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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  February 13, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news, california leaders are taking action to reduce the maternal death rate of black women explained how. pressure is mounting now to put control over autonomous vehicles in the hands of local governments. we're live with that story. and the leading candidates in california's race for u.s. senate had a heated debate right here in our studio. we're going to hear what they had to say. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> and thanks for joining us on a tuesday. it's dry, but it's not going to stay that way tomorrow. good morning. i'm darya and i'm james. fact, let's start off the hour with a full breakdown of that forecast with john in the weather center. hey, it's looking like it is going to be a beautiful one out there. we've got the sunshine above sfo, something it didn't have yesterday at this time and we
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are going to be looking at another day in the upper 50's to low 60's doesn't sound so bad tomorrow the rainfall gets here i do enjoy it. looking outside happen. bay, a beautiful start to the morning. nice calm waves out there. think a lot of you've been getting out there enjoying it. we've had less fog than yesterday. and we've also had a more mild start to the morning. all that sounds great heyward sitting at 54 while dublin at 45 degrees. same in santa rosa right now. while vallejo sitting at 48 degrees. a look ahead into the afternoon. we're going to be right back to the upper 50's to low 60's much as we were yesterday. and for the last time this week, no rainfall today, i'll be looking at some valentine showers in your full forecast, rain and high winds on eve of that. well, we had a busy start to the morning. as you can see. >> traffic is still busy at the bay bridge. meter lights are still on. so he's backed up as we were to the overpass. things just a little slow, 13 minute ride may so that fremont street exit our san mateo bridge. last time we had an accident, they're going to
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30 minutes. they cleared that off the bridge. now at 22 18, 1, richmond center fell bridge down from 19 to 11 minutes and the golden gate bridge clear conditions. visibility looks great. 30 minute drive. 37 tolls to regions. back to you. thanks so much. a local election headquarters and we >> hosted a debate of the 4 leading candidates in the u.s. senate. right here in our own studios. as a matter of fact, we had adam schiff, we had katie porter barber. lee was here. and so is steve garvey. they're all running to fill the seat left vacant. now by late senator dianne feinstein. this was actually the second debate and it's ahead of the primary election. so you need to know where they stand in. kron four's grant lotus takes a look at that. >> the crisis at the border opening monday night's senate debate in san francisco. candidates asked whether or not president biden should take executive action to close the border. i think the president is taking executive actions, but there are limits to what the president can do without congress providing the
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authority. while democratic candidates stressed the importance of congress's role, president biden should continue using the legal authority. he to address this issue while we elect leaders who will shake up congress. republican steve garvey pointed his finger directly at biden on day one. the president open the floodgates. >> and created a crisis in the united states. he should be the one to step up. in closed the border. we will not have border security until we have comprehensive immigration reform. there's still some policies in place which donald trump had put into place when he was president. those need to go on the topic of minimum wage. barber lee claimed the wage needs to be $50 an hour for people to live properly in the golden state. >> just do the math. just do the math. of course, we have minimum wages that we need to raise to a living wage. you talk about 20 $25, fine. but i have got to be focused on what
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california needs. >> garvey said no changes need know wages where it is and should be. if you look at what california center fast food franchises right now, increasing the minimum wage to $20 and what's going to happen? that's going to increase costs for hardworking californians to go to to go to a franchise garvey. also going on the record about his stance on former president trump. have you spoken to him and would you accept his endorsement? you have 15 seconds. >> i haven't spoken to. would you accept his endorsement? these are personal choices. that prompted some tense moments with adam schiff, the greatest threat that we on the and on the don't why it is. you said voting rights were the most fundamental thing. there this is mister ship fixated on one person and one person only. >> and now as grant lotus reporting, if you missed the debate, you can see the recap on kron 4 dot com scan. this
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qr code will take you right to the page where you can find all the highlights and viral moments. >> 904. happening today. san mateo county is going to be discussing legislation to stop the expansion of waymo into their there are some who support having local governments have more control over driverless cars. kron four's will tran is sion on whether or not they want waymo cars to be circling their streets right now. they don't have a say it's up to the california public utilities commission as well as the dmv. he wants to make it like taxicabs where they get permission from the individual cities on whether or not they
