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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  May 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6.
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>> now at 6 oakland's new police chief officially taking over the department today. this more than a year after the firing of lebron armstrong. thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 6. i'm noelle bellow. i'm ken wayne is kron four's terisa stasio tells us tonight the new appointment. >> also comes at a time when the city is seeing an increase in violent crime. >> oakland police chief floyd mitchell behind the scenes at opd headquarters monday meeting and greeting members of the department. only one news camera was allowed in a no questions were permitted. mitchell was shown on the job tackling tasks such is going over. crime statistics got to crime helices for myself beating a right to a little bit. he spoke with employees. this is the department's wellness counselor. >> and he introduced himself to a new recruitment class. tell that i've been in this profession probably longer
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>> for almost 35 years. this is one of honorable. >> greatest professions that you can metro says that his top goals coming into the department building public trust in a safer community. in a brief statement he shared this. >> spent the last few days attending some lineups to meet my spend the rest of this week attending different meetings to get brought up to speed on several different things going on within the local police department and within this community. i look forward to meeting each and every one of you personally, whether it a community meeting or out on the street. crime continues to plague oakland while burglaries are down by 46%. violent crime is up by 14%. >> which includes robberies up. 37%. opd remains under the supervision of a federal court appointed monitor as a result of the riders case in 2003 in which a group of officers was
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exposed for beating and framing mostly black oakland residents. >> chief, why metro says that he wants the local police department to complete all of the tasks set forth by the federal monitor. so that that chapter can an chief let mitchell is the 12th police chief in the last decade in charge of come police department. in the newsroom. theresa kron, 4 news. >> tonight, political leaders across the bay area are remembering east bay powerhouses peggy moore and hope would both of them were killed in a car crash in southern california over the weekend. peggy moore was former oakland mayor libby schaff campaign manager. and then later became a senior adviser for her. she matter wife hope would while working on the obama campaign back in 2008 years later, they created a political consulting firm called hope action change. schaff remembers more as a close friend to love people and making connections. >> you could not walk anywhere
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with peggy without it taking like 2 hours, she knew every person. and if she didn't know that she would just strike up a conversation and get them for her. politics was deeply personal. it was about connecting connecting through our differences to lift up our shared hopes. just love. >> close family and friends held a vigil for the victims at lake merritt last night. we're told that's where the couple got married. no details yet on what caused that crash. >> a man has been convicted of killing a woman whose remains were found in alameda last summer. joseph roberts was found guilty of second-degree murder for the killing of rachel buckner. buckner was from pleasanton. her body was found dismembered along the shoreline of bay farm island last summer. police say buckner and robert lived together at the time of the murder. roberts faces 15 years to life in prison. his
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sentencing is scheduled for june 14th. >> in the north bay, a woman is dead and another person seriously injured after a possible dui crash near santa rosa happened just before 6 this morning on guerneville road near laguna road. officers say a car crossed over double lines and hit another car head-on, killing the woman behind the wheel. the chp says the driver who crossed over was hospitalized with moderate injuries and arrested on suspicion of dui. >> water safety, top of mind tonight after multiple reports of drownings over the weekend, including a 5 year-old boy's fatal incident on bethel island in contra costa county kron four's rob nesbitt spoke with a first responder about how to stay safe in and around the water. he joins us live in studio with more. rob noel, more people will be spending time by the water. >> as temperatures warm up. but this is also when rivers are moving dangerously fast during the snow melt and important time to be vigilant. the middle of may and california's rivers are moving fast and cold. it's a
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dangerous time to be in the water and first responders have been busy. the waters of the san joaquin river in stanislaw county claimed the life of a 30 year-old woman after she jumped in the water to save her 11 year-old daughter. we've had, you know, multiple. >> fatality incidents just in the last week contra costa county, a 5 year-old boy drowned over the weekend on bethel island. >> larry collins with cal oes fire and rescue says each fatalities serves as a sad reminder of the importance of water safety. exactly what we've been warning against. have a flotation on your body when you're in or near that cold water. >> staying out of the current really aware of where you are in relation to fast-moving current may is recognized nationally as water safety month and the organization courtney's cause works to prevent drownings, especially among kids. >> director of operations catherine rich says anyone living near water needs physical ways of stopping
