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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  April 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PDT

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tell me that now. i'm pissed. i can't -- producer: can we get the medic over here? jazlyn: i'm having a mental breakdown thinking about the possibility of losing him. ♪♪ she's an f-girl? aaaaaah! >> now at 10 police blocking traffic in oakland after a man
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was shot and killed near the 8.80, freeway from athlete a murder suspect. tonight we take a look at the controversial life of oj simpson and his beginnings here in the bay area. this seems like for free just for taste. some oakland residents upset after leaders move forward to rename the oakland airport to include san francisco in the new name. well, san francisco leaders get ready to file a lawsuit. >> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. good evening. thanks for joining us for kron. 4 news at 10. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. tonight. oakland police are investigating after a deadly shooting. investigators been on the scene for several hours today along kennedy street near i-880, and that is where we find kron four's. dan thorn with the latest. dan. >> heartbroken family members stunned while standing before a number of oakland police
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investigators after a man was shot and killed. police having to cordon off kennedy street between denison and the i-80 south on-ramp for several hours thursday evening, traffic heading onto the freeway building up at times as many onlookers responded to the large police presence, a woman who lives along kennedy street telling kron 4 off camera the killing may have been related to an attempted robbery. police have not confirmed those details after investigators comb through the scene, the alameda county coroner's office collected the man's body. the police tape was eventually removed as officers cleared the scene and with several businesses in the industrial area. it's unclear if any security video captured what happened. >> we're still working to get more information about this killing. we'll keep you updated as we learn more from oakland police in oakland, dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> business owners along valencia street in san francisco's mission district
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say they're planning to take legal action against the city. they say new bike lanes on the street led to financial losses claiming the lanes block access and visibility to their businesses. they say more than 10 businesses have already closed up since a bike lanes were installed. the big story we've been following tonight, the ford of oakland and its leaders have voted unanimously to move forward with renaming the oakland airport. now the board will make a final vote next month. yeah, this is san francisco is getting ready to file a lawsuit. >> against the port saying that the new name infringes with sfi was trademarked kron. 4 sarah stinson joins us in studio with more on this big name change battle. sarah. >> and impending lawsuit from san francisco didn't seem to stop the port of oakland's born. in fact, they didn't bring it up. and all commissioners only talked about how the name change will put oakland airport on the map boosting its revenue. the oakland airport is one step closer to getting a new name. the san francisco bay, oakland
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international airport. president leslie enthusiastically. 7 eyes most here. okay. the board of port commissioners unanimously voted in favor of the new name in its first reading of the ordinance thursday afternoon. the commission says this is needed to boost travelers, geographic awareness of where the airport is located. the port's executive director explained how challenging it has been to get airlines to add more direct flight routes because there's a lack of name recognition or you're a dan any information on the airport. >> it is hard to sell tickets to a down during public comment. nearly 2 dozen people spoke some in favor of the new name. we see that that this will expose oakland. >> to an international market that is not necessarily aware of our location. i will bring this to the city council to unanimously support, but some who live in oakland spoke against it. this seems like
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>> corporate gentrification. if you have to change and keep oakland in the front, san francisco doesn't want the proposed name has gained a lot of criticism from san francisco officials. sfo spokesperson doug yakel attended the meeting to explain why we believe that this new name will ultimately be misleading to customers creating greater confusion. the service. >> and ill will san francisco city attorney david chiu send a letter to the board on monday threatening legal action saying the rename infringes suppose trademark chu says the vote forces them to pursue litigation are very disappointed that oakland. >> refused to engage with us. first is indicative of the unanimous decision by this board to move forward. so we're sending that they're going for and we will consider all legal options at the meeting. there was no mention of a potential lawsuit, but commissioners did bring up san francisco and this is really not about san francisco. we don't trying to confuse
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people. we're not trying copy them. >> the president of the board requested that they take the next couple of weeks really digest. the public heard today take the final vote on may 9th. so we'll see. but, you know, looks like they are very much moving forward with this name change. meanwhile, city attorney in san francisco says the next few days will hear a lot more about that legal action you will be hearing a lot more for sure. all right, sarah, thank you. >> bad news for the salmon fishing season. it has been banned for a second year in a row due to low population of fish. state officials voted yesterday to close the season. experts say the 2019 2020 really had a big role in this. they say that the salmon that were spawned in those drought years migrated out and head low survival rates because of warm water conditions. >> the best way to handle it. we've we've done it before. the fish do come back. if you just leave them alone.
