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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  December 8, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> now on the kron 4 morning news, a man suspected of shooting a bear and barricaded himself in a home in east bay force neighbors to shelter in place. >> and a business in san
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francisco. the sunset district is vandalized. the owners saying they were targeted. >> the former alaska airlines pilot who is headed back home to the bay area after getting released now from jail. he tried to cut off the plane's engines mid-flight. we'll see you in case stands. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning far. >> good morning. and happy friday. bright nearly you glad to be here. and guess who's back? hi, john. you missed all the fun yesterday that the rain i know good timing or bad side it was nice to get a little extra sleep in the morning yesterday. >> and today we're going to be talking all about the sunshine. but we've got a cold start in the meantime. so what we have to worry about right now isn't so much the rain jackets, the umbrellas, but now that big boy, that heavier jacket to keep nice and cozy golden gate bridge. look so nice and clear. we are seeing those dry skies and pay. you look across the region. there
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is nothing going on out there. couple of rain snow mix spots up near the oregon border. none of that stripping our direction. temperatures are a lot colder than yesterday at this time. look at half moon bay freemont dublin livermore in concord, all dropping down in the upper 30's. you have some spots in the north bay falling as low as the low 30's kelsey bill, you're at 32 degrees right now in rural areas outside of city limits, even colder than that. you tend to have these little urban heat islands that hold on to a little bit of warmth. those temperatures in the mid 30's right now. as for freezing temperatures, we do have those freeze warnings in effect through 09:00am this morning. former in sonoma and napa counties fully expecting tomorrow to actually be even colder yet for your saturday morning. so don't forget to cover up those plants again tonight. before you go to bed, temperatures will be in the upper 50's to low 60's later today and it's nothing but the sunshine today all mourn your friday forecast ahead for your roads right now. things out there are moving along smoothly. let's hope we get some friday light throughout
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the course of the morning commute. certainly got it right now. 12 minutes on the san mateo bridge and no rainfall and no cloud cover and not even looking at any fog. love to see that for a morning commute. back to you. darya. 502. let's get to the breaking news from overnight. a shelter-in-place order has been lifted after a domestic violence related shooting. >> and id with a man barricaded himself in a home. it started when there was a domestic disturbance reported last night was around 7 o'clock. the home is on cleopatra drive in the sherman oaks neighborhood. what happened was there was a woman who was shot. she ended up being hospitalized non-life-threatening injuries. the man who is believed to have been armed, barricaded himself in the house. after that, we spoke to a neighbor about what happened. >> does come work and i police department and then i would send my garage and also down
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the police come in my house and next door in the sunday i had to buy i my family out and then we had to leave the house surprise to me is happens before. so. it said would neighborhood say here in this area. so i think it's a surprise to me. >> the swat team and negotiators were called to the scene. and then that shelter-in-place order was finally lifted. but not until about one, 30 this morning. >> if you or anyone, you know, is a victim of domestic violence. there's a list right here of domestic violence shelters all around the bay. and we've have this on our website. also, there's a hotline to call its 800. >> 7, 9, 9, safe. and that's for the national domestic violence hotline. a man is arrested for the death of a 27 year-old woman whose body was found in her home in san francisco. police believe that 29 year-old scott fisher is
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the one who is responsible for killing of kimberly. you can see here she was found dead in her presidio heights apartment a week ago. police went there to conduct a wellness check when they found her body supervisor. catherine stefani says that they do suspect domestic violence in this case. it's 504, and a family-run business that insurers hundreds of businesses in san francisco. was the victim of crime themselves. a shattered window. this is weighing insurance. it's located in the outer sunset kron. 4 sarah stinson takes a closer look at what happened. >> insurance is a family run business. they've been around since 1979 and it belongs to a francisco entertainment commissioner. but now the wing family finds himself wondering if they should file an insurance claim after someone came by and broke all the windows at the office.
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>> was horrifying to see it kind of makes you feel unsafe and vulnerable. when sunwing got to work at her family's insurance office thursday morning in san francisco, she saw the windows broken and glass shattered everywhere. the suspect captured on surveillance in a i'm on a and by and broke all these plates of glass weighing serves on the san francisco entertainment commission. her family's company weighing insurance has been around for more than 40 years in the outer sunset at 30st avenue and judah street. and they've never had this happen before. definitely very shocking. weighing says someone did read a racial slur on their office a few years ago, but there's no evidence so far to believe this week's vandalism was racially motivated. but it does seem very targeted premeditated and none of the businesses. >> around on the same block been vandalized. weighing filed a report with police.
