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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  February 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at >> now at 5, a welfare check
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at a home on the peninsula uncovers 4 bodies. authorities are now working to figure out what happened. thank you for joining us this evening on kron n news at 5 o'clock. i'm grant lotus. the investigation is closing down roads in the area and kron four's theresa stasi, who joins us now live in san mateo with the latest. good evening to recent. all right. obviously having a little bit of trouble with the signal there to 2 recent will get back to that story momentarily. but again, 4 people found dead in a home and 2 of them are young children in an unrelated incident. 4 people have been found dead at a south lake tahoe home today. among the dead 3 men and a woman all between the ages of 30 40 police say they believe substance abuse was a factor in the deaths will keep you posted. there. police in
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oakland are asking for your help identifying someone who they say has been involved with a homicide. that was last july 27th. that is when a person was found shot dead at 7th and international. if you know of anything regarding this case, you're asked to contact the oakland police department's homicide section. in san francisco. police say they've made 23 arrests during to nighttime operations around un plaza. the 2 recent operations are part of the latest phase of the city's efforts to combat the drug crisis in the mid market area. officers also assisted public works and the health department to shutdown illegal vending in the area since the joint task force began operations in may of last year, more than 2300 people have been arrested for selling or using drugs or having outstanding warrants the sfpd says it has seized 300 pounds
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of drugs. they say almost half of it. this fentanyl. now to the niners. and after that gut-wrenching loss in the super bowl last night, niners fans are trying to come to terms with the fact that they will now have to wait another year for a shot at a championship at sfo this morning. tired fans return to the bay a weekend that started with such high hopes ended with crushed spirits and souls as the faithful watch the chiefs come from behind to win the super bowl in overtime. >> it's and as soon as i saw that it was going to come down to us having to stop mahomes my heart kind of dropped and >> that's where it was left drained. >> don, let's go go home. wrapped up. >> yeah. you never want to give mahomes the ball with a chance to win it. and that's
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what they did there. but not every football fan at the airport was sad this morning. >> it's a great time to get you was it was amazing because couldn't a better script as they would say, right? >> for chiefs fans, despite the outcome, almost everybody said they're looking forward to next season. the nfl regular season starts september 5th. and less than 24 hours since that last night head coach kyle shanahan's decision to receive the ball first after winning the overtime coin toss is being scrutinized in years past receiving the ball. first was a no-brainer. as the team that scored the first overtime touchdown would win the game. and that is still the rule in regular season. nfl football but postseason overtime rules change before the 2022 season where both teams are now guaranteed a possession. even if the team has the ball. first scores a touchdown. so
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after the game, shanahan was asked about this and he defended his decision to take the ball first. >> this is something we talked about you know that none of us have a ton of experience of the vote. went to all the analytics and talk to those guys and we just got to be better. we one of the ball 3rd, the bowties match and scored. we want to be the ones at the chance to go in. we've got that field goal. so we knew we had a hold on to at least a field goal enough. if we did then we thought it was in our hands after >> now there are some critics arguing today the niners should have elected to play defense first, which may have given them the chance to match the chiefs first court over time. you would know what you need to score to stay alive. whatever after the game, some of the players said they actually didn't know how the updated postseason rules worked. so that is going to be something that is discussed for the next few months. and despite the loss, the night is still a ton of talent and our the current favorites to win
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it all. next season. yeah. the latest odds are out today. they waste no time fandal has the chiefs. but the second best chances to win the super bowl next year. then the ravens followed by the lions, send the bills. thousands of fans packed allegiant stadium for the game last night, including some kids who made the trip to vegas courtesy of the make-a-wish foundation kron four's rob nesbitt reports about make-a-wish kid who supported the niners after they supported him. >> sunday super bowl was exciting from start to finish. one person who got to witness the game from the stands is 14 year-old adam hirst. >> sticks you know, in a lifetime. >> hurst is a big fan of the san francisco foray-niners and was in las vegas the week leading up to their matchup against the chiefs. his mom. so lay hearst explained how the trip was sponsored by make-a-wish. >> in 2022, we found out he they discovered he has dilated
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cardiomyopathy. >> the hart family hearst went to 8th grade with the device to regulate his heart. and it seemed to work until last september. he went into heart failure again and suffered a stroke that affected his left side while in the hospital. he got a visit from some of his favorite nfl property. make both and for everyone. >> but how cool is it? they came to visit. you can. and now he's recovered from his heart transplant. and now he gets to go cheer on hearst was joined at the super bowl by 19 other kids who are also sent by make-a-wish. >> touring allegiant stadium attending fanned events and meeting players from both teams. the game that went into overtime did not end the way hearst would have liked. >> but the 14 year-old knows all too well. how important it is not to take a single moment for granted. thankful to the volunteers that make a wish for making his super bowl dreams come true. i think they're facing. >> mason know they can do all the stuff. >> in san francisco, rob
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nesbitt kron, 4 news. all right. back to our top story now where a welfare check at a home revealed for people who are dead. >> the 30's are now working to try to figure out what happens force theresa is there live with the latest. good evening to recent. >> why grand time here in san mateo and i'm right off of 42nd avenue over here. you can see, you know, move my camera over. see, you can see exactly what's going on. crime scene technicians still very much here process in the house and inside that gray house that you're looking at. they found 4 people, a man, a woman and 2 young children. >> just after 9 o'clock this all. >> to respond to the 4100 block alameda called on a welfare check. >> mateo police spokesperson jeremy surat says that the caller told dispatch that they had not seen the family in a while and was worried.
