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tv   KRON 4 News at 2pm  KRON  April 15, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we begin now with breaking news. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 2. i'm justine waldman. the big story that we've been tracking all day, several protests being held across the bay area wrecking havoc on bay area freeways and bridges today. all lanes, though, back open now on the golden gate bridge. they were shut down after dozens of protesters locked
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themselves together into parked cars on the southbound lanes that was heading from marin county, the north bay into the city. and then oakland, protesters shut down all the northbound lanes on 8.80, at 5th avenue right near jack london square just about a mile away. they also blocked the southbound lanes on 80 at 7th street. protesters also blocked the southbound on-ramp to 80 at 7th street and our kron four's team coverage starts right now with our rob nesbitt. he's been on the scene there at 7th in 8.80, robbed during our coverage we had earlier in the day we watched the chp officers walks step by step slowly. those protesters off of 8.80, right to where you are. and we can still see that there is chp presence behind you blocking people from trying to get on 8.80. >> yeah. just team. when i first arrived here at 7th street and oakland, i arrive to what was protesters lined up with their bicycles,
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blocking the southbound entrance of interstate 80. rocking the freeway entrance. so cars could not drive up in 2 the interstate. well, that was because there were about 100 protesters that were up on 8.80, that were blocking traffic. i could see the overpass behind me where you see truck slowly going by. essentially they were at a complete standstill. drivers got out of their trucks, stopped to look down protesters to see what's going on. i'm sure they were just as confused as the rest of us of why traffic was not moving. and then chp officers backed at least 100 protesters calling for a cease-fire in gaza down this freeway entrance. they back them down slowly. chp officers in riot gear. those protesters were back down to 7th street and then once they got to 7th street, they dispersed down the street towards the west oakland bart station. and then essentially there was a swap when protesters were here. they were blocking the freeway
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entrance. now it's chp officers that are here that are blocking the entrance and there's a lot more traffic here on 7th street compared to earlier in the day before. there was no trucks driving along here, probably because they were stuck on the freeway itself. but then as the freeway opened up a lot more traffic is now going by. but there are few drivers just team that they're actually stopping at the freeway entrance because they want to get on the interstate 80 and they're confused as to why they cannot. obviously they don't know what happened earlier in the day that transpired. but still chp officers, as you see, they're posted up. they've taken their riot gear off. there are now just cones that are essentially set up that are blocking traffic, whether they're investigating gathering information. i'm not sure, but clearly still here, why we also away information from chp of what transpired today. and i also noticed that there are no tow trucks that have showed up. there have been no vehicles that might have belonged to protesters.
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so maybe they parked on side streets were prepared. and that's where they went when they >> walk this direct direction down 7 street. but from what i can tell, it seems as though the protests from the day has ended. >> kron rob nesbitt live for us there. the protesters that rob was talking about as they walk down 7th, they were heading towards the west oakland bart station, which did shut down for a little while. it is back open now and now we go to kron four's charles clifford is live for us there at the toll plaza at the golden gate bridge walking us through what he saw today. and charles, i'm hoping you can describe also a little bit more. what the pro, what these pro-palestinian protesters were using 2 chained themselves together since you've got a firsthand look at it. we've just been able to see video. how do you think those devices worked? >> well, you know, from my vantage point that the bridge district didn't let us go out onto the so i was sort of reporting from a distance. i could see specifically what was happening. i know that they used vehicles to block
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the roadway and they had signs they were forming. a line in. there was quite a few people out on the bridge. you know, the good news, the lanes are reopen right now. but this was a very disruptive protests this morning. around 7.30, monday morning. dozens of protesters used their cars to block the southbound lanes of the golden gate bridge near mid span. the california highway patrol and the bridge district then closed all lanes north and southbound as a precaution. protesters say they came because they are opposed to the conflict in gaza. they don't want my tax dollars that on dollars going to israel to support. >> they wanted us know around people that just want to live the closure of the bridge, disrupted the commute for thousands of people, including garrett kids been who was trying to get home to sausalito. plan to walk across the bridge but found both sidewalks were closed during the protest decided to go the long way home. i am going to take walk hike taken over to the ferry and then take the ferry up socially, do so.
