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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  March 27, 2023 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning and happy monday to you. i'm darya to help guide through this day. i hope with a little news weather and traffic. john has most of it because that's weather and so today's going to be a great day again, but it's going to rain again soon. i have today the last of the sunny mild days. it is going to be tomorrow morning that we're all watching with that strong winds and heavy rain arriving before even get up tomorrow morning. >> so just in paint, maybe a work from home day tomorrow or an extra long commute this morning. we're good to go. nice. clear skies overhead. calm winds. there's your storm system sitting to the north and west of us. very similar
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set up as to what we had last week. good to be coming down our direction into tomorrow. in the meantime, today is such a good one to maybe do a little storm prep. if you've got a tree that you're a little worried about, get it checked out from some of those branches off. that might be a little weekend. all those things ahead of tomorrow we just saw are frost advisories expire in just moments ago. temperatures are still cold, redwood city down to 37 morgan hill. you're still at 35 also in the 30's, still for double in petaluma santa rosa and sonoma. saint helene is still down to 29 degrees. now it's been a calm, clear cold morning thus far. winds really pick up tomorrow. part of the concern here and we're also looking at rain picking up tomorrow. cloud cover will gradually increase into the afternoon today. rainfall moves in mostly after midnight tonight and the heaviest of rain right in the middle of tomorrow morning's commute will be tracking it for you and your forecast. as for our roads, things not looking so bad at this point. we are seeing much improved conditions at the bay bridge,
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loosening up more and more as time goes by. and now it's only 15 minutes to get you across san mateo bridge drive time also dropping as traffic becomes less and less of an issue. richmond center fell bridge, never, really even saw much of a backup almost back down to 10 minutes and the golden gate bridge still steady. looking at 22 minutes from novato to the tolls. daria, thank you, john. 901, in the breaking news is out of allay where 2 men >> were shot and killed last night was around 11 o'clock. the 500 block of tennessee street is where the shooting happened. that's near city park. vallejo police got call said there was a shooting and when they got there, they found 3 victims. 2 died at the scene. the 3rd was taken to the hospital and they are recovering that shooting. the deaths marked the 4th and 5th homicides of the year so far in vallejo, there have been no arrests made. and breaking news from overnight. silicon valley bank is no more.
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there's a new owner just announced overnight. first citizens bank of north carolina is taking over. kron four's will tran is live in santa clara with what it means for people. bank there high will. >> the bank is now officially open but don't call it silicon valley bank. it open that door at 9 o'clock in the morning. so this is the first full day for first citizens bank as they actually bought it over the weekend. silicon valley bank was famous among tech companies. but before a few weeks ago, nobody really knew about it because it was not your mainstream bank. this was used by so many tech companies. they pumpkin hundreds of millions of dollars and billions of dollars until it collapsed when they made a run for it after they found out that the bank was not healthy. so they take their money out that on top of a lot of bad investments by the executives and that's why it collapsed. but this morning, it seems
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like business as usual. the brinks truck pulling up dropping off money. employees are walking in as well. the hope is that it is seamless not just for the employees, but of course, for the customers. many customers actually lined up in the overnight hours several weeks ago. not sure if they would get their money. we're talking millionaires, but they were only protected up to $250,000 until the federal government stepped in and said we got your back. we will ensure you so don't know if they stayed with silicon valley bank, which is now first citizens or they took their money out. the sign right behind me needs to be taken down sooner than later because silicon valley bank, which is around for decades, no longer in its it in existence. as far as first citizens bank. it's been around since 18, 98 and it added about 17 branches just over the weekend. back to you. all right. thanks a lot. we'll. >> it's 09:00:04am. and
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everybody in the bay area preparing for more rain, which is coming in tomorrow. and that's just days after we had our last storm in san anselmo in marin county, a tree fell on a home. the homeowner and she's just happy that she and her son are thankful they're not hurt. kron four's amanda hari has more. >> the big thing she's trying to do right now is just clean up as much as possible before the next storm comes in. this is where that tree used to be. you can see the stump left behind the actual tree has been removed at this point. but there's still a lot left to do. >> early friday morning, people in this san and neighborhood woke up to the sound of a tree landing on a home. linda ross was inside when the tree fell. but she says she and her son walked out without a scratch and amaze still to this her son was sleeping in one of the rooms most impacted but heard the tree cracking. >> unbelievably jumped out of bed and survived the tree
