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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  April 3, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> well, hi we've we're working on a lot of stories for in this 7 o'clock hour. we're going to talk about sacramento and how the a's might end up playing. they are and they leave oakland. that deal just fell apart. so more on that. plus, we're in our second day now that nurses strike in santa clara county that continues this morning. so update you. >> on those talks. and then there's that powerful earthquake. yeah, you remember it just happened yesterday in taiwan and we are live at sfo. >> because some people are coming in from taiwan's. we're going to talk to them about the big quake. good morning and thanks for joining us. i'm darya and i'm james and we'll get to those stories in a minute. but first, we have to go outside. take a look at some of these beautiful pictures. >> from this morning, our cameras are. i love the shot. i know he want to jump on it like a when will that part will see all that sunshine down here? >> yes, we are looking not as much sunshine today. unfortunately, those gray skies that you're seeing from up above. and that other view right there. here's the view of them from down below inside
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the great from the east bay hills and skies right there are definitely overcast will see a look at that here in just one second with those gray skies overhead. now we are going to be looking at temperatures today. a lot cooler than yesterday. storm system working its way in from the gulf of alaska is really going to cool things off in the days ahead of us and temperatures tomorrow, barely going to maybe hit the 60's in just a few spots. most of us will be upper 40's to low 50's tomorrow. kind of like what we've got on the map right now. so you get the cooler trend ahead of us today. we do stay dry tomorrow. rain fall arrives. i'll get to that in your forecast. rain. john, thank you for that. we do have a quick bartlett about we don't have any bart service. this is between and beyond in pittsburg bay point this fight on the yellow line. >> we got an equipment problem going on there, but they are providing a bus bridge for those of you who take that route. our bridges, though, are looking busy. no accidents, though. 21 minute ride on the bridge, san mateo bridge around 17. so little busy on 8, 81, one getting off. richmond fell bridge
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around 17 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 21 minute ride that back to you. all right. thanks a then turns out to are not playing ball with oakland. don't want to stay the callous and they couldn't reach a deal anyway next. and there lee said they didn't agree on a price. so now their eyes are looking elsewhere and potentially maybe. >> to sacramento. that's the latest. now, all signs pointing that direction, crawford's michael thomas for that very reason is in sacramento. one of the prospects, michael. >> yeah, good morning, everyone. well, it is said that they're supposed to be meeting here today between the and officials here to essentially play here at sutter health park, which is located in west sacramento. and it's been talked about for some time, but now that they have actually rejected that proposal from the city of oakland, well, it's starting to feel more official right now. take a look. we've got video up on your screens. i can break it all down yesterday. the proposal that was denied from the a's by the city of oakland was that lease
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extension. as we all know, the coliseum least that they currently have expired year. and yesterday the offer was a 5 year extension until its new stadium in las vegas was build, which is set to be finished about 3 years. now, the proposal for 5 years also asked for 97 million dollars from the a's and the team to give up its 50% ownership in college in the coliseum to allow development and either give up its name and colors when moving to las vegas or help oakland get an expansion team that offer was rejected and as to what's next. well, the a's tell us they're no longer scheduling or have any scheduled meetings with the city of oakland. and they've made it very clear that they don't mind playing at a minor league ballpark until the las vegas stadium is built. now that front rather up would be here in sacramento, which the team has rumored to have already checked out back in january. the executives were seen here. so we did catch up with some residents here in sacramento about the thought of the team coming here. take a listen to what they had to say. i was going oh, thanks.
