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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  March 27, 2023 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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trying to fix the gas pipelines in the vi do as well as other locations before this storm arrives. thank you for joining us on kron. 4 news tonight at 6. i'm pam moore. i'm ken wayne. a wind advisory has been issued for much of the bay area beginning tonight. >> that means we can anticipate more trees coming down as well as more power outages for meteorologist lawrence karnow is with us now to tell us what is ahead yet. another big storm. the good news is is that i think the center of the low pressure is going to stay off the coastline and that is key. so maybe not as strong. >> as the previous system still going to see some trees coming down outside. and we're still talking some 40, maybe some 55 mile an hour gust in another large storm. you can see the center well off the coastline right now. some rain already beginning to make its way into northern california, even in the bay area. a couple of scattered showers. but let's take a look at this. i to myself bars on this map. these are lines of equal pressure, the tighter. they are the stronger the winds were starting to see those winds picking up in northern california. just more of a
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breeze into the bay area. now, watch what happens as we take you through the night that front gets closer. 09:00am. you can see the rain moving across the bay area to the winds already beginning to whip along the coastline as those isobar started to tighten up across the bay area. but that low remains off the coastline. you can see it right here. the front comes through in 2 o'clock in the afternoon spreading into the south bay, also in the monterey bay. and then behind that, that low still staying off the coastline. that will generate more. these rounds of rain rushing on shore and then that low just kind of starts to spin down the coastline. so we're going to see the rain continuing. not only tomorrow, but into wednesday as well with the possibility of thunderstorms. but you'll notice that low stays off the coastline. the moves all the way down to southern california and away from the bay area. still, we've got some very stormy weather ahead in the next 36 to 48 hours. thank you. nora says next coming storm has pga racing against the clock to try to put the finishing touches on a >> new temporary gas pipeline that will serve 95,000 customers in marin county,
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existing lines sit on a nevado hillside which gave way during last tuesday's storm. while it did not damage the pipeline's pg and e doesn't want to take any chances with the coming storm. kron four's dan kerman live for us in nevada with the latest. >> it was during last tuesday storm that this 100 foot. >> you shape gap opened up in the hillside behind me. the hope is during this next round of storms, there will be a little additional movement. it was during last tuesday storm that the land above redwood boulevard in nevado gave way creating a massive trench in ripping up the road since that time. the land is continued to move and there are concerns the coming storm could create more movement because that ground is so wet. it is. >> likely to erode bit more. we just don't know how much. because, as you know, forecasts can change. so we're hoping it on the lighter side, you can avoid significant erosion site. but in our best preparations, we must prepare for the worst-case scenario to that. and pacific gas and
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electric installed a new gas pipeline underneath highway 101 in novato this weekend once connected that new stretch of pipe. >> will replace the 2 existing pipelines on the hillside that were exposed during last week's storm and service. 95,000 customers in marin county, we needed to build a bypass. >> and the dance with us storms are coming in tomorrow is that we can continue to provides safe service safe and reliable service to iran. >> monday crews conducted a series of tests and the new pipeline pg and e says when pipeline is shut down, it could create an unwanted smell. >> we prepared to put line and service will also have to vacate the existing lines of gas. and during that genting process, people in the area or nearby may smell natural gas. we have crews on site to make sure that things occurring safely, but it will be a necessary step. caltrans is
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also installed a concrete barrier on the west side of highway 101. >> to protect the freeway. should the hillside continue to move pg? and e says this gas pipeline bypass could be in place for up to 6 months. by that time. they say a permanent solution should be in place in novato. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> the san francisco fire department is sharing some safety tips on how to prevent broken windows during the storm. this comes after several high-rise buildings had their windows blown out or cracked in previous storms cost a lot of safety concerns in the city. the fire department says before a storm close all the windows, remove unsecured objects from balconies roofs or other outdoor areas. if you see any cracks or signs of distress around the window, contact, you're building management to help secure the opening. of course, this is if you live in a high-rise or city building. we also have more tips on our website kron 4 dot com. you can check them out there.