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her family is familiar with what to do after a break-in or vandalism. >> as agency injures more than 1000 restaurants in the city through dozens of different carriers. she's seen a lot of businesses get dropped by insurance companies after experiencing reoccurring break-ins point during the pandemic, glass claims skyrocketed less so and the sunset, but definitely in other parts of the city. we've seen a slowdown, for instance, with their own business. i'm not sure if we're going to file an insurance plan because if we do, we make it non renewed and they're very. >> if you are kits out there, if the decide to pay for the damage out of pocket there he got one quoting it will cost them $5,000 to replace all of the class. >> and they're considering buying a rule down metal gate to prevent this from happening again. that would cost $25,000. i'm sara stinson reporting the newsroom. back to you. >> it's 507, in alameda county district attorney pamela price is calling for investigation
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into the group that's trying to remove her from office. her campaign attorneys are requesting the fair political practices commission look into this group called reviving the bay area, which is a political committee prices. campaign claims the committee, which is leading a recall against her failed to disclose contributors and did not identify itself as a group supporting the recall in a statement kron 4, the campaign claims wealthy donors are purchasing signatures to quote, force and undemocratic recall that would cost taxpayers dollars and quote, and those in favor of the recall, will they say prices pursuit of alternatives to incarceration and avoiding charging youth and adults and our stance on reducing sentencing enhancements has led to a surge in crime. and that is why they want her out. it's 508. and here's new video of the former alaska airlines pilot from the bay area walking out of jail in oregon
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and coming back to the bay area. joseph emerson is on trial or will be because he tried to cut the engines of a flight that was headed to sfo back in october. he released from custody. he pleaded not guilty to the charges and they were reduced charges of reckless endangerment. emerson lives in pleasant hill. and according to the terms of his release, he and his wife are allowed to drive back home to the bay area as he waits for the trial. geary has more on what happens next. >> joseph emerson left the jail this afternoon and hugged his wife. >> i'm so happy. my boys. are so happy to to have hope? it's been a long time i'm just i'm just glad that this is happening. he deserves to be home emerson accused of trying to shut up a plane's engines mid-flight in october. the 44 year-old told authorities he
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was on magic mushrooms, struggled with depression and lack of sleep at the time. >> he promised to follow conditions put forth by his lawyers and the >> thank >> per those terms, emerson was released on a $55,000 bond and cannot possess or use any controlled substances. that includes alcohol in magic mushrooms. he must also submit to drug testing, participate in mental health counseling and has ordered not to be within 30 feet of any aircraft. >> at the time of the incident, mister did not and could not the mental state. to commit the crime. >> his release comes after a grand jury decided not to charge him with attempted murder. emerson still faces a 3 counts of recklessly endangering an aircraft. he has pleaded not guilty. so the question of fault. >> complicated question to answer. is he criminally responsible note? does he need
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help? yes. does there need to be changed in the airline industry? >> yes, absolutely. following october incident, the national transportation safety board called this first of its kind mental health form on wednesday, emerson's wife says what happened to her husband created momentum to help other pilots and people mental health situations in jobs that. >> our innocence silenced or it's just incentivized to go get help and care that they need. and i think it's an important message that i want to be a part of continue to be a part of. and i know joe would want to as well. >> the ntsb announced a panel to review existing mental health regulations. >> we need to have a system that allows people to be more forthcoming and to have treatment for issues that shouldn't keep you out of the cockpit. >> disclosing mental health issues can lead to a pilot being grounded by the faa.
