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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  April 8, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> over at oracle park where cy young award winner blake snell is about to take the mound as a giant for the first time. yeah. there's a lot of buzz around this new tool for the orange and blacks pitching staff kron four's kate rooney joins us now live from oracle. >> hey, guys. yeah, the giants are fresh off winning their first series of the season against the san diego padres. so already some excitement in the air because of that. and now tonight is the debut of one of the most highly anticipated giants players in
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years. blake snell will be taking the mound tonight against the washington nationals. snow signed a two-year deal with the team and it is one of the most exciting signings, the giant it had in a long time because he is the reigning national league cy young winner coming off an absolutely historic season with his former team, the padres. he finished last season with a 2 to 5. you are and a historic 1. we in his final. 23 starts only the second pitcher with an e r a that low in the modern era over a stretch that long. so fans and teammates alike have had to wait a while for tonight's start. and snow himself said he would love to debut against his former team, san diego. but since he didn't have any spring training with francisco, he just wasn't ready. but now that he manager bob melvin admitted the whole team is excited for tonight. >> signing was a big deal and it really kind energize our clubhouse spring now, the bill, not ideal, you know, it's not perfect, but it is what it is. but i think in
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general, yes, everybody is excited about having see get the same you know, first time first, look at all part of yeah, i'm right there with them. >> yeah. the managers excited to then then, you know, everybody in the ballpark will be as well. now, melvin did say that snow will be on a pitch count tonight. he declined to share what exactly that pitch count will be. but we can expect to see him pitch a complete game tonight. however, open for a few quality innings as he makes his first start here in the black and orange at oracle park. first pitch is at 06:45pm against the nationals studying it. back to, you know, in the studio, kate rooney kron 4 sports. all right, kate, thank you for that. so exciting were in the baseball season in west. >> speaking of baseball season, lawmakers in nevada seem happy to fork over 380 million dollars in public money to help a's owner john fisher built a new stadium. but a poll finds out a majority of voters in las
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vegas to not conference. dan kerman reports on where efforts to build that stadium stand. >> we've all seen the updated renderings of the a's new las vegas stadium. and while the nevada legislature earmarked 380 million dollars in public funds to help build it, a new poll finds residents of las vegas are not in favor of it. the emerson college polling survey asked 500 likely las vegas voters. do you support or oppose the use of public money going towards the construction of a baseball stadium for the las vegas a's. 32% supported public funding while 52% opposed it. and 16% remain unsure. i think folks are questioning why we're doing this. they're questioning john fisher's commitment to las vegas. alexander marks is with the nevada state education associations, schools over stadiums campaign, which is trying to stop the public funding of that las vegas stadium. well, those surveyed live in the city of las vegas seen here in yellow, not along
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the part of the strip with the ballpark will be built marks thinks the poll is significant. there's there's a 20 point percent benefit difference right now. when you expand that out, it's going to be higher in where a stadium in las vegas is not going to benefit their community at all. it's just an unpopular thing. nevada voters may get a say in the public funding question. on tuesday, the nevada supreme court will hear arguments as to whether schools over stadiums can move ahead and collect signatures for their ballot measure to put the question on the november ballot marks is optimistic. we're a public education union right? if we have an extra 380 million dollars lying around, that should be going to essential services like public education. and i think the >> public in nevada most recently the pulling out of las vegas there are there are agreeing with us. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> weather time as we get a live look outside right over the bay san francisco off there in the distance.