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>> another hour or by 11, 30, the highway patrol had arrested all protesters on the bridge and taking them away in a golden gate. transit bus. >> took about another half hour to tow away the vehicles that they had left behind. all lanes of the bridge reopened around 12, 15 on monday afternoon. all right, back live. now. we are still waiting for a california highway patrol news conference on the other side. the toll plaza from where i'm standing here get some more details about what happened out there on the bridge and also find out, you know, what charges if any of these protesters might be facing. but for now in san francisco, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> charles, thank you. yes. and soon as that press conference from the california highway patrol starts, we'll bring that to you live right here on kron. 4 news at to speaking at the latest information from those officers. as far as what happened today, what advanced notice they had, what action they took as far as removing the protesters from the freeway and will hear about how it all in order to keep this from happening again in the future because we have seen several of these
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pro-palestinian protests unfolding here in the bay area in a recent days. >> and certainly this year, what these protesters were trying to do today was disrupt the global economy. the plan was to do an on tax day for 15. there were not only issues happening here in the bay area, but also in other cities as well. and we'll talk about that in a moment. we'll go first here to kron four's philippe djegal, his reporting for us live now again there in west oakland along 7th street. and philippe, you are able to during our breaking news coverage earlier this hour. you are standing right there basically in between the california high patrol officers and these protesters as the chp was walking these protesters back slowly, 8 off of 8.80. can you please describe to us what tensions that you felt, why you're out there. what you things you are hearing and you're seeing because the images you're providing trust, i've never seen anything like that. >> thanks, justine. yes, it was intense at times, but it never got violent. although i did see one protester throw an
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object at the california highway patrol when we were at the top of the on-ramp to 8.80, and the chp tried to track that person down. not sure if they were able to they weren't really focus on the one or 2 bad apples. they're just trying to keep everyone organize. and have to say that both the chp and the protesters were well organized. that was right on the line where the chp and protesters met and the protesters, some of them shouting vulgarities. many of them just saying good free gaza into fatah, which essentially they're claiming themselves to be the resistance and they were saying that they wanted israel out of gaza and that message here today was simply too ask for a cease-fire to demand for one. the chp, though, was very calm. they had moving along as slowly as possible. their cars were mostly blocking the road and they left one lane open so
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cars could continue to pass. but down south they approach to broadway and they system systematically kept pushing the protestors back inch by inch. they were methodical. they knew they did not have to do this quickly. but at one point it was clear >> that they were going to let the protesters go any further. so they started to push them back it took a little while. but as soon as they got off freeway, protesters their way down 7th to the west oakland bart station there. we had an encounter with the protesters not the camera out of my hand broke a small handheld. >> but that was, again, not a reflection of what was going on there. these are impassioned people, some a new to international politics gavin eyes by the images they're seeing overseas maybe they're going start to educate themselves a little bit more about what's actually going on out there. but they certainly
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wanted to join protests today. the chp says that there were about 300 protesters out here. we're still standing outside 8.80, south on 7th and the california highway patrol does have the area blocked off. they don't want anyone to return here and i should say, i mean it basically to the west oakland, bart station, and i don't see the protesters doubling back at this time. and i from what i understand, it's possible that the the west oakland bart station is some side of sort of closure on the ground level due to the protests. but that may have cleared out once the protesters moved out. so i could say this could have been a lot worse. i didn't ever see any punches thrown the revolt. varities, of course, and people were tense. they're upset, obviously. but i have to both sides did a great school as possible. >> have a front row seat providing us those pictures
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and just to pick up on something that philippe said since he was with them as they were heading to the west oakland bart station, the west oakland bart station is back open. we're waiting to hear from the chp to get some information as far as how these protests we're result today. so stay with us. we're today. so stay with us. we're going to take a break and be
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alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain! breaking news here on kron 4 today after pro-palestinian protest shut down major bay area freeways once on the 80 in the east and also on the golden gate bridge. it seems that the situation is now resolve several hours into this ongoing situation. we're waiting to hear from the chp to get some updated
