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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  April 2, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> and the 9 o'clock hour, the stories that we're covering, nurses in civic, larry, clara county are on strike. we're going to tell you what they want and what it might do for health care there. and in san francisco, a woman is attacked
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on the sidewalk by what they believe were workers. >> the person recorded this video going to tell us exactly what happened. and oakland is thinking about changing the name of the airport, putting san francisco in the name. with that be confusing, san francisco. think so. i'm daria and i'm james. more on those stories in a minute. we've got a live look outside, though. this is from twin peaks looking down over san francisco. and yeah, not bad today for sunglasses, john. >> it is yes. get the u.s. out of the sunglasses, the shorts and t-shirts again, feeling very nice. just like yesterday now we have seen the return of the little bit of a sea breeze. that doesn't mean the coast is going to be a bit cooler. we even saw a little bit of fog earlier on this morning. we're we're sitting at coit tower. that fog is gone in san francisco at this point. still a little bit of it up towards santa rosa as well as to the carquinez the cool ocean breeze pushing in just a little bit further today after yesterday, we didn't have much impact from it. now skies are going to be nice and sunny and that's already warming us up. look at san mateo at 60 degrees.
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pittsburgh, san jose getting close at 58 degrees. now later on today, it will be 60's to 70's for only one more day talking much cooler weather and eventually some wetter weather still to come right now. all right, john, thank you for that busy out there. but we are improving. >> drive times right around 30 minutes of the peak of the morning on the bay bridge and san mateo bridge. now down 18 minutes on the bay bridge. no accidents and hazards. thankfully meteorlogist a lot. 60 minute ride. 82 want to want round across towards peninsula. richmond center fell bridge now down from 17 13 minutes and the golden gate bridge about 26 minutes. getting a look at our highways right now. still seeing a little orange to the east bay along the peninsula. you're looking a lot better. all right. james, back to you. thank you. reyna 901. and right now, santa clara county nurses are on strike and it's expected to last at least 3 days. kron four's will tran following the story for us from san jose this morning where the picket lines have formed will. >> there are so many nurses
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and said of being inside there outside that they're actually on both sides of the street and you can see they are spread down the street here. >> and they are getting support from the public. you might be able to hear the horns going off in the background. the nurses, they are not going to go back to work until early friday morning. clearly sending a message. so the county that they have demands that so far have not been met. they are looking for a pay raise around 15% over the next 3 years. but they say they want safety for their patients as well as fellow nurses. here's what you need to know. clearly, the nurses are not inside, but they still have emergency services available. non emergency services probably will have to be rescheduled because they did bring in 1000 replacement nurses, but clearly not an out replace the 4,000 nurses who will not be on the job because they are here on the sidewalks, not just said valley medical
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center, but also o'connor. that's in san jose as well as saint louise regional gilroy. they are getting support from 13 other clinics and santa clara county. got a chance to talk to the vice president for the nurses union. here's their biggest complaint. so a nurse from valley medical center going to o'connor, saint louise is going to have difficulty trying to navigate the different policies and procedures there. and in an emergency situation were not familiar with hospital. so what's going to happen then unsafe for the patient and that's what we're expecting to see. your saleh's. for example, you guys are fully staffed and o'connor is short-staffed. they will send you over there. correct. >> they would do that at a moment's notice. if need be. so is tantamount to you being an officer with the oakland police department, then you're told to go to san jose and be an officer for de there. then the next day go to san
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francisco to be an officer there. they have different policies and procedures and they say that is just not safe for everyone involved. >> the county they're offering a 10%, 10.5% pay raise over the next 3 years. they hope to hammer out a deal. now, here's the good news. yes, this is a strike, but it's not indefinite. they already said it will be 3 days. some strikes last as long as it takes. >> to work out a deal. but in this case, we do know whether they get new deal or not. the nurses will be back at work early friday morning. and that's important. of course, if you are a patient back to all right. thanks a lot. well. >> time now is 904 and in the north bay, 3 people now recovering after being shot in a safeway parking lot up in american canyon. it happened about 4.30, yesterday. it was right there on west american canyon road and broadway street. that's where police found 3 men suffering from gunshot wounds. they were all taken to the hospital and the safeway gas station was taped off for a long while. well into the night as police continue their investigation,
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at least one car had what looked like a bullet hole through one of the front passenger windows in the windshield at this 0, 2, men, as we understand it are being questioned in connection with what happened. no arrests have been made. at least none reported yet. we'll keep you updated on air and online as we learn more. >> time now 905. and some people in texas, mission district are concerned about violence and work that's happening in the area. a woman was attacked by what they believe was a worker over the weekend was all caught on camera. a kron 4. sarah stinson has the story. >> i looked out my window and i 2 women beating up another one. and based on how the women were dressed was clear to me that they were prostitutes. this woman speaking up after capturing video of a violent attack happening in front of her san francisco home on shotwell street saturday. but she has to stay anonymous. i see them grabbing a woman by the hair and throwing her to the ground. >> they're kicking her one point. a woman sitting on her and the women get offer and
