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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  April 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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this is home. at 11.
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>> now at 11 police fired pepper at a group of about 50 pro-palestinian protesters who are rallying in front of the tesla factory in fremont. good evening. thanks for joining us tonight on kron. 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus and i'm noelle bellow. when freemont police responded, things turn confrontational with protesters ripping down again and then officers firing pepper into the crowd. kron four's jack moment. was there. >> and those pepper bullets not only hit the protesters, but they also a journalist as well, including us here kron 4 news, not before that confrontation with police officers. the protest was relatively peaceful and what demonstrators call a nationwide economic god. it's
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the chants heard around the bay area monday. protesters looking to make a statement blocking traffic. >> and some of the region's biggest names will not be complicit in genocide. and we not allow economy to proceed like normal. khalil gibran organizer for the protest says they want to target tesla as the benefits from u.s. tax dollars which also go to fund the country's allies like israel. >> even if no one in charge here is the message. jim braude says they are but we will come out in the numbers to make sure that we are her. what matters to them is their capitalism one of the pressing people here in the states and globally. the protest started at the warm springs bart station in fremont at this protesters who didn't give us their name. >> says they were prepared to be there all evening. >> but quickly, the group took to their cars, arrived at the entrance of the tesla factory. employees tried to block off the crowd with fences, but the increasing number of protesters took it down. they marched all the way to the main entrance of tesla's factory where they met with
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police. it was peaceful at first, but fired at protesters and some the more we protest, the more we show up we're going to get. and i just hope that people are ready to come together and stand up the protests died down after that. but for people like that, they're corey, who is palestinian american and it's been affecting us our whole my whole life. he says he's standing up for his family who lives in the war zone. are you worried for >> absolutely. yeah. sometimes they don't respond because they're just like i said. >> they're tired of responding everybody, but it scares you because you don't know if something happened to them or they're just like tired responded, you know, now these are the pepper that fremont police used against protesters. and of course, ended up hitting journalist as well. are you watching at home these the definitely not feel good. now we reached out to from a police to find out how many people were arrested from today's protest as well as tesla for comment. but we did not hear back reporting in fremont jacmel kron 4 news.
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>> now earlier today, one of the protest shut down the golden gate bridge for hours. take a look at this video around 08:00am. pro-palestinian protesters blocked the southbound lanes heading into san francisco. those protesters chained themselves together and put pipes over those chains and the chp shutdown northbound lane so they could get to the demonstrators and access the area. >> and for about 4 hours, traffic was shut down in both directions. it reopened a little after noon time. the chp arrested. 26 protesters with a variety of charges, including false imprisonment for not allowing people to move freely. the golden gate bridge is the only roadway disrupted earlier in the morning around 06:00am northbound 8.80, was shut down according to chp 7 protesters. they're chained themselves to 6. >> concrete filled. 55 gallon drums weighing 280 pounds each
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and blocking those northbound lanes of 8 ab chp arrested those 7 people that are around 8 o'clock this morning. the chp says. >> about 300 protesters blocked southbound 8.80, traffic there was blocked for several hours until chp officers in riot gear back the crowd off the freeway. 5 more people were arrested and that issue overall traffic along 8.80, was disrupted for some 5 hours today. and those protests today come 5 months after protesters took over the bay bridge. you had 78 out of 80 people charged making a deal with prosecutors to do 5 hours of community service and pay more than $4,000 in restitution to avoid criminal charges. so now the question remains, what will happen to the dozens of people who were arrested for today's demonstrations? kron 4 sarah stinson has spoke with a legal expert to find out. she joins us live in studio. >> with more on that, sarah. >> 38 protesters got arrested
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today. chp says there are working with district attorneys in 2 counties to file a variety of charges against those arrested. many will have to fight misdemeanors and citations in court, but some could even be charged with a felony. i spoke with a former prosecutor who says these charges make it seem like chp really wants to crack down on protests like these. >> i implore people, please protest. we're here to protect your rights to protest, but you cannot block roadways. you cannot keep emergency personnel, whether it's ambulance or law enforcement, fire department from getting out to assist other people. >> stern words from california highway patrol after arresting 38 protesters monday. they were among hundreds of people who disrupted traffic for hours at 3 different locations in the bay area. all calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. 26 people got arrested after blocking all lanes on the golden gate bridge. 7 people got arrested on i-80 in oakland after a group locked
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their arms 280 pound concrete barrels in the middle of traffic lanes. and at the 7th street exit of i-80, 8000's of protesters walked onto the freeway. 5 people got arrested there. thp says the protesters now face a slew of charges. the most serious being conspiracy to commit a crime and false imprisonment, which surprise legal expert stephen clark. >> the chp is obviously taking this very seriously with these arrests suggesting conspiracy that could elevate these charges to a felony. the protesters on the golden gate bridge will be prosecuted by the san francisco district attorney and the protesters in the east bay will be prosecuted by the alameda county district attorney. >> clark says it might be hard to prove the false imprisonment charges. certainly you can argua that the protesters by shutting down access on the bridge you are presenting those drivers.
