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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  May 14, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> i'm outraged that's why we're going hard here. los angeles democratic senator henry stern sharing frustration with social media companies, he says have not done their part to protect children and teenagers online. it's time these large corporations. we'll have plenty of resources to do so step up. but he says he does not have faith in many social media companies and protecting minors online. that's why he introduced 2 bipartisan bills, including sb 14. 44 also known sami's law named for the late sammy chapman. the 16 year-old teen died 3 years ago after taking a pill he bought from a drug dealer on snapchat. that pill turned out to be laced with the deadly dose of fentanyl and the names. my son, let's save some lies with this legislation. sammy's father sam came to the capitol to urge support for sami's law. it would allow parents to be involved in their kids online presence by bringing in third-party safety apps designed to monitor online activity. those apps will then
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notify parents upon finding dangerous content and potential harms online such bullying or drug deals. what i hope for is that sammy's legacy is a legacy of saving other people. >> and that other people won't have to go through what his brother and his mother and myself had to suffer. but major tech companies are opposed in a statement tech net, a network of tech industry executives said safety is the number one priority for platforms adding third-party apps could pose issues quote, at a minimum, a 3rd party should not be able to unwind the many settings features parental controls policies. >> and protections. platforms have created to ensure a safe environment for teen users. but stern and his colleagues say they will keep fighting, not just for sami's law, but also for sb 15, 0, 4, a bill they argue will take on the issue of cyber bullying. the bill would require platforms to have a clear cyber bulling reporting button and provide written confirmation within 36 hours after a user has
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formally reported a cyber bullying incident, the platform is then make a written determination about its findings within 10 days if they fail to do so. platforms could face a $75,000 daily penalty per violation users could also file legal action if platforms failed to respond. technet said the proposed penalties for violations are unduly burdensome, but bipartisan lawmakers who spoke here disagree. it is dangerous out there. it's imperative that we do our part as legislators to ensure that we have safety. we need to do more. >> just a start. and we want make sure that we protect our children. >> and the bills are set to go before the senate appropriations committee later this week. reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news tonight. we're learning the name of the little boy who drowned on bethel island over the weekend. authorities have identified him as 5 year-old lucas zang from livermore contra costa county deputies responded to delta coves drive saturday afternoon after getting a call about a missing
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child. about 40 minutes later, authorities say they found the little boy in the water neighbor tells us he was visiting family at a housing complex near the water and it fallen off the dock behind the home. take a good look at your screen. san jose police are asking for your help to try to find this man. they say he sexually assaulted a girl on her way home from school. police say it happened last month near south 11th street and interstate 2.80. they say 50 year-old julianne martinez grabbed the girl forest are under the interstate to 80 overpass and assaulted officers say he is known to hang out in what's called the jungle. a large homeless encampment that stretches along a creek near center road and keys road. they say he also frequents east william street and south 10th street. if you have any information about the case or where martinez might be, you're asked to call san jose police. >> a man is dead tonight after he was shot in a san jose homeless encampment. that shooting happened last
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thursday near mcloughlin avenue and highway 2.80. the victim was in critical condition up until sunday when he died from his injuries. no word tonight on a suspect. police in san mateo say they are seeing a spike in car break-ins specifically honda's and for some specific parts. san mateo police say they received 17 calls about car break-ins last week. the model's most targeted civics, a court and see rv's all 2015 or newer. the break-ins are all happening within a specific area of san mateo as well. primarily south of highway 92. >> specifically for their air bags on driver's side or their driver steering wheel. and that's something that we really seen in the past. you -% know, over the last couple years, we've had the catalytic converter thefts were criminals with still the catalytic converters off the car and then somehow we sell to get money. we assume that this is same time the bank. >> drivers are being advised
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to park in well-lit areas. also to double check their car alarms and invest in security cameras if possible. >> state of california sees more than 60 million dollars in illegal cannabis in the first 4 months of this year. that includes more than 62,000 unlicensed cannabis plants. and more than 36,000 pounds of unlicensed cannabis products. the governor's office says the seizures were the result of operations in counties throughout the state. this is what's left behind of a fire at a beauty of buddhist temple in san jose. it happened last night around 8 o'clock on fosston alum, alum, rock avenues just off 6 ad. investigators say they believe somebody cooking outside the temple started the fire which caused significant damage to the building. 4 people believed to be monks will now be staying at another buddhist temple in san jose. >> more than 2 months after the march 5th primary. governor newsom says prop one funds will soon be going into effect all to address the