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information as far as how they rolled to handle this and what they're going to do to prevent it from happening again. one note, i will say as far as new information that we're getting now from the chp, they're saying that those protesters along the golden gate bridge, they were using stationary vehicles to chain themselves after they refused to clear the lanes at about 20 people were arrested and are currently in custody. but again, the golden gate bridge opened up at about 12, 15 kron four's tiffany justice was their right as those lanes reopened today. she brought us those live images and tiffany been talking with people who, you know, just came to san francisco to enjoy the golden gate bridge and end the view and the vistas there today. and they were just shocked by what they saw. tell us a little bit more about the conversations you've been having today. >> yeah, we've spoken with a lot of people this morning. you know, throughout the morning hours, people who have lived here for many years and tourists who are in town for the first time ever. those people are very confused as to what was happening. we had to film in quite quickly, but
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they were shocked after learning about what was happening on the golden gate bridge right behind us. but let's talk about pretty much gow this all played out around noon is when. >> both lanes of the golden gate bridge opened back up traffic. as you guys can see or have been seeing in watching all morning long is now flowing once again after law enforcement got to those protesters are removed. those protesters from the bridge, but a mixed bag of feelings and emotion today from the residents that i've spoken with some we're frustrated over the fact that their morning routine and commute was destructive disrupted by these protesters. others didn't mind so much. in fact, is grabbing a cup of coffee. here's some more sound from residents. >> it's a, you know, being a really long time. san francisco resident, i totally respect people's rights to to obviously the situation the middle east super complicated. i think it's really great as a society that we express how we
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feel about wish that it wasn't impacting my drive across the golden gate bridge this morning. but it's, you know, having been here a long time. it's kind of what you come to expect. >> people just a few plea over says you've got you just you cannot go. they put you in they throw move it get a through. to most is you're doing this to the over ticket houses. the been announce it. andy, getting kids and people in juneau us to go yesterday. the news. yesterday in june, the people kids, they have no fingers know he couldn't he's doing this to buy that. he cannot stop this >> i do want to give you some contacts from the second gentleman that you heard. that is a palestinian man. he took the time to speak with me today. he moved over to the u.s. 35 years ago and he's very sympathetic with the protesters take over the going a bridge along with a few other bridges in the bay area.
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talking to me about why is calling wants the u.s. and president biden the call for a cease-fire fire. a very upset, even getting emotional. want to when i was speaking with him, we're going to gather more information here at up the bridge. but as you guys can tell, everything at this time is much more calmer. and now traffic is flowing smoothly back to studio. >> tiffany justice live for us there outside the golden gate bridge. thank you so much. we're going go back now to kron four's rob nesbitt. he's been on the scene there in 87 street. some new information of just getting now from the chp. they were saying about. >> 300 protesters robbed 300 protesters refused to comply with orders to disperse and they're saying no arrests are taking place. >> its an interesting statement just steam because i really did not see any arrests being made unless they were made on the interstate themselves. but i did see that information. when i look at
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the crowd of protesters that were backed off of interstate 80 behind me from this on-ramp. i was guessing hundreds, but it sounds like it was exactly 300 and from what you can tell. now, the scene is completely cleared. chp officers removed the cones. they've now driven away and trucks traffic are able to enter this southbound entrance to the freeway. protesters when they were backed off of the freeway. they went this direction down 7th street behind me towards the west. oakland, bart station, philippe djegal was one of our reporters that was with the crowd. he captured videos. he actually had his phone hit out of his hand. at one point while he was taking video from a protester. so you could definitely say that emotions ran high when these folks were here calling for a ceasefire in gaza. but for the most part, i did not see any vehicles being towed or as i said before, arrest being made. but according chp that there were arrests, that some people from that group of 300 had to be arrested because of blocking traffic and not
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complying with police. i got here just before noon, but protesters were here a few hours before that. and now, of course, from the time it looks like this lasted anywhere from, you know, took almost 2.30 now. so that's 3 to 4 hours. at least the protesters were here. but for the most part for the day, it seems as though just seen it has ended here in oakland. yeah, especially when we take a look at this video, this was the video we're showing. >> robbed that philippe gaap and he was just right up in there with the protesters and the chp officers when they were told face to face and the chp was able to slowly and methodically with patience and persistence. walk these protesters back step by step off of a 80 and the protesters walking backwards says the chp walked in front of them and their full riot gear. >> the helmets on the masks down, holding their batons and they were able to walk these protesters backwards off of