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landing in his bed. she says they couldn't get to each other but tried to support each other anyway, talk to each other through the walls. >> are you he's going. >> i'm trapped. fire. crews had to saw his door open to get him out. their neighbor, john anderson says he saw it happen while walking with his wife. he heard the cracking is took his flashlight out and saw it was the tree told my wife. i said that trees going to fall. >> and about 20 seconds later, it it went and just crushed the house. but ross says the house was built so well back in 1916, that there's very little damage beyond where the impact occurred. >> crews will come in monday morning to try and protect the home from the next storm system. they've been working on rebuilding enough. >> a structure on the roof. with supply board and of carping. i have parquet floors and i'm trying to figure out a way to save them because they said that's going to leave no matter what they do. so we're
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going to put tarps on the floors and do everything we can. to mitigate whatever damage could come beyond this damage, anderson says after seeing his neighbor's tree fall, he's taking precautions. we hopefully have an arborist coming to look at this tree. that one over there. >> and these couple trees over here. but some other neighbors aren't concerned. >> not worried if anything will happen. that haven't already happened to this winter. >> ross's home is yellow tagged right now. that means limited entry, but she's hoping to get back inside on monday in marin county amanda hari kron. 4 news. it's 906. we want to give you an update on a story that we've been following. the san francisco police sergeant seriously injured by a fallen tree. >> he remains in critical condition. sergeant kevin rigoletto was driving a department car when r tree fell on him on tuesday. on brotherhood way near the san francisco golf club. the san
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francisco police officers association released this statement. it says in part, please continue to pray for kevin and send him warm and positive thoughts as he fights daily to recover. now is the time for us to support kevin and his family during their darkest hour tuesday storm is responsible for 5 tree related deaths across the bay area as well. it's 907. and happening now, wildcat canyon road is completely closed to traffic and that stretches from san pablo dam road to inspiration. point you can't drive there because, well, you can see why the contra costa county public works gave us his photo and shows the asphalt lifted and cracked cnd slid the halfway down the hill. and that's part of the bigger landslide that happened. the crews are asking you to be patient. they don't know how long it's going. take to fix and you'll have to have an alternate around there. in the meantime, a stretch of southbound highway 101 in the north bay, though, is back open now. it was shut down because of a landslide in nevado all say look at this. 100 foot landslide that kind
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of slid under the roadway buckled. it took down a power pole and exposed to pg e gas lines pg. e crews worked through yesterday afternoon to install a new gas line which will temporarily go around the existing lines that were damaged and that is just a temporary fix. they say it will ensure safe operations ahead of the next round of rain, which as we just said is moving in tomorrow in the east bay, a man was arrested in antioch, accused of burglarizing 2 optometry businesses over the weekend. kron 4 sarah stinson has details. >> a 40 year-old man is accused of breaking into 2 up tom, a tryst offices in antioch friday night. police say just the alexander broke a window to get into the businesses and begin stealing glasses. it happened at garrett louis up tom, a tree and eye to eye of tom a tree. the 2 offices are almost 4 miles apart. police say alexander got away with the 2 burglaries, but they had
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surveillance video to go off of. you can see the suspected burglar dressed in an orange jacket. any of police officers came up with the strategy in case he hit up another eye doctor's office. officers went to >> a different optometry business and our city and kind of watch that business to see if the suspect in the other 2. optometry burglaries arrived. police say alexander did arrive, but he clearly didn't see officers nearby. the office of diablo valley up tom, a trick group. >> he attempted to shatter a window to gain access to that business and that is when officers attempted to contact him and ran from them. police chased after alexander and arrested him. then officers look for his car officer. ed, you are located. >> a vehicle registered to. for suspect in the walmart parking lot that inside that vehicle was the glasses frames
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or the stolen property from the other. optometry burglaries. >> police say this is not necessarily a common burglary spree, but police knew they needed to keep an eye on other optometrists in the area. an effort to -ake sure it didn't happen again. obviously, this is a costly things for the businesses. >> when this happens. >> and we're very proud of our officers for their vigilant and hard work in this investigation and that we were able to stop the suspect from burglarizing a 3rd business. >> alexander's from a nearby city called clayton. he was arrested for multiple charges related to burglary and resisting arrest. he was booked into the martinez detention facility. i'm sara stinson reporting kron. 4 news is 9.11 in oakland. a man was shot and killed saturday night in front of oakland high school. when police got there, they found him. >> he had been shot and he ended up dying from that wound. they are now looking for the circumstances around the death. if you any