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state's behavioral health crisis this afternoon, newsom toured a facility which will soon expand to house people experiencing behavioral health challenges and who are at-risk of becoming unsheltered. he says plans are in place for similar facilities to go up after voters narrowly passed prop one back in march. the governor promises the 6.4 billion dollar bond will fund treatment facilities and more than 11,000 behavioral health bets. >> we need to do better and do more. and we need to all held to a higher level of accountability. i've never been more enthusiastic about our prospects to actually make a dent in address the issue of what happened on the streets and sidewalks in the state that i am these next 2 to 3 years will be transformation. >> critics have argued prop one will just throw more money at the problem. today's press conference comes just weeks after a state audit concluded that california has failed to properly track its homelessness funding and whether or not that funding
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has led to positive results. a new warning from the fbi and the department of homeland security about potential threats ahead of pride next month. the agency says foreign terrorist groups such as isis. >> might exploit increased gatherings associated with the lgbtq+ community. the fbi is urging law enforcement and the public to report violent threats made online or in person says to watch for suspicious activities, such as someone taking pictures of entrances or exits of the venue or ask anyone asking about security or crowd sizes without explanation. let's get you a check of the weather taking a live look at the richmond. sandra fell bridge. nice blue sky and sunshine over that way, lawrence, how are things shaping up out there yet looking good around the bay area. of course, this time of your weather really calms down. we're starting to talk about low clouds and fog. other parts of the country. we start to heat up. >> in the beginning of june, we start to talk about hurricane season. so things going to get active elsewhere.
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we've seen that across the country, numerous thunderstorms, tornadoes causing all kinds of trouble last month or so. another active afternoon as storms continue to swirl by and bringing with it some more damaging winds. we've had some very strong gusty winds, very large hail threats of some tornadoes are for while, although nothing touch the ground. but you can see the storms to rolling on parts of the eastern seaboard. now starting to kick off the coast in some spots. but there's still more to come and they're watching for some flooding now in spots. some flash flooding possibly evansville further south. you can see that as well and looks like more of that activity continuing a further south of that as we're going to see more of that activity, some heavy storms just continuing to roll on by the country's midsection. then watch as we take about the texas what you can see. this is just from all the rain they've had from previous storms this last week. flood warnings. and guess what? now? we've got yet another significant storm that is possibly headed their way and that storm well, just going to be putting itself together here. you can see right down the south, all of a sudden by tomorrow afternoon, we see things pick up and then as we
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get into thursday, boy, that is some severe weather. that is not a good scenario background are entirely saturated. then you're bringing a significant storm not only talking about rain here. we could be talking about maybe more tornadic activity with that storm system is a roll through across parts of texas in toward mississippi and alabama and beyond. so a long way to go in the season ahead. it looks like things are going to stay unsettled for the next couple days here in the bay area. lots of sunshine coming our way. we'll check out your forecast. let you know. we expect a little bit of a cool down coming up in a few minutes. >> thank you, lawrence. plan ahead. that's the message from the alameda county fire department this week. the agency officially declared the start of fire season kron four's. philippe took all joined a crew in the east bay getting ready for the busy months to come. >> anything you guys with ginnis more seal one of several property owners, the alameda county fire department paid a visit in livermore tuesday recovered
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>> like my pond way match you that is because not that county firefighters and neighboring fire agencies touring land along the altamont pass preplanning for disaster. now that division chief corey rutherglen says as of monday morning, the fire season in the county is officially underway. we're concerned every year it seems a slightly delayed this year. however. >> with the start of fire season, the county fire department is up staffing for the next few months on the ground dispatch were out here today to check out access point to make sure that >> the gates are still good. all the roads intact and not washed out from the winner and just pre planned to make sure that we're ready when the fires do occur here in area is vulnerable to fires due to high winds and dry overgrown fields. following months of rain. this is one of the main arteries for the have bay area coming through with a lot of vehicles. we have vehicle fires, cigarettes and then front of the window concert