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beautiful spring-like day. if you haven't gone outside of the last couple of days, do yourself a favor and get out as soon as you can. dave spahr says rain might be coming back. we don't want to i know. looks like it. we're going to see in the longer-range. at least it looks like at that point, however, were. >> going to see all the develop. it looks like it's being pushed a little bit later in this latest model run there. that shot is again for you all trez island. still going where your jacket, your sweater. even as we look for temperatures to rise the next few days. so it's a high-pressure zone doing its thing. and usually in the summer months, this will be a heat spike. called a heat pump. nice to see some 80's coming back in that forecast. looks like it's going to happen as we get to the middle of the week. so look ahead of the game plan here. we got a few scattered clouds, bay clouds. it looks like for later tonight. cool inland with mid 40's working here. now, tuesday into wednesday, a few clouds warm inland and we're looking for upper 70's, lower 80's, maybe lingering a little bit of thursday potentially. then later the week comes cooling shelley by saturday. yeah, we say chilly after we've been through this week. of course, this a flavor
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of spring unsettled. we'll call it for your weekend because we've got the same thing low and our backyard like this. and they're tricky because of have a lot of moisture with them. but it's cold aloft and that means sometimes you can get sometimes hail one thunder shower action with all of that, too. but mountain snows trump a little bit of positive spin on it. here's a look at what goes on the futurecast 4 by tomorrow morning. maybe a few little bay area scattered clouds looks like some higher clouds try to make an appearance overnight into wednesday. but on balance, the heating continues at least on wednesday and maybe perhaps as late as thursday. here's a pop winds. i mentioned earlier because of inland heating and drives a little bit of an onshore wind. but we don't have a major synoptic feature for all of that. thank you. forecast comes in like this for tomorrow. 67 san francisco, oakland, 72. 78 for san jose. and again, it's a climbing phase because it's warming up even more. so on wednesday, along with that extended forecast will take a look at your 4 zone for your tuesday all right, dave police calling it all clear at an apartment near partner said after a man barricaded himself
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inside for most of the day. >> it's happening just west of 19th avenue. juan gonzalez drive police. they got a call around 6.30, this morning that a man had broken into an apartment and was making threats. officers spent hours trying to contact the man who might have been having a mental health emergency. nobody was hurt, though. the man was taken into custody just after 2 o'clock this afternoon. >> in the south bay and santa clara county district attorney jeff rosen wants to eliminate the county's death row. he's looking in stead to re-sentenced the 15 men now on death row to life in prison without the possibility of parole. rosen called death row a, quote, antiquated racially biased error prone system. he says it also cost the state millions of public dollars. 650 people currently sit on death row across the state. that's the highest amount in the country. in 2019. governor newsom placed a moratorium on executions. the state is working to move inmates out of
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san quentin's death row and into other facilities. santa clara county officials say they're seeing low income residents lose their medical benefits. the county says from june 2023, to january 2024, medical members dropped from 458,000 to 425,000 health advocates say the decline is due to people having to reapply for benefits again now with the pandemic has officially ended. that means the county needed to determine if they were still eligible. but the social security administration says this could be due to residents applying for a covered california plan. instead. a berkeley nonprofit is suing california over its vote by mail program because they say the program discriminates against the blind voters. >> disability rights advocates filed the lawsuit on behalf of several people with visual impairments who normally vote by mail with assistance or at a polling location in person. the suits allege the program
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is discriminatory because it requires people who are blind to rely on assistance to return their ballots. compromising the privacy and independence of their votes. they say the group is asking california to give voters with print disabilities. the option to electronically returned their mail in ballots. the suit will go before a judge on may. 20th in san francisco. state leaders are pressing pause to rent increases for some tenants in california. the california tax credit allocation alliance passed a rent cap on all future housing developments built with the help low income housing tax credit. this is where the state gives money to private developers. so they can build affordable housing in california, which is around 20,000 units a year. but one nonprofit says it's not enough and he's advocating for protection to low-income renters. the group is working to qualify local ballot measures in 5 bay area counties this fall that would impose further rent caps between 3 to 5%. the $0.99
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store could get a second chance to keep its doors open in some parts of california, a group of investors led by the former president of big lots and pick a and save is attempting to acquire 143 southern california locations. it comes after $0.99 only announced last week that all 371 locations going to be shutting down throughout 4 states. miller says his group is hoping to move fast to make the acquisition of the successful. miller says the group does plan reopen the store's 90 days after the going out of business sales. >> senator chuck schumer is addressing the proposed merger of credit giants capital one and discover in february, capital, one agreed to by discover financial services for more than 35 billion dollars. the deal would ultimately unite 2 of the largest credit card companies in the u.s.. but it could have consequences for millions of
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consumers. critics claim without competition to keep them honest. credit card companies can keep hiking fees. >> what could go up if this merger occurs, the your annual fee. here. interest charge your late payment fee. in addition. foreign transaction fees, balance transfer fees and cash advance fees could go up. >> fees. fees, fees. you get it. and consumers are tired of it. we've all had enough. and the credit card companies are anything but broke. >> while there are some financial analysts who say the effects of this acquisition could be complex and costly. others don't necessarily see it as a major threat to the overall stability of america's banking system. >> the california lawmakers introducing a constitutional amendment aimed at codifying environmental rights and the state's constitution la
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assembly member isaac ca 16 today at the state capitol. it calls for the right to clean air, clean water healthy environment to be in trying to in the california's constitution. >> we've done this recently. we will do this again as california seeks to protect itself from what may be troubling federal times in the near future. this is the year to do this. this is the time to do this. in my opinion and many others. we are actually many, many, many, many years too late. >> a constitutional amendment has to be approved by both the legislature and then the voters, the last successful amendment to the constitution happened back in 2022. when voters approved prop one which in trying the right to abortion into the state constitution. still to come to that 5, daring rescue was a house on fire in treasure house on fire in treasure island. it goes up in flames.