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just kicks are very hard in the head. the woman who was beaten called 9-1-1. the concern neighbor came down to check on her. and apparently the fight began because she was in her car and the girls were looking inside of her car. and she said, what are you? why are you looking in my car? sfpd says officers found a woman matching the description of the attacker 3 blocks away. they arrested a 24 year-old woman from fairfield for aggravated assault shot will street. is a problem with work. but i'm not used to seeing it during the day. so that was surprising. i was horrified, but i wasn't surprised. this is something where if you've been listening to the neighborhood you've been hearing about this weekly. >> trevor chandler lives in the neighborhood. he's running for supervisor in this district in says ever since barricades were put up on capp street to prevent work, the business has come to shot. well, street chandler says he believes fully staffing. the police department is the answer for says we actually
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have true penalties for the johns and the pimps that are re so understaffed and our police department. we don't have the coverage to fully staff are human trafficking and trafficking divisions. >> that was sara stinson reporting and there is a petition going around to get license plate reader and the neighborhood hoping that will help time now is 907, and 2, 16 year-olds in san francisco were arrested for a shooting death. that happened a 17 year-old was killed in the tenderloin last thursday. police got there to the hallidie plaza and that's where they found the 17 year-old victim had been shot several times and died of those wounds. >> in the east bay, the brentwood police department now is looking for ways that they can legally seize bikes from teenagers who are gathering in groups and riding recklessly through the city. so the police chief says that officers are only able right now to issue citations to these teenagers who are riding their bikes dangerously close to cars, barely avoiding being hit. chief tim herbert says he
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wants the city council to draft an ordinance that would let officers seized and impounded those bikes. he noted that many of the teens are actually from brentwood, many he says, are from nearby oakley and antioch. he says the use social media to coordinate where to meet and where to ride. he's encouraging residents to continue making reports when they see bicyclists riding recklessly in the streets. >> well, there were several sideshows in the east bay this weekend and >> now a city mayor's speaking out about it in we saw hundreds gathering blocking the intersection of a lone tree way a golf course road over the weekend. one of the sideshows. >> even setting off fireworks at times now we spoke with andy out, mayor lamar thorpe, who was pretty blunt pieces. you keep doing antioch, you'll be sorry. >> regret coming here because we do have the technology. it's not just foot soldiers on the ground that we can send out. we have technology like
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drones. we captured a your license plate. we're going to show up at your house one day and we're going to tell your car and then we're going to find you. in most cases, it's going to be very upset. parents weren't happy with be with plea police chief. >> well, there were 2 other side shows that took place in oakland at another one near hercules this weekend. oakland recently passed a new ordinance tightening laws related to sideshows. there's also a plan to put in barriers at intersections where they've seen sideshows in the past. we did reach out to oakland police to see if they made any arrests were still waiting to hear back. >> don't like oh, don't let go. >> oh, my god. and how long was this young man holding on to that cliff side, that boulder, that rock. >> before he was rescued is pretty amazing. the a sheriff got out there and they were able to hoist him to safety. he was clinging to that rocks
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sunday night around 8 o'clock. the golden gate, national recreation area near battery. alexander. >> he fell about 50, 60 feet from a cliff and then you could see him just plastered like i mean, id like built on there, too. yeah, but the strength that would have taken to just wait for these rescuers and then, >> you know, they don't want you to lift off all at once. so it's the one the left hand and then they was job. oh, my gosh. >> he we don't knos about his condition do >> shaken up. >> 9.10, right now in voters in sonoma county are going to since november. if they want to restrict the size of animal farms. animal rights environmentalist had gathered more than 19,000 signatures to get this on the ballot. this initiative calls for a 3 year phase out of large-scale concentrated animal feeding operations. the ordinance would affect about 2 dozen cities. >> that make up 2% of animal farms in the county or to 2 dozen sites. these farms and
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those who are against the measure, they say actually, you think that you're doing well, but they say if you limit the farms that will increase greenhouse gas emissions and it will increase the prices because they would be importing meat, dairy eggs rather than getting it locally. >> well, san francisco is offering affordable housing now to educators. applications open today for the shirley chisholm village. the housing project is set to have 135 affordable homes and will prioritize san francisco unified employees. it's expected to open in the fall. 9.11 on the clock. and we're going take a break. but still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. open leaders are trying to keep the a's at the coliseum while they wait to move to las vegas. but turns out sacramento may be working to try stealing away. we'll explain. can.
