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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  April 23, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> the leader whose whose path we can continue to follow. >> weny news. a bay area is remembering the life and legacy. flight search founder cecil williams highlighting widespread impact he had on year. but as a speaking out against issues, they are experiencing affordable housing complex they say are
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the last to fall by the wayside. and the group behind effort to recall the alameda county district attorney. it's calling on county leaders to set a date for a recall election. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning far. well, good tuesday morning and thank you for waking up with this bright and early for the kron. 4 morning news. >> here on april 23rd reyna harvey teams like about april's literally fly by last few days have been great for outdoor activities. john, are we one to me like is today going just as >> today is going to be a huge change from yesterday. we are looking at a big cool down compared to the warm temperatures of yesterday as much as 10 degrees cooler. so get ready for some more sunshine, but not going to be feeling that same way. in fact, you'll notice is differences here pretty quick. this is your view outside from the east bay hills. got a little bit of that glow of
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almost full moon there on the bay. we are looking at visibility pretty solid across the bay area this morning. not a lot of fog to be talking, which is certainly a nice know. there are a few passing clouds, but not even too bad in that department. very much so on the mild side of things this morning, san jose in hayward hanging out just below the 60 degree mark. so very similar this morning is to yesterday. but take a look at where our daytime highs are going to be later on today. you can see we replace those low 80's with a low 70's inland. some 60's returning to the bay shore. so taking a step back as far as the warmth coast, i'm going to be talking more in this much cooler forecast ahead. as for your roads, things out there okay. we are seeing no backups whatsoever on the bay bridge. 8 minutes to make your crossing there. things are just fine on the san mateo bridge. your other spans this early morning are also doing just fine before the morning commute kicks into gear. great. all right, john, thank you for that. turning now to
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our top story, we are honoring and remembering the life of reverend cecil williams >> the co-founder of san francisco's glide memorial church passed away at the age of 94 leaving behind a massive legacy. well, sara stinson, talk to the folks at line and community leaders about his life. >> within the first hours of reverend cecil williams, passing people filed into glide memorial church in san francisco monday night to honor him. this man of peace. >> this man of justice passed away peacefully. i'm hearing about i really can't believe it. record williams was the co-founder of glide. he was also a civil rights and lgbtq activist. >> was a larger than life figure. minister marvin white intern for williams when he was 18 years old and has become his protege. he says he'll never forget with the reverend told him he said. >> i need for you to be you. >> glide put up photos of williams over the years with
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people of all walks of life from political activists like bobby seale and angela davis to politicians like nelson mandela and celebrities like marvin gaye in sammy davis, junior williams was also close friends with former san francisco mayor willie brown. more than 50 years. yeah. my friendship with cecil williams. >> in valuable and for me. it will never end. >> brown says he worked with williams and doctor martin luther king junior in the 60's during the civil rights movement before williams helped open the church. merry christmas to you. the reverend was known for making everyone feel like family opening the church doors to all making the institution. one of the most liberal churches in america, 2 women to poor folks to workers. >> 2 black folks to brown folks too early. organizers. >> on and on and talk to him laugh and joke and feel like i
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was many say williams was not the same after the passing of his wife in glide, co-founder, janice america, tony, in 2021. there. >> many times that he would. honorably and sonically just whale just thinking about not being with her i think also he showed. that he have to keep going. >> in december, glad marks 60 years and williams passed the torch to a new ceo doctor gina, from are mister white says glide will continue to keep the legacy of reverend williams alive for decades to come. we can grieve. >> and mourn, but we can't lose sight of liberation. it's even more visible now because of this passing. >> clyde will have the sanctuary open this week for people to visit and honor the late reverend williams. more to come on the service. i'm sara stinson reporting back to you.
