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tv   KRON 4 News at 9  KRON  March 20, 2023 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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>> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at >> now at 9, 1, person is dead. another seriously injured after they were hit on interstate 5.80, livermore over the weekend. one of those victims was riding in an uber when the driver ask the person to get out of the car. thank you so much for joining us on kron. 4 news at 9. i'm vicki liviakis red lotus, california highway patrol is now investigating this whole incident kron four's amanda hari explains. >> what led up to it and where officers are in their investigation tonight. >> a california highway patrol officer tells me this all happened after one of the pedestrians was dropped off by their uber driver. they say they still don't know where the other pedestrian came from.
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>> california highway patrol officers say 2 pedestrians were hit on interstate 5.80, in livermore around 9.30, sunday night. they say it started with a fight between uber driver and a passenger. the driver felt unsafe called 9-1-1. pulled over. driver asked the person to get out of the car. >> i heard that the the passenger climbed out of the window soccer officer tyler hahn says the uber driver did take the off-ramp for isabel avenue and was not on the freeway when the passenger got out. >> a short time later, 2 pedestrians were hit. >> on the off-ramp, most of them were struck by blue honda civic. first. and then moments later were struck again by. big personnel is in. goal was. and then the other person as >> critical injuries or major injuries in critical condition. and we we actually don't know who other person is
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that officer, hans, is the injured person is not in a condition to speak right now. he says everyone is cooperating and no one has been arrested. kron 4 reached out to uber and they say they're working with law enforcement on their investigation. >> reporting outside of california highway patrol amanda hari kron. 4 news. an update now to a story that we brought you over the weekend. antioch police have identified the man. >> accused of stabbing a pregnant woman and 2 children over the weekend. as 37 year-old bartley hall. police say that hall, which to the apartment complex on wilbur avenue, about 4 o'clock saturday afternoon and stabbed a 35 year-old pregnant woman, an 11 year-old girl and a 14 year-old boy, all 3 were taken to the hospital, were 2 of them are listed in critical condition. police say they arrested hall after a chase that ended in a collision in solano county. investigators have not said paul knew the victims or if it was a random attack. violent fight to rupp
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ting at the stones towne mall in san francisco in the middle involving, you know, large s groups of teens and it's all being captured on cell phone video city agencies and local they're all getting involved saying these fights must end before someone gets seriously hurt. kron four's theresa has more now. >> on what actions are being taken to try to stop them. we do want to warn folks, though, you may find the video disturbing. >> a violent brawl inside a bay area. target store is caught on video. this was at the stonestown galleria in san francisco. you can see kids aggressively punch kick and slap a young man in the green jacket. the person tries to get away. but the crowd follows who continues to attack. another video shows a girl going after another violently pulling on her despite a security guard, tried to pull her away. and then there's this. countless teens just pummeling one another inside the mall's common area. all of these,
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according to the san francisco police department happening between wednesday and friday of last week. >> motive what led up to these altercations are all part of our investigation. that is san francisco police department spokesperson robert wu aca. >> he says in yet another fight, kids started spring each other with pepper spray and one was so injured. they had to be taken to the hospital on monday. city officials, including the san francisco police members of the da's office school district officials, juvenile system and supervisor myra melgar whose district includes stonestown met to discuss how to stop these fightw. upping center has increased security personnel. >> and we have increased patrol in and around the shopping center. shoppers say that they have seen the videos and are horrified percent of uncomfortable. i just got out of time. but when they all walked in after school,
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>> and i i feel comfortable being in 2 teenage daughters. again, not hang out here a lot, but it did give me was in kind of been the things. least. you have to have a conversation about what to look out for to a spokesperson for supervisor mel guard tells kron 4 she plans to call for a special hearing. >> tuesday during the san francisco board of supervisors meeting to come up with some strategies that they can turn that we we have is that. >> these incidents are being recorded on on cell phone video. and so we're trying to understand how much of it of incidents are being motivated by. >> the public display of violence. >> kron, 4 news. >> now to san jose where police have been on the scene of a crash that injured a couple pedestrians. one of them suffering life-threatening injuries. police say it happened about 4 o'clock or for 40 this afternoon in the area of