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can pick up passengers. he also points out to what's been going on as far as nationally. but more specifically what's going on in san francisco. he mentioned the waymo vehicle that was set on fire in chinatown. not to mention what happened last week when a cyclist waymo vehicle got into a crash right now that investigation is still ongoing, but he says and still waymo and other driverless cars can prove that they are safe. he does not want them operating within the county without the city's permission. >> we've learned what they've done in san francisco. everyone in the beginning, they were saying, oh, this technology is safe. this technology, you know, there's it's it's. it's foolproof. in fact, that's not what i'm afraid up is taking speeds that 25 35 miles an hour that they tested in san francisco. now we're going go from 65 miles an hour to 70 miles an
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hour. >> he mentions the speed because those driverless cars will be on the freeway throughout san mateo county. and there's talk that possibly it could reach all the way down to santa clara county. so the volume of driverless bout. there is a human inside those waymo vehicles. back to you. all right. thanks a lot. we'll. >> 907, is the time. and also happening right now. the search is underway for this missing 101 year-old man up in santa rosa. police there shared a picture of william gunther. he's 5 feet. 6 inches
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tall. he's at risk due to his age and his health condition. they say he drove away from his residence on monday between noon and 4. in what was described as a white 2018 subaru legacy. now we have a license plate number provided by police. here it is on your screen. it's 8 cw are 708. police say it's possible that got there was driving in the area of goat rock beach up in jenner. that's north of bodega bay. if you've seen him, if you've seen the car with this license plate called police, it's 907. and oakland police officer is on paid leave right now after crashing into chp. >> a vehicle and police say he was under the influence and off duty at the time this crash happened saturday morning eastbound 80 near manuel campos parkway. >> and fairfield, the oakland police officers i said was off duty when his vehicle crashed into a chp cruiser. there was one chp officer in the cruiser and the other was on the outside. the one in the car
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suffered minor injuries and was taken to the hospital. the other officer was not hurt. and the oakland police department has not yet released the name of the officer who was involved in that crash. san francisco police made 23 arrests during to nighttime operations around un plaza. this is part of the latest phase of the city's efforts to combat the drug crisis in the mid market area since this launch last year. police have made over 2000 arrests for all kinds of charges ranging from puzzle with possession with the intent to sell public drug use and outstanding warrants and they have seized about 300 pounds of narcotics. half was fentanyl. well, immigrant rights groups rallied in front of a new immigration court that opened monday in a predominantly spanish-speaking concord neighborhood. >> the new court will hear cases from multiple counties, immigrant groups at that rally say that local government didn't let the community know that the court was set to open
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and they worry it might instill fear in some members of their community. congressman mark says he is disappointed that the court open with limited community engagement, but he does appreciate the need of the office of immigration review to do its work. the justice department is hiring. 21 immigration judges for that conquered court. but asylum seekers will need to find their own representation. >> time now is 909 and we want to talk about the super bowl because everybody is back from it. yes. who is lucky enough to go to vegas? a lot of people arrived yesterday through. yeah. coming back to the bay area and our cameras were there at sfo getting their reaction. >> it was a grueling experience. and as soon as i saw that it was going to come down to us having to stop mahomes my heart kind of dropped sands. that's where was left drained. >> don, let's go. go home. wrapped so yeah. >> that said that guy remind me of a rocker from the 80's anyway. so the forty-niners fans were not satisfied spend all that money. and when today
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gets all the way, but if you're a chiefs, i don't know what you're talking about a great game. they say. >> it's a great time to get you sent for was. it was amazing because couldn't write a better script as they would say right? >> so i feel better about spending the money. i guess if you see your team win both fans, though, fans of both that they're looking forward to next year. and that's what everybody's got their sights set on. and there's one super special fan from the bay area who got to go a teenager. >> who went with make a wish and he's happy even though the forty-niners win. >> we have this story coming good michael thomas coming up with that details on a new bill aimed at reducing the maternal death rate of black women. that more after the break. >> and today's dry tomorrow, not so much for valentine's day, even though will start your wednesday dry tomorrow by 03:00pm. all of us are going to be looking at some showers
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>> 9.13, right now and we're taking to get us a phone sunny at the moment. absolutely. we're going to joy that for at least today hopefully most you, yeah, tomorrow is not going to be so dry anymore and maybe not the best timing. i know because valentine's day you might have some plans tomorrow afternoon. just make sure that you're ready to go with the umbrella tomorrow today. get out there and enjoy this. try one. look how beautiful the golden gate bridge is this morning with some pretty clear skies overhead today is going to be partly cloudy. so not perfectly clear, but it is important lead right? you can see our next line of showers pushing in from the west. these are going to make there impact noon starting tomorrow afternoon and we are going to see dry conditions today, which is going to be nice, certainly for stepping