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>> mayor london breed released a statement about william saying in part, reverend cecil williams was the conscience of our san francisco community. he goes on to say he led with compassion, wisdom always putting the people first never relenting in his pursuit of justice and equality. he's kind. he's brought people together and his vision changed our city and the world. governor newsom also releasing a statement saying in part, robin williams and his congregation off of refuge and support to all who enter their doors. child is work to empower marginalized members of the community. put them at the forefront of key social justice and human rights issues driving positive change. all of us can take inspiration from his legacy. on the east bay, the group that is leading the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price is now calling on the county supervisors again, set a date for that recall election organizers with safe sent a letter to the board of
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supervisors saying according to the state's election law, the board must set an election date during its meeting on april. 30th. if the board is not safe, says that responsibility is going to be heading off to the county election official say plans to hold a news conference and protest this morning. 10, 30, the alameda county administration building the county register voters announced last week they received enough signatures for a recall election of da pamela price. on the peninsula, threats made over the phone forest alonso high school to go into lockdown. police say gunn high school received 2 separate phone calls yesterday. they say one was about a person walking around with a rifle. the other was a bomb threat. lockdown lasted about 2 hours while officers investigated. police say there was no evidence of any actual threats to the school. the cause origins are now beingw investigated. in the south bay settles apartments meant to help bring people out of homelessness. now facing a
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slew of complaints, reports of break-ins drug use 10. it's a little and nothing's being done fix the problem. well, moment has that story. its been held since i've been there. >> genome monarch has been at the renaissance apartments for 4 years. she talks to us with 3 other tenants. all of these people say they don't feel safe living. there is tremendous amount >> and a lot of the andes i have been broken into my apartment exactly 10 times due to says when she reports these issues to property management. >> they're either met with silence or retaliation. i have many people that has just wanted to packet grab a kid least in there because making it better and that claim to gina and others hits close to home. >> the apartments are run by charities, housing and are meant to be the first housing for people who haven't had a place to call home. they stay place to call home. they stay here for 2 years an on to a more permanent apartment. many of the people
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who stay here are recovering from years of living on the street. levi send witness. >> someone hitting at a woman. lisa mooney says her first year at these apartments she would still sleep outside. >> claiming it wasn't a stressful opposed to living inside. it's kind of discouraging 2 years ago, san jose spotlight published report of similar concerns and even reported apartment employees filming attorneys who were investigating the property apartment management denied the allegations reported by spotlight. everything got better. theresa tovar. a tenant of 2 years says she also sleeps outside her apartment most nights. she shows us the complaints filed against the apartment at letters her family wrote to those in charge. she says, though she is not hopeful anything will be fixed. it just makes no sense to me that things that they do. there's just it right like i as to karl, my kid. now we brought all of these concerns from the multiple tenants that reached out to us to the owners of apartment complex. >> we did not hear back yet any side. jose jacmel kron 4
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news. happening today that community organizers rally at san francisco city hall. >> to prevent crucial food program going away because of budget cuts. this comes as governor newsom slash funding for the market match food program. the program is a dollar-for-dollar matching program to help low-income for fresh produce. at farmers, markets, provides urging preston is going join a coalition of food access organizations, farmers, markets and residents to call on the governor, the state legislature to reverse proposed cuts to that program. rallies at 10:00am. and we're learning more about the body recovered from a reservoir is that of a san francisco man? officials say 24 year-old oscar a feel whale flores swimming at the woodward reservoir and status last county on saturday. the appear to grow really tired. he struggled yourself above the water and then he drowned. first responders say they found about 45 feet from the mountain dew point shoreline.
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authorities remind everybody to prepare for emergencies if you plan to be outside in the water, use a life vest. well, a man is in the hospital with life-threatening injuries after he was hit by a car in san jose. police say the man was walking right in the area of south first street in hollywood avenue. when you it, word on the driver at this time. well, in the north bay, the motorcyclists in a deadly crash, saturdays that identified as marco hernandez skus tunnels. the crash happened on tamala spend a little when hernandez was riding his bike with other motorcyclists. he lost control, hit a fence and utility pole. he was pronounced dead at the scene. the cause of that crash still under investigation. still ahead, the proper morning news golden gate ferry service. >> san francisco in sausalito is suspended indefinitely because of damage to the pier. why officials say it's taken long time fix the damage. and more than 2 dozen death
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penalty cases are now you in and out county because of potential misconduct by prosecutors during jury selection, the group of people, the district attorney says were kid excluded juries. and after this, the man housing not handcuffs as the supreme court debates on anti camping homeless long. we'll camping homeless long. we'll be right back.
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a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide.