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larkspur canyon drive and stony creek place. they say they're not exactly sure yet how the crash happened or what led to it. the status of the driver involved is also unclear. >> nearly a year after the bizarre kidnapping of a baby in san jose. the people responsible are perceived their sentences. 44 year-old gets endured waterloo pay ramirez. she was sentenced to 13 years, 4 months in prison today. her former romantic partner. 28 year-old jose roman por he was sentenced to 5 years in prison. the pair is believed to have taken young brandon quay are from his grandmother's home last april. and that spurred a frantic three-day search ending with brandon found safe in port hills apartment in san jose. authorities believe from erez had intended to raise the boy as her own both for 2 and ramirez apologized in court today for the pain and damage costs. young brandon's family. >> on the peninsula, people living along el camino
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reality. burlingame say they're on edge as tonight's storm starts to move in, it will be bad by tomorrow morning during last week's salacious wind and rainstorm. you at 3 eucalyptus trees that came down, damaging homes and vehicles today. caltrans says it is still determining which other trees along the road or unsafe. still a lot of eucalyptus trees standing so far. just one tree has been removed, though, over the past week, several trees have been marked with orange paint, but caltrans would not tell us what that means or how many have been deemed unsafe. meanwhile, the agency says taking down any additional trees is a bureaucratic mess involving a bird survey. biologists pg and e and the city of burlingame. meanwhile, the oakland zoo is closing its doors again tomorrow because of the incoming storm. yeah. and sadly, this isn't the first time to the zoo has had to close down. in fact. >> it hasn't had a full month of staying open because of all
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the wet weather in the storm-related. damage from 4 sarah stinson spoke with the ceo of the zoo to see how much all of this is hurting the bottom line. sarah, can't be good. >> yeah, i mean, the second time this is the weather-related closure just this in the oakland zoo was closed just last tuesday. and this comes on the heels of the zoo repairing damage from the last wave of storms which has the zoo closed for several weeks. >> the oakland zoo is closing its doors tuesday as a precaution due to another atmospheric river hitting the bay area. the latest closure adding to the financial hardships. the zoo is already facing. seen this kind of storm california in literally decades and >> while we need the rain and the drought seemingly during the it certainly has a huge national impact on this. it. >> the oakland zoo ceo nick to tells me closing the operation
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down cost $30,000 a day from loss of admission tickets. the zoo is closed all of january after storms at the start of the year caused major damage, including a massive sinkhole that actually cost us over 2 million all the time. is. >> we were covid daytime and night time for our vets and the zoo is still trying to make up for the financial toll caused by covid restrictions during the pandemic. it's been a difficult 3 years and you know, with this economy where it and the failures of the banks that are taking place. >> we just need a little more certainty this time. one thing is for certain for dacia rain or shine, the animals are being taken care don't staff. >> animal keepers, not that staff working care of so the animals are going and ride a quite obviously. so. but we would love to see the zoo opened for the. >> people come back. if you're planning a trip, you can
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expect to see some new attractions last few weeks. we have some new york babies that were out of you may know ev are where they are come out you know, see all the animals at the i honestly love seeing people as well. >> the oakland zoo ceo says before you do visit, make sure you check the website for the zoo that we can make sure it's open. and if you have reservations tomorrow, you will be refunded automatically. refunds. take about 3 to 4 days to process. i'm sarah stinson reporting back to you. >> thank you. syria love the oakland zoo. it's a it's been a rough go but hopefully we can dry out soon. not tomorrow. as we take a live look here at downtown san francisco where it is still dry, but not for long. bomb cyclone. that's that's all you need to say. right? janice mom. but i don't like it. yeah, i do. i don't think anybody's got a lot bite you that. and that's all i can
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think about. worked well with that. we're talking about a rapper drew a rapid drop in the pressure here. >> in 24 hours, that's a sign that the storm is really going to intensify as it approaches the coastline. so it's got a lot going for now. you've got all that moisture coming up from a wine islands. what we call the atmospheric river. the pineapple express got low pressure. developing on the backside of that low. >> is going to deepen as a deepens. kind of a skater kind of spin around on the ice as they pull their arms and get out of this world faster. well, that's the winds are going to do as we head through the day tomorrow. so that's what we're watching for as we head through time. you see that low swirling around. there you go. moving along the coastline. you start to see those colors show the red and purple along the coastline, especially the coastal sections, but even other spots over the mountain tops that we could see gusts. yeah, maybe 50, maybe 60, maybe even 70 miles an hour. i think in some spots. so to go along with that, of course, we're going to get that rain. that rain is going to move on shore tomorrow morning and then kind of intensify through the morning hours and the winds