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at the same time, the drivers could have got out of their car and left. so i don't know that that. >> it's false imprisonment charge would hold up in trial. >> clark says as a former prosecutor, this will be overall a challenge in court when the defense argues for first amendment rights. i think it will be a difficult call for the da just how to handle these cases. >> because this is a very progressive community. we do respect the right free speech. but at the same time, we don't want to see public safety jeopardized. >> i reached out to the district attorneys in alameda county and san francisco. it's too soon to say what charges they will pursue. clark believes they'll look to see if any of the protesters arrested today were involvud in the protests that shut down the bay bridge 5 months ago during the apec conference, he says that could enhance these charges. i'm sara stinson reporting the studio. back to you. >> sarah, thank you. stick with kron. 4, of course, on air and online for continuing coverage. you can download the
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free kron 4 app to get push alerts sent directly to your mobile device. when news breaks a very handy tool for days like today, >> yeah. love it. especially with stuff like this is we take a live look at the golden gate bridge which is. gotten even more atttntion than but things are back to normal on it, which is good for people trying to get across and the weather all day, especially as you got into the you know, later morning and afternoon hours has just been nice and sunny. absolutely beautiful, lawrence. yeah, big change in the weather pattern now is side high pressure going to take over and some nice warm temperatures making return after very cold weekend. and those showers. so think we're turning things in the right direction. now, as high pressure builds in, that ridge will bring with it. lots of sunshine in the bay area. maybe couple patches of fog toward the golden gate bridge. >> overnight tonight into early tomorrow morning. but then long gone and clearing out your skies, bring lots of sunshine once again. stepping out the door to school in
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spots, especially in half moon bay. right now. 46 degrees. 49 in redwood city is 56 in san jose right now. 51 and clear in napa got a little bit of a northerly component to the wind tonight. you can see wind is from the northern california all the way towards southern california point conception. and that's going to keep us mostly cloud-free, especially inland. we may see just a couple of patches of fog form right along the immediate coast of the sea breeze there. but otherwise, i think we're looking good as we set sail toward tomorrow and what looks like some warmer weather ahead. in fact, the whole pattern begin to shift now, as he usually does at this time of year, high pressure building in the jet stream moving north, taking the storm tracked well to the north of the bay area. and that's where we want to be. as we're going to clear out your skies, bring a lots of sunshine and some warmer weather by tomorrow afternoon. just a couple of patches of fog along the coastline of these temperatures. yeah, you know, moved up in the low 70's today. i think maybe mid to upper 70's by tomorrow afternoon, other than just a couple of patches of fog along the coastline tomorrow morning. i think we're looking at just a few high clouds moving in across the skies in
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the afternoon. but should be a beautiful day. enjoy that sunshine about mid to upper 70's in san jose. 73 in oakland and 64 degrees. mix of fog and son in san francisco. >> thank you, lawrence. one person is injured after their car was hit by a caltrain this evening near san martine station. firefighters say that car was on the tracks around 6.30, this evening as a southbound train was approaching. there are about 25 passengers on board when it crashed into the car. no one on board. the train was hurt. happening tomorrow. convicted killer scott peterson is set to be back in a redwood city courtroom. this will be the first of 3 hearings in an effort to get his conviction overturned. peterson was convicted in 2004 of the murder of his wife, laci and their unborn child. peterson has maintained his innocence. he is serving life in prison earlier this year. the los angeles innocence project which takes on cases that it believes led to wrongful convictions, took on
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peterson's case lawyers there asking a judge to approve new dna testing. and for that evidence to be reexamined. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters in the race for congressional district. 16 is being recounted. that started today. this is congresswoman shoes old seat. sam liccardo came in first and left to right joe, some idiot and evan low tied for second as they both got 16 and a half percent of the vote. it could take up to 5 days to complete the recount. >> the effort to recall alameda's district attorney pamela price is moving forward. the alameda county registrar of voters has confirmed there are enough valid signatures to trigger a recall election. the group behind the effort safe says recalling price would bring positive changes to alameda county. the next step is for the petition to be examined by alameda county board of supervisors. they're set to meet next on april 30 s.
