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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  April 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6.
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>> today we are here asking for what's right is for the board of supervisors to give us a special election in the next couple of months and not have us wait until november. >> now at 6 leaders behind the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price have the signatures to push it through. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. the group showed up at the board of supervisors meeting today with those signatures in hand verified by the alameda county registrar of voters and the leaders of coalition. save alameda for everyone are safe. >> garnered more than enough signatures needed for a special election to recall da price. yesterday, the registrar of voters validated nearly 75,000 signatures out of the more than 123,000 signatures originally submitted. a safe says that it's a coalition of concerned resident business owners, victims and victims, families that have come together in the
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face of rising crime and a quote, failure by the da to hold perpetrators accountable, end of quote. well, now that group has the signatures and it's up to the board to set a date. while opponents fda they're excited. the registrar of voters has declared enough legal signatures were gathered to force a recall. a recall election may actually never even happen. yeah, that's because prices attorney says that the recall was illegal kron four's dan kerman live with us in the studio with details on that. dan. well, you know, in the last few hours, we can tell you that we have heard from the attorney for pamela price. >> and they have indicated to us that the rules were not followed by alameda county and as a result, the recall is illegal and should not go forward. on monday. the alameda county registrar of voters announced the campaign to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price had gathered 74,757 valid signatures. about 1500 more
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than needed, meaning a recall election would move forward. but now that may not happen. we believe that the recall is the waggle. >> jim sutton is the attorney for the pamela price campaign. he says the recall was illegal because the county did not follow the law as stated in the county's charter. >> the charter says it clears clear can be. that the registrar pass to verify the signatures within 10 days and that the board of supervisors has to give the registrar money to hire the staff to complete the verification within 10 days. they they didn't complete the verification for about 5 or 6 weeks. well beyond the deadline. so therefore, the recall cannot move forward. second of all, the county charter also says very clearly that the only people that can gather signatures on the recall petition, our residents of the county and for good reason you don't want out of county special interests overturning a legitimate county election yet we know
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that that dozens are not more of the people circulating. petition were not county residents. the registrar of voters is expected to certify the vote at the board of supervisors meeting april 30th. >> it's at that time. the board can also set p date for the recall election itself. district attorney plans to before that time asked the board of supervisors to not schedule because it's illegal. if the board moves forward anyway, it's likely district attorney pamela price will sue the county. it's a writ of mandate against the county. >> asking the court to tell the county, but it cannot move forward with election because it violates county charter. >> now, the last few hours we reached out to the county counsel's office for comment. we have not heard back from them. all right, dan, thank you for that. in the last few hours, san francisco district attorney. >> brooke jenkins revealed her office must release cease-fire protesters. those were the
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people who blocked the golden gate bridge yesterday. this after the chp originally announced a long list of offenses against the 26 protesters. >> who were arrested? our kron four's theresa stasi was on the story for us and joins us now in the studio with more of icky and can false imprisonment, unlawful assembly, conspiracy to commit a crime. >> the chp arrested. 26 protesters on these offenses monday, however, now san francisco district attorney break brooke jenkins saying that the protesters will the allowed out of jail because they don't have enough evidence to go forward. this is what it looked like on monday at the golden gate bridge. hundreds taking over the span. cars forced to stop in their tracks. >> drivers unable to get around the chaos. the pro-palestinian protesters took over the bridge around 08:00am at the height of the morning commute. they used pipes, chains and locks to make their removal difficult for law enforcement personnel
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responding to the scene. the northbound and southbound lanes shut down for nearly 4 hours now. san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins says that the law is clear they must charge all 26 people with clear evidence which they don't have yet. >> the district attorney's office, what is required to to file charges within 48 hours of their arrest. unfortunately, due to the timing of their arrest yesterday that charging decision has to be made by 04:00pm today. at this time we anticipate having to send the case back to the chp for continued investigation. some of the evidence da jenkins says that they need includes video of arrested. protesters caught in the act. >> breaking the law asking the public to also help in this case. this is an active and open investigation. anyone who was falsely imprisoned on the golden gate bridge on april
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15th 2024 is urged to contact the california highway patrol and provide them with a statement detailing what happened to you. >> and with contact information so that you can be reached as a victim. you may be entitled to restitution and have other victims rights guaranteed under marsy's lastly, da jenkins says it is important to add that this is not. >> about the first amendment. i understand that people are passionate about issues that are going on in the world right now. and they need a venue in a vehicle for that expression. >> but they have to do. they have to express their views in a way that is safe to the public. we're not going to allow people to endanger other members of the community and of our society in order to express those views. >> you may recall 5 months ago, 78 out of the 80 charged in the bay bridge protest made a deal approved by the sentencing judge. they are going to be serving 5 hours of community service and $4,000 in restitution to avoid criminal charges. now, da