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4 things you to know man was arrested after fairfield police say they saw him slumped over the wheel of a car fairfield. they say they searched the car. they found 1000 ecstasy pills in the
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cars. well, as several other baggies with suspected cocaine, meth and fentanyl. our plans on suspending service between rock which station in oakland in lafayette station this weekend. we're trying to upgrade one of their tracks. abc says free buses are going to be available for bart riders. and i saw listen to work this morning. the outside lands lineup is going to be released today. they had a big poster on the bridge mark 60 years of music festival in golden gate park. the 3 of us will start on august night. and the giants beat the mets tied to yesterday. they're going to play game 2 of the series tonight at 6.45? okay. let's head to the north bay as crews working all week to fix the sausalito pier. >> in hopes of getting the ferry service back up and running again. ferry route between san francisco and sausalito has been out of service since friday. a routine inspection found damage to one of the piers for piles affairs spokesperson says while work to repair the pile began over the weekend.
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only we're doing low tide. so repairs might take a little time. the suspension and services affected about 500 people daily. it was kind of surprised because i thought it's easy to fix. >> but they could kind of looks like it's not easy to fix. so putin. it's not going to last. too long. >> alright, until that repair is made. golden gate transit is providing bus service to and from the city. the pier was built back in the 70's. officials say there is a plan to replace it all together, but that construction has not >> was going to be a nice day for those of you that are getting out, maybe taken some of the other ferries on the lot good morning to we are going to be looking at a much cooler day today. that's the first thing. you get a notice if you're getting out there later on as much as 10 to even 15 degrees cooler than yesterday was in a stronger wind pushing in from the coast is going to make sure that we all stay on the cooler side. this is what it looks like outside in downtown san
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francisco. little bit of cloud cover across the bay area. we zoom out across the region. you can already see the evidence of this unsettled forecast ahead of us with a few showers popping up around lake tahoe. more and more of that unsettled weather as we do make our way through this low pressure area that is actually going to dive into the state from the south. now, this is going to result in southern california showers as well. sierra nevada showers in just the chance of a few sprinkles thursday night into friday morning for us in the bay area, roaring wind across the bay area working its way in from the south and west 15 to even 25 mile per hour winds this morning pushing in from the coastline and the evidence of that wind very noticeable inland. it's 50's and 60's at the coast today and only 60's to low 70's at the very warmest anywhere else across the bay area. carlos in mountain view, only at 68 for your highs, san jose from yesterday's 81 to just 69 degrees today and over 10 degree drop in temperatures
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for you 60's to 70's as well across the east bay was spots like oakland at 66 now comparable with walnut creek. only at 69 pittsburgh in antioch, among or warmer areas, each at 71 degrees. looking ahead at what we have the next 7 days. even cooler temperatures around the corner starting tomorrow through the start of the weekend, chance of some light showers thursday night into friday morning. as for your roads, that easy out there. nothing holding you up just yet. of course, we're still early, though. so time for that to change san mateo bridge. 13 minutes for your crossing while the richmond center fell and the golden gate, here's going encounter some stronger winds and touch of fog at the golden gate. as make your crossing there. great. all right, john, thank you that. >> well, a clothing store express. they're going to shut down to bay area locations after filing for bankruptcy. so this is video of the shop in san francisco's union square that close last october. the 2 locations are on bay street and emeryville
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and valley fair mall in santa clara. got any plans to shut down more than 90 stores nationwide. 16 of them are in california. the east bay. and tap buckwild berlin. they have a point in their last pints this weekend. the brewery right closed at clinton square specialize in gluten-free. several awards for past. according to an instagram post, the brewery's tap will go drive following its final day of service this sunday. the polls didn't specify a reason for the closure. and millions of californians could be in danger of losing internet service. the federal program that provides discounted internet is expire at the end of the month. program started during the pandemic. it provides a $30 internet discount to low income families. $75 discount for people on tribal lands. the partisan members of congress pay to build it would extend the program for another year. the bill is yet to be brought to the house floor.