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outside. tomorrow, we start dry for your morning commute by late morning showers pushing to the north bay and dropping into the rest of the bay area. after that point, it is going to be an afternoon to be ready for some spotty heavy showers here and there across the bay. and we will be looking at that continuing likely on through the rest of the forecast. as for our future cast of rainfall totals, rainfall should remain below one inch for most areas. we could see some isolated amounts heavier in some spots. as for high temperatures today, daytime highs will reach the upper 50's to low 60's with a few low 60's stretching down the peninsula from burlingame foster city all the way down into the south bay. some of our warmest spots today will be san jose campbell and santa clara at 62 degrees. a low 60's as well for the east bay with the tribe valley over to oakland or right at 60 degrees today. the north bay also reaching the low 60's with fairfield right at 60 degrees. santa rosa down through center fell also right there. a look ahead
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tomorrow. temperatures around the same as today as we just out in the rainfall during the afternoon could disrupt some of your valentine's date. so make sure again got the umbrella with you thursday. actually pretty dry. we will see a morning sprinkle possible rainfall really kicking back into gear friday night leading into saturday rain. all right, john, thank you for that. pretty slow go still in the 9 o'clock hour. 17 minutes traveling along 1, one. 85 to menlo park. >> so one one's been slow for most of the morning. they bridge meter lights are still on the air. no accidents. so mateo bridge recovering from an earlier crash. 17 minute ride, a 81 to one. it's now clear selling injured animal feed us. 45 minutes. if you're taking that route along 80 crockett on towards a's they were at. 45 now at 31, good news. and i we for antioch, into coker around 20 minutes. darya. james, back to you. >> time to talk winners and losers with our financial expert rob black. hi, rob. all right, ari, a all right. so let's talk wall street being a loser. but the super bowl be
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the winner. >> yeah, we have cooling inflation on a year-over-year level but still hot on a month to month, which is a bad trend. most of the inflation numbers that came out this morning on the consumer side were tied towards rent and housing or shelter. so it's not a linear path lower for interest rates, but it is lower over the next year. so it's not unexpectedly bad news. it's just not great news this morning. jetblue avis and hasbro will jetblue's getting carl icahn is an activist investor to help shares move higher. and avis, are saying that things are a little tough out there with revenues. all right. and when it comes to super bowl. >> boy, they the viewership was huge way up from last year and i guess people are just going to be wondering, there's no way did get it down to like, was it taylor? was it a sure was it?you know, the 2 teams? >> i think it's some analysts have predicted we could see numbers as high as 140 million
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came in 123.4 million, which is way better than last year's 10101 million is a big push. it was an exciting game. it went to overtime said had a lot of elements on its own. but good for tv because a linear tv struggling the average age of viewers on tv are getting a lot older, a lot faster, and sticks. the young people moving to streaming. she she was pulling people into football. i mean, even the chiefs coach was like, listen. >> if she's bringing in fans that don't care about football, i don't care. just just be a fan. watch football right with you. okay. okay. so valentine's day is tomorrow. let's talk. let's talk love, rob. because i know so least there's a benefit or a payoff this time around for being dumped with a text message. >> yeah, this is a kind of a cute one by pf chang's. i'm you get 6 dumplings. if you've been dumped by a text message, you have to get online and sent a copy of the text message and tell a little bit of your story. i think it's good advertise. good marketing. and again, i guess
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it to get dumped. it's good way of, know, anderson, i think its innovative to say the least and pf chang's, not very chinese at all. ps stands for paul fleming's, which is a steakhouse in new york city became very >> all right. well, everything's changed. i mean, since i was a kid, there's then. apps, obviously. and >> you know, i'll show years if you show me mine used to mean something different now means credits course. >> that was a chapter in one of my make. but that's a whole different story. so there's dating app called scoring. i love this. it's only around for 90 days, but we saw some trends last year that kind of inspired this. you if you have a credit score of 675 or higher, you if not, we'll financial literacy so you can maybe make up next year. but generation z is a smart generation. they care about financial literacy, probably because they're in such a plate with student loan debts in job market. that's really not paying off their white collar education, to speak. it's comfy called me on money
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club say can join up it's that website is join me on dot com joining on dot com. or i it's not tender. it's not about who's the hottest. it's about who's got there, you know, financial stability. i think i think this is great to tiktok ersan hinge users are adding their credit score and one influencer says she got 100 likes because she put her credit score out. got 17 dates that month. so that's something to be said for it. we're looking for a spouse who is financially stable. rival right? want of me? >> no, no. i know you. you may find yourself saying or not add which is fine, but just because somebody has a high credit score doesn't mean they have a lot of money. >> it was going have a lot times. means they're stable. they're paying their bills on time right there on the debt. you know, you can tell a lot about a person soften literacy, your financial life by looking credit score, can go to annual credit report dot com and get a copy of yours. and i can get a copy mind shared. i can see your job history. i can see what you're making. i could see the big