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their kids family with a dock. >> with the river like right up to their house having some way that barrier that would prevent a child from being able to access whatever of water that is safety measures at your home and on vacation. >> as families prepare for trips this summer, ridge encourages parents to keep water safety. a top of mind ensuring that there's a fence or just booking a place that doesn't have a body of water directly in the backyard maybe. >> choosing to do that once your child is a little bit older and can understand those boundaries a little better. she also recommends dressing children and bright neon close when near a body of water. >> to make them easily visible of an accident does happen. cal oes, as if you're near someone who is drowning immediately call 9-1-1, while waiting for a first responder. a safe responses are trying to reach the person with a rope or pole or throwing a floating device towards them. you should not try get in the water yourself because there have been multiple drownings involving more than one person
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due to failed rescue attempts reporting in studio. i'm rob nesbitt kron 4 news. thank you, rob. the san francisco bay ferry says it's broken a record for post-pandemic morning commute. ridership. the service says it had more than 2300 riders a day last week with a big jump on the oakland route. >> i'm sure the nice weather is push some folks to get on out there and actually take the ferry. this is a live look outside. we've got some nice blue skies inland. >> down out double as a looking good, clear skies out there. kathy trafton but not the story all over the bay area. >> yeah, it looks clear in the east bay, but of course, my lawn the coastline. it is gray and it's breezy. as you can see, the leaves of palm fronds right behind me. and also as you look at coit tower, you see some of those leaves on the trees nearby are wrestling in the wind. now it looks kind larry. it looks like it's about to set the sun, but not quite yet. we have a couple more hours of daylight sunsets tonight at 8.12, beautiful
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conditions. not a lot of changes compared to yesterday. yes, in a few areas, a bit cooler, especially inland down 5 degrees in fairfield and 7 and that the compared to yesterday in terms of winds. well, we've got them gusting right through the golden gate she's been seeing right now sits katyn miles per hour, 20 mile per hour winds right now in fairfield and 12 in san jose. so it's a bit breezy and certainly there's a lot of gray stratus at the coast. you can see some of the storms popping off in the sierra nevada. that moisture is coming in from the east. a look ahead. 50's 60's while on the coastline for the next few days. but into the 70's in the inland spots in the 80's, in the very warmest inland spots. >> kathy, thank you. setback today for the nevada teachers union that's been trying to put a stop to the public funding of a new a's stadium in vegas. the nevada supreme court ruled proposed ballot measure to put the question up for a public vote was written
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improperly as kron four's. dan kerman reports tonight. it's going to push a public vote. another 2 years. >> this is what the a's are hoping to build in las vegas with the help of 380 million dollars in public funds approved last june by the nevada legislature. the nevada teachers union has opposed any use of public money for a stadium and they hope to reverse that decision by putting the issue to a public vote this november. but now that won't happen. the nevada supreme court upheld a lower court ruling that the proposed ballot measure was not written correctly and petition signatures cannot be gathered until it's redone to comply with state law. it's very disappointing that >> the nevada citizens will havthe opportunity to vote on it this year. alexander marks with the teachers union schools over stadium says. >> the ruling means the measure won't appear on this november's ballot because even if it's rewritten, there's not enough time to collect the 102,000 signatures and submit
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them with the deadline. just 44 days away with no state elections in 2025, that means the next chance for a public vote. his november of 2026. but schools over stadiums remains undeterred. this is the unfortunate billionaires and their lobbyists took advantage of a very slow process. >> they did run out the clock this time. but the only thing that really did was delay this until we can refile 2025. that still remains incredibly unpopular project locally. in a statement, the attorney who represents the coalition opposing the ballot measure, which includes the a's, was pleased with the ruling saying all nevadans have a right to participate in direct democracy, but they need to observe the laws that require properly informing the voters of a proposal. this measure failed to do that. we've still got a constitutional challenge in our arsenal. well, the ballot measure may be delayed. schools over stadiums has also sued the state of nevada saying the passage of that funding measure violates
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nevada state constitution. that case has yet to come to trial. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> coming up, why a private school in the east bay shut down without a moment's notice. >> plus, a music festival set to return to the bay area despite major pushback over noise levels. the latest on the port hola festival after the break. >> and plans to revamp a south bay garden that honors vietnamese refugees unveiled vietnamese refugees unveiled today. closer look just ahead. o network for business.