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developing news. supreme court heard oral arguments and a case that could impact how cities address homelessness are humans do hundreds of demonstrators to the steps of the court. washington correspondent maddie beer-temple has the latest. >> hundreds of homeless advocates rallied outside the supreme court as justices heard arguments over whether the city of grants pass oregon can punish homeless people for camping in public spaces, throwing somebody in jail for using a blanket in the middle of the freezing winter. demonstrators say fining or jailing homeless people makes it harder for them to find housing inside the courtroom. justice elena kagan suggested that grants passes laws went too far. it seems like you're criminalizing the status, but chief justice john roberts asked if homelessness should be a constitutionally protected status if someone is homeless for a week. >> finds available is that
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person homeless when he's in the shelter. this case comes after a lower court ruled in favor of the homeless population, calling it a cruel and unusual punishment to fine in jail. someone who doesn't have anywhere else to go grants pass lawyers urge justices to overrule that decision which has fueled the spread of encampments while harming sos. >> it purports to protect california. republican congressman kevin kiley says he's seen the impact in his own state. kids can't walk to school without having needles or waste citizens can to the park without confronting open drug use. kylie says a ruling in favor of grants pass would help other cities better handle homelessness. a decision on this case is expected later this year in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple. well, according to the industry group, aerodynamic advisory, u.s. airlines are now expected to receive 40% fewer planes. >> they planned for last year. lot of folks are blaming boeing 7.37. max production delays as a reason for the
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shortage. several airlines, including united southwest pause, all hiring united, even offering their pilots unpaid leave. well, experts say airlines a few short months to figure out their shortfalls before summer travel really takes off. they won't be able to pay to skip the tsa lines at california airports. if a new bill passes. so right now clear customers can pay just under 100 $90 a year void the tsa's regular him. precheck lines. the new bill would ban that practice. enforce clear either get its own dedicated light or stop operating unions. are tsa agents find tenet support the bill saying clear is and insecure, pay to play system. airlines say restrictions a clearer cost them business from their most frequent fliers and forced he is a dad staffing to deal with the additional lines. coming up on morning news and east rabbi. >> making sure his jewish community remain safe during passover as the bay area sees
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a rise anti-semitism. we'll right back. don't go away.
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well in the east bay, a former oakland elementary school teacher suffered from serious medical problems from a car crash. >> the oakland unified school district tells us risky anna was in his car at a stoplight when he was slam by a truck behind a speeding truck back in february. the crash told his car. he is in the intensive care unit with a severe spinal cord injury. likely leaving him paralyzed usd days, hannah worked with
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the district for 35 years. retired in 2022, the gofundme page has raised about $6,000 so far. take a look at this. cars drive carefully on highway 24 yesterday as 3 cowboys, we're trying to wrangle some cash. this is right before saint stephen's hidden valley road exit. this deal does every day or a trailer tried to help 2. but cal skeptics k p. okay, california. we have a new state park. the newly restored dos rios ranch preserve is located in stanislaus county restoration of the part included the planting of 280,000 trees plan across 2100 acres. the official opening set for june 12. it's going to be the california state parks systems, 280st state park. well. john travels going to get up to that part. union square's hosted a new competition. a final who makes the best crow in the bay area. so on may, 19 chefs are going
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to gto win the hearts and new. this viral in union square. social media tickets already sold out. but if you're lucky enough to go get coffee or tea along with a selection of croissants being judge spurs good. competition is taking place of the clips. real. so that's in downtown san francisco. however, the kron 4 morning news drivers are starting to pay more at the pump fill up their tanks tell you what's making gas more expensive and how much it costs in the bay area right now. >> california is leading the nation in solar power in g the state is running into issue power is being wasted. we'l
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teens have drama. one more minute! braces add more drama. ahh! how does anyone do this?! invisalign is better oral hygiene, and no drama. crème on the left, i program you to think for yourself my boy. you're sure that's a good idea? what's the worst that can happen? i'm going to twist on it. hello, father. yeah, absolutely not. he's perfect! (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. yeah, absolutely not. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves'