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your bills on time. right state. he lived you could say i'm a california girl, but i waive your credit report tells me something different ok? and there's no risk. what about sensitive? you know, you don't want somebody to see sense of information that it's fine for them to see your credit score. they can't buy into that. i think you're going to swap fluids. i think you can see each other's credit scores o k let's move to kit. know i gotcha of country. music is cool who would've again, it's a great industry, but beyonce is making a very cool very fast. released 2 songs during the super bowl, texas hold'em. and 16 new album coming up, march 29th. that's part 2 of her. a big sigh a concert series from last year. there's hence their deiah. she wore a cowboy hat to the grammys. she's from houston streaming is now to up 24% year over year for country music. >> it makes up 36% of the top 50 hits on the spotify. stop
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50. that's only 2%. 2016 to generation z is showing up again with their influence. indie pop star lana del ray's released a country album. she's indie pop star and one'co out with country as well. so beyonce's onto a hot trend. no doubt that flynn may is ahead of the curve on this one, though. i mean, taylor was country miley cyrus country. a lot of people, you know, crossover back and forth and back and forth. so >> it's kind of cool. why not? i'm i'm with do a good that cowboy hat to. and that's always fun. half of the fun is dressing up that way. if you're already cowboy several haha. maybe that could be on a dating profile for one of us one cowboy. exactly. all right. thanks a lot that your credit score. you're also rob, if you have a question for all of you can regime on facebook or acts.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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at first, i used better than bouillon for broth. and then stir fry... sauces... even marinades! and with all the varieties... organic... reduced sodium... and now the culinary collection... ... it's like the deliciousness never ends! make everything better with better than bouillon!
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>> 9.24 >> in the san mateo county sheriff's office is investigating an armed robbery that happened on monday morning. it was around one, 30 am deputies responded to an armed robbery at a home in a millbrae neighborhood. the victim was robbed by 2 people who had handguns. the victim wasn't hurt, but the robbers got away with their personal belongings and took off in a gray honda accord. they were last seen headed towards you know, real. if you have any info, you're asked to contact san mateo county sheriff's office. >> well, police arrest 2 men in san jose who they believe robbed multiple bakeries in custody right now. are 37 year-old to door ramos and 41 year-old arturo vasquez jala.
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police say the 2, rob, several bakeries from december to january. in each case, witnesses say they had a gun, demanded money and made off with thousands of dollars police. but both men now into the santa clara county jail. in fremont. police arrest 4 teens who were in this stolen suv. 2 of them are accused of robbing a postal worker of their keys near niles community park. before taking off in that suv. this happened last wednesday in the area of 3rd street. police say a similar robbery happened the day before, but it's unclear if the same group is suspected in that case. also happening today, the congress city council will again take up a possible rent stabilization ordinance that would also require landlords to have just cause before evicting tenants. the ordinance would apply to multi-family rental complexes of 2 or more units all built before february of 1995, the ordinance would limit annual rent increases to just 3% or 60% of the consumer price index, whichever is lower. it
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would also establish a process utilizing a hearing. officer tenants could appeal the rental increase if they believe them to be inconsistent with the ordinance. the concord city council meets tonight at 6.30, to talk more about it. >> its 9.26. and still ahead. coming up next, for people all found dead, 2 children and 2 adults in a home in san mateo. we're going to give you the latest on what they think happened.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing,
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lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. >> wait a 5 star. >> 9.29. right now it's really start off to be a nice tuesday. it is. yeah. >> how long will it last? that's the question because we know changes are coming john yesterday looking pretty
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solidly nice. all day long. tomorrow starts nice and dry. it's not going to end that way, though. looking outside at sfo right now already clear that it was yesterday. we started yesterday with fog today, not as much look at downtown san francisco, very similar. a partly cloudy start to the morning. just a few passing clouds here. and there do watch for a couple of whole the foggy holdouts up in the north bay right around nevado up towards santa rosa. right along 101. aside from that, temperatures have been a bit more mild even to start this morning. heyward san mateo alameda hanging out in the mid 50's right now. the as well as dublin in the upper 40's for your morning temps later on today. we're right back to the low 60's and all of this under dry skies tomorrow for valentine's day. rainfall officially arriving and i'll time it out for you in your full forecast. >> over to rain. all right, john, that seen a lot of improvement out there on our bridges, especially within the past 15 minutes, 14 min arrived. they bridge meter lights are still on, though. at least we're not backed up to overpass. if you are going