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>> another big story we are following tonight. a horrific scene in nashville, tennessee, 3 children and 3 adults killed in yet another school shooting. the suspect is also dead. police have released the victims names and their ages. the 3 children killed are evelyn die. kos haleigh scruggs and william kenny. >> all of them 9 years old. the 3 staff members who died, my kill a custodian. cynthia peak, a substitute teacher and catherine coutts the head of covid at school. police say the shooter identified as 28 year-old audrey hale was a former student at that school. police say she was carrying 2 assault-style rifles. the reports of the shooting came in about 10, 15 this morning local time. it happened at a private christian school with about 200 students from preschool to 6th grade. >> president biden addressed the deadly incident earlier today. >> we to do more to stop gun violence district in our
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communities apart, ripping soul of this nation. repents a very and we have to do more to protect your school. samara turned into prisons. >> the president called today's school shooting, quote, a family's worst nightmare. our reporter in nashville will bring us more details on the investigation coming up at 6.15 this evening. in the south bay l a nia was just 18 years old when he was shot and killed at a sunnyvale party that was back in 2021. it was held at an airbnb on navarro drive. but according to the city, that property was never registered as a short-term rental. >> the victim's parents are now suing the home's owner and airbnb saying they should be held responsible for the death kron four's rob nesbitt talked with those parents today. he has more on what they had to say. last april, the city of sunnyvale sued the owner of the airbnb where ellie new was killed. >> this time it's his parents
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who are doing the suine. this is picture live. >> thank you. when it was a vision. >> pictures and memories of honea are just some of the things anya and sahar elmen. joey, hold on to most. the 18 year-old was shot and killed at a party in sunnyvale in 2021. more than a year later and his dad still wears his son's winter jacket. >> it's the look still was the most? and that's you have. and we according to police, a 17 year-old shot. ellie us twice surrounded by 200 young people. the party that elliott's was killed. that happened at an airbnb and the family is suing the company in the home's owner they say never registered the home as a short-term rental. and that airbnb should have known about the illegal activity when you illegally rent an entire place. >> it's likely a party will be and entire place and it's likely somebody is going to hurt to recently as the attorney for the victim's family and says sonny bill's laws also require owners of
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air b and b's to live on site that will prevent this kind of party from happening and preventing death. she says that airbnb has responded saying they had no obligation to follow the law. forestry my son's fits in u.s.. are really his parents believe that airbnb and zoo had followed sonny bill's ordinance on short-term rentals. their son would still be alive today. >> hoping their lawsuit prevents another death. >> this future cut short segment. it shouldn't i reached out to both zoo and air bnb for comment about the lawsuit that was filed last week but have not heard back. >> reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> an update to bring you tonight on a tragic story from rodeo. a 6 year-old boy who was critically injured in a crash that killed his mother has now also died. that crash happened last thursday. police say they were in pursuit of suspected car thief when that suspect crashed into another
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car being driven by a 31 year-old woman. she died at the scene. her 6 year-old twin boys were riding with her at the time. one of them suffered critical injuries. the other serious injuries. police arrested 20 year-old well white. the 3rd and they have charged him with vehicular homicide. governor gavin newsom has updated proposal that could allow the state to impose financial penalties on oil companies that he says are price gouging >> it's now one step closer to becoming law that after the assembly set that legislation to his death today, our capitol correspondent eytan wallace was inside the chamber. he has late reaction from the governor. >> indeed, this came down to a party line vote. republicans argue will do more harm than good for everyday californians. while the governor says it will ultimately reduce what you pay at the pump tally the votes eyes. 52 knows 19 measure is passed with that vote. governor gavin newsom's proposal he vows will hold oil
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companies accountable. clearedi a major hurdle on this monday passing the assembly with majority approval and now heads to his desk legislature, the courage conviction and the backbone to stand up to so i'm very, very pleased. the proposal came during a months long special session. the governor says is all about lowering the cost at the pump and going after oil companies. he argues are taking part in price gouging, open the role. for the bill passed today. the state will create an independent oil watchdog division with subpoena power and allow the california energy commission to determine whether to impose a financial penalty on oil companies deemed to be price gouging or earning excessive profit margins. as for how much profit is considered too much? well, those details will be left to the commission. we sent a big, great, powerful message to them today. hope this is a signal other states and across this country and around the globe. we want to protect californians against outrageously high gas prices.
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senator nancy skinner says that's the goal of the bill, a bill she author when prices go higher. >> $2.60 higher in california than anywhere else. >> what's the reason? and if it's because there's any manipulation versus just natural supply issues, then we have the right to hold those oil companies >> but during the assembly debate, republicans argued the bill was rushed and ultimately will lead to higher prices. this is a job killing. >> gas tax. a t a x. >> there is no evidence that this idea works. we need to ensure that all these people who voted for this policy today are held accountable for the lack of transparency. >> and for the detrimental impact is going to have to all consumers in california. when are prices go up yet again? and the governor is expected to sign the bill sometime this week reporting at the state capitol. wallace kron. 4 news. >> coming up, police in san
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jose are saying lives were saved after officers shot and killed a man who was holding a family hostage with a machete. we'll have the latest on the investigation. plus, a part of twitter's of source code leaked online. what the company is doing to track down the person responsible. >> and a programming note for viewers who watch kron 4 through an antenna on wednesday. kron four's changing frequencies. and that means you'll need to tv after that date to continue receiving kron 4 over the air. ewers watch kron 4 on cable satellite or streaming. no action is needed.
