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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  April 17, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> we have lots to start your day this morning with headlines including a former youth pastor in san jose was charged with crimes against children noon in the east bay. we've got alameda county district attorney, pamela price. she's speaking out now that the recall effort against her is moving forward. and we take a closer look at why no charges have been filed yet against those protesters. >> who shut down traffic with their demonstration on the golden gate bridge monday. good morning. i'm daria and i'm james. we'll get to those stories in a minute. but here a live look outside. we're going to start with a check of the weather and a beautiful look. is sure going to get warm out. hi, john. it is warmer than even yesterday was. so as you got outside yesterday may have broke a sweat. if you did some yard work today is going to one up that by just a couple of degrees. we're looking out there half moon bay, a spot that is going to be surprisingly warm itself, getting up to 70 right there in half moon bay, right by the ocean. sounds like a good day to head out that direction.
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elsewhere in the bay area, going to be just as nice, though, little fog out the delta. that's the only spot of a low visibility i'm seeing right now. elsewhere. it's a lot of sunshine and temperatures are on the rise. san jose and hayward at 62 degrees. fremont and dublin at 55 right now. petaluma among our cooler spots still sitting at 54 later today. it's a lot of 70's and even a few low 80's. i'll get to all that as we go, right. all right, john, thank you for that. well, as we get into the 9 o'clock hour, we're seeing a lot of improvement out there. look at the bay bridge. we're no longer seeing traffic building at the toll plaza. about 16 minutes for everybody heading into the city right now. mateo bridge around 20 woman down from see a lot of progress getting on and off of that bridge. 13 minutes for december fell bridge golden gate bridge around. 35 minutes. and those highways still covered in red nearly 50 minutes, resilience all the way down to 2.37. all regions. back to you. thanks. a lot let's get back to breaking news because we have an update on what happened with alaska
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airlines. yeah. last few hours told you moments ago that there was a complete ground stop for all alaska and horizon flights nationwide. >> because of a software glitch as they were trying to upgrade their system that measured the weight and distribution the weight on the aircraft. well, the faa has since canceled that ground stop. apparently they were able the airline was able to resolve the issue in one form or another to the satisfaction of a the faa. so that ground stop now has been lifted. all flights now resuming. yeah. they said alaska said that there could be some delays cause they had that and we understand just a small handful of flights might be a little delayed for alaska out of sfo. but >> no big worries for who has a good all right, 902, right now and no charges yet against the protesters. >> who shut down the golden gate bridge for hours on monday. know san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins says she needs more evidence in order to move forward with any of those cases. >> michael thomas, standing by the golden gate bridge to explain michael.
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>> hey, good morning, everyone. will this response from the san francisco da essentially to not press charges saying she needed more evidence missing that 48 hour deadline. some people shocked, especially because california highway patrol did make numerous arrests for numerous offenses of those protesters stopping the actual bay bridge traffic and causing commotion. take a look. this is what the scene looked like on monday morning at around 8.30, on the golden gate bridge. and again, this was stopping traffic on both sides. and these are all pro palestinian protesters that took over the bridge. in total, 26 protesters were arrested by chp for false imprisonment, unlawful assembly and conspiracy to commit a crime. protesters used pipes, chains and locks making things difficult for law enforcement to get them off the road. >> and get traffic moving out. despite the havoc caused san francisco da, brooke jenkins says there was not clear evidence to charge these. 26 protesters adding that she needed video of the arrested protesters caught in the act and is asking the public to
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contact her office if they have any of that. we spoke with some north, a resident regarding their thoughts on the situation. take a listen to what they had to say. >> i don't think she was aggressively pursuing trying hold people responsible. she would like to get everybody i think she should hold >> in response, a da jenkins says that she working with chp to try and get some type of charges or something done in the following months or days. take a listen to what her response was regarding the entire protest situation. >> i understand that people are passionate about issues that are going on in the world right now. and they need a venue in a vehicle for that expression. but they have to do. they have to express their views in a way that is safe to the public. we're not going to allow people to endanger other members of the community and of our society in order to express those views.