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to be traveling mateo bridge down 30 to 15 things are moving a lot better. we had an accident in the last hour. got that cleared now 15 now to 8 minutes along the richmond, sandra fell in golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 26 minutes. mean, of the north bay is moving a lot better. darya james. >> thanks. a lot of rain across for your local election headquarters and the 4 leading candidates for u.s. senate all came right here to our kron. 4 studios for a debate included adam schiff, katie porter, barbara lee, steve harvey, all here running to fill the seat vacated. >> by late senator dianne stand. capitol correspondent eytan wallace takes a closer look. >> well, the debate focused on the issues facing california, but it also included its fair share of fireworks. sparks flying at the inside california politics, u.s. senate debate in san francisco
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to 4 leading candidates in the race. democratic congressmembers adam schiff, katie porter and barbara and republican steve garvey facing off in the hour-long televised debate that touched on several topics. perhaps none more he did in the topic of former president donald j trump, steve garvey says he voted for the former president twice but garvey argues he's been unfairly labeled as an ardent trump supporter. i hope this puts too. >> to an the constant badgering. and the use of the former president's name as attack against me. the greatest threat that we on trump. donald trump engaged insurrection and in my view should not be on the ballot. donald trump is a threat to our national security. >> he's he's a threat to our democracy, moderated by inside california politics co-host nikki laurenzo in frank buckley. the debate touched on several issues including homelessness and housing. should people who are experiencing homelessness be allowed to live? >> intense or rv's or on beaches or in parks while they
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wait for a permanent solution. you have 15 seconds. i don't think i think it's a mister garvey. >> you can say the minimum wage is fine where it is. but you want to know why people living on the street. it's because we're paying them poverty wages. this is a problem of making sure that california's biggest challenges, including the cost of housing become washington's biggest challenge. and that's what my 10 point plan doesn't really harnesses the power of the federal government to unleash that capital that we need to build more housing we also need and the diction protection policy. and i'm working on that. also to get that passed into law on the crisis at the u.s. mexico border. >> i think that we need to invest in creating a lawful, orderly, humane immigration system and decade after decade, politicians in washington haven't done that. we will not have border security until we have comprehensive immigration reform. we didn't have a policy of the border that is consistent with our values as a nation. >> i also think we need order at the border. when the president open the floodgates.
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and created a crisis in the united states. he should be the one to step up. in closed the border. steve garvey did not speak to journalists following the debate, but he did a code. this message throughout the night. these are 3 career politicians. >> who failed the people, his opponents back to different. many of experiences that californians have. i've lived. but i also know how to turn those challenges into policies and funding priorities and make life better for everyone. i don't see washington doing enough to solve our problems, bringing down the cost of childcare, making housing affordable for our workforce, addressing the climate change. and so i'm really running to shake up the senate to make sure that it's working for californians not for big corporations. we need to do or in the senate. that knows how to get things done. >> a i've long track record of doing that. i'm gonna deliver for california and i would love to have their support. >> so what happens next? what the candidates tell me. they plan a campaign up and down
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the state in the final weeks ahead of primary election day. march 5th reporting in san francisco, a tom wallace kron. 4 news. >> and tonight 34 and california general rob bonta and the california legislative black caucus. they want the state to do more to help support and protect black mothers and their children about says it all starts with better anti-bias training for doctors and nurses with kron four's michael thomas on the story. >> this new bill will essentially at extra layers to the required training for providers, making sure that black pregnant women get the care that they need without having to ask. it's a simply bill. 23, 19 in its building off of the california dignity in pregnancy and childbirth act that was established a few years ago that requires implicit bias training for care providers in this new bill would essentially established firm deadlines for when those trainings needed to be finished and require compliance data to be posted online, allowing the public to know which facilities have been given that anti-bias training and establish administrative penalties for
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those who have not complied with the attorney general saying ms nearly one 3rd of black patients in california reported that they didn't feel that delivery room staff. >> encourage them to make decisions about their birth progression. and more than 10% said they were treated unfairly during their hospital. stay because of their race or thereafter the city. so we need to listen to this data. listen to these women. and make substantial transformative change before another patient is hurt. >> officials bringing this bill forward say racial bias should not be a factor that impacts the quality of care. a black woman is given during and or after pregnancy and childbirth with assembly member mia bonta saying she's experienced this firsthand. i was told by the doctors repeatedly you are fine. >> and when i continue to say something is not right. while i also took care of my daughter. i found further and further into just issues of
