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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  March 22, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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what can you do with sensitive skin? cetaphil moisturizing lotion hydrates for a full 48 hours. because a lot can happen in 48 hours. dermatologist-recommended cetaphil. we do skin. you do you. >> after an extensive process that included community used in city leadership. i have selected chief floyd mitchell. now at noon more than a year
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searching. and today we have o announced her selection for the new chief of police. >> but who is floyd mitchell? we're taking a look at his experience on the force and how we got here. oakland's mayor sheng thao will join us live to explain her decision. >> from the bay station, you're watching kron. noon. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waldman. our top story is the major announcement out of the east bay. we have learned who will fill the role as oakland's next top cop kron four's terisa stasio is live with us here now with the news with more on the mayor selection to pick floyd mitchell, theresa, thanks for joining us. just in the big day, this announcement coming more than a year of searching. floyd mitchell has more than 30 years of experience in law enforcement. previously served as chief of police lubbock, texas. >> chief michel began his career as a patrol officer with the kansas city, missouri police department. 25 years
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later, he accepted the police chief position for the city of temple, texas and 2019 mitchell was appointed as the first black police chief for the city of lubbock, texas. and that is the 23rd police chief there overall, he held that position until resigning in september of 2023. now chief michel is a veteran of the united states airforce. the search for oakland's next police chief started after mayor thao fire on armstrong in february of last year. armstrong had been placed on administrative leave one month prior after an investigation faulted him from his handling to misconduct cases against opd sergeant darren allison was appointed as the interim chief at the time the hiring process dragged on because there was a lot of controversy. disagreements between the mayor and the oakland police commission. last october, the police commission recommended 7 candidates for the position, including former chief armstrong in december town,
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rejected that list of candidates. the oakland police commission then initiated a brand new hiring process. in february. the police commission released a list of 4 possible candidates to be chief including mitchell and then on february 29th, there was a community forum for oaklanders to hear from the 4 candidates. mayor thao says that she has met with each of the 4 candidates individually. yesterday the mayor joined us on kron. 4 news at noon where she would not address the list candidates. she did say that finding the chief was her number one priority and that we would hear about the results soon enough. and now here we are. oakland police officers thanking chief allison for his leadership over the past 14 months. they are also welcoming the appointment of chief michel in a statement to kron 4 news. in part, it says, quote, we are excited to welcome chief michel and look forward to a promising future. we are
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pleased that the uncertainty regarding the oakland chief of police position has been resolved. oakland's diligent police officers eagerly anticipate collaborating with chief michel to serving our community. now, chief michel start date is being finalized, but it is expected to begin leading the oakland police department sometime between april and may. now he's going to be moving to oakland with his wife, rebecca, and he is the father of 2 adult sons, ben and even justine. theresa, thank you so much. about we're going go live now and chat with oakland mayor sheng thao. she's joining us here during kron. 4 news at noon so we can get. >> a little more insight into how she got to this too. pick flood. michel mayor, thank you for joining us. absolutely. thank you for always having need. so why did you pick floyd mitchell? how did he stand out from the pack of the 4 candidates that were handed to you from the police commission? absolutely. you know, chief michel is a strong
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leader. he just might for a smart crime fighter who also delivers results. >> and that's the key factor than looking for is results. i know that has a commitment to proving crime reduction strategies, including proactive policing and strong officer community engagement. and this is these are the reasons why he did what he was bolted up to the top of the list for me. you it is no secret that we're still in the federal oversight. and so having that strong proactive policing and strong officer community going to be key. and as our city's top police officer, chief michel will join, you know, a talented public safety leadership teen. you know, it's just not one chief that does. the work is multiple different cheese, including the fire chief department, the chief of department funds prevention myself and city minister justin johnson. and i know that he will carry out the law enforcement elements oakland's comprehensive public safety strategy to a >> so he stood out from the pack it in pick the female who was on the list. you also didn't pick the a local police
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chief who was on the list. was there something about those 2 candidates that you didn't like as much as what you're picking with floyd mitchell. >> you know, i always want to thank those who put their name in the hat to really do this hard it is hard work. it is hard work. what i like to call it. you know, all the candidates were qualified and i thank them for the process. but for me, she floyd mitchell really is and, you know, showed at his proven leadership through all of the results that he's been able to other cities that he was chief un. however, at the end of the day, you know, i do believe that this is a great pairing with my public safety personnel. and yet again, it's never just one person. it's always 18. and so making sure that we have this missing puzzle piece so important and i'm so excited that we finally have a team to move forward. >> so glenn is a lot larger
