues as well. so next few days plan on the showers on and off. they getting a little bit warmer. but the atmospheric river roles in very heavy rainfall thursday and friday.
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>> thank you, laura. still ahead, a new surgical procedure developed here in california could save thousands of lives. how far one couple travel to get that new procedure. >> but first, a bay area school is kicking off national nutrition month showing off its healthy meals program.
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>> well, to mark national nutrition month, an east bay school showed off its healthy meals program. first partner, jennifer siebel newsom along
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with u.s. agriculture secretary thomas vilsack and california school superintendent tony thurmond and congressman john garamendi. they all visited the betty reid soskin middle school in el sobrante today. there they visited the cafeteria and the kitchen to sample some of the food that the today served by the school, making sure that children have consistent access to meals that support their health and their well-being is a key aspect of the biden-harris administration's national strategy on hunger. >> we do share the goal of ensuring children. you have the best start in life and we know that the food they eat plays a critical role in the >> the group also met some of the farmers who grow the food use in the school meals. california is the first state to offer free healthy school meals to all students and wants to go even further by ending hunger and reducing diet related diseases by the year 2030 amazon go. stores
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will be closing in san francisco. the company plans to shut down the convenience store said. >> operate without cashiers across 3 cities by april. 1st amazon go. stores will be closed in seattle and new york city as well. but the company still has plans to keep 20 other locations open and establish new ones in other american cities. >> coming up next, the chaos in the cabin. passengers capture the moment. the smoke-filled a southwest airlines flight. what caused the panic on the plane? >> and in sports after brought for nease surgery was postponed 3 weeks ago. the forty-niners qb has a new surgery date set sports director jason dumas has the details.
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>> people >> in oregon, 2 surfers were hoisted to safety after getting caught in some rough waves and ended up being stuck on some rocks. a good samaritan heard them calling for help. that person alerted authorities to coast guard posted the video saying the surfers were taken to a hospital to get checked for injuries. they are expected to be okay. >> this cell phone video capturing the chaos inside a southwest airlines flight shortly after taking off from havana, cuba. a number of birds hit the right engine and nose of the plane. the
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passengers say they heard 3 loud bangs and saw flames coming from the engine. the cabin filled with smoke. the plane immediately went back to havana to the airport. fortunately, there are no reports of significant injuries from the incident. >> surgery created at uc san diego house to help treat a rare condition is bringing in people from across the world to undergo a lifesaving procedure. reporters are barker talks with one of the patients who traveled a long way to get there. it's life and death. so it's very sad talent and no one ever thanks to that. you're going to run into some really rare hard to treat illness when san diego native eric wales moved coaster weekend married his wife are back oviedo. he never imagined they'd both be back in san diego for a heart-wrenching reason. this is. >> unimaginable. rebecca was diagnosed with a rare and chronic condition, pulmonary hypertension. if i walk a lot, i guess, short of bread, i can play with my kid. i can the good things. highest to be a
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baker. i cannot stand on my 5th for too long. >> and well, mentally has been to a roller coaster because i don't know what's going to happen. they say they've already tried a procedure in costa rica, but it didn't work. so it's led them to san diego. so now my only option is the u.s. open heart surgery that they do down here. as the only option. i haven't back home. they don't have the research that they say they have limited healthcare in costa but it doesn't cover this surgery which comes with a high price tag $131,000. this up to 10 hours. surgery is known as pte and was developed at uc san diego health. they've done more of them than any other place in the world. so when this san diego native found that out, he knew exactly where to go is not done in very many places around the world or and where it is done. it's usually consider one of the most dangerous operations that has a mortality rate of around 5 to 6%. >> but here and you see as the less than one percent, according to ucsd, this procedure involves opening up
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the patient's chest and stopping circulation for up to 20 minutes at a time. >> to help clear out arteries without any blood around something rebecca says will save her life. i'm not leaving. there's so many more things that i want to do. >> see my grow up. i just want to have a live band. you know, continue basically and we need all the help we can get. >> again, that was sara barker reporting for us tonight. >> and now kron 4 sports. >> we finally have a surgery date. let's scroll back up on the prompter. wrong story. keep calling. all right. here we go. we finally have a surgery date. it's been more than a month since brock purdy tore his ucl on that play right there. surgery was initially scheduled for february 22nd. but his elbow was still too swollen to go under the knife. after a bit of confusion, it had been