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governor newsom has requested a federal fishery disaster declaration to support fishing communities this year. >> but experts say that's going to take months before federal approval. state officials will vote on fishing only in streams and rivers next month. >> turned out to be a gorgeous day. today. we are going to see big changes as we head toward tomorrow. let's check out your wake-up weather forecast to get you going in the morning on a friday. starting out plenty low clouds and fog early on. even a couple mid to high level clouds already. temperatures going to be the 40's 50's at 06:00am by 8. it's a lot of cloud cover out there and temperatures warm up a little bit generally into the 50's by 10. those clouds going part somewhat. a mixture of sunshine. still some patchy fog lingering around the bay and the coast. temperatures going to be the 50's much cooler weather on the way and the rain is coming back more details coming up. >> thank you, lawrence. from athletes to acquitted murder suspect o j. simpson a polarizing figure after a battle with cancer he passed away at the age of 76 c was
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once a beloved athlete. he was also a san francisco native kron four's novello here in the studio with a look at his life. noel can. simpson earned fame and fortune through football in show business. but his legacy >> was forever changed. by the 1994 knife slayings of his ex-wife and her friend. simpson won the heisman trophy as a running back at usc and later earned the nfl mvp award playing for the buffalo bills. simpson eventually made his way back home to san francisco ending his career as a 49 er. he was inducted into the pro football hall of fame in 1985. in the years following football, he got into sports broadcasting and acting. simpson was especially famous for his hertz car commercials and the naked gun movies. but he's largely charmed. life was ultimately eclipsed by what became known as the trial of the century. with months of cameras in the courtroom and millions of people tuning in
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live to hear the verdict of whether or not he was found guilty of killing his ex-wife, nicole brown. simpson and her friend ron goldman. >> southbound 405. and you know, in the parking lot with everybody and out of the looking, i waited for the state to come. >> this slow speed car chases. what first captivated the nation when tv shows were interrupted for a live broadcast of that white bronco with simpson and his friend out kaling's inside. they were traveling along the freeways in los angeles. crowds of people were seen cheering actually along those routes. oj reportedly had a gun and claimed he was suicidal. >> we the jury in the above entitled action. find the defendant or jump on james simpson not guilty of the crime of murder. >> after a nine-month trial, a jury in los angeles found simpson not guilty of murdering his ex-wife and her friend. simpson's lawyers known by some as the dream
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team had argued. simpson was the victim of sloppy police work and systemic racism within the lapd. >> okay. i think, you know, is a record. >> before the james ex-wife nicole had accused him of stalking and abuse. he was acquitted of those crimes. but simpson was later sued in civil court and found liable for their deaths. he was ordered to pay the families more than 30 million dollars. he later wrote a book called if i did it, many considered that a confession while simpson never went on, went to prison for the murders. he did do time back in 2008, 10 years for armed robbery and kidnapping in las vegas. simpson had claimed he was simply retrieving a sports memorabilia that had been stolen from him. in that case o j denied the killings in 1994 until the very end. but the court of public opinion dog him his entire life. simpson's family posted on x
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this morning saying oj had succumb to his battle with prostate cancer. he was surrounded by his children and grandchildren when he died. reporting in studio. noelle bellow back to alright, noelle, thank you. not everyone remembers that oj grew up here in san francisco is a hometown hero. >> once made his old neighborhood proud. coming up at 10:30pm, tonight, kron four's catherine heenan. we'll take a look back at his life here in the bay area. the biden administration is closing a loophole that allows gun buyers to avoid background checks at gun shows. >> the white house says that the new rule will prevent guns from getting into the hands of domestic abusers, felons and other violent criminals. but the changes facing pushback from gun-rights advocates saying it invades personal privacy. >> it's very concerning when this administration he's using the whole government approach to attack this industry to dismay your second amendment rights. >> the rule is expected to be challenged in courts and of course, by republican
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lawmakers. still ahead tonight, a man is arrested for the rape of a woman near a park station. what we're learning tonight about the suspect and his past criminal activity near bart stations. >> the lawsuit, one east bay burger joint is facing that they say is leading them to close their doors for good and a harrowing rescue in the north bay after a driver gets trapped inside an overturned vehicle.