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>> so can a steak. you know, if they come here, that's good, too. what i would like him to stay here, not go to vegas. i do believe sacramento in general would come out, the a's if they did move now. sutter health park is located in west sacramento in the west. sacramento mayor has not said anything regarding the situation, but the sacramento mayor right next store. >> tells our sister station that he does hope to be a stay in oakland, but he also adds that sacramento would be a good temporary landing spot for the team. now, in addition, insiders do tell kron 4 that there is still a chance that a deal could be made between the city of oakland and the a's. they just need to come with the right proposal. back out here live central park behind me essentially only fills up about 14 to 15,000 fans or so. and as we know, the coliseum holds 50,000 plus, so it would be interesting if they do decide to officially come here, buddy. and only time
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will tell us as we get word from officials on both sides. we'll keep you updated lead this morning in west sacramento and michael thomas storage him to send it back to you actually. i mean, if you look at the numbers people who usually go to these games, that should be perfect. >> murray, they used to tarp off the area because, yeah, you were talking about that, michael. yeah, thank check in with you later 705, is a time right now. and in the east bay, a long time homeless encampment in oakland has been fully cleared out. kron 4 has learned that city was looking into. these are looking to take these aggressive steps after learning that that waterway there by the capital is being polluted with syringes and human waste. theresa stasi takes a closer look. >> gone. oakland public works crews along with other city workers wiped out this homeless encampment and discovered a stolen vehicle tuesday on leave. drive the collection of rv's cars. intense first appeared on lee drive in oakland off of hegenberger near the oakland airport. more than 3 years ago and that city officials is
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when the problem started. but what we heard from the water board last week was the basically the conditions unacceptable from the health and safety standpoint. sean mom, her is oakland's communication director. he explains the san francisco bay regional water quality board last week issued a formal complaint to the city. >> stating that the encampment was contaminating the nearby creek with findings of fecal waste, syringes and other trash. and based on testing, the situation was getting worse and immediate action was necessary. he was as the responsible party for our essential infrastructure. responsible for making sure that we're keeping the the affluent and other materials that come out of encampments out of the waterway. city spokesperson sean mom, her says that they gave those living out here notice and brought in city resources to help. but bottom line, a large section of the encampment had to go trying to work in the way. respect the dignity and of these folks, but also gives the city the ability to to meet our obligations to our
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our regulators. >> on her said that city crews took water samples and will submit their findings to the water board. in a letter obtained by kron for news of public works. director said that the city could be on the hook for hefty fines as high as $10,000. a day. if the waterway is not brought into compliance, a part of the encampment still remains. but city spokesperson tells kron 4 news if the water testing shows that the situation hasn't improved with the clearing of a large section. then the entire street will be swept clean in oakland, theresa kron. 4 news. >> that's the scene in the south bay as nearly 4,000 santa clara county nurses are on strike. it's a three-day strike that started yesterday outside the santa clara county health center in san jose. currently the county just offered a 10 and a half percent pay raise over the next 3 years. but the nurses
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want 15% and they say money isn't the only obstacle to a deal. >> that last mediators proposal wasn't voted down by the membership because of the money. it was voted down because the county wants to be able to send us to different hospitals. and we believe that's unsafe for nurses and unsafe for our patients that despite the labor action. >> our hospitals and clinics remain open. and we are continuing to be able to provide all emergent and critical services to the community, including our level one trauma center at valley medical center. >> and to be ready, county officials have one-thousand traveling nurses that have been brought in to work the shifts during this three-day strike. >> okay. now to the latest developments out of taiwan where that country is recovering this morning after it was struck with a powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquake, strongest earthquake there in 25 years. and it happened. >> near the coast yesterday, just east of colin. and you can see the proximity to tie pay there. 9 people have died
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and 930 plus have been injured. and this morning survivors of that earthquake are starting to arrive. where will soon arrive? >> here in the bay area and that's why kron four's will tran is standing by live at the airport there at sfo. will. >> the first flight from taipei just arrived at sfo. many of them were obviously still in taiwan when the earthquake hit the strongest one in 25 years, the flight took off out of taipei, which is 96 miles from the epicenter. but still they could feel it. let's talk to karen. woo your flight attendant on the flight that just landed here you are on the way to the airport. can you tell us what you saw and what you felt? >> we didn't feel much and we didn't see much until we got to the airport. there the cage wine bottles on the floor. people are kind of. i think they were all and shocked and
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we thought there's a possibility that we mighn not take off since we're not sure if there's any damage to the airplane. but we took off on time and everything pretty smooth. you said you saw liquor bottles, lax at the airport. yes, i mean, from the ceiling there strip drippings and, you know, buckets on the floor and things like that. so what kind of procedures this might be, something you might or might not know. but look at the procedures. do they have to go through to make sure the airplane is not damaged for takeoff. believe in on the mechanics are there. they're very good at it. they are inspecting airplane and the pilots inspect the airplane and everything seems fine. and, you know, i believe in their work and we're all safe. otherwise we would take off. and you said you had alerts on the bus on the way to the airports. i mean, the alerts for the tsunami alerts for the aftershocks. and yet. coming right back to taipei tomorrow. i'm going right back to take tomorrow. and no, i'm not he
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is fearless. thank you for spending them on morning with us and giving us your account. a lot of people are arriving. i can tell you that many of them should be family members. our friends only 96 miles away from where it hit. >> now, we do know that town is about 300,000 population. it goes through mountains. so they believe a lot of people are trapped in tunnels that have been dug through the mountain, sort of like many paths in yosemite. so they have to go through the rubble and that this excuse me at this particular point, they believe it's still a search and rescue, not a recovery effort. we will try to talk to more passengers as they arrived. but as you can clearly see, she was rattled as well wondering if the airplane would even be able to take off. back to you. >> okay. we'll thank you very much. welcome back to you. if you speak to some more passengers, thank you. 7.11 is time right now. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. the push to crack down on car break-ins in the bay area and statewide.