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>> as of this morning, those protesters that were arrested have been like going release from jail and over in alameda county, pro-palestinian protesters also shut down the northbound lanes of 8.80. and this is video that we have causing traffic to be at a standstill for miles after submitting their arms into oil barrels and sitting across the freeway. however, alameda county district attorney pamela price has yet to make a statement on if those protesters will be charged. now back out here live again as we get more details regarding if charges are brought forth to those protesters in san francisco. we'll continue to keep you updated live this morning at the golden gate bridge michael thomas started. james. we'll send it back to okay. thank you. lisa looks nice and quiet and sunny and no traffic health care. now. >> thank you, michael. >> 905, is the time. and that was the only protest we're following this week we have pro palestinian demonstrators blocking entrances to a weapons manufacturing company called general dynamics, ordnance and tactical systems. this was them outside that building in healdsburg. they blocked the entrances to this
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for more than 3 hours because >> they are against the company which bills guns and missiles and ammunition. they say they don't want to be part of the war machine so that's why they demonstrated their and they also some protesters gathered in the south bay demonstrating in front of the google facility in sunnyvale. they are calling on google to stop doing business with israel. and so they again, this is not the mountain view headquarters. they gathered there out front, sunny veils, google about 80 people. they ended up going i spent a couple hours from 10, 30 till about a lunchtime noon or so. but 5 protesters did remain past 6.30, last night. eventually police arrested them for trespassing. >> 906, is the time. and in the south bay, a former youth pastor in san jose is now charged with committing c-imes against young women. brett franklin by master is facing 6 counts of committing lewd acts with a girl from the time she
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was 8 years old until she was 13. he worked as the youth group director and pastor at the river church community in san jose. and according to the santa clara district attorney's office, youth group members claim that by master groomed teenagers and performed lewd acts on them. in a statement kron 4, though, by masters lawyer denies the allegations claiming they're all part of a slanderous campaign to destroy his client's reputation. he says, quote, while mister by master worked at the river, he ministered on the christian ideas of health. all of these lessons were voluntary and were part of a larger curriculum that was approved by the river, including a number of parents on the board. and quote, now the river church also released a statement and it reads, quote, we are deeply saddened by these developments and continue to express our concerns, prayers and support for the young people who have bravely raised their voices for all victims of abuse and for our entire church community during these distressing times. here's what
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we know in 2019 by master left the church for a job at healing grove health center. that's a faith-based clinic in san jose. he's currently on administrative leave there by master will be in court this friday when he's expected to ask the judge to reduce his $400,000 bail. >> in the span baseball league has lost a lot because they were burglarized over the weekend. junior optimist baseball league has a go fund me now to try to recover. >> from this fees made off with $15,000 worth of their equipment. and they also vandalized some of the property as well. not all that has to be fixed. and the new equipment replaced. and so they're asking for your help in rebuilding. so today we are here. >> asking for what's right is for the board of supervisors to give us a special election in the next couple of months and not have us wait until november. >> the leaders behind the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price showed up to the
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board of supervisors meeting yesterday with enough signatures to push that recall through on monday. the registrar of voters validated nearly 75,000 signatures. so now it's up to the board to set a date for the recall vote their next meeting is on april. >> but while opponents of da price r excited by this prospect of having a recall election. that doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to happen. that's because prices attorneys says that this effort is illegal. kron four's spoke with an attorney who says the voters have to pick and choose and it's not fair. >> it's a writ of mandate against the county. asking the court to tell the county that it cannot move forward with election because it violates the county charter. >> if the board does move forward, it's likely that pamela price will soon the county. >> well, kron 4 is your local
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election headquarters and santa clara county has started recounting its ballots in the race to replace an issue in congress at the moment. alameda, i should say assemblyman evan low and santa clara county supervisor joe submitting are tied for second place. this recount will decide who moves on to face. former san jose mayor sam liccardo on the november ballot recounting the 150,000 ballots in santa clara county will not be done by hand. it's going to be done by machine which isn't cheap, but it is fast. >> the estimated duration of this recount can last anywhere between one and 2 weeks. and we require a $12,000 deposit daily. additional fees can incur each state depending on what the requester wants examine. >> well, the person who asked for the recount apparently is santa clara voter. jonathan padilla, who reportedly worked for the campaign to elect former san jose mayor sam liccardo back in 2014 now padilla claims he asked for this recount on behalf of evan low. but lowe's campaign says that's not true. in any event.
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the fact that we have a tie for second place is historic. even people at the registrar's office are pretty amazed. >> yeah, this is and extraordinary event yeah, unique we're just we're handling it day by day. >> now, the santa clara county recount is one of 2 that have been requested. the other is taking place in san mateo county where officials there confirmed that their recount is also expected to start today. >> its 9.10, and the sfmta board of directors has voted to finalize plans to install speed cameras around the city. you remember 2023. there is a state bill that passed that allowed san francisco in 5 other cities to implement a 5 year safety camera pilot program and that means the sfmta can now install 33 speed cameras on streets that have a history of speeding and had severe or fatal crashes its 9.11. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a body
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is found in the oakland estuary. and we're going to tell you. >> now who is suspected of this? plus, santa clara county officials are calling on the state department of health services to save a hospital that serves the low-income community.