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fire. and if that happens, crews will be ready to put it in livermore. philippe djegal, all kron. 4 news. >> a new covid variant is becoming dominant. amoung recent cases with summer just a few weeks out now, health experts believe we could start to see more infections. kron four's lezla gooden reports. learn is the nickname for several different covid variants that have become dominant in the u.s. since last month. >> now, according to the cdc, 28% of infections seen this week are due to the kp point to various. >> a little bit surprising is the speed at which got there said the end of march was less than 5% of cases. and now it's again, like i mentioned, more than one in 4. so like 28% of cases in a few people thinking that florida is going to the very end of the summer and the flirt variants, if they continue, will likely be used to help create the new vaccine for the fall. doctor chan hong says the variants appear to be
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highly transmissible. >> but when it comes to symptoms, severity of disease, probably going to be the same. not more severe. so the symptoms are going to be very similar. member flared is probably been around for much longer than >> we're detecting. and although covid case numbers are down along with hospitalizations. >> staying up to date with vaccines remain key. and if the flip variants continue on this pacing, it still could make impact come. this summer will call it a let's all we've let or swell, you know, like when the beach and you see the. >> we've just swell but not like crashing on the rocks. that's kind of what we'll see the summer. in san francisco loves a good kron. 4 news coming up next in sports after a heartbreaking loss, last night's giants are looking for redemption against dodgers. >> actor jason dumas has reaction from bob melvin and reaction from bob melvin and of tonight's game. coming up. ( ♪♪ )
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> the giants and dodgers played a tight game yesterday that went into extra innings. the giants hard, but they are getting to the point of the season where they can no longer afford moral victories. they have to start getting some wins before they find themselves in a hole. they just can't dig themselves out of it. but lost in that loss last night was the fact that the game essentially felt like a home game for the dodgers at oracle park wasn't the first time it happened and won't be the last time. but it's still worth noting, nonetheless,
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both managers talk about the crowd dynamics before today's game. >> i didn't feel like it was taking over the ballpark. i get a little bit locked in as the game's in. san diego was like that. bit too. they travel well, you know, we go on the road. we traveled pretty well too, but based on who they have now. some of high-profile guys there is a traveling group that follows him around it was president last was have a good showing. >> i think it's tiny you know, he's a guy that certainly has moved the needle. people are coming from all over the world to watch him play so. >> we travel well, but this year >> the giants have also been bitten by the injury bug news came out earlier today that john, who leads suffered structural damage to his left shoulder and will seek a second opinion and not great.
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blake snell. he'll pitch in sacramento on friday and will continue to ramp up toward his return. that's good michael conforto still dealing with a hamstring injury, not doing any activity. patrick daley with cold symptoms after a concussion. none of that is great. and the worst news out of today. jorge solera batting practice today to see how his shoulder is feeling. but he had to stop early because he was struck in the head by his own batted ball. >> and walked off the field with the train. it the giants left. >> bob melvin talk about them or out in the clubhouse. despite all those in. >> it is what it is or what he goes through. these stretches were just getting it kind of. wild on a sunday in april and early may. but the guys come out the same. it's a move every day and with an expectation to win. so i haven't seen anybody dragon. we do the best we can. sometimes you get a little off will probably come out a little bit later tomorrow, the off day, the next day. you do the best you can.
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>> they are the a's in houston looking to bounce back against the astros. bottom of the second, no score. alex bregman continued his hot streak. he hit 2 home runs and a double last night and he hits another one tonight after get on the board. first game is still in progress. astro's out one to nothing in the top of the fit. now the official nfl schedule release is tomorrow at 5, but the leaks have already reportedly the niners will open up their season on prime time monday night football against new york jets. >> the game is on september 9th at levi's and i should say reportedly all the players with tweeting about it. so it's pretty much official. and then the one everyone is looking forward to is on week 7. will get our super bowl rematch. the niners will host patrick mahomes and the chiefs on sunday afternoon. we'll have the full schedule details tomorrow on news so am really
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excited about that. so, you know, week one monday night will be there. aaron rodgers making his return after tearing his thinking about hopefully is not a repeat of his last week. will not remember, was that like 13 seconds into the game. he tore his achilles. >> yeah. one or 2 plays. the chico native. so hopefully it gets through a season. you never want to see any. it will be interesting to see how the crowd reacts to him yeah, for sure to football has been going for a couple months. i'm already itching thanks. a thumbs up. >> we have the golden state's >> i want one of those shirts that bay area getting hyped as the golden state warriors franchise unveils the new name for our new wnba team. today, the golden state valkyrie says he heard the mayor saying the name originating from norse mythology factories are a host of warrior women who are fearless and unwavering.
