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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  April 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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>> from >> the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> breaking news out of west oakland tonight where oakland police are on the scene of an officer-involved shooting. police telling kron 4 just in the last 10 minutes they are at the scene at 16th and adeline near different murray park. that is all we know right now. unsure exactly what led up shots being fired there by officers. but of course, we will keep you posted. stick with us here on kron and as well as online for the latest details. >> our other big story tonight is in oakland family without a home tonight after a lithium battery caught fire in their garage. welcome and thanks for joining us on kron. 4 news at 11. i'm grant lotus and i'm noelle bellow in the wake of this ordeal, they want to raise awareness about signs of a faulty battery kron. 4 sarah simpson spoke with them. she joins us now live here in studio with the details.
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sarah. >> a husband and wife are scrambling to rebuild their lives after a fire forced them out of their home on east 21st street. the 2 are grateful they got out safely with their baby, but they're still processing the chaos of what happened. suzy fetter and clark boyd described the traumatic moment when a fire started at their oakland home sunday afternoon. you're screaming for your partner about eyewall there inside. >> fire is says you wouldn't believe that would knew. the couple says loud pops and smoke started coming from their garage. so boyd went to check it out. >> that's when like the rest of black smoke came. and boyd says he quickly saw it was his lithium battery that caught fire setter quickly called 9-1-1. but she says she was put on hold over 6 minutes. >> and i ended having to hang so i could. >> call other people and other neighbors were out and there are hold with 9, 1, as well
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that are then grabbed their 18 month-old baby and dog. her husband stayed behind to fight the fire. and got the garden hose from the backyard trying put fire out. eventually firefighters arrived and put out the flames, a car inside the garage and the building. >> got heavily damaged. thankfully, no one got hurt, but the family and their 2 neighbors now without a home. it's just definitely over woman. and it's even hard process what we need to do at this time. boyd says he had a lot of flammable things in the garage. so this could have been a lot worse. we're all counting their blessings of this reflecting on the chaos of sunday. boyd wants to warn others about faulty lithium batteries. you have a problem targeting a better. do use that at all. you know, returning returning. if they have a problem that, you know best to get your money back. and if you do, >> take that loss taking a loss on a little better $100 battery a something possibly even somebody getting hurt.
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>> the family says they bought the battery from a company called sunport. dow usa. that's a company based out of china and they actually complained to the company saying there's some issues with charging, but they said they didn't get any help from customer service. so we reached out to the company and we did not get any response. well, and help coming from police and fire. they said they were waiting for 6 minutes before 9-1-1. answer. yeah. i mean, they were on hold that you never even spoke to 9-1-1, but their neighbors were on hold as well. so they figured okay, somebody will eventually get through and so we really wanted to pursue that as well. so we contacted the firefighters association, the police association, and then we also talked with dispatchers union and all of them saying, yeah, dispatchers, they're understaffed and that causes longer wait times. but they had some good news for me. they said they're making progress. making good strides on hiring people, but hiring, guess what? to 8 months to a
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so it takes a time to train to get them on. and then, you know, in there for now. so there's lot issues with it. but they're trying and it just takes time. and i think we'll see a congress. we've been reporting on that short-staffing quite some time and but there were several people who had applied that didn't even get looked at last year like 1000. so it's >> definitely an issue there. and oakland, for sarah, thank you. >> pro-palestinian demonstrators were back in south san francisco tonight. that's after a man attacked them last week in video showed the man physically and verbally assaulting members of the group known as change ssf. the group has been demanding a cease-fire in gaza. they were rallying again tonight. kron four's dan thorn reports. >> the man in that video was arrested by south san francisco police and charged with battery and hate speech. organizers for change ssf say facing that kind of vitriol
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was unfair and unacceptable because they're simply calling for peace and an end to the war in gaza. and there are rallies are not going to end until this war is over. >> all hateful messages targeting pro-palestinian protesters last week in south san francisco races. a 57 year-old man was caught on camera bumping hurling insults and even spitting and i don't think being anti genocide. antiwar but apparently advocated by our messaging. >> change ssn and see a 15 for palestine rallied in the same spot where the incident happened wednesday evening for weeks. they've been demanding a cease-fire resolution in south city. >> out of fear of the return of any bad actors, organizers asked for children to be kept at my son does wish that he could out here with us.