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could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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>> all right. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. we're inching on 05:30am, here on a tuesday morning. hopefully whatever you're doing a day, you do it with a smiling face because weather is going to be nice. good morning changes from yesterday. but still looking pretty good. >> we're going to be seeing a cooler and breezier day today. so don't forget that extra layer with you looking out there from the east bay hills skies are clear enough. we're not seeing a lot of fog this morning. we are seeing a few clouds overhead, though. and with that a cool sea breeze sweeping in from the south and west is really going to result in cooler weather today. now temperatures may be in the 50's right now, which is very similar to yesterday, but the rest of the days where you're really going to start to notice the difference in the way things are feeling out there after yesterday's low 80's that our warmest inland today at the very warm we're barely hitting the low 70's, such as much as 10 to 15
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degrees cooler than yesterday. i'll break down even cooler weather for the rest of the forecast. still ahead, as for roads, things out there doing okay. it's not commute time. just yeah. and you can see roadways are still holding up just fine. you're rolling at the limit on all of our spanned so far, which is certainly a nice thing to kick off your tuesday morning with great. all right, john, thank you for that. happening today, you got nurses within the city of san francisco. >> the plan to rally over some safety concerns. so recently, the sarah the department of public health nurses union serving members about their experiences of assault and abuse on the job. 70% report having being physically assaulted on the job over 94% reporting verbal abuse. 10% reporting assault or harassment during the s f d ph health commission meeting. the nurses are going to live or 2000 pages documenting unsafe working conditions. there's going to be a 03:00pm outside of the sfdph health commission. that's on grove
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street. so in east bay, 35 death penalty cases are now under review. this is an alameda county due to the possibility misconduct prosecutors. alameda county district attorney pamela price says her office uncovered what might be a pattern of misconduct dating back almost 30 years. prosecutors i have purposely excluded black and jewish people from juries offers. dan kerman has that story. we recognize how terrible this >> and it is something that we have to make right at a news conference monday. alameda county district attorney pamela price said a federal judge has ordered her office to review 35 active death penalty cases going back nearly 50 years for prosecutorial misconduct. certain prosecutors and the alameda county district attorneys office may have intentionally appeared to have intentionally excluded jewish and black jurors from death
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penalty cases prices. these prosecutorial notes suggesting the exclusion of blacks and jews from juries was discovered when her office was reviewing the appeal of ernest. a 51 year-old man convicted in 1993 and sentenced to death in 1995. for the murder of a 9 year-old and the attempted murder of his grandmother during an attempted robbery discovered notes were shared with the federal judge in the dikes case who ordered a more thorough review. the evidence that we have uncovered suggest plainly that many people did not receive a fair trial in alameda county. and as a result, we have to review all of the files. >> to determine. what happened and what the appropriate remedy price says that review is now underway and loved ones of those harmed by those on death row. >> are now being informed of what's going on. she says the alleged misconduct is not limited to just one or 2 prosecutors and doug's case is not the only one that suggests similar misconduct. dan kerman
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kron, 4 news. >> well, it is officially passover and the jewish holiday taking place all around the world right here in the bay area. people are worried about synagogue security following the israel-hamas war ongoing war sparked cease-fire protests in the bay area and around the country. it's led the rise in islamophobia, anti-semitism often seen graffiti or hate crimes. just 2 weeks ago, a local synagogue was awarded a security grant from the state of california. pay for extra guards during passover. >> sad situation that we have to rely and security were thankful to the state of california for giving this security grant. but it's really a shame that we have to do this. >> local rabbi says his guards are going to help the congregation to celebrate without worry of being attacked. street, take over of
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dirt, bikes and open ended with one person ever to go to the hospital. >> over police say about 50 bikes drove through several areas of the city causing safety hazards as they went yesterday. well, there's rob nesbitt reports on how sideshows have evolved over time and how police are trained to respond. >> you'll often hear them before you see them. the cell phone video shows dirt bikes and atv's taking over parts of bellevue and grand avenues in oakland sunday popping wheelies and weaving through traffic just after 01:00pm around 50 dirt bikes were seen circling lake merritt, some riding on the sidewalk, driving in the opposite direction of traffic. and even turning public parks into their own personal playground. oakland police say several of the bikers cause a safety hazard to those around them and the illegal sideshow activity ended in one injury. this was the scene at grand avenue in park and street just after 06:00pm sunday when police say a vehicle collided with the motorcycle and the driver of the motorcycle had to be taken to the hospital. they were last listed in stable condition. i asked the