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>> 9.14 right now we're checking out the weather. going to be a gorgeous day. yeah. guns out over the short sleeves, get the muscle tease i have to work on it is a good day. 10, is very, very nice out there for sure this morning. even looking at that sunshine already, we saw a little bit of fog streaming through the bay earlier on. we've definitely tap back into that cool coastal breeze. so if you headed out to the coast yesterday and noticed how warm it fell. >> today you'll notice a slightly cooler feel the rest of us are still going to be in the midst of that shorts and t-shirts. kind of stuff. high pressure ridge in place for now. but that low to our north
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the switch up. so today, the last of our warmer and sunny days tomorrow as much as 10 degrees cooler with a lot of cloud cover. after that thursday, we start the day dry but into the early afternoon showers begin to push in these april. showers will come along with some snowfall up in the sierra nevada late thursday into friday could make for some slick roadways. as you're headingyup to this year this weekend, but also make for some fresh spring powder. we will get a break on saturday before sunday night. another chance of a few light sprinkles while we're sleeping. as for today, it is the last of our warmer days for a little bit anyways, 60's at the coastline with just a touch of a cooler day for coastal areas. temperatures along the bay shore still holding on to those 70's from san mateo to mountain view. and for campbell and san jose, your warmest day of the forecast up to 77. pretty solid 70's for much of the east bay anyways, oakland, up to richmond, you'll hang onto upper 60's this afternoon while pittsburg antioch in concord, getting up to 76 degrees. tomorrow is much as
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10 degrees cooler, both for the inland bay shore and even a little cooler along the coast thursday and friday are very coolest days with upper 50's even in our inland spots. showers arriving middle of the day and likely staying with us into early friday, right? all right, john, thank you for that. second on the highways as a whole things starting to improve out there. >> and want to run. still just a little congested. earlier accident along 80 and ashby avenue in berkeley that started those residual delays. but now we're starting to see a lot of improvement set for those little pockets they bridge right now. 16 minutes making your way from the maze that fremont street exit san mateo bridge just under 14 till ali, one of the fastest moving bridges rocking out towards the main about 17 minutes. we just talked about 80 start to build soon as you hit berkeley. so at least it's not from hercules all the way down 40 min or i want to win. 85 to them apart and checking on highway 4 looking good. 15 minutes there. james, back to you. tigers are winners and losers with our financial expert rob black. and rob, i
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see your headlines. stock swim in a sea of red. >> that dramatic and doomsday is for you. >> well, keep in mind, we've had 5 out months in a row. we've had 3 straight months to start the year. we're up 10% for the year. we haven't seen a lot of red recently. so i kind of wanted to be dramatic because it feels a dramatic dicey but you're right to be in. taking some liberties. they're like you're not worried. you're never worry. well, the reason is interest rates moved higher to 4.3%. i for your yeah. because the economy is doing so well. so we're now expecting only to rate cut since 3 at the start of the year. we're expecting 6 rate cut equals easy. market moves. fire because the alternative to save money in the bank and get nothing or put money in the market and take a little more rescue. get something is the idea. it's not always right. but that's the idea. bitcoin down 5,000 bucher ruse today sun around 65,000. rough 24 hours. oils hit a little bit higher as well. there's some concerns
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there. tesla fundamentally said that the liveries and production are slipping. whoever is down 5%. people who want to buy a tesla in 2016, it was about 70%. now it's down to 31%. so his antics on social media trend, a reputation of all right. >> and now i can't wait to get the update on this boring story and i'm not being silly. i mean, i actually was really interested in the boring company, but i didn't think it went anywhere. and i only knew about the l a tunnel that >> kind of went nowhere. >> exactly you're you're on to it. 10 years ago we've been talking about the promise for for 10 years now. and there's one tunnel. it's 2.4 miles. the bigger problem is that the boring company has a lot of people are getting hurt. 36 people in the past 6 months space-x's had 600 people hurt in last 10 years. so you want musk a very cutting edge of the boring one is the tunnels that sounds dangerous. spacex, the space that sounds but lot