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>> plus, alexis, gabe's family has a tv show is now going to air thanks to supporters who air thanks to supporters who want to see her story.
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right now. checking out the weather and the clouds look beautiful when we were above them above flying above now down on the ground. that's not not quite. that's a little gray down here. john, good morning. i know if we could just all be above that little blanket above us. it is a gorgeous sunrise somewhere up there. but yeah, we got this mid level cloud cover sitting right above the bay area this morning. >> great, john. good morning,
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though. we've seen a lot of you out there enjoying what is a dry start to this day? we actually do stay dry today, but the signs of change are out there. it's cooler cloudier. there's your first cold front draped to our north. that drops in starting tonight into tomorrow and tomorrow itself bringing the return of showers today, just breezy cooler and cloudier she can see in future cast. not a lot going on today. we will see a peek of sunshine towards the late afternoon tomorrow morning. we do have showers pushing through rather quickly the arrival time is now set for your morning commute tomorrow and we will have areas of light, moderate and even heavy rainfall right in the middle of the morning drive will keep you updated for that. something really interesting about this system is it's a cold one for this time of year. some parts of the region actually could be seeing record low temperatures. and with that come some very unseasonably low snowfall. it's april. we're talking snow still on mountain tops in the north bay and a lot of snow possible in the mountains south of the tri valley and east of san jose.
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so that is going to be interesting to watch too. we will see some afternoon clearing going on tomorrow. but pockets of showers here and there. as for friday, another dose of morning showers. it is going to be a wet morning commute on friday for many spots and friday afternoon could come along with the roll of thunder, too. as for rainfall totals anywhere between a quarter and a half an inch tomorrow and then adding up on more on top of that on friday, the sierra has another winter weather advisory that takes effect tonight through friday night. and we have about 3 feet of snowfall at those very highest of elevations in the sierra could see a foot around donner summit. yet again making for some slick conditions getting up there. but some good skiing conditions with some extra powder temperatures in the low to mid to upper 60's today. nobody's in the 70's and tomorrow and friday. nobody's even going to be in the 60's. we're only talking upper 50's for your highs. like i said, this is an unseasonably cold system for this time of year saturday and sunday. stay cool. before we do warm back up into next week rain. right,
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john, thank you for that. tracking in accident route along southbound 6.80. >> pleasanton sunol inc and also drive times have gone up just a bit there because of that about 28 minutes as a traveling from dublin down to 62 bay bridge this morning at about 18 minutes heading into the city right now. if you're taking the san mateo bridge around. 23 your bridges are all starting to pick up a little bit highways as well at 1, 0, one. 35 that run. 85 to menlo park. there. selling a to 37. just at 34 minutes. and also another accident. we're tracking southbound 2.80, that ramp to 17. that's close right now. so it's not causing a huge backup. san tomas expressway could be that alternate there to navigate and get around. those delays are seen. all right. james, back to you. thank you. it is 7.17, in for your money this morning. home insurance premiums are expected to hit a record high this year. >> and costco is starting to exempted prescriptions. jane king is live at the nasdaq with those stories and more.