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>> 80 and right there to where you were on 7th street and from there they were able to walk to the west oakland bart station that did shut down for a little while. but the west oakland, bart station is back open. some of the other new information that we're getting from the chp now as we continue to play you, these videos as we also wait to hear from the chp officially. but some of the information they've passed on now to us here in the newsroom is that? attempting to block or shut down a freeway or anything state highway to protest they say is unlawful, dangerous and prevents motorists from safely reaching their destinations. so as necessary, the chp will take enforcement actions. and that includes issuing citations impounding vehicles, arresting individuals who intentionally blocked traffic on the state's transportation system or but they pose a threat to public safety. so that's what the chp is saying
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now about how they were approaching today situation. but as we saw here on 8.80, from this video, they were just step-by-step walk. the protesters off 8.80. they had their some sort of exchange the giving them some instructions of far as what was going to be happening. that's the chp talking there that was the lineup of of officers there, at least at some point, 2 or 3 point. steve, this probably took 20 to 30 minutes. this whole slow, methodical walking back of the protesters. the protesters there holding on to one another linking arms, putting their hands on each other's backs. a lot of them there with their faces and their their heads covered, holding flags and posters. again, the protest was too not really call attention to the situation in gaza, but also protest of united states's involvement in providing military aid to israel. the protest happening today is tax
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day. 15th of april 4.15, these global protests happening as a way to disrupt the economy and called tension to how tax money is used to support israel. hear some more images coming in to our newsroom of this is what it looked like just as these things are really starting to intensify earlier in the morning, we'll start with the golden gate bridge with the chp saying that the protesters were using a stationary vehicles to chain themselves. and then then they refused to clear the lanes here. we can see there's the people standing outside of the vehicles and then there's someone inside the car and they have this like to where they're linked to to each other, which makes it a very dangerous situation for the chp to be able to try to separate them using whatever it is a chainsaw or blow torch. however, they needed to do it in order to remove the 2 so they can start to drive that vehicle on the golden gate bridge after these protestors chained themselves together. the chp saying they
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refused to clear the lanes and about 20 people were arrested and are now in custody. the golden gate bridge reopened at about 12, 15 today. so both north and southbound directions of the golden gate bridge are back open and robbed. just talk to us about what's happening 80 and we'll get back to that situation when we come back after this quick break. we're still
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following breaking news here on kron 4 and soon as the california high patrol begins a press conference providing us some information about the protests that happened today will bring that to you. but for now, we're going to take this live. look here at the city of san francisco and talk
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to kyla. she's here to give us an update on our weather forecast. looks really nice outside. it's beautiful. we're getting more and more sunshine as the day goes on. that's our story as we start the week to a live look at it. half moon bay where it is absolutely gorgeous. lots of blue skies out there. >> obviously a little cool compared to where we were last week and we were going this week. but right now you can see san francisco about 57 degrees. we're in the 50's in half moon bay as well. 55. but you see some of those mid 60's even almost upper 60's and some of our inland spots at this hour. so what's going to happen over the next few days as high pressure is going to bump in and as that ridge starts to build, we're going to see our temperatures start to rise. and then as we get later into the week, thursday into friday, we start to see more zonal flow. in other words, these iso thurmes which indicate temperatures start to kind of kind flatten out. and that means that we will pull back temperatures a little bit. but before we do that, pull back, we've got a really big run of warmth coming our way. if you consider take a little more, for example here the average high is 69
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degrees. today. we're looking up about 68. but by the time we get to wednesday and thursday, we're talking, you know, 80 81 degrees before then come back down to earth as we head towards the weekend and nationally, you can see there's a lot of heat in the country. all that red indicating above average temperatures cool up in the pacific northwest and a little cool for us today. but as we roll into the next couple of days, we'll be going above average to and long-range forecast here. could you may be asking a lot of are saying, well, is that it for the rain or do we have more and you can see it looks like my data has dropped out here, but i just couldn't articulate it for you. what we've got coming our way is the temperatures are expected to be at or above average and then a little chance in the long-term forecast of there being more rain towards the end of the month into the beginning of may, believe it or not. but right now we are in the middle of a warm-up and a kind of clearing pattern. and you can see that as we take a look. our 7 day forecast here, we're going to be warming today. tomorrow, wednesday, thursday. and then you can see as we get to friday will pull back a little bit. but a really nice weekend coming our way before then by next week, we start to get a little cool again. kyla.