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>> it's not 14 right now. and we're talking about just how gorgeous it there. yeah, more where that came from into the weekend. finally, john, good just when you thought yesterday was perfect, mother nature said not. here we go again and hey, if you like it, a little warmer for the south
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bay today. you've got a few low 80's for the east bay areas like berkeley. what you see down here below from the east bay hills going to be up into the mid 70's today. gorgeous day to get out there. enjoy all the grass. well, it's still green before we do see things warming up eventually and drying out eventually too. we're a definitely sitting under sunshine today. we've got a few passing clouds during our morning hours and not a lot of fog this morning either. so we had a brilliant sunrise and temperatures are warming quickly now under all those blue skies, the high pressure ridge, it's not going anywhere this time around in. he's going to stay put well into early next week. long range models are indicating a potential disruption to this dry pattern towards the very end of the month. that's still a long ways off, though. so for the immediate future, we're going to keep this warm and dry weather around. as for where we're sitting in the map, you can see some of those passing clouds today not to worry about. it's still going to be plenty bright and plenty warm. tomorrow starts nice and dry. we'll have more bright skies into the afternoon. and tomorrow's temperatures just
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as warm as today's now friday does get just a touch, cloudy or partly cloudy, one and the slightly cooler one, but still holding on to 70's that are very warmest. as for temperatures today, the city looking really nice mid 60's at the coast. we've got some low 70's along the bay shore in mission in financial districts. even a low, 70 out towards half moon bay at the coast. 70's as well for the rest of us aside from the south bay, which is going to jump right past that 70 degree mark and up into the low 80's san jose and campbell at 81 degrees. each east bay temps mid to upper 70's for you. fremont at 79. same in concord, walnut creek and danville, closest spots to 80 for the east bay pittsburgh. you'll be right there as well. getting up to 79 degrees. a look ahead shows tomorrow just as warm as today. as i mentioned, we've got to settle cool down into the weekend. still going to be 60's to 70's, though, just right for your weekend activities. we actually stay that way into next week, right? all right, john, thank you for that. will make it a lot more progress in
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the 9 o'clock hour. >> you're seeing more orange than red across the east bay. slow, not as low as it was. a lot more green along the peninsula. there you see an accident along 80 in pinole at appian way. if you are traveling there. so that's adding delays. but look from 80 only down 8.80, things are sluggish. a bridge is a look at them clean and the cameras off 60 minute ride as you're traveling into the city right now to tell you can see the cameras every day doing a great job out there. 18 min around 80 to 101, to no major issues on the san mateo bridge. richmond center fell bridge going to bridge. also looking good about 47 minutes. long 101. at about 60 minutes. the peak of the morning. so that's definitely a lot better. arias is back to you. time to winners and losers with our financial expert rob black. how the markets, rob. >> they were better an hour ago all and they've gotten a little bit worse. we're still about 3 and a half percent from all-time high. so it's a good year. it's a bad week. united airlines beat revenue.