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information you're asked to call the oakland police. and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, there was a fight during a festival that turned into a shooting. >> and we'll see why one of the people who was shot might actually be arrested. plus, lawmakers are a step closer to banning tiktok. will it actually happen and what would happen if it did? skies clear today, conditions really inviting for getting outside. definitely enjoy it. also prepped for the storm that we have on the way
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>> it's 09:14am, before you head out the door. let's take a peek at the weather. alicia, don't need the umbrella today. we know that john, no need for the umbrella today of its your turn to block out the sunshine because that's what we got. lots of it looking out at the golden gate bridge or and county there in the distance. all looking absolutely beautiful on the start to your week now, we're not going to stay this way. in fact, today, the last of the day's that we've seen the past couple of days where weather has been so nice. another storm system on the horizon set to drop our direction into tomorrow. and this one going to come along with some really strong winds and some heavy rains. in fact, that sounds familiar. it's because it because this is our 3rd tuesday in a row where we're seeing this same type of system pushing through during morning hours with wind and rain. so at this point, it's almost like clockwork. we actually have 2 dueling systems that are hearty combining forces. these 2 low pressure areas will move in tomorrow morning. snow in the
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sierra rain for the bay area. wind for us all heaviest of wind will be tomorrow morning. we'll see continued showers off and on into wednesday. start before we dry out temporary thursday and friday. and then another lesson here system into saturday and sunday of the weekend. we are seeing clear skies this morning, partly cloudy towards the tail end of the day today. showers mostly after midnight tonight and our heaviest of rainfall for the north bay moving it around 6, 07:00am, to 08:00am 8, 09:00am, to 10:00am for the rest of the bay areas of yellow, orange and red indicating that heavy rain. we'll see showers loosening into the latter half of the afternoon peaks of sunshine chance of few rolls of thunder and there towards the evening and some thunderstorms moving through into your wednesday morning. so definitely going to be a next couple of days to watch all of the worst commute. travel will be tomorrow morning. if you can do the work from home day-to-day that as for conditions, rainfall totals well over an inch for the bay. 2 to 4 inches along the north coast. we do have winds that are calm today, but
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really picking up on into tomorrow morning. plus, 50 miles per hour gusts at the coast in san francisco. our upper elevations could see wind gusts in excess of that. even so that's where the problem lies tomorrow. chance of downed trees, loss of power. check out those trees today. most important thing about your storm preps, wind advisories going into effect at 05:00am tomorrow through 02:00pm. today's daytime highs much like yesterday. pretty nice and comfortable upper 50's to low to mid 60's. san jose all the way up to 66 oakland at 60 today tomorrow and wednesday. as much as 10 degrees cooler, windy and wet for both of these days. thursday and friday. back to some dry weather before another round of showers this weekend. as for roads, it's just getting better out there as the commute winds down 14 minutes across the bay bridge. as for the san mateo bridge, also down to 14 minutes now under all that sunshine, richmond center fell your back under 10 minutes to make it across the span and from novato to the tolls at the golden gate. it's a 21 minute
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drive. daria. time to talk winners and losers with our financial expert rob black morning, rob. >> morning, daria. fill me in on what's going on with the spd bank. now. >> they're being acquired by first citizens bank for pennies on the dollar. it's a huge win for for citizens, but it kind of gives everyone a feeling that everything's going to be ok in the banking sector. so some risk off trade is going and stocks are moving higher as a group because we feel are regulators are doing it, ok, job of stopping the painting crisis from hitting run on the okay. all right. well, what and and also give me the behind the why light? >> the stars are selling their mansion suddenly in la and hollywood. >> yeah, i'm not all that familiar with la politics but recently measure u l a which basically is trying to raise money for a cheaper housing, lower income housing in l a they're going to start on
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april first, putting a forehand 4% tax on homes that are sold for between 5 10 million. some actions and homes are sold for over 10 million. we're going to be tax with a 5.5% sellers tax. so is a lot of money for lower costs homes, which is nice in a social kind of way, but cut stars like mark walberg and jim carrey are saying we need to get out now before you have to pay millions and millions extra dollars on our mcmansions, so to women. so they have to >> that dicello now like between now and april. 1st, who does that? are you kidding mile there. they've been on the market. they're just trying to get everything closed down. this bill is the idea. and again, it just it shows the love, you know. >> unintended consequences. when we come up with a great idea, sometimes you could see maybe hollywood stars leave hollywood and become less glamorous and become less of a tour stop. i know that's a bit of a stretch. but there is going to be a reaction for the action that that lawmakers