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hi, jane haidar a good morning. so costco now offering its u.s. members access to prescriptions for weight loss, drugs through its low-cost healthcare partner, sesame. >> costco, sesame, noticed one in 5 customer inquiries was about weight loss. so they worked on a program to address that. now sesame can get the weight loss drugs, but they are not included in the $179 three-month plan that's currently available costco. the average premium for homeowners insurance in the u.s. expected just over $2500 by the end of the year driven largely by intensifying natural disasters. rising reinsurance costs and higher fees for home repair. and sheriff, i says that is a 6% increase over last year and it follows a roughly 20% increase over the past 2 years. the average cost of a $300,000 home insurance policy in california is just over $1300. so less than the national average. and you keep dreaming of the day, can finally retire. the so-called magic number that americans think they need to retire
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comfortably is 1.5 million dollars. according to northwestern mutual. ironically, the average number of u.s. adults who saving for retirement is on the decline and a potential board shakeup going on at disney activist investor nelson peltz wants changes. disney, mainly due to losses in the billions in shareholder value in a string of disappointments of the box office. in fact, the indiana jones movie last year resulted in 130 million dollar loss for disney. the results of that vote will be released later today. live from the nasdaq market site. i'm jane king, back to thanks a lot. j. >> 7.19, is the time and a state build a hold criminals accountable for crimes like car break-ins is one step closer to passing. you know, there's been a big problem in the bay area. kron four's nesbitt has more. walking out to a smashed window is infuriating for drivers, but an all too familiar currents in the bay area. sharkey look want to owns the van rental company ban to go and explain what one customer went through. and san francisco
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went in to grab something from inside the building was with them. >> you know, wasn't there more than a minute tops came back the windows were is missing a $20,000 some of car. break-ins like that are why senator scott wiener has authored senate bill 905, eliminating what's called the locked door loophole. >> where da has to prove that all car doors were locked. >> prior to a break in to get a requirement makes no and it kills some prosecutions because the owner may not remember coming up, it just may not be able to say if they locked all the doors. the loophole has the biggest impact on tours to have their rental cars broken into during a visit to california. >> criminal scene out of state license plate pull over and within seconds, smash a window and take property from inside a future court date for a taurus becomes an inconvenience. >> the most common scenario tourist and either a rental car car and they're here and
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they're simply not going to fly back test. but senator wiener's bill also addresses the reselling of stolen goods from cars, especially laptops, cell phones and cameras. >> criminals could be prosecuted for holding more than $950 of stolen goods intended for resale. be able to catch current. >> that there getting away with it and it's terrible what we make. our visitors still. we better than that. >> the bill passed the senate public safety committee with a vote of 5 to 0 and now goes to the senate appropriations committee for a vote. and senator wiener expects that to happen sometime in may. problem has been kron. 4 news. >> well, the san francisco board of supervisors has voted unanimously to approve legislation that would streamline the installation of automated speed cameras. last week, mayor london breed set out her transportation vision, which includes steps to implement these cameras. it was back well last year that a state bill was passed that allows san francisco along
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with 5 other cities to implement a 5 year safety camera pilot program. this will enable the sfmta to install 33 speed cameras throughout streets that have a history of speeding or serious crashes. going to take a break here at 7.22. up next on the kron, 4 morning news. the irs says it may owe you money. we're going to tell you how you can claim it.
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>> 7.24 is the time. and in the east bay, a horrifying discovery in oakland, a person is in critical condition after police found that person on
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fire. this was around 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon at 45th avenue in bond street that's in east oakland. officers didn't really provide any more details than that. they're asking anyone with information to give them a call. that person now being treated at the hospital. meantime, another business in oakland is cleaning up after a burglary. oakland police say 2 people broke into a restaurant on east 12th street just before 5 o'clock yesterday morning. police didn't tell us exactly what was taken, but they say the suspects did damage the front door during burglary. the irs wants to give you some money. speak. >> 940,000 americans or do a tax refund from the year 2020, but they didn't get it because they didn't file a tax structure for that year. so that equates to about a billion dollars in unclaimed funds, the largest non filers are in california, texas, florida and new york taxpayers have 3 years to file for a refund. and then if you do, the treasury department gets to keep the cash. if you
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didn't file a tax return in, you're doing refund in 2020, you have to get it done by may. 17th and you could still get that money. tesla has recorded their first drop in sales since 2020. the automaker has sold under 387,000 vehicles. this quarter. that's a 20% decrease in sales from the final 3 months of the year. tesla believes that the decline in sales is due to factory shutdowns in china and europe. analysts believe that an increase electric vehicle competition is what has lowered the demand for the tesla, kate time now 7.26. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news, walnut creek residents not too pleased with plans for another chick-fil-a location in their town. we'll talk more about it.