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not feeling well. i knew my body. i knew something was wrong. and i was still told you are fine. >> when it comes to statistics, the group says the rate of maternal death for black women is 3 to 4 times higher than white women across the state of california. >> they also say that this is something seen across all income levels that's the very latest in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas. also back to you at the desk. >> all right. thank you, michael 9.36. is the time and the more developing news now, investigators are trying to figure out what happened after finding 2 children and 2 adults dead inside of the home. san mateo police made this discovery yesterday morning. it was during a welfare check. so far they've only described the people has 2 boys and a man and a woman. both police and the neighbors say that they were obviously shocked to hear the news. >> yeah, it makes you wonder so places your mind goes, was it foul play? was it something that happened inside the home
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is just as a parent. it's hard not wonder. >> this is a very tragic horrible seeing right side is not something that happens every day it's tragic for the family, the community and all the officers. >> police closed down the neighborhood as the investigation continues. >> the south bay, a woman has died after a car backed over her in san jose. and this happened around 2 o'clock in the afternoon saturday on saratoga avenue near champ park street. she was walking on the sidewalk when a utility vehicle backed out of a driveway and struck her and she ended up dying in the hospital. the driver of that utility vehicle is cooperating with investigators. it san jose's 8th traffic, a pedestrian traffic fatality of the year. its 9.38. tomorrow is valentine's day. and if love is on your mind, that's fine. but don't get carried away and think somebody loves
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you online. they could be scamming you. in fact, that's what the fbi wants to warn abe area victims to watch out for who've already lost more than 27 million dollars to online scams. just last year. the scams, they say come in many forms. and it's valentine's day and that includes fake significant other somebody asking you to invest, trying be friend you or say they love you on the internet to get your money. the fbi says that you can prevent from becoming a victim by not releasing any private financial information to anybody that you've only met online. >> these people are very good unfortunately, they've got a lot of practice. they keep notes. they keep detailed notes all of their interactions with potential victims and they can come across as perhaps one of the most adoring, a tentative for magic partners. >> and the fbi has the numbers to show you that this is happening of people have fallen victim to this in every bay area county. but the most victims of online have come from santa clara county. and
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then after that alameda county and contra costa county. >> all right. let's move over to the niners now and just a little bit of controversy surrounding kyle shanahan's decision to take the first possession of the ball in overtime during the super bowl. this was the first game with the nfl's new playoff overtime rules. >> and coach shanahan did not call, did obviously didn't work out for the on the other side of the field chiefs player said that they knew about the new rules. in fact, all the way back in training camp. their head coach andy reid apparently went over these rules with them in overtime. should taey ever be in that situation? >> niners players, though, say that received no such instruction. take a listen. >> you know what? i didn't even realize that the the playoff rules were different and over time. so i've i assume you just want the ball kuz use court session and when, but i guess that's not the case. so i don't really i don't totally know the strategy there. now. we haven't talked about it now.
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>> so it wasn't the best ending, but still a lucky and faithful forty-niners fan got to go to the game and he's so happy that he did 14 year-old adam hirst make-a-wish in 2022. doctors diagnosed him with a type of heart failure and they were able to regulate it until last september when he caught a cold. any went into heart failure. he suffered a stroke that affected his left side. and while in the hospital he was visited by some of his favorite niners players. >> how cool is it? they came to visit and now he's recovered from his heart transplant. and now he gets to go cheer on them. >> i mean, what a battle to go through at the age of 14 and >> he got a c the forty-niners battle. the chiefs. he was among 19 children who were at events that led up to the game. they got tours of the
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stadium. they want to fan event and then that players from both teams and yes, he was sad that the niners lost, but he is just so thankful he got to go thankful to make a wish and wants to say thank you to the forty-niners as well. all of his dreams have come true. >> all right, 9.41 is the time. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. the waymo car that was set on fire in san francisco's chinatown now has drawn the attention of federal officials will have their warning. >> for people. and after the break, a bay area man rescued after going missing up kirkwood going tell you how they were able to find him and they were able to find him and bring him safely down.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter.