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expectations are still flying, which is nice to see 3 out of 4 companies reporting earnings. so far. we're early. only one weekend we have for beating expectations, jake. all yesterday said look, we're not cutting interest rates, more progress on inflation. that's a little bit of a dampening again. it's a strong economy. lots of jobs. so it's good news. what's bad news for borrowing costs? bad news for mortgage cost. bad for credit card costs. and now even given. >> the economy, i'm i i don't know how these stories always work when talk to rob, but i i went to barcelona and went to paris to have 2 stories about that cause. >> and parcel and i saw the super yachts. >> and thinking who owns these there? like 100 million dollars. so i yelled out to accrue person as like, hey, where's this from? and they're like, i'm not saying anything. you apparently it's like top secret. i don't know why. >> yeah, russian oligarchs don't want their yachts seized
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because guys yelling and the tree. so and again, i'm saying all people the major russian that so we have to be. sales super yachts are down super that's a 650 foot long boat down 40% year-over-year as russia's basically pulled out due to the biden administration, putting are helping support russia versus ukraine. so it really is a case of if they told me that have to kill me. all right. want to i want to travel with the year. >> i didn't get on and i decided. but look at ad. all right. and i'm thinking who's going by its? it gets a money pit then i stopped in paris and everything was ready for the olympics. and paris the marathon was going on. so they got rid of that. then they were just, you know, people everywhere. they had grandstands and stuff because it started pretty soon. what do you what do you know about the business angle? >> darren spain are in paris sounds like a tv show in
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paris. yeah. olympics are about 100 days kelly clarkson and peyton manning and might regard to host which is kind of strange that doesn't have that news anchor feel 2 of county clerks and queen of the daytime talk show peyton manning just kind of likable guy gas wells, new bonds. so that makes yeah, but he's also kind of an espn guy would just make a lot of sense because this could be nbc. snoop dogg. he did a fantastic job at the 2020 tokyo olympics. so he's going to be prime time walking around the city with a microphone. love that. love that. i'm kind of help. some possible talking points and the u.s. women have named their basketball team at. but it came parks. not on that missed opportunity. she'll be on company called fanatics nike all stand to make 100 million licensing. so see them everywhere. nike just got in trouble for having a bikini cut. there was little bit too high for the women's fashion
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on the u.s. women's team for track and but they said it was just samples. and said before the big event and this year we watch break try to explain to my children would break dancing is for my generation. i love it. that's going to be great. it's going to be confusing for to be a throwback to the 80's. >> it depends what outfits they were with, that that will be enough to really complete the look. and it's worthy of know, they're not going to an opening ceremony. there is going to slow down to the big river >> and no, you know, going into a track and field event with the whole team marching slowly. but that's really a cool parade you know, not the but a parade of boats down the senate will be a beautiful start to the olympics. yeah. >> yeah, ok? well, what about you? you hit on housing when you talk about the economy and i just want to talk more about when you own a home because apparently these hidden fees and costs of homeownership really add up. but we know about the price of homes are high. and we know about the project cost of a mortgage is
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high. >> but insurance, property taxes, utilities, and maintenance, all equal over 50% of what we pay per year from home. and now with affordability lowest level since the 1980's. home insurance is up 10% year over year. it's up 6% for this year expected by the end of the year. it's up 20% from last 2 years. blended together. the average home insurance is about $2377 a year california are way higher. cause wildfires. and 10% of homeowners say i don't think i can afford renew my insurance policy. that's a scary number, daria. oh, they've doubt right? and the are so much more expensive. and i feel that you feel it one in homeowners say they can't afford a $500 repair without putting it on a credit cards. again, affordability just getting crushed on our home maintenance. we spend about $6663 a year. that's up 8.3% year-over-year. these are big numbers that shows you why the
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federal reserve's having problem getting inflation, ty towards shelter down property taxes are about 4.1%. the average americans 4,062. that's not the average in california. now. now the property taxes and here are really just atlanta. so huge. yeah. >> but we have 13, which keeps it control on how much you can go up to year in charlotte. property taxes in one year are up. >> 31% die. >> because they get their booming, right. is that the idea? okay. all right. thank you, rob. thanks, tara. and if you have a question or comment for rob,
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>> we are back at 9. 25 2 people are in the hospital now after being injured in a shooting in san francisco. that shooting happened about 6.45 last night. it was a palou avenue and griffith street. that's in the city's hunters point neighborhood. police say one of the victims has life threatening injuries. the other has less serious injuries. so they're being treated as well. no word on a suspect at this point. but anyone with information about this case is asked to call the san francisco police department. in the north bay fire in santa rosa caused about $20,000 worth of damage to a home that fire department says it's fire started about one. 35 in the morning at a home on hillsborough circle. they say crews saw smoke coming from the garage when they arrived on scene. firefighters say the fire didn't spread to the rest of the house so they were able to contain it. the people inside were also able to get out without getting hurt. they think the fire was started on accident because of some discarded oily rags, but their investigation continues. >> it's 9.26. coming up next
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on the kron, 4 morning news police are looking for people who robbed a mail carrier at gunpoint in union city and we've seen this happening throughout the day. we'll have an update. also, advocates for prisoners are concerned about the reason for the closure of the troubled women's prison in the east bay. we'll tell you why they think it will just let off people who need to be prosecuted.