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have made. speaking of great ideas, elon musk is always full of them. was the latest of them today he's you came up and admitted he made a 24 billion dollar mistake by and twitter for 44 billion dollars 5 months ago. he is now starting to issue stock, private equity stock to the and a 20 billion-dollar valuation. so it kind of a future that punt so to speak. with that being said, he says the company still going to be worth 250 million dollars. one day. so i i don't have a lot of belief and that seeing that some former twitter erployees have started their own start-up and other companies are jumping in and trying to fill that void. that twitter's a lot of credibility with this far as advertisers. all right. and i'm just going to go ahead and something that i see here. >> i i see that the intel co-founder and author of moore's law died. do i don't know moore's law. i supposed to do more as law? basically smaller, cheaper, faster. so it's the doubling of silicon
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transistors on a and it basically powered everything hat's around a san francisco when it be the tech hub that it is today. >> it wasn't for gordon moore coming in the united states. and coming up, this hypothesis that semiconductors get smaller, cheaper and faster and that, you know, you advance is basically allowed that it's it's the guiding principle of technology and time. >> like on valley and 40. that's why i don't know moore's law because it's tech. another thing tiktok don't do itn don't know what i just know that it might be banned. so i'm it might be for not. maybe it will go. and i want to have to do it. could that really happen? >> probably not one. my favorite analysts says there's a 90% chance that congress is going to propose the ban. so you hear about this and then what will probably happen after that is bytedance, which is chinese owned, will have to make a ipo on the company to keep it in the united states or to sell it some like microsoft, apple or or call.
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so a lot going on here 150 million users. in theory, they would hate either republicans or democrats where it is bipartisan support to ban. but again, the you know, the ipo would probably be the first option. the second option would be selling to microsoft, apple or oracle. the winners here are obviously facebook's instagram, youtube shorts as well as snap the losers, apple, tesla and nike because they'll do business in china and china doesn't really want to be told what to do. even though they've told companies like google to get out of our country if you're not going to some play by our rules. so it's messy. it's like a kid's soccer game when they're 6 years old. it's just messy out there. and i'm telling you, the winners and losers aresbecause it seems pretty obvious. all right. we'll see what happens. thank you, rob. >> but >> and if you have a question for out, you can e-mail
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and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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>> it's 9.24, and kron 4 is your local election headquarters. congressman ro khanna who represents cities in santa clara and alameda county says he is not running for u.s. senate representative khan a saying on twitter that instead he's endorsing east bay. congresswoman barbara lee. he says in part, i believe the most exciting place to advance bold and progressive policy right now is in the house in southern california, los angeles mayor karen bass is not happy about the release of names and photos of undercover la pd
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officers has posted her displeasure in this tweet, calling the release, quote and unacceptable breach that puts the lives of officers and their families at risk. bass wants a full investigation, something that the police chief has already launched and anti-police group has published the names and photos of thousands of officers. the group claims that the info was obtained through a public records request and released by the department. the chief says that he didn't learn about it until after it happened. fishermen in california and oregon could soon be banned from fishing for salmon. the fishing season is supposed to start on may 1st, but it might be canceled this year off the coast of californse and oregon bec there just aren't enough salmon out there. the california department fish and wildlife says the forecast for chinook salmon populations are some of the lowest they've seen since 2008 and oregon. it's the lowest since 1997 years of drought or the big
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reason why a ban would be a huge blow to the west coast, commercial salmon fisherman and that whoue industry, the pacific fishery management council is expected to make a decision this week. so we will tell you if it actually happens. good morning. i'm michael thomas. coming up, we'll have the latest details on israel's nationwide protests happening right now as millions are taking to the streets demanding change in opposing the prime minister's overhaul. plan on, you know, tell you the details of what tell you the details of what the national
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in las vegas, the most popular food is broccoli. were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. yeah, that's the only food. they have broccoli smoothies, and broccoli pancakes, and broccoli ice cream, and broccoli hotdogs, and of course, they have raw unseasoned broccoli..... with stems. -daddy, i don't want to go to las vegas with you and mommy tomorrow. oh, are you sure? are you sure you don't want to go, it will be so much fun!