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than lubbock, texas. what makes you think that he can lead a city this big that has so many issues? >> well, you know, he first started off at kansas city. and so when he was in kansas city, i know that he's great work that really showed results again. wherever he was placed at whether it be lebec, whether it be in kansas city or any other city. we saw that from what there was a reduction in crime. when he was there. and so that's a very, very much key to me and not just that. but the response time from our officers while he was in these respective cities, you know, the response times, we're actually decrease that meaning that the that calls for be responded to in a more appropriate manner. and so i'm expecting that, you know, when he comes to the city of oakland that wepcan, you know, chip at the ice block in regards some of the issues that we're dealing with here. >> and the took a day when he was working in lubbock for how the 9-1-1 system was being handled. they were being faulted for an increasing number of unanswered 9-1-1. calls oakland already having its issues with the 9-1-1
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system. how did he convince you that he learned from that issue and that those same mistakes won't happen in oakland? >> you know, oakland is finally on the right track to improving our 9-1-1 system with a 2.5 million dollars that the council myself have invested into it. so absolutely. this was top of mind for me. and so i asked him directly this question, you know, about the situation. and quite honestly, i was very impressed with his response. he didn't make any excuses. but instead he talked about what he had learned from the experience and that what experience do that experience, what you'll be able to bring to strengthen open systems here and so making sure so his response to impress me and the key is making sure the staffing levels are adequate in 9-1-1, here in the city of oakland in order to maintain answer times and actually get better with it. and then, of course, the preventive and in calls he was adamant about the need to care for the well-being of our 9-1-1, dispatchers in order to retain them, which we find that and
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in the past has been a problem here in the city thank you so i'm confident that when he comes here that he'll bring his experience to only add on to our streets. >> and oakland's been seeing a lot of issues with a sharp increase in crime. a lot of public safety issues have been coming up recently. stores being broken into cars being broken into people being hurt on the street. how did he explain to you how he's going to fix those issues within the town? >> you know what really liked about his response to this is that he understands comprehensive approach, a comprehensive and proactive approach, not just a response, but being proactive. and so he is on board in regards to cease-fire strategy we've implemented and put together is a cease-fire strategy earlier this year. it's in full effect now and what that means is that we're now seeing crimes actually trend down. and i'm hopeful and optimistic that crime will continue to trend down. and so with that being said again, he is only one of the puzzle pieces to our comprehensive approach.
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now, i do believe i have my 18 when it comes to public safety and that is going to be with chief michel chief holly joshi from the dbp and also chief covington from the fire department. >> so he's going to start in april. we understand april or may. so what happens between now and then? how do you introduce him to the department and how do you introduce him to people of oakland? >> absolutely. so he will be here in the next week. and i do plan introducing him his first round of introductions to the community to his rank and file officers. but before you know, before we end on, i just want to say that i want to uplift chief darren allison. you know, chief allison check on the reigning of interim chief. we didn't think that he would be in this position for over a year, but he has been and he has done such an absolutely terrific job at keeping a steady hand at the wheel. so that our department would have that leadership. and so i definitely want to make sure that we up lifted. thank
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darren allison who has over 20 years of experience here in the city of oakland. >> do you wish interim chief allison had gotten the position permanently? >> well, absolutely. you know, i think that i have the right chief for the right time chief did not apply for the position. you know, i he he understands that, you know, this is a position that he was wanting to. it is sooner rather than later passed the baton over. and so i'm excited for what his leadership and his mentor ship chief michel, he comes on board. i know that there will be a easy transition as you know, chief darren allison. it will go back to his assistant chief job. and there's a little difference there. but i'm excited for the partnership. >> do you feel some relief that this is over now? >> well, absolutely. and i think that all oaklanders, including our officers are officers who go to work every single day. you know, whether there's a pandemic or whether there has just been you know,
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officer shooting, you know, they wake up and they come to work every day and to have this kind of steadiness, you know, stability in the department is what everybody is looking for. and so, of course, the process was little interesting. however, we are here today and our chief is chief michel. interesting as one way to put it. oakland mayor sheng thao, thank you for joining us. let chief michel know we would like to chat with him. if you can put in a word for us. we'd appreciate that. thank god. >> and stay with us here on kron. 4 on air and online as we learn more about oakland's next police chief. our coverage will continue throughout the day right here and also on our website, kron 4 dot com. coming up here, a new ucsf study says latino children are at a higher risk of having too much fat building up in their livers. >> doctors will explain why. plus another victim coming forward in the east bay accusing a teacher of abuse. a teacher is teachers. the lawyer is saying what needs to happen.