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>> you know, as we sat, would that mean and thought through what that means through the visible representation of these incredible players coming together on the court to our community circling around each other and making sure that we were going to be the ones that show the world what's possible? you know that together. we are about careens. i can't think of anything more powerful. >> the logo is a ve as you see there. it includes a rendition of the bay bridge through the middle there. it's also depicted with 13 lines which they say represents the team being the 13th active wnba franchise. the color is that really pretty valkyrie violet, symbolizing power ambition, nobility and women empowerment. the team will play its first game at chase center in 2025. >> that is exciting. yeah. looking forward to that. >> look our weather. forecasts were given little windshield wipers out there on our camera live. look at the transamerica pyramid where the top of the building has been gobbled up.
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lauren said in our cameras have wind chill lures that somebody out there actually white for. not sure mystery continues. but guys, yeah, that fog rolling in. we are going to see some the drizzle outside. so you may need that windshield wiper from time to time overnight tonight and tomorrow. mornings of fog. >> kind of settling in now looking toward the golden gate bridge. play the fog now surging back on shore, working its way inside the bay. it's got a long way to go tonight. going to go well inland. temperatures, though, today, some of the valley still very, very nice and above the average 82 degrees in little more. 80 in concord, 79 very comfortable in san jose. 74 degrees in santa rosa coolers or post a coastline. 66 in oakland and 62 degrees in san francisco. but yeah, the clouds gathering beginning to move onshore. more that all the way tonight. and tomorrow morning it will really impactful for the morning hours. watch out for some thick fog may be some damp roads along the coastline with some of the drizzle early on. and then we're going to clear things out live in a mostly sunny afternoon. temperatures
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around the bay area. now 71 in san jose. much cooler along the coastline. the 50's and the 60's. now, 55 in the san francisco with that fog moving on shore. you look at vacaville, though, still 89 degrees. alright, temperatures around the bay or tomorrow. you're going to find that the widespread again 50's maybe couple low 60's in san francisco. 50's coast side, mostly cloudy all day. then you get inside the bay. see more sunshine will warm you up. some 70's down the peninsula. some 80's in the south bay and also the east bay going to see a couple low 80's by tomorrow afternoon. so really a little bit above the average, pretty comfortable for this time of year. not a bad pattern. we're settling into looks like it's going to stick around for the better part of the workweek. cooling things down a little bit as we get in toward the weekend and into early next week. thank lauren. lake tahoe is expected to be full for the first time in 5 years. thanks to this wet winter. we had. >> department of agriculture says all that weather led to a much bigger winter snowpack than normal. and the mountain snowpack is still more than the average amount in mid-may. they say when that snowpack
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melts, it should be enough to fill up the lake. last time lake tahoe was at full-capacity was back in 2019. the state is getting nearly 64 million dollars in federal funds to repair and replace electric vehicle chargers congresswoman zoe lofgren of the south bay says the funding will help reduce greenhouse gases, promote evs and expand the ev workforce. the funding comes from the federal highway administration's program that supports and repairs ev charging points. >> coming up, the largest butterfly festival on the west coast is coming to the north bay. we'll tell you where after the break.
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>> kevin hart has added an additional show when it comes to the bay area this fall. originally the comedian was set to perform on friday, october 25th today it was announced he'll also be performing the next day, bringing the acting my age tour to the paramount theater in oakland. tickets for the first show are on sale now. presale tickets for the added show. go on sale tomorrow 10:00am. >> the largest butterfly festival on the west coast is coming to allay the inaugural bay area butterfly and pollinator festival is set for this sunday may 19th that will be open between 10:00am and 05:00pm at the mare island promenade on nimitz avenue. there's going to be a food court beer garden at main stage with some live music as well. children stage and also an area filled with some other
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activities. the cost to attend is just $5. those under 12 get in for it's fun this saturday. the peninsula humane society is inviting the public to >> come out learn about their they're calling it a kitten shower where people can come to the kitten nursery and watch the casket. syringe fed and they can also learn about the organization's services. just guests are encouraged to bring so-called shower gifts for the little kitties, including getting formula and wet food event is free and crafts. movies will be provided for children. the event will run from noon to 3 at the organization's rollins road facility. cute little kittens. >> barbecue spot on the peninsula has made it into the top 100 spots in the country. yelp ranked multiple eateries based on a certain criteria and capello's barbecue and redwood city took the 33rd spot on this list since 2012, the food truck has brought southern barbecue flavor to hungry people across the bay
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area. owner john capello is a barbecue pit master and has experimented with flavors from central texas. that's where his family's from. they're open every day except mondays. looks delicious. >> yeah. right dinner. time see norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: after miss usa and miss teen usa give up their crowns, their mothers speak out. >> it was so unhealthy, so


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