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>> 7.29 right now we're checking out the weather for you on a wednesday. gray, but not eventful religion doing dry. yeah. that will change. but for today anyway, john, looking good year today, we're still dry. we're just getting a little cooler and a little cloudier ahead of tomorrow's cooler and wetter weather. this is what we have outside at the embarcadero. lot of cloud cover up above. and we're all going to be seeing that throughout the course of the day today. so we've traded in those 70's and sunshine for that feel that we had about a month ago or even just a few weeks ago. >> there's your cold front to the north of us. that storm system very well formed off of western canada. it's going to
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push some unseasonably cool air down our direction along with tomorrow's rainfall temperatures right now are in the low 50's relatively mild start. temps will move a whole lot into the afternoon today. we're still going to hold on to mostly low 60's for your afternoon highs. >> all right, john, thank you for fortunately, hazard on the san mateo bridge. nonetheless drive times have gone up 30 minute rights, not an accident. so hopefully they're able to get that hazard off of the bridge could be a stalled vehicle. but again, 30 minutes to make that right. 20 minutes into the city right now. so no access or has on the bay bridge. but a lot of people traveling 14 minutes along richmond center fell bridge. and we still got that bart alert for you to know about if you take bart between antioch in pittsburg bay point, there's no service right now. it's on the yellow line. they have some equipment issues going on there, but they are providing a bus for you if you need to take that. all right, james, back to you. 7.30, right now in the east bay, the city of walnut creek is moving forward with another restriction outside its planned parenthood building
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now. so we've got city council now unanimously passing a ban on the use of sound amplifiers by those who? >> planned parenthood says her harassing patients and employees for sarah stinson has the story. >> at the planned parenthood on oakland boulevard in walnut creek, demonstrators against abortion can be seen using megaphones an effort to speak with patients. walnut creek city council approved an ordinance tuesday night. restricting sound amplifiers within 100 feet of the clinic doorway. the assistant city attorney gave a presentation about why a noise restriction is so needed. ali, wolf cited a letter sent to the city by planned parenthood between april of 2022 and april of 2023. they documented 138 incidences with protesters. >> at the planned parenthood facility of which megaphones was mention. 42 times, many planned parenthood volunteers spoke at the meeting explaining how the noise
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affects patients seeking care on a daily basis regularly. protesters come with these megaphones and microphones to verbally harassed staff and patients allows them to call the murderers. it allows them. >> to target people that are inherently fragile at a time that is very, very difficult for them was so loud. i could hear it inside the health center with the door closed. well, clinic volunteers described the protesters as hostile. >> sophia martin with love life, a sidewalk outreach ministry group says they use sound amplifiers because the buffer zone makes it hard to connect with patients and offer their resources. they have clinic escorts. >> that as soon as the moms tend to planned parenthood, they're in their air. they're trying to interfere with us, exercising our first amendment rights and reaching out to the moms to offer the help and hope that we can provide a mom name. lily attended the meeting to advocate for love life. if it wasn't for me,
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meaning that the sidewalk counselors that day, no, i probably wouldn't have chose life for but wolf says this ordinance would help protect the health of patients inside the clinic as the loud megaphones can cause negative effects. city council will have a second reading for this ordinance at their next meeting on april. 16th. >> because the final approval, then it will go into effect 30 days later. i'm sara stinson reporting in walnut creek. back to you. >> well, a san francisco board of supervisors has agreed now to oppose the oakland airport changing its name. so oakland, airport officials want to change the name from metropolitan oakland international airport, which is now to san francisco bay, oakland, international airport. they say the name change would help boost the airport's global visibility and attract more travelers. san francisco don't like the idea saying it would only confuse travelers and potentially pull revenue from sfo. we spoke to some people
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at the airport and they really don't see much to this or why they're doing this. >> i think they should keep it yeah, it's located oakland point. i think i think it is incomplete because people outside of open don't know the various times also the period don't know too much was keep it open. >> oakland commissioners, though, are set to consider the name change at a board meeting later this month. this will be a story we follow. >> police in san leandro investigating a shooting that killed a man. and this is the citizen app video that was posted. what happened monday it was the shooting in the area of his very boulevard and colby street right now, the bayfair bart station. you can see the police presence there. police have not released information yet about a suspect. in the north bay of vacaville woman was arrested accused of stabbing a man on monday night at a business on main. and elizabeth streets. police arrested. 33 year-old mackay to kaye ro accused of