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>> in january, i underwent major don nelson tree in london and at the time it was so that my condition was known cancerous. the surgery was successful. however, tests off to the operation council hot being present. my medical team that fortifies that i should undergo cool prevents of chemotherapy. i'm now and stage is about treatment. >> breaking news, catherine, the princess of wales has confirmed she has cancer and is now undergoing chemotherapy. her condition was disclosed in a video message that was recorded on wednesday and then released
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today coming after weeks of speculation on social media about her whereabouts and her health. she was hospitalized in january for unspecified abdominal surgery. this is just another shock for the royal family since the announcement last month that king charles, the 3rd was also being treated for an unspecified type of cancer that was caught while he was also undergoing a procedure for a benign, enlarged prostate. >> happening right now, it is that time of year again where beer lovers are in for a very special treat. the russian river brewing company releasing its planning, the younger brew and the one and only charles clifford. jiining us now live from santa rosa. >> we're doors are now open at the russian river brewing company. charles, have people out there since overnight waiting to get this a special beer. >> yeah, you know, we're seeing a little bit of rain here today in the north but as you can see behind me here, we've got hundreds of people who are lining up outside the russian river brewery downtown
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santa rosa taste this year's planning. the younger. >> friday morning, the russian river brewing company opened its stores for the annual release of the popular plenty. the younger fans lined up down the block around the corner for hours to be one of the first to enjoy this year's offering. a look at center line the senator says about 06:00am so about 4 and a half hours almost this is a spring tradition here to come out and get a planning. you excited? i'm very excited. i was worth taking the day off the problem. the brewing company is celebrating its 20th anniversary of offering planning to younger a milestone. they didn't think they would reach in the beginning has been doing this for 20 years and that released in 2005, the first time, you know, there was plan fanfare. there were certainly nobody standing in line to drink. >> not only are there, but anybody's beer back in those days. and you know, here we are 20 years later and we're super grateful for the all these people come out year after year. we've a lot of
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familiar faces and people have joining us for a very long time playing the younger will be available on tap here in santa rosa and that the russian river brewery pub in windsor for the next 2 weeks. once inside all customers are allowed 3.10, ounce pours. they can buy up to 3 bottles to >> all right, back live. now, if you're thinking about coming up this weekend, keep in mind, the lines probably be pretty long. might not be a bad idea to bring an umbrella and a jacket with you as well. but for now in the north bay, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> charles, thank you. maybe an extra cup all right. let's take a live look outside right now here at the embarcadero in san francisco. clouds startgng to build in it. charles just said there cuyler. he has warning people to bring maybe umbrella jacket when you think it's going to start raining. so north may's already getting some sprinkles. they have been good authority, aka, my mother, who said that she's seen a few sprinkles, but then the will break out again to start kind of an in-between stage right now. >> but you can see where some of that energy is certainly rolling right into the north bay. as i zoom out here, you
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get a bigger picture of this moisture that's going to start happening as we get into the afternoon. it really will be more of an afternoon. think for most of us here. but it is all courtesy of this very well formed low-pressure system that's sitting right off the coast here. and as we get through this, we'll have that rain track in northwest to southeast kind of typical pattern. the wind is going to pick up this afternoon. southerly flow first and then behind it tomorrow we'll see more of a westerly wind, widespread scattered showers tomorrow as well. a chance of thunderstorms both tonight and tomorrow night and we'll say little active sunday morning. but then we should get some clearing sunday afternoon. they put it into motion. here comes the rain. that's about 3 o'clock. a messy commute. oh, you betcha. and this is this evening. so look out for some of these potentially have thunderstorm cells. and then that's about 7.30. you can see this continues in the south bay and east bay as we get into the later evening hours. and then this is tomorrow around noon, as you can see, very scattered showers. another line of heavier showers coming in at 8 o'clock 9 o'clock tomorrow night. i think that's where we could see another chance of some thunderstorms. also in the
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overnight saturday into sunday. so that's 05:00am on sunday. going to be pretty pretty active. but by the time we get to sunday afternoon, then we're looking pretty good. and sunday evening. nice and clear this or looking out for for total. so you might save yourself all what's up with this? conquer getting half an inch. oakland getting 2 inches. this is the models kind of indicating that some of these cells will have thunderstorms with them and will get very heavy downpours and where exactly those downpours happen. that's going to be the question that could be hard to say with thunderstorms in those cells pop up the other component here is when we're going to be awfully breezy as we get to the afternoon and evening both today and also tomorrow. you can see it right there. so just be prepared for that. make sure your patio furniture is secured. a look at your extended forecast also shows you a big drop in temperatures between today and tomorrow and we remain pretty cool until we get into next week. we'll pull it up a little again on tuesday. looking out for showers wednesday into thursday of next week. thank you so much. the sfmta is holding a public meeting on