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>> new >> developments now out of that mass school shooting in nashville, tennessee, a former student of the school killed 3 children and 3 adults. this was at a christian elementary school. it happened this morning. investigators say the suspect had a thorough planned for this shooting. >> our reporter dallas parker is joining us live now from nashville with the latest. alex, you've been there all day gathering information. what we know now. >> well, we know now the identities of those 6 people that were killed outside of the shooter, of course, 3, 9, year-old children, evelyn house haleigh scruggs and william kenny, all age 9, as well as cynthia peak. 61.
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catherine. >> age 60 and mike hill age. 61. we're hearing mister hill may have been a custodian. >> at the school now, the covenant school, like you mentioned as a preschool through 6th grade institution. that means these are young children that were talking about. i'm standing right here outside of woodman baptist church. this is one of the locations where families were told to come to be reunited with their children. of course, we know 3 of those children did not make it home to their families here in nashville today. now, metro nashville police department initially said the shooter was a 28 year-old woman armed with 2 assault style rifles and a handgun. we continue to learn more about the shooter at a possible connection to the school. police have identified the suspect as 28 year-old audrey hail hill is set to be transgender and use he him pronouns. a police say he'll gain entry by shooting through the doors of the school on up to the second floor where they shot, though 6 victims. i just named investigators went to hale's home and found detailed maps actually with entry points and surveillance at the house here in nashville. the
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surveillance was of the covenant school, a spokesperson for the department says officers responded promptly finding that suspect within 10 min are actually 14 minutes after the initial 9-1-1, call finding locating them on the second floor of the school shooting and killing >> they say their >> i was literally moved to tears to see bills and kids as they were shut out of the. that we would never have the situation. that if we ever did, we would not wait. we would immediately go in and we would immediately engage the person. perpetrated this horrible crime. >> now, within the last hour or so, metro nashville police department did actually tweet out that they located the suspect's vehicle just parked outside of the covenant
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school. >> here in nashville is about 2 miles from where i'm standing right here. this is one, of course, like i said, one of the points where kids were supposed to come to be reunited with their families force. they're still investigating. but for now here in nashville, dallas, parker, it. >> that, you know, we've been through this so many times before in so many different locations across the country. i'm just wondering is is reaction any different this time from previous times? because we hate us think that we might be getting numb to it. it's so painful every time it happens. how are people there reacting to this? >> it's it's hard to say. i think said this is a lot for anyone to process no matter how many times that this continues to happen in our country. i think that the families can't process it just as quick as it's happening. they're just trying to figure out how to feel and go about their lives in. and this is not something that they're going to figure out overnight. so i mean, people continue to have the same emotional breakdowns that we've seen
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time and time again. and i think they're tired. but what can you do? >> dallas is so early in the investigation and no, there's trying to nail down a motive for this. she went to that school. is anybody talking yet about what might be behind her taking this kind of? crazy action? >> i'm not really up like you said that this was a former student here, but this is a preschool through 6th grade institution. this person is 28 years old. so they had to have attended the school years ago. so i'm not sure how much hurt could cost something like this, but they have even given us a hint of about a motive just yet. but they said this investigation is going to go over the next several days. they've got found quite a bit of evidence in the suspects home in the suspect's car. so they're trying to nail it down as we speak. >> dallas parker, we know it's not easy place to be right now. we appreciate your reports from there and wish everyone they're the best. it's heartbreaking. dallas parker live in nashville. thank you.
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>> well, we of course, are getting more reaction about that shooting in nashville, including locally. >> state leaders are speaking out about this tragedy. kron four's justine waldman joins us now live from our newsroom with that part of our coverage. just 18. >> ken and pam communities in nashville, as we're hearing are shaken tonight after this deadly shooting took place at an elementary school. and according to data from the gun violence archive, today's shooting mark, the 120th mass shooting in the u.s. so far in 2023. governor gavin newsom tweeted this out today saying we call ourselves the land of the free yet our kids and teachers are gunned down in schools and forced to live in fear of being killed while being educated. what kind of freedom is that? this isn't going to stop until we come together to pass basic gun safety laws in our nation. california senator alex padilla also pushing for more gun control saying in part, quote, gun violence is the leading cause of death for children in america. we must
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end this madness. mia bonta tweeted nashville as we set off the top here, the 100 29th mass shooting so far this year. it is march 27th. the should not be the reality of our children that they're living in were failing them. our kids deserve better. now, also, tennessee, senators republicans, marsha blackburn and bill haggerty do not agree with president biden's proposal of banning assault weapons. but both did respond to the tragedy saying that their offices are in contact with federal, state and local officials. they also thanked first responders just into our newsroom. now, president biden has ordered flags lowered to half-staff after this deadly school shooting. live in the newsroom. i'm justine waldman. kron. 4 news. just thank you. we are following the developments on this story on air and online. you can scan the qr code that's on your screen right now. >> it will take you to our web page and there you will find updates on the investigation.