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>> new at 10, a berkeley man has been charged with a woman near a bart station. investigators say it happened about 6 o'clock monday night while the victim was walking near the north conquered bart station. she was attacked by a
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man who forced her to the ground and raped her. they say the woman fought back until the man eventually fled into the bart station. police say they later found the man and arrested him on a bart train is not been identified. court documents show he had just been released from jail for days before the concord bar attack. he was arrested last month in millbrae after assaulted a woman at the millbrae bart station conquer. police say the accused rapist is also a convicted murder. it was behind bars for almost 15 years, according to prosecutors, he was freed from prison sometime after 2019 because of a change in california law. a woman is in critical condition tonight after police say a man attacked her for not having a cigarette. >> happened yesterday morning in san francisco said tenderloin neighborhood near hyde and o farrell street. police say that the man went up to the victim, asked for a cigarette and when she said she didn't have any, he hit her several times. she was taken to the hospital. no word on her condition tonight. police are still looking for
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the suspect. anyone with information is being asked to give them a call. >> the owners of a richmond burger joint say they're closing their doors for good saying they've had a hard time since covid as kron four's. dan kerman tells us the business is now facing a lawsuit. >> for the past 38 years, those who live or work in point richmond have come to depend on great american hamburger and pie company. further lunchtime burger in this place since i mean, i was a little boy. i've coming here for years and years it's such as stable enrichment items. it's unbelievable weather. closing. >> they just, you know, super really, really nice people. great food, you know, historic spot here in town. but now this point, richmond institution is closing its doors for good. the success that we had. >> it's because of this coming in. >> owner george culley of us is closing the family business and saying goodbye is difficult. we know everybody. >> and the community. we know they're good times throughout their lives for the past 30
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years. we know their kids. and now we know the kids with their kids. the decision to close is based on numerous factors, including. >> tough times during covid. but the tipping point was a january lawsuit filed by a wheelchair bound customer lynching. >> the restaurant violates the americans with disabilities act because it was not accessible to him. it's really no different than any other civil rights it's no different statutes that prohibit some of due to the race. statue. just so you cannot be excluded. >> does your disability and that's been around for cases very important civil rights action. >> i'm all for. >> disability act. yes, they need to have access every word. if i can deliver this to the curb. why not? rd when says his land pay for the ada upgrades. so the decision was made to close
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guide. thank so now the family is thanking its longtime customers serving up its last burgers and planning for the future. a wife is looking forward like a son. >> my son and i we're thank and we have started a clothing fashion company. >> program >> dan kerman kron. 4 news. new body cam video released today shows a driver trapped inside an overturned car in rohnert park. it happened last thursday on highway 12 police officer broke the car window. cut the driver out of their seat belt and the person was pulled from the wreckage with the help of bystanders. the driver was taken to the hospital. no word on that person's condition. caltrans now estimates repairs to the highway. one slide in big sur could surpassed 25 million dollars. >> this happened last month after one of the 2 lanes just collapsed into the ocean.