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its no turn on red expansion project. the project aims to improve. >> pedestrian safety in the downtown area. kron four's will tran has the details. >> here's what you can do now. you can come to this red light here and this is off of venice just off of market street, right? just right down the road. and they're focusing on this particular area. you can come here. you can make a right turn. what they want to do is implement 200 intersections in the north and south of market areas make it illegal that you have to do exactly what these cars are doing, that you have to stop and then wait for a green light before you make a return because they want to cut down on pedestrian accidents and they have a sample size that basically backs up. their arguments is 2021. they've installed 54 signs at the tenderloin area that says no turn on red. and since then, they believe 92% of drivers have complied. and more
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importantly, the number of accidents have dramatically gone down. let's talk to motorists this morning and pedestrians. here's jamie parking. your thoughts on that. we live in a very busy world. some people say if i can make a safe right turn, why not? your thoughts no turn on right. >> thanks. as a pedestrian and motorist. i work in san francisco. i'm here. 5 days a week. i think if folks can slow down for 30 to 60 seconds that we should do it and also a local risk manager. so to me, it's if we can save injuries and save lives. there's been times i've been in the intersection and i'm scared. i've also been behind vehicles that have made a right turn and have that look to left first and it's got hit. so you're all for this >> here's what you need to do. they want to hear your input. just go to the sfmta website. log on and they want to hear your input. the ar nay on this. but it looks like it
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probably will be a done deal. it's a matter of not a matter if, but when. and it looks like the signs will be installed sometime later this year. >> i'm trevor shirley in washington. congress continues to race against the clock trying to avert a partial government shutdown set to happen tonight at midnight. i've got the latest details on where things stand coming up just ahead. >> plus, do plan on doing some spring cleaning this weekend. how clean it's to claim why researchers say you can have too much of a good thing.
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for your help. this afternoon, we all a clean home is a good thing. but our our homes to clean new study say that could be true because modern homes have become so clean. >> due to a fear, kids getting germs that they're not being introduced to good bacteria that helps train their immune systems. there's a theory called the hygiene hypothesis that suggest a lack of exposure to certain microbes and childhood could lead to an increased risks of autoimmune diseases and allergies. later on in life because the immune system will then start to overreact. researchers say a method of addressing this problem could be not cleaning as much. also seeding your house with a healthy probiotic bacteria by taking actions like getting a dog or buying indoor plants. a new study out a ucsf shows that fatty liver diseases disproportionately affecting latino kids. researchers have linked an unreliable access to food, raising the odds of having that disease. latino kids are nearly 4 times more likely due
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to food insecurity. kron 4 spoke with the author of the study, doctor sarah maxwell about her research. sadly, it just too many children, especially minority children, do not have >> access access to healthy and nutritious we think it's really important the medical system in especially for pediatricians to team up organizations that help provide access to healthy nutritious food for families at risk. >> maxwell says along with the research her team is also piloting voucher programs for families with food, insecurities. next, hear noon. dozens killed and thousands now homeless as the violence in haiti escalates. >> how the united states is now responding. plus, more california owners are about to learn that their home is no longer being insured as state farm announces it is dropping more than 70,000 policies nationwide across the state. also, governor gavin newsom joins the chorus of people
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calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza saying it's ceasefire in gaza saying it's time to work towards peace. kerendia presents the abc's of ckd. c is for chronic, because chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes gets worse over time. k is for kidneys, because kidney damage can lead to kidney failure and dialysis.
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d is for doing more to protect your kidneys. kerendia is for adults with ckd in type 2 diabetes and is a once—daily tablet that is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia also slows the progression of kidney damage and reduces the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. do not take kerendia if you have problems with your adrenal glands or take certain medications called cyp3a4 inhibitors. kerendia can cause high potassium levels in your blood. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and ask before taking potassium supplements or salt substitutes containing potassium. kerendia can also cause low blood pressure and low blood sodium. kidney damage from ckd in type 2 diabetes is not reversible. don't wait to ask your doctor if kerendia is right for you.