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>> all right. time now for our 4 zone forecast stepping outside a live look at the golden gate bridge. looks. >> kind of calm out kind of for now. lawrence is back with us. lawrence. so, you know, the winds were damaging last on destructive last time. are you expecting them? sometimes the winds are actually worse than the rain. they're going to be intense. that's for sure. but it doesn't look like this as is intense of the windstorm as the previous one that said going to be dangerous out there on the roads. so tomorrow, regardless you're going to see some heavy rain. >> and you can see those gusty winds likely going to see more tree limbs coming down. more trees coming down tomorrow is one of those days. if you don't have to travel, probably not a bad idea. just stay home. if you can up there tonight. you've got the clouds begin to roll in. already the winds start to pick up just a little bit. but really going to ramp up overnight tonight and tomorrow the rain begins tonight. increasing winds throughout the night to south by tomorrow morning. really starting to whip. but i think about the late morning, that's when see the strongest wind gust, some of those 40, maybe
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55 miles per hour along the coastline across some of the mountain tops and yeah, it will be blustery out there and the heavy rain coming through as well. some localized flooding out there on the roadways. very dangerous driving conditions all around the bay area for tomorrow. so the national weather service has issued a high wind advisory as we'll see those gusty winds specially coast side. uhey got see the strongest can all seem over. they'll tops in parts of the east bay to the oakland hills. the audible range are going to see some very gusty winds to go along with that. guess what? maybe another 6 inches of snow across the higher peaks here locally as well. alright wins. yeah, they come. they're going to be whipping out there as we head through the night tonight and tomorrow going to be on the pickup side as we head toward tomorrow morning, just after 06:30am, you start to see some 30 some 40 mile an hour gusts along the coastline. the really kind of ramp up throughout the morning. so the commute, you can see some debris out there on the roadways early on tomorrow morning with more power outages, a likelihood as well as those winds really get going through a late morning, gusting in the 55 mile an hour category and more so yeah,
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it's going to be a blustery day tomorrow. think one of those days where we lose more power around the bay area. so boy, it just seems like an endless series of powerful storms this season and tomorrow will likely be another one that impacts us greatly. what's going on with tuesday's tuesday. yeah. kind of been cycle. sometimes that's the way does. it gets very sick licking. that's weather rise up. so yeah, hopefully next tuesday will be it will be quiet one. yeah. okay. thank lawrence. >> coming up, silicon valley bank branches reopen with a new name today. the company that is now
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>> all 17 former branches of silicon valley bank have reopened today as first citizens bank for citizens bought as phoebe's loans at a huge discount in a deal brokered by the fdic that agency took over silicon valley bank earlier this month after a run on deposits lifted insolvent. all customers of svb are now automatically customers up for citizen. all commercial loans are now assumed under the new bank. >> twitter is trying to identify who part of its source. code online. source code is the underline software that helps run the platform. it it could be used to sabotage the side or even to hack into u.s. user accounts. that code was posted to the file sharing site called github last week. twitter has requested that a federal court in san francisco issue a subpoena and demand that the
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site release information about the person who leaked the source code github complied with twitter's request to remove the source code posted by a user who was identified as free speech enthusiast. twitter suspects that somebody is that person is someone who was fired when even must took over the company last year. disney will begin laying off staff starting this week. disney's ceo bob iger announced today that they plan to let go 7,000 workers. that's about 3% of its global workforce. the layoffs will affect nearly all of the departments and they will be rolled out in 3 waves with another one coming next month. and the final wave coming just before summer. the company says the cuts are part of a multi-billion dollar cost-cutting initiative aimed at streamlining the company's operations. >> coming up, a major milestone for a local nonprofit. the partnership that helps feed tens of thousands of families when they needed it most. plus
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bracing for more wet weather and windy weather. we're just hours away from another major slorm kron. 4 chief meteorologist lawrence karnow tracking the timing of this next system. and we're learning more details on the standoff last week involving a family. it was held hostage. the suspect was shot dead by police. what police are saying police. what police are saying about what happened on that when a truck hit my son, police. what police are saying aboui had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now and find out what your case could be worth.
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