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stabbing ploy at the business during an argument. the argument broke out after he stole from a tip jar and then took off but was later located and detained by police and then start a woman. and i believe that, yeah, they said that her 3 children have been assisted by welfare services. the victim had a stab wound to the arm but was treated at a nearby hospital. >> well, big plumes of black smoke filled the air in newark. and you can see here why was a fire that broke out at lucid motors headquarters monday morning. that's a electric vehicle manufacturer. and this fire destroyed a prototype and damaged 3 other electric vehicles and official with the alameda county fire department says that fire was reported at about 10, 30 in the morning. it was at a lot where those cars were being stored to cruise about 3 hours to put it out. nobody was hurt. thankfully cause of that fire still unknown. that's being investigated. all right. take a look at this. san jose police have arrested for people who they say have been linked now to thefts of items from storage facilities. they
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say in total nearly $400,000 worth of stolen stolen items were taken from storage units. they say the suspects have been linked to at least 3 storage facility break-ins since last december before have been book now into the santa clara county main jail time now 7.36 and there will be a documentary airing now about the killing of an east bay woman. >> it was going to be shelved. than 2 years ago. we follow the story and kron four's philippe djegal now talks to gabe's father who says it really was the public outcry. >> that made this documentary reality. >> when game says he and his family are grateful for the overwhelming support they receive from the community. >> as they live their daily lives. but the pain from his late daughter, alexis, gabe's gruesome murder. >> is always present. were still struggling. i mean, it's not something that you and easily good and just move on. you know that pain accentuated
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in recent weeks when a producer with the investigation discovery series on the case with pows on. >> first notified the games that the documentary they took part in last detailing alexis's case was set to air at the end of april. only to be told soon after that, the episode had been tabled and would instead air the following season. the games announced their disappointment to the more than 16,000 members of the justice. for alexis, gabe, facebook page. the group flooded investigation, discovery with stern comments and >> thursday, last week, this one i received a phone call for a persona, a producer. saying that the decided to pair episode. april. 24, is the season finale of a season. 47 because all the messages that they receive and the
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attention circulating from. no problem. all the attention that we're getting from from this case in january 2022. alexis, gabe was reported missing out of oakley. >> months later, investigators found her partial remains near sacramento. her alleged killer was her ex-boyfriend who died during a police shooting. gave suspect the man's mother attempted to help cover up the crime to this day. she has not been charged, but the game say the case is still open. the contra costa county district attorney's office. and although they say investigators have all of the evidence that will be presented in the documentary, they've seen it too and hope the episode solidifies their case to bring charges against the mother. based on what we saw. >> there was definitely evidence showing. >> aiding and abetting. there was evidence for sure. we're
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hoping the documentary reveals all about where is alexis is slated to air april 24th at 7 o'clock at night on investigation. discovery. >> and will be available on several streaming services. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> well, also at last night's meeting, there was a strong call for inclusion by religious leaders were talking about walnut actually wear. they are responding to recent incidents of people making anti-semitic comments at walnut creek city council meetings. in fact, here's one pastor speaking to the council. >> believe this to be a gross misrepresentation of the christian message and of the trail of christian virtues, the chief of ways is love. the presbyterian church rejects antisemitism in all of its forms and deplores the rise of anti-semitism in our nation and our world today. >> the city council had 2 incidents and you can see them here in this video. the
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speaker making anti-semitic comments at recent meetings and a little disturbing. the city council says it can't legally block comments like that without infringing on free speech. was growing pushback in walnut creek against a proposed fast food restaurant sandwich chain. chick-fil-a is looking to open its second location at the corner of oak grove road and citrus avenue. but unlike many of its other locations, this one will not have a drive-thru and a lot of people who live in that area say that that's in for an areathat's already concerned about traffic and council would be discussing he that proposal next month. we'll see what happens. 7.40, right now and a new experience is coming san francisco. it's sf. >> we need week. kind of like, you know, they have restaurant week. in fact, james, as you pointed out, they should have them in tandem because they a lot of food. >> sf we'd week we'll feature some of the state's top pot growers and brands showcasing
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their latest products. the event starts on saturday. april 13th and it ends up fittingly on the cannabis for 20 admission is free. but you do need a ticket and day one is already fully booked. day 2 tickets have just been added. a new nashville hot chicken spot is opening up in the north bay. angry chicks opening their 25th location on helen power drive in vacaville. they have spicy, sweet savory, all kinds of stuff. they got to cover. and the first 100 guests get some free merge and the golden meal ticket. the grand opening is 11:00am on this friday. >> we're going to take a break at 7.42. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, new measurements from the state department of water resources show. we are slightly above average. we'll have more on that coming up next. meanwhile, with less than 2 weeks left in the season, the
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warriors they got to win them all. don't think we'll have more on how they fared against the mavericks last night.