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and amended. civil rights lawsuit has been filed against the san ramon valley unified school district and a former teacher. a second victim has now come forward alleging abuse. >> and claims that the school district failed to act kron. 4 sleep at all spoke with the plaintiff's attorney. >> a second former student at san ramon valley high school has come forward with abuse allegations against a former theater arts teacher. she has been added to a lawsuit originally filed last month in
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contra costa county superior court against the teacher and the san ramon valley unified school district. it alleges the school district failed to act when made aware of the abuse allegations. >> during the 2011, 2012 school year. they did not document his final. so that subsequent employers would know >> about these allegations. they did not submit the matter to the california teachers accreditation agency to ensure that his license was taken away. attorney robert allard with the san jose based law firm of sari boskovich and allard represents the 2 plaintiffs. >> he says jane doe number ones, alleged abuse happened multiple times on and off campus in 2011. and jane doe number twos abuse allegedly occurred shortly after the first plaintiffs graduation. the lawsuit claims the teacher showered the plaintiffs with gifts and played favorites. allard says jane doe number one was sexually abused multiple times on and off campus. >> and that the teacher's alleged grooming led to him
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inappropriately touching jane doe. number 2. >> without her consent, these were all screaming behaviors which were known to the school. and to our knowledge, no action was taken by the school of prior to the. station of jane doe. number one, allard says the report was filed with law enforcement back in 2012, but no charges were filed, which is why kron 4 is not sharing the defendant's name or picture. >> allen says he eventually left the school on his own accord shot. for the past. >> several years he has been advice principle. at a reputable private k through 12. school and the east bay ice shutter to think about what i know about this man. how much damage he cause they're allard says now that a second plaintiff has come forward, a formal request has been made to law enforcement to reopen its case. >> the san ramon valley unified school district responded to our inquiry by
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stating, quote, we take these kinds of allegations very seriously, because this is active litigation. it is our policy not to comment. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> governor gavin newsom is taking a stance on the war in gaza in a letter to the state's muslim palestinian american and arab american communities. the governor called for an immediate cease-fire. kron four's. dan thorn has the story. >> governor gavin newsom is now joining the chorus of people calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. in a letter to california is muslim, palestinian american and arab american communities. newsom says it's time to work toward peace. yesterday cease-fire. >> could have saved today's martyrs is a line that we have used over and over again in our advocacy. i would say that early for. >> for months, organizations like the bay area's council on american islamic relations or cair have been pressuring elected officials to demand a
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cease-fire in gaza. aren't blue executive director of care says the cease-fire is necessary to save innocent lives, though we have been asking for a cease-fire in october. we welcome that call even now. >> palestinians are facing it could pass to feel like nothing we've seen before. either. they are bombed. >> where they are starved. the governor's letter also acknowledge the rise in anti-muslim discrimination and hate. >> care national says in the months following the october 7th attack on israel, anti-arab bias jumped more than the governor's statements come during the holy month of ramadan. >> for blue and many muslims, this year's observance is incredibly somber. >> but they're not giving up. we welcome the governor's greetings during this blessed the time. and we are even more prayerful. and more committed
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to action and protest to continue to advocate for a cease-fire. in san francisco, thorn kron, 4 news. >> the jewish public affairs committee of california says the governor has made it clear that hamas is continued rule in gaza is not compatible with a lasting peace between israelis and palestinians. they released a statement about the governor's stance that reads in part, we appreciate his support for jpa sees core positions on the israel-hamas war. one returning all remaining hostages to israel, removing hamas for military control, maximizing humanitarian aid to gazans and minimizing civilian casualties. we look forward to continuing our close working relationship with governor newsom to strengthen california. israel ties achieve a peaceful and secure future for both israelis and palestinians counter anti-semitism and make california a safe and welcoming place for all. and the san francisco bay area office of care is calling on san bruno officials to issue a
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public apology over what they say happened during last week's city council meeting. cair says city officials refused to let muslims attending the meeting, break their fast and pray inside of city hall. the groups sent this letter to san bruno's. mayor. care says muslim sidents had previously requested accommodations fo fasting as the meeting foul on the second night of ramadan. but city staff reportedly denied their request mere hours before the meeting stating city policy prohibits food in the lobby despite the presence of a vending machine, a kiosk for snacks and pastries and also area to gather fasting constituents were instead instructed to break their fast and make their prayer outside surrounded by police presence. the letter asked the mayor to clarify the city's policies used to justify their actions and also engage in islamophobia training. more than 70,000 property owners and renters who have state farm insurance will see their
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policies not renewed over the next year. state farm says this is the only way to keep its business viable, especially in the wake of all the wildfires we've seen over the past 7 years in the state kron four's dan kerman has the details. those who live in high fire danger areas may soon be without homeowners or renters insurance. >> state farm. the state's leading insurer has announced that over the next year will stop renewing approximately 30,000 homeowners renters. another property insurance policies and not renew another. 42,000 commercial apartment policies, state farm's the last remaining company that has not non renewed a single homeowners insurance policy. since the big fires 2017. >> so it's the market leader they really held on longer than anyone else. rex frazier's with the personal insurance federation of california, which represents large auto and home insurance companies in california. >> he says taking on more policies and paying out for wildfire damage has proved unsustainable for state farm.