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>> 9.29 right now it's going to be a gorgeous day to get outside. i'm sure you're home. you do list is growing unfortunately, every single day seems like a perfect day head to get stuff done. out
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tonight to i see, okay, it's not even too hot. it's kind of right. perfect. john. it. right. it's it's too good to be true. we need some rain again so we can have an excuse to chill out. but yeah, it's hopefully a week that you are getting some stuff done. maybe some yard work given put enough. >> coit tower looks great under that sunshine. pretty modest breeze out there, too. san francisco just as the rest of the bay area will see plenty of sun all day long today. visibility is good. a little fog out into the delta, but that's it. temperatures right now 50's to 60's. brett, what you're up at? 64 hayward at 62 right now. same for you in san jose and vacaville. so warm it up pretty quick later on today. san jose is going to see some low 80's 70's for most of the rest of us. i've got more on your forecast rain. all right, john, thank you for that. looking at those bridges. finally, we're i% looking like we started at the start of the morning here, 11 minute ride of the bay bridge. >> it looks like the meter lights are back on to traffic again. building at the toll plaza still under 12 minutes great. 15 minutes on the san mateo bridge. no accidents hazards. richmond center fell
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bridge around 10, a golden gate bridge the north bay brown. 30 minutes will still a little sluggish of a traveling along 101. look at your overall highways. you see a lot of green along the peninsula. 101, to 80 over in the east bay. like along 88, 80, it still seems a little congestion areas back to thanks. a lot 9.30, right now and the breaking news is what happened earlier this morning with alaska airlines. it was scary there for a minute because, you know, we had a complete ground stoppage of alaska airlines across the country. >> luckily that's been canceled. so that's the good news we've got kron. 4 charles clifford standing by out at the airport with a look at, you know what this was all about. charles. >> well, yeah, when you hear a ground stoppage of that could really ruin people's days, but it appears that this was resolved fairly quickly. let's going take a look at some video. what we know is it about 7.50, this morning, pacific time. the faa approved a ground stoppage for alaska airlines and horizon to hold
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their planes on the ground. and this was due to the fact that alaska was doing a computer upgrade to their system. it was part of their system that calculates weight and balance on their aircraft. they're having some trouble with that. and so all the planes were held on the ground. there were some people on social media complaining that they were white. why are we sitting on our airplane on the runway for the better part of an hour, but it appears about 8.30, this morning that stoppage was lifted, that things are getting back to normal here at sfo. everything seems to be running smoothly. there weren't any signs of delays or problems up on the board but whenever something like this happens, there's always a trickle down effect where there could be delays and problems sort of lingering throughout the day. so if you're flying all today, especially on alaska horizon might want to check ahead with your airline before hand to just make sure everything is operating and running on time. so it's very latest here at sfo. charles clifford kron, 4 news. okay. thanks a lot. ok, >> 9.32. is the time. and in other headlines we're following this morning out of the east bay. we have
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detectives in san pablo now having identified the body of a woman that was found back in september in the oakland estuary, they believe she was killed by her son in law. so here's the story of the body belongs to. 75 year-old cute. ram. and police been looking for her and her 4 year-old daughter so license. they both went missing back in september last month, police arrested lies, husband, phuket. vo investigators say vo claim that the women took off in a car after an argument. but police found that car later in oakland and vote was behind the wheel. investigators now believe he was involved in their deaths and disappearance. and police, by the way, are still looking for his wife's body will keep you updated on the story. meanwhile, police are investigating the body of a man that washed ashore in the berkeley marina. they found it last saturday evening. they say it's that of a man in his 50's. investigators trying now to determine his identity and cause of death. we'll keep you updated on this story as well. >> time now is 9.33. and chaos
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and confusion. that's what one advocate says is happening at the all-women prison in dublin. and this comes after federal officials announce that we're going to shut that facility down following a years long abuse scandal. >> kron four's philippe to call has the story. >> emily shapiro has been a volunteer advocate for the california coalition for women prisoners for 8 years and has been visiting inmates at federal correctional institution. dublin for the past 2 years. she's concerned by the abrupt announcement, but the troubled facility is closing way that it's happening is a bad thing. just weeks after a u.s. district judge ordered the appointment of a special master to oversee the all-women prison in the east bay federal bureau of prisons. director colette peters says the facility will be shuttered. one plagued by rampant abuse and poor living conditions. the back of opiate, the 19 that the prison is closed, doesn't feel like they're admitting their culpability in harming people inside.