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>> a traffic stop led to the discovery of a loaded machine gun over the weekends. take a look at the stop having in santa rosa yesterday evening at the intersection of west 3rd street and stony point road. police say 19 year-old rico co lozano admitted to having a gun and a satchel across his chest. police found he had a glock with a switch that converts a semiautomatic gun into a fully automatic machine gun. he was booked into sonoma county jail on several charges. >> the the portola music festival is returning to pier 80 in san francisco and despite some bay area, residents and officials here are calling for its removal or relocation because of high no noise levels. yeah, a lot of people really on edge about this festival in the last couple years conference lezla gooden explains what the festival is doing differently this year. >> to prevent those noise, complaints. the portola music festival is returning to pier
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80 in san francisco. >> for its 3rd year in a row, the festival has not only made a name for itself with its musical lineup, but also for its noise, complaints or how with by brady >> we thought it might have firework for david bronner. could jack up heavy have lived in alameda for 25 years. >> and recall hearing the music across the bay kind gets wrapped. it has that, you know, we're not it came out of the blue, you know, in 2023, many residents and alameda complained about the loud music so much. the alameda officials were seeking to prevent the festival or haven't relocated. the city says the festival scheduled to take place september 28th and 29th is making an effort to reduce the noise and vibration levels. some of the measures include lowering the volume and pace levels. sound checks days before the festival ending all outdoor music at 10:45pm on sunday and having a community hotline where residents can call and the
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festival can adjust sound levels and real time. >> i think the fact that they're even be where are they trying to bait? think about what you know, how it's going to i think that makes me feel much better and didn't like it. >> that would be a lot different going to a lab that that's huge we reached out to golden boys who puts on the 2 day festival for comment. >> we're given the following statement. we will be monitoring and utilizing every option available to us at this time to maintain sound levels within compliance. and city officials say they will share the community hotline closer to the event in alameda loves a good in kron. 4 news. >> san mateo county officials are plotting a blockage tnt's plan to end landline service in the area on friday, a cpsc administrative law judge rejected the company's proposal to withdraw as a carrier of last resort. that
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means they must continue to provide base to provide access to basic telephone service to anyone who requests it in their service area. the cpu see still has to vote on whether to accept the administrative law judge's decision next month. >> some major airlines are not happy with the new rule that requires upfront disclosure of service fees and now they're suing the department of transportation airlines involved in the suit include delta, united, jetblue and alaska. they claim the new rule is an attempt to regulate private business operations beyond the department of transportation's authority. they also say that the rule will only confuse consumers and complicate the buying process. but federal officials claim the rule and bait and switch tactics. the airlines used to disguise the real cost of discounted flights. they estimate the rule saved consumers more than 500 million dollars a year. >> now to our 4 zone forecast taking a live look at sfo
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where you the fog and clouds have rolled on in the marine layer is here, kathy, but not everywhere. it is definitely here in san francisco airport. surprise, surprise, surprise. of course it's great. the coastline. >> take a look right now at half moon bay. it's nothing but gray skies. and we're going to see that kind of weather co side for quite a well. in fact, this week, just frankly looks gray. now here's what's going on. the big picture is there's an area of low pressure, upper level low, moving in towards southern california, affecting their weather, but affecting us as well deepens in the marine layer will have a greater extent of great tomorrow morning because of that area of low pressure. it's also area of high pressure. that's also affecting our weather and keeping things fairly persistent. no big changes. yes, we do see quite an extent of inland stratus and fog. tomorrow morning. and then again, it pulls right back to the coastline. this is a pattern we're going to see day after day with some slight fluctuations in temperatures
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and we'll continue to have some winds, not terribly gusty, but the wind forecast looking temperature winds in the teens and even in the 20's and some of the inland areas in terms of the temperatures tomorrow, if you're in san francisco making about 60 degrees 50's and 60's right along the coast side, 60 degrees for half moon bay. and we're looking at numbers a little bit warmer as you head inland, looking for 60's right along the bay coast coast and also looking for 70's in woodside tomorrow. but wait, there's even warmer temperatures coming right up. so we've got 80's in the very warmest inland spots, great conditions, but no big changes for the next week. all right. thank can get used to yeah. 100%. thank you. >> thursday is bike to wherever day in san francisco, in honor of may being national bike month. the francisco bicycle coalition will have citywide riots and rally at city hall. this is video from last year's event. the day will start at 07:30am, in the morning. let's rise in golden gate park. the embarcadero and