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>> and as joyce said, you know how he's not allowed to have any alcohol or magic mushroom. she pointed out magic mushrooms and the judge did as well because emerson had told authorities right when he was arrested that he had taken magic mushrooms. 48 hours prior party was having a mental health crisis and he thought he was dreaming when he pulled that emergency cord. 5.11, is a time right now. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news police in the south. they're investigating the death. >> of a baby at a day care. >> of a baby at a day care. [stomach growling]
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it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪upset stomach, diarrhea♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. listen, your deodorant just has to work. i use secret aluminum free. just swipe and it lasts all day. secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. and hours later, i still smell fresh. secret works! ohhh yesss. ♪♪
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>> it's 5.14, and here are 4 things you need to know today. 2 people have died. they were killed in a head-on crash in
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san pablo. look at the wreckage. a car sideswiped a truck heading in the same direction. this was about 1 o'clock in the morning and help drive near glen lock street. a driver crashed into a fire hydrant in bunny shaw and look at all the water that was wasted 250,000 gallons gushed from that hydrant after the crash. this was on monday and that was on first street. the driver was arrested yesterday. san jose city leaders have proposed a new law to try to prevent cadillac catalytic converters from being stolen. if they pass it, it would be illegal to possess. a catalytic converter election could prove it's yours. and levi's ceo chip bergh is retiring at the end of april. the board of directors elected the current president, michel glass to succeed him and that will all the happenings. oh, wow,
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that's a different. got a christmas tree. it's a moderate cypress, a historic one in front of clare large in golden gate park. and it was officially lit last night. mayor breed and state senator scott wiener were there. this is a holiday tradition that dates back to 1929. when the tree was first lit for john mclaren's birthday. this year's event. also had a first-ever lighting of the hanukkah menorah led the rabbi at temple emanuel. well, and also the light display in that debuted at the jfk promenade in front of peacock metal. that's a cool. >> basically work of art, isn't it? and it was a local visual artist who designed that display. they had a partnership with the san francisco parks alliance do that. tree lighting guests. we're all there. they got a 30 minute winter light show at
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the san francisco conservatory and that actually 30 minutes after sunset every night. so look at that. look at that. you can see that. yeah. >> after sundown, that's cool i love it. i love the different, you know, approached his the regular kind of the street. you totally, i got so that the christmas tree get lights out there. >> and i love it when they have the light shows on conservatory, how cool have to get out there for sure. but make sure if you're getting out there, you are bundling up for it because it is been a cold and it is about to be cold. the next few evenings ahead of us. temperatures will fall really quick when the sun goes down. and this morning we've got some 30's out there to start. it's nice and clear, though. so there's no worries about fog or wet conditions on roads. santa rosa, you're sitting at 34 degrees right now. livermore, you're at 37 even dropping into the low 40's over in oakland and hayward. so definitely bundle up. we do have those freeze warnings through 09:00am for the north bay and portions of marine sonoma and napa
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counties. temperatures in rural areas falling as cold as the upper 20's in tonight is expected to be even colder yet with tomorrow morning being some really frosty conditions. now, radar does show is really having dried out after yesterday, the day before its rainfall. we're not going to see anything in this forecast. as far as rain goes now high pressure ridge building in going to keep us dry. the storm tracks are going to be well to the north of us. we do have a cold air mass in place. low. this is going to contribute to the next few evenings being so chilly today. it's going to be sunny and mild. daytime highs, upper 50's to low 60's. tomorrow morning. another cold start followed by similar conditions during the afternoon on saturday. as for sunday, you'll see a few clouds rolling over head but staying dry all the way through the weekend. today's daytime highs will be reaching into the upper 50's to low 60's across the bay area. and we're going to stay in that range of 60's as we move into next week. no chances of rain ahead of us, at least just yet. as for your
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roads, what we got out there right now is smooth sailing conditions across the bay bridge, even its to make your crossing. right now. the mateo bridge at 12 minutes. nothing holding you up just yet. crystal clear. skies above the richmond center fell in golden gate. no fog. just a little bit of frost. once you get up into the north bay. thanks a lot, john. 5.18 and california is still spending more than it makes a new government report projects. >> california's budget deficit is going to rapidly grow passing 60 billion dollars by next year. capitol correspondent eytan wallace takes a closer look at the numbers. >> well, to put this into context, the deficit is projected to be more than double what it was last year. and now democrats and republicans say they're concerned. 68 billion dollars. that's the projected budget deficit. california is expected to face in the next fiscal year. according to this report from the non-partisan legislative analyst's office or the central message of this