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of people are getting hurt and that's the he can get to space. but he can't borrow. hold your thought for the for a a >> trainer, a tunnel or a i don't know it for our cars. tunnel are huge. there's something out of science and the drill i mean, there's only like 2 drills, i think maybe one. but i think it's too it looks dangerous. were next fall from a >> underground. big things that's been that are made of metal that don't stop when the human touch is that don't that we go up. i think in the end what i'm trying to get at is he's got a great concepts and space seems to be working really, really well. tesla seems to be slipping because he's focusing on acts and boring company went nowhere. jahi right now is that it's it's it's a it's a whole. that stops goes nowhere what? >> what on earth is going on with apple that they didn't want jon stewart to talk to the ftc liked. i mean, it's is there some big secret that we
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would >> the heat is on the daily show and he's back on the daily show. and last night he had khan. she's in charge of looking monopolies and united states yet and he told her you're like, yeah, apple. he had a podcast with that was awesome video. eni said apple came to me a year ago and they said they didn't want you on the tummy. please don't put linda con on. and it just kind of it goes with the big companies are protecting themselves and they don't want, you know, china's feelings hurt or they don't want the u.s. consumer feeling that apple's a monopoly. so there's a lot going on there to me that apple look sweet. many smile and they say all the right things. but there were manipulating their image aggressively. so jon stewart left the apple podcast or tv because they apple and he so on, you stories like china and stories ftc antitrust investigations. i say all right, what's going on with amazon boxes? because
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>> i know that i like having the amazon box because it hides what's inside, you know, iftar, you know, that kind of thing or i don't want to the volatile sitting outside, but they're going to change that. >> yeah, they really want to change its a lot of wasted cardboard. and amazon basically said, you know, about 11% packages show you what they are. i knew the original manufacturers packaging. so they want to get down to of amazon's brown box is 100% of the manufacturing packaging. but if you take all the cardboard, not just amazon but all the cardboard we used to ship in the united states every year. build a one mile high wall all the way around the country. if you chief canadians and mexicans out, we have not record for yeah. more to do in my white road from new york city to la. it's a lot of ways. lot of >> alright, lastly, just real quickly is college a waste because it seems like more and more kids are saying they want to do it. they're just going go into a trade.
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>> i might put them out of a job and white collar. so enrollment and locations is up 16% in the last 3 years for construction schools which are to europe, 12% since 2021, i think that's great. i would love for my kid to consider college alternatives. not going to be cheap but because they pay well and they have job safety college creates debt. the costs are going up. if you get the wrong degree, never have a return on investment. so the median college accountant it a white car becoming a counter. it service about 39,520 bucks the median pay for construction work in the united states. $48,089. so some are looking at the for generation z as more blue collar safe higher pain and spending so much money and so much debt on the so would you go so far to say if your kids major poultry, you're not going pay for the college? >> i would pay for it to be disappointed. talent that >> welding on the side, right? learn a well, electrician the
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other day, yeah, the career and he said it's an amazing career. i don't believe we get paid so much money. they treat us well. we get a lot of vacation a college degree. know, i would consider okay, good write poems on the site. i thank you help us. see later, if you have a question or a kind of love to get ration on x, facebook or ration on x, facebook or directly e-mail him.
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♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪♪) belvita! nutrish whole health blend. for happy, healthy dogs. [dog food pouring] ugh. i'm a stick. made out of stick. nutrish whole health blend for balanced energy, active mind and immune support. helping dogs dog healthy.