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>> this is a very important cause along with other people like paul following last week's violence doxing. he's also been a concern for the group. >> so kron 4 was asked to not share the names of any ralliers. but the demonstrators are also not staying silent, waving palestinian flags and getting the attention of drivers along el camino. change. ssf says they will not be deterred from their mission by men like everywhere. there's always going to be bad actors, whatever you're or whatever case you're advocating for. i think that this is a matter of human rights and >> i think if you're advocating against preservation of human life, you take a good look at yourself. >> these demonstrations were not supposed to be a weekly thing, but after last week's attack, the group says they felt compelled to carry on and they're planning on having another rally next week at the civic campus here in south san
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francisco in south san francisco. dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> meantime, google says it's fired. 28 of its employees who protested at the company's offices across the country yesterday. one of those protests happening outside the google office in sunnyvale. demonstrators demanded the company cut ties with israel. police arrested 5 people, including some google employees who according to police, refused to leave the area. heuvel spokesperson says physically impeding other employees work and preventing them from accessing facilities is a clear violation of company policy. alameda county's district attorney pamela price says her office is currently working on filing charges against protesters who blocked. >> 80 a couple days ago in a statement, a crowd for da price says her office is working with the highway patrol to process evidence and gather information writing in part, quote, while my office supports the essential right to protest. it is important to note that public safety should
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never be compromised and exercising the first amendment right. a free speech guaranteed under the constitution. meanwhile, san francisco da brooke jenkins is reaching out to anybody who may have been affected by the protest on the golden gate bridge the same day is the 8.80, issue saying anyone trapped on the bridge that day should contact the chp in marin. >> 2 dogs are safe tonight after san francisco firefighters rescued them from a cliff. crews responded to fort funston just before 7 o'clock this evening. they say a special harness had to be used to reach one of the dogs. it took the rescue technicians about an hour to bring both of those animals to safety definitely. i know some owners tonight bringing those dogs to safety. absolutely beautiful evening. there's no wonder people out and about. at the beaches that 2 rescues yesterday because of nice was people out there. so got to be safe even though it's nice weather for funds and is just
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gorgeous. get some hang gliders there and the views are epic. as we look live here. >> at the golden gate bridge, chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is with us. lawrence, how long is this? nice weather. the last? yeah. we've got another nice day. so you got to be careful out there. of course, you've got those steep cliffs, therefore ponson to got to watch out for that right now. mostly clear around the bay area. we are seeing some patchy fog begin to form along the coastline. we're going to see more of that as we head toward tomorrow morning. temperatures out the door right now. it is. 56 in san francisco. 57 in oakland. 63 still a fairly mild in san jose for this hour. 60 in livermore. 63 degrees in kaka. 53 now the sea breeze in santa rosa. high clouds drifting across our skies today. that was about the worst that we had as we have a lot of sunshine in between. really just some nice temperatures up in the 70's and the 80's again today and will tomorrow. it is going to be very, very similar outside the sea breeze, though, has started to kick in. we're going to see a couple more clouds begin to move in along the coastline. so high pressure is going to take care least one more day and that ridge is going to start to slide eastward as we