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>> 9.29 and wow. what a great weekend. >> i was out their plan tennis. well, i guess that's what i'll call it. didn't look like tennis. >> i was doing my best. so gorgeous. everybody enjoyed it such stormy weather but such a nice weekend. completely agree. and we're keeping that momentum going today. anyone getting off that cruise ship at the embarcadero right now thinks to themselves on san francisco's had such great winter weather right? i know it's spring now technically, but we've got another one of the spring winter storms on the way. so hopefully they're departing before tomorrow. you can see the center of this storm pretty imposing looking right there to the north and west of us. in fact, it's too low pressure areas that are really joining forces to bring quite a hit to the bay area tomorrow. this is actually the 3rd tuesday morning in a row that we're in for another do
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some heavy rain and strong winds. so it's almost like clockwork at this point. today's been so nice. despite some frost advisories that just expired. temperatures are rolling out of the 30's back up into the 40's and close to the 50's pittsburgh. you're our first one there right at 50 degrees. as for our lingering 30's, really santa rosa's, one of the only spots down at 39 degrees. winds have been calm so far this morning. that changes quickly tomorrow, 40 even 50 miles per hour gusts in the city gusts even higher than that on our mountain passes. and can't forget the fact that tomorrow morning during the pm commute comes with heavy rain, mostly arriving after midnight tonight and really picking up as we get on the roads tomorrow. as for the roads today have been so bad. in fact, it's been the easy drive to work so far. the bay bridge looking great with 15 minutes to get you across the span. really wasn't about commuted all trying to get across the bay bridge earlier. even san mateo bridge still commute time is dropping down to 13 minutes now, as for the richmond center fell really
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easing up down to 8 minutes and the golden gate bridge looks great. under the sunny skies. 21 minutes from novato to the tolls. daria, thank you, tonight, 31 and breaking news. massive protests are happening in israel after their prime minister fired his defense minister. >> and we've got the very latest on the fallout now from michael thomas who is in the newsroom. michael, look and tell us, hey, good morning. we actually do have somewhat of an update, dorian, everyone at home. israel's national security minister about 20 minutes ago, so just announced that the plan was going to be put on hold until the next parliament summer session. >> now that begins on april 30th giving more time for a compromise to be met, which is really what the defense minister was asking for to begin with. but, you know, this still caused almost close to a million workers from different industries to walk off the job, threatening to paralyze the economy of the country, saying that the prime minister's overall plan is a threat to the country's democratic foundations. you can see in this video from
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late last really just thousands taking to the street. now, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu fire the country's defense minister who called for a pause to that overhaul plan again. and we just told you that it's going to be pushed back. but, you know, people are out there protesting for the past few months regarding this plan when people took to the streets and started chanting the country is on fire right now. israel's largest trade union that represents 800,000 members are in the streets. summer lighting bonfires taking over highways. businesses are closing their doors. universities shut down. we're talking about health care workers, transit even doctors union is set to walk off the job today. now there are even reports that mcdonald's across the country are closing their doors in solid area. and israel's main international airport at one point just a few hours ago, actually stop departing planes to make a statement. the prime minister took to twitter asking
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protesters to behave responsibly and not to act violently, but nothing more than that. and while it's happening, there were also seeing things happening here in san francisco just yesterday. people were in front of san francisco city a change in israel. the prime minister's overhaul plan that could change a lot of things that changes how israel's judges are selected could change how the laws and the israel supreme court can rule on. and it could even give more power to the parliament to overturn supreme court decisions. people of israel say in protesting that really this is their last chance to stop the prime minister's move into what they say is a dictatorship. now, just last week president biden spoke with the prime minister to express his, quote, concern of the overhaul plan. at that point. the white house says that the conversation was, quote, quite candid and constructive. but israel's prime minister has not commented anything. we did get that statement again from the security minister, but the prime minister himself has yet to say anything. so as we get more information throughout the day, we'll continue to keep you updated. that's very