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are going to rapidly move in as well. i think the winds actually will be picking up into the afternoon. so here we go. we've got a kron, 4 weather alert as we're going to see some very stormy weather move in rain and wind developing late tonight. it will be heaviest a far as the rain is tomorrow morning. then a little bit of a break. and then i think picking up in the evening hours again, we're talking one to 3 inches over some of the mountaintop specially the santa cruz mountains in the valleys about half an inch to maybe an inch and a half. but it's going to be wild day of weather. we're going to get those gusty winds just whipped around, likely going bring down some trees, especially along the coastal sections. and of course, along the peninsula, the santa cruz mountains and power outages. a very likelihood as well. all right. here's the forecast for some of those wind gusts as we head through the night tonight of a sudden you start to see the switch up out of the south and southeast and there you go and then you start to see gust 40, 50 plus miles an hour along the coastline as we head toward the afternoon. but you see the area all shaded here in the south and the east bay and purple. that's models picking up on what we expect to be some major gust to go along with that. so this
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deepening low as moving in right along the coastline. that's what makes this a very dangerous to get that close. you're going to see these winds really get whipping around. i hope i'm wrong but doesn't look good. we're going to the winds all around parts of the south bay, especially. but you could likely see some damage in the north bay, too. don't get me wrong. we've got those winds are gusty everywhere, but especially south of the golden gate bridge in the east bay along the coastline of the santa cruz mountains, maybe some 50, maybe some 70 mile an hour gust. all right. time now for you as we head through the night tonight. you see the rain begins to move in by early in the morning. and then as we head toward the commute time, there you go. 07:30am. look at that. just fierce storms around the bay area early on. and then that low gets a little bit closer. look at those winds really begin to ramp up as we head throughout the day tomorrow. so it's going to be rough. and guys, definitely not anything like the first day of spring. no, no, no. all right. thank you, martin. other big story we're continuing to follow tonight. former president trump now facing a possible indictment
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>> over hush money. he paid a star during the 2016 campaign over the weekend. the former president wrote on his social media platform, truth social saying he expected to be arrested tuesday of this week and he urged his supporters to protest his arrest. henry rosoff has more from manhattan now where a grand jury on the case convenient. police position barricades outside the state courthouse in lower manhattan. inside grand jurors continue to hear testimony and weigh the fate of former president donald trump. >> at issue was the source of alleged hush money payments in the run-up to the 2016 election made to adult film star stormy daniels. she claims to have had a brief affair with mister trump. the key testimony in the case already came from former ally and attorney michael cohen. cohen pleaded guilty to a federal crime related to the payment. monday, the grand jury heard more testimony from another attorney robert costello who appeared at the request of mister trump's
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lawyers to undermine the credibility of cohen in recent days. the former president has fever actually taken to his own social media platform. truth social to call for protest and paint. the prosecution has political blasting district attorney alvin bragg and cohen looking american people have every right to peaceably assemble. and to let their voice be heard. that being said there can be no tolerance. >> with the kind of violence that we saw on january 6 or throughout the summer of 2020 bragg has said he will not be intimidated but said little else about the process or when an indictment decision might be expected. even with former president trump saying it will happen tuesday. former federal prosecutor trump impeachment lawyer and lower manhattan's current congressman democrat dan goldman was quick to dismiss any notion that the investigation is improper. i find the republican response to hypocrisy at its height. >> they are calling repeatedly for the indictment of hunter biden without knowing any of the evidence. and yet when they don't know the evidence
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about a potential indictment of donald trump, they go on the attack is if you you know, this is the worst thing that has ever happened in american jurisprudence. >> that was henry rosoff reporting for us tonight. meantime, groups of protesters rallying in support of the former president near the courts where the probe was wrapping up today. one of the group's organizers says that it was meant to be a peaceful protest to decry the indictment in the coming days closer to home. how to handle reparations. that comes with many opinions. but there's one proposal from san francisco leaders that would include a 5 million dollar payment to every eligible black adult in the city. that proposal among more than 100 recommendations in this report. >> other issues they're proposing include the elimination of personal debt and tax burdens guaranteed annual income live at least $97,000 for 250 years and
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homes in san francisco. the cost just one dollar, a family. some of the draft ideas for eligibility include being 18 or older and identifying as black or african-american eligibility requirements are still being finalized. the board of supervisors still working out how to pay for this. >> my job is to look at all 111 recommendations and make sure that we come up with a plan that's going just the inequities that exist for the black community here in san francisco. that addresses, of course, the wealth gaps and that exist for us here and going. that's what i'll continue to focus on looking at all of them. coming up with the best solutions for black people. >> cisco's reparations advisory committee was created in 2020. meantime, the president of the san francisco naacp says enough waiting and that it's time for the board to stop making what feels like false promises. >> we need action and not not verbiage. but action is based