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>> sadly, once inside, they made a grisly discovery. 4 people dead. woman and 2 children. should they be concerned that there's someone out there? i mean, what are you saying to the as of this point? it seems to be an isolated incident and from everything that we've learned so far, we're not looking for any other and there's no concern for public safety. neighbors tell kron for news of the husband and wife had lived at the home with their twin sons for a few years. a resident says the boys were sweet. i love to wave. hello. the resident also said that it didn't appear that there was anything wrong and was distraught hearing about their deaths. you obviously think of the whole family like other other relatives involved. is it just the entire family is now gone? but yeah, it makes you wonder so places your mind goes, was it? >> foul play? was it something that happened inside the home? it just as a parent? it's hard not wonder this cemetery
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resident said that he didn't know the family personally but says that he and others are in a state of shock about a situation like this unfolding in their neighborhood. police have brought into quarters vance detectives, crime scene technicians as well as representatives from the district attorney's office. when asked if there was any sign of a weapon, they elaborate. this is a very tragic and horrible. >> seen right side is not something that happens every day and it's tragic for the family, the community and all the officers. >> now authorities locked entire area. they're not telling me exactly how long this is going to be blocked off. they are trying to communicate using social media let residents know some residents are kind of upset because in and they haven't been able to go to their home, take cars out. but under the circumstances, you can understand why police are keeping everyone at bay reporting live here in san
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mateo, theresa stasi. back to you. thank you. theresa. >> today marks the 20 year anniversary of the start of same marriages in san francisco. it was february 12th 2004 when then-mayor gavin newsom to find a federal ban to host weddings at city hall. these are some of the images you see they're from the historic weddings. the newly elected mayor even officiated the first wedding himself. a newsom today tweeted about the anniversary, remembering a story about a little girl who came up to him and said thank you for giving me 2 mommies. >> crowds then cheered in 2013 after same marriage officially became legal in the state. and this fall, californians will have a chance to vote on a proposal to enshrine marriage as a fundamental right into
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the state constitution and remove language that still defines marriage. as between a man and a woman. let's take a peek outside. skies were little hazy today. air quality on the peninsula and parts of the east places like oakland was listed as >> moderate. so not terrible but not the best friend for chief meteorologist lawrence karnow joins us now with a look at the forecast. boilers, the weekend's beautiful and more sunshine today. you know, little hazy, but we'll take it, i guess. yeah, compared to last weekend, right? i mean, so really we had a nice weekend. the temperatures fairly mild out there. you're looking hazy, though, in our skies. you can see that lair of some of the haze out there right now. some of the plumes building up outside, but overall looks like you've got that patchy alone. parts of the south bay along the peninsula as some of the air quality. they're not looking as cool that's for sure. but i think overall, i think the pattern is going to be ok for the bay area. i think we're going to see a change in the
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pattern coming our way. again, we're talking about maybe some more rain moving in about the middle week tomorrow. get a little bit on the hazy side in spots, not going to reach any air quality issues, but >> yomething to watch out for temperatures out the door right now. here we are in the middle of winter. some folks who just love that these kind of numbers at this time of year, 60 degrees in san jose. beautiful 60 in fremont, 61 degrees and delay on 61 in redwood city. overall, though, we've got a fairly nice skies out there. a couple high clouds drifting overhead going make for nice sunset out there tonight. now just off the coastline, we do have a storm system that it's beginning to develop out there. that's going to be a few more clouds our way and the one right behind there's a possibility it could bring some rain when, you know, as we head in toward valentine's day. but if you are heading out the door this evening, we've got mostly clear skies to start out this evening. then we'll start to cool you off. not going to be cold as last night but looks like temperatures will get chilly in some of the valley's dropping down in the 30's and the 40's. that's the latest draft. back to you. thanks, section of l camino riel in los altos has finally reopened
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the roadway between san antonio road and sherwood avenue was shut down. >> because of a fire that destroyed a commercial building those christmas day demolition began late last month in traffic on that section of the road was prohibited. the bike lane and sidewalk will remain closed. the leading candidates in california for the u.s. senate race face off on the debate stage right here at the crowd for studios. we have a preview of that debate coming up. and maternal death rates for black women are higher. then any other race? one piece of legislation could change that. and a now viral video. a waymo driverless car is vandalized and then set on fire by a crowd. people joining in now, federal prosecutors are federal prosecutors are weighing in. we'll