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report is that california faces a serious budget problem in the coming budget cycle. panic as the legislative analyst whose ofice released the latest projections. >> he says the projected deficit increases in large part a result of state tax revenues last year coming in more than 25 billion dollars less than previously anticipated due to several factors, including a mixed economy and delayed tax deadline. the good news is there are a range of options available headache and his team put forth potential deficit solutions for the legislature to consider among them. governor gavin newsom could declare a budget emergency which would allow the legislature to dip into the state's reserves up to 24 billion dollars. other solutions according to panic, could include 17 billion dollars in reductions to schools and community colleges as well as cuts in one-time spending by about 10 billion dollars help shrink the deficit without cutting into core services that the state currently offers. democratic leadership responding to the latest projections, senate president pro tempore toni atkins said we can withstand this, but we will need to be
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cautious and mindful as we approach our budgeting on the assembly side, speaker robert remus wrote, quote, the growth in this project, a deficit is troubling. but california is prepared to navigate this latest challenge. and i remain committed to working with my assembly, senate and administration colleagues on a budget that protects classroom funding and prioritizes support for core programs that has republicans say the best solution to cut spending. there is no alternative. and yes, if we don't >> balance full projected 68 billion dollar deficit right now. we're going to see that crisis will truly develop. we heard from the governor's communications director in a statement she said next year the governor will introduce a balanced budget proposal that addresses our challenges, protect vital services and public safety and brings increased focus on how the state's investments are being implemented. while ensuring accountability into disuse. >> of taxpayer money reporting from the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news.
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>> 5.21 is the time in president joe biden's son hunter was indicted on 9 federal tax charges in california. the new charges include 3 felonies and 6 misdemeanors. prosecutors say that hunter biden failed to pay taxes on 4 million dollars in personal income in 2017 2018. these new charges are in addition to federal gun charges which accused biden of lying about his drug use in 2018 when he bought a gun. if convicted of all the charges, hunter biden faces up to 17 years in prison. it's 5.21. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the fbi has indicted 2 russian hackers. >> we'll tell you what they did in their accused of doing to northern california. and after the break, victims of the shooting that happened at unlv have been identified now. and we also have new
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>> 5.44 is the time in san francisco is getting ready to implement new conservatorship law in the new year. the law could soon force people suffering from untreated mental illness or severe addiction issues into treatment by expanding the definition of gravely disabled. lawmakers say that people can still go to court to fight for their legal rights. the state is also promising more money and resources to support this new law. the cvs in the lower haight neighborhood in san francisco is closing its doors next month. the stories on hate and fillmore and all the employees are being offered other positions within the
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company. cbs says prescriptions are going to be transferred upper pot plaza. cvs and they call this decision a difficult one. they didn't give a specific reason for the closure. cbs has 12 remaining locations in san francisco. in the east bay, the oakland animal shelter hit a major milestone. they say more than 1000 dogs were adopted this year, making that there lowest number of dogs that they had to euthanize in history from january november of this year. the shelter took in more than 3,000 dogs. only 5 dogs. had to be euthanized. and as of now, they say that they have 72 large dogs in the shelter that need a home. if you would like to adopt a dog, you can go to their website for the oakland shelter. it's 5.26. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. >> 2 people are killed in a
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head-on crash in san pablo. head-on crash in san pablo. wife and h herbal essences is packed with naturally derived plant ingredients you love, and none of the stuff you don't. our sulfate-free collections smell incredible and leave your hair touchably soft and smooth. herbal essences. want luxury hair repair that doesn't cost $50? pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair. as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag. if you know... you know it's pantene.