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the town coffee in the sunset and cayuga. so street, then they all end up at the rally on the steps of city hall around 9 o'clock that morning. there will also be so-called energizer stations placed throughout the city. >> san jose mayor matt mahan let a groundbreaking ceremony for a new effort to expand and improve the vietnamese heritage garden and kelly park. that garden was originally constructed in 2011 to honor the thousands of refugees who fled vietnam after the fall of saigon in 1975, the new plans. call for a building in building a new garden with trees trails and benches. there will also be a space to host community events. the first phase of the project will include adding a statue featuring an american soldier and a vietnamese soldier standing side by side. >> our shared vision is a garden that remembers the past but looks ahead to the future that pays homage to the journey that thousands of
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families took to find a better life here in america. and it helps create better life providing a space for people to come together. celebrate and share the rich these culture with the next generation. >> the project is expected to cost an estimated $500,000. the installation of the statue is set to take place in the next few months and work on the garden could start later this year. tune into kron 4 every thursday this month as we highlight the bay area's api community all leading up to our special airing on thursday. may 23rd at 06:30pm. >> coming up, thousands of police officers gathering in washington, d.c., to remember their colleagues this week. why a bigger memorial might need to be built. it's almost need to be built. it's almost 80 years ahead of schedule.
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dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath,
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tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. >> welcome back. thousands of police officers from across the country are in washington, d.c., for national police week. they're honoring law enforcement who have died in the line of duty so far. 24,000 names are inscribed on the walls of the national law enforcement memorial. 282 names were added to the wall this spring representing the officers killed in the line of duty last year. the ceo of the national law enforcement officers, memorial fund says the number of officer deaths has far outpaced the original wall space. >> we have completely filled the original memorial walls far less time than they originally anticipated.
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>> it was estimated the original memorial wall would not be filled until the year. 2100. instead, it was filled this year. the memorial began adding more granite back in 2021. in anticipation. here at home, a new bill in the legislature seeks to put the brakes on speeders. today, lawmakers and street safety advocates held a diane outside the capitol to raise awareness about the thousands of californians killed due to speeding every year. all as they urge support for a senate bill. it's known as the knot in california act. it would add 2 points to driving records of those who go over the speed limit by 26 miles per hour or more on roads with the posted speed limit of 55 miles per hour or less. right now, the punishment is just one point which can usually be stripped from a driver's record if they go to driving school. >> driving is not a game and
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it's not a chance to go for tenure. vin diesel. that you're in fast and furious it's a deadly weapon. speed kills. we should be doing so much more. but at least we can do. >> it's send out a warning to people if they're going to be driving recklessly fast. >> the teamsters trade union is opposed to the bill. they argue the proposal is unnecessarily punitive and will disproportionately impact commercial truck drivers. >> still ahead tonight on kron, 4 news at 6, the supreme court rejecting an appeal from california officials seeking immunity over covid deaths at san quentin that were caused by a prison transfer. what that means moving forward. plus, why alameda cosnty's district attorney pamela price is taking several major car insurance companies to court. and governor newsom taking heat from state lawmakers over his updated budget proposal. we're going hear what the we're going hear what the critics have to say. etwork is o network for business. that's why more choose comcast business.
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>> our top story this half-hour shuttered for good bogged down by poor finances and low enrollment. a private elementary and middle school in newark not only ends the academic year early but closes up prominently kron four's philippe djegal talked with the owner who says he feels terrible. the sudden closure. >> catholic community off guard. >> back in december, marshall and company, property management filed a property commercial eviction lawsuit against new horizon school in newark, which is still pending in alameda county superior court assigned to private elementary and middle school that opened in


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