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latest in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas. i will send it back to live at the desk. all right. thanks for the update. michael. time now is 9.34 and we have some disturbing news out of albany. uc berkeley. police are looking for a man who was >> chasing a child last night. they think it was in an attempted abduction. a 9 year-old child was walking home in the area of gooding way. lonnie village around 7.30, in the evening when this man began chasing the child the man is described as being white average build maybe 6 feet tall a witness says he was middle age wearing a fedora hat, a blue gray shirt, black pants. and that he left in an older black 2 door vehicle. if you have any information you think might help contact the uc berkeley police. it's 9.35. and developing story in sacramento. 2 people were wounded in a shooting at a sikh temple. and police say one of them is likely to be arrested. this happened at the
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dollar, a sacramento sikh society yesterday afternoon. the sacramento county sheriff saying the shooting is not related to a hate crime. >> there's a big festival going on here at the sikh temple. there was a fight that occurred the actual temple grounds between 2 gentleman. so one suspect during that fight shot shot, a friend of the other suspect. and then once the suspect who didn't get shot gathered himself, he shot the original shooter and then our second shooter ran off. >> the temple is hosting a sikh parade at the time of the shooting. in the north bay, the former mayor of sebastopol is going to prison for 7 years for crimes with a minor. 46 year-old robert j go pleaded no contest, 2 charges. he had a relationship with a 14 year-old boy beginning in 2020. he met the victim online, eventually invited the teenager to his house several
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times over the course of a year and also had the victim engage in acts with another unidentified man at his home as part of this plea deal. the former mayor pleaded no contest to 6 felony counts. in the south bay, a suspect who barricaded himself with a weapon in a gilroy home on sunday morning is now in castody. santa clara county deputies say that this started around 10 in the morning yesterday on dryden avenue naylone the gilroy rodeo shots were fired at the deputies. emergency response and crisis negotiation teams are on site. they tried to de-escalate the situation and then it ended around 6.30. 9.36. just just and breaking news that we're finding out about their multiple reports on media online. read to you what happened in nashville. >> there was a school shooting this morning and it's an elementary school to christian school in nashville, tennessee. all we know is that there were multiple victims. we don't know if any of them
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were wounded or killed. but we do know that the gunmen was killed by the police. they haven't said how that unfolded other and won't say if the gunman was a man or a woman, but just that was an active shooter situation. this at a christian school in nashville, tennessee, this morning. everything has ended now and the kids are being reunited with their families. and we know that whoever is responsible for that shooting there and get was engage with the police and they were killed. it's 9.37, right now. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. >> the cdc has a warning about eye drops that are made in turkey. they could cause vision loss and in some cases even death. >> skies are clear out there today and tomorrow. not so much. so do enjoy the sunshine while we've got it. high temps will be comfortable in the upper 50's to 60's tomorrow. co
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>> it's 9.40. we're following a developing story out of mississippi where at least 25 people were killed and dozens injured late friday when a tornado tore through the lower mississippi county. and you could just see the devaotation here. it flattened entire blocks. you know, many homes. ron livable. obviously, president biden issued an emergency declaration to make funding available, it's going to be a difficult recovery process for those people who are hit hard. this one of the poorest regions, the entire
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country and the people living there. they didn't have much to begin with before the storm basically took everything that they had. 7 people are dead following a powerful explosion at a chocolate factory in a small town in pennsylvania, just northwest of philadelphia. the blast happened friday at the r and palmer company factory in the town of west reading 2 more victims were found yesterday. the bodies belonged to the last people who are missing in shat blast. rescue crews ended their search operations yesterday. no other people connected to the factory is still missing. at this point. they don't know. still don't know what cost that explosion. it's 9.42. and still ahead. >> the worriers continuing their playoff push and a player could return to the court tonight. we'll have details after the break. it's