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>> but right now and between yesterday and the day before i had quite a bit of rain. actually. i wasn't surprised, though, because i've been listening the forecast any more on the way more on the way. i think we've got enough it was definitely a good amount. a lot of the bay area
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achieving well over a quarter of an inch, if not over half an inch for many other spots. love to see that do some moisture, especially as we do work in december. but it's also nice to get a break, especially into the weekend when i know it's that time of year where things are getting a little busy, you can get out there today and just worry about keep that jacket, not looking outside from the east bay hills. there's nothing going on. no fog, no rain. we are clear all across the bay. any showers are going to be well to our north from this point forward, at least for the foreseeable future. now, currently temperatures are getting really cold. fremont doubling down to 38 degrees right now. livermore, you're 37. well, few spots in the north bay hovering around freezing below freezing for some rural areas right outside of city limits. that's because the city's can hold on to the heat more than the countryside around them. as for current temperatures, it's cold enough for freeze. warnings remain in effect through 09:00am for marin, sonoma and napa counties. and i'm expecting tomorrow morning to be even colder yet. so get ready for a
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cold next few evenings, a dry and sunny afternoon with daytime highs reaching into the upper 50's to low 60's for the roads. right now it is smooth sailing. we don't have the rain and we don't have the fog and we do have the traffic either. so that makes for friday light conditions. 8 minutes across the bay bridge. you're still rolling at the limit of the san mateo bridge. but traffic is picking up just a little bit. the richmond, sandra fell as well as the golden gate free of any fog or backups yourself. back to you. darya. thanks a lot, john. 5.30, right now and the off-duty pilot who tried to shut off the engines mid flight headed sfo is now out of jail and or again. >> joseph emerson is allowed to come home to drive back home to the bay area. kron four's will tran is live in pleasant hill with more on where this case stands this morning. will. to finally come
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back to the bay area. let me show you video of yesterday. this all went down in portland. and the reason why portland is involved is because the pilots of that plane had to make an emergency landing. so his case is taking place in portland, oregon. he he was released from federal custody after his attorneys and the prosecutors decided that he could go home, but he could not fly home that his wife had to drive him home. also, he had to post $50,000 bail that he had to go through mental counseling. now back on october, 22nd on a flight just north of seattle to san francisco international during mid-flight. prosecutors say that joseph emerson tried to cut the engines of the plane, forcing the pilots to scramble into action to handcuff him on the plane as well as make that emergency landing. >> 83 people on board, which is why he has been charged with a b 3 counts of reckless
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endangerment. we've got a chance to track down his wife and his attorney. here's what they had to say about his release. my boys, are you so happy to to have hope? >> it's been a long time i'm just i'm just glad that this is happening. he deserves to be home arena at the time of the incident. mister did not and could not the mental state. to commit the crime. is he criminally responsible? no. does he need help? yes. >> emerson's attorney claims that he was depressed, that he had not slept in 40 hours and that he was taking magic mushrooms 2 days before hopping on that plane. we will move in front of his house and get neighborhood reaction. neighbor's reaction as the morning moves on. but again. >> he salready home in pleasant. it's a lot.
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well. >> 5.33, right now in the south bay, police in sunnyvale are investigating the death of a 4 month old baby at a day care kron four's rob nesbitt talked to the police about what happened. >> no answer thursday at the address of yoyo daycare in sunnyvale, police were called to the day care inside the plaza del rey mobile home park wednesday afternoon for the report of a 4 month-old not breathing, according to captain eoin league for this type of we send a fire personnel patrol base personnel as well as our an ambulance. >> upon arrival, they discovered the 4 month-old was not breathing. so immediately began a life saving measures which included cpr. those measures were not successful and the baby was pronounced dead at the scene, according to captain lee. no arrests have been made, but the death is under investigation anytime a death involving a child occurs that activate certain
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protocols, which includes the from the department found me a child services as well as the coroner's office and investigators from the district attorney's office, a businers card from the california department of social services was left at the front door thursday. captain lee says yo yo daycare was licensed to the state. >> but he still offered some advice for parents concerned about finding their own reputable childcare. we recommend that making sure that any day care that you go to is licensed by the state and it can and also to still walk through make sure see the location for yourself, get know the staff facilities and make sure you're comfortable with that daycare phone calls to go go. daycare also went unanswered thursday in sunnyvale, rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> it's 5. 35 and in the north bay benicia police are showing us this picture of a fire hydrant gushing after a driver crashed a car into the hydrant. 250,000 gallons of water was spewed out of there
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and wasted and a nearby business was damaged as well. this actually happened on monday of last week on first street and it closed the edge of the city's pier police then use the automated license plate reading cameras that they have to identify the vehicle and the suspect and they ended up arresting him yesterday. police in palo alto are looking for 2 people who robbed a mail carrier wednesday on alma street. the thieves stole postal keys and a cellphone. the postal carrier had an injured wrist and a chipped tooth in some swelling on her face. the u.s. postal service is now offering $150,000 for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of who did it. now to the latest developments on the shooting at unlv. we now know the 3 people who were killed by that person who opened fire. they were all faculty members of the college