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porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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san francisco man had to be rescued over the weekend after getting lost at a ski resort in kirkwood. yeah. so dennis shanahan walks us through. >> how was that? they found him how he was able to call for help. >> people think that they can go in the back country and not have an issue getting out. brandon, is a flight officer paramedic with the chp valley division air operations, this base in auburn received a request for help saturday night from the amador county sheriff's office advise him that they had a missing out of last year. >> because i heard back sides were and i didn't realize backsides actually meant a different part of kirkwood and not that sides from his home in san francisco. mike pick off explains. he was visiting kirkwood for the first time. he wanted to make fresh tracks in the snow but didn't realize he had strayed far outside the bounds of the ski area until it was too late. he couldn't safely hike back in bounds in the deep snow. he had just
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enough cell service to call for help and report his coordinates. the helicopter crew easily located him after dark the night vision camera even spotted his cell phone. but there was no safe place to land in the dark. the contacted him via our public address system on the aircraft told that help is on the to stay put where he was at pickup explains. he took shelter next to a large boulder and took his hands inside his jacket. i had a bunch of wears on. i was really wild rest for like the worst kind of ski weather shouldn't happen because of the difficulty of the terrain and airlift was determined the better course of rescue. then snowmobiles, officer helen was part of the crew that rescued pick off sunday morning finding a landing spot nearby and snowshoeing to his location. we provide them some snow shoes and hiked in back to the helicopter. >> and then transport them back to kirkwood where he met emergency services there. and i got released the guys on the helicopter. i'm very thankful to very, very nice to me. and they were great. that's why i do this job is is the
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gratification of finding people like this in their worse dire. >> need and be able to rescue and get him back to safety. confidence his mistake and now urges other skiers and snowboarders to stay in bounds and familiarize themselves with ski area maps. >> the thing i went to was not a normal market rout and that's why this happened. all my >> i got 2 words for you. blue run. yeah. and on the just take the lift and you go down and you take the lift and you get a nice day right? >> all right. let's get over to the weather center. ic john's got a pretty picture from the sierra to where there looking at some pretty good snow with that. you 79 0 c s 70 half dome right there. i know it's enticing to get up there right now. but as obviously a good reminder, especially with the weekend like what we're about to see to be as safe as possible as you're getting on the slopes or even just on the roads. you 70's about to have another dose of snowfall where we're sitting right now. it's already pretty piled up. this is your forecast for tahoe.
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starting tomorrow. some rain and snow making its return. it's a little bit of a warmer start. so at lake level year, unfortunately going to have that wintry mix does look like we cool down into thursday, though. so overnight, hours wednesday into thursday, likely to get pretty icy and slick. if you are heading up into the mountains. as for us in the bay area, we've got our final dry day to day and much like the sierra. we're looking ahead tomorrow at a return of an active pattern. multiple low pressures will be steering their way across the region allowing us that rainfall that we're going to see not just tomorrow, but likely into the weekend, too. futurecast shows a little bit of cloud cover this morning into the afternoon. a partly cloudy day today. tomorrow moaning. we'll start to see showers for the north bay initially. and then dropping in for the rest of the bay area towards tomorrow afternoon, pockets of heavier rainfall expected during your evening commute tomorrow. and tomorrow is valentine's day. of course, we're also likely going to have to bring those umbrellas and rain jackets with you as you may be getting out there on a valentine's
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date as we make our way into thursday, a little bit of a breather. a chance of a morning sprinkle, but thursday should be calmer. before we take back into gear come friday, saturday and sunday making for a wet weekend. rainfall tomorrow. totally anticipating anywhere between a half an inch to even an inch on the higher end of things. we'll continue to see rain into friday night and saturday, especially and these rainfall totals are going to continue to stack up even more than that into next week. so today being that nice dry day, the days we've gotten used to, hopefully a chance for you to get outside. enjoy it before we're back to those wintry conditions. 60's from san mateo mountain view down into the south bay this afternoon, san jose campbell and santa clara each at 62 for your daytime highs while hayward over to the tribe valley right at 60 oakland at 60 degrees, too. north bay temperatures, mostly low 60's with fairfield sonoma and santa rosa. right on that 60 degree. mark. looking ahead tomorrow as temperatures just a little bit cooler. we do have afternoon showers after a dry morning
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commute for your wednesday thursday. a pretty calm one, but rain kicking back into gear friday night into saturday, likely sticking around into next week, too rainfall, right? you're still catching a little slow traffic depending on where you are this morning. >> especially in the 9 o'clock hour. look at this. a long 80's. so we're not bright red, but still seeing some orange, the that things are still just a little delay, a 80 through fremont and along the peninsula sign a one on one things. just a little slow and go. the bay bridge looks great, though. meter lights, volley off 12 minute ride into the city this morning. our san mateo bridge just short of 16. now we had earlier accidents there. thankfully, those have cleared off so smooth sailing. last time we checked in a long while. we're at 70 minutes now at 59 minutes. so just a little improvement by about 10 minutes here. so angela, down to 2.37, just short of 40 minutes, 80 over the east bay crockett down towards the maze. now, 23 minutes darya. james, back to you.