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on. practical steps deliver reparations. with cash. that's the and all the other services. and we deserve help. it. >> reverend amos brown says the city needs to focus on critical areas like housing, education, health care when determining reparations plans. a final report from the city appointed reparations committee is due in june. the board is set to meet again about this issue in september. tonight, we're learning supervisor walton will introduce a 50 million dollar budget for an office of reparations at tomorrow's board of supervisors meeting. >> the legacy business in oakland was targeted in a burglary overnight. everett and jones has been around for 3 generations and their owners vow to keep their doors open. despite the setback, our car for his illicit the moeny and spoke with one of them and joins us in our newsroom. ella well, keep the restaurant in
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the jackson square neighborhood was ransacked by these overnight and their grandmother. >> actually opened this legacy business more than 50 years ago. there are now for everett and jones locations, bay area wide and that there is video from the jackson square location after burglars broke the glass at the front door at around 03:00am. we're told that they made their way to the office and took off with some money. part owner nina moore says that her family is disappointed for many reasons given their commitment to their community. >> we feed the community. we hire the we love our community and you know, they tried to rob us of our joy. we were going to stay in oakland, but i just want people to know they want to help us. they can help us. now. so when the people that they did not. the robbers that they did not the >> meanwhile, the executive director of the jack london improvement district tells me that they're nonprofit stands ready to help with the cleanup lnd cost of the glass repair.
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adding that oakland's mayor sheng tao is working to organize more foot patrols bite police officers in that business corridor in the newsroom. ella sogomonian kron. 4 news. thank you all. developing story. amazon says it is planning to lay off another 9,000 employees in the coming weeks. this is in addition to the 18,000 employees who were let go between november in january, according to the company ceo, the new round will primarily affect amazon's cloud computing human resources, advertising and twitch live streaming business divisions. california's largest public employees union is demanding the governor increase wages for hundreds of thousands of state employees. they argue as costs go up, so should their wages. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace has details. >> well, the governor is not saying a whole lot on this, but state employees are. they say they feel underappreciated and underpaid. when we
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>> the >> fight is on fight. the state employees say it's all about wages. this group is just a handful of the nearly 100,000 state employees represented by seiu 1000, california's largest public employees union. the union is set to meet with senior newsom administration officials next month to negotiate a new 3 year contract before official bargaining takes place. they want to send this message to the governor. many of us cannot afford to support our families as state employees. those here estimate about 15,000 state employees earn the minimum wage to $15.50 per hour. they want to see that number improve. they also point to this 2023 uc berkeley report indicating more than one-third of state employees represented by seiu 1000 earn below the $30 per hour wage. mit scholars have deems necessary to support a family of 4 in the state of california. and it's a struggle being a state employee. i should have to worry about.
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>> california >> department of motor vehicles employee tammy rodriguez was filled with emotion as she described living as a single mother unable to pay for basic necessities. amid inflation. it has been very challenging every day, especially through the pandemic. yeah, grosses have got a when we still like i said, i could state $20 and get, you know, couple bags now it's like $150 just to get a few bags in its site. >> that's not even you so what percentage increase is seiu, local 1000 asking for? >> well, union representative stress, they will not share that info ahead of negotiations, but they made clear they will ask for raises across the board. of course, it all comes as the newsom administration prepares for a projected budget deficit of 22 and a half billion dollars if not more. but those here argue that is not an excuse as they begin what they call a fight for living wages enough to
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just maintain us and not have to have that stress just enough to get us to every day. >> reached out to the governor for his side to all of us. but his office says he does not comment on pending contract negotiations reporting at the state capitol. wallace kron. 4 news. >> coming up, why employees are blaming one of the largest bank failures in u.s. history on working from home. (vo) the fully electric audi e-tron family is here. with models that fit any lifestyle. and innovative ways to make your e-tron your own. through elegant design and progressive technology. all the exhilaration, none of the compromise. the audi e-tron family. progress that moves you.