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there due to all the heavy rain. meanwhile, crews working at the site to help guide cars to that closure. it's going to be closed or canceled, rather on saturday with rain in the forecast, traffic is expected to resume on sunday if weather permits. lawrence karnow joins us now with a look at the weather. yeah, they could see more heavy rain there. the possibility of some heavy downpours, maybe some flooding there, not the best conditions to try to fix a highway out there. but >> after that, things should begin to change it around the bay area. things begin to change already. we're starting to see a return. >> some low clouds and fog moving in along the coastline right now. not a whole lot just ship, but we'll kind of ramp up as we head throughout the night tonight out for the golden gate bridge. see that our kind of disappearing in some of the clouds out there right now. we'll see more of that on the way as we head throughout the night tonight as high pressure kind of scoots out of town and heads east. so i don't think we have to worry about much rain during the daytime hours tomorrow. but by tomorrow night, everything begins to change outside. right now. you can see just a couple of
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patches of fog trying to form along the coastline. right now, couple high clouds will be on the way as we head toward tomorrow morning. not a bad day around much of the state things staying dry out there right now. but to our north got a storm system that is forming, in fact, that the storm system well, it's a cold one coming right on the gulf of alaska. so it is just beginning to roll south now and it's going to begin to dig in toward the california coastline as we head through the night tonight and tomorrow tomorrow evening, it's going to be perched off the coastline, bringing all that cold alaskan air in our direction. so once that moves in, especially on saturday, had temperatures in the 70's 80's last couple days, watch these numbers dropping down for highs only in the 50's. so really a drastic change coming our way. high pressure going to be scooting out of town as that moves on out and got the system dropping southward and that bringing with it, that chance of rain on the way specially overnight tomorrow night and into early on saturday morning. think it's going to be a washout for your entire day on saturday, but there is likely going to be some scattered showers on and off the potential for even snowflakes across some of our
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mountain peaks. you'll see that, too. but tomorrow should be a nice day. enjoy that sunshine. sounds a check in about 70 degrees. 64 degrees partly cloudy in oakland. that cooler to san francisco and in the 50's. but here's the forecast for overnight tonight. yeah, just a couple of patches of fog so far as we head through the night. the fog begins to pick up a little bit. see a few high clouds moving in tomorrow. morning commute will be dry. you my tomorrow evening. it looks like a dry commute on tap by 8 o'clock start to see some pop-up showers as we head toward midnight. tomorrow night. rain starts to roll in as we get toward early on saturday morning. lot of rain, even some snow over our mountains. thank you. lord said area high school is getting some national recognition. congratulations says students at livermore high school for winning the world strides onstage heritage festival music. >> competition. it's a big one. the talented young musicians competed against 35 ensembles from across the u.s. after 2 days of competition, livermore's band orchestra and choir ensembles earned 23 award. wow. good job. ikea
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opened its new food hall in downtown san francisco today. the two-storey food all can fit more than 400 people. >> and features 11 different types of food are also included and entertainment space for live music and community gatherings. >> you know what we see outside with our friend out me and others. we see safe streets. we opportunity. we see a change. we see the and it's right on san francisco today because al uhaul is for all of the people our city to enjoy and the people who visit will have an opportunity to experience it as well. >> mayor london breed there. the food hall will also serve its own beer brewed by san francisco craft brewery, fort point. coming up, what lawmakers are asking the ceo of boeing to do after a whistleblower alleges the company has been taking shortcuts when it builds its jets. plus. >> we'll take a look back at
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oj. simpson early life here in san francisco and why researchers say we could soon researchers say we could soon experience big earthquake.
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how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ >> intense there. a helicopter rescue on mount tam deputies say they rescued this woman whose car had fallen down into a ravine yesterday evening.