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thank you. still to come here on kron for news it to our coverage on the bay area. wide protests will continue. the chp expected to speak. >> any
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>> we'll get back to our breaking news in just a moment. but the warriors are on the way to sacramento for their must win play-in game with the kings. that's tomorrow night. kron. 4 sports reporter kate rooney is with us now live from chase center. after watching today's a team practice and do they look ready to go? kate?
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>> yeah, i'd say they do. hey, they're no strangers to high-pressure situations, right? justine this time last year. as a matter of fact, the warriors were getting ready to head up to sacramento and play the kings in their first round playoff series. they ended up winning that one in a dramatic game. 7 situation. but now it feels like a game 7 only they need to win tomorrow's game for a chance to make it to the playoffs at all. now, steph curry did say it is just like a game. 7 and the warriors know that no matter what happens, they have to play their best basketball tomorrow, one game to advance. but if today's practice is any indication that the wars are feeling good, heading into this winner takes all contest. >> today's practice was loose and even kind of playful. seemed all the players on the practice court. really enjoying themselves while taking in those endless free throw shots and working pick and rolls. and why shouldn't be feeling good? the warriors played their best basketball of the season during the final weeks of the regular season, winning 10 of their final 12 games, including 7 on the road. they played great
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defense and got big shooting nights from everyone from steph, 2 rookies trayce jackson-davis to brandon ski and today step and head coach steve kerr said it showing in their attitude as they prepare for tomorrow's game. >> i really think this team has good draymond has been a great mentor for the younger the 2nd half of the year in a really good so it's a it. it's not just in our record and our offensive defensive rating. it's the vibe and it's a good vibe obviously we're in in a tough spot. we've got to win 2 games just to get into the playoffs and anything can happen. i think just in terms of >> optimism and confidence in who we are and what we can do. any given night. you have to maintain that. you have to believe that. i think we do. because only one game and then one game and hopefully. orbit. we understand what was like in this type of environment. a must-win scenario.
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>> must win. that's what we like it. the right. these guys are supposed to thrive in these high-pressure situations. so here's what happens. if the warriors win tomorrow than they advance to a second play-in tournament game against the winner of the other western conference game. that will be the winner of the pelicans or lakers game and that will be taking place on friday. either way the warriors will have to travel to it. tomorrow's tipoff golden one center is 07:00pm. can't wait for now at t center. kate rooney kron 4 sports lot of high stakes basketball coming up and the warriors. thanks so much, kate. the words are. >> looking ahead to that plan game after they beat the utah jazz in the regular season game and the team got a chance to honor a father and son from vallejo and kron 4. sarah stinson has their story. >> the warriors gave one fan the biggest gift of all by winning the last game of the regular season on his birthday, this win means even more to david nunez. he shares his birthday with his son who sadly died at a game back in
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2016. he attended this game in his honor. >> dubnation packed into chase center sunday afternoon for the last regular season game against utah. david nunez got surprise with a jersey from the warriors while so liberating his 70th birthday at the game in vallejo, nunez raised his 2 children to be dedicated dubs fans. we've loved the warriors. >> forever and i bought them up. >> to be warrior fans. but in 2016 tragedy struck the family while in a playoff game at oracle arena, new news, his son justin suddenly passed away. justin was just 35 years old. collapsed. >> up the stairs, had it. pulmonary embolism and that can resuscitate him and >> i watched him die. despite the pain, nunez continues to go to games. he says it's what his son would have wanted. i still come to games in his honor, not bringing his son.
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his son and i went to oracle on the last game at oracle first game here, chase a preseason game. my and i got union says he's grateful for the warriors who have been supportive ever since that fateful their special to us. they really treat us well. new year's is hoping his dubs can keep it going on the court as well. but we have to wind when keep going and you know, i think we can do it. we have the squad. >> most wars fans are feeling the same way. i have faith. they can take it all the way. we'll have to see how they play versus the kean's. the wars play against the kings on tuesday in sacramento. this is a win or go home situation. it's sure to be a nail-biter fans will be able to attend here at home, but they can go to a watch party at thrive city. it opens at 5.30, tip off, set 7. i'm sara stinson reporting at chase center. back to you.