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jenkins says that if any of those protesters we're involved in yesterday's protests, they can go after them again. the king can. alright theresa, thank you. in the south bay cease-fire, protesters were outside google's headquarters in sunnyvale today. >> demonstrators not only targeted the offices here in the bay area, but also in new york and seattle. protesters say they want google to stop doing business with israel, which they accuse of genocide in gaza. the group wants google to end its contract with the israeli government. now to our 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look outside at the golden gate bridge. you know, i noticed grant called very san diego, like weather so, yeah, what are san diego like weather is today, but it does feel. >> like the same every day. that's why can never be a weather guy in san diego right? it's going to be 77, a beautiful outside. but yeah, we're going to see some nice weather kind of settling in here for least the next couple
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days. in fact, maybe even a little bit warmer as high pressure takes over around the bay area out there right now. few high clouds up above and couple patches of fog begin rolling toward the coastline. we're going to see more of that as we head through the night tonight and early tomorrow morning, too. but overall, yeah, what a nice afternoon and evening it is. it is 75 degrees right now in concord. 73 in live. more beautiful there. 70 in santa rosa. very nice. 74 degrees in san jose. little cooler, but pleasant into oakland at 66. the breeze blowing in san francisco. still 65 degrees. but boy, what a nice day we've had. and it looks like we're going to put together least a couple of more before things begin to change a little bit toward the weekend. high clouds strolling all above. but other than that, really not a bad day. you had a lot of sunshine in between. i think we'll see something similar for tomorrow. going to see some more of those high clouds moving up above a really that's just some really high cloud level. just that patchy fog along the coastline. so we're left with some nice weather. i think that's not a bad place to be. if you're stepping outside this evening should be some
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comfortable conditions around the bay area. mostly clear to begin with just some high clouds up above. and then we may begin to see some patchy fog creeping along the coastline as we head toward 9 o'clock or so. but overall, here's the best news of all, high-pressure holding on and that ridge. well, it is going to strengthen a little bit for tomorrow, maybe a little more northerly wind that will bring with it. some warmer temperatures, the bay area. so tomorrow afternoon, some parts of bay area sneak in the low 80's, sunny and bright. nice weather around the bay area. >> all right, lawrence, 12, some fans who didn't get the chance to travel to sacramento are supporting the warriors from thrive city. a chase. good place to do that. that's where we find kron. 4 sports reporter erin wilson standing out in a sunshine for a change yes, big bank. and now, you know, i'm on and making you hit the nail right on the head. when you because right now the bay area and they shown of late fashionably
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late, i would like to say that thrive city of the ways that you can get a look at how many fans are actually here right you've got some congregating here in the middle of right city as they watch is the la, you know, lakers and the pelicans take on each other. now, obviously the warriors will be up against whoever loses this game. right now. it looks as if that will be the pelicans, which in my opinion, is the best case scenario. however, let's talk about diversity because obviously it's still early. we're about 45 minutes out from game time. 7 o'clock to 7 o'clock gym in sacramento. and of course, sacramento, i'm sure they will have golden one center shaking from top to bottom with the way that they cheer on the sacramento kings. same with the warriors fans. they're piling in slowly but surely here it thrive city as they get ready for a do or die game with the golden state warriors actually talked to some of the fans a little bit ago. take a listen to what they had to say. love you, larry, of questions various questions about today's game. who would win and how could they win? who are they need a big game
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at up. take a listen to what >> we've got it. we've got to get the you know, feel like a lot of the time for the warriors man. we've been, you know, taken for granted when they always are winning. now we're in the door i were not used to, you know, we're not in this situation, too much of button put those we've got to win and also my first time study game. so sighting. we've got to take it all the way make not they were going to win around 10, 50 points. subway will be close about will extend that lead towards and >> make sure it's nice and comfortable. why. >> nice and comfortable. that's what we're all hoping to be by the end of this one today here at thrive city for the watch party. now in order to make the fans comfortable as they wait, you have things like being able to shoot. like i just a small crowd right now, but i'm sure they're going to beat that appear so close to cause of the game time. but you get some games. and but here you get a bar
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over here, as you can see, a blow to be able to that the dj. he hasn't even started playing music get. so the party has yet to start here. don't worry. i would imagine it drives. it will be the right. it's time to because i'm sure that the fans will get here since we've been here. we've been since about i-15 ish and we've seen kind of trickle in. but i around where is nation? and they say, well, maybe they're getting off work getting over the bridge, either one they need to get here. get here. so but right now we're looking a nice crowd here tonight outside of city waiting to see what the golden state warriors will do do or die game. we need a big game at a step. jonathan wiggins and klay thompson. of course it the characters come into play their roles and malik monk is out. hurdle is out. so those are all great point that will bode well in favor of the warriors tonight to get this win, to continue their see that as they push for their playoff position. but for now, back to you guys in studio. mayor wilson drive.