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>> i feel what's happening is. to me, i believe that essentially trying to silence and disappear. the people who really put a lot on the line to call out the abusive abuses in a statement, peters says, quote, over the past several years at fci, dublin, the fb o p has taken unprecedented steps and provided a tremendous amount of resources. >> to adess culture, recruitment and retention aging infrastructure and most critical employee misconduct. >> despite these steps and resources, we have determined that fci, dublin is not meeting expected standards and that the best course of action is to close the facility. this decision is being made after ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of those
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unprecedented steps and additional resources like silent seen in disbursing blowers and >> putting an end to the bad press surrounding the prison without actually address seen the harms. colette peters says no employees will lose their jobs with the closure and the women currently house. there will be transferred to other facilities without providing a timeline. we're defining the closure as permanent. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> its 9.35. and the francisco sheriff's office says the lockdown at one of 2 jails that have been lockdowns going to end today. the 2 jails have been locked down because there've been a number of inmate attacks on deputies and staff. the jail in san bruno is going to reopen later this week after 9 members of the staff there was assaulted by inmates. >> in the south bay, the santa clara county board of supervisors has voted in favor of supporting the effort to keep the regional medical center open. this comes after hours of public testimony against its closure
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supervisor. cindy chavez says that closing the trauma center would mean the people who are suffering a stroke or a heart attack or seriously hurt in a car accident would have to travel a lot further to get the help they need. supervisors are now calling on the state department of health services to help them with this. they believe that they can demonstrate the closing the trauma center would be a major public safety danger and the state would be obligated to keep it open. time now is 9.36. and somebody and robbed a mail carrier at gunpoint in union city. pretty traumatic. police now offering a reward as they look for the attacker with kron 4 sarah stinson showing us what happened. >> a mail carrier assaulted and robbed at gunpoint here in union city in the middle of the afternoon. the thieves also took off with a postal key. i spoke with a postal inspector who says this could result in mail being stolen from people who live in that neighborhood where the robbery took place. for us a very high priority investigation. another u.s. postal service
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mail carrier attacked on the job. this time the postal employee was assaulted and robbed at gunpoint in union city. it happened around 2 saturday afternoon on granada way off regions boulevard. union city police responded in say the mail carrier was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. postal police are working around the clock to identify and find the attacker. usps has put out $150,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or people involved of the safety of letter carriers is our number one concern. jeff fitch is a postal inspector. he says people who live in this union city neighborhood should be on high alert if they see you know. >> 3, 4, weeks, credit card statements or bank statements where there's transaction they did not make. contact u.s. or contact. union city police department fitch says in the last 4 years usps has seen an
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uptick in mail carrier robberies. it's been all over the bay area. we had robberies in san francisco. we've had properties here oakland. >> berkeley. that number of different cities just last month kron 4 reported on postal worker being robbed in oakland. investigators shared this photo of the suspect who they're still searching for. there's $150,000 reward offered in this case as well. anybody has information that any of these robberies that we publicized contact us at the 24 hour number, the 877-876-2455. >> if the person or people involved in this robbery are caught and convicted, they would face 2 felonies for allegedly stealing the postal people, but also assaulting the mail carrier that could result in up to 35 years behind bars. i'm sara stinson reporting in union city. back to you. >> its 9, 39 and in the north bay, the memorial is growing now for 2 teenage girls who were killed over the weekend and now pa and police have
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arrested 3 people in connection with the murders. john nicholson, junior is charged with 2 counts of murder and jessica whitner and judith adolph of santa rosa are charged with aiding in a felony. this is got a lot of attention because a lot of people are so sad to see a 17 year-old and 19 year-old girl have died. >> because it is sad and they see little girls should not. this should not happen to them is where live and eat and sleep. you should never be scared to come outside. the memorial is a testament to. >> how strong the community feels about this kind of thing doesn't belong here. hopefully this doesn't go on any further. >> though police have made 3 arrests. they are still looking for witnesses of the shooting to come forward. its 9.40, right now and a state bill that would have banned homeless encampments near schools and major transit stops has failed to pass in sacramento. it also would ban
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camping on sidewalks if there's shelter space available. >> disappointing. obviously, you know, we worked very hard to make this a bipartisan bill. i think my coauthor as senator catherine blakespear also from san is taking this issue seriously. and we it just shows us that we have a lot of work to do with the committee and with the voices in opposition that, you know, in my opinion, really don't understand the goal of the bill. it's not to criminalize homelessness. >> the bill is not completely get at this point. the state senator behind it was granted a reconsideration and that means that he can resubmit the bill for approval in the public safety committee. >> let's go to the south bay where santa clara county residents could see their water bills go up in this upcoming fiscal year is one water agencies trying to cover their costs. so valley water is spending a lot of money to try to fix the anderson up a dams and other projects too, as part of their fight against climate change. the region's main water supply or is proposing raising groundwater
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production charges on cities and private water retailers. and this could mean for you upwards of almost $9 a month in extra fees that you're going to pay this upcoming fiscal year. a final decision has been made yet, but it could very well come mid-may when the valley water board approves its upcoming budget. so we'll let you know what they decide. elon musk, by the way, is planning to charge new x users, a small fee. he says to post on that social media site. it's unclear how much the fee will be or when it's going to be put into place. but elon musk says he's charging new users in an effort to combat ai bots and spam accounts. he says if new users pay this fee for 3 months, then they can post for free after that. >> still ahead on kron 4 morning news, new data from the anti-defamation shows there's been big rise in anti-semitic incidents in california. we'll take a closer look.