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they outlined. >> the drop in the capital that they have available to service their existing customers. and it went from 4.1 billion dollars at the end of 2016 to 1.3 billion at the end of 2023, the zip codes that will see the most non renewals are in areas ripe for wildfires. >> places in and around santa rosa, napa, piedmont, orinda and lafayette. this is part of a larger problem. we've got other insurers withdraw >> we need to make sure that we're stabilizing or insurance market. >> bay area state senator scott wiener says the state insurance commissioners looking at new rules as to how insurance companies can calculate risk when setting rates. he says that might help. and rates are going to go up >> and but that's going to be painful for many of us. but it's also better than not being able to access insurance at all. >> still, this is raised a red flag for state regulators.
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they say state from general's decision today raises serious questions about its financial situation questions. the company must answer to regulators. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> all right. let's see what's happening outside right now. here's a look at sfo. so can see what's going on. clouds, building rains come and kyla second turn into a snow. yes, it is going to turn into snow hits the way it works, right? we've got a nice cold system coming in. we're going to add to this. >> beautiful sierra snow pack that we've amassed here. you can see we're doing really, really well. but we've got more coming. so taking a live look now over at half dome, which is beautiful, right? you can see some of the snow here still very present. but we're going to add to those totals as we get into the weekend. in fact, you can see that winter storm warning goes all the way down from north to south and of course, the winter storm watch. same story. so the warning kicks in for the western slopes at 06:00pm tonight. so this is when you do not want to be on the road until 08:00am on sunday.
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frankly, you haven't already started near wake your way up there. i kind of wouldn't do it today. heavy snow expected one to 2 feet of it. difficult travel, including 45 mile per hour gusts of wind will be part of the equation. so yeah, you can bet you're going to snow covered role roads and you might have those chain controls necessary. so here are the snow totals. again, the peaks, obviously we're going to see the bigger totals, one to 2 feet of snow. this is a great system and obviously cold enough to bring a little more snow here as well. up in and around upper lake. not a whole lot, but it's just indication that we're not done yet. so here's 6 o'clock tonight. this is why you don't want to be on the roads. that's right. when that morning kicks in and then we get into our saturday and the overnight there that's about 03:00am very heavy snow set to fall and it rolls right through the weekend. it does start to wrap up just in time to get home on sunday later in the day. so if your plan is to be up there for the weekend, hopefully are already up there and you can get back on sunday. no problem live. look outside of the folks who are already there waiting for the snow to kick and over the next
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couple of days, it's going to be an active ride and a very cool drop in temperatures saturday and sunday. if your plans are saying to the bay, i've got all of your details in your weather coming up in your extended forecast. thank you. house lawmakers have passed a spending bill to keep the government open before a midnight shutdown deadline. but there's still a lot more work for lawmakers to do. our washington correspondent trevor shirley in dc with the latest. >> and this legislation still has to pass through the senate before tonight's midnight deadline, house lawmakers passed the bill earlier this morning. now, the senate only has a few hours to debate and vote on the bill. the full text of the 1.2 trillion dollars spending measure was only released early yesterday. if the legislation can't make it to congress by midnight tonight, the country will awaken to a partial government shutdown saturday morning despite passing the house, a number of hard-right republicans still oppose the bill saying it's too expensive
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rpand doesn't address the southern border. anybody who votes for this bill today? >> every stinking bit of it. they own the destruction of the american economy with all these regulations, killing families. they own the wide open borders causing death and destruction. this bill sides. >> with the hard-working majority of americans, it helps to lower the cost of living. it protects women's rights and access to reproductive health care. it reinforces america's global leadership and it helps our communities be safe and secure. >> if the legislation makes it through congress, the president would still have to sign the bill by midnight tonight reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley. >> developing world news now as dozens have been killed, the nearly 17,000 people are homeless in port-au-prince, haiti as gang violence is wrecking havoc. there. the latest attacking yesterday afternoon when gunfire broke
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out near the national palace and the main penn-dot entry haitians rushed to buy food and other basic supplies during a pause from the violence before that shooting erupted. in a statement thursday, the un security council said it strongly condemn the violence and the attacks had been carried out by these armed gangs. and as calling for the swift deployment of the police force from kenya, which has been delayed. coming up here, the first round of the ncaa tournament ended up with some big upsets. we'll take a look at the games that busted up at the games that busted up some brackets.