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oakland police department what the protocol is for sideshows involving dirt bikes and atv's. their statement saying in part, quote, officers do not immediately surround or block off the sideshow. participants but rather a says the number of sideshow participants and spectators threats to public safety safety concerns for the officers and resources available to address the sideshow. once this information is obtained, the incident commander will devise a plan to address the sideshow appropriately. opd says sideshows in the city of all from late night street race is too large weekend gathering strong participants from all over the bay area. shift that has led to public safety concerns including gun violence. oakland police say sideshow participants have also become more confrontational towards law enforcement with reports of gunfire and assault. reporting the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> happening today, you got community members planning a rally at the san pablo city council. we're asking for stronger rent protections. they're going to live over 1500 signatures. we're glad to
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put a renter protection package all that november ballot. detection package includes a rent, stabilization 10, anti harassment and just cause eviction ordinance to tackle an affordable rents. harassments and reno addictions in the city. the plan to turn in that tally 10:30am, at san pablo city hall. well, your money this morning, gas prices are soaring in the bay area yet again, lot of folks are wondering what drivers are going to get a break. it come before the start of the summer vacation season. probable trez live in san francisco. so will seems like led up to carpooling to work from the >> why you ask drivers will get a break in the answer is no, because they are expected to continue rising until july and that's when it will peak when the weather gets warmer. unfortunately, the gas prices get higher and you can see some of the gas price is right behind me. $5 and $0.69 at
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this particular chevron in san francisco. and that is $0.24 higher. then the average in california. so you know what? you have to shop around quite used to it. but over the past couple of weeks, you see long lines at certain gas stations that tend to be a little bit cheaper. then others what's going on right now is demand has picked up and then it dropped off and then it picked up again. and it's very volatile. but whenever it picks up, it goes up a lot faster. then he goes down just to give you perspective, we are paying $0.4 more this week than last week. $0.21 more then last month and $0.59 more since the beginning of the year. so we are headed in the wrong direction. up up up, if there was ever a commercial for electric vehicles, it's higher gas prices. take a look at your screen. these are some of the prices you can expect
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in the bay area. let's start off at napa county at $5 and $0.72 in san francisco. it is $5 and $0.68. you know, in the middle of your screen this go marin county, $5 and $0.63. alameda. obviously huge population base in the bay area 5.60. and these are just average prices and santa clara county at the bottom your screen, $5 and $0.52 just to make you cry. the national average reyna $3 and $0.67 the cheapest gas in america is mississippi at $3.11. how crazy is it in california? we are more expensive here. then hawaii, which obviously you cannot drive trucks to hawaii. it's an island, of course. and even they are cheaper than us. their average gas price in hawaii, $4 and $0.78.
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>> all right. catching the bus. it is. thank you for that live. >> solar panel installation sort in several states including here in california. strange reality starting to set in. there's so much solar energy on the grid. electricity is sometimes just being thrown in response, california's rolling back incentives for having rooftop panels slowing the pace of installations. it's all causing fear of a slowdown in renewable energy development in 2022. 2.4 million megawatt hours of electricity was a news in california. 95% with solar. it's essentially being thrown away as a result, electricity prices are going up. some believe the surplus of solar is a problem. so states could face in the future. >> renewable energy, clean energy, and we can make it more affordable and stable. if we're smart and manage the transition rather policies that are going back and forth, and bust, we need to be smart,
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unconscious and not reverse course solar energy bill. >> california is not alone. other states slowly adopting solar now generates 23% of its power from solar, arizona, around 10%. the state is starting to see the same problem. california is having. >> now 5.40, into tiny peregrine falcon chicks hatched in their pet wellness on top of uc berkeley's bell tower earth day. this is a live look right now. >> you can see babies so their parents and ian archie watch closely as the newborns emerged along with some nearby falcon fans viewing from a live stream camera. and as you can see, the live cam right looks like they're just sleep. it. there are still 2 more special aches and have not hatch. so that's going to be exciting to watch happens. still ahead, a crop of morning news. >> body of rain. well, that was in the bay was moved from
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a beach in alameda. what scientists hope to learn from its death. and i came out swinging in the first game of series. look at the series. look at the highlights. we'll be right my life is full of questions... mom, is yellow a light or a dark? how do i clean an aioli stain? thankfully, tide's the answer to almost all of them. why do we even buy napkins? use tide. can cold water clean white socks? it can with tide. do i need to pretreat guacamole? not with tide. this is chocolate, right? -just use... -tide...yeah. no matter who's doing it, on what cycle, or in what temperature, tide works.
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so i can focus on all the other questions. do crabs have eyebrows? ahh... for all of life's laundry questions, it's got to be tide.