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>> we check in with you later. thank you, aaron. coming up, san francisco department fire department and some dogs gives us to give us an inside look at how they would respond if the city were to experience another big earthquake. plus convicted killer scott peterson back in court today for one of several hearings and a dublin women's prison facility at the center of several scandals set to shut down. why some argue it's the down. why some argue it's the wrong move. norman, bad news...
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i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? they arrested 3 people in connection to a double homicide that happened saturday night. >> the victims, 2 teenage
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girls, 17 19 years old kron four's rob nesbitt. >> was in napa today getting reaction from the community. it says the seldom happens in their town. it took the napa police department just 2 da s to make their first arrest after 2 teen girls were shot and killed along the napa river saturday night. a memorial of flowers, candles and pictures has grown along the 400 block of riverside drive in napa. >> where police say a 17 year-old girl in 19 year-old woman were shot and killed saturday just after 08:00pm. >> are so when you have on the boy to came to pay their respects tuesday because it is sad and they little girls should not. this should not happen to them on monday that the police arrested. 22 year-old john nicholson, junior of allay. >> and charged him with 2 counts of murder by early tuesday morning. 2 more arrests were made jessica within and judith, 8 off both of santa rosa have been charged with aiding a felony. the arrests and charges getting the attention of those visiting the growing memorial. i think it's pretty impressive that they were able to. >> you know, the shooter and then over in sonoma, you know,
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catch the 2 accomplices were with him. so hopefully just doesn't go on any further. >> police have not released the names of the victims, but their pictures hang along. riverside drive in napa where shootings like what happened saturday night are rare and where residents are questioning why if this is where live and eat and sleep, you should never be scared to come outside. the memorial is a testament to. >> how strong the community feels about this kind of thing doesn't belong here. napa police say all 3 suspects were charged and booked into the napa county jail. although arrests have been made. police are still looking for witnesses of the shooting to come forward with information reporting in napa, i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> police are looking for the suspect or suspects that they say robbed a mail carrier at gunpoint in union city. happened just before 2.30, saturday afternoon near granada. way off barcelona, way. officers say the mail carrier had minor injuries. police are offering up to $150,000 for information
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leading to the arrest and conviction of the gunman. convicted killer scott peterson in a redwood city courtroom today for a hearing. >> he made his appearance through video conferences. attorneys from the la innocence projects submitted more than 1500 pages of legal documents requesting evidence and information for his case. the innocence project is also looking to retest evidence found near the peterson home around the time of laci peterson's disappearance. >> say that those materials are tested for dna and laci peterson's dna on some of those materials. >> to would give rise for a good basis for a motion for a new tron. >> this was the first of 3 hearings that have been set as the peterson's new defense team tries to get him a new trial. the next hearings in this case are set for may 29th and july 15th, the pilots
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union at american airlines is warning of a surge in safety issues at the airline. the union says it includes fewer routine aircraft inspections. >> tools left an airplane wheel wells and collisions between planes being tugged are told at airports. a spokesperson says the union has raised their concerns with the airline. >> we're saying that the space between air in incident is narrowing its safe. but the things that we have, the person now, the process is the discipline to trap those errors and prevent this from happening are starting to run thin. american says it has an industry leading safety management system and that the airline is in regular contact with regulators. >> to improve its strong safety record. the faa would not comment on the union's allegations. meantime, federal officials say that they're reviewing how airlines protect personal information about
