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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  February 28, 2024 5:30pm-5:50pm PST

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at cretors, we handcraft every batch of our delicious popcorn. like our cretors cheese and caramel mix. great on their own, even better together. try cretors, handcrafted small-batch popcorn.
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>> tonight at 5.30, more cops and faster response times. that is what merchants in north oakland are telling councilmember dan kalb is going to help reduce crime. there. kron four's murdered ear
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month, the prayer service was conducted for not henry elise, ben singer and their twin boys, nathan and noah, all 4 were found dead in their home during a welfare check. the restored of justice ministry hold vigils for people who have died in violence across the bay area to spread messages of forgiveness and to bring awareness to people seeking help with mental issues. >> i think about a crime such
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as speaks to mental illness. can crime such as this was not someone mentally even all appearances where contrary, which is around the world. >> prayers were shared outside the family's home where officers found their bodies. investigators say they believe the father shot his wife multiple times before shooting himself in the bathroom. the children's cause of death remains under investigation as they had no signs of obvious physical trauma. police say there is no history of violence at the home and they're working to try to find a motive. >> taking a live look right now on i-80 at donner summit up in the sierra big winter storm expected to blanket the lake tahoe. that area with wow more than 10 feet of snow over the next few days conference. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow that's a lot of snow,
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lawrence. that is a ton of snow even at the lake level and tall, maybe 2, maybe 5 feet of snow. >> well, that's going to paralyze that area, as you can imagine out there right now. well, it looks beautiful. a spring-like day outside, probably some of that snow melting as you're looking toward half dome right now. but things are going to be changing here in the next 24 hours. that cold front coming down from the gulf of alaska. so coming down from a much different location our previous storms, those atmospheric river storms are brought in that warm subtropical air. now you get in that cold air coming in from the arctic. so it's all about to change now and that cold air moving in and going to bring with it. some very heavy snow over the high country. looking good right now. doppler radar, nice and clear. the roadways are open and clear. no problems right now. different story by tomorrow. major winter storm, a diving into the high country bringing dangerous blizzard conditions. i can't emphasize that enough. it is going to be treacherous in the high country is going to be slow and go stop and go. you can expect some major delays that
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snow levels are going to continue to drop 2 to 4,000 feet may be down to 1000 feet as we get in toward late saturday into sunday, higher peaks yet maybe upwards of 10 feet of snow. and that is just a time us know. they just cannot get those snow plows. the clear out the roads, a whiteout conditions going to be likely. if you're headed in that direction, you can see all the areas shaded in orange, even the foothills. a blizzard warning going up thursday through sunday that heavy snow rolling on through. we're going to be measuring it not in inches but in feet as it comes through even in the bay area. you see some of that snow begin to move in and a word to the wise electric vehicles when the temperatures drop down to freezing to lose more than 30% of their power. so make sure you have a full charge before even think about going in the high country. guys, back to you. thanks, laura. it's national news and big developments in washington today where republican senator mitch mcconnell >> announced he's planning to step down from his leadership post in the condo. believe the role in november as the longest serving party leader in senate history having been
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elected to lead the republican conference 9 times. mcconnell was first elected to the senate in 1984. and has crafted a long and at times contentious legacy. here's what he had to say about his big decision. >> i believe more strongly than ever that america's global leadership is essential. preserving the shining city on a hill. but ronald reagan distraught. as long as breath on this earth, i will defend american exceptionalism to serve kentucky and the fact they my life. leave my republican colleagues the privilege. >> mcconnell's health and ability to serve has been under the microscope lately after the 82 year-old was filmed, kind of freezing up during speeches and public events. while mcconnell is
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stepping down as minority leader, he is not leaving the senate. he indicated that he plans to finish out his current term, which wraps up in january of 2027. lots of reaction to what some say will be big shoes to fill in senate leadership. kron four's catherine heenan is in the newsroom now with what our political analysts are saying about mcconnell's decision. catherine? >> well, it is big news grant not considered surprising go. mitch mcconnell turned 82 last week. he does have health problems. as you pointed out, equally significant. the traditional reagan style republican has found himself more and more out of step with the more isolationist and pro-trump wing of his own party. we ask our analysts to share their reactions to mcconnell's decision. >> he's not the best and houses falling best for him. but republicans next year is
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going to be off to the races and trump's the president. keep in mind that he's a lame duck president, probably only one year to really put through its agenda 2 in the house and the senate. so they need a very active young and ready said leader to help with that. process also, the republican party really has moved farther away from him. he was first elected in morning in america. that was 1984, in ronald reagan's re-election. >> and it's not ronald reagan's party anymore. and that certainly an element his health is a concern age. all of those things, elements of this decision. look, he's the longest-serving major party leader and u.s. senate history i' american political history. so that that makes him a giant some ways, regardless of his