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reported that his surgery will be off friday. i mention there was some confusion because some reported that the surgery would be on wednesday, but i can't confirm it will be on friday. the operation will be performed by keith meister. best case scenario. brock is looking at a 6 month recovery window that would make him available or around september 10th, which is the first week of the nfl season. worst case the doctors could go in that elbow on friday and find out that ucl is way more damage than anyone thought which could keep brock out for the entirety of the season. let's keep our fingers crossed. now for a while. people were questioning whether this guy could still come am big-time money on the market. he answered those questions today and then some derek carr has agreed to a four-year deal with new orleans. 100 million guaranteed. the total deal can be worth up to 150 million
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show me the money. very good for derek carr. the warriors are in oklahoma city right now prepping for their matchup on tuesday with the thunder and for the 9th straight game. they will be without andrew wiggins who has been dealing with family issues. not much to say because for one andrew's family matter is none of our business. but also because the warriors just haven't put out much of any information. >> of course, it is natural to question why the defending champs have been with out a key player for 3 weeks now. but those details just haven't been made public and they might never will. steve kerr and jordan poole were asked about it today minutes. the only thing that matters is giving andrew >> the space that he needs to to to deal with what he's going through. and and that's so that's what we're doing. so not nothing else really matters was my men talking to
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over the course of these 3 weeks. >> obviously given him strength. all of the support that he needs he's ready to come back, whenever he's ready to join team, you will. >> all right. west coast conference semifinals. saint mary's taken on byu. 2nd half gaels up 18. alex ducas was locked in that picture. perfect for him. he buries the 3 to put saint mary's up. 21 23 points for gaels led by as many as 26 with byu made a comeback. nice bucket there. rudy williams off the glass to make it a three-point game. next. cougar possession, william's drive. but check out the block. logan johnson give me that. saint mary's hangs on to win. 76 to 69 day advance to the finals where they await the winner of usf gonzaga, which starts in about 15 minutes. the sharks were north of the border today. and
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winnipeg taking on the jet's final seconds of regulation. sharks down one erik karlsson to thomas hurdle. what a clutch goal. 10 seconds left and we're heading to overtime now tied at 2 logan couture let's go home and want to get back to the base too cold up here in canada charts when it 3 to 2, they'll take on the avalanche tomorrow. today local groups held their media day as they prep for their season opener against san antonio. fc last season's usl champions. the route scott younger, this offseason, they're hoping to win a championship of their own after falling in the quarter finals last season to the eventual champs, san antonio, as i just said, a long roster changes. they have a new head coach, noah delgado. here he goes right there. delgado stepped in as interim coach late last season and coach through the playoff run. he says the team is looking to
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build upon the momentum that they built up at the end of the season. >> it's different from last year. last year came in and there was a lot of moving parts. but long with the staff myself and the staff, we're able to prepare a good pre-season. now we're just we're just building building foundation here to have a long season. just keep everybody on the even keel. never too high. never too low, but establishing building every day through video, through physical training, through soccer training, building day by day. >> all righty. that is your look at sports. back to you guys. >> all right, jason, and after the break, the story about to love what to this couple, 60 years to finally tie the knot. you didn't choose cat allergies. you didn't choose your hairline. hot flashes, the flu, or that thing when your knee just gives out for no reason. you didn't choose your bad back
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with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today. >> maryland couple proving that love wins. no matter how long it takes a couple just got married 60 years after breaking up their engagement. the story started back in high school when it proposed to priscilla. she said yes, but they had to call it off. so priscilla to go to college. they went on to marry other partners who have since passed away. they recently reunited went on a few dates and well, the rest is history. >> i went her home with her address and her number called are from out in the street from the car and said %% priscilla, i need to see before i go home came up. hope. you just never know what might happen. tpen. you may
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come back into your life that have been there that was very important. >> that the sweetest thing, the couple's pastor said that they looked at each other during their wedding like they were 17 year-old in love all over i'll even at 16 killed. still get those better for 62 years. yeah after. yeah. that's great. that wraps kron. 4 news at 8 grant. vicki standing by with butterflies in their stomach. so they proposed in high school. they so are the days and the 18. so is there like almost it back at it. all can do everything >> thanks, coming up a weekend shooting outside san jose. top golf. it has some golfers really rethinking their security tonight. the security changes at the venue has since made. and the latest on the investigation. they go there for a good time shooting. but
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governor newsom, this is controversial. he's really mad at walgreens over the company's stance about these abortion pills and where walgreens is willing to ship them. the threat from governor newsom and walgreens actually just responded tonight. so we'll have both sides of the story. they're also hear from a legal expert about who gets the final say in the dispute
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