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a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app. everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >> 44 good news to report about california snowpack that took some new measurements and they say that though we're slightly above average for this time of year and you can see them out there. they need to snowshoe. so that's good news. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace has more. >> well, take a look at all of this snow at elevations, 6800 feet. it's a site. governor gavin newsom says he wants to
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but he makes clear californians should not get complacent. >> governor gavin newsom walking in snow shoes as he took part in the california department of water resources. monthly snow survey at the phillips station just south of lake tahoe. haha, the survey results of the phillips station showing the snow depth. there stands at 64 inches and snow, water content that 27 and a half inches. that's significant because the depth of the snow tells us how deep it is. well, the snow water content tells us how much water it contains. all of us helping researchers determined the phillips station snowpack stands at 113% of average for this time of year. well, the state's snowpack stands at 110%. you can take a deep breath this year, but don't quadruple. and at a time in your shower, newsom says that note in california has recently gone to extremes on all fronts from floods to fires to droughts referencing this moment just 9 years ago this week when then governor jerry brown stood at the same exact spot at the phillips station to show it
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was totally dry at the time. no snow. we're here. 9 years later, reconciling strange as it relates the hots getting a lot hotter. >> the drive getting a lot drier and the wets getting a lot wetter and that requires us to have the sophistication, the approach that includes new strategies, new strategies he's unveiling for the first time in this 5 year water plan for the state. >> he says the plan includes a goal to connect more natural waterways with manmade storage. all in hopes of capturing more water before it goes to the ocean. one of the hallmarks of this plan is the integration. the connection between built infrastructure and natural infrastructure. >> the connection between rivers and watersheds, the connection between meadows like this department of water resources, director karla nemeth stressing underground storage is also major component of the plan. really need to have good quality, clean water. >> in there so we can bring that water up and help california through those dry periods. while the governor expedited construction for the sites reservoir north of
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sacramento, california's first new reservoir in 50 years, republicans say that's not enough. what is the message? the message is >> we need more infrastructure. we need it sooner. we need to streamline the process to get it done because california will go through a drought again. we can do it just has to have the will of the legislature and the governor to push it forward. >> so what happens next? well, in the weeks to come water, researchers with the state will crest on the latest data to determine how much runoff reaches our reservoirs in the coming months. reporting from the phillips station at elevation, 6800 feet in the northern tom wallace. kron. 4 news case of an ocean need to know more. we get this much snow that is skiing and snowboarding. so morning in the powder is way different. so i would recommend you get a lesson, right? like the groom stuff. but so keep that in mind. if you're heading up to this weekend because john saying this next storm. >> it's going to all about the power and the buried page goodness, i've not snowboarded but i can stand on skis. i can
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do that part of but hey, it's still high time to be getting up to the sierra nevada. we may be in april now, but we have one of our coldest april storms that we've had in recent years arriving with us. >> you can see right now it is actually quite sunny above lake tahoe in this live view from diamond peak. that all changes tomorrow as the storm system arrives. in fact, tonight at 11:00pm. we're back under a winter weather advisory. lead is snow data. and for the first time this season, all 3, the northern sierra central sierra and southern sierra, our all our above average and that one 24% up in the northern sierra. that's great. we started the season back in january of 24% of average. this has been a huge rebound from where we were just a few months ago. so that's awesome to talk about. and we've got more ahead of us to we're not done yet. cold front right to our north dives in tomorrow. secondary cold front after that, we've got 2 punches of rainfall and snow tomorrow morning. and then again on friday. let's start with what we've got tomorrow.