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>> 44 and things are looking up even more sunshine and warmer today. apparently and week ahead. looks great. good morning, john. yet keeping that warm and go and we are seeing temps today actually a little bit warmer than yesterday's event. that's going bring a couple of us up into the low 80's quick tower right now. looks great. lots of sunshine up above. no cloud cover in this view, at least we have seen a few high passing clouds today, but not blocking out any brightness and certainly not keeping temperatures down. those are just climbing a little by little every day. we are continuing to see this high-pressure ridge building in this forecast. this will contribute to steady dry weather through the rest of the week on into the weekend and into next week, too.
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really long range models are indicating a potential switch up towards the very end of the month. that's still a while away, though. so for now, we are smooth sailing with very little change going on here today and tomorrow, basically repeating one another tomorrow going to be very similar temperature wise friday does get a little cooler. your warmest of temps on friday will be mid 70's. so still obviously quite comfortable. just a few more clouds as well on friday as we make our way into the weekend. as for temperatures today, we are looking at some 60's and 70's in the city and even a few 70's out along the coast, half moon bay getting all the way up to 70 degrees today. well, 70's pretty consistently along the bayshore carlos at 76, our warmest of temps will be in the south bay with a low 80's in spots like campbell and san jose. 81 degrees. fremont getting close to the 80 degree mark along with walnut creek, danville in concord, each getting up to 79, same in pittsburgh. so very close to those 80's for the rest of the bay area, too. tomorrow we
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could very well get there. after that, though, we take it back a notch back into the mid 70's for the weekend, which is totally very comfortable weekend and pretty nice set up into next week, too. all right, john, thank you for will now get time to hit the highways, get some things done. >> we're seeing more green out there anything else. checking up us highways, a 101, to 18. looking good 1, 0, 1, 80 in the east bay 8.80, traveling with all the way down to fremont these a little orange, not as red as they were at the start of the morning, 30 minute ride into the city and the meter lights are still on there. san mateo bridge around 14 minutes to to 1, 1, mean it's easier getting on. and on that bridge, a 15 minute, right? aloha. before that, we got up to about 40 minutes. the peak of the morning. 24, we were pretty much green there. but as you can see, here's a live traffic 60 minute ride along the creek down to 5.80, darya. james, back to you. thanks. a lot of rain. it's 9.47. and new this morning, the city of san jose has a new police watchdog. >> any aubrey is now the
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city's new independent police auditor. the city council made the decision because of reports show that complaint against the police in 2023 had actually gone down for the first time since 2019, aubrey was the head of the office of professional accountability for the richmond police department before going to san jose. and he's now san jose's 7th ipa and taking over on may 6th. >> let's go to the south bay. the san jose police department says it is increasing patrols at local places of worship as the conflict between israel and hamas escalates. this comes as a new report shows an anti-semitic incidents increased by 140% since 2020 here in the u.s.. this is video from lake merritt showing back in december when vandals tossed a menorah into a lake. and then here in march, a walnut creek city council meeting disrupted by man's anti-semitic rant. the anti-defamation league says there have been a spike in incidents after the attack on israel by hamas and israel's
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retaliatory bombing in gaza. mean the whole society response to fight hate. >> we know there are far more allies to address this up, going hate and those who act to undermine american values. that's some great diversity for audi and a multitude of cultures. >> well, human rights organization released this map showing what they say are anti-semitic incidents all across the u.s.. they've all been recorded since october. 7th fact more than 3200 incidents in the last 6 months or documented on that map. >> the pilots union for american airlines is reporting a major spike in safety and maintenance issues with that airline. among the concerns, fewer routine aircraft inspections and shorter test flights on planes returning for major maintenance work. the union says that they have seen incidents where tools were left in wheel. wells and items were left in the sterile area around the plane's part that the airport gates, american airlines has not publicly commented yet on this matter. meantime, lawmakers on
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capitol hill here from a boeing whistleblower who raised concerns about boeing's safety culture engineer sam sailed 4 is going to testify before 2 senate panels today after he wrote a letter to the faa saying that he had repeatedly warned boeing management about potentially catastrophic concerns with the production of the 7 87 7.77. jets specifically, he says parts of the fuselage of the 7.87 dreamliner are improperly fastened together and could eventually break. he says the jet should be grounded for proper safety checks. boeing has denied the claim saying that they are fully confident in their aircraft. >> today marks a big milestone in the journey to paris. we are 100 days until the start of the summer olympics. this year. marielena balouris takes a closer look. >> it's a big day here in new york city at the team, usa media summit, athletes and