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she was rushed to hospital by with a nearby ambulance. >> new research suggests part of the san andreas fault may soon trigger a major earthquake. scientists say the section of the fault line in central california known as park field shakes about every 22 years for the magnitude of about 6 point. oh, the last rupture. was in 2004, 20 years ago. scientists say there's no way of predicting exactly when one will strike but past parkfield earthquakes. the fog has sent up signature. sounds are what they call seismic noise before the temblor actually takes place inflation, high interest rate and rising housing costs are putting a real squeeze on anybody looking to buy a house in california. >> according to researchers at credit news, the top 4 most unaffordable metropolitan areas in the country are in our state. researchers say currently the qualifying income for a home in the san jose sonny bill sent a clear area is a whopping $425,000.
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up next is san francisco, oakland, berkeley, that area, it's still a pricey 310,000 in southern california. the qualifying income needed to afford average home in los angeles, long beach. anaheim, that area is $256,000 in san diego. 253,000 >> coming up next, what is next for the man who stole that plane from the palo alto airport and crash landed it in half moon bay and a warning tonight about invasive mosquito. >> spotted in the south bay
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>> now, 10 tourney. we continue to follow a big story tonight. the death of oj simpson. >> the former football player grew up here in san francisco. kron four's catherine heenan reports now on how people in the bay area remember him. >> simpson was raised by his mother growing up here, the potrero terrace, housing project. he got involved in sports at an early age at the nearby rex enter and continued to grab attention at galileo, high school where he graduated in 1965. and later at city college of san francisco where he was a football star. simpson talked openly about the fact he was often in trouble as a teenager and was involved with gangs. something he discussed with kron four's gary radnedge where we used to call a social club during most of my certainly not >> like the gains today. i mean, we weren't that aggressive, even though we had our share of fights and everything was the name of the
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was a person more years. you know, the a different nature. as he grew older. you've got a different clubs. i guess we all tried to gangsters. so does because kids. but once again, it was during a period of time the weapons were more you 2 fifths the weapon want some of the, you know, hard weapons that they're using the day as his football career took off some sun. >> talk to a kron reporter right after being drafted by the buffalo bills. well, i think we could. we are they have 2 good fine backs that i think is max and the sun and being graded to find running backs. i think that we could complement each other very well in later years. a mural on top of the potrero hill rec center faded to the point you could only see simpson's jersey number and a nearby mural featuring simpson painted in 1987. >> was defaced and blotted out after the murders of nicole simpson and ron goldman. but some prefer to remember the fact that after 9 seasons with the bills, simpson came back
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to san francisco and played his final 2 seasons as a 49 er. swarmed by his teammates. after the last game of his career. but i don't have been dissipated. been over anymore is over and >> stay with kron. 4 online and on air for continuing coverage of oj simpson as well as our other top headlines. you can download the free kron 4 app to get push alerts sent directly to your mobile device. when news breaks, you might remember this plane crash or crash landing. it happened back in february on the beach in half moon bay. and now the man who >> investigators say stole that plane from the palo alto airport and put it on the beach like that won't stand trial. a judge has ruled a man is not competent and they have suspended all criminal proceedings. investigators say the man stole the plane to quote, show the government that airports lack proper security as of yesterday afternoon, the man was still in custody on $10,000. bail.