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futurecast shows today's just cloud cover cool breeze along with it. we will be looking at a noticeable difference already today. but tomorrow, even cooler yet with showers arriving during the morning. it's moving through quick. we will see areas of heavy rainfall right in the middle of the morning commute. so get ready for a really slick thursday morning. drive. look at that low elevation snow h of the tri valley and in the north bay mountains, too. now we will continue to see an active forecast into friday morning after a brief break thursday afternoon. we'll see some thunderstorm activity looking likely late friday morning into early afternoon friday will strike out into saturday and early sunday. stay cool on those days. rainfall tomorrow, anywhere between a 10th and a half of an inch will see additional rainfall on into friday, too. so the weekend just looks a very active. as for the sierra winter weather advisory going back into effect 11:00pm tonight. the very crest of the sierra above yosemite national park around 3 feet of snowfall. expect a foot around donner summit today is going
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to be cooler than yesterday was no more 70's. it's all about the 60's today and take a look at tomorrow and friday, only the 50's. we can just keep getting colder. cool showers tomorrow. some mountain snow fall specially thursday night into friday morning. we will be looking at saturday, a dry one before a few evening showers sunday night into monday. morning rain. all right, john, thank you for that. things are picking and down tracking in accident along southbound 8.80, in fremont just east of 84 as are hopping on the dunbar bridge there. so times and up. 54 minutes from selling answer to 37 mission boulevard. always a good option with things start to back of a long 8.80, 20 minute ride into the city right now. thankfully that traffic has a longer 72 bridge. >> it's now clear, but drive times are still at 30 minute. so give them a little extra time for you. if you're going to be traveling there. 30 minute ride, doubling down a fremont earlier accident along southbound 6.80. that was at pleasanton son. all 1, 1, gradually picking up a not terribly about 45 minutes. and
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remember, bart delay between antioch and pittsburg. bay point they have equipment issue there. so they're not service between that stop. they do have a bus bridge being provided those. so you can take that. that's another option for you. there. arias back to you. thanks a lot, ryan, a 71 and they're left and less than 2 weeks now left and the nba season and the worriers have no room for, you if they want to get to the playoffs, they got to basically win everything from here on out a cropper. darren wilson breaks down for us. not only. >> the path to the playoffs, but how they did against the mavericks. >> well, the warriors, their backs are up against that play-in while playing for the longevity of their season. at this point, steph curry and the warriors. well, they are winners of 4 of the last 5 games heading into their matchup against the mask on tuesday night, which, you know, the man's are the league's hottest team with luka doncic kyrie irving and the rest of the cast. you know, the playoff standings are all at stake for everyone, but especially for the boys. so this game was evenly
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matched, though, through the 1st quarter. luka look at does best is to be too. does the spin to the bucket goes underneath a live hand flip in off the glass for the warriors. they actually pulled away in the 2nd quarter. 19 to roll in. steph misses the jumper here. no worries. draymond green gets back to him off offensive rebound. he's able to reload with 3 warrants. death. love that 13 point lead a smile on his face. >> but the war is they had 11 first-half turnovers, including that one that turned into a khiree 3 right there on the same and that made it across half-court. so 12, 2 run in favor of them and they're all tied up at 49 up. he said well, andrew wiggins decide. we're not going to go out like guys and he put the cake. one is back in the second-half drives baseline dropped the floater off. he does the same thing and it turns out to the blow. but we'll get to that 0. 95 runoff that one 11 point lead them and they wouldn't go away. but drain line came to the rescue with this crazy block on
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gafford there. he tried to that he was not getting a poster tonight you can see right there. draymond is hype about that. 35 seconds left to go and it's wiggins again hitting the dagger baseline. floater that i would tell you about. he had 23 points. he ignited the warriors. he was absolutely the x factor on tuesday night. a huge for 100 win over the mavericks who they will face a game later next week. that's all we have sit back to amazing game to watch are going. take a break. watch are going. take a break. be right back. ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪♪) belvita! nutrish whole health blend. for happy, healthy dogs. [dog food pouring] ugh. i'm a stick. made out of stick. nutrish whole health blend for balanced energy, active mind and immune support.
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helping dogs dog healthy. >> 55 right now and tickets go on sale today for san
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francisco's biggest music festival. it is outside lands get the three-day eager pass for 25 bucks, which actually is a deal. they get that deal because they haven't released lineup yet. you just have to count on the fact you're gonna love it right? so the tickets go on sale at 10 o'clock this morning, ok? and then after they announced the lineup, then the ticket they cost more the longest always. it's always great old, westbury, august night. that's when outside and saw some. all right. 7.56. is the time we're going to take a break. but coming up in the next hour of kron, 4 morning news. >> the latest from taiwan you may have heard by now they were struck with a magnitude 7.4 earthquake. >> you can see some of the dramatic video here. we're going have the very latest as some of those survivors arriving here in the bay area this morning. meanwhile, the city of san francisco is voting on legislation that will allow the installation of automated speed cameras. we'll talk more about that as well.
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> now on the kron 4 morning news. we've got several big stories that we're working on sacramento. >> might be the new place you got to go to see the oakland a's because that deal to stay in the coliseum felt through apparently out. also day 2 of the nurses strike in santa clara county continues this morning. we'll have an update on that. and we've got the latest after that powerful earthquake that hit taiwan. we're live at sfo. has some people are coming to thy


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