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>> 25 and soaring home prices and mortgage rates are keeping a lot of prospective buyers out of the market. a new study from bankrate shows that the
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required salary now to purchase an average home. is over $110,000 year, which 46% more than it was 4 years ago. and california leads the pack when it comes to the highest salary that you need to buy a home in california you need to make almost $200,000 a year to be able to afford a home and a mortgage, the least expensive state where you could afford a home is mississippi. but that on a mississippi. >> the thing you're miss that's right. 9.26. is the time samsung beat apple to regain the top spot as the world's leading smartphone yeah, the comeback is credited they say was the robust performance of its new ai powered galaxy s 20 for smartphones at the flipping on holding tank. that i know this is one of their many they do. sampson seeded the number one position. apple in september of last year. but the galaxy 24 which features a range of ai functions, has seen a
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pretty positive response to the market since debuting january. so smart, samsung back on top. >> maybe it's in style to, you know, looks pretty 9.27 right now. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, the biden administration is putting new restrictions on short term. >> health insurance plans. we'll tell you how that might affect
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>> i'm 29. it seems like a long time since we talked about you breaking up jorts. >> that well back and i think they are everything comes back and eventually at some point
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at some point we'll get the jean shorts out. john, how about this i think so. it's this spring and today would be a good wave day for it. >> and before you put them away again for a few more days and get the jackets back out. we are looking at another gorgeous day today. got a little bit of fog filtering in from the coastlinday. is not going to stay around for too long, though. you can see we do have some fog around santa rosa right to the carquinez to that cool ocean air pushing back in this morning is also going to keep our daytime highs of the coast just a little cooler than yesterday's aside from that, most of the rest of us are going to be just as warm if not even warmer than we were yesterday. san mateo, you're already up to 61 degrees mountain view in brentwood up to 57. now. and it's only uphill from here. a lot of 70's later on today. some of our warmest temperatures the year so far for spots like san jose. we'll get to all that still ahead right now. all right, john, thank you for that. finally, not seeing major issues on bridges. >> back down a 60 minute ride into the city this morning.
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all of the meter lights are on. you're still making decent time. 13 minutes, a 80 to one on san mateo bridge. richmond, sandra fell bridge around 12 minutes. golden gate bridge. one was a little slow on the north bay that we got up to almost 38 minutes now at 20 minutes here. checking on those highways right now. a lot of green on the map still slow along 80 82. hey, we're just little pockets of delays for the most part, things look, reasons. back to you. thanks happening today. the san francisco board of supervisors will hold a basically a protest vote. >> because oakland international airport is thinking about changing its name. and san francisco officials aren't too happy about because they want to call it san francisco, oakland airport. that could be confusing, which san francisco atlanta. yeah, robert, michael thomas is at the oakland airport, which is clearly in oakland. >> good morning. haha. >> good morning, everybody. who knows it could be san francisco bay oakland international airport. at some point. i mean, those 2 words,
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san francisco adding it to oakland airport. it's really causing a lot of havoc. those in san francisco are not too happy about it. take a look on your screen. this is the current name of oakland airport and the name that they want to essentially change it to. and this all came up in conversation when it was announced by the port of oakland last week saying that they want to make the change because they believe it could help bring more travelers to oakland airport, adding that a lot of travelers around the world in the country don't realize how close oakland is to san francisco. were you in that? it's in the bay area. and after the announcement, san francisco supervisor, aaron peskin needed post to twitter saying essentially, you know, imitation is the highest form of flattery. but the ad really isn't that neighborly. and we're not really going stand for and as a polticial is also commented saying they don't like the idea. but we spoke with some travelers this morning. we're also east bay residents. take a listen to what they had to >> stale why do you think that some people people are going to get confuse i going to san
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francisco, mike? and sure it's so recipe for confusion. >> and that confusion is essentially what sfl officials said. it is going to happen. they say they've used the name san francisco since the late 20's and that people who are flying into the bay area and make it confused back out here live. in addition, other people have also said the city should be focusing on getting another major league team here. they're saying that they're trying to steer away from open rather than keeping oakland rates. and overall, the sense is that i've gathered here this morning was people in oakland, one oakland airport to be represented as but i have not heard one person say that they want to at san francisco do with that information. what you will, darren james and everyone at home as we get more from officials in san francisco, if they plan to officially ban together and oppose this name change or oakland decides to make that name change will keep you updated live this morning oakland airport for
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the time being. okay. you know where the san francisco premium outlets are. >> do you know where they yes, i do. i do wear livermore doorway. i know, we're talking about yes, when you're on your yes, when you're on your what your take it. yes, i know that now i know pretty. to temperature. this guy would say it's more sure. yeah. people are pretty with san francisco using its just a play on words that's what it comes down thank you very much, all right. speaking of a plan travel air travel, you're about what happened in this united flight. it took off from germany from frankfurt and they had to turn around 2 hours into the flight. >> they didn't get to sf sfo because of a toilet. >> overflowed can you match for a long-haul flight like that? yeah. they had to turn it around. kron four's. rob nesbitt has the story. united airlines has been a hot topic