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my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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>> and update now to a big fire that burned home in treasure island on friday. we're now learning of a >> rescue during that firefight some video of that fire at a home on treasure island around 7.40, friday night. according to the san francisco fire department. the homeless of us to be vacant. but they did find evidence of squatting and hoarding inside andreas lives across the street from that home. he rushed to the scene when he saw the black smoke coming from the windows and doors of the certified lifeguard to walk up to the house found a man passed out in entryway there with the help of other bystanders raise was able to get the man to safety before those flames got worse and he
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later agreed gained consciousness. >> i was just like. happy i was able to beat has the right place right time. i'm sure anyone house with the same thing given, you given the situation, you just never know what you you know, hunt until something like that happens. >> raise was treated the at the hospital for smoke inhalation and the man he saved left the scene before firefighters got there. now to the latest on the war in gaza. yesterday marked 6 months of war. israel's ambassador to the united nations railed against the security council today. the council is considering palestinian request for renewed consideration of its application for un membership. >> in complete violation of charter, the u n is considering to force the establishment of a palestinian terrorist state. this one be a
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regular statesn it would be a palestine not see state, entity that achieved said. statehood despite being committed to terror and is resin that nation, iran. >> israel's ambassador to the un said granting palestinian statehood would only serve to perpetuate the conflict. meanwhile, a speeding car ran into a group of protesters in tel aviv. thousands of israelis gathered saturday night to call for early elections and to urge the government to reach a deal with hamas to free the remaining hostages. when that car rammed into that, a local hospital says 5 people were injured. the driver was quickly arrested and extension has been requested by police for his arrest period so they can continue their investigation. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu escalating a his pledge to invade the southern gaza. >> city of rafah, he says a date is set our washington correspondent basil john reports.
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>> will open for walking to school israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced a date is set for an operation in the gaza city. but we have not been briefed on that. state department spokesperson matthew miller says the u.s. has warned israel to not invade rafah, which holds more than 1.4 million civilians. we have made clear we think that there's a better way to achieve what is a legitimate. goal, which is degrade and dismantle and defeat hamas battalions that still remain in rafah. israel faces growing international pressure, has its operations have led to the deaths of thousands of palestinians and more than 280 workers. >> miller says the u.s. is encouraging israel to do more to help civilians. initial steps they've taken over the past few days. represent a dramatic improvement if fully implemented, but we're going to judge them ultimately by the results. maryland democratic senator chris van hollen said on cbs face the nation. but the u.s. should not send any more weapons
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unless israel meets certain conditions. we should not be sending more. >> offensive weapons that israel not to stop them permanently but effectively use our leverage. but wisconsin republican congressman derrick van orden disagrees and says israel is doing everything it has to for nancy pelosi and 40 other democrats to tell the secretary of state to stop sending. >> arms to our closest ally in the region during a time of 4 said constable reporting in washington. i'm basil, john. >> taking a live look outside right now. the 4 zone walnut creek there with the very traffic, a light situation on this monday. yeah, everybody's moving along quite nicely out there. dave, what we've got on tap. >> ok, that looks like we're going to keep with these mild temperatures and bump them up to a little bit on the warm side. don't you know, as we get to the middle of the week, kind a tour spring going on here for you, however. and it does happen in april. looks like in the longer range forecast, we're going to return a little bit of rain into that and it's going to interesting how it's coming