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>> we'll talk about our forecast now live. look outside here at the city of san francisco. some fluffy cat clouds are rolling in. kyle us here now with details on what we can expect the rest the day. yeah, there's the day's going to be a little clearer as the skies go as we head into the evening. you're taking a live look right now from the east bay. >> obviously, we started off a little chilly, but we're starting to warm up a bit. still a little below average, though you consider inland. we should be about 69 degrees. we're at 66 in santa rosa. 63 in livermore and 66 out of san jose. but just 58 here in san francisco. so it is tax day. i know we've got a little overshadows everything happening today, certainly. but we look at santa rosa as an example. you should top out at about 68 degrees today. so again, a little bit slightly below average as finish up those taxes and get them filed. but the skies will be clearing. as i mentioned as we get into tonight and what that means is that in the overnight hours we're not likely to see a whole lot of fog as we get into that early morning time frame. so tonight will be mostly clear skies, a little bit of light wind and just
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mild temperatures. as you can see, temperatures lowest. want to get on. there is about 44 tonight. so not bad as we take a live look outside here. you can see again, the blue skies out at the coast today. a warm-up is on the way. so after today, get ready, because we're looking at some upper 70's as we get into our inland spots on tuesday and then even potentially getting 70's low 80's for wednesday and thursday before things then kind of come right back down again. but it looks like a really nice weekend on tap back. talk a little bit more about that. sounds great. thank you so much. we've learned 2 people have died after being shot in napa on saturday. that's according to the napa police department. officers arrived at that scene and located 2 victims with at least one gunshot wound. >> one of the victim died at the scene. the second died at the hospital. neighbors say the victims were teenage girls. >> that they're from the area from and their lives were cut short. >> neighbors also tells us
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that this does not happen in this type of neighborhood. it's generally a safe place. so far no arrests have been made. police say more information about the shooting will be released soon. in a historic moment, former president donald trump went on trial in new york today. he's facing charges related to alleged hush money payments made ahead of the 2016 election. washington, d.c. correspondent hannah brandt has the latest on this groundbreaking trial. >> donald trump is the first former president to stand trial in a criminal case. and this is the first of his 4 criminal indictments to go to trial inside a manhattan courtroom. former president donald trump glared at the camera as the trial against him >> the case centers on accusations that the former president illegally falsified business records. prosecutors say he was trying to cover up hush money payments to adult
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film actress stormy daniels. case on monday. the case kicked off of jury selection. the court is expected to spend days working to pick 12 jurors and 6 alternates from a group of 500 people. probably the hardest part of the lawyers is weeding out, you know, who's going to be most type of juror new york trial attorney arthur aidala says trump's notoriety makes them to challenge. everyone probably going to come in here with some preconceived notions. the former president is required to be in court 4 days a week for the trial. which complicates his schedule as he campaigns for nobody's seen anything like >> the trial is expected to last anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks in washington. i'm hannah brandt. >> coming up here, we'll tell you about caltrans and the new project that has to improve roads in yosemite. also
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feeling a bit stressed about taxes. today is tax day. we have some details and how to cope. and we'll see how the city of san jose is getting ready to celebrate cinco de ready to celebrate cinco de mayo. hi. i use febreze fade defy plug.
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and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪
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salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. couple of weeks away. the holiday brings massive crowds out in san jose. >> the last year san jose police are criticized for how they patrolled the event's kron four's. jack molmud spoke to people in the low riding community about what steps they and police are taking this year.