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head into friday that allow for some cooler air to come in. so enjoy the day. tomorrow should be a beautiful one. again, up in the 80's in san jose about 73 degrees with a few high clouds in oakland. 65 degrees. to make sure fog in some in san francisco. >> lawrence, thank you. it's been one month since a family of 4 was tragically killed at a west portal bus stop earlier this evening, san francisco police held a traffic safety operation staying in the area. officers were stationed at you low a and will loan a near west portal avenue in just 90 minutes. they handed out 22 citations and 5 warnings. assistant police chief david luiz are says since the accident, the community's been very vocal about wanting to see changes made to enhance traffic safety in the area. those are says sfpd agrees with them and offered up some tips to pedestrians across the city. >> i would say for the whole city has a pedestrian walking around. you just have to be really aware of your surroundings for a lot of reasons, you know, to prevent crime, but also in terms of
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traffic safety really making sure you're looking both ways a few times before you cross make eye contact with drivers, putting your hands up to just be seen and be safe. >> we were there as a driver received a citation for failing to yield to a pedestrian. she wasn't too pleased with the way police were conducting today's operation. however, she did say there's a lot going on at that intersection and it could use some improvements like an added stop sign or potentially a clear crosswalk. >> high school contest created to get kids to realize the dangers of stds. we'll hear from one of the winners there. >> plus, keeping tabs on san jose police. what we learned from a department audit. >> and in east bay youth baseball league is out about $15,000 worth of equipment after thieves ransacked. the place of the league is tr
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>> i have pretty crazy there. san francisco police say a 14 year-old is being charged for setting that driverless car on fire happened in february in chinatown. police say a crowd graffiti, the waymo car broke a window and then threw fireworks at it which says you can see little thing on fire. thankfully, no one was inside and no injuries were reported. >> a nonprofit youth baseball league in the east bay is trying to recover after a break-in at their sports complex. more than $15,000 worth of equipment was stolen. the season is well underway for the junior optimist
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baseball league in concord making this crime even more upsetting. organizers say thieves broke through the bars and locks to at least 4 of their storage containers. stolen items, including a tv telling the trailer generators, water pumps to keep the fields dry tools and batteries. the youth league calling this a crushing blow. >> estimate $15,000 and given our budget. that's along long way to go. had a covid issues. so we'll have a lot. i mean, tell you about 4 or $5,000 in our cap to the criminals. you stole it from children in need. >> volunteers are working to ensure that that doesn't interfere with the season. they're also asking for the public's help in online fundraiser has been established to help replace what was taken. >> over the last 20 years, health officials say sexually transmitted infections have been on the rise, especially
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among teenagers and santa clara county. they hope to reverse that trend by raising awareness through viral videos created by teenagers. >> like guy on average home. >> take on st eyes. we call them std. same thing. a total of 104 students submitted entries to the santa clara county health department for its annual sti viral video contest. the goal is to raise awareness about them the treatments for st eyes. >> we saw a lot of the psa is from like previous years and a lot of them are kind of are serious. and we thought that if we did something with light hearted that it would be more impactful. >> there you go. having teenagers speak to other teenagers through video is nothing new. the santa clara county health department has been sponsoring this sti viral video contest since 2014. and with that, the eyes on the rise again for the past 20 years. it's still an important issue.
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>> a newly released audit of the san jose police department shows more than 360 complaints made against officers in 2023. nearly 250 of them involved police misconduct. and one complaint an officer is accused of using excessive force during an arrest. and when asked by the suspect why he was being detained, the officer replied, quote, we just decided to stop a black man for no reason. okay. a review of that incident found the officer use of force was within police policy. but that additional training was going to be needed to avoid bias policing and 2 other cases. citizens complaints during a traffic stop. an officer had asked, are there any dead babies in the car and quote, upon further investigation, one officer said this was an example of shock talk which is meant to catch a listener off garden, thereby cause a greater likelihood of the listener speaking the truth.