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on social media and in the news the last few months. but travel experts are not seeing changes in trends when it comes to bookings. it seems that travelers still find convenience and price to be the most important passengers traveling on a united flight from frankfurt, germany, to sfo friday. >> had a less than pleasant experience when one of the plane's toilets might deter me from passengers were accommodated in hotels in frankfurt and put on a different flight the next day. >> i spoke with travel industry analyst henry harteveldt about the incident that happened on the united flight between frankfurt and francisco was embarrassing. we don't know the cause of it, whether it was caused >> a passenger who may put something down the toilet that shouldn't have gone down there or whether there was a problem with the lavatory that was not discovered before the aircraft left frankfurt, a united spokesperson said the incident involved a maintenance issue with one of the aircraft's lavatories. the latest in a series of mechanical and safety issues involving the airline. but it did not deter travelers like vincent wong
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for booking united for us. were not really. >> committee need. >> airline, just whatever is easiest passes that our schedule. that seems to be the industry trend, according to heart of belt, he says that united ceo scott kirby send an e-mail to members of the airlines mileageplus. loyalty is program acknowledging the recent maintenance issues and promising an increase of training for maintenance workers. and yes, united has unfortunately had a series of problems and many of them ended both flights to or from san francisco. >> but i'm not hearing or seeing any data that's just people are quitting united north of. i think anyone should. harteveldt says the ntsb will not be investigating the united flight that had the toilet overflow since they only investigate the most serious incidents. the faa has said that it will be stepping up its oversight of united sending more inspectors to airports reporting at sfo. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> the a's and the city of oakland are meeting today about a lease extension at the
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coliseum. and if that doesn't work out, the a's could head to sacramento before they get their vegas digs done. is currently set at the coliseum runs out after this season and they need to find somewhere to play until the ball park is ready. las vegas, former president of the miami, my marlins david sampson says that's sacramento could be a frontrunner to land the a's in the interim. and the decision could boil down to finances. >> the biggest issue that i see face in sacramento is that wherever oakland place there has to be union approval. if it's outside of oakland and the question owners will ask is how much money are we going to be giving to the a's during this quote, unquote, interim period? >> if the a's do move and they end up temporarily, maybe center health park would be an idea. sampson saying that minor league park, though we need some major upgrades. as for the mayor of sacramento,
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he has stood by the whole time saying that he thinks the agency in oakland. but here's a little bit more of what he has to say. he says he expresses his sincere help. they remain in oakland. he's always wanted that. but he says sacramento would be a good temporary landing spot if these needed one. >> trial involving tesla is set to begin next week in a case where a 2 year-old toddler was behind the wheel. this was in the south bay, a woman there is filed this lawsuit. she was 8 months pregnant at the time of the crash back in 2018. she says their tesla was parked in the driveway when her son crawled into the driver seat and somehow turn the car on. she says he then crashed into their garage pending her to the garage wall. a neighbor was able to backed the car up and free her. she ended up going to the hospital with severe injuries and a jury will now determine if tesla was in any way to blame for that crash. dozens of rideshare drivers are asking for higher pay and better working conditions. they rallied outside.
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>> the san francisco headquarters of uber and lyft yesterday. they say that they're dealing with low pay high fees and dangerous working conditions and they think that the rideshare companies have made it very difficult for them to earn a living. >> a lot of the driver asleep in the car to come from far away from sacramento and they're homeless in their cars. so what humanity is that to someone have to sleep in the car to be able to provide for their families? we reached out to uber and lyft. lyft said that they're constantly working to improve the driver experience, which is why they point out in february. they >> released a series of new offers and commitments aimed at increasing driver pan transparency over didn't get back to us with a comment. >> they is going to be new restrictions on how long you can have a short-term health insurance plan. kron four's catherine heenan takes a closer look at that. >> crack down junk health insurance. the biden administration has just
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finalized plans to limit short-term health insurance plans. 2, 3, months with the option for a one-month renewal. this is a big u-turn on trump era policy that allowed people to have those plans for up to 4 years. last administration took that provision which is very narrow. >> for a limited emergency coverage and made a loophole. so maybe the the white house is spending the move as a way to protect consumers, arguing that short term plans. >> do not offer comprehensive care. they're being told you can pay this innredibly low price and that good insurance. but it turns out it's not. but turns, in fact, is not really insurance at all. >> but critics say the biden administration just wants people to stick with its on brand of affordable care saying it is taking away consumer choices and creating another problem creates gaps in health insurance. some health policy experts are calling the rule change dangerous, saying that people who get sick. now, arlen
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short-term insurance well have no options. if they hit their 4 months limit outside the affordable care enrollment period. the biden administration is throwing sick people out of their health insurance in the event of an insured for up to 12 months. that same policy expert says most short-term plans. in fact, do provide comprehensive coverage and labeling them as junk he says, is wrong. it's not only garbage. it's dishonest because they are the ones who we can. consumers here. >> so affordable care supporters have been worried for some time that short-term plans would bring in younger, healthier people taking them away from obamacare policies and in the end they won. this new rule is set to take effect in september. >> thank you, catherine. i-41 is a time and we'll take a break. but still ahead, how lawmakers plan to fight discrimination and harassment on college campuses here in california. and also after the break, the giants were in southern california taken on the dodgers trying to score a
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win. they do, it will have the highlights.