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organizers say really excited, but there's still work to be done. >> the olympic torch is officially lit. the relay is under way and we are now 100 days until the paris olympics. u.s. athletes are ready for their shot at olympic glory. i'm really excited for being in the olympic and seeing what the city is like big things happening there. officials with the u.s. olympic and paralympic committee say they are ready to take hundreds of athletes to the city of light. they've created a training center for olympic and paralympic athletes to use while they're going to paris. we have a high performance enter at a world class facility called >> where we are essentially transport are developing. come from a training center in colorado springs to paris. this will be the first olympics with family and friends in the stands since the winter olympics in south korea in 2018. a welcome change for all involved. >> you're you're, you know, i got the silver medal just because the fans were there. you know it was the final big moment. and then you're here
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because you're kind of like. and over here. but more people means more security challenges. something organizers are aware of and thinking about and working closely front security. >> the organizing committee, the state department, especially diplomatic security and ensuring that we have a comprehensive security plan in place for team usa. this will also be the first games in south korea without covid testing for athletes. >> it's a relief but keeping athletes healthy, especially when it comes to their mental health is a top priority. all of our psychological services providers are duly certified and mental health and sport psychology. and we have a ton of other resources that we provide to team usa athletes to keep them both physically. >> and mentally healthy. >> organizers say there are about 800 athletes who represent team usa at the olympics and paralympics. but so far, only about 15% of them have been named. we'll keep you posted as they qualify in new york. i'm marielena balouris.
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>> 9.52 is a time. and coming up on the kron morning news, we're going to tell you which california city apparently is a favorite for mosquitoes will be right back.
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>> it cited before any oakland, ballers are hopeful because the oakland city council >> is considering their plan to renovate invest 1.6 million dollars, 2 raimondi park for the 2024 spring season for the ballers. they want that part to be a central hub for the community for gatherings, outdoor activities, family-friendly events. and of course, baseball. the council's final decision is going to happen. april 30th
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and the ballers first home game is set for june for us. >> and a different kind of ball basketball. oakland is honoring the oakland high school girls and the oakland technical high school boys teams because they won. they're c i f state championship games for basketball. the alameda county board of supervisors. >> recognize their hard work and they made proclamations for those basketball teams which won their respective state championships in march. congrats to the kids. all right. it's 9.55. up. coming up on 9.56. and ahead. >> we've got pro-palestinian protesters who took over the bay bridge, the golden gate bridge. we're still not facing charges. we'll take a closer look at why. plus, a former youth pastor in san jose's charged with crimes against children will have that story as well. and leaders behind the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price say they have enough signatures to move forward with their cause will be right back. right now on
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the kron. 4 morning news, a former youth pastor in san jose is charged with crimes against children. alameda county district attorney pamela price speaking out now is the move to recall her moves forward. and no charges yet for the protesters who shut down the golden gate bridge will tell you why. >> from the bay local news station. you're watching on morning team. >> morning and thanks for joining us on a wednesday. i'm daria and i'm james. we've got the gang's all here. i'm taking a look at weather and the news today working on a story. yeah, we're talking about chp and they have that retail crime forest task
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force. they've been making some big bus talk about those numbers. very good. i was talking about the numbers going up and the temperature department. yeah. think we're liking it too. >> that collective vibe is this is okay. haha. yeah. all the hillside. so nice and green the sky. so blue has been a beautiful week so far. >> and today we're keeping that vibe going looking outside at lots of sunshine up above the east bay hills. and of course, those lush green hillsides courtesy of our recent rainfalls. we had been seeing now skies are crystal clear unless you're right out, use to vocally. there's been a little bit of fog stubborn out there. it's already burning off. real quick, though. temperatures are hanging out in the low 60's san jose at 66 right now. oakland in toledo at 62. only a couple spots like sonoma and fairfax, barely hanging on to the 50's at this point. now, this afternoon, we will get to the low 80's for the south bay. the rest of us enjoying that range of 70's. i'll get more details to you and your full forecast. thank you, joht


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