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meantime, prosecutors say the private plane worth about $150,000 was not seriously p% damaged. >> new at 10, there are fewer people selling drugs in san francisco. police say that they made 40 to arrest all in one day during a narcotics operation. the arrests happening yesterday in or near the tenderloin district. police say that out of the 42 arrested 30. we're wanted fugitives. they also recovered fentanyl and meth. the police department says that they will continue their patrols at night in un plaza in other areas where they say illegal activity occurs. >> in san francisco, police say they've arrested the man who shot and killed a man outside a barbershop in the mission neighborhood. the drive-by shooting happened last week near the intersection of mission and 20th. the suspected shooter is set to be arraigned next wednesday. if convicted, he faces life in prison without parole. no word tonight on the victim's identity. 8 people in milpitas arrested for theft it to the great mall. detectives
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say they arrested 5 suspects. turn your retail crime operation yesterday. >> and during the same time all officers responded to a theft in progress and arrested another 3 suspects. >> ac transit in the city of oakland are investing 8 million dollars to make international boulevard safer. they say the money will go toward extending safety enhancements from 14th to 100th avenues. construction is set to begin in late spring and be completed toward the end of summer. now, the 4 zone forecast as we take a look sfo, which is still called as first chief meteorologist lawrence karnow still called lawrence karnow. thank goodness for that big confusing if the word. but hey, guys, we've got some very interesting weather coming our way. of course, we've had a fantastic week. >> of warm temperatures above normal temperatures around the bay area. even some 70's and 80's the last couple days. by the time we hit this weekend, i think we're lucky to get out the 50's in many parts of the bay area, maybe even a little
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snow across the mountain peaks. again, if you're traveling, you've got to be aware of that, too, because we're going to see more snow in the high country right now. kind of quiet up there right now. looking good. we did have a couple showers and some thunderstorms across the southern sierra, nevada. but well, if you're traveling up there, the winds are going to start to kick up. and so wind advisories are going up across the great lake tahoe area. and we're also looking at a winter weather advisory again posted across much of the central and southern parts of the sierra nevada's. we're going to see another round of snow. in fact, maybe as much as 6 inches, maybe a foot of snow across the high country. that advisory go into effect starting 11:00am on saturday and continue until 11 o'clock on saturday night. so be prepared if you're headed there. don't go up. the high country expecting that. it's going to be warm and a spring-like. it is going to be back to some wintry weather mix of snow and rain on saturday. turning to snow overnight saturday night and into sunday. what's more snow showers likely lingering into sunday and return to some warmer weather next week. the
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door right now we've got some patchy fog that is just beginning to push into the golden gate bridge will see more of that on the way today turned out to be another gorgeous day. i mean, these numbers are something else. 83 degrees in livermore. nice and warm in concord, 83 degrees. 78 in santa rosa. 81 in san jose. 65 cooled off a little bit in the san francisco in 72 degrees. nice warm day in oakland, but the clouds are beginning to gather and they'll begin to thicken up as we head throughout the night tonight, low and some of the high level clouds tomorrow, partly cloudy. it will be breezy and noticeably cooler. maybe 5 to 15 degrees cooler around parts of the bay area. then just downright cold. i think has we head in towards saturday with scattered showers and the possibility. isolated thunderstorms, maybe even a couple lingering showers on sunday, too. the door. right now we've got 48 degrees cooling off in half moon bay. 55 degrees right now in san francisco. 58 the layup. 55 in napa. 54 degrees in sonoma. i think as we head through the night tonight, yeah, we're going to see those winds not bad now by tomorrow morning public start to ramp up by tomorrow afternoon will
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become up of the south and really begin to pick up as that storm system. well, it's coming right on the gulf of alaska bears down on the bay area going likely bring another round of rain and probably significant rain in the bay area specially for this time of year. so here it barreling toward the bay area, bringing rain as we head in towards saturday, especially in the morning, tapering off to scattered showers. i think on saturday something's going to be a rain out on saturday, but just scattered showers on and off. mix of sunshine in between the clouds, maybe a lingering shower on sunday. and that looks like we're done with that for a while. as we'll start to clear your skies. but yeah, could bring some decent amounts of rainfall around the bay area, especially for this time of year. that's not bad. some places may be more than an inch of rain. how about that? that would be something else adding to totals much of those totals above average for the season already. tomorrow will be notably cooler highs along the coastline, the 50's, but even inside the you'll start to feel the effects that sea breeze in that cool air working its way onshore. that's going bring down the numbers tomorrow. the south bay 60's 70's that likely be some of the warmest numbers then after that. well, we really cool things down into saturday. those temperatures what a drop in temperatures a