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i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪)
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists.
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he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. and we're learning more tonight about that waymo car that was vandalized and eventually set on fire in san francisco's chinatown over the weekend. it turns out the car was empty at the time because the company says it had just dropped off a passenger and was in the process of heading to pick up another one. in the meantime, federal prosecutors are getting involved warning similar acts could send perpetrators to federal prison kron four's. dan kerman reports. hands.
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>> you can done from a 0 to 100. so quickly in a matter of minutes, from the bond that the car was broken to the time it >> cool. saw the vehicle set on fire and what led up to it once the fireworks ended. >> some of the people in the eventually been done. that car. they started jumping cool with they started writing graffiti messages back and then some of great. they've goes down. keyboards and other things. and once isn't he, the window was broken. they put gigantic fire book and that it out. it of minutes before this
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for the big burning in front san francisco, police are investigating the incident and now the u.s. attorney's office for the northern district of california. >> has weighed in on social media suggesting committing such an act is a violation of interstate commerce laws and could send those responsible to prison for 5 to 40 years, depending on the circumstances. waymo believes this is just a one-off and not some organized protest of autonomous vehicles. witnesses agree this was not i like some of that negative that i heard. >> this is literally just people collating the sake of theirs. trying to get its hear from some of the people in the same crowd in san francisco. dan kerman kron. 4 news. california attorney general rob bonta and other state leaders announced a new bill today aimed at reducing the maternal death rate of black women. >> assembly bill 23, 19 would build on the california
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dignity in pregnancy and childbirth act, which requires implicit bias training for care providers. the bill would establish firm deadlines for when training needs to be finished. require compliance data to be posted online. so the public knows which facilities gave the anti bias training. it would establish administrative penalties for noncompliant facilities. nearly one 3rd of black patients in california reported that they didn't feel that delivery room staff. >> encourage that's especially decisions about their birth progression. and more than 10% said they were treated unfairly during their hospital. stay because of their race or thereafter the city. so we need to listen to this data. listen to these women. and make substantial transformative change before another patient is hurt. of course, we're worse.
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>> bonta says the rate of maternal death for black women is 3 to 4 times higher than white women here in california. and that it's a statistic seen across all income levels. check on the forecast now as we turn it over to lawrence karnow and lawrence on love day, we're a little yeah. you may want to keep special someone a little bit closer. we've got some rain coming our way. and if you're taking somebody out for dinner, don't do it outdoors. that's just a hint. as we've got. >> a chance of rain in the forecast up there right now. a beautiful sunset just developing here in the bay area are going to be gorgeous out. there is a drop down a little bit lower on those beautiful colors showing up at some of those high clouds up above. you can see on the satellite image. how about that? california? what a nice weekend. we had weather wise. we have some mild temperatures. nice break from all that stormy weather. but it looks like we'll get back into it. a small storm coming on valentine's day and that one just hovering off the coastline. you can see some
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clouds kind of rolled up out front of the head of this front. but this is the one that's going bring some rain. it looks like as we get in toward valentine's day, a chance of rain developing as we head toward the afternoon and the evening hours. so if you're planning on taking some of the out for a nice valentine's dinner. yeah. just be aware that you might run some great now some rain, tomorrow remain dry outside as we're goikg to see that ridge just kind of sneak in here enough. we'll see a lot of clouds kind of roll over the top of that ridge somewhat. otherwise, it looks like it's going to remain dry. but well, you can see it right here in the forecast models. we're going to see the clouds begin to gather tomorrow. some of that looking pretty good outside should be another nice dry day around the bay area with some mild temperatures. then as we get a valentine's day here comes and there's your evening. there you go. just around 4 o'clock. you start to see some light to moderate amounts of rain begin to move in. so if you've got plans for a dinner out you better be careful, keeps them in somebody's indoors or you're likely to get a little bit wet outside. so that being said, looks like we've got some changes coming our way. tomorrow should be a nice day plan on the temperatures. hey, how seven-day look good.