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>> mayor london breed is in china this week trying to strengthen economic ties and drum up business. today she met with representatives of an airline's about adding direct flights to san francisco. she said in 2023 visitors from china spent more than 630 million dollars in san francisco. mayor breed says boosting tourism lifts the entire economy creates jobs and supports local businesses. >> still to come on kron, news at 11 more sideshows in the east bay. how law enforcement is cracking down. plus, the latest on the fatal crash last month on 5.80. >> what they're being charged with.
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>> 2 men have been charged after another man was killed while they were reportedly trying to get away from police. the contra costa county, da's office says patrick sheckells from oakland faces 6 felony charges including murder. they also charged andrea albert ii of stockton with burglary, the da's office says last month the 2 men broke into in el serino, tobacco store and stole products when el serino police officers arrived a say they chased the suspect who eventually got on the 5.80, near the bay bridge toll plaza. but moments later, the truck police say shekels was driving, crashed into 2 other vehicles. leigh winner was driving one of those vehicles and he died at the scene. >> cracking down on illegal sideshows. oakland police saying they issued 52 citations towed 21 cars and made 3 arrests this weekend.
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videos showing the chaos and oakland several sideshows took over city streets. video showing cars doing donuts at intersections and fireworks being shot into the air. as you can see here, at least 2 cars were set on fire. oakland police say the sideshows broke out at several different locations across the city. police officers blocked the road near one of them where a car forced its way >> line of police cruisers. >> a distressed bride to be meeting the public's help in redwood city, a porch pirate took off with her wedding dress. take a close look at the man you see here in the video. redwood city police say he stole packages which included a $2000 wedding dress from that front porch there. police say the theft happened last thursday night just before 8.30, on adams street near madison avenue. it's half a mile from downtown redwood city. if you recognize this
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man here in the video, you're asked to contact police. >> our weather time here as we get a live look out there that bay bridge toll plaza on this monday night. >> it busy on the bay bridge still warrants. yeah. as want, our people are coming and going. maybe they were staying away early on today. but yeah, things are going well. now the weather cooperating well, too, as we're going to see high pressure really kind of take over for the foreseeable future, at least in that 6 to 10 days. but there's always a possibility could bring a little rain back in the forecast, but not just yet. let's enjoy that beautiful weather we've got coming our way outside tonight. little cool in spots. some 40's and 50's out there right now. temperatures today. yeah. they warmed up a little bit compared to the weekend. much top down the 50's in some part of the bay area over the weekend. today we step back a bit 70 degrees in santa rosa. 69 in concord, 67 degrees in livermore. 69 in san jose to little bit below the average in oakland and san francisco in the 60's. but i think we'll
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see much warmer weather on the way. high pressure building in overhead that is going to make for some warm temperatures by tomorrow afternoon, especially away from the coastline and that dry weather pattern setting up for the week ahead. in fact, warming up through the middle of week when we may see some temperatures sneak in the low 80's, the warmest spots inland. still seeing a little bit of a northerly component, a win right now. so that's going to keep too fog from forming overnight tonight. just a couple patches, stuff as we head toward tomorrow morning, least along the coastline. otherwise, i think we've got some great weather ahead as high pressure going to take over that storm system that brought that cold weather will now bring in some wintry weather in the parts salt lake city. also the well, the denver area to they're seeing some heavy snow in colorado rockies. some places almost 18 inches of snow overnight tonight and tomorrow. but for us, we've got that nice change setting itself up. pretty typical this time of year. high pressure builds in. that's in the jet stream. well to the north. that means all the storms follow that track north of the bay area, much north of much of us all the