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and here are 2 of victims who were killed. they are identified as 64 year-old professor charge and chang and 39 year-old assistant professor patricia navarro and the 3rd person who was killed after their families notified, then they will be sharing their name with us. there is still a 4th person who survived, but they're wounded there in the hospital. and they were visiting a professor when they were shot. the gunmen was a longtime business professor who wanted a job at unlv was rejected. he been identified as 67 year-old anthony police tow. and authorities say that he had a list of targets unlv and had sent out. 22 letters with no return address to university faculty members actually
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across the country. 2 university faculty members, he opened fire around noon wednesday in the business school and he went up to several floors in the building. there was a shootout and then police ended up killing him and he used a 9 millimeter handgun and dispatch about 150 rounds of ammo when he opened fire. 5.37. right now u.s. authorities indicted to russian intelligence officers. they're accused of cyber espionage and a hacking scheme that targeted military and government officials in the u.s. great britain and other countries. the indictments were just announced in san francisco yesterday. and that is partly because the victims include department of energy officials in northern california. and here's a wanted poster that's being circulated around the world. the 2 men in question are accused of leading what they call the kalydeco group. authorities aren't saying much
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about exactly what was going on here. but apparently they were successful in a hacking campaign for a long time targeting intelligence officials between 2016 2022. let's go grab it. targeted current and former employees. >> the united states intelligence community. the department of defense, department of state. defense contractors, employees, department of energy facilities throughout the united states victims include politicians, civil servants, journalist, ngo's and other civil society organizations. although these individuals are not currently in custody as u.s. attorney ramsey said the fbi's along regional member. >> criminal hackers will not evade our investigation. we will find them and we will hold them accountable. >> prosecutors believe the 2 russians used fake emails to fool people into handing over account information. they say
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they stole info used to influence the 2019 elections in great britain. and as the poster indicates the reward for tracking them down is huge. 10 million dollars now probably be very difficult to catch, though. the men are believed to be in russia. and since they were apparently working on behalf of russia, nobody expects them to be handed over. 2 people were killed in a head-on crash that happened in pablo. we have some video of the aftermath and here is a map of where it happened. a truck was sideswiped by a car. they were heading in the same direction. about 1 o'clock in the morning yesterday on el portal drive near glen lock street. now you can see the mangled a passenger vehicle there. the man driving the car, passenger were both killed. police believe that they were speeding and they're also looking into whether drugs or alcohol played a factor. the driver of the truck is in the hospital with critical injuries. and at this time, police say it's it's not clear
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if the 2 people in the car were related, they're they're far from being able to identify them at this point. local nonprofits and law enforcement agencies are trying to get guns off the streets. there are 2 gun buyback events that are happening tomorrow. one is in san francisco and the other is on the peninsula and belmont, the nonprofit united playas is hosting the san francisco buyback. >> it's a blessing that somebody that wants consider somebody that would destroy community. now we're here to heal the community and now we have to build a community and we need to him senseless gun violence. we've lost 32 people in this city this year to gun violence. some criminal gun violence and many, many others who took their own lives because they had access to guns. >> we've got to get we've got to stop it. so if you have a gun. sitting around. turning in. >> in the last 13 yearp since
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they started holding these s. united playaz says that they have removed 2500 guns from the streets. and those living on the peninsula have a chance to get rid of their firearms to. so there's one in francisco gun buyback and there's one at the mateo county sheriff's office. they're hosting it tomorrow at the county's human services office. >> on harbor boulevard in belmont and the drop-off there. you can do that tomorrow from 10:00am to 02:00pm. all guns will be accepted in exchange for cash from $5200. no questions asked. >> it's 5.41. and still ahead on the gravel morning news the niners are dominating the series lately. but purdy is not letting that get to his head and is prepping billy who head and is prepping billy who look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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>> 5.44, right now. and here are 4 things you need to know today. a shelter-in-place order has been lifted, but it was pretty much in effect all last night. there was a domestic violence related shooting that happened. and after that, a man barricaded himself in a home last night on cleopatra drive. they a lot police out there and seemed to resolve it. at least they lifted order. a man cas arrested for the death of a 27 year-old woman. and here she has. her body was found in her home in san francisco. her name just been released now and her photo. she was found in her presidio heights apartment when police went to conduct a wellness check. the think it was domestic violence. herbert's later, minner school in santa rosa had to go into a lockdown because a student pulled a knife during a fight in class.