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their passengers and whether they're making money by sharing that information. >> the department of transportation says that its review will focus on the 10 biggest u.s. airlines and cover their collection handling and use of information about customers. >> all right. now to our 4 zone forecast with a live look outside. speaking up, airline business sfo looking pretty nice. and sunny. hey, lawrence, there's no point jumping on a plane and trying to go to a resort. big news. this is resort. nile, whether this is the place to be especially to the next couple days, we're going to see the peak of the warmth of the bay area come tomorrow and probably into thursday them in cool down a little bit for the weekend. >> but if you want to stick around, it's going to be a nice weekend as well outside right now and looking down from our mount tam cam. you can see a little hazy out over the bay right now. of course, this time of year, we started the stronger ridges of high pressure, little less mixing down the service and sometimes you can start to run some air quality issues. but that's not the case today. look at that. all the green around the bay area right now all the way around the bay extending all the way in the central valley
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to looking good air quality wise. and i think tomorrow again, you're looking at some great air quality. just a beautiful day to get out there and enjoy from the coast to the east bay, the south and the north bay air quality is looking good tomorrow, the sea breeze, the upper see a little bit of that today. and that will again pick up as we head through the evening tonight. and some of that will carry some patchy fog inside the bay overnight tonight early tomorrow morning. the couple mid to high level clouds up above. right now you can some those high clouds kind of drifting overhead right now that sea breezes kick back in. but really the overall trend is for some very nice weather here in the bay area, high pressure overhead. and so, yeah, other than some high clouds are looking at some patchy fog down below and some warmer temperatures around the bay area. tomorrow should be a beautiful afternoon with that being said, how about these numbers by tomorrow? maybe about 80 degrees in san jose with some warm sunshine there in a few high clouds. 74, very comfortable warm in oak about 66 degrees. little mixture of fog along the coastline in san francisco. you can see that out toward the sunset, but you get out toward the ballpark. of course, those temperatures pretty nice outside. so really
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some nice weather all around the next couple days. enjoy what we have. well, we appreciate that. i think we but this year, i mean, the kind last couple years been a little rough. yeah. all right. thanks, lauren >> coming up, why elon musk will soon be asking x users to pay to post. maybe you've
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noticed gas prices. there are now almost $0.10 higher than they were just last week. that's according to triple a. but the good news here is that gas prices are about one to $0.2 lower than they were
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yesterday. let's take a look from the north bay down to the peninsula. you're paying about 5. 75 75 for a gallon of regular in the east bay? a little relief for drivers. their gas is about 5.67. in alameda county and 5.62. in contra costa county and then in the south bay and solano county, the best bang for your buck is 5.61 per gallon of regular pg. and e meantime says the rate of scams are increasing at an alarming rate it also says that scammers are targeting small business owners during busy customer service hours pg e says common trends with scammers include asking for payment in unconventional ways like prepaid debit cards, gift cards are third-party mobile payment applications. they also threaten to disconnect power because of past due bills have payment is not made immediately and they ask for personal information. elon musk planning to charge new x users, a small fee to post on
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the social networking site. not clear how much the charge will be or when it will start. but must does say it's necessary to help combat the onslaught of a bots and spam account that they're trying to get rid of. he says new accounts will be able to post without paying a fee after 3 months. still ahead on kron for news 6, a bill that would have banned homeless encampments in areas near schools and transit stops. >> fails in the state senate will have reaction from lawmakers. plus, the recount continues in the race for congresswoman anna eshoo seat. we'll take a closer look at how those ballots are being counted. and governor newsom in the north bay today putting pen to paper on a partnership with norway
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>> our top story this half hour. the all federal correctional institute in dublin will shut down. >> this follows a years long abuse scandal at the prison. that includes the convictions and prison sentences for former warden and chaplain kron four's philippe djegal reports on what happens next. >> rampant abuse and poor living conditions have plagued federal correctional institution, dublin. now, just weeks after a u.s. district judge ordered the appointment and the special master to oversee the all-women prison in the east bay federal bureau of prisons. director cliff peters says the facility will be shuttered. this kind of a brat closure. >> feels like a total evasion of accountability to or by various incarcerated people. >> and at the candidates in a stem


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