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do today. we're learning the body recovered from a reservoir is that of the san francisco man. officials say oscar a field flores was swimming up the reservoir in stanislaus county on saturd-y. they say he appeared be really tired. he struggled to keep us above the water surface drowned. what's made over the phone for sky high school to go into lockdown yesterday. palo police say the school
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received to several phone calls. they say one was about a person walking around with a rifle and the other was a bomb threat. we say there's no evidence of any actual threats to that school. the man is in the hospital, life-threatening injuries after being hit by a car in san jose. they say that man was walking in the area of south first street, the hollywood avenue when he was hit yesterday. and the group leading the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price. calling on the county supervisors again, set a date for the recall election organized with safe sent a letter to the board of supervisors saint, according to the state's election law, the board must set an election date during this meal. april 30th. the board is not save, says that responsibility is going to be heading off to the county election official. >> happening today, guess what? outside lands lineup is going to be released cannot wait. this marks the 60 year of the music festival in golden gate park. 3 day festival starts august knife.
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organizers have been releasing comics on social media giving hints to who's on the a lot of people are theorizing say tyler, a, you know, she sings water. tyler, the creator, we love him. and the evan lee soo from. we'll be on the list, ok? so we don't know just yet. those are people that their sheer i z is going to be on the list? i mean, we're going to rain and the weather today is going to be a nice one. really. i wish outlets islands happen sometime this good morning. yeah. yesterday off my goodness. how nice was it? we're looking at highs in the 70's to low 80's. >> today is going to be a noticeable cool down, but still very pleasant for sure. we're looking out there at the camera in san francisco with a little bit of cloud cover up above something today that we are going to be seeing is still plenty of sunshine, but a really strong wind from the south and west as part of a low pressure that's diving to the west of us already
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resulting in the unsettled weather up in the sierra nevada. few showers around lake tahoe this morning and a chance of showers for us later on this week. there's that cut off low sitting to the west of us, nudging out the high pressure ridge allowing us what is going to be a breezy day and the day as much as 10 to 15 degrees cooler than yesterday was you can see that wind roaring from the coast on across the peninsula right now. fairfield around 22 miles per hour for your wind out of the west and that cool ocean breeze already cooling us off only in the 50's 60's towards the coastline. today and temperatures elsewhere, 60's to may be maxing out at 70 degrees. the very warmest. so this is quite the cool down from where we were the past couple of days. san jose at 69 for your daytime high. some 60's as well continue from hayward on up through oakland and richmond, north bay temperatures mid 60's in vallejo, napa as well as sonoma tomorrow is going to be in even cooler day with temperatures dropping into the 60's at the very warmest.
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that's the way we're all main to the rest of the weekend on into the start of the weekend. a slight chance of showers kicking off thursday night into friday morning. as for your roads, role in the just fine. we just now got the metering lights turned on at the bay bridge. atwell crossing there and things looking okay. san mateo bridge as well as the richmond sandra fell and the golden gates are moving along. all right, john, thank you for that. ok, let's look ahead into next weekend. >> we are going to be upgrading one other tracks in the east bay mean they plan on suspending service to iraq, which station in oakland and the lafayette station. she says free buses are to be available from that riders as a result of the closure part says expect about 20 minute delay. police her they're looking for the person who stabbed a 16 year-old over the weekend. the state around 10, 30 on fox creek pathway right near carson, water state part. police say the victim in some of his friends out an altercation with a different group of people when he was stabbed in the back, the state
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are discovered. a 17 year-olds also stabbed both the serious injuries and are recovering to local hospitals. if you have any information call hillsboro police. happening tonight. paulo out. do teachers plan to host a rally asking for better wages because of high costs of living here in the bay members of the education association and the palo alto unified school district. then an impasse in negotiations because management refuses to invest in education. according to the niche, the district ranks as the number one unified district in california. the rally is at 06:00pm tonight at the pa usd office. that's on churchill avenue. remains of a grey. well, fouled off shore in alameda is now angel island after being towed across the bay. the 40 foot long whale was first spotted on saturday evening. experts say was an adult female. great. well, i from the marine mammal center and the california academy of sciences will now perform crop suit on the well to try and figure out what happened so
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well, lovers here in the bay area, they also want to know. >> very beautiful creatures. and it's very sad, though. i want to know what happened. i'd like to know what happened to whale. >> it's not clear when that's going to be reform. marine mammal center officials tell us this is not the same will that was seen entangled 2 weeks ago. k. because we were talking about that. we risk questioning if that was that well, this is the first reported it will in the san francisco bay this year. pablo has appointed new police chief. so captain bryant bought it is a 21 year veteran of the department. bar has been serving as interim chief since the retirement of chief. on in late december, according to the city for barroso, the reins over the years and earned a master's degree law enforcement back in 2021. he also has a bachelor's degree in criminal justice. ross first official day of chief will be may 1st. dallas had a baseball giants taking on the