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and you can see the knife that was recovered. police say 2.13, year-old boys we're attacking a 3rd boy in the classroom and that fight spilled over into the hallway when a 3rd boy pulled a knife. the teacher broke up the fight. bay air quality management officials say that richmond's wastewater facility broke some rules after the wreck of planes about rotten egg smell coming from the facility. officials there are blaming that odor on construction work. it's 5.45 and the light shine bright outside the state capitol last night to officially mark the beginning of hanukkah. just like the one candle. that's all because it was the first night. this is the steps of the capitol building. you can see the giant, norm of that mine or there. it's a tradition and dozens of jewish community members were there taking part also known as hanukkah is called the festival of lights and 8 day holiday that commemorates the
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rededication of the second temple in jerusalem. more than 2000 years ago, which is when the jewish faith believes the miracle of the oil occurred when enough oil to light the temple for one night actually lasted for 8. >> fact, some lighting the menorah of the capitol not being afraid. this is what's going to help us. green lights to a time in history. good and lights were prevail over documents show >> shutting light on the israel-hamas war. organizers placed more than 130 many men or is on display. as a a representation of the more than 130 israeli hostages that were kidnapped the day that hamas attacked hanukkah is going to last through next friday. in the north bay. the
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sonoma county sheriff's office is hosting a toy collection today. it's from 2 to 5. you can drop off new unwrapped toys also you can leave a gift card. you know, gift cards for clothing, sports equipment, whatever you like. this is at the sonoma sheriff's main office on venture avenue in santa rosa. i admit i've kind of taking detours instead of working out. i'm like 5 myself a target. and you know, i just >> that he that is the workouts are that planned this not planned. you know, i mean, most people plan their shopping. i'm not sure. totally. yeah. after shopping, i'm tired. i'm not going to be this you read should be put in the car it's kind of an average out its very core centric. but yet we are looking at forecast this morning that might make you want to get the heart rate up a little bit. go to the gym because it is cold outside anything door me up. >> we are looking at coit tower city under sunshine are
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about to senator sunshine. it's just crystal clear skies for now. now it's 30's 40's for current temperatures on the map. even san francisco dipping into the upper 40's right now nevado santa rosa, palo alto fremont among some of our other areas that are real cold to start that we are seeing freeze warnings for much of the north bay marin, sonoma and napa counties. and we've got an even colder morning expected tomorrow. so just make sure to cover up those plants again tonight. before you go to bed. now skies are very clear. we're going to stay dry today. any chances of rainfall are going to be held up near the oregon border. now that that low pressure has moved through this high pressure, ridge is sitting in place just contributing to a chilly feel during our mornings comfortably. cool during our afternoons. so skies nice and clear today. we've got that down another cold night tonight. freeze warnings again for the north bay. tomorrow is expected to be very similar. a good dose of sunshine, mild afternoon highs sunday, a few passing clouds but staying dry as we close out the weekend. as for today's daytime highs,
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we will be looking at some upper 50's to low 60's that cold air behind the cold front that moved in the past couple of days is now really just sitting here with us. and that is resulting in temperatures that are going to feel a little bit more cool than what we had been seeing before the past few days. barely making the low 60's at our very warmest. as you can see, a lot of upper 50's in the mix conquer down through san ramon. it's mid to upper 50's for you while vallejo and benicia barely hanging on to 60 degrees for your high looking ahead tomorrow and sunday will be a little bit warmer. just a few more low 60's on the map. a few clouds here and there into next week. but for the most part, this forecast is dry from this point forward. now, as far as your roads go, it is still holding up nice and light normally by now you see the bay bridge metering lights on. i don't see him yet. and hopefully we don't even need them today. the san mateo bridge at 13 minutes to make your crossing. while the richmond center fell as well as the golden gate. nice and clear the skies and in the
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lanes. good right. thanks a lot. 5.50, right now. the forty-niners are so good. they're continuing the preparation. >> this time against the seahawks and the sharks went to overtime against the red wings kron. 4 sports director jason dumas has the highlights. >> the niners continued their prep for seattle on thursday. san francisco is a double-digit favorite, but division games are weird. and frankly, it's hard to beat a team twice. you know, people just have pride. >> but the niners they've dominated that series as of late. they a bunch in a row either way. brock purdy is not looking past anyone on that seahawks roster. >> they are good players. you know, some some really have a lot of experience and stuff. obviously bobby wagner and digs in the backfield in the some boys that are playing corner that i've got some experience known of the belts. and so it's always a challenge. we play every single time. it's not like