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salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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>> now the college basketball, the first round of the men's march madness bracket halfway done. now teams are creating some buzz as they have made their way through the tournament. erin wilson has the highlights. quite a few upsets on the first day of the ncaa tournament. and i'm sure a great number of brackets have been busted at this point, but we'll start in salt lake city where, you know, in utah. >> for the first round of the west region, arizona. the second seed in the west region tried to stay away from an upstate facing the 15 feet long beach state. >> and they're retiring head coach dan monson. so the game was close to the majority of the 1st half, if you will, morristown, he hits the 3 pointer here for long beach to keep them alive in have them trailing. they get within 6 at that point. but the wildcats, they want to 16 run that put the game away in the 2nd half. caleb love out of the break. you see him there with the alley-oop pass that he shot
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johnson who throws it down. he had 13 points on the night and they hit 13, 3 pointers. the wildcats da, 4 of them from this guy kylan boswell. 2 people in front of them doesn't matter. he knocks that one down. he had 20 points, arizona. they win 85 to 65 and now they played a ton in the second round of the tournament. meanwhile, the number 3 seeded kentucky also trying to avoid an upset of their own as they take on the 14 th-seeded oakland university. now let's pick it up late in the 2nd half where oakland was up by 2 in jet go key was the key. he drains the 3, his 10th 3 of the game in 32 points off the bench for gokey under a minute to go oakland. they were leading by one the knockout to dq cold in the corner. he sinks the 3 of his own oakland. they extend their lead to poor call, had 12 points in a rebound. the final seconds of the game is where we will take a real kentucky. >> they were on the inbounds play antonio reeves. he puts up a desperation hail mary 3, but it's no good and well that
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will do it. we're open shots, kentucky, and they shocked the world. they bless them break. it's 80 to. 76 was the final as they advance to the second round for the first time in all of their school's history. and they face the number 11 seed nc state on saturday. >> they also upset in their matchup. now that being said, saint mary's, they have grand king in. meanwhile, stamper women, they have obviously state tonight. so we'll have a breakdown of those as well. but for now, that's acidic to at the des. >> taking a live look outside across san francisco. we started off the day with a lot of sun and clouds are building. kyle is here now. so you can that timing of the rain for today and for the weekend. yeah, it's already started in the north bay a little bit. but i tell you is bright blue when it came in this morning out of half moon bay. and now, of course, you get the clouds moving in. changing our pattern is what's going to happen. meanwhile, up at mount tam, this is the mount tam cam. we're already
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starting to see some wind and obviously a few drops of rain on the camera lens. so up at altitude, they're starting to see a little bit of that. this is where it's starting to roll in. so north bay get ready. point raise has a few light showers are going to be headed your way. and this is just the beginning of a system that is basically the tail end of a low pressure system here. >> you can see that counter clockwise circulation there it is. the bulk of the rain. well to the north of us that will be getting going in the next couple of hours and it will roll right across our weekend. also starting to see the wind pick up. now we talked about this a southerly flow today and that's what we're seeing. all of those arrows pointing from the south to the north after the front passes us by will notice that that wind will change to a westerly direction. we've got a little bit of a spring run of storms coming our way south through the weekend. we get a break as we get into the first part of next week. but by wednesday night into thursday, another round of showers expected to head our way. so to show you how this plays out, the showers roll through this afternoon. and you can see as we get into the evening, this is when we get some of these cells. i think that could drop a lot of rain that are
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thunderstorms possible, right? got about a 10% chance of thunderstorms. this is tomorrow. very scattered, but still very active. and then in the later evening and overnight hours, you can see another heavier line of some of these storms rolling through so that sunday morning about 05:30am, in the morning. you see those oranges and yellows means very heavy rain. by the time we get sunday afternoon, we wrap it up and we clear out we should be all this will be pretty good rainmaker for us. we're expecting an inch of rain plus in areas where some of those thunderstorm cells hit, that we could get very heavy downpours very quickly. and even the chance of a little localized flooding. so just be on the lookout this weekend. also take your jacket, folks. it's going to cool down by saturday highs only in the 50's. thank you. we now get to go back to the iconic new york city firehouse in the newest installment of ghostbusters and disney's movie luca. >> is hitting the big screen for the first time since being released in 2021. dean richards takes a look.