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bay area. our coverage kicks off at 08:00pm. >> coming up, decades long effort to connect bay area. commuters is just one step away from beginning construction. just remember it's against the law for me to say that and the pope that so. getting political all in the pope california pastor is in hot water after endorsing a candidate for the u.s. senate. >> he told his followers to vote for and why that's not vote for and why that's not allo
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>> the california pastor is under fire tonight for preaching politics from the pulpit telling make a church members to vote for republican senate candidate steve garvey the past or even admitted the move was illegal. kareen wynter has reaction from the congregation and the critics. >> the pastor made these comments during a recent sermon at it is drawing a lot of controversy. he encouraged the congregation to vote for a republican candidate. >> a fiery political statement got to vote for steve garvey from the pulpit in front of a packed congregation. >> the pastor endorsing gop senate candidate steve garvey ahead of the march 5th election where garvey is a leading republican candidate. i just remember it's against the law for me to say that. >> and the pope that so. public citizen. steve garvey is not only one of the greatest baseball players of all time. but we want steve garvey to represent us in the
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senate. it drew cheers from the congregation, but also controversy with critics blasting pastor jack hibbs for using the church as a platform to promote a political candidate. i had already voted for him before. >> pastor jack said calvary chapel chino hills church member regina delgado was among hundreds in this mega church who heard the sermon that day. she defended pastor hips. it's no big deal. he doesn't. >> he's not telling us like, oh, you got to do this. you've got to. he's just he's just if, you know, pastor jack from his heart, which i've been at this church for over 30 years, started at the old church as humble as could good people that we have. so the church she believes god want a candidate who is pro life before admitting he broke the law by making this political appeal in the pulpit. >> but then doubled down saying he has the right to make this endorsement as a citizen rather than from the church. the irs. >> should take strong action people like mister grimes who refuse to follow the law.
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attorney chris line from the organization, freedom from religion foundation. so the pastor broke the law by taking this type of political position in church and that calvary chapel. chino hills should lose its status as a tax exempt nonprofit. we sent a to that arrest about calvary chapel chino hills violating irs law with regard to the elections >> it seems pretty clear mister hans wants to be involved in politics. you must be a political figure that seems to be very important to him. he he does outside of the church line claims pastor heads across the political line in the past with republican candidate endorsements. she also reported to the irs. >> we made repeated attempts to contact the past year. we're told he's not commenting at this time. >> neither is the church nor their attorneys. that's the latest here chino hills. kareen wynter. >> all right. well, it's been decades in the making and now a connection between bart and the vta in the south bay is just a vote away from becoming
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reality. it would run trains on the east capitol expressway all the way to alum rock and connect to the milpitas bart station. the vta board will vote on a construction contract next month. if approved construction could begin in april. >> all right, taking a live look outside right beautiful shot from our mount tam cam overlooking san francisco on this. so lovely day, which promises to and today u.s. is to end and people employed like
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i'm doing it right now. i you finish my wife's story, which i hope to want to give it credit for something yeah, let
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>> don't put me down. tone was a little offensive to little authoritarian. still want to get you know, we don't have all day a claim. comedian richard lewis, who was 76 years old when he died was a regular performer in clubs. and on late night tv for decades. >> luis played marty gold opposite jamie lee curtis in the abc series. anything but love and the reliably prince john in mel brooks, robin hood, men in tights. he reintroduced himself to a new generation. >> opposite larry david in hbo's curb your enthusiasm. >> to get there early enough. i got when i got i'm here 20 minutes early and he said you a good 10 minutes before me. that puts you hear a half hour before the reservation. you got here early to yeah, i want to beat you to the goods to because you always have to get the guts. not true. comedy central named lewis, one of the top 50 standup comedians of all time. he also used his humor for charity causes, including comic relief and comedy gives back. >> lewis retired from stand-up following 4 surgeries and a
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diagnosis of parkinson's disease. the new york native honed his craft on the circuit with other comedians who are starting out like jay leno and what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> san francisco burmese restaurant. mandalay is one of 6 restaurants to receive the james beard foundation's 2024. america's classic award. according to the foundation website, the prestigious award is given every year to locally owned restaurants that serve quality food, have timeless appeal and reflect the character of their communities and delay has well, it's been at the corner of california street and 6th avenue in the richmond district of the city
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ever since 1984, the restaurant joins more than 100 restaurants nationwide that received the award. take a look. >> mirage is the name of this corpse flower that is now blooming. this is the live bloom cam of the california academy of sciences. flowers started opening yesterday afternoon. the plants can reach up to 10 feet tall. have a smell described as rotten fish, garlic and decaying meat. boeing up a team corpse. flowers don't blue for long. so this may be your only chance to go over and see mirage in all her glory. and vicki and i are having so much fun talking about horrible smelling flowers. you want to stick around. we'll be back. we'll see at
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