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>> for your health tonight, a cancer drug developed in just 30 days using artificial intelligence researchers at the university of toronto and biotech company in silico medicine partnered up to make the technology it discovered a previously known treatment pathway for a common type of liver cancer. and then designed and synthesized a potential drug to treat it. you can now predict how long patients have to live by reading doctor's note, initial findings say that the model is 80% accurate. and if you've got some pet scene, you might want to listen up. a recent study done by european health officials show the dogs and cats could past drug resistant bugs to humans. the study looked at almost 3,000 hospitalized patients and their animal companions. the research found that 15% of dogs and 5% of cat carried at least one of these drug resistant bugs. health officials also say that pet
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carriers can continue to shed bacteria for months and can be a source of infection for those with compromised immune systems. >> next week, california leaders are doing about the fentanyl disaster and what the state could start making. plus, the governor wants to get rid of gas-powered cars. we've heard that where in the desert he was today to promote lithium and then auto kratz convene in russia. what we know about that controversial know about that controversial
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>> now at 9.30, kron 4 is putting the focus on fentanyl and soon our state could begin making its own supply. and a key tool used to fight the overdose epidemic. governor newsom is announcing a plan to invest more than a billion dollars to fight fentanyl in the opioid crisis, which he says could include manufacturing. naloxone, also known as narcan. parts of the plan are being applauded, but others are being questioned. kron four's rob nesbitt has reaction tonight from those who work in harm reduction here in the state. it's a lot of money that governor newsom is putting into his plan, but he says it's necessary to save lives by preventing overdoses. >> in reversing them to the state's own version of narcan. when talking about the opioid crisis, you have to talk about the importance of naloxone commonly referred to as narcan. it's used to quickly reverse an overdose in california has plans to manufacture its own version of the drug is a serious issue
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and do not as a parent do not think for a second. i don't sleep over this. we take it very, very serious. happened parking any the overdose prevention and education project in san francisco is the largest single city narcan distribution program in the country. it's overseen by the national harm reduction coalition capacity building manager for the coalition. jessica smith says high costs and supply shortages have made dark and difficult to access having our own manufacturing supply and the state would hopefully. >> make it much more affordable on monday, governor gavin newsom released 4 key components of his plan to reduce overdoses, including 79 million dollars for the naloxone distribution project. >> 10 million for education testing recovery and support services grants. 4 million dollars to make fentanyl test strips and 3.5 million dollars will be set aside to provide overdose medication, 12 middle and high schools in the state. kids are using drugs, right? and they need to to be able to understand like what how that affects their body, how they can stay safe, how they can keep their peers safe. smith
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does not agree with everything the governor announced monday. she says he's missing key funding to pay those who work in harm reduction. >> newsom plans on spending 30 million dollars to expand the california national guards work to prevent drug trafficking. i would love to see a focus away. >> from, you know, trafficking and law enforcement and again, like prohibition and criminalization, the national harm reduction coalition has asked for 61 million dollars in state funding to pay the workers delivering our can in providing fentanyl test strips. >> the san francisco department of public health says the governor's plan will save lives, saying in a statement, quote, the san francisco department of public health applauds governor newsom's overdose prevention proposals. >> and believes the state investing in lifesaving programs such as naloxone, recovery, street, medicine and fentanyl test strips as part of a larger plan that includes reducing supply of fentanyl will help reduce deaths in the newsroom. rob nesbitt kron, 4 news. >> more police are now patrolling bart trains. sparta
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pd says that it's increasing police presence on the trains and in stations by redeploying officers from their patrol cars and then getting them on the train says part of the transit agency's effort to bring riders back by making trains safer. >> we have to get people back on bart and paying those fares. in our survey of employers. they could not be more clear. employees are not writing in part because they don't think it's safe. >> bart ridership is really struggle to get back to pre-pandemic ridership levels. so far this month. our traffic is about 60% lower than it was back in march of 2020. the search continues tonight for the guy who shot another person on a minibus in san francisco. it happened just before 6 o'clock last night near. >> mission and 13th not far from to boost triangle. a witness telling kron 4 2 guys were arguing on the bus when the argument escalated to name calling the shooting suspect