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>> and all along likelihood you probably seen this video on social media by now that federal prosecutors are warning that's similar acts like this one seen over the weekend in san francisco's chinatown could send vandals to federal prison. waymo says the car that you see that was t% set on fire had just dropped off a passenger. so. >> thank god. nobody was the car. nobody was hurt. >> multiple witnesses tell kron 4 that that waymo car was disrupting the lunar new year. celebrations. >> because they say the nick now the shun became confused by the festivities and fireworks and all the crowds of people. a lot of them crossing the street outside of cross walks and kron four's. dan kerman talk to one of the witnesses. it was there. >> those celebrating chinese new year got more than fireworks lighting up the night sky saturday. >> around 9 after dropping off a passenger. a driverless waymo vehicle heading down jackson street was surrounded by a group of people near grant street in san
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francisco's chinatown. this completely out of expectations that done from a 0 to 100. >> so quickly, in a matter of minutes, from the bond that the car was broken to the time it on fire. >> honey, route cool. saw the vehicle set on fire and what led up to it once the fireworks ended. >> some of the people in the eventually been done. that they started jumping cool with they started writing defeat. message and then some of track to great. they've goes down scheme boards and other things. and once isn't he, the window was broken. they put gigantic fire look and let it out. and it matter of minutes. the focus of the big burning in front san francisco. police are investigating the incident and now the u.s. attorney's office for the northern district of california. >> has weighed in on social media suggesting committing such an act is a violation of
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interstate commerce laws and could send those responsible to prison for 5 to 40 years, depending on the circumstances. waymo believes this is just a one-off and not some organized protest of autonomous vehicles. witnesses agree this was not i like some of that many to hood. >> this is literally just people collating the sake of theirs. trying to get its hear from some of the people in the same crowd in san francisco. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> for your health, the cdc may soon drop the advice that people need to stay home for 5 days after testing positive for covid. the washington post reports that they are proposing that if someone tests positive, they should use symptoms to determine when to stop isolating. if you do not have a fever for at least 24 hours without medication, or if your symptoms are mild and they're saying that you
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should be able to safely leave isolation and not get anybody else sick. it's 9.53. we'll be
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>> i'm 55 right now. and now even know the forty-niners loss. they are current favorites for next year. there's always next year. and yeah, it looks like vegas says the odds are niners are not only just going to make it to the super bowl, but when as well. >> you can see the second-best odds go to the chiefs to make a reappearance, then the ravens than the lions, then the bills. so we'll see what happens. but at least the smart folks over in vegas and we'll be back. well, i mean, they may be there watching the
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game and at times thought, hey, wait a minute, the niners are out playing the chiefs and they went on the niners way pretty easily. yeah. you never know what breaks are going to happen. >> 9.56 right now. coming up in the next hour, the kron 4 morning news. 4 candidates for senate faced off in a debate right here on our kron. 4 studios. >> we're going to tell you what you need to know before you go to the polls. and san mateo county's board of supervisors. he's talking about a way to give local government more control over. driverless cars will see why.
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs,
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union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. >> right now on the kron 4 morning news, california leaders are taking action to reduce the maternal death rate of black women will explain
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how. pressure is mounting right now to put control over autonomous vehicles in the hands of local governments. we're live with details there. plus the leading candidates in california's race for u.s. senate had a debate right here in our studio. we're going hear what they had to say. >> from the local news station. you're watching you on morning team. >> but i'm in the and we're not going to tell but we will have the latest on the debates were talking about the weather. things falling from the sky morrow, hopefully as just rainfall. looking on a story about a guy air quality actually quality management district. they want a landmark decision here could impact all of our help. so we'll talk more about that and the sky. well, guys are level be in the air tomorrow but yeah, a


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