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>> eddie lewis with the united low-rider council. san jose was born and raised and what he calls east side way growing up in the side that fall, you >> we didn't have a brand new cars like other parts of san jose. so so he and his friends did what they could showed off what they so we wanted to show off what we can do besides, you you know, pick in the fields and stuff like that. he says he planned to celebrate his culture last year. cinco de mayo celebration in san jose. but being the wife went out for about 5 minutes and i saw that and we just took off and i want to part of it. what he saw was a huge police presence. in fact, officers arrested more than 100 people shut down multiple highway off-ramps. >> a public outcry followed calling sjpd is response discriminatory. lewis says it reminds him of low ratings past where this kind of activity with get you in trouble. san jose and cruising for nearly 4 decades making it legal just 2 years ago. >> so they stereotype if standing had a car,
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>> you a criminal. lewis says have the low reading council have been working with san jose police for months at this time. san jose police named to the roads plans to close down and warned of potential traffic divers. it's something lewis says is a good move for transparency. yeah, i feel at ease. we asked san jose police for an interview today, but they were not available. >> so the goal is now after all these community meetings between the low rider community and san jose police around 300 of these low riders will be successfully cruising down the street of san jose on cinco de mayo. and the plus is that the low rider community is working to build san jose police their very own reading car. in san jose. jackie moment kron 4 news. >> this week marks 118 years since the 19 0, 6, earthquake and fire that devastated san francisco as they do every year. city officials will honor that day with a wreath laying ceremony and a moment
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of silence followed by sirens from a fire truck. that ceremony is going to be happening on thursday. 118 years later. all right, a live look here. sweet. see what's happening with traffic along walnut creek traffic. this today was quite difficult with the protests that are blocking 8.80, and also the golden gate bridge. we're still waiting to hear from the chp for those who are with us trying to get that information as we wait. also chat with pilots been rather busy day and have other senators. well, not whether >> you know, i mean, i was thinking about that. it's it's a good thing. we didn't have weather to contend with today. frankly, you can see is pretty quiet across the country right now. having said that, you see the setup or you've got some cool air and some warm air when you have that, you start to get that potential for severe thunderstorms in this 2 air masses come together as we get tomorrow, some of this cooler air start pushing across. we'll see exactly that for about chicago, right on down through arkansas that we could have a slight chance of tornadoes. so something to keep an eye on. meanwhile, back in california, pretty mild day out there today. pretty nice temperatures. you can see a couple spots getting
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a little warm but for the most part we're kind of at or slightly below average. so right now about 66 in san jose, 64 in dublin. 58 downtown san francisco as we head up to the north bay about 64 in sonoma. 66 in santa rosa. so again, inland should be about 69 degrees this time of year. so we are running a little bit cool. having said that, we are seeing those temperatures kind of give way to some blue skies here, which is quite nice. the clouds decrease as we get into the overnight as well. warming up this week. so after today, we're going to have warming trend and then it looks like the weekend is looking good. so let's take a look at that really big picture, kind of zoomed out here over the next 7 days to kind of show you that we've got a few clouds here and there that moved through. but i'm taking you to friday and you can see that we're have some high pressure that's going to block any kind of rain from getting to us is going to send it over the top of us. so we stay dry and temperatures warm up. so let's talk about that. warm up are going to take conquered as an example here today, looking about 68 degrees 70's tomorrow. and you can see 80
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degrees likely by the time we get to wednesday, thursday. close to that to now by friday. we'll start to pull it back. but still, that's above average. as i mentioned, you know, high inland this time of year. 69, 70 degrees is about where we should be. we're going see that. and even though will start to pull back as we head towards the weekend. that's still really nice weekend with above average temperatures, 70's and what looks to be a good dose of sunshine. the federal government has approved california's request for a major disaster declaration following february's destructive storms. president biden granted this request. >> for 9 california counties including monterey and santa cruz. at least 11 people died as a result of those storms which caused widespread flooding. power outages and damage to critical infrastructure. the president's declaration gives individuals and businesses impacted by the storms access to programs and federal financial assistance that covers property repairs, legal services and counseling.