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then reportedly challenge the victim to get off the bus to fight the victim accepted the challenge. however, when it got time to get off the bus. the witness tells us that is when the shooting happened. police arrived and took the victim to the hospital. this is the second violent muni bus incident within the past week. last monday, you may recall a 12 year-old allegedly stabbed e% a 15 year-old on a muni bus near union square. that victim is still recovering from life-threatening injuries. developing news tonight on the collapse of silicon valley bank employees are now saying one of the reasons the bank failed is because they've been working from home. >> yeah. last year is phoebe included remote as a risk to its business along with it issues and productivity. sloane glass explains. >> it's the largest bank failure since the global financial crisis. more than a decade ago, employees of silicon valley bank say the work from home culture and an overall focus on social issues
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could have led to its failure anonymously, telling the financial times that i almost felt like i was at work on a college campus and ideas like hedging interest rate risks often come up over lunch or in small meetings. dan schwab, l managing partner at workplace intelligence does not by that reasoning. i think that remote work is being used as a scapegoat and excuse which distracts people from the underlying root causes like ineffective or bad management and leadership. >> lack of diversity in terms of their portfolio. just overall portfolio allocation. former as vb bankers say leadership of the california bank was spread across the country. the company's president chief risk officer and lenders chief executive all worked remotely along with the majority of its 8500 employees. and in svb zone
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2022 annual report. >> the bank included remote work as a risk to its business, citing it issues and productivity reasons. there's not one study that proves that remote work makes workers last effective or productive. >> in fact, every study shows quite the opposite. but as fears of more u.s. bank failures, loan, everyone is trying to understand what happened and how to prevent it. >> when people are working remote, they're working more hours. not last because there is the last kind of work, life balance and that boundary between office said personal life and we found over the past years up to 10 hours more working because of about work. >> s b b's approach was a stark contrast to the financial giants like goldman sachs and jp morgan that have championed returning to the office throughout the pandemic. still, the immediate cause to as b b's, a collapse
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did not have to do with culture or remote work. it was the company's failure to take into account the risk of a high interest rate environment paired with a bank run. >> that was sloane glass reporting for us tonight. >> well, it is happening now in the pacific. we've got this storm system really beginning to deepen now headed for the bay area. what about your spring? mayor winter back in with the forecast coming up in a few minutes.
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>> world news tonight. russian president vladimir putin welcome the president of china today. xi jinping's three-day visit is being viewed by many as a way for the leaders to send a message to the west. the 2 countries are among the un security council's 5 permanent members. both leaders have had issues with the u.s. which is concerned. china is planning to supply russia with weapons for its war in ukraine. she's visit comes days after the international criminal court issued president putin an arrest warrant for war crimes in ukraine says he's responsible for the abduction of children. >> governor newsom extending what was originally planned as a four-day state tour to include a 5th stopped today to mine in lithium valley. that's near coachella and the salton sea. the governor says that he
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we wanted to track to this part of the southeastern part of the state because it contains some of the largest lithium deposits in the world. the material is essential for the creation of batteries used 0 emission vehicles. and it's considered a major component of newsom's goal to ban the sale of gas-powered cars by 2035. we made the point years ago. >> that we want to dominate in this transition. we see this is one of the greatest economic opportunities of lifetime. and we want california to dominate in this space. and we're doing that. >> in a rare move, senate republican minority leader brian jones praised the governor's visit saying, quote, it is refreshing to see that the governor recognizes the need for california to use our own resources to produce products. in this instance, lithium batteries. our state is blessed with natural resources and allow us to meet the current and future needs