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the audit recommends the department should strongly discourage such tactics. shock talk. some parents in the east bay. >> chose to pick up their students early from school this morning after 5 school districts received bomb threats. the threat emails claimed bomb would go off this afternoon unless russian prisoners were released from us jails. ultimately the threat was found to be not credible. one superintendent tells us the threat was sent to schools all across the state. >> let's get you a check of your 4 zone forecast now taking a live look out at sfo. anyone coming in for this weekend is in for a bit of a treat. yeah, the weather has been nice, lawrence. is it going to continue all the way through? yeah, i think so. we'll see some ofochanges. we're going to cool things down a little bit as we head in toward the weekend, but no rain in sight for the weekend. right now we're enjoying that beautiful weather we've had. it looks like it's going to stick around for at least
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another day that will be given notice some changes on fridays. see more clouds on the way. at least some patchy fog developing along the coastline. so that being said are likely to see a couple patches out there overnight tonight into early tomorrow morning. a long-range forecast, though, you're going to see a few more high clouds as we head toward tomorrow afternoon. again, still some warm sunshine, 70's 80's in many places away from the coastline over the weekend. looks good too. friday, though, will start to cool down. maybe a little drizzle along the coastline with some patchy fog, but staying dry for the most part this weekend next week, you can say the same thing. in fact, look at that big green blob coming in as another storm begins to roll and possibly on thursday, maybe into friday of next week with some much cooler temperatures all the way tomorrow, though, should be a beautiful day, 70 degrees in the mission about 64 in golden gate park along the coastline. little cooler there, as you see that sea breeze in a couple patches of fog there, especially the morning hours. sunshine inside the bay, though, all day long. and really just a nice day. 72 degrees. beautiful in foster city. 73 woodside, the south bay. you've got to make sure 70's and 80's tomorrow
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afternoon, east bay. nice numbers to 76 degrees in pleasanton. 74 in union city about 75 in orinda about 80 degrees on a concord and walnut creek nyce all across the north bay, too little cooler out along the coastline of the next few days. looks like some nice weather cooling down a little bit on friday. nice weekend. ahead. you'll see a lot of sunshine, no rain then maybe just some showers late next week we can do with that. yeah, it's nice now. nice weather between now and then. yeah, big changes. i'm just going to focus on the present cook. thanks alright. next in sports, it was a somber tricked back to chase center. we're season has come to a close sports director
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> the warriors season came to a sobering and last night. >> it wasn't the last that was so bad, but it was more the manner in which they lost the kings just bullied. it dubs. push them around at will. they looked like the tougher team, the more athletic team and obviously the better team and made many question whether the dubs can ever win again with the big 3 as their core. that's a topic for another day. what is relevant right now is the future of that guy right there. klay thompson. he will be an unrestricted free agent this summer. and although both sides would like to see the partnership continue, you just never know. once folks start talking about money, clay says he still dealing with the emotions of this season. what is most important to him as winning another rain? you do? >> i really haven't thought about. that deep in the future
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because i still need to process. the year we had and it was. one filled with ups and downs. but ultimately we 5 for city and our team did everything we could to try and win as many games we possibly could. when you've been a part of winning seasons, don't really want to >> go away from that. like to win again. one for the thumb will be nice. so think it's a reach. just going to take huge for than that. i think about that. what really make you happy in the last, you know, few years, your career. >> carried out in miami. the giants were taking on the marlins. look at logan webb. he's allowed him proud. kings fan. so, you know, he was happy today. top of the second. no score man offer tyro estrada. he laces a shot to the corner in left for jaisol air comes on into one. nothing. giants. all right. bottom of 3rd same score rookie can win on the mound for the giants. looking for
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his first victory with the team pitched 6 innings gave up only 4 hits. one run. he had 4 strikeouts pretty good day in office. giants were up 2 to one in the added on matt chapman. it's a shot to right. that brings in young who that was enough for wind to get its first win with his new team. giants win 3 to one they take on it. take the series from the marlins. we talk. all righty out to the town hall of famer rickey henderson looking on as the a's look to salvage one win against the cards. bottom of the 3rd, no score history ruiz. he was raking before you got sent to the minors and he still is his second since being called back up. it's 2 to nothing a's. bottom of the 5th, 3 to 2 cardinals now. but shea langley years finds the gap in left-center that plates. 2 runs the a's. go up. 43. they go on to win. 63. they head out on a 10 game road trip
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starting in cleveland on friday. all right. that's your look at sports. back to you guys. jason, thank you. we did want to bring you back to that breaking news we had at the top of the hour. oakland police are still on scene. >> of an officer-involved shooting. police say it happened at 16th and adeline near defremery park. that all we know at this point. we have no idea exactly what led up to it. but of course, we'll continue to update you online with the latest details tonight video shows a ton of cop cars there. whenever you have an officer-involved shooting that >> that will be the work to get more information. that is all the time we have, though, for kron 4 news at 11, you can always get the latest updates on our website. kron 4 dot com. the kron 4 news app. our morning team will have the latest on that story and all the news starting at 05:00am. thanks for joining us tonight night.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: or premonition of disaster and how it saved her life. because she had one of those feelings tell her to stay home that day. >> announcer: look what


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