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caltrans says it's set to start a roadway safety improvement project along highway one 20 near yosemite officials say that this is coming after a major rock slide closed a section of that roadway in february. the project will take place east of groveland construction is slated to begin today with one-way traffic from sweet water camp ground to sawmill mountain road. drivers can expect 10 to 15 minute delays in that area. the project is expected to be done the summer. and you have a chance to hit some of the best trails in the country for free this month during national park week which kicks off on saturday to celebrate entry fees will be waived that all 429 sites within the national park system, including all 9 of california's national parks. that happens from april. 20th through the 28th. and if today's tax deadline, has you feeling a little bit stressed you're not alone. now, a financial therapist breaks down what to expect and how to cope. in general. it's
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normal for people to feel stressed out about money. but when it comes to tax season, all of those feelings get a little bit heightened. what i'm hearing a lot as a financial therapist is feeling behind and feeling overwhelmed in feeling stressed. >> so my go-to advice is to start really small. first, a little bit of spring cleaning so that you can mentally prepare for tax filing. >> the financial therapist also suggest planning a small celebration after filing is complete. a new financial education survey found 85% of american teens want to learn more about personal finance literacy, but their schools either have little or financial courses with some parents were elected to teach their kids at home financial issues. the teens found the most complicated included retirement taxes. saving money, avoiding debt and stocks and bombs. the report also found teens who are currently enrolled in personal
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finance classes say that that curriculum is helpful. >> officially underway now in san francisco. the event highlights 7 licensed lounges and stores over the next 7 days. >> kron 4 to get a chance to speak with the creator of weed week. >> i suppose it that people instantly certainly every time, know, is one of the only places in the world that my the entertainment >> mayor london breed does expect the weeklong event to bring in a big economic boost to the city. we do have a full list of all the read week events on our website. kron 4 dot up next, wnba draft is tonight. and we know that caitlin clark will most likely be the number one overall pick. but when will stanford's
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cameron brink be taken where the cardinal superstar could end up? that's after the end up? that's after the break.
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paula's choice. known for its iconic 2% bha liquid exfoliant, has done it again. introducing new mandelic and lactic acid exfoliant. it's helped turned my skin from this to this, and my skin feels so much smoother. my skin looks and feels so soft. 100% saw smoother, softer, brighter skin. for all skin types & tones— from the trusted experts in skincare ingredients. available at and sephora. definitely check out this exfoliant. it has completely transformed my skin.
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almost 19 million people watched the ncaa women's basketball championship. the excitement over women's basketball is far from over. today is the wnba draft in the women's professional league is hoping. >> to capitalize on this surge in popularity. in fact, the very first time ever this year, the college women got more viewers than the men. so the draft is going to include some big names this year, including iowa's caitlin clark and clark is all but certain to be the number one pick.
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she's likely going to head over to the indiana fever because the fever had one of the lowest home attendance records last year. they have the first pick. they average just 4,000 fans per game. but hope is here is that kurt clarke can change that and turns things around the projected number 2 pick is stanford's very own cameron brink. that draft is set to start at 4.30 today. and of course, we'll let you know where the stars and up nakea once again facing some blowback over redesigned uniforms. this time after unveiling its new outfits for team usa ahead of the olympics in paris. some athletes speaking out on social media saying that the women's uniforms are too high cut at the bikini line and they risk exposing more than intended. a former olympian lauren flashman posted quote, if the south it was truly beneficial to physical performance than men would wear it. in response, nike says it worked directly with athletes
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throughout every stage of the design process and that the 2 out that shown or just 2 of several options that athletes can choose from. the oakland zoo continues to share their efforts to keep their animals comfy and cozy with some new videos that have been shared on social media. this time we have a playful tiger and vocal near kept that are going viral. so we'll take a look at them now. this playful tiger name lola, news yourself by tossing around knowing at a beanbag. the zoo posted this video with the caption who lola versus the being back according to the oakland zoo. low arrived in 2022. after being rescued from and abandoned roadside zoo in oklahoma. all right. don't go anywhere. we have a lot of news that covering here on kron 4 today, including that major breaking news that happened on our roadways. a protest several freeways to a standstill. today. the demonstrators making it difficult from people trying travel on the golden gate bridge. also 80 and the east
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bay. we are waiting to hear from the chp as soon as that starts, we'll bring it to you. >> as soon as kron, 4 news at returns. i'm justine waldman. i'll see you right after this i'll see you right after this break. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. ♪you're the one that i want!♪ nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease and more... all in one delicious, monthly soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection.
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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> thank you for joining us here on kron for news at 3. i'm justine waldman. the big story we've been watching all day today are the protests that were held across the bay area just wrecking havoc on freeways and bridges today. we'll start oakland as these pro-palestinian protesters


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