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>> i'm 44 right now airbnb is making some changes to the cancellation policies. when you get an online property from airbnb, they're going to provide cancellation and refund support for guests. when an unexpected things occur like a natural disasters, travel restrictions that are issued by the government of where you're going or a weather event that impacts your ability to stay at the place that you rented. the new policy overrides the host owned cancellation policy. you so you'd be more
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covered. the updated policy goes into effect on june 6. vineyards have been affected by wildfires, smoke and the drought conditions over the years in california. and there's a shift now and drinking habits of guam of wine, a globally and california growers say they're left competing because of this. so globally, you know, from overseas, there are grapes that are coming in that are blended with california wine and they have to deal with, you know, for california wine growers. they've got unsold unpicked, you know, grapes. and they're hoping that consumers show their support by drinking wind that is purely made in california and groaning able 100%, california, california around. yeah. >> all right. we're going a step outside here with john at 9.45. and see what's doing out there on the weather front. how i wonder was concert really feeling pretty warm out there, john. yeah, it's warming up for some a couple of us like san mateo already up to 60 degrees and
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temperatures right behind that for a lot of the rest of the bay area sitting under the sunshine. it will make quick work of any remaining 50's later on today at 60's and 70's and do enjoy it because views like this are going last all week long today is staying nice and dry all across the bay area. we had a little bit of morning fog that's becoming less and less of a thing. now that low pressure that you're seeing just about this high-pressure ridge that's in place for now is what's going to win out? come the latter half of the week. cooling things down and resulting in the return of rainfall. for now, we're still warm, but tomorrow you'll see some mostly cloudy skies and already around 10 degrees. cooler for your wednesday after that will further cooldown into thursday and friday. and after a dry morning commute on thursday. thursday afternoon comes with rainfall that pushes back in and some spring snow in the sierra that will make for some slick roadways traveling up into the sierra come friday, but also some fresh snow on the slopes for spring skiing. we'll continue to see showers
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early friday, a break saturday and then some overnight showers into sunday and early monday. so you get the picture here. cooling down and getting weather again. that means days like today with those 60's at the coast and 70's for the rest of us. definitely something you want to enjoy if you get the chance to nice afternoon in spots like foster city getting up to 70 degrees, campbell and san jose all the way up to 77 today at some of the warmest weather we talked about in a while upper 60's for oakland up through richmond. well, conquered martinez, pittsburg, antioch, well up into the mid 70's this afternoon. let's get you a look ahead at the next 7 days. we're downhill a bit tomorrow as much as 10 degrees cooler thursday and friday, only the upper 50's with cool showers through thursday into early friday drying out briefly saturday chance of overnight showers sunday night. all right, john, thank you for that. will make a really good time out there now on your highways and bridges. >> if you're traveling along, 24 right now, just under 13 minutes to make that live in walnut creek, down to 5.80,
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the bridge right now. still meter lights are on. that would slow you down 18 minutes there. no major issues along the san mateo bridge just short of 14. the 82 want to once, you know, getting on the bridge, taking you little or no time under 40 minutes alone with 85 to menlo park to 80 looks great selanne to dana to 37. 33 minutes 5.88 oakland. if you decide on either the 2, 5.80, that event because look, it's all green. no major issues there. arias is back to you. >> thank you very much. rain at 9.48. is a time and daly city police now are looking for a man who stole more than $400 worth of stanley cups from a target out at the westlake shopping center. it happened back on march 22nd about 3.30, or so in the morning. so early. investigators say he entered through a rear gate and then left with all those cups. he's described as an adult male with curly hair. he was wearing a hat and gloves and what looked like a north face jacket. if you have anything that could help police gave
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him a call. it's 9.49. state lawmakers introduced a bills. >> to prevent discrimination and harassment and california universities. some of the bills call for, for example, each university has set up a campus title 9 office to investigate allegations another bill would require the state auditor to review the university's discrieination and harassment policies and that they would do that every 3 years. it is our responsibility to get out in front to learn from the past. >> and to create the kinds of reforms that will improve the environment on our campuses, ensuring that our higher education institutions are free from. >> discrimination harassment. it's critical to providing an equitable learning environment for our students and a safe work environment for our staff. >> the bills now head to committees where they will be out for hearings. and there's a new california bill that wants to exempt bilingual children from taking an english placement test before