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together. we'll talk about it a bit. sfo only having mechanical issues or can some construction delays minor only about a half hour with all of that. putting it together for you. a few scattered clouds, clouds by tonight, cool inland with the mid 40's at work as we see tuesday and wednesday, maybe into thursday. nice little warm up here. some of those inland temperatures getting to the lower 80's. and then for late in the week, cooling chile by saturday because it looks like rain is coming with the package here and unsettled weather. let's get to all of that. enjoy the sunshine. well, we've got it here. it comes yet another one of these lows again. remember, it's cold core upstairs. so it can sometimes drible instability, perhaps even into sunday, even though it's not particularly very juicy. but it's still can sometimes produce that instability look out for in the note. you know what next week kind of clears all up again. let's check out your 4 zone forecast for tomorrow. 67 san francisco, the coast is welcoming some 60's. now. finally, 70 going on for burlingame us to about 70 to foster city palo alto about 75 in the south bay. still 70's territory for tomorrow. at least 78 san jose
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east bay shoreline, mid 70's tri valley getting to the upper 70 a slight decoupling happening here. 77 walnut creek, concord at 73. 73 for a burke. berkeley. 71 for vallejo. 77 fairfield, napa, 74 76 for sanford. 78% rose warm-up for the middle of the week. as we talked about getting to the lower 80's wednesday thursday, ish will big drop here. rain coming on saturday. that may come with some instability. that means some thunderstorm action and or hail along with the ride tba. if we have get it even on sunday to and they're not, they don't have like a lot of rain with them, but they just sometimes could have some fireworks. yeah, they can. they can find it very difficult to get out of here. you sometimes see the cloud cover redevelopment with crazy hail last say we had true hail last week owner of knowles and in the water spout to you could mention a moderate. so the colder upstairs that drives that. yeah. thank you, dave. talk a lot. >> so mental health apps are now free for california teens.
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what apps are available and how they work after the break. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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>> for your health, a new initiative in california is providing free access to mental health apps. the rich demuro explains in tonight's% tech smart. >> california is tackling the youth mental health crisis head on by offering 2 free apps to families. they are filled with valuable resources, including life coaching. >> more and more. we're realizing just how important mental health this to our
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overall wellbeing for many rates of anxiety, depression and self-harm have been climbing. issues, especially prevalent among youth. now the state of california is doing something to help. they're introducing 2 apps loaded with free mental health services for residents. part of a 4.7 billion dollar initiative. all of these efforts are aimed trying to think about how we deliver services birds to in ways that we haven't done the work like the other folks, these apps provide mental health resources and even life coaching with no income or insurance requirements. the first app is called bright life kids. it's for those under 13 and has digital resources for common issues. >> issues at school worries sadness. a chanel scales. adhd help is available in 19
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languages with life coaching done via phone video or chat. so this is really a way to come in and get free access to mental health care, to support for your kids when they need it. and even before they needed to avoid issues escalating soluna is the second app. it's for those 13 to 25. so instead of focusing so much on treatment, we really believe that every youth can benefit. >> from having access to coping skills building resiliency and then early access, an intervention as well. the app provides self-guided resources, moderated peer communities and life coaching. so teenagers and young adults. we find. >> we're really struggling with some mental health issues. they don't always feel comfortable talking about those either to peers are parents or even others. and so this gives them an opportunity to be able to access resources on their own at their own time. these apps are a helpful step in the right direction. and several other states are beginning to implement similar
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programs, but their long-term benefits are still being determined and they're not a replacement for professional healthcare. >> if you want more information, you can go to my website rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart and that wraps up kron. 4 news at 5. a lot more ahead kron for news at 6 with us. we'll be right back.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now it's 6 questions over the safety of tesla's autopilot feature now in the hands of the court


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