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>> because of the strange. we just thank people. >> with a ghost busters, can tell you something else to make people makes pico good. it has been a really long time since i can say that i enjoyed a ghostbusters that streak of many of homes down ends today. >> the latest in the franchise is ghostbusters. frozen empire. that comes pretty close to the fun of the 1984, original with lots of cool. ghostly effects. lots of laughs and plenty of throwbacks, including appearances by bill murray, dan aykroyd, ernie hudson and annie potts. and a few more familiar faces in supporting roles. plus, lots of references in characters that wisely connect to the favorite film of the many ghostbusters movies that have come out over the past 40 years. the base storyline here comes out of the last installment. ghostbusters afterlife, they
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took the best parts of it all carrie a kid actors, mckenna, grace and finn wolfhard and built upon them. >> this time the family has moved into the old new york open letter firehouse from the original movie where the ecto mobile, ghost busting proton packs and the containment unit are stored. new cast members kumail nanjiani patton oswald and ancient artifact that holds a powerful spirit, provide the right amount of new blood paranormal, excitement and fun that most of the other sequels completely missed. >> old favorites and new twists. not perfect. but pretty enjoyable experience that has revived the ghostbusters franchise. just when i thought it was all over for a pretty fun time at the movies this weekend. who you gonna call? how about this dean's list b? plus. >> so much cooler. things
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think you can now, even though it's been out there for 3 years, disney pixar's terming luka is finally coming to big screens for the first time this weekend. >> it was first released smack in the middle of the pandemic when no one was going to theaters on the streaming platform. disney plus, this is the first time you'll be able to see the movie as the filmmakers intended back in 2021, i gave it a dean's list a well. you can always get my movie reviews and home video picks sent right to your phone's every week. just text the word. dean to 9, 7, 9, 9, 9, >> and i hope you have a great weekend in chicago. i'm the richards. >> next at noon, one small step for man, one large step for you. how you can apply for nasa's next program.
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>> the latest news from nasa has space enthusiasts over the moon. recruitment is now underway for the artemis generation program. aiming to send astronauts to the moon's south pole qualifications for this role include a stem master's degree, a minimum of 3 years of piloting or a medical residency selected candidates will then spend 2 years training in houston prepping for all the travel that they have to do. getting ready for lunar experiments. then soon after nasa will the plan anyway is to land the first woman and the next man on the moon. a zoo in the uk has welcomed the birth of a southern white rhinoceros is part of an endangered species breeding program that is
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describing this as just a giant bundle of joy. the calf was born at zoo there on march, 7th with the weight of about 100 pounds keepers informed the press about the decline in southern white rhi o saying the population of these magnificent creatures is still being hunted out in the wild. the pouch torrance are primarily used for traditional medicine, asia due to a mistaken belief that the horns have healing powers last year in south africa alone, about 500 white rhinos were killed for their horn. that's more than one a day. so they're celebrating the birth. that little baby right there. that big baby right there. that's it from the newsroom today. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waltman. appreciate your time. i'll see you next. during kron, 4 news at 2, 3, now live in the bay is next. >> that's right. coming up today on live in the bay. it's friday, which means we're taking a look back at the week. but also reviewing all
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the happenings that are happening this week. an incredible amount of events like francisco. excuse me, the san francisco artisan cheese festival. plus the art fair. we're talking, you know, of fashion site was all these amazing things here. still to come on the show, but a quick commercial break. commercial break. >> a
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learn how abbvie could help you save. >> welcome in everybody. you're now tune in to live in the bay. and coming up today, we're taking a look back at the week. look back at all the fun events that you can take part in this weekend with the california artisan cheese festival stop by discover the cheesy details of all the


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