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new york mets at oracle park in the first game of the series. erin wilson has that story. >> well, the giants, they were hosting the mix it or call on monday night trying to be spoiler its team that, you know, was coming off a big series win over the la dodgers. it well, they would do just that. the giants in it right here, bases loaded here in the second for nick a grounder up the middle right here, kicks a francisco lindor glove and well that allows 2 runs to come around to score for the giant. they take early 2 to 0 lead. the giant they keep adding on after matt chapman hammers this curve ball into the corner. >> jean only comes around the score from first to the giants are up 4 to 0. they would go to the 6th inning now. and if you hang it, this guy, michael conforto your bank to see if they're a solo shot against his old team that was on the run for the giants needed and they take this one. a move to 11, 13 on the season. and of course, bob melvin was excited about that. that's all we
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have. >> i'll toss it back to at the u.s.. all right, erin, thank you for that. so both teams play again tonight. first pitch 6.45? as for the a's, yankees to 0 0st pitch for their game is going to 4 o'clock today. okay. new this morning, the american academy of pediatrics. it's pushing for stronger regulations for toddler mill. toddler. milk products are marketed as transitional formulas and attritional support for children. 9 to 36 months old. this is typically when kids moving a table, food, water and milk. some experts say parents are ledley. these toddler milk products are better option. pediatricians say toddler milk is unnecessary and potentially harmful because they're loaded with lot more sugar, less protein than home l recommend kids skip the toddler. milk and even die. the limits processed food, salt and sugars. coming up the next hour, talking about a few things like. >> we're talking about old age and it might be good. a little
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later previous decades. talk about what people are doing step back. we're right back. known as a loving parent. known for lessons that matter. known for lessons that matter.
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known for being a free spirit. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer, fda-approved for 16 types of cancer. one of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous, non-small cell lung cancer, where keytruda is approved to be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you do not have an abnormal "egfr" or "alk" gene. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation
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or have a nervous system problem. depending on the type of cancer, keytruda may be used alone or in combination with other treatments, and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials, exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it's tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. >> it seems age really is just a number. a study published by the american psychological association shows at middle age and older adults believe old age begins later the life than their peers did decades earlier, researchers say increase life expectancy. i contribute to this youthful perception along with later retirement and some improved health spent aspects of that. and the north bay, a man seen slumped over the wheel of a
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car. fairfield leads to a drug arrest and the discovery of 1000 ecstasy pills. police say the man also had several other baggies of suspected cocaine, meth and fentanyl in his car. they detain that man and they booked him into jail. well fast on air base parkway right between peabody and walters wrote fairfield are closed due to a crash. the roads affected are highlighted in red on your screen right there. commuters are advised to avoid that area. use an alternate route. police did not give an estimated time of the roads reopening. come over the next hour. got a lot more use. area is remembering. >> well, love reverend and activists will here about the impact that he had the community over the years. plus, it was a fire captain was arrested after allegedly being caught up state. undercover officers who are posing as children. and the cost of gas is going up. we'll tell you how much a gallon of
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gas is going to cost in the gas is going to cost in the bay area. don't go anywhere. ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪♪) belvita! hefty, hefty, hefty! whoah...
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>> right now on the kron 4 morning news undercover police arrest a san jose fire captain for trying to beat young girls for. tell you what that sting operation was all about. the group trying to recall the alameda county district attorney wants county leaders to set date for that recall election. >> the leader whose path that we can continue to follow.
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>> and the bay area remembers the life and legacy of glide church founder. so williams. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> and daria and i'm james fletcher. we've got lots to talk about this morning. do want to start, though, with a check of the weather as take a look at this tuesday morning. hold on to your hat. it's anything like yesterday morning. even with years. so really hold onto him for sure. today's going to be a way cooler and a very easy one. roaring winds out of the southwest pushing in some cooler air our direction and continuously cooler for the rest of the week's forecast. you look outside this morning does show a little bit of cloud cover out there. but otherwise, not a lot of grey so far today from the berkeley hills camera, we are seeing okay. but that sea breeze is roaring into the bay area and that is going to cool us off significantly as compared to yesterdt


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