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couple days. temperatures stay cool on sunday. looks like we will start to warm things up as we head in toward next week. and if we're lucky next weekend, which has been kind of rare, may just be dry. all right. yes, we've turned the corner and all of this after this storm know, i think we've still got something lingering out. there are looking to something near t e israeli to hanging out there. but, >> you know, we get further down the line here because you're less impressive. just trying to keep a job. yeah. haha. busy do it. right. thank guys. tonight the ceo of boeing is being asked to testify next week at a senate hearing over whistleblower claims. federal officials are investigating claims that the company has been. >> taking shortcuts when assembling some of its jets. a boeing engineer alleges crews did not properly fastened fuselage is on board and that's an issue he says could be catastrophic because the aircraft ages, boeing, has denied those allegations. and invasive mosquito that carries deadly viruses for humans has been discovered in the san jose neighborhood
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>> kron philippe reports on what can be done to eliminate the past. >> this adult female 80's the mosquito that we collected from the china lane last week, machado lane is in an east san jose neighborhood and county of santa clara vector control district ecologist. doctor taylor kelly says this is one of 6 80's aegypti mosquitoes found during the district's regular surveillance program in traps set across the community. arts for the beautiful mosquito today have these sort iridescent white scales, black and white lakes which people may be able to recognize that they're getting it. >> and then they also have this beautiful liar pattern on their back. doctor kelly stresses the public, though, to not get lost in their beauty. >> make no mistake. this non native species of mosquito is aggressive bites during the day, prefers humans and can transmit several viruses that cause deadly diseases become ryan's took and going. yeah.
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>> and thank you know, a very victory control district manager 9 here. says much like in contra costa county 80's aegypti was discovered in santa clara county in 2022. >> and due to a quick response and cooperation from the community, vector control crews were able to eradicate the mosquitoes by getting rid of any standing water trying to. >> make sure it is not to stop fishing >> county of santa clara consumer and environmental protection agency. director edgar nolasco says his team is working with the state department of public health to determine how the mosquitoes returned to the south bay likely transported in some type of container or vehicle. the species is president in 19 of the state's 58 counties. if there isn't any standing water in any containers, mosquitoes don't reproduce. and we help lower. >> the risk for for any type of diseases that spread among our community. inspect your east san jose property.
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>> czech bowls, tarps. anything that holds water and get rid of it in san jose. philippe djegal all kron 4 nays. >> today was a national pet day. and if you'd like to adopt a new best friend of your own, there's a local shelter that could use your help. the contra costa animal shelter is overflowing. >> like shelters across the bay in the state. you know, trying outside of the box ideas putting in new programs and initiatives to help, you know, get more pets whether that's going casual. a doctor who was looking to adopt a new family member or to a rescue who's going to spend some time with those animals that need a little more time to either decompress or maybe they have some behavioral or medical issues that need to be worked through before they're suitable to go to a casual doctor. and here's some added incentive right now. adoptions are free. so there you go. life is than for sure. commissioner. that wraps up
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properties that tend to stay tuned for kron for news. 11. >> although first we've got sports night live and it's a good night. yeah, we're years. grant yes. sports night live is free for everyone stick around for that. i know vicki and ken will be watching. you should too. >> the short-handed warriors traveled portland to take on upstart lasers staff region hitting chest on the ground right there. did he have enough because he didn't have his buddies. clay dream gp. 2 his buddies. clay dream gp. 2 sports is next their.
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one wasn't pretty clunky at best. but hey, the dubs got the win. and that's exactly what they need this time of year. thanks for joining sports night live. i'm grant lotus. the words are in this tight race for the play-in tournament as these regular season games wind down this weekend. is it tonight they were in portland taking on the blazers. no klay thompson, no draymond know gp 2, probably just resting them. we think they're going to play tomorrow. but you have steph in the starting lineup, steve kerr, he's got the win with the guys. he has tried to keep those vets fresh for this late push. pick it up 2nd quarter


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