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9.44. and for your health. the cdc says 2 more deaths and dozens of infections are linked. >> to contaminated eye drops from turkey. and that brings the total number of deaths. now to 3 people who died at least 8 patients reported vision loss connected to this drug resistant bacteria that was found in some containers of these eye drops. news nan ne glass has the details. >> u.s. distributors delsam pharma and has re care facing multiple lawsuits, including 2
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federal class-action suits, attorney ryan young office says his client klara alyssa, lost her right eye and is now legally blind after a bacterial infection caused by has re care. artificial tears. she >> cannot pick up her grandchildren from school as she always normally did. and as a result at this time of life when she's retired and should be enjoying yourself, she is now aiming to re-learn basic tasks. former fda associate commissioner peter pitts says many of the companies making regulated products like eye drops. don't take quality seriously. you know, the supply chain issue is crucial. >> and shame on us. if we wait for deaths or blindness, we need to be much more proactive to prevent these problems from happening before they reach our shores. so what's the solution? i think the solution is for ensuring, you know, looking for friendly nations who we trust. you have high regard for integrity and
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quality and doing business with them. the announcement from the cdc follows a recall last month of drops manufacture by india base global pharma linked to an outbreak of drug-resistant infections. the cdc estimates 68 patients across 16 states have been infected with p aeruginosa. these eye drops introduced into the u.s. of bacteria. >> that we've never seen before. >> and we'll be able to solve it. you know, that's what scientists do. but also points to the dangers. what happens when you bring in essential medical products from overseas. >> sloane glass reporting. the cdc says that you should see an eye doctor if you experience any of these symptoms after use, those dropped yellow, green or clear discharged from the eye is is something to watch. i pain redness and feel like there's something in your eye sensitivity to light blurry vision. those are all things that you should get checked out. 9.47. right now and we
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want to check the weather. it is going to be sunny again today, but i can't believe we got another storm rolling in tomorrow, john. no over and over again. 3 weeks in a row, daria with tuesday morning, heavy rain and strong winds. >> these systems are almost like clockwork. now today, though, absolutely gorgeous. if you liked yesterday and saturday, we've got one more of them and we're right at the start of it right now was a cold morning. but temperatures are rising quickly under all this sunshine that we're enjoying in full force across the bay. there's the center of what is honestly too low pressure areas that are combining forces then pushing into the bay area and the rest of the state come tomorrow. skies are clear for now, but you can see these low pressure areas moving on in and into tomorrow, especially in the morning. rain picks up for the bay area. strong winds and heavy snow up in the sierra nevada. all this energy lingers into tuesday or wednesday for the bay area thursday for the rest of the state. we get a little bit of a break late in the week and then the weekend has a weaker
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system. but yet another push of rain and snow into the state. as for saturday and sunday conditions today. nice and clear to start increasingly cloudy towards the tail end of the day. rainfall holds off for the most part until after midnight. heaviest of rain for the north bay around 6, 07:00am, to 08:00am 8, 09:00am, to 10:00am for the rest of the bay area are heaviest of rainfall showers hang out with this widespread all the way into the early afternoon, peeks of sunshine towards the tail end of the day tomorrow, chance of thunderstorms overnight into wednesday morning. so wednesday could also come along with a few rolls of thunder and heavy areas of rain. rainfall amounts from tomorrow's round of weather over an inch for the bay. 2 to 4 inches for the north coast. the sierra going to get multiple feet of snowfall. that's going make for historic snow pack up there. and as for winds, it is going to be very windy tomorrow. that's probably the biggest issue here, 40 to 50 mile per hour gusts in san francisco and even higher gusts in our mountain tops which will result in downed trees, likely some downed power lines. thus
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the high wind watches at the coast. the bayshore and our upper elevations in effect, starting at 05:00am tomorrow through 02:00pm tomorrow. today's daytime highs comfortable yet again low to mid 60's for most of the bay. a few of us in the upper 50's tomorrow's temperatures as much as 10 degrees cooler. same on wednesday, the greatest hits of rain and wind will be tomorrow early in the day. showers will hang well with us into wednesday, though, we'll dry out thursday and friday and then more showers into the weekend. one more look at the roads for the morning and thing out there looking really good. it never really was a bad commute. but we're down to 14 minutes across the bay bridge, san mateo bridge down to 13 minutes now, as for the richmond center fell below 10 minutes and a final look at the golden gate bridge. 21 minutes and are some really inviting looking skies? daria? >> it's 9.50, right now. lets talk warriors, gary payton, the second made his debut for the season with the warriors and getting a standing ovation from everybody, including his