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we've so we're just going to walk in this game. it's not like that man. the nfl their team right now. needs to win and so do we and we respect the heck out of seattle any time we play, we know it's going to be it's always going to be a dog fight. so that's how we look at it. >> all right. the sharks in the red wings. they had enough spent full second period on thursday night in detroit. we sped up the process for you. the wings scored 4 straight goals and then the shots came back with 4 straight of their own 8 goals in the period we go to the 3rd charts. now 5 to 4. that's net. and they scored thomas hurdle. over time. he scores the game winner. sharks win. 65 has scored 5 goals in 2 games. really good. all right. that is your look at sports. >> 5.52 right now. and happening today. tickets for the inaugural festival. are going on sale at 10 o'clock
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this morning. the latin music fest, it's going to be held in the napa valley expo on june first and june. 2nd. it's an offshoot of the long-running bottle rock festival. >> alejandra my favorite. >> for has a right to do. and los angeles as well they are among the headliners for the festival. >> oh, my gosh. there by just a one-day can again one day from an check that out. i 5.52 note to self coming up with the kron. 4 morning news. we're going to tell you about bay area. fire stations are bay area. fire stations are getting money to upgra ♪♪ listen. we know things don't quite add up right now. inflation is down. rent is up. well, when the cost of living is high,
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we find new ways to go low. we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite ikea products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. teens have drama. one more minute! it's why we're here. braces add more drama. ahh! how does anyone do this?! invisalign is better oral hygiene, and no drama.
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>> 5.55, right now and the start of the commercial dungeness crab season. >> it's being delayed again. now it's december. 21st. it's to protect humpback whale. state regulators say there's been a number migrating whales spotted off the california coast in recent weeks and they want to make sure that they will get tangled up in the crab fishing lines. wait a little longer. levi's is going for a lever. leadership change. my gosh. i just thought it's not really funny. guess what? who wears the pants is changing. get it like coolers of ads. the san francisco based company just announced that chip bergh is retiring as the ceo. that's going to happen at the end of april and the board of directors has elected the company's president, michel glass to wear the pants at levi's. haha. i just love that. so really nice. but this kind of good at for you right? remember the rivets? okay. 5.56 right now. coming up in the end, that little tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny pocket. this pilot is on his way home. remember, he's the one.
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>> who thought that he was dreaming and was going to cut the engines on a plane headed sfo. but now he is driving back to the bay area and his wife says he's going to get a health plus, a man holed himself up in a home after a shooting in the east bay. the whole neighborhood had to shelter in place lifted now. shelter in place lifted now. we'll tell you what we know. febreze! hi. i keep my home fresh with febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to digitally control how much scent is released so it doesn't fade. ooh. does mine have a microchip? ...oh. febreze smells first-day fresh for 50 days. that is a shockingly long time. febreze also has a refill reminder light... it even reminds you to refill it? so i never miss a day of freshness. your home is so fresh! upgrade to febreze plug.
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>> a shooting suspect barricades himself in a home in the east bay forcing neighbors to shelter in place. the tables turn for san
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francisco insurance business. they're hit by vandals, but they might not file a claim because they don't want their premium to go up. and off-duty pilot charged with trying to crash a plane headed. sfo is allowed to leave jail and come home to the bay area where his wife says he can get the help he needs. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> 6 o'clock of sharia, dan. second day today, right back together. and we're already ready to go to the prom. look at this. we're all dressed up color coordinated. it must be hanukkah, hanukkah. well, chilly out. like you get the blue on very good. john, how do you explain your chaperone right here for prom? also yet when i put the blue i was like it's cold outside something that's going to relay that message because it is for ridge it out there. we've got freeze warnings in effect for a lot of the north bay. >> we're in sonoma and napa counties. hoou


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