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you're talking about some partly cloudy skies. we'll see a lot more sunshine in between that likely bring the temperatures up in the mid 60's. one of the warmer spots in the bay area about 59 partly cloudy in oakland. 56 degrees in cooler in san francisco. all right, lawrence, in just a few hours from now, the leading candidates for california's open u.s. senate seat. >> well, if the stage right here at kron 4, lawrence will be watching all be watching kron four's capitol bureau reporter eytan wallace. as a preview of the debate. he's live in the city with the latest site to. >> steve garvey. katie porter. really. >> it's debate night in california. you're looking at the major candidates in the race for the u.s. senate as they prepare to take the stage here. the kron 4 studios in san francisco. there is a lot at stake moderated by inside california politics co-host nicky lorenzo and frank buckley. the debate is expected to focus on key issues facing the state, including the cost of living homelessness and crime.
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foreign policy matters, including the israel-hamas war and russian invasion of ukraine are also expected to come up. it matters now. this is when voters are starting to tune in. well, a law school professor jessica levinson points out this debate is taking place just about 3 weeks before primary election day, march 5th, the top 2 vote getters will move on to the general election in november. all the more. so i levinson says this debate matters. candidates want their breakout moment and not in a bad way. with ballots already sent in the mail to all registered voters in the state. levinson says this debate is do or die time for the candidates in a race where most polls show democrat adam schiff leading while republican former major league baseball star steve garvey and irvine democratic congressmember katie porter fighting neck and neck for that key second place spot for adam schiff. there's nobody wants to run against more than steve garvey. >> adam schiff, nose in a california. we are not going to elect a republican to
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statewide office. adam schiff knows that the more scrutiny steve garvey is under the worse. it's going to get for him for katie porter. we're going to see her come out swinging against adam schiff, but maybe even more. so again, steve garvey explaining to the voters why her positions and his positions are so different on so many issues. >> all right. and joining us now live from san francisco is time while is a time we usually see you in sacramento. but the news says brought you to the bay tonight. >> absolutely. and this should be a very, very interesting debate grant. and, you know, it just a few things to look out for your number one. i mean, you heard from professor levinson but, you know, these candidates while, of course, it's all about number one at the end of the day, who is going to come out in first place, of course, is a big race here for second place. the top 2 vote getters that tool bats to this general election in november. so it's going to be the big race for second place tonight. grant.
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>> looking forward to that. good to see a time again. this debate here is coming up on kron 4 and it begins at 7 o'clock. still to come. you could zoom up the coast in a speedboat once owned by a former u.s. president. we'll tell you about the unique auction there. california is
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extending a mortgage assistance program which started during the pandemic.
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it offers low to moderate income homeowners who fall behind on their mortgages or property taxes up to $80,000? well, not as many people applied for help as officials predicted. so now the money is being made available to have had trouble paying their mortgages after pandemic restrictions were lifted to see if you qualify. you can log on to see a mortgage relief dot org. new reports show americans are using credit cards to pay off student loans. having trouble paying off the debt. the information indicates 8% of credit card debt has fallen into delinquency. that's up from 6% in 2022, the average student loan bill is between 2 $300 a month. up next, the fbi is warning bay area residents about a valentine's day scams. how people can protect themselves. >> also as the war in gaza
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rages on, a south bay emergency room doctor is now on his way to gaza. what a on his way to gaza. what a medical mission. [♪♪] your skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's healing formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond.


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