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dad watching on proudly the warriors were at the chase center. they are taking on the timberwolves and they were neck and neck in the 1st half. the does manage take the lead. but then the timberwolves took the lead right back in the 3rd and they held on to it. i'm still that wasn't going to stop steph and company. the warriors up by a point heading into the last 2 minutes of the game. >> but a bad pass from on that gave the timberwolves the chance to recover and score and really. >> it was poor play all over. i you coach kerr says that they just got outplayed and the issue big issue, turnovers. >> we had a chance and a layup in transition about 2 minutes we had another possession where we turn it just didn't the next q down the stretch. so we didn't we didn't deserve to win and they outplayed us. so made the plays down the stretch so they they needed to make and we didn't so simple as that. >> so they lost up to was able to contribute 15 minutes for
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the warriors. he put a pretty good numbers. he shot 3 of 4 from the field, one of 2 from deep, 9 points on the night. he says he felt good and was great to be. welcome back to the chase center with all of those standing ovations and clapping and his dad. >> felt like i was out to short and i was but 60 minutes. so good to know. there's a lot of gaps in their soul able to get my breath back. you you know, this isn't cause. he just brings a different element of, you know, obviously defensively. we just you just in sync with how we play. we do. >> that big 3 in the corner. you covid deflections. >> made a couple times the cuts they got and, you know, easy buckets. and it's not in to tell him. he just knows kind of where to be had a. utilize his skill set, how unique it is an impactful way. >> so that was a lot of fun. but turnovers can do it. other
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words are going to be at the chase center tomorrow night planned the pelicans at 07:00pm 9.52. we'll be right 07:00pm 9.52. we'll be right back. i was injured in a car crash. 07:00pm 9.52. we'll be right back. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insurance offers. call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you can beat it! ♪ visit or call 833-422-4255 to ask for medication to treat covid-19. >> time to see whats up on live in the bay today. let's check in with olivia horton. good morning. good morning. deiah has everybody doing this money coming up today on live in the bay. >> spring is in the air and it's in our studio and lifestyle expert paul zahn is
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stopping by with the springtime must haves, including a refreshing cocktail. plus, it's national pella day and chef gonzales from below to in soma is cooking up this traditional spanish dish. then he starring in unprisoned on hulu. hear what actor fall to have. our is saying about playing carrie washington son in the hit series. and as always, we want to hear it. you have to say about our question of the day. so go ahead and scan that qr code. we want to know in a movie about your life, which actor would you pick to play you let us know your answer could be read live today on the show. 01:00pm right for they're all they're all i know one just everyone. i'm so all okay. young me. i whatever i do. sarah silverman. >> all right. we'll rare an playable, a new study reveals
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men. >> are more willing to make risky financial decision compared to women, even if they well informed. i like that part. men look at potential financial opportunities, more optimistically and they invest more. and this builds on existing research that women are less likely to take. >> risks in the study concludes that meant overall are more easily persuaded, spend their money. i find it let depends on the day for in a spending mood. yeah, i do. i am. that's a generalization. so, yeah, i think so, too. how does the weather look generally generally, it's kind of depends on the day today. looking great tomorrow. stay inside. okay. haha. all we need to now. >> we'll see you tomorrow. have a good day.
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i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine. i get powerful, effective dr. phil: today on dr. phil. college athletes and sexual assault allegations. she claims she was sexually assaulted by three basketball players protected by the university. who's responsible? i was afraid of the repercussions. you knew this person would be protected? yes. dr. phil: who's the victim? athletes at the highest level, we are targets. just because a person plays sport,


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