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of our residents and businesses without importation. >> next in sports, can they do it? we're looking to snap their 11 game road streak. >> tonight and they played a bad team. what could they beat them? has highlights coming up.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> well, this was probably the ugliest game of the road trip so far. now, though, those were the words of head coach steve kerr. i myself do agree, but weather was pretty or not. the results are good for the warriors who finally snapped their losing streak on the road tonight in houston against the rockets. let's go to so the highlight for steph curry and company were trying to snap a two-game losing streak and they did 2nd quarter. here you see steph curry doing what he does best from dp get those 3. it was a 34 footer and that extends the lead to 4 0rd quarter a little later. and klay thompson gets 3 of his own here. 29 points for klay. now we go through the 4th quarter with a worry as well. they had 11 point lead at this point. jordan poole right here around the back scoops it the committee go throws it down with easy at 17 points off the bench for the warriors tonight. a really good game for him yet again. >> the warriors up by 10 inches point under a minute to go in curry from deep that with the dagger, they pretty
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much did. 34 number 30 tonight he had 5 threes on the night. the warriors get this one. 21 1, o a golden state gets its first road win since january the u.s. has been a while. here's after the told things that you can control. >> are tough. >> when you don't do because you know, you're usually better than how you plan. and there's a frustration comes with it executed. the simple stuff. so you want to play better than you. we talked about at halftime and we're going to have to or from anything this year. >> all right. now let's head to daytona beach for the cbi quarter-final san jose state taking on rep for 2nd half san jose omari to give that one to more and more. they extend the lead to 4. but then he had 17 points on the night, but it comes down a ramp and they make a comeback to get their floater to fall there. that was giles will get the jumper to fall 11 points per child tonight. and the highlanders
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will they pad on their lead and they continue. they never looked back. ran for actually wins this one. 67 to 57 they move on to the semifinals and stay season and fortunately came an >> but today after tweeting, thank you to new york back to the bay. i go. it was confirmed that the forty-niners newest edition will be someone they need on the offensive line, which is john feliciano. now he was drafted in 2015. feliciano spent some time with the oakland raiders before heading to the buffalo bills. and then the new york giants. and now he's coming back to the baby. bring some veteran experience with him to the niners heading play just about every position on the line outside of right tackle this past season with the giants. you see him out here here. he actually was able to only allow 3, 6, in more than 970 snaps. today. he did sign a one-year contract to come to the niners in san francisco to the world
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baseball classic. we go with semifinals with japan taking on mexico for the right to face the usa in the championship game. that's go top of the floor. no score here. >> but 2 on for louise. you rising will keep to the left. no doubt about it. mexico strike first with a three-run bomb and they take a 3 point lead with 3 to nothing at that point. but then we go through the bottom of the 7th. so on mesa, top negotiator, he golfs this one high and deep to the right and well, it was safe air. now it's all tied up at 3 and it's a whole new ballgame. top of the 8th, though, one on verdugo here and he bloops this. the live center. the go ahead. run score than just like that, mexico. they lead yet again. they would tack on another before japan would even respond. but then we go to the bottom of the night because they do this hand, praying for a miracle and well in this play watch. they've definitely got it with 2 on mooney taco more common. he
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this deep drive into center in well with all the while shohei ohtani, he scored the tying run. you see him running free their mayhem in miami. but to they complete the walk-off win. 65 was the final they will face team usa in the championship game tomorrow. a lot going on in sports, the golden state warriors finally got a win. they got one more to get on the road. but until then. >> i'll toss it back to you guys at the u.s.. >> ok, thank run out of our 4 zone forecast as we get a live look outside. rather dramatic shot there of the transamerica pyramid. yeah. with the clouds forming. >> almost looks like a yeah. piece of art framed in someone's house side. the kind of spooky art, though, because it's it's foreboding, lawrence. we've got this any chance it stalls and just keep training. you know, there are years when these things just kind of never happened, right? this is one of those years where they all seem to be coming through. i think it's
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going to stall forever, but it's going to slow down and spun off the coastline. and that's why get battered by some of these winds, especially. yeah, we're going to see rounds of rain just rotating around this area of low pressure outside tonight. a nice evening out there on this first day of spring. much more interesting weather coming our way as we're going to see a big storm kind of rolling along the coastline and really intensify temperatures today, if not a lot of sunshine, but still the numbers running below the average 50's and low 60's are usually in the mid to upper 60's in many spots. numbers out the door right now. you're 45 degrees in half moon bay. 46 in about a 50 in napa and 49 degrees and fremont. so here we go. we've been watching this area of low pressure developing on the backside of this low. this is whats going 10 safire really bring some very gusty winds. the bay area, this low is going to move right along the coastline and drop to the south. and as it does really going to crank up the winds and the rain as we head into early tomorrow morning. you see right put in a contra map