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way up into canada. so just some passing clouds for us. by the afternoon tomorrow, a lot of sunshine coming our way and some dry weather numbers breaking down like this plan on 60's in the san francisco along the coastline will be a little bit cool. get inside the bay. we're warming up in a hurry. numbers ticking up in the 70's. very nice in the south bay by tomorrow afternoon. well into the 70's east bay. looking good, too. you get the idea. nice numbers outside and that's going to get warmer next couple days. warming up in the 80's. that cool down slightly on thursday. staying nice and staying dry into the weekend. i am making friends with these kind of forecast like this about time that i know a lot these your friend's name at safeway, dave. dave, i haven't seen day, but when i do, i bet she's all smiles next you know, that's can patch thanks, linda. >> portion of cocaine road between castro valley and san ramon is closed through august for roadwork. the road is scheduled to be closed every day between 8 in the morning and 05:00pm for or some reconstruction and replacement
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of 3 cross covert. its drivers are asked to avoid the area during these hours and take 5.80, or 6 ad instead. >> and new at 11, 2 dogs reunited after one was trapped in a well for 6 hours. meet she was covered cuts from trying to get free from that. well, she was rescued, though, to the other dog wellington. never leaving her side. a security guard saw the dogs and was able to call oakland animal services for help. they were able to rescue america and the dogs were reunited. they are safe and sound tonight. >> well, that's good. coming up, reunited these 2 teams, warriors kings battle in the playoffs last year doing it again this year. the only difference this time around. really playing one game. winner moves on. the
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> the dubs were back in the lab today prepping for their play-in game against the sacramento kings on tuesday, the plan has been around for 3 years now, but it's still a weird concept at the nba level to me, at least the warriors are playing in a win or go home scenario almost like it's mta ncaa tournament. they definitely didn't want to be in this situation, but now they have to embrace it. good thing for them. is their parade playing pretty good basketball right now. meanwhile, the kings are playing all that. well. they have been dealing with injuries, but steph knows it does not matter. dubs. we'll
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have to be locked in if they want their season to continue. >> it's weird because we haven't played a long we had a lot of matches earlier in the year. you know, another without moliga her. so they have some other guys that have been a part of their rotation. we have some guys that like jason. bp guys. they really weren't taishan. last time we played them. so there's some unknowns on both sides. but unknown is the core guys who were in that series last year to play each other 4 times a year that we know each other pretty well. coaches that know each other well, so as a little another dynamic to it, they should be competition tomorrow. >> with the second pick in the 2024 wnba draft. los angeles sparks select. >> cameron brink. >> break is now a pro. this
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afternoon. the los angeles sparks per second overall and the wnba draft brink left stamford as one of the most decorated players and that programs, storied history. yeah. while cam was overcome with emotion, become be more excited for what's in store in the next chapter of her career. she also shot it out for a pick. >> this is this is a nerve wracking environment, but it we work so hard for this. and i just have to shout out on girls and so proud of all of us. what a great job we've done. >> associated all that the lead just very thankful because seasons hard. but i'm just so looking forward to new challenges and ready to get to work. >> the first time facing his former giants miami taking on the marlins. jackie robinson day. i didn't get jackie actions that dropped today. docked right guy in morning sold out in about an to offer jung hoon, d. hit scores.
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scores on that one. got a tied game very next batter runners at the corners. 21 were flores singles. it. inches center take the lead scores. the one this guy comes in is usually a great sign for the giants camillo the ball, the machine fall in love with it. truck catch up to that guy win it. 43 over again. 2 of the series is tomorrow. but how about a's? 2, 3, series in a row play hosting the cardinals about feel that i a 6 cards of a run. one offer wilson contreras effect ground that we're fair down the 3rd base cars had their lead to 2 on the rbi double california. only real bright spot of the day's for oakland. 3 ruiz. he was down to triple-a and nobody knew why last week come back. first game goes yard. pretty good cards. they get
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the window 3, 2, 1, game. 2 is tomorrow. buick by sicker. yeah. usually your phone and i
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: let the storm began.


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