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kindergartner kindergarten supporters say that students as young as 4 years old, have to take an english language proficiency test. and that determines whether they're going to be designated as an english learner when they go into kindergarten. >> advocates say that the test wasn't designed for 4 year-old and it might not be an accurate way to assess their language skills because it might miss identify children is english learners when they're simply too young to answer questions correctly. school districts get more money based on how many students are english learners, low-income homeless, or in foster care. >> so the bill could potentially cause districts, some money. but the co author of the bill says that the loss of money would not be that much of this sort of pass. >> all right. let's turn our attention to baseball now. the giants down in la taking on the dodgers in game 2 of their 3 games. yeah, that's why i go. dreaded dodgers sports director jason dumas has a look.
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>> the giant split a four-game series in san diego over the weekend on monday. they were in tinseltown taken on the dodgers in, you know, is going to be a packed house whenever the giants and the dodgers get together big-time rivalry. bottom of the 3rd dodgers up a run to offer freddie freeman. he shoots one up the middle. that scores mookie betts la extends their lead to 2 top of the 6 giants down by 3 probably the only highlight of the game for the giants. michael conforto. that's a moon shot right there. it lau lands in the giant is still down by 2 bottom of the frame. dodgers get right back oscar hernandez runners on the corners. put that one in the cheap seats. three-run bomb giants fall 8 to 3. in other news. the a's also lose to the red sox game. 2 of both of
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those series are tonight. that's a look >> science. an a's will last it. how about basketball remember the golden state warriors, wnba team. >> is coming and rising fast in popularity. more than 5,000 fans have made a deposit now of money to become season ticket holders. the franchise was just announced last october and it's going to start playing in 2025. at the chase center in san francisco. wnba golden state president reacts to the news saying they're really excited about the things that are coming. they're going to name a general manager soon and then they've got some innovative and inclusive ideas for the community. >> all right. we're going to take a break here 9.52. but coming up in the next hour of kron, 4 morning news, a new report says that road improvements in san francisco have actually helped make it safer for riders will explain. bike riders. we are back 9.55.
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is a time and out of the more than 180 large cities in the country that were recently surveyed. one was named this years. healthiest. >> and it's right here in the bay area. san francisco wallet chose san francisco is the clear winner when it comes to promoting residents well-being through accessibility. the group measured 41 kty indicators of good health and the group them into 4 main categories, which included health care food fitness and green space, which san francisco apparently has an abundance of all. wow. so number one, for people. >> and san francisco is number 3 for dogs. it's a dog's life about according usa today, san francisco is number 3 for the
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best and happiest and uealthiest place to have a number one, if you're wondering a seattle can usa today says that a san francisco is one of the best big cities because it's so close to parks. 100% of san francisco's live within 10 minutes from a and also san francisco has almost 5 dog parks per 100,000 residents and has the lowest amount of cooling degree days. that means the dogs don't need to use an ac really or your you your dog needs. a syrup load. that's cool if they're the house side they can go to costco like it. and also. >> they talk about vet bills being really high. and of course, that's one of the downfalls a lot for all those seattle with a number of rainy days. not good for the with all my guy san francisco that out to me. number one, just go higher to mid 2. >> 9.56. right now. and coming up next on the couple morning
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santa clara county nurses are on strike. we're going take a look at what they want and how might affect plus, a woman speaks out about seen this attack says i'm a worker beat up another woman.
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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news nurses in santa clara county are on strike this morning. we're going to be live with the very latest there. also, a woman is attacked in san francisco by suspected worker. we're going to hear from the person who recorded this video about what happened. plus, san francisco city leaders are speaking out against the move to change the name of oakland airport. why the controversy will take a look.


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