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here. give you an idea. some of the winds and hear the winds rotating along the coastline. here comes you can almost see the center's rolls around making its way just off the bring those heavy rains and then started to sag to the south. as we head throughout the day tomorrow. but that's going to really just kind like battering ram. and along the coastline and bring you those strong, gusty winds to go along with that. yeah, plenty of rain, especially early tomorrow morning. heavy rain for the community is going to be stormy on and off. don't be surprised get the low right there right along the bay area. and you could be talking about some thunderstorms popping off as rainfall yeah, we're talking about an inch or so in san francisco, 2, maybe 3 inches of rain into the santa cruz mountains. you see some higher amounts further south long range forecast model here goes the system rolls on through another atmospheric river event. continuing showers into wednesday as well. but i think we're going to catch a little bit of a break. but the door stays open. these storms going to be rolled over the top of this. and that's i think one maybe punch to maybe some showers on saturday. better chance of more rain as we get in the following monday. so
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we've got a long way to go before this is all done behind that. we've got yet what looks like another impressive storm system rolling off the coastline. so long way to go. even though the calendar saying that it is a spring, it is still a very much a winter pattern outside temperatures tomorrow plan on lot of 50's around the bay area. very stormy on and off the careful these winds are really going to whip. i think you'll see the main rain go through the morning hours. the winds are going to pick up in the afternoon. very gusty scattered showers in wednesday, thursday and friday. look dry. but well, i hope this thing doesn't work out the way it looks. and this looks like another fierce windstorm that's about to impact the bay area. we saw the damage. all people lost power. i don't know if everybody has a good for the last time. so here we go again. yeah. well, i could see the look of concern in your eyes it's contagious. it will be the biggest trouble area sort of in our region. yeah. i think they can get gusts of maybe 70 miles an hour in the santa cruz mountains. so. >> i mean, just really dangerous. and you can imagine all the trees up in that area.
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it's just going to be really tough going like 17 going to be very careful when see this. a bomb cyclone breaking up any time soon before it. >> you know, i think that this looks like it's coming through. it just looks like it's going to matter of time. so it's not that far away from us now. and it looks like it's coming in tomorrow morning. all thanks, lauren. florence. up next, a closer look at how one man used a special way to pop the big question. the big apple.
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>> it's a proposal they'll never forget, jose. grown popped the question to his long-time girlfriend, alicia in times square. well, also popping their picture up on a giant billboard. the picture featured him, his girlfriend now fiance and their little baby there. the grown says that his future mother-in-law came up with the idea. he says that he told her that they were going to participate in a flash mob. >> and this is great. i had feeling, but i completely got thrown off on the on the way here. i was like i really thought you were going to propose, but you're really nervous about this flash mobs. i don't think that's a. >> well, jose, a rented the billboard online for $150. their proposal is now on repeat 3 times hour.
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>> there you go. smart guy very into his future mother in that's the side. he assured that as yeah. all right. that's it for comfort is a night that it but stick around there's more news to get to on kron. 4 news at 10. i'll join ken for that. >> i don't know understands the trauma. the emotion owner said a man goes through. gets no. know. i can imagine the worst it. yeah, it's terrible. especially the people who do it like on a boat, you know, rate dropped is that times square and they got it get so much better after, though, doesn't it? >> it's great thing worth taking the risk. coming on kron, 4 news at 10 just a week after that, powerful winds toppled trees across the bay area, damaging homes and cutting off power. >> here we go again. another storm heading our way from 4 chief meteorologist lawrence karnow has the details on what we can expect from the first storm of spring. plus, a legacy business in oakland targeted in a burglary
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overnight. everett and jones famous barbecue place been around for 3 generations. tonight the owners vow to keep the doors open despite the setback. keep it here. kron. 4 news at 10 is next. when fun
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time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. >> now, 10 one person dead, another seriously injured


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